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  1. Session Start: Tue Oct 08 12:29:31 2013
  2. Session Ident: #Chihiro-newstaff
  3. 03[12:29] * Now talking in #Chihiro-newstaff
  4. 03[12:29] * Topic is 'StB 01 @ kfx, fix the TS issue | Henneko BD @ Check (It's in the 1-4 folder), ED @ Kristen'
  5. 03[12:29] * Set by S0uten!S0uten@Nagato.Yuki on Tue Oct 08 11:41:29
  6. 03[12:29] * [Chihiro] sets mode: +qo Kristen Kristen
  7. 03[12:32] * d1st (~name@dod.inuti) has joined #Chihiro-newstaff
  8. 03[12:32] * [Chihiro] sets mode: +ao d1st d1st
  9. 06[12:32] * &Lenmaer slaps Kristen around a bit with a large trout!
  10. 06[12:32] * &Lenmaer slaps d1st around a bit with a large trout!
  11. [12:32] <&d1st> Hi
  12. [12:33] <&Lenmaer> you know there's an ATX share raw on nyaa?
  13. 01[12:33] <~Kristen> Ow
  14. 01[12:33] <~Kristen> Why?
  15. [12:33] <&Lenmaer> because StB needs it's leader ^^
  16. 01[12:34] <~Kristen> I'm no leader.
  17. 01[12:34] <~Kristen> When nobody listens to you, you're not a leader.
  19. -Omitted-
  21. [18:06] <@begna112> <~Kristen> When nobody listens to you, you're not a leader.
  22. [18:06] <@begna112> ^ i haven't really seen any "you do this. you do that" 's :\
  23. [18:07] <@begna112> <&Lenmaer> btw, people seem to be arguing about the TS
  24. [18:08] <@begna112> i think T_P just wanted to do the TS and expected it to be used? otherwise, Hybrid just asked me to complete a sign
  25. [18:16] <&Hybrid|sleep> yup
  26. 06[18:16] * &Hybrid|sleep goes back to being afk
  27. 01[18:16] <~Kristen> begna112
  28. 01[18:16] <~Kristen> In late April
  29. [18:16] <&Lenmaer> kanon 100%, Hybrid
  30. 01[18:16] <~Kristen> We were floundering
  31. [18:16] <@begna112> Lenmaer im working on that
  32. 01[18:16] <~Kristen> And so we made a vote
  33. 01[18:17] <~Kristen> Disband, reform with active staff and do 1 project, or continue as is with a new leader under a new name
  34. 01[18:17] <~Kristen> Decision was 1 CR project
  35. 01[18:17] <~Kristen> So we grabbed the active staff and put them in here
  36. [18:18] <@begna112> i see
  37. 01[18:18] <~Kristen> And that was to continue until we were comfortably doing that project and had more staff
  38. 01[18:18] <~Kristen> And what are we doing?
  39. 01[18:18] <~Kristen> 2 shows, one of which relies on recruits and people who aren't even in this channel.
  40. 01[18:19] <~Kristen> And lo and behold, RL issues slowed it down!
  41. 01[18:19] <~Kristen> How surprising
  42. [18:19] <@begna112> :\
  43. 01[18:19] <~Kristen> That's why as I said
  44. 01[18:19] <~Kristen> If nobody listens to me, I'm no leader
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