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Jan 20th, 2018
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  1. dogshit list:
  2. 3ThErEaLr4iN-disgusting tryn otp who cant even play that champ well. dodge instantly when seen
  3. Mr Yóung-garbage jhin main. does less damage as game goes on. doesnt belong in diamond dodge asap
  4. Kìller-garbage taric main. gets boosted and cant even support at a plat 1 level. never give support
  5. Ðäkötäwr-garbage vayne player. if doesnt get xayah dodge
  6. I Am A God Smurf-high tier inter. if you want to lose stay in lobby
  7. Teemo The Lion-washed up teemo otp. cant even understand how he was challenger at one point.
  8. XinGod-xin otp. always engages and kills himself. shit player should off himself
  9. Fedøx-ur average flamer. mains lee but cant even play lee well. also lacking game sense and ability to communicate. detriment
  10. Top Faker NA-garbage jungler never ganks. basically afk but worse cus int
  11. hi im cheeto-gp otp lacks game sense loses lane doesnt listen to team
  12. Little Dragon J-afk jungler basically not playing. allows other jungler to powerfarm while ganking.just dodge ur not playing the game either way.
  13. Quillan-asked me why we dont fight a draven brand lv1 as jinx zyra. brain must not work. fund him for a brain transplant
  14. yang1-21k dmg 45 min kalista who has an ego trip and tells players to say yes or he ints. unstable hardstuck d4 retard who has a small dick and tries to compensate by being "alpha"
  15. Mercurial-retard d5 ivern main. played rengar for the skin. never ganked any lanes. dodge if not on ivern
  16. Yazan-braindead player. plays most broken champions in the meta and still hard ints and makes champ looks handicapped. also manages to lose lane while his laner free roams. toxic and bad. dodge asap
  17. RedFlameEvolved-play broken champion still hard ints. not toxic but sucks dick
  18. 420 Kørea-braindead retard doesnt know how to gank as a jungler. "snowballs" top lane which is down 60 cs,a level,and 1/2 in lane. doesnt know how to make use of other lanes absorbing pressure. self proclaimed d2 player but has never even seen d4. thinks that wukong 1 shot has counter play. dodge asap brain dead individual.
  19. Perpetual Winter-braindead jungler doesnt know how to gank. asked for leash and full clear to never pay back botlane. absorbed all jungle pressure and other lanes as well and still wasnt able to snowball a single lane.toxic garbage flamed while contributing absolutely nothing. just another boosted d5 player. dodge asap
  20. Flaress-dk how he got diamond. i can jungle better blindfolded with a xbox controller
  21. UNLIMITED POWER-braindead midlaner. allows enemy midlaner to roam to every single lane and still manage to get solokilled 3 times and be down 30cs and a tower. diamond for 4 season in a row and cant climb higher than d3. obviously peaked and wasting his time on league.
  22. Blackkiller-braindead player. somehow got diamond playing jungle at a silver level. cries when you tell him his mistakes. might be a female on her period. dodge asap
  23. JoeShadyy-disgusting yasuo main. doesnt understand the concept of map pressure. ints everychance he gets."fizz fed" while he is pushed out to tier 2 when we are defending nexus
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