
Über Jason vs lasers

Dec 14th, 2023
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  1. But the airlock door on The Revival's side was already sliding open. What stood in the doorway was not a member of The Revival's crew, nor one from Black Star 13, but someone or something that left the jaws of those in the hold dropped to their chests.
  3. "Sir," Rogers said, "we are five minutes to gravitational extinction. Request permission to disengage."
  5. "Rogers—" Captain Stanislav began, but the steel and flesh giant stomped forward, and grabbed him by the throat.
  7. "Oh my God, Captain Stanislav," Miles cried. "Help, someone help him."
  9. Weapons fired, at least a dozen of them. Laser beams ripped through the metal suit and mask, hitting Jason X from all sides. To the amazed eyes of the docking crew, he buckled from the attack, but was not felled.
  11. "Captain? Sir? Miles? Any crew in the hold, report in."
  13. But the small crew was too busy to report to Rogers. Stanislav felt his windpipe ripped from his throat.
  15. The three security crewmembers had rushed to Stanislav's side, trying to pull the giant off of their captain. For their trouble, Jason X slashed one across the face with his machete, splitting his eyes in half horizontally. Another had the top of his head lopped off, exposing the cap of brain matter. Their screams accompanied the last security guard, who rushed to the door of the hold to escape, yelling, "He's killed the captain. He's killed him."
  17. "Captain, any crew in the hold, come in." Miles heard Rogers call. Then he ordered, "Disengage arm."
  19. Miles raced after the fleeing crewman. Suddenly she was flying backwards. The killer giant snagged her hair and pulled her into the room that now felt like a tomb. She slipped on Stanislav's blood, which was still gushing from his throat. The captain still stood there, eyes bulging, holding his neck with both hands, but that gesture could not stop the bleeding that would soon terminate his life, and he weakened, falling to his knees.
  21. Jason X: Planet of the Beast - Page 23-25
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