
There's an Anomaly in the Seasonal Rain Front!

Nov 14th, 2019
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  3. 1: A Picnic for Two!
  5. Weatherman: --The seasonal rain front has been hanging over Japan, but if it continues rising north like this... We expect the rainy season to have cleared up by this weekend.
  6. Mai: (Ah, the rainy season is ending.)
  7. Mai: (We'll finally have some sun for once... What should I do? Of course, I should take care of the laundry that's been gathering up, but it's sort of lonesome if that's all I have planned, isn't it?)
  8. Kanami: Mai-chan, what are you watching on TV?
  9. Mai: Oh, Kanami-chan.
  10. Mai: It's just the weather report. They say the rainy season will clear up this weekend.
  11. Kanami: Really!? It feels like it's been raining forever; that's great news.
  12. Kanami: It's not like I don't like rain, but sometimes you just want to go outside and exercise, don't you?
  13. Mai: Sure!
  14. Mai: ...You know, it's been a while since we had a chance to talk with just the two of us, hasn't it?
  15. Kanami: Now that you mention it... I think it has.
  16. Kanami: It's fun with all of us together, but sometimes I want to hang out with just us two.
  17. Mai: Ah, I've been thinking the same thing!
  18. Mai: In that case, this weekend... Do you want to go on a trip with me? We could wake up early, and bring bento with us.
  19. Kanami: It's a picnic!! Sounds like fun; let's do it, Mai-chan!
  20. Kanami: Is there anywhere you want to go?
  21. Mai: Where to go... Oh, I know where. There's somewhere I want to take you.
  22. Kanami: Take me? Hmm, where could that be? Tell me, Mai-chan!
  23. Mai: It's... A secret, until we get there.
  24. Mai: (If Kanami-chan doesn't remember... Then it would be kind of sad.)
  26. --The day before the picnic.
  28. Mai: Let's get everything ready for the bento! Since we're having a picnic and all, I can get a little extravagant.
  29. Mai: Karaage, ginger fried pork, hijiki kinpira. With this many brown colored foods, I should add a side dish of boiled spinach with soy sauce, tamagoyaki with tomatoes, and some Chinese style cucumber salad!
  30. Mai: After that... Kanami-chan's favorite: natto over rice! ...I can't make that now though... Oh, right! I can just set the rice cooker for tomorrow morning... There!
  31. Mai: Fufu~. Mr. Teru Teru Bozu, I'll be needing your help tomorrow~. [teru teru bozu are simple dolls made to pray for a sunny day]
  33. --The day of the picnic.
  35. Weatherman: --In what would normally be an unthinkable weather pattern, it seems the rainy season will be continuing over this particular area for a while longer.
  36. Mai: Eh!?
  37. Mai: (The rainy season cleared up everywhere besides the spot we were planning to go picnicking at!?)
  38. Hiyori: Look at that... The rain front's a total V shape. It's like it got stuck on something there.
  39. Kofuki: Is it cause of the air pressure or something?
  40. Mai: ...Sigh.
  41. Mai: (There's nothing I can do about it. The bento is already made, so I'll search for a place nearby with a good view, and we can go there instead!)
  42. Mai: (It's a shame I won't be able to take Kanami-chan to that spot though...)
  43. Kofuki: Hey, it's a mission!
  44. Hiyori: They messaged me too. And...
  45. Mai: ...Oh, that's right, me too.
  46. Mai: Let's see, the members are... Myself, Kanami-chan, Hiyori-chan, Shichinosato-san, and Yui-chan. The five of us will be going... Eh?
  47. Mai: There!?
  49. Mai: (I never thought we would be coming here like this...)
  50. Kofuki: GOTCHAAAA!!
  51. Yui: Nice going, Kofuki-san!
  52. Kofuki: Ha ha ha! Keep the aradama-chan coming-!
  53. Hiyori: Anyway... With the aradama appearing right where the rain front is sticking around, the rain sure isn't making this any better.
  54. Yui: That's not true, Hiyori-chan! In fact, with it soaking shirts see through, I say bring on the rain!
  55. Hiyori: ...You're always like this, aren't you.
  56. Kanami: It's too bad, Mai-chan. We got pulled into this mission all of a sudden...
  57. Mai: I know. But still, our duty as toji is important, so let's set our feelings aside and work our hardest.
  58. Kanami: Right!
  59. Mai: Though, I did make our bento, so I would at least like to share it today.
  60. Kanami: I'm sure everyone would love to share your bento, Mai-chan!
  61. Kanami: By the way, isn't this place--
  62. Yui: Huh? Look over here, everyone! A teru teru bozu came out with the noro!
  63. Kofuki: Teru teru bozu? Why was that in there?
  64. Yui: I bet the aradama were wishing tomorrow would be bright and sunny too! ...Just kidding.
  65. Hiyori: No, wait... Look at that!
  66. Mai: It's brightening up? But, it was pouring rain just a minute ago...
  67. Yui: Fufufu, it's all becoming clear now...
  68. Yui: The reason this place is the only spot where the rain didn't go away is because the aradama stole the teru teru bozu!!
  72. 2: Clearing Away the Rain and Eating Bento
  74. Yui: Fufufu, it's all becoming clear now...
  75. Yui: The reason this place is the only spot where the rain didn't go away is because the aradama stole the teru teru bozu!!
  76. Kofuki: Get real.
  77. Mai: (Defeating the aradama gets rid of the rain? Could that actually be the case?)
  78. Mai: (I did see the rain stop with my own eyes though...)
  79. Mai: I'm going to check the weather forecast site real quick.
  80. Kanami: What's it say, Mai-chan?
  81. Mai: I can hardly believe it, but... The weather front moved just a little bit north.
  82. Yui: See! It's just like I was saying!
  83. Yui: We have to get back the teru teru bozus, all filled up with everyone's wishes for sunny skies... That's our mission here!
  84. Hiyori: But, still... What do you think, Mai?
  85. Mai: ...Teru teru bozu have been a tradition since ancient times, so maybe there's some sort of cause and effect happening here...?
  86. Hiyori: Is that how this works...?
  87. Kanami: Ahaha, well, that might be what's happening, so we should try doing like Yui-chan says. People worked hard to make those teru teru bozu, so let's get them back.
  88. Yui: Kanami-chan... I love you!
  89. Kofuki: Get off of her. It's wet and gross enough as it is without you making things more muggy.
  90. Yui: This isn't muggy at all! Actually, it's pretty cold after the rain...
  91. Yui: I just made a sound unbecoming of a maiden! [her stomach growled]
  92. Hiyori: Who are you calling a maiden.
  93. Yui: No matter how you look at me, I'm a maiden, aren't I!? Anywayyy, my heart might be full, but my stomach right now...
  94. Mai: I did bring a bento box with me... Would you like to have some?
  95. Yui: I'd eat it even if it were poison!
  96. Kanami: Then we should eat now, whil the rain's stopped!
  97. Kanami: I'd hate to have the bento Mai-chan worked so hard to make get rained on.
  99. Hiyori: Hmm, it's simple, yet carefully made. Let's see... Mm, this is good.
  100. Kofuki: This karaage's seriously the best! This onigiri too...
  101. Mai: Oh, that has...
  102. Kofuki: Natto!? Who puts natto in onigiri; that's just weird.
  103. Kofuki: ...Hey, but it's still good. There's plums, and sardine, and, what else did you mix in here?
  104. Mai: I used natto and plums as the base. After that, I would make some slight changes to add variety.
  105. Hiyori: I can tell you really challenged yourself with these onigiri, Mai. But, the sardines give it an interesting texture. It goes well together.
  106. Yui: Mmhmm, that's Mai-chan for you. I'm glad to be on this earth if it means I get to eat onigiri this good~~~!!
  107. Mai: ...What do you think of them, Kanami-chan?
  108. Kanami: Of course I think they're extra delicious! The ginger fried pork and kinpira are really good too, but I love the natto onigiri the most!
  109. Mai: ...I'm glad to hear it.
  110. Mai: (I made that bento so you could eat it here, after all...)
  111. Mai: (It might not be the picnic we planned on, but I think this might be fine in its own way.)
  112. Kanami: Ah~, that totally hit the spot~. I wish I could eat your cooking every day, Mai-chan!
  113. Mai: -!!
  114. Kofuki: Oh, nothing helps a full stomach like some exercise! That's my aradama-chan, always looking out for me!
  116. Kofuki: You're the last of 'em! I love you!
  117. Hiyori: So, that aradama had a teru teru bozu too?
  118. Mai: Wait? This is...
  119. Kanami: Did you notice something about the teru teru bozu?
  120. Mai: Could you let me see that, Hiyori-chan?
  121. Hiyori: Sure.
  122. Mai: Thank you.
  123. Mai: ...Mm, I'm sure of it. This is the teru teru bozu I made for today.
  124. Hiyori: Why would something you made end up here...?
  125. Mai: I thought it was in my room when I left, but... After that, maybe an aradama got it...?
  126. Yui: Hang on, there's a bigger mystery here than that!
  127. Mai: Yui-chan?
  128. Yui: This smells... I can smell it...
  129. Mai: ...Smell what?
  130. Yui: The finely crafted bento, and the teru teru bozu hoping to stop the rain...
  131. Hiyori: The weather forecast did say the rainy season would end today.
  132. Yui: Exactly, which means, Mai-chan must have had plans to go on a date with someone today!
  133. Kanami: Ohh-! That's amazing, Yui-chan! You almost figured it out!
  134. Hiyori: (Wait, why did Kanami answer?)
  135. Yui: Was it with Sayaka-chan!? Were you going on a date with Sayaka-chan!?
  136. Kofuki: Get ahold of yourself. If she were going on a date with Sayaka, there would've been a bunch of cookies in the bento box, right?
  137. Yui: ...Ah-! You're right!!
  138. Mai: Umm, I do have cookies here...
  139. Yui: I'll have some!
  140. Kanami: Ah, can I have some too!
  141. Hiyori: (Chew chew)... So anyway, who were you going on a date with?
  142. Mai: I was...
  143. Mai: (It's not something I need to keep a secret, but... For some reason, I don't want to say...)
  144. Hiyori: I guess this is no time for us to be standing around talking.
  145. Kofuki: Ah-! A real big one showed up! Time to help myself to dessert!
  146. Mai: Let's go, everyone!
  147. Kanami: Yeah!
  151. 3: The Scenery We Once Saw
  153. Aradama: oouuu...
  154. Hiyori: Phew, we're just about done with them all.
  155. Kofuki: What, that's it already?
  156. Yui: I'm totally beat... Fighting in the rain is actually pretty tough...
  157. Mai: Do you want to take a short break then? If we wait a moment, the rain should clear up too.
  158. Hiyori: I don't see why not.
  159. Kanami: Mai-chan.
  160. Mai: What is it, Kanami-chan?
  161. Kanami: Will you come take a walk with me?
  163. Mai: (Kanami-chan... What could she want, asking that out of the blue?)
  164. Kanami: Mai-chan, do you remember?
  165. Mai: Eh?
  166. Kanami: We've been here before.
  167. Mai: ...You remembered that, Kanami-chan?
  168. Kanami: How could I forget!
  169. Kanami: The time we stopped here, back when we had just become toji, on our way back from a mission. This place is important to us.
  170. Mai: Me too... I would never forget.
  171. Mai: To tell the truth, I was thinking of coming here for our picnic.
  172. Kanami: You were!?
  173. Mai: That's why, it was kind of depressing. This was the only place the rain didn't clear up... And then we were called on to suppress aradama.
  174. Kanami: Mai-chan...
  175. Mai: Even so... Getting to talk with you like this now... I'm a little glad.
  176. Mai: A lot happened, but... I think we got to make a more memories here than just a simple picnic, didn't we?
  177. Kanami: Of course we did! I'll never forget about coming here today!
  178. Hiyori: Kanami-! Mai-!
  179. Kanami: Hiyori-chan? What does she want?
  180. Mai: Let's go find out, Kanami-chan!
  182. Kanami: What is it, Hiyori-chan?
  183. Hiyori: Look up at the sky!
  184. Kanami: The sky...? Ah!
  185. Mai: A rainbow...
  186. Yui: I never noticed this place was so beautiful.
  187. Kofuki: That's a weirdly decent comment from you. Did Mai's bento fix you?
  188. Yui: What if... It's purifying me from inside out!?
  189. Hiyori: ...I'm sure if we had eaten Mai's bento while looking out on this, it would have tasted even better.
  190. Kanami/Mai: ...Pfft. Ahaha!
  191. Hiyori: What's with the two of you?
  192. Kanami: Oh, it's nothing! I was thinking the same thing, Hiyori-chan!
  193. Mai: In that case, how would you all feel about coming to a picnic here?
  194. Mai: I'd want Sayaka-chan and the others to see this scenery too.
  195. Kanami: That'd be great!
  196. Kofuki: Bring the same onigiri with you again! I wanna see the shock on their faces when they bite into it.
  197. Yui: And after their shock, they'll be hooked without a doubt!
  198. Yui: Natto onigiri might become the next big thing, don't you think?
  199. Hiyori: If we're going to do it, we should do it soon. Now that the rainy season is over, summer is right around the corner.
  200. Yui: The season when girls start to shine is upon us!
  201. Kofuki: You're always like this, aren't you.
  202. Yui: This is just my identity!
  203. Kanami: When we get back, let's start planning it together with everyone! It'll be a lot of fun, won't it, Mai-chan!
  204. Mai: It sure will, Kanami-chan!
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