
Moving to Adelaide

Nov 5th, 2015
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  1. Today, I am leaving for Adelaide. For those unaware, that is a City in South Australia, it's going to be a ~16 drive to get there (look it up on a map). I've never been more excited about a move in my life.
  3. The people I'm going to be living with are; my best friend (known since high school, been super close last year especially), my closest friend (known for over 7 years, completely changed my life), and one of my oldest friends (known for 10 years, good mate, better bloke). I guess I finally feel like I'm going to be in an external environment that probably portrays my internal mindset, and I'm very excited. I truly feel blessed to know the people that I do, and now getting the chance to live in an environment like this is literally a 7 year dream come true.
  5. Now none of that has anything to do with speedrunning, I'm sure most of you don't really have a vetted interest in my personal life. So let's get into why this is good for you.
  7. 1) Better internet; Finally!
  8. I'm switching from this:
  9. To this:
  10. This should mean no lag shit every second hour, no "i literally can't stream that game", no bump ass quality, no stream drops every few hours, no asking roommate to stop watching Gossip Girl so I can stream, etc
  12. 2) Room specificaly for me streaming. No more streaming from my room, no more streaming from the living area, a place dedicated just for my streaming.
  14. 3) Obviously better environment for me means less time worrying about other shit!
  16. Flow on from these:
  17. The happier I am, the better results I should be able to produce (in general)
  19. With dedicated space, more area to focus. Probably longer streams, more efficient routing
  21. One of the things I've been wanting to do is stream some Pokemon Showdown after finishing a speedrun stream. With better internet, I can. This wouldn't detract from any speedrunning, as it would only be after my session, but make streams longer
  23. With a more dedicated space I can get back into the community that I haven't been able to get in touch with. Potentially this means more collaborated events/things (From past, think MHC 24 hour Blue Sphere, Pokemon races with 5upa, etc)
  25. Better internet + dedicated space probably makes me more willing to webcam. But it's still never a priority for me personally, so it definitely still won't show up on ds games for example.
  27. I haven't been doing as much off stream stuff as I would like (routing/practice/ILs/other projects). This will pick up a lot once I get settled in, which means amongst other things, not being dead on Youtube
  29. Finally being settled into a place, I can start pursing my long term speedrunning goals (the longer games I've been avoiding, more games in general)
  31. Lots more stuff that I won't go into specifics now, but overall more time to put into speedrunning in general, as well as community.
  34. Overall, I'm really fucking excited and happy, and bottom line that's what counts. Looking forward to this so much. I hope yall find as much happiness too =)
  36. (It's a ~15 hour drive so going over 2 days. Include getting settled in, I'll probably be back Monday)
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