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Response to JL 1

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Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. Yes, the solution to poverty is to make everyone impoverished. If you were to perform an action such as you suggested, then you would have to do so with everyone, otherwise there is no point of becoming a business owner over just scraping by with a job that might mean something.
  3. Yes, the solution to selfishness is entitlement isn’t it? This is sounding more like you think that you got the short draw and you are calling it unfair so let’s take money away from successful people who have absorbed 99% of their time to make that money. Again, let’s starve people who actually mean something just because they, indirectly most of the time might I add, have starved those who aren’t as fortunate.
  4. Also, who are you to play judge and juror? Who are you to say that they cheated their employees? I work for less than $9 an hour for the dollar store and I do the same things almost as efficiently as my co-worker over here making over $12 an hour, and do I feel cheated? No, because I have to work myself up and prove that I am worthy of higher pay. I would feel cheated if I were doing more and were not given any form of opportunity to raise myself up. But ya know what’s so great about that? All I gotta do if I feel that way is get another damn job, and it’s my responsibility to realize my worth and go somewhere were I wouldn’t be cheated. Not every job will cheat you, some will more than others, yes, but not every job will. “Have you ever heard the statement, ‘Job *x* can be a very good job, it just all depends on who your *y* manager is.’? Working for Dollar General, I have encountered an excellent manager who will take me seriously and appreciates my effort, and I have had one who shorted my hours because I proved her wrong (both shall remain nameless), and you see, I would have gotten fired by the second one if I didn’t follow through with MY responsibility to fix my situation. The methods you present bear the marks of laziness, as if entitlement is key to success.
  6. To fix resources being hoarded from someone who has a lot of money cannot be solved in the branches by cutting the roots, but rather by trimming those branches. By inherently stealing their money, you will directly solve the problem of resource hogging, but you will also have MAJOR, and I mean MAJOR consequences in the showing of public outcry and retaliation by the population. This would be the case as the only way its fair to tax businesses over 90% is to tax regular people an equivalent variation, otherwise, why even become a business owner? There would be no point since you would be virtually taking away the only means of expansion and profit. There would be… Absolutely. No. Damn. Point.
  7. You are right, people should not be denied an education thanks to any other arrogant soul, but you will not solve this problem by taxing the rich all of their assets other than what is needed to survive; you reverse the graph of who is taxed how much by doing this.
  8. Also, remember Jon, we are talking about education, not access to requirements of surviving, not to mention even having the chance of ‘living’.
  10. I don’t look at capitalism in any such manner Jon, that is a very bold assumption. Yes, money is a resource, as it is required to live, but having a lot of it doesn’t automatically make you a bad person. Having money does not mean you hoard others’ livelihood, it means that you hoard your own livelihood. Have you ever heard of investing for retirement? What do you think that Bezos is doing with the multi-hundred-million dollars of investments?
  12. That’s a very inappropriate argument, as there are free resources out there today that help. There are people out there, that make their own money, and don’t have to help people who can’t afford anything, but they do it anyways without asking for a return for their investment in someone they don’t know, just saw outside your local Kroger with a hat and cardboard box.
  13. That’s a very inappropriate argument, since not all companies are your only option, and no company, absolutely no company creates a monopoly on water, food, air, nor shelter.
  14. No, that is not, not at all, the point we are at right now, we are at the point where you have to prove that your work is worth something more, we are at the point where to get rich, you have to work to build up your worth. It’s not about who get’s the gold ore first, it’s about who can get the opportunity to be offered gold for their work first.
  16. GoFundMe presents the choice of paying by using the pity someone would have for you. Recently my teacher from High School became a double amputee and is now a permanent dialysis patient, and he had a GoFundMe that made a lot of money, but it did because he made the promise to get back out there and influence the younger minds in a better way. He still has meaning to his life, and he is one of the most inspiring people in mine.
  17. Housing is through the roof depending on your location and is nowhere near as high as an apartment.
  18. Food is getting more expensive because of inflation, and people are getting paid more at nearly the very same rate in most cases.
  19. We are a first world country that is falling apart for a lot of reasons, free education not existing across ALL colleges is not a reason for that, and if it is it makes up for very little. There are plenty of factors that contribute to greed: arrogance, entitlement, and feeling like you are equally worth everyone else just to name a few, and all of these examples I would personally describe you with based solely on this argument.
  20. No, we refuse to reallocate resources to those in need because to receive reward requires proving that you are going to utilize those resources in a more efficient manner when you didn’t earn it. Not just because it’s not fair, but simply because not nearly majority of homeless people would rather work and build their worth for themselves. Not to say that all homeless people are lazy, but I am saying that laziness or an unfortunate past is what got them there, and I would think given my logical understanding of the situation and how we as humans are, that there are more homeless people as attribution to laziness rather than getting the short straw.
  21. I never said I wish people dead, and by not being for virtually stealing from someone who worked to build to their current situation just to give to those who would rather suck on that ‘donation’ rather than use it to build themselves it does not mean that I think that those people deserve to die. I’m saying that they do not deserve to have things handed to them. You teach good lessons by having someone experience firsthand what the consequences are.
  22. Invested money, in the case of Jeff Bezos, is not necessarily dead money. Bezos will be making money from his investment when the stock prices rise and from dividend payouts. Now that’s not necessarily greedy in the sense that all $110 billion will be his when he withdraws or whatever he does with it as that money is essentially ‘loaned’ to Amazon Incorporated to use so they may make more money. So Amazon makes money, which is Bezos’s company, and so does Bezos, win-win.
  24. Jon, we live in two different parts of the country, and from my understanding ‘muster’ doesn’t have a definition other than the one I provided. You could have been more respectful and said that ‘pass’ and ‘muster’ go together. Don’t dehumanize me for what I can only deter as slang.
  26. You’re right, punishment isn’t the right word. Dehumanizing someone and telling them they are no good for the field chosen. As to tell someone they are not good enough for something when they are clearly trying would be to take their chances away by telling them to select a different field or drop out.
  27. This whole conversation between you and it makes me really worried at the fact that you might not have considered what this would do Ivy league schools. There is a reason why most people attend to schools such as Harvard and MIT, because they show you are worth more because you went through some hard ass shit to get out with that piece of paper that says you’re smart.
  28. Haha, that is such an ignorant thing to say. You know damn well that anyone, ANYONE who has a net worth has investments. Money like that doesn’t just sit in a bank account since it doesn’t accumulate value like that; at least not enough to mean something.
  29. You are not seeing the bigger picture here, you would be wasting upwards of millions per person because of simple thing such as degree changes, more valued schools paying teachers, etc. Oh, and about degree changes; they happen a lot already, and cause A LOT of wasted money, which is why people mostly hesitate beforehand. You make that free, and you’ll experience degree changes and wasted credit hours to a stupid extent; hence the upwards of millions wasted per person.
  31. And who’s job would it be to judge who is ‘worthy’ of your system? People these days already have to work to prove they are worthy of another opportunity, why would we just make it more complicated to virtually steal people’s money to give it to select others. You have to think realistic.
  32. Have you ever stopped to think why your ideals haven’t been enacted by people who matter? Why your ideals don’t automatically go to congress? Why your plans don’t ever get looked at? You are not being realistic and show the very infamous values of an extremist.
  34. Jon, yes, things like donations to attend an Ivy League does exist, and even to the extent of that child not being prepared for even a community college. But it does NOT happen like you explain with only parents donating $500 thousand. It’s more along the lines of $500 MILLION, and this could only occur by literally the 0.01% of the population. Which to say is no where near even 2% of the people who attend Ivy League schools. So yes, this is a problem, just not to the extent you make it out to be.
  36. Lol I think you have Amazon mistaken with Google and Facebook. Amazon didn’t spy to the extent that they made hundreds of billions. Amazon does have an issue with how they treat employees, I agree with that. But Amazon pays a decent amount; one of my ex-coworkers (from my old store) worked at Amazon for nearly $20 an hour. And I don’t know where you got that Amazon charges the most they can as their prices are some of the lowest compared to their competitors. When it comes to buying things, if I don’t need it right then and there, I order from Amazon, and with prime, if I order it from an Amazon warehouse, I get it with a very big discount. I recently got a Samsung 970 EVO 1TB SSD for my laptop for $125 because of that warehouse discount. Now if that isn’t cheap for a 1TB 970 EVO then fire doesn’t burn as I couldn’t even find it used on eBay for cheaper than $150.
  37. So you are going to tell me you don’t believe in evil because of moral ambiguity but then turn around and compare your friend’s grandpa to Jeff Bezos? Lolok.
  38. Bezos does not OWN a significant portion of the planet. For Amazon to own someone because they buy from them would imply that Amazon has a monopoly on something that the consumer requires to survive. That was a very weak argument.
  39. Jon, it is mostly up to you and your laziness (or lack thereof) to determine how much your life is worth. You do not have to stock shelves nor drive a truck for a living, that is entirely up to you to work for opportunities.
  40. HAHA! You see Bezos as a God? Lol that’s nice to know. I see Bezos as someone to aspire and observe so you can learn from. It’s people who got lucky that I don’t try to follow. Bezos is just some other rich dude who owns a company that just resells other company’s product by shipping it to them really fast. It aspires laziness and takes the factor of putting wear on your car and paying gas.
  41. And like I said earlier, just because someone has money, does not make them a terrible person just because they don’t give 99.3% of it to the homeless who will more than likely waste almost all of it.
  42. “Hmm, that’s some Marxist bullshit if I’ve ever heard it,” said Aaron Bradley in response to your statement about a dog lunging at corporate CEOs.
  44. You are passing our topic and proceeding to communism, which I will not argue. You are not thinking of a bigger picture, and it’s really showing that you think we should perform some form of equalizing people to each other as though every individual has the intrinsic value and has the equal right to life and happiness. This is false. Everyone has the equal right to the opportunity to life and happiness, it isn’t just deserved.
  45. HA! HAHA! I’M CHOKING! Golf parks do NOT directly in ANY FORM attribute to any form of working against the people of this country. That must be the stupidest statement I have EVER heard.
  46. Lol, you’re working on treaties of economics? If you are going to take people’s freedoms just to provide to waste then good f**kin luck getting anyone who means anything to even acknowledge your existence with how little you think of the bigger picture.
  48. I could use that very same argument against the homeless people. Again, what were you saying about how you favor people who are in a similar scenario as you? OH YEAH!
  50. Sounds like someone has an ego complex.
  52. Direct conning is in fact illegal, so again, that was a weak argument. It’s also exactly what you would be doing to the rich who not all have done any form of conning. What about Graham Stephan? He didn’t con anyone, but he has millions invested. By enacting what you say we should you would be stealing 99% of his money when he perfectly well earned every penny. Sounds a lot like you just want a lazier way out if you ask me.
  53. Dude, life is not fair, so stop trying use some cheat to try and make it fair or to justify why you are wasting your time and your life to satisfy why you aren’t Jeff Bezos.
  55. Regulated, yes. Stolen from, no.
  57. Lol… Let me provide some counters:
  58. - The homeless epidemic is mostly caused by laziness and entitlement.
  59. - The opioid is epidemic is an addiction that you are stupid for not researching before putting it in your body. And if you did research and know it’s an addiction then proceed to take it anyhow, then you are dumber beyond help.
  60. - Most places, there are free colleges that people can use to their advantage to build their success, unlike you may think.
  61. - Yes, that is a problem, but not something that can be fixed with taking people’s investments that they rightfully earned. (Also Domino’s is helping)
  62. - Food and water can be gotten from MANY, and I mean MANY MANY MANY places for extremely cheap and even free. There are also plenty of people who will donate food for the homeless, y’know the ones who mostly just don’t give a shit about their worth and just want to get by with the minimum. (Being nice goes a long way)
  63. - Pollution has more to do with regulation of companys’ carbon footprints rather than an issue with money.
  66. LMFAO You need to get your head out of your ass and stop arguing from yourself and start arguing how it will help the majority.
  67. And no the hell they don’t. Not EVERYONE comes out on top when you take 99% of people’s wallets, let alone their incomes.
  69. Lol boy, it’s really easy to accuse me of not paying attention but I’m reading every bit and reading it aloud to others so I may get a more objective viewpoint as they will, as they always do, have something to say about it either for or against me, or both most of the time with Aaron’s case.
  71. Let’s see here, because you asserted your morals on the society first? I merely added mine, I’m not the one over here typing out a manifesto as to how our economy should work. I added the ‘morals are subjective’ line because you are the original to assert morals onto the society, just like Christians do. With your logic, we need to put the Bible back in schools.
  74. Lol ok.
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