
Creature Mathews WIP

Apr 1st, 2019
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  1. Name: Creature Mathews
  2. Class; Fighter 4(Samurai)/Cleric 3(Life)
  3. Background: Urchin/Acolyte
  4. Starting Skills/Proficiencies: Athletics(Fighter), Survival(Fighter), Medicine(Cleric), Sleight of Hand(Urchin), Stealth(Urchin), Thieves' Tools(Urchin), Disguise Kit(Urchin), Religion(Acolyte), Insight(Fighter-Samurai), Simple Weapons(Fighter), Martial Weapons(Fighter), Light/Medium/Heavy Armor(Fighter), Shields(Fighter), Common(Human), Goblin(Human)
  6. Creature was born to a woman out of wedlock who died upon giving birth to him in an empty lot. He was found crying in the dirt not far from his mother's dead body and brought to an orphanage where he was raised for the first few years of his life, learning basic reading skills and mathematics as well as being made to perform menial labor, such as shoe repair. He was kicked out of the orphanage as a result of miscreant behavior, fighting with other children, and falling behind in his work.
  8. Life on the streets was a difficult and miserable affair. He survived by catching and eating small animals, sneaking into butcher shops, and breaking into bakeries at night. He would occasionally seek employment in shoe repair and cobbling in exchange for food, but it was usually short-lived and offered no opportunity for advancement or long-term possibilities. In time, he would fall into a gang run by a goblin named Feraxi, whom creature overshadowed but still respected. Creature became the heavy of the gang of youths, his size as a child abnormally large for his age.
  10. These times were among the easiest for Creature, as he had shelter, other children his age he could trust and depend on, and a leader he believed in. THese golden days came to an end in a bloody turf war where most of his friends had been killed and he only survived when the city guards came to apprehend him and the other living combatants.
  12. For his crimes of theft and murder, Creature was sent to prison. Prison life was more difficult than his time in the gang, but still better than being on his own and scrounging for food. He was courted by some prison gangs due to his large size and strength, but his injuries sustained during the gang fight left him ill and in poor condition for much of his prison stay. One of his wounds became infected and turned into an abscess, which eventually healed and left a fist-sized hollow cavity in his lower-left side.
  14. While he was ravaged with illness in prison, he was taken care of by Father Forgo, the prison's priest. Forgo would read to
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