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console.lua, player muting

a guest
Apr 13th, 2012
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  1. -- player muting cobbled in by knorke 2012, its a friday 13th of course
  2. -- /mute playername
  3. -- /mute playerA playerB
  4. -- /unmute playername
  5. -- /unmute playerA playerB
  6. -- /unmute (unmute everybody)
  8. -- TODO if team0 dies, all specs are "dead" (hmm, team0 was a spec too) [hmm, or not]
  9. local console = window:New(
  10. "Console",
  11. empty:New(),
  12. {634/1024, 8*18+2}, {260/1024, 25/768}
  13. )
  14. local function NewLine()
  15. local newLine = frames:New("cols", {
  16. margin:New(
  17. teamLogo:New(),
  18. {1, 1, 1, -17}
  19. ),
  20. text:New({})},
  21. {19,-19}
  22. )
  23. newLine.SetLine = function(self, newTeamID, newText, newTimer)
  24. self[1][1]:SetVisibility(newTeamID ~= nil)
  25. if newTeamID then
  26. self[1][1]:SetTeamID(newTeamID)
  27. end
  28. self.timer = newTimer
  29. self[2]:SetText(newText)
  30. end
  31. newLine.GetLine = function(self)
  32. teamID = self[1][1].visible and self[1][1].teamID or nil
  33. return teamID, self[2].text, self.timer
  34. end
  35. return newLine
  36. end
  37. local function GetLines()
  38. local returnTable = {}
  39. for i=1,console.options.lines.value do
  40. table.insert(returnTable, NewLine())
  41. end
  42. return returnTable
  43. end
  44. local function SetConsoleContent()
  45. console:SetContent(frames:New("rows", GetLines()))
  46. console:ExitHistoryMode()
  47. end
  48. console.options = {
  49. lines = {
  50. name = 'Lines',
  51. desc = 'How many lines should the console display?',
  52. type = 'number', min = 2, max = 40, step = 1,
  53. value = 8,
  54. OnChange = function(self)
  55. SetConsoleContent()
  56. console.options.systemLines.max = self.value
  57. end
  58. },
  59. systemLines = {
  60. name = 'System lines',
  61. desc = 'Up to how many lines should the system messages take up?',
  62. type = 'number', min = 1, max = 8, step = 1,
  63. value = 3,
  64. OnChange = SetConsoleContent
  65. },
  66. decayChat = {
  67. name = "Decay chat",
  68. desc = "If set, chat messages will disappear after a while.",
  69. type = "bool",
  70. value = false,
  71. OnChange = function()
  72. console:ExitHistoryMode()
  73. end
  74. },
  75. hideUnitMsgs = {
  76. name = "Hide unit messages",
  77. desc = "Hide \"Can't reach destination!\" messages.",
  78. type = "bool",
  79. value = true
  80. },
  81. hideStartPoints = {
  82. name = "Hide start points",
  83. desc = "Hide \"Start X\" point messages.",
  84. type = "bool",
  85. value = true
  86. },
  87. hidePoints = {
  88. name = "Hide all points",
  89. desc = "Hides all messages about added points. Useful if you have another widget visualizing points.",
  90. type = "bool",
  91. value = false
  92. },
  93. hideBuildposMsgs = {
  94. name = "Hide \"Build pos blocked\" messages",
  95. desc = "Hide messages about blocked build positions.",
  96. type = "bool",
  97. value = false
  98. },
  99. specToSystem = {
  100. name = "Spectator chat to system console",
  101. desc = "Display spectator chat messages in the upper area with the system messages.",
  102. type = "bool",
  103. value = false
  104. },
  105. hidePlayernames = {
  106. name = "Hide playernames",
  107. desc = "Hide the names of players in front chat messages.",
  108. type = "bool",
  109. value = false
  110. },
  111. historyWithCtrl = {
  112. name = "History with CTRL",
  113. desc = "Only show the chat history if CTRL is pressed.",
  114. type = "bool",
  115. value = false
  116. },
  117. seperateMessages = {
  118. name = "Seperate messages",
  119. desc = "Seperate system and chat messages.",
  120. type = "bool",
  121. value = true
  122. },
  123. addSystemToHistory = {
  124. name = "Add system messages to history",
  125. desc = "Also add system messages to the history.",
  126. type = "bool",
  127. value = false
  128. },
  129. hideIfEmpty = {
  130. name = "Hide if empty",
  131. desc = "Hide the console if it's empty.",
  132. type = "bool",
  133. value = false
  134. }
  135. }
  137. console.chatBuffer = {}
  138. console.historyMode = false
  139. console.historyModeLast = 0
  141. console.currentLine = 1
  142. console.currentSystemLine = 1
  143. console.updateEvery = 75
  144. = "This is the console. Textual feedback from the game and other\n"..
  145. "players will popup here. (press <ENTER> to chat)\n"..
  146. "- Allied chat is displayed in green.. (begin with \"a:\" for ally chat)\n"..
  147. "- Yellow font marks points. (press <F3> to go to it)"
  149. function console:GetTeam(line)
  150. line = string.gsub(line, " ", " ")
  151. for i,v in ipairs(Spring.GetPlayerList()) do
  152. local name, active, spec, teamID = Spring.GetPlayerInfo(v)
  153. if name and name ~= "" and not self.options.specToSystem.value or not spec then
  154. local playerFound = string.find(line, "<"">", 1, true)
  155. local specFound = string.find(line, "[""]", 1, true)
  156. if playerFound == 1 or playerFound == 3 or specFound == 1 or specFound == 3 then
  157. if specFound == 3 then
  158. -- Springie doesn't insert a space after nick
  159. specFound = 2
  160. end
  161. line = string.sub(line, string.len(name)+3+(playerFound or specFound), -1)
  162. if not Spring.AreTeamsAllied(teamID, Spring.GetMyTeamID()) then
  163. line = "\255\255\196\196" .. line
  164. else
  165. line = string.gsub(line, "Allies: ", GreenStr)
  166. end
  167. if line == "" or line == "\255\255\196\196" or line == GreenStr then line = line .. "<empty message>" end
  168. local _, _, isDead = Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID)
  169. if spec and not isDead then teamID = -1 end
  170. if not self.options.hidePlayernames.value or spec then
  171. line = "\255\196\196\196"": \255\255\255\255" .. line
  172. end
  173. return teamID, line
  174. elseif line == "Player "" left" or line == "Spectator "" left" or
  175. line == "Lost connection to " or string.find(line, "Sync error for ", 1, true) then
  176. if line:find("Sync error", 1, true) then
  177. line = RedStr .. line:sub(0, name:len()+15) .. ". He plays a different game now. This can't be undone. Ask him to give his units to someone else."
  178. elseif not spec then
  179. line = RedStr .. line
  180. else
  181. line = GreenStr .. line
  182. end
  183. local _, _, isDead = Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID)
  184. if spec and not isDead then teamID = -1 end
  185. return teamID, line
  186. elseif string.find(line, name.." added point: ", 1, true) then
  187. line = string.sub(line, string.len(name)+15, -1)
  188. if line == "" then line = "<empty point>" end
  189. local _, _, isDead = Spring.GetTeamInfo(teamID)
  190. if spec and not isDead then teamID = -1 end
  191. line = YellowStr .. line
  192. if not self.options.hidePlayernames.value or spec then
  193. line = "\255\196\196\196"": " .. line
  194. end
  195. return teamID, line
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. return nil, line
  200. end
  201. function console:AddConsoleLine(line)
  202. --mute--
  203. local name = getPlayerNameFromLine (line)
  204. if (mutedPlayers[name]) then
  205. return
  206. end
  208. if self.options.hideUnitMsgs.value and string.find(line, ": Can't reach destination!") then
  209. return
  210. end
  211. if self.options.hidePoints.value and string.find(line, " added point:") then
  212. return
  213. end
  214. if self.options.hideStartPoints.value and string.find(line, " added point: Start ") then
  215. return
  216. end
  217. if self.options.hideBuildposMsgs.value and string.find(line, ": Build pos blocked") then
  218. return
  219. end
  220. if line == 'Reloaded ctrlpanel with: IceUI_ctrlpanel.txt' then
  221. return
  222. end
  224. local teamID, line = self:GetTeam(line) -- FIXME "Player tettenman left" created an icon
  225. local start, stop, current = self.currentSystemLine, console.options.lines.value, "currentLine"
  227. -- write cache lines to the buffer for scrolling
  228. if teamID ~= nil or self.options.addSystemToHistory.value then
  229. table.insert(self.chatBuffer, { teamID, line })
  230. end
  232. if self.historyMode then
  233. return
  234. end
  236. if teamID == nil and self.options.seperateMessages.value then
  237. start, stop, current = 1, console.options.systemLines.value, "currentSystemLine"
  238. if self.currentSystemLine <= console.options.systemLines.value and self.currentLine <= console.options.lines.value then
  239. for i=self.currentSystemLine+1,self.currentLine do
  240. local j=self.currentLine + self.currentSystemLine+1 - i
  241. self[1][j]:SetLine(self[1][j-1]:GetLine())
  242. end
  243. self.currentLine = self.currentLine + 1
  244. end
  245. end
  246. if self[current] == stop + 1 then
  247. for i=start,stop-1 do
  248. self[1][i]:SetLine(self[1][i+1]:GetLine())
  249. end
  250. end
  251. self[current] = math.min(self[current], stop)
  252. local newTimer = math.floor(string.len(line)/5 + 2)
  253. if teamID and not self.options.decayChat.value then
  254. newTimer = -1
  255. end
  256. self[1][self[current]]:SetLine(teamID, line, newTimer)
  257. self[current] = self[current] + 1
  258. if self.options.hideIfEmpty.value then
  259. self:SetVisibility(true)
  260. end
  261. end
  262. function console:Update()
  263. local i = 1
  264. while i < self.currentLine do
  265. if self[1][i].timer then
  266. self[1][i].timer = self[1][i].timer - 1
  267. end
  268. if self[1][i].timer == 0 then
  269. for j=i,self.currentLine-2 do
  270. self[1][j]:SetLine(self[1][j+1]:GetLine())
  271. end
  272. self.currentLine = self.currentLine - 1
  273. self[1][self.currentLine]:SetLine(nil, "", -1)
  274. if i < self.currentSystemLine then
  275. self.currentSystemLine = self.currentSystemLine - 1
  276. end
  277. end
  278. i = i + 1
  279. end
  280. if self.currentLine == 1 and self.options.hideIfEmpty.value then
  281. self:SetVisibility(false)
  282. end
  283. end
  284. function console:MouseWheel(up, value)
  285. local _, ctrl = Spring.GetModKeyState()
  286. if self.options.historyWithCtrl.value and not ctrl then
  287. return
  288. end
  289. local x, y = Spring.GetMouseState()
  290. if self:IsAbove(x, y) then
  291. if self.historyMode then
  292. self:HistoryScroll(up)
  293. else
  294. if up then
  295. self:EnterHistoryMode()
  296. end
  297. end
  298. return true
  299. end
  300. end
  302. function console:HistoryScroll(up)
  303. if up == true and self.historyModeLast > (console.options.lines.value - 1) then
  304. self.historyModeLast = self.historyModeLast - (console.options.lines.value - 1)
  305. end
  306. if up == false then
  307. self.historyModeLast = self.historyModeLast + (console.options.lines.value - 1)
  308. end
  310. if self.historyModeLast > #self.chatBuffer then
  311. self:ExitHistoryMode()
  312. return
  313. end
  315. for i=1,console.options.lines.value-1 do
  316. j=self.historyModeLast-console.options.lines.value+i+1
  317. if j > 0 then
  318. self[1][i]:SetLine(self.chatBuffer[j][1], self.chatBuffer[j][2], -1)
  319. else
  320. self[1][i]:SetLine(nil, "", -1)
  321. end
  322. end
  323. end
  324. function console:EnterHistoryMode()
  325. self.historyMode = true
  326. self.historyModeLast = #self.chatBuffer
  327. self[1][console.options.lines.value]:SetLine(nil, "...", -1)
  328. self:HistoryScroll()
  329. end
  330. function console:ExitHistoryMode()
  331. self.historyMode = false
  332. self.historyModeLast = 0
  334. local chatLines = #self.chatBuffer
  335. if self.options.addSystemToHistory.value and self.options.seperateMessages.value then
  336. for _,v in ipairs(self.chatBuffer) do
  337. if v[1] == nil then
  338. chatLines = chatLines - 1
  339. end
  340. end
  341. end
  343. local skipped=0
  344. for i=console.options.lines.value,1,-1 do
  345. j=#self.chatBuffer+i-math.min(console.options.lines.value, chatLines)-skipped
  347. if self.options.addSystemToHistory.value and self.options.seperateMessages.value then
  348. if i <= chatLines then
  349. while j > #self.chatBuffer or self.chatBuffer[j][1] == nil do
  350. skipped = skipped + 1
  351. j = j - 1
  352. end
  353. else
  354. skipped = skipped - 1
  355. end
  356. end
  358. if j > 0 and j <= #self.chatBuffer and i <= chatLines and not self.options.decayChat.value then
  359. self[1][i]:SetLine(self.chatBuffer[j][1], self.chatBuffer[j][2], -1)
  360. else
  361. self[1][i]:SetLine(nil, "", -1)
  362. end
  363. end
  364. self.currentSystemLine = 1
  365. if chatLines < console.options.lines.value then
  366. self.currentLine = chatLines + 1
  367. else
  368. self.currentLine = console.options.lines.value + 1
  369. end
  370. if self.options.decayChat.value then
  371. self.currentLine = 1
  372. if self.options.hideIfEmpty.value then
  373. self:SetVisibility(false)
  374. end
  375. end
  376. end
  378. SetConsoleContent()
  379. console:SetClickthrough(true)
  380. console:PersistentCallin("AddConsoleLine")
  383. --mute--
  384. function widget:TextCommand(s)
  385. local token = {}
  386. local n = 0
  387. --for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do
  388. for w in string.gmatch(s, "%S+") do
  389. n = n +1
  390. token[n] = w
  391. end
  393. --for i = 1,n do Spring.Echo (token[i]) end
  395. if (token[1] == "mute") then
  396. --Spring.Echo ("geht ums muten")
  397. for i = 2,n do
  398. mutePlayer (token[i])
  399. Spring.Echo ("muted " .. token[i])
  400. end
  401. end
  403. if (token[1] == "unmute") then
  404. --Spring.Echo ("geht ums UNmuten")
  405. for i = 2,n do
  406. unmutePlayer (token[i])
  407. Spring.Echo ("unmuted " .. token[i])
  408. end
  409. if (n==1) then unmuteAll() Spring.Echo ("unmuted everybody") end
  410. end
  412. end
  414. --mute
  415. mutedPlayers = {}
  416. function mutePlayer (playername)
  417. mutedPlayers[playername] = true
  418. end
  420. function unmutePlayer (playername)
  421. mutedPlayers[playername] = nil
  422. end
  424. function unmuteAll ()
  425. mutedPlayers = {}
  426. end
  428. local sfind = string.find
  429. local slen = string.len
  430. local ssub = string.sub
  431. local sGetPlayerRoster = Spring.GetPlayerRoster
  432. function getPlayerNameFromLine (line)
  433. --taken from gui_red_console.lua by Regret
  434. local roster = sGetPlayerRoster()
  435. local names = {}
  436. for i=1,#roster do
  437. names[roster[i][1]] = {roster[i][4],roster[i][5],roster[i][3]}
  438. end
  440. local name = ""
  441. local text = ""
  442. local linetype = 0 --other
  444. if (names[ssub(line,2,(sfind(line,"> ") or 1)-1)] ~= nil) then
  445. linetype = 1 --playermessage
  446. name = ssub(line,2,sfind(line,"> ")-1)
  447. text = ssub(line,slen(name)+4)
  448. elseif (names[ssub(line,2,(sfind(line,"] ") or 1)-1)] ~= nil) then
  449. linetype = 2 --spectatormessage
  450. name = ssub(line,2,sfind(line,"] ")-1)
  451. text = ssub(line,slen(name)+4)
  452. elseif (names[ssub(line,2,(sfind(line,"(replay)") or 3)-3)] ~= nil) then
  453. linetype = 2 --spectatormessage
  454. name = ssub(line,2,sfind(line,"(replay)")-3)
  455. text = ssub(line,slen(name)+13)
  456. elseif (names[ssub(line,1,(sfind(line," added point: ") or 1)-1)] ~= nil) then
  457. linetype = 3 --playerpoint
  458. name = ssub(line,1,sfind(line," added point: ")-1)
  459. text = ssub(line,slen(name.." added point: ")+1)
  460. elseif (ssub(line,1,1) == ">") then
  461. linetype = 4 --gamemessage
  462. text = ssub(line,3)
  463. end
  464. return name
  465. end
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