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a guest
Oct 12th, 2019
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  1. TASK [systemd_service : Load service] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
  2. ok: [vosctrl-1_etcd_container-fa410ee2] => (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'})
  3. ok: [vosctrl-3_etcd_container-34b7c569] => (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'})
  4. ok: [vosctrl-2_etcd_container-541ae37a] => (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'})
  5. failed: [vosctrl-1] (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"config_overrides": {"Service": {"EnvironmentFile": "-/etc/default/%p", "LimitNOFILE": 65536}, "Unit": {"Description": "etcd - highly-available key value store", "Documentation": "", "Wants": {"": null}}}, "enabled": true, "execstarts": "/usr/local/bin/etcd", "service_name": "etcd", "service_type": "notify", "state": "started"}, "msg": "Unable to start service etcd.service: Job for etcd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status etcd.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}
  6. failed: [vosctrl-3] (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"config_overrides": {"Service": {"EnvironmentFile": "-/etc/default/%p", "LimitNOFILE": 65536}, "Unit": {"Description": "etcd - highly-available key value store", "Documentation": "", "Wants": {"": null}}}, "enabled": true, "execstarts": "/usr/local/bin/etcd", "service_name": "etcd", "service_type": "notify", "state": "started"}, "msg": "Unable to start service etcd.service: Job for etcd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status etcd.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}
  7. failed: [vosctrl-2] (item={u'service_type': u'notify', u'execstarts': u'/usr/local/bin/etcd', u'config_overrides': {u'Unit': {u'Wants': {u'': None}, u'Documentation': u'', u'Description': u'etcd - highly-available key value store'}, u'Service': {u'LimitNOFILE': 65536, u'EnvironmentFile': u'-/etc/default/%p'}}, u'service_name': u'etcd', u'enabled': True, u'state': u'started'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"config_overrides": {"Service": {"EnvironmentFile": "-/etc/default/%p", "LimitNOFILE": 65536}, "Unit": {"Description": "etcd - highly-available key value store", "Documentation": "", "Wants": {"": null}}}, "enabled": true, "execstarts": "/usr/local/bin/etcd", "service_name": "etcd", "service_type": "notify", "state": "started"}, "msg": "Unable to start service etcd.service: Job for etcd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status etcd.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}
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