
Ryvius Ouro RP

Aug 6th, 2013
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  2. Lanky with longish crimson hair, mostly pulled back in a pony tail, a few locks fall forward. Of a pale complexion with amber eyes. Tends to be sharply dressed in a formal fashion. Often carries a matte black briefcase with silver embellishments.
  3. ------------------
  5. Ryvius Linna
  8. Russia
  11. Male
  14. Born to a single mother, Faina Linna,the last of a clan with old roots, but who's power had not survived the ages. For the last four generations none had the power for even the lesser mysteries that had been passed down. Though the knowledge was not forgotten, religiously learned and passed down, they were considered lost, barely even magic users. Forgotten by the Scribes and the Clans.
  15. In the ages past they were known for their defense of castles, strong bounded fields and reinforcements of the structure to make them sturdy beyond mundane design. Defending from a siege, this was the core of their principles, the heart of their magics.
  18. Ryvius showed an aptitude that had not been recorded in generations with magic, mana responding to his will easily. All the treasured knowledge that had been preserved was taught to him by his mother, her magic weak, but enough to guide him.(If there is a crest it is passed down) Much of his childhood was spent in near solitude, constantly training in manipulating mana, learning the nearly lost art of his family. After years in the frozen north there was little more magically knowledge that Faina could impart to Ryvius that required such solitude. Their move to Petersburg was as much a shock as attending classes with those his own age. Warned to keep his magic a secret he never grew close to any of the other children, coming across as soft spoken when he did not keep to himself.
  21. Time passes, and he does not let himself slack in either academia nor the pursuit of magic, a mixed degree of engineering and architecture offer him a stable future, but he only sees it as useful as a stepping stone for his magic.Interesting, but not nearly enough on its own.
  24. By methods he knows not of to this day,his secret is uncovered and he is offered an unusual job – A worried gentleman wishes to ensure that the Leshii would not spirit his young daughters away in the night. This he found interest in,laying the bounding fields over the mansion to keep out the nature spirits. Tying the threads of it to draw from the land, slowly charging a key. It would deplete far faster than it charged if pressed, but for his first real 'castle' it was a start.
  26. The gentleman paid him well, telling him that the wails of the spirits made his heart warm as they were forced away at the edge of the boundary. Mentioning that such talent was not without demand the gentleman parted ways leaving the spark of interest within Ryvius.
  29. Now aged 24 Ryvius has spent some time as a freelancer, enjoying the intricacies of laying a defense against whatever may be thrown at it. He does not promise perfection, or that it will not fall, but his magic is still strong, and his mind keen for the challenge.
  32. He does not stay after finishing, not caring much for the conflict. Though he started carrying a rifle awhile back, a job gone not right. Known for keeping the schematics of his work a secret, he holds little favor for either side, merely interested in their money and their work.
  33. If the job, and the price is right he will take a more active roll for a job but he much prefers assembling his bounding fields, fortifying the structures, etc and continuing on.
  36. EQ
  39. Rifle: A simple unnamed artifact imbued to shoot more accurately and to bear a more powerful load. (If possible he tends to use magical ammunition, imbuing them with mana to bear a stronger damage.) As part of his magical lines siege focus there was information on making ballista shoot further, trebuchet stone stroke more accurately. The weapons are different, but the concept is the same... and a rifle is much easier to carry around than a full sized siege weapon. 10 mana ~ 20 for buffing, depending on how much strength to put out.
  40. DEX is increased by half the mana used to imbue the rifle, also gains a sundering bonus against structures.
  44. Personal Castle. His outfit is lined with runes and fortified with bounded fields. While not as strong as the fields he lays for structures they still offer him a measure of protection. Defense to ward off physical strikes, as well as mana based attacks. These clothes were passed down, and though modified by each owner are as much his as his families. Their ages lends to their strength, but their fame is unknown outside the family, and nothing compared to a true artifact, merely a family heirloom.
  45. His family's magical strength tended to run along the female side, so the clothes are perhaps a bit androgynous even after his modifications to them. Reduces all damage under and equal to 20 by 5.
  49. Spells:
  52. Defensive Bounded field: His spell to set up the defenses, laying the magic along a physical structure is easier, though he can set them up in air as well to a lesser effect. 60 Mana
  54. Takes 1 turn out of battle, 2 turns inside battle to prepare,. creates a high-level barrier which reduces damage by half so long as it is erected. the barrier can take a total of 120 damage over the course of three turns before it collapses from the damage. 10 mana can be spent to repair 20 damage done to the field in 1 turn.
  57. Winters Chill: A bounded field that he can set up that lowers the temperature dramatically. The harsh Russian winter is useable as an attack as well, though affects a much smaller area and draws more heavily on his own reserves. Much more effective in a colder climate, used in the tropics or hot deserts will make it much less effective without more resources dedicated to it. Good for giving people the cold shoulder. Also let's Ryvius keep the temperature pleasantly cool around himself.
  59. 40 mana cost to set up a wide area bounded field that reduces the enemy RES depending on enemy RES.
  60. Debuff D RES by 10, C by 5, and you're immune at B -> using imbue item, you could buff the effect for 1 use – D res 15, C res 10, B res 5, A res immune
  63. Imbue Item: Either for making the keys and focal points for his bounded fields if necessary, as well as his ammunition. If given enough time he can work with most things to add a bit of magic, usually defensive to them.
  65. +3 str /con to def/attacks for 10 mp. 15 mp for winter’s chill imbue – gives some freezing chances and adds 10% mag damage to base damage.
  67. Perk: mana boost
  68. Ryvius has found that setting appropriate defenses can exhaust large amounts of his mana supply,especially if larger properties are involved needing layers of redundant defense. Fortunately he is capable of processing more mana than the average user to quickly replenish his reserves allowing him to both finish, and recover from his jobs more quickly. He is unsure as to exactly why he is capable of this when his mana drops below a certain level, but is certain that it is related to the reason his mana feels distinctly cold.
  70. STR 10 D
  71. CON 10 D
  72. AGI 10 D
  73. DEX 30 B
  74. INT 60 ?
  75. RES 10 D
  76. HP 200
  77. MP 550
  78. SP 700
  86. Name: Faina
  89. HP 250
  90. MP 350
  91. SP 550
  92. STR 15
  93. CON 15
  94. AGI 5
  95. DEX 5
  96. INT 15
  97. RES 15
  100. Class: Polar Bear
  101. Faina was taken into the Lanni family as only a cub, a young Ryvius found her in the deep of winter. Not the strongest of polar bears, but a remarkable gleam of intelligence always lurked in her eyes. Of hearty constitution she weathered the Russian winters as well as any other Lanni, ice flowing in her veins. So used to the cold is she infact that even the cool russian summers discomfort her. (animal can't use magecraft yet, but i can make it grow in the future to do some variant)
  104. Often wears a metal inlaid tophat that Ryvius has enscribed the runes of his Defensive Bounded Field into. Also bears her name, and that she is in fact a registered freelancer of her own right, and so is quite allowed to fly on planes and travel as she wishes. It has cut down on the screams of terror at the sight of a polar bear wandering the streets. A uniformed polar bear much more respectable. (kind if silly, but I'll allow it)
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