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a guest
May 3rd, 2012
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  1. Dec 31 16:13:02 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 782 0
  2. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: 7: built Nov 2 2011 20:10:28, phy @ 0,
  3. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: jetsam: Setting jetsam_diagnostic_mode using sysctl failed with 2: No such file or directory
  4. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: sensor status logging disabled
  5. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost UserEventAgent[16]:
  6. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: Logging last sensor disabled
  7. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: summary logging disabled
  8. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: mitigation behavior enabled
  9. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  10. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: loading
  11. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Factory called
  12. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: camera equations enabled
  13. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: thermal monitoring enabled
  14. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: start, 61: start finished
  15. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 254: port0 in ::prepare
  16. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  17. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 269: port0 in ::prepare done
  18. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: start, 119: start finished
  19. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
  20. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
  21. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
  22. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: Thermal statistics disabled
  23. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: registered for wake notification
  24. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  25. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  26. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  27. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  28. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  29. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: created server connection: 0x154d00
  30. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  31. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: (Note ) PIH: MCUEAPlugin initialized.
  32. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 1 to 546
  33. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
  34. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:389)
  35. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
  36. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
  37. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
  38. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
  39. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
  40. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: FTL_Open will set index cache to 0x400
  41. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
  42. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started: 0x812ae000
  43. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: loading
  44. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 2 to 6553
  45. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Querying interface
  46. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 4 to 2730
  47. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 6 to 6553
  48. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 7 to 3276
  49. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: setting thermal status level to 0 (0) [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  50. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set allowable transmit power limit to 24.000 dBm [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  51. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 790, last update = -2147483648
  52. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: loading
  53. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started with AppleNANDConfigAccess
  54. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 20, in group 1
  55. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] started
  56. Dec 31 16:13:10: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  57. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: LwVM::_partitionsFromConfig - loaded configuration for 2 partitions
  58. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@BFC00000/AppleS5L8930XIO/flash-controller0@1200000/AppleIOPFMI/disk/IOFlashPartitionScheme/IOFlashStoragePartition@4/AppleNANDLegacyFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/LightweightVolumeManager/IOMedia@1/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/System@1
  59. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s1s1, major 14, minor 2
  60. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x82800000(0xcbb46000)
  61. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart4 at 0x82900000(0xceb62000)
  62. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
  63. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
  64. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
  65. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Manufacturer: ""
  66. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Product: ""
  67. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
  68. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo1: "P=K66 m=3.1 V=u"
  69. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: loading
  70. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::start(): Started by: IOSDIOIoCardDevice, AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:29
  71. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:32
  72. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::attachBusGated(): Bus Driver Initialization Time 8.554243000
  73. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no real time PS parameters found using default
  74. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no enterprise roaming parameters found using default
  75. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: missing or invalid entitlement hash
  76. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: int _validateCodeDirectoryHashInDaemon(vnode*, uint8_t*): no registered daemon port
  77. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 14: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  78. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: int _validateCodeDirectoryHashInDaemon(vnode*, uint8_t*): no registered daemon port
  79. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 15: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  80. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: launchd[22] Builtin profile: ptpd (sandbox)
  81. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: adding
  82. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: skipped (disabled)
  83. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 19: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  84. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: DevUSB: Waiting for lockdownd
  85. Dec 31 16:13:03 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
  86. Dec 31 16:13:04 localhost[1] (jb[12]): (jb) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
  87. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  88. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  89. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  90. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  91. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  92. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  93. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  94. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  95. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  96. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  97. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  98. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:5097 (25147):2
  99. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Path monitoring failed on "/var/mobile/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/MDMOutstandingActivities.plist": No such file or directory
  100. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:5097 (25147):2
  101. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Path monitoring failed on "/var/mobile/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/profiledRunning": No such file or directory
  102. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:5097 (25147):2
  103. Dec 31 16:13:09 localhost[1] ( ( Path monitoring failed on "/var/mobile/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/MCOutstandingNagComputation": No such file or directory
  104. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost[1] ([19]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  105. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  106. Dec 31 16:13:10 localhost configd[18]: updateConfiguration(): no preferences.
  107. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  108. Dec 31 16:13:11: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  109. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  110. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost CommCenter[24]: Communications Center Started.
  111. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 main: Starting Up
  112. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 load_dict: Could not open /var/root//Library/Lockdown/data_ark.plist: No such file or directory
  113. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 : Can't stat /var/root//Library/Lockdown/data_ark.plist: No such file or directory
  114. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 : stat /var/root//Library/Lockdown uid=0 gid=0 p=40700
  115. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 data_ark_load: Could not load /var/root//Library/Lockdown/data_ark.plist
  116. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost powerd[27]: created directory for "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/"
  117. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  118. Dec 31 16:13:11: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  119. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  120. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  121. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Managed Configuration migrating...
  122. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Error loading /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent: dlopen(/System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent, 262): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDelete.framework/MobileDelete
  123. Referenced from: /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent
  124. Reason: image not found
  125. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Cannot find function pointer UserEventAgentFactory for factory FB86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x1578a0 </System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
  126. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: error: plugin does not support IUserEventAgent interface
  127. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Beginning manifest migration...
  128. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Removing duplicated hidden profile identifiers...
  129. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed removing duplicated hidden profile identifiers.
  130. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Creating stubs...
  131. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Removing orphaned profiles...
  132. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Transferring profile signer certificates...
  133. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating removal passwords...
  134. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating removal passwords.
  135. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating defaults to managed preferences area...
  136. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating defaults.
  137. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating OTA profiles...
  138. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating OTA profiles.
  139. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Transferring installation dates...
  140. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed transferring installation dates.
  141. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Transferring tags to profiles...
  142. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed transferring tags.
  143. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Removing old profile copies...
  144. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed removing old profile copies.
  145. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Applying default user settings...
  146. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Error) MC: Applying iPhone defaults
  147. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost[25]: Couldn't open shared capabilities memory GSCapabilities (No such file or directory)
  148. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Turning off FIPS verification.
  149. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed applying default user settings.
  150. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating settings...
  151. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost[25]: Couldn't open shared capabilities memory GSCapabilities (No such file or directory)
  152. Dec 31 16:13:11: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
  153. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating settings.
  154. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating identities...
  155. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating 0 identities.
  156. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Migrating certificates...
  157. Dec 31 16:13:11 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Completed migrating 0 certificates.
  158. Dec 31 16:13:14 localhost[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
  159. Dec 31 16:13:14 localhost amfid[20]: /bin/bash not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  160. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.txt", file size = 895 bytes
  161. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 20.627 sec] Sending NVRAM, 895 bytes
  162. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.bin", file size = 264848 bytes
  163. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 20.654 sec] Sending firmware, 264848 bytes
  164. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost keybagd[39]: 3fdc9ce8 main: System Keybag loaded
  165. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost mDNSResponder[43]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-329.6 (Nov 2 2011 20:18:42) starting iOSVers 9
  166. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_activation_keypair: Creating activation keypair
  167. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifid[30]: WiFi:[-978306404.610699]: Applying WiFi Preferences Patch 1
  168. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost timed[32]: (Note ) CoreTime: Cache is empty.
  169. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 29: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  170. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost kernel[0]: launchd[42] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  171. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost kernel[0]: launchd[56] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  172. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANFirmwareManager::setNVRAMData(): received 895 bytes
  173. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:cp_key_store_action(1)
  174. Dec 31 16:13:16: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  175. Dec 31 16:13:14 localhost[1] (com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[29]): (com.saurik.Cydia.Startup) Exited: Killed: 9
  176. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost mediaserverd[42]: libMobileGestalt load_dict: Could not fstat /System/Library/CoreServices/ Bad file descriptor
  177. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost wifid[30]: WiFi:[-978306404.316812]: WiFiManager starting, version: WiFiManager-260 Nov 2 2011 20:24:18
  178. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost mediaserverd[42]: libMobileGestalt addCapabilities: Failed to load configuration plist
  179. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost fairplayd.K66[46]: Vroum
  180. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  181. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManager::withBus(): BCM4329 revision B1
  182. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): start
  183. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): finish
  184. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost[44]: could not chmod /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ errno 2 (No such file or directory)
  185. Dec 31 16:13:15 localhost[44]: could not chown /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ errno 2 (No such file or directory)
  186. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: BTServer 5.0 () Modified on
  187. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Bluetooth Super Server Robot Destroyer
  188. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Got local-mac-address: b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  189. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost sandboxd[23]: BTServer(56) deny file-read-data /private/var/stash/share/zoneinfo/UTC
  190. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost sandboxd[23]: BTServer(56) deny file-read-data /private/var/stash/share/zoneinfo/posixrules
  191. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: PurpleTelephony.cpp:131 updateBatteryCapacit Telephony Error Could not retrieve value for kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey
  192. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: BTServer[56] Builtin profile: BlueTool (sandbox)
  193. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: BCMWLAN Firmware Version: wl0: Aug 26 2011 02:10:31 version
  194. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost kernel[0]: nvram file version
  195. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Server attached, going into msg loop.
  196. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  197. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Opening @ 115200 baud.
  198. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[44]: NOTICE,Location icon should now not be visible
  199. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[44]: could not chmod /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ errno 2 (No such file or directory)
  200. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[44]: could not chown /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/ errno 2 (No such file or directory)
  201. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 21.793 sec] Downloaded firmware, 264848 bytes
  202. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
  203. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  204. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost softwareupdated[37]: 3fdc9ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  205. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost softwareupdated[37]: 3fdc9ce8 : Could not open '/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/restore.log': No such file or directory
  206. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Issued HCI Reset
  207. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  208. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost wifid[30]: WiFi:[-978306403.239043]: Failed to attach to MIS Session with error Operation not supported
  209. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost wifid[30]: WiFi:[-978306403.232863]: Could not read APPLE80211_IOC_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS err=82
  210. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost configd[18]: updateConfiguration(): no preferences.
  211. Dec 31 16:13:16 localhost[56]: Chip is BCM4329B1
  212. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost hpfd[45]: libhpd Error: condition "hpDriverFound" FAILED, hpd_deviceCheck() line 103, status: (os/kern) successful(0x0)
  213. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: Current Device: UART -
  214. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: Setting speed to 115200
  215. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Firmware does not support ap mode; disabling apsta feature (currently enabled)
  216. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): country code set to XZ
  217. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Packet glomming ON (mode=7)
  218. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::applyRoamingCandidateBoost(): Applying 5GHz roam candidate boost of 30
  219. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore:initFirmware(): 2372 RoamScan feature is not enabled for this platform
  220. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost configd[18]: New network configuration saved
  221. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): successful initialization
  222. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleArasanFEController: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  223. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f6
  224. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
  225. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::attachInterfaceWithMacAddress(): interface en1 attached and registered
  226. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initDongle(): Core Driver Initialization Time 22.119172916
  227. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateWillChangeToGated(): cap 0x8002, stateNum 1, dev 0xc0861000 (this 1, provider 0)
  228. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateDidChangeToGated(): stateNum 1, pol 0xc0861000 (this 1, provider 0)
  229. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: unable to register interface in state 0x3 as en2
  230. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  231. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [wifid]: Setting power state to 1
  232. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  233. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  234. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost configd[18]: network configuration changed.
  235. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 291: port0 in ::enable netif
  236. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 768: port0 in ::_prepareHW
  237. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: powerUp, 171: finished
  238. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  239. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 829: port0 ::_prepareHW done
  240. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 841: port0 in ::_enableBSD
  241. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 849: port0 ::_enableBSD done
  242. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 303: port0 ::enable netif done
  243. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  244. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  245. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort: Enabled AppleBCMWLANCore (link 1, sys 0, user 1)
  246. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4223)
  247. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  248. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  249. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  250. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  251. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: Overriding BDADDR from environment variable: BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS = b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  252. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: Using host name: localhost
  253. Dec 31 16:13:17 localhost[56]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  254. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost kernel[0]: BTServer[56] Builtin profile: BlueTool (sandbox)
  255. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt buildRegionalBehaviorsIfNecessary: Could not open /System/Library/RegionFeatures/RegionFeatures_appletv.txt: No such file or directory
  256. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyProximitySensorCalibration: Could not get proximity sensor calibration data
  257. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyCompassCalibration: Could not get Compass calibration calibration data
  258. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  259. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandBoardSnum: Could not convert baseband board snum data to string
  260. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  261. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyWirelessBoardSnum: Could not convert wireless board snum data to string
  262. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost timed[32]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in -0.00hrs. Need active time in -0.00hrs.
  263. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 lockstart_local: Build= 9A405l
  264. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_product_type: old school Certs
  265. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_product_type: using activity url
  266. Dec 31 16:13:18 localhost lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyUserAssignedDeviceName: Could not get value for UserAssignedDeviceName
  267. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _twiddle_checkpoint: Can't get CB stuff: -42110
  268. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 load_supported_languages: Could not load bundle for Preferences application
  269. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_international_filters: Could not load the supported languages
  270. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_cached_activation_state: No cached activation state
  271. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _set_brick_state: Enabling the brick state
  272. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost OTACrashCopier[53]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_attempted_submission_marker'
  273. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost OTACrashCopier[53]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_successful_submission_marker'
  274. Dec 31 16:13:19 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: BackgroundTaskAgent <ERROR>: validateAndAddDefaults: End Time (691200.0) > now (-978306400.1) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
  275. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Managed Configuration completed migration.
  276. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Performing boot time checks.
  277. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
  278. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
  279. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Checking for new carrier profile...
  280. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
  283. Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
  284. Code : 1000
  285. Type : MCFatalError
  286. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: No configuration profile found in carrier bundle.
  287. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  288. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost sandboxd[23]: mediaserverd(42) deny file-read-data /private/var/stash/share/icu/icudt48l.dat
  289. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost sandboxd[23]: mediaserverd(42) deny file-read-data /private/var/stash/share/zoneinfo/UTC
  290. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost sandboxd[23]: mediaserverd(42) deny file-read-data /private/var/stash/share/zoneinfo/posixrules
  291. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:20.409 [tid 0x3fdc9ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  292. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:20.414 [tid 0x3fdc9ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  293. Dec 31 16:13:20 localhost mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:20.451 [tid 0xb38000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  294. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: Posting '' notifyState=1
  295. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: __IOHIDLoadBundles: Loaded 1 HID plugin
  296. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV configd[18]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  297. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV configd[18]: setting hostname to "Apple-TV"
  298. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[43]: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
  299. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[43]: Note: Compiled without SnowLeopard Fine-Grained Power Management support
  300. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[43]: D2DInitialize succeeded
  301. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:20.690814 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing
  302. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  303. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
  304. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:20.854194 PM [AppleTVIR] Loaded IR remote prefs, 0 learned button(s)
  305. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:20.854401 PM [AppleTVIR] Started
  306. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:20.866604 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing MCU
  307. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV[43]: Bluetooth transport is not supported
  308. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV[1] ([64]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  309. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  310. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV[1] ([62]): ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
  311. Dec 31 16:13:20 Apple-TV[51]: 1969-12-31 04:13:20.876466 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  312. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:21.176816 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU version 01.29
  313. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:21.177014 PM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to booted
  314. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:21.181674 PM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  315. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 64: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  316. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV installd[65]: 3fdc9ce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  317. Dec 31 16:13:21: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  318. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV installd[65]: 3fdc9ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Utilities
  319. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV installd[65]: 3fdc9ce8 reconcileLS: com.saurik.Cydia got added
  320. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV installd[65]: 3fdc9ce8 reconcileLS: got added
  321. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV installd[65]: 00403000 load_application_type: No applications found in /private/var/mobile/Applications
  322. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV[51]: 1969-12-31 04:13:21.606651 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers started
  323. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 _load_pairing_keypair: destroying old pair records
  324. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]: network configuration changed.
  325. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  326. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 lookup_baseband_info_old: We now have SIM status
  327. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  328. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  329. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  330. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  331. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  332. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  333. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]: DevUSB: lockdownd is available
  334. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]: DevUSB: waiting for IOUSBDeviceController
  335. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]:
  336. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV configd[18]: DevUSB: IOUSBDeviceController is available
  337. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 notification_worker: now listening for CT notifications
  338. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 notification_worker: we've registered for notifications, now make sure we didn't miss one...
  339. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  340. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  341. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  342. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  343. Dec 31 16:13:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  344. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3fdc9ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  345. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV daily[47]: (0x3fdc9ce8) renew_user_apps: There were no installed applications.
  346. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: Apple Mobile Device
  347. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
  348. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Nov 2 2011 20:10:31
  349. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: init_waste
  350. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
  351. Dec 31 16:13:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
  352. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:23.051560 PM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  353. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:23.051784 PM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  354. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV hidmonitord[62]: 1969-12-31 04:13:23.056978 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  355. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBReset
  356. Dec 31 16:13:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  357. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000021.203502]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x84d1a800) initDevice=0x00000000
  358. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 load_dict: Could not open /var/root/Library/Lockdown/pair_records/30220085-1850205944319321836.plist: No such file or directory
  359. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 : Can't stat /var/root/Library/Lockdown/pair_records/30220085-1850205944319321836.plist: No such file or directory
  360. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 : Can't stat /var/root/Library/Lockdown/pair_records: No such file or directory
  361. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 set_response_error: handle_start_session InvalidHostID
  362. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:23.873 [tid 0x303000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  363. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:23.874 [tid 0x303000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  364. Dec 31 16:13:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[42]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 00:13:23.875 [tid 0x303000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  365. Dec 31 16:13:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 verify_pair_record: The strings don't match. Is this really a UUID?
  366. Dec 31 16:13:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 00589000 store_escrow_record: Creating escrow bag (hash=76bb74d17b9a735a58f42d56b463884714a6cdda) for 30220182186155773272951836
  367. Dec 31 16:13:28 Apple-TV timed[32]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  368. Dec 31 16:13:30 Apple-TV softwareupdated[37]: 3fdc9ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  369. Dec 31 16:13:30 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  370. Dec 31 16:13:30 Apple-TV[1] ([67]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  371. Dec 31 16:13:30 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  372. Dec 31 16:13:31 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 67: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  373. Dec 31 16:13:40 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  374. Dec 31 16:13:40 Apple-TV[1] ([68]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  375. Dec 31 16:13:40 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  376. Dec 31 16:13:41 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 68: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  377. Dec 31 16:13:50 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  378. Dec 31 16:13:50 Apple-TV[1] ([69]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  379. Dec 31 16:13:50 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  380. Dec 31 16:13:51 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 69: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  381. Dec 31 16:14:00 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  382. Dec 31 16:14:00 Apple-TV[1] ([70]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  383. Dec 31 16:14:00 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  384. Dec 31 16:14:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 70: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  385. Dec 31 16:14:10 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  386. Dec 31 16:14:10 Apple-TV[1] ([71]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  387. Dec 31 16:14:10 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  388. Dec 31 16:14:11 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 71: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  389. Dec 31 16:14:20 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
  390. Dec 31 16:14:20 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
  391. Dec 31 16:14:20 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  392. Dec 31 16:14:20 Apple-TV[1] ([72]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  393. Dec 31 16:14:20 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  394. Dec 31 16:14:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 72: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  395. Dec 31 16:14:30 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  396. Dec 31 16:14:30 Apple-TV[1] ([73]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  397. Dec 31 16:14:30 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  398. Dec 31 16:14:31 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 73: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  399. Dec 31 16:14:40 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  400. Dec 31 16:14:40 Apple-TV[1] ([74]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  401. Dec 31 16:14:40 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  402. Dec 31 16:14:41 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 74: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  403. Dec 31 16:14:50 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  404. Dec 31 16:14:50 Apple-TV[1] ([75]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  405. Dec 31 16:14:50 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  406. Dec 31 16:14:51 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 75: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  407. Dec 31 16:15:00 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  408. Dec 31 16:15:00 Apple-TV[1] ([76]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  409. Dec 31 16:15:00 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  410. Dec 31 16:15:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 76: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  411. Dec 31 16:15:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: not responding; forcing a crash
  412. Dec 31 16:15:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: can be disabled with the shell command: defaults write WatchdogEnabled -bool no
  413. Dec 31 16:15:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: could not find process to crash: No such file or directory
  414. Dec 31 16:15:10 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  415. Dec 31 16:15:10 Apple-TV[1] ([77]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  416. Dec 31 16:15:10 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  417. Dec 31 16:15:11 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 77: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  418. Dec 31 16:15:20 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  419. Dec 31 16:15:20 Apple-TV[1] ([78]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  420. Dec 31 16:15:20 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  421. Dec 31 16:15:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 78: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  422. Dec 31 16:15:30 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  423. Dec 31 16:15:30 Apple-TV[1] ([79]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  424. Dec 31 16:15:30 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  425. Dec 31 16:15:31 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 79: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  426. Dec 31 16:15:40 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  427. Dec 31 16:15:41 Apple-TV[1] ([80]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  428. Dec 31 16:15:41 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  429. Dec 31 16:15:41 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 80: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  430. Dec 31 16:15:51 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  431. Dec 31 16:15:51 Apple-TV[1] ([81]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  432. Dec 31 16:15:51 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  433. Dec 31 16:15:51 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 81: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  434. Dec 31 16:16:01 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  435. Dec 31 16:16:01 Apple-TV[1] ([82]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  436. Dec 31 16:16:01 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  437. Dec 31 16:16:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 82: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  438. Dec 31 16:16:11 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  439. Dec 31 16:16:11 Apple-TV[1] ([83]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  440. Dec 31 16:16:11 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  441. Dec 31 16:16:11 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 83: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  442. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocation, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocation
  443. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationCounts
  444. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationBoxes
  445. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationLocal, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationLocal
  446. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationLocalCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationLocalCounts
  447. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationLocalBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationLocalBoxes
  448. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocation, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocation
  449. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationCounts
  450. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationBoxes
  451. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationLocal, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationLocal
  452. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationLocalCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationLocalCounts
  453. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes
  454. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocation, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocation
  455. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationCounts
  456. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationBoxes
  457. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationLocal, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationLocal
  458. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationLocalCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationLocalCounts
  459. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationLocalBoxes, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationLocalBoxes
  460. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationHarvest, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationHarvest
  461. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CellLocationHarvestCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CellLocationHarvestCounts
  462. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationHarvest, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationHarvest
  463. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CdmaCellLocationHarvestCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CdmaCellLocationHarvestCounts
  464. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationHarvest, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationHarvest
  465. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE WifiLocationHarvestCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: WifiLocationHarvestCounts
  466. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE LocationHarvest, error code = 1, error message = no such table: LocationHarvest
  467. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE LocationHarvestCounts, error code = 1, error message = no such table: LocationHarvestCounts
  468. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE Cell, error code = 1, error message = no such table: Cell
  469. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE Wifi, error code = 1, error message = no such table: Wifi
  470. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE Location, error code = 1, error message = no such table: Location
  471. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement DROP TABLE CompassSettings, error code = 1, error message = no such table: CompassSettings
  472. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: Could not prepare statement UPDATE Fences SET LastStatus = -1, error code = 1, error message = no such table: Fences
  473. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.plist if present
  474. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.plist if present
  475. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.plist if present
  476. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.plist if present
  477. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/clients-b.plist if present
  478. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/c-trained.plist if present
  479. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.db if present
  480. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.db-journal if present
  481. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/wifis.db if present
  482. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/wifis.db-journal if present
  483. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.db if present
  484. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.db-journal if present
  485. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-locations.db if present
  486. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-locations.db-journal if present
  487. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.db if present
  488. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.db-journal if present
  489. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.db if present
  490. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.db-journal if present
  491. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/compass.db if present
  492. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/compass.db-journal if present
  493. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/history.db if present
  494. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/history.db-journal if present
  495. Dec 31 16:16:15 Apple-TV[44]: NOTICE,Deleting /var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/glgps_nvs.bin if present
  496. Dec 31 16:16:21 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  497. Dec 31 16:16:21 Apple-TV[1] ([84]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  498. Dec 31 16:16:21 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  499. Dec 31 16:16:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 84: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  500. Dec 31 16:16:31 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  501. Dec 31 16:16:31 Apple-TV[1] ([85]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  502. Dec 31 16:16:31 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  503. Dec 31 16:16:31 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 85: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  504. Dec 31 16:16:41 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  505. Dec 31 16:16:41 Apple-TV[1] ([86]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  506. Dec 31 16:16:41 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  507. Dec 31 16:16:41 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 86: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  508. Dec 31 16:16:51 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  509. Dec 31 16:16:51 Apple-TV[1] ([87]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  510. Dec 31 16:16:51 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  511. Dec 31 16:16:51 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 87: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  512. Dec 31 16:17:01 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  513. Dec 31 16:17:01 Apple-TV[1] ([88]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  514. Dec 31 16:17:01 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  515. Dec 31 16:17:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 88: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  516. Dec 31 16:17:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: not responding; forcing a crash
  517. Dec 31 16:17:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: can be disabled with the shell command: defaults write WatchdogEnabled -bool no
  518. Dec 31 16:17:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: could not find process to crash: No such file or directory
  519. Dec 31 16:17:09 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  520. Dec 31 16:17:11 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  521. Dec 31 16:17:11 Apple-TV[1] ([89]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  522. Dec 31 16:17:11 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  523. Dec 31 16:17:11 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 89: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  524. Dec 31 16:17:19 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  525. Dec 31 16:17:21 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  526. Dec 31 16:17:21 Apple-TV[1] ([90]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  527. Dec 31 16:17:21 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  528. Dec 31 16:17:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 90: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  529. Dec 31 16:17:29 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  530. Dec 31 16:17:31 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  531. Dec 31 16:17:31 Apple-TV[1] ([91]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  532. Dec 31 16:17:31 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  533. Dec 31 16:17:31 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 91: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  534. Dec 31 16:17:39 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  535. Dec 31 16:17:41 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  536. Dec 31 16:17:41 Apple-TV[1] ([92]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  537. Dec 31 16:17:41 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  538. Dec 31 16:17:41 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 92: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  539. Dec 31 16:17:49 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  540. Dec 31 16:17:51 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  541. Dec 31 16:17:51 Apple-TV[1] ([93]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  542. Dec 31 16:17:51 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  543. Dec 31 16:17:52 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 93: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  544. Dec 31 16:17:59 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[16]: watchdog: has not responded after 2 forced crashes
  545. Dec 31 16:18:01 Apple-TV amfid[20]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  546. Dec 31 16:18:01 Apple-TV[1] ([94]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  547. Dec 31 16:18:01 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  548. Dec 31 16:18:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 94: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  549. Dec 31 16:18:42 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1122 0
  550. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: 7: built Nov 2 2011 20:10:28, phy @ 0,
  551. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: start, 61: start finished
  552. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: jetsam: Setting jetsam_diagnostic_mode using sysctl failed with 2: No such file or directory
  553. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: sensor status logging disabled
  554. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost UserEventAgent[18]:
  555. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Logging last sensor disabled
  556. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: summary logging disabled
  557. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: mitigation behavior enabled
  558. Dec 31 16:18:54 localhost configd[20]: loading
  559. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Factory called
  560. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost hidmonitord[24]: Posting '' notifyState=1
  561. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: camera equations enabled
  562. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 254: port0 in ::prepare
  563. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  564. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 269: port0 in ::prepare done
  565. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: start, 119: start finished
  566. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
  567. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
  568. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
  569. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  570. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: thermal monitoring enabled
  571. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  572. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Thermal statistics disabled
  573. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  574. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: registered for wake notification
  575. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  576. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: created server connection: 0x236670
  577. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: (Note ) PIH: MCUEAPlugin initialized.
  578. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  579. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 1 to 546
  580. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost hidmonitord[24]: __IOHIDLoadBundles: Loaded 1 HID plugin
  581. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
  582. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:389)
  583. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
  584. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
  585. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
  586. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
  587. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
  588. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: FTL_Open will set index cache to 0x400
  589. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost kernel[0]: yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:3117): CXT is not valid . Performing full NAND R/O restore ...
  590. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 2 to 6553
  591. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  592. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Querying interface
  593. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 4 to 2730
  594. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:55.726137 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing
  595. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: loading
  596. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 6 to 6553
  597. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 7 to 3276
  598. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: setting thermal status level to 0 (0) [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  599. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set allowable transmit power limit to 24.000 dBm [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  600. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1135, last update = -2147483648
  601. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: loading
  602. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Error loading /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent: dlopen(/System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent, 262): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDelete.framework/MobileDelete
  603. Referenced from: /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent
  604. Reason: image not found
  605. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
  606. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
  607. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
  608. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Manufacturer: ""
  609. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Product: ""
  610. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
  611. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Cannot find function pointer UserEventAgentFactory for factory FB86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x239240 </System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
  612. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: error: plugin does not support IUserEventAgent interface
  613. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: loading
  614. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost hidmonitord[24]: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
  615. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: adding
  616. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost configd[20]: skipped (disabled)
  617. Dec 31 16:18:55 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:55.992382 PM [AppleTVIR] Loaded IR remote prefs, 0 learned button(s)
  618. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:56.044489 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing MCU
  619. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost configd[20]: DevUSB: Waiting for lockdownd
  620. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:56.045272 PM [AppleTVIR] Started
  621. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:56.063086 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU version 01.29
  622. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:56.180862 PM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to booted
  623. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo1: "P=K66 m=3.1 V=u"
  624. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::start(): Started by: IOSDIOIoCardDevice, AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:29
  625. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:32
  626. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::attachBusGated(): Bus Driver Initialization Time 8.960315041
  627. Dec 31 16:18:56 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no real time PS parameters found using default
  628. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no enterprise roaming parameters found using default
  629. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
  630. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started: 0x82371688
  631. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started with AppleNANDConfigAccess
  632. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 20, in group 1
  633. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] started
  634. Dec 31 16:18:56: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  635. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: LwVM::_partitionsFromConfig - loaded configuration for 2 partitions
  636. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:56.185822 PM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  637. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV configd[20]: ioctl(SIOCGIFCAP) failed: Device not configured
  638. Dec 31 16:18:56: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  639. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  640. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV configd[20]: setting hostname to "Apple-TV"
  641. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  642. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@BFC00000/AppleS5L8930XIO/flash-controller0@1200000/AppleIOPFMI/disk/IOFlashPartitionScheme/IOFlashStoragePartition@4/AppleNANDLegacyFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/LightweightVolumeManager/IOMedia@1/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/System@1
  643. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s1s1, major 14, minor 2
  644. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x82800000(0xceb60000)
  645. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart4 at 0x82900000(0xceb62000)
  646. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: missing or invalid entitlement hash
  647. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]:
  648. Dec 31 16:18:56: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  649. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: pod2g is in da house !
  650. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /private/var/stash/libexec/ptpd
  651. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleArasanFEController: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  652. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 291: port0 in ::enable netif
  653. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 768: port0 in ::_prepareHW
  654. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: powerUp, 171: finished
  655. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  656. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 829: port0 ::_prepareHW done
  657. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 841: port0 in ::_enableBSD
  658. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 849: port0 ::_enableBSD done
  659. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 303: port0 ::enable netif done
  660. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  661. Dec 31 16:18:48 Apple-TV[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
  662. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  663. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  664. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  665. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  666. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  667. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  668. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  669. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  670. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  671. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  672. Dec 31 16:18:54 Apple-TV[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  673. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV[1] ([24]): ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
  674. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV CommCenter[25]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  675. Dec 31 16:18:56: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  676. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV CommCenter[25]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  677. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 main: Starting Up
  678. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV CommCenter[25]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  679. Dec 31 16:18:56: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  680. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV CommCenter[25]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  681. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV CommCenter[25]: Communications Center Started.
  682. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978306063.489714]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  683. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978306063.489379]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  684. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978306063.489151]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  685. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  686. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Performing boot time checks.
  687. Dec 31 16:18:56 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
  688. Dec 31 16:18:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
  689. Dec 31 16:18:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Checking for new carrier profile...
  690. Dec 31 16:18:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
  693. Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
  694. Code : 1000
  695. Type : MCFatalError
  696. Dec 31 16:18:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: No configuration profile found in carrier bundle.
  697. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:58.090007 PM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  698. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:58.090258 PM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  699. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:18:58.095525 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  700. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  701. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000016.240175]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x86065800) initDevice=0x00000000
  702. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  703. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 0 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  704. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  705. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  706. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x3746bc31 0x10090200
  707. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x84412800 0x860990e8 0x3746bc31 0x10090200
  708. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  709. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  710. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306061.308701]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  711. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306061.308213]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  712. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306061.307491]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  713. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: initializing
  714. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  715. Dec 31 16:18:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  716. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: libMobileGestalt load_dict: Could not fstat /System/Library/CoreServices/ Bad file descriptor
  717. Dec 31 16:18:58 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: libMobileGestalt addCapabilities: Failed to load configuration plist
  718. Dec 31 16:18:59 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  719. Dec 31 16:18:59 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  720. Dec 31 16:18:59: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  721. Dec 31 16:18:59 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/mediaserverd
  722. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV keybagd[42]: 3f602ce8 main: System Keybag loaded
  723. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _load_activation_keypair: Creating activation keypair
  724. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306059.876658]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  725. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306059.876050]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  726. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306059.875743]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  727. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.txt", file size = 895 bytes
  728. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 25.978 sec] Sending NVRAM, 895 bytes
  729. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV[30]: NOTICE,Location icon should now not be visible
  730. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV[30]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
  731. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BTServer
  732. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:cp_key_store_action(1)
  733. Dec 31 16:19:00: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  734. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANFirmwareManager::setNVRAMData(): received 895 bytes
  735. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.bin", file size = 264848 bytes
  736. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-329.6 (Nov 2 2011 20:18:42) starting iOSVers 9
  737. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978306059.697858]: WiFi Preferences is up to date
  738. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 26.407 sec] Sending firmware, 264848 bytes
  739. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Cache is empty.
  740. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
  741. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: Note: Compiled without SnowLeopard Fine-Grained Power Management support
  742. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978306059.342392]: WiFiManager starting, version: WiFiManager-260 Nov 2 2011 20:24:18
  743. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978306059.263009]: WiFiManager now available
  744. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV fairplayd.K66[47]: Vroum
  745. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: D2DInitialize succeeded
  746. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV[57]: BTServer 5.0 () Modified on
  747. Dec 31 16:19:00 Apple-TV[57]: Bluetooth Super Server Robot Destroyer
  748. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Got local-mac-address: b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  749. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: PurpleTelephony.cpp:131 updateBatteryCapacit Telephony Error Could not retrieve value for kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey
  750. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Server attached, going into msg loop.
  751. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  752. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Opening @ 115200 baud.
  753. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  754. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManager::withBus(): BCM4329 revision B1
  755. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): start
  756. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  757. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): finish
  758. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[45]: Bluetooth transport is not supported
  759. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: 3f602ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  760. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
  761. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  762. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1969-12-31 16:18:46 -0800. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  763. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 27.395 sec] Downloaded firmware, 264848 bytes
  764. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Issued HCI Reset
  765. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  766. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV hpfd[46]: libhpd Error: condition "hpDriverFound" FAILED, hpd_deviceCheck() line 103, status: (os/kern) successful(0x0)
  767. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  768. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  769. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978306057.985120]: Failed to attach to MIS Session with error Operation not supported
  770. Dec 31 16:19:01 Apple-TV[57]: Chip is BCM4329B1
  771. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: BCMWLAN Firmware Version: wl0: Aug 26 2011 02:10:31 version
  772. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: nvram file version
  773. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Firmware does not support ap mode; disabling apsta feature (currently enabled)
  774. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): country code set to XZ
  775. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Packet glomming ON (mode=7)
  776. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::applyRoamingCandidateBoost(): Applying 5GHz roam candidate boost of 30
  777. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore:initFirmware(): 2372 RoamScan feature is not enabled for this platform
  778. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): successful initialization
  779. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f6
  780. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
  781. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::attachInterfaceWithMacAddress(): interface en1 attached and registered
  782. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initDongle(): Core Driver Initialization Time 27.706234958
  783. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateWillChangeToGated(): cap 0x8002, stateNum 1, dev 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  784. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateDidChangeToGated(): stateNum 1, pol 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  785. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AirPort: Enabled AppleBCMWLANCore (link 1, sys 0, user 1)
  786. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  787. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [configd]: Setting power state to 1
  788. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  789. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  790. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  791. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  792. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  793. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  794. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV[57]: Current Device: UART -
  795. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV[57]: Setting speed to 115200
  796. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV[57]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  797. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt buildRegionalBehaviorsIfNecessary: Could not open /System/Library/RegionFeatures/RegionFeatures_appletv.txt: No such file or directory
  798. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyProximitySensorCalibration: Could not get proximity sensor calibration data
  799. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyCompassCalibration: Could not get Compass calibration calibration data
  800. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  801. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandBoardSnum: Could not convert baseband board snum data to string
  802. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  803. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyWirelessBoardSnum: Could not convert wireless board snum data to string
  804. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV[57]: Overriding BDADDR from environment variable: BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS = b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  805. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 lockstart_local: Build= 9A405l
  806. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _load_product_type: old school Certs
  807. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _load_product_type: using activity url
  808. Dec 31 16:19:02 Apple-TV[57]: Using host name: Apple-TV
  809. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306056.999752]: WiFiManager now available
  810. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978306056.902203]: WiFiManager now available
  811. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV[57]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  812. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  813. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in -0.00hrs. Need active time in -0.00hrs.
  814. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _twiddle_checkpoint: Can't get CB stuff: -42110
  815. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 load_supported_languages: Could not load bundle for Preferences application
  816. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _load_international_filters: Could not load the supported languages
  817. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 _load_cached_activation_state: No cached activation state
  818. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 ping_configd: Not setting host name, it already has one: Apple TV
  819. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  820. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  821. Dec 31 16:19:03 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  822. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  823. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  824. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  825. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: lockdownd is available
  826. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: waiting for IOUSBDeviceController
  827. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV configd[20]:
  828. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 notification_worker: now listening for CT notifications
  829. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: IOUSBDeviceController is available
  830. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 notification_worker: we've registered for notifications, now make sure we didn't miss one...
  831. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  832. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  833. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  834. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  835. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  836. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f602ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  837. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[54]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_attempted_submission_marker'
  838. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[54]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_successful_submission_marker'
  839. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: BackgroundTaskAgent <ERROR>: validateAndAddDefaults: End Time (691200.0) > now (-978306055.8) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
  840. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: Apple Mobile Device
  841. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
  842. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Nov 2 2011 20:10:31
  843. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: init_waste
  844. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
  845. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
  846. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV DumpPanic[55]: PanicDumper data written to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Panics/1969-12-31-161901.panic.plist
  847. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:04.700 [tid 0x3f602ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  848. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:04.703 [tid 0x3f602ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  849. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:04.724 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  850. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV[52]: 1969-12-31 04:19:04.736393 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  851. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:04.832 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  852. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: Invalid refresh rate (0) returned for display <CADisplay:TVOut AppleRGBOUT>
  853. Dec 31 16:19:04 Apple-TV gssc[68]: {
  854. "application-display-identifiers" = (
  855. ""
  856. );
  857. "device-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  858. "device-name-localized" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  859. "marketing-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  860. "screen-dimensions" = {
  861. "main-screen-height" = 0;
  862. "main-screen-orientation" = 1.570796;
  863. "main-screen-scale" = "1.0";
  864. "main-screen-width" = 0;
  865. };
  866. "tv-out-settings" = {
  867. AspectRatio = "4:3";
  868. Captioning = OFF;
  869. FitSystem = ScaleToFit;
  870. Signal = DisplayPort;
  871. System = NTSC;
  872. iPodOut = 0;
  873. };
  874. }
  875. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBReset
  876. Dec 31 16:19:05: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  877. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
  878. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV[52]: 1969-12-31 04:19:05.343542 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers started
  879. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  880. Dec 31 16:19:05: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
  881. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978306054.561256]: Client apsd set type to background application
  882. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978306054.556788]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd"
  883. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  884. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: not using display bounds (0.000000, 0.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  885. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2011-10-13 22:40:11 is 1318569665.243202 s in the future
  886. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2011-10-13 22:40:11 is 1318569665.239892 s in the future
  887. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package com.saurik.substrate.safemode.
  888. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: (Reading database ...
  889. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: 1240 files and directories currently installed.)
  890. Dec 31 16:19:05 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking com.saurik.substrate.safemode (from .../AutoInstall/asubstratesafe.deb) ...
  891. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1317871906 reference_mtime = 801
  892. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 check_stale_maps: /private/var/mobile/Applications appears stale
  893. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1321349390 reference_mtime = 801
  894. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 check_stale_maps: /Applications appears stale
  895. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  896. Dec 31 16:19:06: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  897. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 3f602ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Utilities
  898. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./.DS_Store: time stamp 2010-12-17 16:35:17 is 1292631370.949477 s in the future
  899. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2011-02-10 13:22:36 is 1297371809.942736 s in the future
  900. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2011-02-10 13:22:36 is 1297371809.942386 s in the future
  901. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package org.awkwardtv.
  902. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking org.awkwardtv (from .../AutoInstall/awkwardtv.deb) ...
  903. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV installd[99]: 00381000 load_application_type: No applications found in /private/var/mobile/Applications
  904. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2011-10-14 00:15:48 is 1318575401.827812 s in the future
  905. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./extrainst_: time stamp 2011-10-14 00:15:46 is 1318575399.819604 s in the future
  906. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./postrm: time stamp 2011-10-14 00:15:47 is 1318575400.811919 s in the future
  907. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2011-10-14 00:15:48 is 1318575401.811487 s in the future
  908. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package mobilesubstrate.
  909. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking mobilesubstrate (from .../AutoInstall/bsubstrate.deb) ...
  910. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV daily[48]: (0x3f602ce8) renew_user_apps: There were no installed applications.
  911. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2011-10-30 20:36:12 is 1320031025.347958 s in the future
  912. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2011-10-28 20:36:18 is 1319858231.326157 s in the future
  913. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package com.firecore.seas0npass.
  914. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking com.firecore.seas0npass (from .../com.firecore.seas0npass.deb) ...
  915. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./.DS_Store: time stamp 2010-12-17 16:35:17 is 1292631370.222013 s in the future
  916. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2010-12-17 16:35:06 is 1292631359.216445 s in the future
  917. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2010-12-17 16:35:17 is 1292631370.216097 s in the future
  918. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package com.nito.
  919. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking com.nito (from .../Cydia/AutoInstall/com.nito.deb) ...
  920. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2011-01-20 17:51:30 is 1295573543.116198 s in the future
  921. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2011-01-20 17:51:30 is 1295573543.114432 s in the future
  922. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package org.xbmc.repo.
  923. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking org.xbmc.repo (from .../org.xbmc.repo_0.1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb) ...
  924. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./extrainst_: time stamp 2008-09-16 11:39:46 is 1221589239.017581 s in the future
  925. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./conffiles: time stamp 2008-09-16 11:21:53 is 1221588166.013799 s in the future
  926. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./prerm: time stamp 2008-09-16 11:39:46 is 1221589239.00571 s in the future
  927. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: ./control: time stamp 2008-09-16 11:28:23 is 1221588556.003195 s in the future
  928. Dec 31 16:19:06 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: tar: .: time stamp 2008-09-16 11:39:46 is 1221589239.00284 s in the future
  929. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Selecting previously deselected package syslogd.
  930. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Unpacking syslogd (from .../Cydia/AutoInstall/syslogd.deb) ...
  931. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up org.awkwardtv (0-1) ...
  932. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up com.nito (0-1) ...
  933. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up org.xbmc.repo (0-1) ...
  934. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up syslogd (1.0.2586-1) ...
  935. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up mobilesubstrate (0.9.3901) ...
  936. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up com.firecore.seas0npass (0.1.2-8) ...
  937. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[32]: Setting up com.saurik.substrate.safemode (0.9.3900) ...
  938. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: watchdog: failed to re-lookup port (0x44e) in response to failure (0xfffffecc)
  939. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  940. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  941. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  942. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: DISP: initializing
  943. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  944. Dec 31 16:19:07: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  945. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:07.857 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  946. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: DISP: Invalid refresh rate (0) returned for display <CADisplay:TVOut AppleRGBOUT>
  947. Dec 31 16:19:07 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  948. Dec 31 16:19:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  949. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV[1] ([99]): ( Exited: Terminated: 15
  950. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: DISP: not using display bounds (0.000000, 0.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  951. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  952. Dec 31 16:19:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  953. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  954. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  955. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), could not enable RGBOUT. Mode is set to TVOUT but could not locate TVOUT driver
  956. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 0 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  957. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  958. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  959. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  960. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 0 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  961. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  962. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  963. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x3746bc31 0xcb28e00
  964. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x88418200 0x86367740 0x3746bc31 0xcb28e00
  965. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  966. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  967. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  968. Dec 31 16:19:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  969. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  970. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  971. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  972. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:19:08.758799 PM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  973. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:19:08.768696 PM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  974. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV hidmonitord[24]: 1969-12-31 04:19:08.776759 PM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  975. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  976. Dec 31 16:19:08 Apple-TV AppleTV[160]: DISP: Unable to set display to default mode (no modes)
  977. Dec 31 16:19:09 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000010.678545]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86b91600) Video Link started
  978. Dec 31 16:19:09 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000250]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86b91600) Audio Link started
  979. Dec 31 16:19:13 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  980. Dec 31 16:19:14 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: 3f602ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  981. Dec 31 16:19:17 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: watchdog: port changed from 0x2d03 to 0x300f!
  982. Dec 31 16:19:20 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  983. Dec 31 16:19:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  984. Dec 31 16:19:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:19:23.608 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  985. Dec 31 16:19:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
  986. Dec 31 16:19:57 Apple-TV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
  987. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1317871906 reference_mtime = 1147
  988. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 check_stale_maps: /private/var/mobile/Applications appears stale
  989. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1321349390 reference_mtime = 1147
  990. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 check_stale_maps: /Applications appears stale
  991. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  992. Dec 31 16:19:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  993. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 3f602ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Utilities
  994. Dec 31 16:19:58 Apple-TV installd[169]: 2ffdc000 load_application_type: No applications found in /private/var/mobile/Applications
  995. Dec 31 16:20:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:20:23.279 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  996. Dec 31 16:20:41 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  997. Dec 31 16:21:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  998. Dec 31 16:21:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:21:23.280 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  999. Dec 31 16:22:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:22:23.286 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1000. Dec 31 16:23:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:23:23.289 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1001. Dec 31 16:23:49 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  1002. Dec 31 16:24:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1003. Dec 31 16:24:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:24:23.290 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1004. Dec 31 16:25:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:25:23.294 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1005. Dec 31 16:26:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:26:23.297 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1006. Dec 31 16:27:14 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  1007. Dec 31 16:27:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:27:23.300 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1008. Dec 31 16:28:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:28:23.301 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1009. Dec 31 16:29:02 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  1010. Dec 31 16:29:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:29:23.303 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1011. Dec 31 16:30:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:30:23.310 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1012. Dec 31 16:31:04 Apple-TV apsd[75]: Could not lookup device certification
  1013. Dec 31 16:31:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:31:23.312 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1014. Dec 31 16:32:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:32:23.314 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1015. Dec 31 16:33:23 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:33:23.315 [tid 0x1dbb000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1016. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBSuspend
  1017. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
  1018. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
  1019. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableDisconnect
  1020. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService*, void*) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated
  1021. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics:
  1022. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: USB mux: 17 reads / 0 errors, 21 writes / 0 errors
  1023. Dec 31 16:33:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups
  1024. Dec 31 16:00:04 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 4 0
  1025. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: 7: built Nov 2 2011 20:10:28, phy @ 0,
  1026. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: start, 61: start finished
  1027. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: sensor status logging disabled
  1028. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Logging last sensor disabled
  1029. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: summary logging disabled
  1030. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: mitigation behavior enabled
  1031. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: camera equations enabled
  1032. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: thermal monitoring enabled
  1033. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: jetsam: Setting jetsam_diagnostic_mode using sysctl failed with 2: No such file or directory
  1034. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: loading
  1035. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  1036. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 254: port0 in ::prepare
  1037. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  1038. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 269: port0 in ::prepare done
  1039. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: start, 119: start finished
  1040. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
  1041. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
  1042. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
  1043. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:389)
  1044. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
  1045. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Factory called
  1046. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Thermal statistics disabled
  1047. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]:
  1048. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1049. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: registered for wake notification
  1050. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1051. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1052. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: created server connection: 0x12e100
  1053. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1054. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: (Note ) PIH: MCUEAPlugin initialized.
  1055. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1056. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 1 to 546
  1057. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
  1058. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
  1059. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
  1060. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
  1061. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: FTL_Open will set index cache to 0x400
  1062. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:3117): CXT is not valid . Performing full NAND R/O restore ...
  1063. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
  1064. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1065. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Querying interface
  1066. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 2 to 6553
  1067. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1068. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 4 to 2730
  1069. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: loading
  1070. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 6 to 6553
  1071. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 7 to 3276
  1072. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: setting thermal status level to 0 (0) [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  1073. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set allowable transmit power limit to 24.000 dBm [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  1074. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
  1075. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
  1076. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Manufacturer: ""
  1077. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Product: ""
  1078. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
  1079. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo1: "P=K66 m=3.1 V=u"
  1080. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 16, last update = -2147483648
  1081. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::start(): Started by: IOSDIOIoCardDevice, AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:29
  1082. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:32
  1083. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::attachBusGated(): Bus Driver Initialization Time 6.655201583
  1084. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no real time PS parameters found using default
  1085. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no enterprise roaming parameters found using default
  1086. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
  1087. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started: 0x823c5688
  1088. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started with AppleNANDConfigAccess
  1089. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 20, in group 1
  1090. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] started
  1091. Dec 31 16:00:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1092. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: LwVM::_partitionsFromConfig - loaded configuration for 2 partitions
  1093. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: loading
  1094. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Error loading /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent: dlopen(/System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent, 262): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDelete.framework/MobileDelete
  1095. Referenced from: /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent
  1096. Reason: image not found
  1097. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Cannot find function pointer UserEventAgentFactory for factory FB86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x130b40 </System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
  1098. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: error: plugin does not support IUserEventAgent interface
  1099. Dec 31 16:00:16 localhost configd[20]: loading
  1100. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@BFC00000/AppleS5L8930XIO/flash-controller0@1200000/AppleIOPFMI/disk/IOFlashPartitionScheme/IOFlashStoragePartition@4/AppleNANDLegacyFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/LightweightVolumeManager/IOMedia@1/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/System@1
  1101. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s1s1, major 14, minor 2
  1102. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x82800000(0xceb7e000)
  1103. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart4 at 0x82900000(0xceb80000)
  1104. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: missing or invalid entitlement hash
  1105. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]:
  1106. Dec 31 16:00:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1107. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: pod2g is in da house !
  1108. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /private/var/stash/libexec/ptpd
  1109. Dec 31 16:00:09 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
  1110. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  1111. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  1112. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  1113. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1114. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1115. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1116. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1117. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1118. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1119. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1120. Dec 31 16:00:15 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  1121. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost configd[20]: adding
  1122. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost configd[20]: skipped (disabled)
  1123. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [CommCenterClassic] (675.00)
  1124. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Error: Cannot Stack: Cannot allocate memory
  1125. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1126. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1127. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1128. Expected in: flat namespace
  1129. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1130. Dec 31 16:00:17 localhost configd[20]: DevUSB: Waiting for lockdownd
  1131. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleArasanFEController: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  1132. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 291: port0 in ::enable netif
  1133. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 768: port0 in ::_prepareHW
  1134. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: powerUp, 171: finished
  1135. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  1136. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 829: port0 ::_prepareHW done
  1137. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 841: port0 in ::_enableBSD
  1138. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: Posting '' notifyState=1
  1139. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: __IOHIDLoadBundles: Loaded 1 HID plugin
  1140. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV configd[20]: ioctl(SIOCGIFCAP) failed: Device not configured
  1141. Dec 31 16:00:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1142. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  1143. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV configd[20]: setting hostname to "Apple-TV"
  1144. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 849: port0 ::_enableBSD done
  1145. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 303: port0 ::enable netif done
  1146. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  1147. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  1148. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.611325 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing
  1149. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lockdownd] (675.00)
  1150. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1151. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1152. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1153. Expected in: flat namespace
  1154. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1155. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 main: Starting Up
  1156. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
  1157. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.756135 PM [AppleTVIR] Loaded IR remote prefs, 0 learned button(s)
  1158. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.756344 PM [AppleTVIR] Started
  1159. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.773106 PM [AppleTVIR] Initializing MCU
  1160. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  1161. Dec 31 16:00:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1162. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV[1] ([26]): ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
  1163. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  1164. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.785671 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU version 01.29
  1165. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.785869 PM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to booted
  1166. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:17.790685 PM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  1167. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  1168. Dec 31 16:00:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1169. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  1170. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Communications Center Started.
  1171. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307182.101358]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1172. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307182.101005]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1173. Dec 31 16:00:17 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307182.100201]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1174. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  1175. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Performing boot time checks.
  1176. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
  1177. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
  1178. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Checking for new carrier profile...
  1179. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
  1182. Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
  1183. Code : 1000
  1184. Type : MCFatalError
  1185. Dec 31 16:00:18 Apple-TV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: No configuration profile found in carrier bundle.
  1186. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: _handleTimer, 553: INTSRC:00ca
  1187. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: getLinkSpeed, 264: Link Partner: autoneg-capable:1, capabilities:01e1
  1188. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _linkChange, 1079: link-speed, 100BTx Full
  1189. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:19.710581 PM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  1190. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:19.710813 PM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  1191. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 1969-12-31 04:00:19.716165 PM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  1192. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1193. Dec 31 16:00:19 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1194. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [locationd] (675.00)
  1195. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1196. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1197. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1198. Expected in: flat namespace
  1199. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1200. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: initializing
  1201. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978307179.695935]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1202. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978307179.692693]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1203. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978307179.691883]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  1204. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1205. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1206. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1207. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1208. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1209. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1210. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  1211. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>"
  1212. )
  1213. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1214. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1215. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1216. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1217. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1218. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>"
  1219. )
  1220. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000015.862505]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x85f89800) initDevice=0x00000000
  1221. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  1222. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 0 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  1223. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  1224. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  1225. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x37545c31 0xf0be800
  1226. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x84548c00 0x85ea50e8 0x37545c31 0xf0be800
  1227. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  1228. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  1229. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware() redundant call
  1230. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT: DP cable attached
  1231. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::hotPlug_notify(uint64_t) (0x1)
  1232. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1233. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  1234. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  1235. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), could not enable RGBOUT. Mode is set to TVOUT but could not locate TVOUT driver
  1236. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  1237. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: MS:Notice: Installing: [mediaserverd] (675.00)
  1238. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1239. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1240. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1241. Expected in: flat namespace
  1242. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1243. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  1244. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware() redundant call
  1245. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_displayport_mode(IODPDisplayColorElement*, IODPDisplayTimingElement*)
  1246. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  1247. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  1248. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  1249. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.244228]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Video Link started
  1250. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  1251. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  1252. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  1253. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1254. Dec 31 16:00:20: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1255. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/mediaserverd
  1256. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: libMobileGestalt load_dict: Could not fstat /System/Library/CoreServices/ Bad file descriptor
  1257. Dec 31 16:00:20 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: libMobileGestalt addCapabilities: Failed to load configuration plist
  1258. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
  1259. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BTServer
  1260. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:cp_key_store_action(1)
  1261. Dec 31 16:00:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1262. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.txt", file size = 895 bytes
  1263. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-329.6 (Nov 2 2011 20:18:42) starting iOSVers 9
  1264. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Cache is empty.
  1265. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV BTServer[58]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BTServer] (675.00)
  1266. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV BTServer[58]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1267. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV BTServer[58]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1268. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1269. Expected in: flat namespace
  1270. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1271. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 23.180 sec] Sending NVRAM, 895 bytes
  1272. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _load_activation_keypair: Creating activation keypair
  1273. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.bin", file size = 264848 bytes
  1274. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978307178.313280]: WiFi Preferences is up to date
  1275. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV keybagd[42]: 3f6dcce8 main: System Keybag loaded
  1276. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
  1277. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: Note: Compiled without SnowLeopard Fine-Grained Power Management support
  1278. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV fairplayd.K66[47]: Vroum
  1279. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV[30]: NOTICE,Location icon should now not be visible
  1280. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 23.458 sec] Sending firmware, 264848 bytes
  1281. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978307178.002514]: WiFiManager starting, version: WiFiManager-260 Nov 2 2011 20:24:18
  1282. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307177.934060]: WiFiManager now available
  1283. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV configd[20]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
  1284. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  1285. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV mDNSResponder[45]: D2DInitialize succeeded
  1286. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  1287. Dec 31 16:00:21 Apple-TV[30]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
  1288. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANFirmwareManager::setNVRAMData(): received 895 bytes
  1289. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  1290. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  1291. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManager::withBus(): BCM4329 revision B1
  1292. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): start
  1293. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): finish
  1294. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  1295. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: BTServer 5.0 () Modified on
  1296. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV BlueTool[65]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BlueTool] (675.00)
  1297. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1969-12-31 16:00:07 -0800. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  1298. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV BlueTool[65]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1299. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV BlueTool[65]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1300. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1301. Expected in: flat namespace
  1302. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1303. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: Bluetooth Super Server Robot Destroyer
  1304. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: Got local-mac-address: b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  1305. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: PurpleTelephony.cpp:131 updateBatteryCapacit Telephony Error Could not retrieve value for kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey
  1306. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: Server attached, going into msg loop.
  1307. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[45]: Bluetooth transport is not supported
  1308. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  1309. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: Opening @ 115200 baud.
  1310. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
  1311. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV wifiFirmwareLoader[34]: [ 24.497 sec] Downloaded firmware, 264848 bytes
  1312. Dec 31 16:00:22 Apple-TV[58]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  1313. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV[58]: Issued HCI Reset
  1314. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV[58]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  1315. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [softwareupdated] (675.00)
  1316. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1317. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1318. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1319. Expected in: flat namespace
  1320. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1321. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV[58]: Chip is BCM4329B1
  1322. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: BCMWLAN Firmware Version: wl0: Aug 26 2011 02:10:31 version
  1323. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: nvram file version
  1324. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Firmware does not support ap mode; disabling apsta feature (currently enabled)
  1325. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): country code set to XZ
  1326. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Packet glomming ON (mode=7)
  1327. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978307176.571650]: Failed to attach to MIS Session with error Operation not supported
  1328. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: 3f6dcce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  1329. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV hpfd[46]: libhpd Error: condition "hpDriverFound" FAILED, hpd_deviceCheck() line 103, status: (os/kern) successful(0x0)
  1330. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::applyRoamingCandidateBoost(): Applying 5GHz roam candidate boost of 30
  1331. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore:initFirmware(): 2372 RoamScan feature is not enabled for this platform
  1332. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): successful initialization
  1333. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f6
  1334. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
  1335. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::attachInterfaceWithMacAddress(): interface en1 attached and registered
  1336. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initDongle(): Core Driver Initialization Time 24.837646625
  1337. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateWillChangeToGated(): cap 0x8002, stateNum 1, dev 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  1338. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateDidChangeToGated(): stateNum 1, pol 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  1339. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AirPort: Enabled AppleBCMWLANCore (link 1, sys 0, user 1)
  1340. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  1341. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  1342. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  1343. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [configd]: Setting power state to 1
  1344. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  1345. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  1346. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  1347. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  1348. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  1349. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  1350. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV[58]: Current Device: UART -
  1351. Dec 31 16:00:23 Apple-TV[58]: Setting speed to 115200
  1352. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV[58]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  1353. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV[58]: Overriding BDADDR from environment variable: BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS = b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  1354. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV[58]: Using host name: Apple-TV
  1355. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV BlueTool[70]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BlueTool] (675.00)
  1356. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV BlueTool[70]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1357. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV BlueTool[70]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1358. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1359. Expected in: flat namespace
  1360. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1361. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV[58]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  1362. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in -0.00hrs. Need active time in -0.00hrs.
  1363. Dec 31 16:00:24 Apple-TV locationd[30]: WiFi:[-978307175.278731]: WiFiManager now available
  1364. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  1365. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt buildRegionalBehaviorsIfNecessary: Could not open /System/Library/RegionFeatures/RegionFeatures_appletv.txt: No such file or directory
  1366. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyProximitySensorCalibration: Could not get proximity sensor calibration data
  1367. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyCompassCalibration: Could not get Compass calibration calibration data
  1368. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  1369. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandBoardSnum: Could not convert baseband board snum data to string
  1370. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  1371. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyWirelessBoardSnum: Could not convert wireless board snum data to string
  1372. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 lockstart_local: Build= 9A405l
  1373. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _load_product_type: old school Certs
  1374. Dec 31 16:00:25 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _load_product_type: using activity url
  1375. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _twiddle_checkpoint: Can't get CB stuff: -42110
  1376. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 load_supported_languages: Could not load bundle for Preferences application
  1377. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _load_international_filters: Could not load the supported languages
  1378. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 _load_cached_activation_state: No cached activation state
  1379. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 ping_configd: Not setting host name, it already has one: Apple TV
  1380. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  1381. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  1382. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  1383. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  1384. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  1385. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  1386. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: lockdownd is available
  1387. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: waiting for IOUSBDeviceController
  1388. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 notification_worker: now listening for CT notifications
  1389. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV configd[20]:
  1390. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV configd[20]: DevUSB: IOUSBDeviceController is available
  1391. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 notification_worker: we've registered for notifications, now make sure we didn't miss one...
  1392. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 dealwith_activation: There are no activation records
  1393. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 dealwith_activation: Could not find an activation record
  1394. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  1395. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  1396. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: There is no activation record?
  1397. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 3f6dcce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  1398. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[55]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_attempted_submission_marker'
  1399. Dec 31 16:00:26 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[55]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_successful_submission_marker'
  1400. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: BackgroundTaskAgent <ERROR>: validateAndAddDefaults: End Time (691200.0) > now (-978307172.9) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
  1401. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV DumpPanic[56]: PanicDumper data written to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Panics/1969-12-31-160023.panic.plist
  1402. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1317871906 reference_mtime = 1198
  1403. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 check_stale_maps: /private/var/mobile/Applications appears stale
  1404. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1321349390 reference_mtime = 1198
  1405. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 check_stale_maps: /Applications appears stale
  1406. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  1407. Dec 31 16:00:27: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1408. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: Apple Mobile Device
  1409. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
  1410. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Nov 2 2011 20:10:31
  1411. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: init_waste
  1412. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
  1413. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
  1414. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 3f6dcce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Utilities
  1415. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:00:27.409 [tid 0x3f6dcce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  1416. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV installd[72]: 2ff99000 load_application_type: No applications found in /private/var/mobile/Applications
  1417. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:00:27.418 [tid 0x3f6dcce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  1418. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableDisconnect
  1419. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:00:27.465 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1420. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV gssc[69]: {
  1421. "application-display-identifiers" = (
  1422. ""
  1423. );
  1424. "device-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  1425. "device-name-localized" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  1426. "marketing-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  1427. "screen-dimensions" = {
  1428. "main-screen-height" = 768;
  1429. "main-screen-orientation" = 1.570796;
  1430. "main-screen-scale" = "1.0";
  1431. "main-screen-width" = 1024;
  1432. };
  1433. "tv-out-settings" = {
  1434. AspectRatio = "4:3";
  1435. Captioning = OFF;
  1436. FitSystem = ScaleToFit;
  1437. Signal = DisplayPort;
  1438. System = NTSC;
  1439. iPodOut = 0;
  1440. };
  1441. }
  1442. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV daily[48]: (0x3f6dcce8) renew_user_apps: There were no installed applications.
  1443. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 16:00:27.602 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1444. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV[53]: 1969-12-31 04:00:27.623400 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  1445. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV UserEventAgent[18]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1969-12-31 16:00:12 -0800. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  1446. Dec 31 16:00:27 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Fetching NTP time from "" count:3 timeout:60.00
  1447. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 08:45:15 +0000 ± 0.11 at 710984907 (delay 0.16, dispersion 0.03)
  1448. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV[53]: 1969-12-31 04:00:28.156692 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers started
  1449. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Could not lookup device certification
  1450. Dec 31 16:00:28: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1451. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 08:45:15 +0000 ± 0.09 at 713649591 (delay 0.10, dispersion 0.03)
  1452. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Could not lookup device certification
  1453. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: not using display bounds (1024.000000, 768.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  1454. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978307171.738427]: Client apsd set type to background application
  1455. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[-978307171.737012]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd"
  1456. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Could not lookup device certification
  1457. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 08:45:15 +0000 ± 0.09 at 717493145 (delay 0.16, dispersion 0.01)
  1458. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: NTP got responses from 3 servers total
  1459. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: NTP succeeded with 356690715.48±0.09 at 710984907
  1460. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:45:15±0.09 from "NTP"
  1461. Dec 31 16:00:28 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:45:15 from NTP
  1462. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.47hrs. Need active time in 123.80hrs.
  1463. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Could not lookup device certification
  1464. Apr 21 01:45:15: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1465. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1969-12-31 16:24:12 -0800. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  1466. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1969-12-31 16:25:46 -0800. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  1467. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  1468. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  1469. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  1470. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 01:45:15.880865 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  1471. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 01:45:15.890809 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  1472. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 01:45:15.897852 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  1473. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  1474. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  1475. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1476. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1477. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1478. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1479. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1480. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  1481. )
  1482. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  1483. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV mobile_profile_janitor[91]: (Note ) MPJ: No provisioning profiles to check. Exiting.
  1484. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  1485. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  1486. Apr 21 01:45:15 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  1487. Apr 21 01:45:16 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000009.324696]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Audio Link started
  1488. Apr 21 01:45:18 Apple-TV CLTM[18]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1334997918, last update = 26
  1489. Apr 21 01:45:23 Apple-TV softwareupdated[40]: 3f6dcce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  1490. Apr 21 01:45:24 Apple-TV apsd[52]: Could not lookup device certification
  1491. Apr 21 01:45:25: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1492. Apr 21 01:45:25 Apple-TV timed[35]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  1493. Apr 21 01:45:30 Apple-TV voiced[92]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [voiced] (675.00)
  1494. Apr 21 01:45:30 Apple-TV voiced[92]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1495. Apr 21 01:45:30 Apple-TV voiced[92]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1496. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1497. Expected in: flat namespace
  1498. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1499. Apr 21 01:45:30 Apple-TV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:45:30.196 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1500. Apr 21 01:45:33 Apple-TV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356690733.663870]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  1501. Apr 21 01:45:33 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  1502. Apr 21 01:45:38 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: NET: results from SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags: 1 flags 2
  1503. Apr 21 01:45:38 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: NET: network test result: 1 for network:(null).
  1504. Apr 21 01:45:39 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: SETUP/activate/start
  1505. Apr 21 01:45:39 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: action started [0x490930]
  1506. Apr 21 01:45:39 Apple-TV[93]: main:212 networkd.93 built Nov 2 2011 20:21:54
  1507. Apr 21 01:45:39 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: createActivationRequestXP: URL:(null); allHTTPHeaderFields:{
  1508. "Content-Length" = 7224;
  1509. "Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data; boundary=FD7E50F7-3F84-45AE-B39D-70DB0D365EA7";
  1510. "User-Agent" = "iOS Device Activator (MobileActivation-20 built on Nov 2 2011 at 20:18:00)";
  1511. }; HTTPBody:«--FD7E50F7-3F84-45AE-B39D-70DB0D365EA7
  1513. Content-Disposition: form-data; name="activation-info"
  1517. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  1518. <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
  1519. <plist version="1.0">
  1520. <dict>
  1521. <key>ActivationInfoComplete</key>
  1522. <true/>
  1523. <key>ActivationInfoXML</key>
  1524. <data>
  1525. PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPCFET0NUWVBFIHBs
  1527. dy5hcHBsZS5jb20vRFREcy9Qcm9wZXJ0eUxpc3QtMS4wLmR0ZCI+CjxwbGlzdCB2ZXJz
  1528. aW9uPSIxLjAiPgo8ZGljdD4KCTxrZXk+QWN0aXZhdGlvblJhbmRvbW5lc3M8L2tleT4K
  1530. bmc+Cgk8a2V5PkFjdGl2YXRpb25TdGF0ZTwva2V5PgoJPHN0cmluZz5VbmFjdGl2YXRl
  1531. ZDwvc3RyaW5nPgoJPGtleT5CdWlsZFZlcnNpb248L2tleT4KCTxzdHJpbmc+OUE0MDVs
  1532. PC9zdHJpbmc+Cgk8a2V5PkRldmljZUNlcnRSZXF1ZXN0PC9rZXk+Cgk8ZGF0YT4KCUxT
  1540. WGRuV1d0RFoxbEZRWEkyTUhoc2NXd3djRmhFYTNKNk1FZHBWRXd2VkRKNlZncEZialZP
  1542. Mk5OY1RVckwyNXdSR3hOVjBKTlRuWjBUM2huCgliVUoxQ201dVVFcHlTemhNYmpWclVt
  1543. bHhaMndyV0RGelIyczJObU14YmxkeWQydDZiRXczZVZONWJHVXlNMUpRWlRaTAoJVWto
  1546. ck9IZFZiUW8wUkZOeWRtYzNaMnRIZHpKblVrMWtkMlJwCglkV1JNUW5sNmNrRkdlalV2
  1548. dgoJVVc0M1pHdG9iSEUyV0ZwdFpUSmtVemw0VTA5emNuSTRXR3BKU0cwck0yRnRla3hH
  1552. c3M8L2tleT4KCTxzdHJpbmc+QXBwbGVUVjwvc3RyaW5nPgoJPGtleT5Nb2RlbE51bWJl
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  1559. ZTVmMzc0NjQ3N2NjNDE3MTAwYjA3PC9zdHJpbmc+CjwvZGljdD4KPC9wbGlzdD4K
  1560. </data>
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  1585. yHz2eJtS+PrxiG4Qcvhdy4jstlUUl6RNC8FPJ2eZpqSz19qtAgMBAAGjgZwwgZkwDgYD
  1587. SZQR3WNiB1lkMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFCvQaUeUdgn+9GuNLkCm90dNfwheMDYGA1UdHwQv
  1588. MC0wK6ApoCeGJWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuYXBwbGUuY29tL2FwcGxlY2Evcm9vdC5jcmwwDQYJ
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  1590. cDjvBpFLrxHCH5XuiDNvX3Lq9tV2tVdYcfA+EMPVLrsvpjpzwjJlClYEFhmYTQt4bdCj
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  1592. uvGlf8qTos4DNwNmhZMFGzH2dYKTL9Pw2jk3PV/+us2acMAGiyLuqc4EbiRpOxZSpcDy
  1593. wK5DcIS7IZFDy7u36lu6k+C3d4nvTVYEM13OXFkxp9c7RVYRza7Lmw6gz9yTqMrFWHgA
  1596. ZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTEWMBQGA1UEAxMNQXBwbGUgUm9vdCBDQTAeFw0w
  1600. AQoCggEBAOSRqQkfkdseR1DrBe1eeYQt6zaiV0xV7IsZid75S2z1B6siMALoGD74UAnT
  1601. f0GomPnRymacJGsR0KO75Bsqwx+VnnoMpEeLW9QWNzPLxA9NzhRp0ckZcvVdDtV/X5vy
  1602. JQO6VY9NXQ3xZDUjFUsVWR2zlPf2nJ7PULrBWFBnjwi0IPfLrCwgb3C2PwEwjLdDzw+d
  1603. PfMrSSgayP7OtbkO2V4c1ss9tTqt9A8OAJILsSEWLnTVPA3bYharo3GSR1NVwa8vQbP4
  1604. ++NwzeajTEV+H0xrUJZBicR0YgsQg0GHM4qBsTBY7FoEMoxos48d3mVz/2deZbxJ2Haf
  1608. MCoGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh5odHRwczovL3d3dy5hcHBsZS5jb20vYXBwbGVjYS8wgcMGCCsG
  1609. AQUFBwICMIG2GoGzUmVsaWFuY2Ugb24gdGhpcyBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBieSBhbnkgcGFy
  1610. dHkgYXNzdW1lcyBhY2NlcHRhbmNlIG9mIHRoZSB0aGVuIGFwcGxpY2FibGUgc3RhbmRh
  1611. cmQgdGVybXMgYW5kIGNvbmRpdGlvbnMgb2YgdXNlLCBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBwb2xpY3kg
  1612. YW5kIGNlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gcHJhY3RpY2Ugc3RhdGVtZW50cy4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEF
  1613. BQADggEBAFw2mUwteLftjJvc83eb8nbSdzBPwR+Fg4UbmT1HN/Kpm0COLNSxkBLYvvRz
  1614. m+7SZA/LeU802KI++Xj/a8gH7H05g4tTINM4xLG/mk8Ka/8r/FmnBQl8F0BWER5007eL
  1615. IztHo9VvJOLr0bdw3w9F4SfK8W147ee1Fxeo3H4iNcol1dkP1mvUoiQjEfehrI9zgWDG
  1616. G1sJL5Ky+ERI8GA4nhX1PSZnIIozavcNgs/e66Mv+VNqW2TAYzN39zoHLFbr2g8hDtq6
  1617. cxlPtdk2f8GHVdmnmbkyQvvY1XGefqFStxu9k0IkEirHDx22TZxeY8hLgBdQqorV2uT8
  1618. 0AkHN7B1dSE=
  1619. </data>
  1620. <key>FairPlaySignature</key>
  1621. <data>
  1622. InmzXZKgwfaeKCWhr2o86jBxnAwu3UXlx3qKgOVEEBHhrqheWJa88j5II29Rc+ot7lDF
  1623. 6vh/LdH7bzGRnGhlj5V+fzqXVlgWYZJ7LvXNxz0LC9+HtYG5vOmeOC9UDaeSHfPdQFCg
  1624. 23x1MWfRLo/D+svCVUu12uAlJ8uMfk3UPeM=
  1625. </data>
  1626. </dict>
  1627. </plist>
  1630. --FD7E50F7-3F84-45AE-B39D-70DB0D365EA7
  1632. Content-Disposition: form-data; name="InStoreActivation"
  1636. false
  1638. --FD7E50F7-3F84-45AE-B39D-70DB0D365EA7
  1640. Content-Disposition: form-data; name="AppleSerialNumber"
  1644. C7RGRFTJDDR5
  1646. --FD7E50F7-3F84-45AE-B39D-70DB0D365EA7--
  1648. »;
  1649. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV securityd[94]: OCSPResponse: now + maxAge > latestNextUpdate, using latestNextUpdate
  1650. Apr 21 01:45:40: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1651. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: Found pod activation ticket
  1652. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Unactivated
  1653. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  1654. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 determine_activation_state_old: Disabling the brick state
  1655. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 determine_activation_state_old: Setting the activation state to Activated
  1656. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 store_activation_record: Storing the iPod activation record
  1657. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 store_cesm_blob: hmm, symlink - that isn't right, path: /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control, No such file or directory
  1658. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV lockdownd[27]: 2ff8c000 handle_activate: Storing the necessary certificate in the checkpoint domain
  1659. Apr 21 01:45:40 Apple-TV AppleTV[21]: activation/succeeded
  1660. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  1661. Apr 21 01:45:57: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1662. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  1663. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  1664. Apr 21 01:45:57: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1665. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  1666. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[95]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_attempted_submission_marker'
  1667. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[95]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_successful_submission_marker'
  1668. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  1669. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  1670. Apr 21 01:45:57 Apple-TV OTACrashCopier[95]: (Warn ) <OTACrashCopierController.m -[OTACrashCopierController _cancelPendingSubmissions]:535> Cancelling all outstanding submission jobs
  1671. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  1672. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV configd[20]: setting hostname to "AppleTV"
  1673. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: User updated Computer Name from “Apple TV” to “Apple TV”
  1674. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: User updated Local Hostname from “Apple-TV” to “AppleTV”
  1675. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 16 AppleTV.local. AAAA FE80:0000:0000:0000:BA17:C2FF:FECA:22CB
  1676. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; will deregister 16 AppleTV.local. AAAA FE80:0000:0000:0000:BA17:C2FF:FEC8:85F7
  1677. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: Local Hostname AppleTV.local already in use; will try AppleTV-2.local instead
  1678. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Ignoring response received before we even began probing: 23 70-35-60-63\032Apple TV._sleep-proxy._udp.local. SRV 0 0 52387 AppleTV-2.local.
  1679. Apr 21 01:45:57 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Ignoring response received before we even began probing: 23 Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local. SRV 0 0 7000 AppleTV-2.local.
  1680. Apr 21 01:45:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1681. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 21 70-35-60-63\032Apple TV._sleep-proxy._udp.local. SRV 0 0 64371 AppleTV.local.
  1682. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; will deregister 23 70-35-60-63\032Apple TV._sleep-proxy._udp.local. SRV 0 0 52387 AppleTV-2.local.
  1683. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: Received from 74 Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local. TXT deviceid=B8:17:C2:CA:22:CB¦features=0x39f7¦model=AppleTV2,1¦srcvers=120.2
  1684. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: mDNSCoreReceiveResponse: ProbeCount 2; will deregister 23 Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local. SRV 0 0 7000 AppleTV-2.local.
  1685. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  1686. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Couldn't lookup schema version. no such table: schema
  1687. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: User updated Computer Name from “Apple TV” to “Apple TV (2)”
  1688. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  1689. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: AP: setting airport power to OFF
  1690. Apr 21 01:45:58 AppleTV mDNSResponder[45]: User updated Local Hostname from “AppleTV” to “AppleTV-2”
  1691. Apr 21 01:45:59 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(0) stateFlags(4223)
  1692. Apr 21 01:45:59 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [wifid]: Setting power state to 0
  1693. Apr 21 01:45:59 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff(): fStateFlags(5223)
  1694. Apr 21 01:45:59 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff Ready to power off
  1695. Apr 21 01:45:59 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOff(): fStateFlags(00000021)
  1696. Apr 21 01:46:00 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.46hrs. Need active time in 123.79hrs.
  1697. Apr 21 01:46:01 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  1698. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  1699. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/69009408 ***
  1700. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/7252672512 ***
  1701. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  1702. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  1703. *** Current Date:4/21/12 1:46 AM ***
  1704. *** Time Zone:US/Pacific (PDT) offset -25200 (Daylight) (set:0) ***
  1705. *** Activation State:1 ***
  1706. Apr 21 01:46:01 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: no cure for stupid!!!
  1707. Apr 21 01:46:01 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:45:59±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1708. Apr 21 01:46:01 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:46:02 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1709. Apr 21 01:46:01 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.46hrs. Need active time in 123.79hrs.
  1710. Apr 21 01:46:02 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:46:03±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1711. Apr 21 01:46:02 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:46:02 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1712. Apr 21 01:46:02 AppleTV timed[96]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.46hrs. Need active time in 123.79hrs.
  1713. Apr 21 01:46:03 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: no cure for stupid!!!
  1714. Apr 21 01:46:05: --- last message repeated 6 times ---
  1715. Apr 21 01:46:04 AppleTV lsd[100]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  1716. Apr 21 01:46:04 AppleTV lsd[100]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1717. Apr 21 01:46:04 AppleTV lsd[100]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  1718. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1719. Expected in: flat namespace
  1720. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  1721. Apr 21 01:46:04 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
  1722. Apr 21 01:46:04 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
  1723. Apr 21 01:46:12 AppleTV timed[96]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  1724. Apr 21 10:46:47 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: AP: setting airport power to ON
  1725. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV[30]: Unknown event 13
  1726. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV[30]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  1727. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  1728. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [wifid]: Setting power state to 1
  1729. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  1730. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  1731. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  1732. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  1733. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  1734. Apr 21 10:46:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  1735. Apr 21 10:46:49 AppleTV timed[101]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:46:49±15.00 from "LocationServer"
  1736. Apr 21 10:46:49 AppleTV timed[101]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:46:49 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1737. Apr 21 10:46:49 AppleTV timed[101]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.44hrs. Need active time in 123.78hrs.
  1738. Apr 21 10:47:01: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1739. Apr 21 10:47:01 AppleTV timed[101]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  1740. Apr 21 10:47:06 AppleTV[30]: NOTICE,Potentially setting system time zone to Europe/Amsterdam
  1741. Apr 21 10:47:06 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Amsterdam" from "Location"
  1742. Apr 21 10:47:06 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam (GMT+2.00) from Location
  1743. Apr 21 10:47:06 AppleTV[30]: Unknown event 13
  1744. Apr 21 10:47:06 AppleTV[30]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  1745. Apr 21 10:47:09 AppleTV launchproxy[104]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 49240
  1746. Apr 21 10:47:10 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.44hrs. Need active time in 123.77hrs.
  1747. Apr 21 10:47:20 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:47:20 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1748. Apr 21 10:47:25 AppleTV sshd[105]: Accepted password for root from port 49240 ssh2
  1749. Apr 21 10:47:25 AppleTV launchproxy[104]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 49241
  1750. Apr 21 10:47:25 AppleTV sshd[109]: Accepted password for root from port 49241 ssh2
  1751. Apr 21 10:47:59 AppleTV SCHelper[99]: active (but IDLE) sessions
  1752. Apr 21 10:47:59 AppleTV SCHelper[99]: 0x113610 {port = 0x1a03, caller = AppleTV(21):AppleTV, path = /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist}
  1753. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356690924.260592]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client AppleTV (268435459)
  1754. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV[1] ([21]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  1755. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  1756. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  1757. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  1758. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Captured original IMP 0x363d2f9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  1759. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  1760. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  1761. Apr 21 10:48:44: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1762. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  1763. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  1764. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  1765. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  1766. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  1767. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 1 -> 0
  1768. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  1769. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  1770. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  1771. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  1772. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  1773. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  1774. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed there is a live DP connection but client did not put the driver in digital mode
  1775. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  1776. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  1777. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1778. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x37545c31 0xf0dce00
  1779. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x8731f000 0x88e7a6cc 0x37545c31 0xf0dce00
  1780. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1781. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  1782. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  1783. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  1784. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  1785. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000208.611295]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Video Link started
  1786. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  1787. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  1788. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  1789. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: initializing
  1790. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1791. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1792. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1793. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1794. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1795. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1796. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  1797. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>"
  1798. )
  1799. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1800. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1801. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1802. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1803. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1804. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>"
  1805. )
  1806. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:48:44.620 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1807. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  1808. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  1809. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1810. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1811. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1812. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1813. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1814. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  1815. )
  1816. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  1817. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  1818. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  1819. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  1820. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  1821. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  1822. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  1823. Apr 21 10:48:44 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  1824. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356690925.299905]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  1825. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  1826. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.031485]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Audio Link started
  1827. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1828. Apr 21 10:48:45: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1829. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: DISP: not using display bounds (1024.000000, 768.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  1830. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1831. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1832. Apr 21 10:48:45 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1833. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f63193c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  1834. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1835. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1836. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1837. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  1838. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  1839. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  1840. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:48:46.712962 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  1841. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:48:46.723368 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  1842. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:48:46.730367 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  1843. Apr 21 10:48:46 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  1844. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  1845. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/68755456 ***
  1846. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/7198244864 ***
  1847. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  1848. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  1849. *** Current Date:4/21/12 10:48 AM ***
  1850. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  1851. *** Activation State:1 ***
  1852. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:48:46±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1853. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:48:47 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1854. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.41hrs. Need active time in 123.75hrs.
  1855. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:48:48±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1856. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:48:47 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1857. Apr 21 10:48:47 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.41hrs. Need active time in 123.75hrs.
  1858. Apr 21 10:48:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1859. Apr 21 10:48:48 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1860. Apr 21 10:48:49 AppleTV lsd[277]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  1861. Apr 21 10:48:57 AppleTV timed[276]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  1862. Apr 21 10:49:07 AppleTV AppleTV[274]: <MTopShelfController: 0x10491e30> selectCategoryWithIdentifier:
  1863. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit Release.gpg
  1864. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  1865. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit Release
  1866. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Get:1 ios/675.00 Release.gpg [189B]
  1867. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  1868. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  1869. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit Release.gpg
  1870. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  1871. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  1872. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Ign ./ Release
  1873. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  1874. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit ./ Packages
  1875. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release
  1876. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release
  1877. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  1878. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Get:2 ios/675.00 Release [622B]
  1879. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit Release
  1880. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit stable Release
  1881. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Get:3 stable Release [1341B]
  1882. Apr 21 10:49:12 AppleTV[274]: Hit Packages
  1883. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Get:4 stable/main Packages/DiffIndex [37.4kB]
  1884. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Get:5 stable/main Packages/DiffIndex [53.0kB]
  1885. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Get:6 ios/675.00/main Packages [23.6kB]
  1886. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  1887. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Get:7 stable/main Packages/DiffIndex [5772B]
  1888. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Get:8 stable/main Packages/DiffIndex [32.5kB]
  1889. Apr 21 10:49:13 AppleTV[274]: Hit Packages
  1890. Apr 21 10:49:15 AppleTV[274]: Fetched 154kB in 3s (41.2kB/s)
  1891. Apr 21 10:49:15 AppleTV[274]: Reading package lists...
  1892. Apr 21 10:50:26 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356691026.976797]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client AppleTV (268435459)
  1893. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV[1] ([274]): ( Exited: Terminated: 15
  1894. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  1895. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  1896. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  1897. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Captured original IMP 0x363d2f9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  1898. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  1899. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  1900. Apr 21 10:50:27: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1901. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  1902. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  1903. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  1904. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  1905. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  1906. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1907. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 1 fController: 1 -> 1
  1908. Apr 21 10:50:27: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1909. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 1 -> 0
  1910. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  1911. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  1912. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  1913. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  1914. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  1915. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  1916. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed there is a live DP connection but client did not put the driver in digital mode
  1917. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  1918. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  1919. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x37545c31 0x10148a00
  1920. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x87282c00 0x843255e4 0x37545c31 0x10148a00
  1921. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1922. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  1923. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  1924. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  1925. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  1926. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000103.045847]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Video Link started
  1927. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  1928. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  1929. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  1930. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: initializing
  1931. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1932. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1933. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1934. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1935. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1936. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1937. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  1938. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>"
  1939. )
  1940. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  1941. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  1942. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  1943. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  1944. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  1945. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>"
  1946. )
  1947. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:50:27.700 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  1948. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  1949. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  1950. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1951. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1952. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1953. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  1954. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  1955. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  1956. )
  1957. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  1958. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  1959. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  1960. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  1961. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  1962. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  1963. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  1964. Apr 21 10:50:27 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  1965. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356691028.340451]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  1966. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  1967. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.057478]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Audio Link started
  1968. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  1969. Apr 21 10:50:28: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1970. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: DISP: not using display bounds (1024.000000, 768.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  1971. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1972. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1973. Apr 21 10:50:28 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1974. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f63193c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  1975. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1976. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1977. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  1978. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  1979. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  1980. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  1981. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:50:30.570196 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  1982. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:50:30.579943 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  1983. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 10:50:30.587136 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  1984. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  1985. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  1986. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/68755456 ***
  1987. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/7051837440 ***
  1988. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  1989. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  1990. *** Current Date:4/21/12 10:50 AM ***
  1991. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  1992. *** Activation State:1 ***
  1993. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:50:29±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1994. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:50:30 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1995. Apr 21 10:50:30 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.38hrs. Need active time in 123.72hrs.
  1996. Apr 21 10:50:31: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  1997. Apr 21 10:50:31 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 08:50:32±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  1998. Apr 21 10:50:31 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 08:50:31 from NTP because time is unchanged
  1999. Apr 21 10:50:31 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.38hrs. Need active time in 123.72hrs.
  2000. Apr 21 10:50:31 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2001. Apr 21 10:50:32 AppleTV lsd[358]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  2002. Apr 21 10:50:41 AppleTV timed[357]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  2003. Apr 21 10:58:43 AppleTV[359]: main:212 networkd.359 built Nov 2 2011 20:21:54
  2004. Apr 21 10:58:44 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: <MTopShelfController: 0x10b96a20> selectCategoryWithIdentifier:
  2005. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2006. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2007. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2008. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2009. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2010. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2011. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2012. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2013. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2014. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2015. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2016. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2017. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2018. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2019. Apr 21 10:58:51 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2020. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2021. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2022. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2023. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2024. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2025. Apr 21 10:58:52 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2026. Apr 21 10:58:53 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2027. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2028. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2029. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2030. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2031. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2032. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2033. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (367B/s)
  2034. Apr 21 10:58:54 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2035. Apr 21 10:58:58 AppleTV mHelper[361]: installPackage: com.rrr.rowmotehelper-atv2 finished with status: 0
  2036. Apr 21 10:58:58 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 10:58:58.784 mHelper[361:e07] installPackage: com.rrr.rowmotehelper-atv2 finished with status: 0
  2037. Apr 21 10:59:00 AppleTV mHelper[361]: termStatus: 0
  2038. Apr 21 10:59:00 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2039. Apr 21 10:59:00 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 10:59:00.612 mHelper[361:e07] termStatus: 0
  2040. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2041. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2042. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2043. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2044. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2045. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2046. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2047. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2048. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2049. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2050. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2051. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2052. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2053. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2054. Apr 21 10:59:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2055. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2056. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2057. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2058. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2059. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2060. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2061. Apr 21 10:59:40 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2062. Apr 21 10:59:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2063. Apr 21 10:59:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2064. Apr 21 10:59:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2065. Apr 21 10:59:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2066. Apr 21 10:59:42 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2067. Apr 21 10:59:42 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2068. Apr 21 10:59:42 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (423B/s)
  2069. Apr 21 10:59:42 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2070. Apr 21 10:59:52 AppleTV mHelper[398]: installPackage: com.plex.client-plugin finished with status: 0
  2071. Apr 21 10:59:52 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 10:59:52.764 mHelper[398:e07] installPackage: com.plex.client-plugin finished with status: 0
  2072. Apr 21 10:59:55 AppleTV mHelper[398]: termStatus: 0
  2073. Apr 21 10:59:55 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2074. Apr 21 10:59:55 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 10:59:55.035 mHelper[398:e07] termStatus: 0
  2075. Apr 21 11:00:07 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2076. Apr 21 11:00:07 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2077. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2078. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2079. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2080. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2081. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2082. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2083. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2084. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2085. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2086. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2087. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2088. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2089. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2090. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2091. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2092. Apr 21 11:00:08 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2093. Apr 21 11:00:09 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2094. Apr 21 11:00:09 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2095. Apr 21 11:00:09 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2096. Apr 21 11:00:09 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2097. Apr 21 11:00:09 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2098. Apr 21 11:00:10 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2099. Apr 21 11:00:10 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2100. Apr 21 11:00:11 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2101. Apr 21 11:00:11 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2102. Apr 21 11:00:11 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2103. Apr 21 11:00:11 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (362B/s)
  2104. Apr 21 11:00:11 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2105. Apr 21 11:00:19 AppleTV mHelper[446]: installPackage: com.nito.nitotv finished with status: 0
  2106. Apr 21 11:00:19 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:00:19.354 mHelper[446:e07] installPackage: com.nito.nitotv finished with status: 0
  2107. Apr 21 11:00:21 AppleTV mHelper[446]: termStatus: 0
  2108. Apr 21 11:00:21 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2109. Apr 21 11:00:21 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:00:21.180 mHelper[446:e07] termStatus: 0
  2110. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2111. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2112. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2113. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2114. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2115. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2116. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2117. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2118. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2119. Apr 21 11:00:38 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2120. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2121. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2122. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2123. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2124. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2125. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2126. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2127. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2128. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2129. Apr 21 11:00:39 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2130. Apr 21 11:00:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2131. Apr 21 11:00:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2132. Apr 21 11:00:40 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2133. Apr 21 11:00:40 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2134. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2135. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2136. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2137. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2138. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (391B/s)
  2139. Apr 21 11:00:41 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2140. Apr 21 11:00:48 AppleTV mHelper[487]: installPackage: finished with status: 0
  2141. Apr 21 11:00:48 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:00:48.889 mHelper[487:e07] installPackage: finished with status: 0
  2142. Apr 21 11:00:50 AppleTV mHelper[487]: termStatus: 0
  2143. Apr 21 11:00:50 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2144. Apr 21 11:00:50 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:00:50.707 mHelper[487:e07] termStatus: 0
  2145. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2146. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2147. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2148. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2149. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2150. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2151. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2152. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2153. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2154. Apr 21 11:01:21 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2155. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2156. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2157. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2158. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2159. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2160. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2161. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2162. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2163. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2164. Apr 21 11:01:22 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2165. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2166. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2167. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2168. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2169. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2170. Apr 21 11:01:23 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2171. Apr 21 11:01:24 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2172. Apr 21 11:01:24 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2173. Apr 21 11:01:24 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (442B/s)
  2174. Apr 21 11:01:24 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2175. Apr 21 11:01:28 AppleTV mHelper[524]: installPackage: remotehd-atv2 finished with status: 0
  2176. Apr 21 11:01:28 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:01:28.098 mHelper[524:e07] installPackage: remotehd-atv2 finished with status: 0
  2177. Apr 21 11:01:29 AppleTV mHelper[524]: termStatus: 0
  2178. Apr 21 11:01:29 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2179. Apr 21 11:01:29 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:01:29.911 mHelper[524:e07] termStatus: 0
  2180. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2181. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2182. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2183. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2184. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2185. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2186. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2187. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2188. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2189. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2190. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2191. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2192. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2193. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2194. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2195. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2196. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2197. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2198. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2199. Apr 21 11:04:12 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2200. Apr 21 11:04:13 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2201. Apr 21 11:04:13 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2202. Apr 21 11:04:13 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2203. Apr 21 11:04:13 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2204. Apr 21 11:04:14 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2205. Apr 21 11:04:14 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2206. Apr 21 11:04:14 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2207. Apr 21 11:04:15 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2208. Apr 21 11:04:15 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (386B/s)
  2209. Apr 21 11:04:15 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2210. Apr 21 11:04:29 AppleTV mHelper[561]: installPackage: finished with status: 0
  2211. Apr 21 11:04:29 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:04:29.604 mHelper[561:e07] installPackage: finished with status: 0
  2212. Apr 21 11:04:31 AppleTV mHelper[561]: termStatus: 0
  2213. Apr 21 11:04:31 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2214. Apr 21 11:04:31 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:04:31.438 mHelper[561:e07] termStatus: 0
  2215. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2216. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release.gpg
  2217. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2218. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2219. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2220. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2221. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release.gpg
  2222. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release.gpg
  2223. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release.gpg
  2224. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Release
  2225. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2226. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
  2227. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2228. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2229. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2230. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit Release
  2231. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable Release
  2232. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit ./ Packages
  2233. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00 Release
  2234. Apr 21 11:04:41 AppleTV[355]: Get:1 stable Release [1341B]
  2235. Apr 21 11:04:42 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2236. Apr 21 11:04:42 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2237. Apr 21 11:04:42 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2238. Apr 21 11:04:42 AppleTV[355]: Ign Packages/DiffIndex
  2239. Apr 21 11:04:43 AppleTV[355]: Ign ios/675.00/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2240. Apr 21 11:04:43 AppleTV[355]: Hit Packages
  2241. Apr 21 11:04:43 AppleTV[355]: Hit stable/main Packages/DiffIndex
  2242. Apr 21 11:04:43 AppleTV[355]: Hit ios/675.00/main Packages
  2243. Apr 21 11:04:44 AppleTV[355]: Fetched 1341B in 3s (437B/s)
  2244. Apr 21 11:04:44 AppleTV[355]: Reading package lists...
  2245. Apr 21 11:04:47 AppleTV mHelper[667]: installPackage: com.firecore.couchsurfer finished with status: 0
  2246. Apr 21 11:04:47 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:04:47.352 mHelper[667:e07] installPackage: com.firecore.couchsurfer finished with status: 0
  2247. Apr 21 11:04:49 AppleTV mHelper[667]: termStatus: 0
  2248. Apr 21 11:04:49 AppleTV AppleTV[355]: update custom returned with status 0
  2249. Apr 21 11:04:49 AppleTV[355]: 2012-04-21 11:04:49.544 mHelper[667:e07] termStatus: 0
  2250. Apr 21 11:05:08 AppleTV[355]: AppleTV(355,0x3f6dcce8) malloc: *** error for object 0x4c75b0: pointer being freed was not allocated
  2251. Apr 21 11:05:08 AppleTV[355]: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
  2252. Apr 21 11:05:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[722]: Formulating crash report for process AppleTV[355]
  2253. Apr 21 11:05:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[722]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/AppleTV_2012-04-21-110508_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  2254. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356691910.295372]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client AppleTV (268435459)
  2255. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  2256. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  2257. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  2258. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Captured original IMP 0x363d2f9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  2259. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/EventCatcher.dylib
  2260. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV[1] ([355]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
  2261. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 1 -> 0
  2262. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  2263. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  2264. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  2265. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  2266. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  2267. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  2268. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2269. Apr 21 11:05:10: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2270. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib
  2271. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ScrollHack.dylib
  2272. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  2273. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  2274. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2275. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  2276. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  2277. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2278. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Rowmote Helper initialized.
  2279. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: -[<LTAppDelegate: 0x49ba70> applicationDidFinishLaunching:<BRApplication: 0x47b080>]
  2280. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: initializing
  2281. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2282. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  2283. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  2284. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2285. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2286. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  2287. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  2288. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>"
  2289. )
  2290. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2291. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  2292. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  2293. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2294. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  2295. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>"
  2296. )
  2297. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 02:05:10.733 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  2298. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  2299. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  2300. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2301. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  2302. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2303. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  2304. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2305. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  2306. )
  2307. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  2308. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  2309. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  2310. Apr 21 11:05:10 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  2311. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  2312. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  2313. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  2314. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  2315. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  2316. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed there is a live DP connection but client did not put the driver in digital mode
  2317. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  2318. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  2319. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x37545c31 0xf8dc000
  2320. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x8731fe00 0x87656000 0x37545c31 0xf8dc000
  2321. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  2322. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  2323. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  2324. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  2325. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  2326. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000882.973257]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Video Link started
  2327. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  2328. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  2329. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  2330. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.068783]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Audio Link started
  2331. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  2332. Apr 21 11:05:11: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2333. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356691911.533646]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  2334. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  2335. Apr 21 11:05:11 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: DISP: not using display bounds (1024.000000, 768.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  2336. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Msg] [M1799] FCApplianceInitializer.m:(+[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance]:164) +[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance] settings <ATVSettingsFacade: 0x49f6e0> OS version 5.0.1 build 3323
  2337. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Migration started! Attemps: 3
  2338. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Current DB version: (null)
  2339. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2340. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: A SQLite database error occurred on database '/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Media/': Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x425f60 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_meta, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: cached_meta} (SQLite #1: no such table: cached_meta) (query: 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_meta')
  2341. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] -[FCMetadataMigrationDAO_v0_9 userHasCachedMetadata] 0 entries in cached_meta table
  2342. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_to_0_9: 0x41c090>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 0.9
  2343. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_0_9_to_0_9_1: 0x41c910>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 0.9.1
  2344. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2345. Apr 21 11:05:12 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2346. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISCertificate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2347. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISSpringBoardUtility is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2348. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISStoreVersion is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2349. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2350. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2351. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2352. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDelayedInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2353. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISMainThreadInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2354. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISOperationQueue is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2355. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2356. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDataProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2357. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLBag is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2358. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISLoadURLBagOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2359. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISPropertyListProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2360. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISStoreURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2361. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISClient is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2362. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISNetworkObserver is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2363. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISRetryDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2364. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2365. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISAuthenticationChallengeOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2366. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2367. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISStoreAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2368. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2369. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISSoftwareApplication is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2370. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISLoadSoftwareMapOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2371. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISStoreAuthenticateOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2372. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISUserNotification is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2373. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDialog is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2374. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDialogButton is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2375. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDialogTextField is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2376. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISSoftwareMap is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2377. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISUniqueOperationManager is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2378. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISUniqueOperationContext is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2379. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISServerAuthenticationOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2380. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISProcessPropertyListOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2381. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISDelegateProxy is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2382. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2383. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLOperationPool is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2384. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISURLOperationPoolOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2385. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISOpenURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2386. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISOpenURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2387. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class OpenURLTarget is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2388. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISCookieStorage is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2389. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class ISSQLiteDatabase is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2390. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_0_9_1_to_1_0: 0x419910>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0
  2391. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_to_1_0_1: 0x419430>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0.1
  2392. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_1_to_1_0_2: 0x418e60>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0.2
  2393. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x42f000>
  2394. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_2_to_1_0_3: 0x4189a0>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0.3
  2395. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_3_to_1_0_4: 0x418420>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0.4
  2396. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_4_to_1_0_5: 0x418370>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.0.5
  2397. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: A SQLite database error occurred on database '/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Media/': Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x10c68d60 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: cached_series} (SQLite #1: no such table: cached_series) (query: 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series')
  2398. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: A SQLite database error occurred on database '/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Media/': Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x10c6a730 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: cached_series} (SQLite #1: no such table: cached_series) (query: 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series')
  2399. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: A SQLite database error occurred on database '/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Media/': Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x403550 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: cached_series} (SQLite #1: no such table: cached_series) (query: 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cached_series')
  2400. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_0_5_to_1_2_1: 0x4179f0>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.2.1
  2401. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV[723]: objc[723]: Class AsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib and /var/stash/Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2402. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: A SQLite database error occurred on database '/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Media/': Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x10c6a740 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=INSERT OR IGNORE INTO folder_tags_tmp (itemID, path, tag) SELECT itemID, rtrim(path,'/'), tag FROM folder_tags WHERE tag = ?, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: folder_tags} (SQLite #1: no such table: folder_tags) (query: 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO folder_tags_tmp (itemID, path, tag) SELECT itemID, rtrim(path,'/'), tag FROM folder_tags WHERE tag = ?')
  2403. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] [Migration] -[FCMigrationDAO_v1_3 migrateMetadataTags] error Error Domain=com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase Code=3 "An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement." UserInfo=0x10c6a740 {com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.code=1, NSLocalizedDescription=An error occured parsing the provided SQL statement., com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.query.string=INSERT OR IGNORE INTO folder_tags_tmp (itemID, path, tag) SELECT itemID, rtrim(path,'/'), tag FROM folder_tags WHERE tag = ?, com.plausiblelabs.pldatabase.error.vendor.string=no such table: folder_tags}
  2404. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_2_1_to_1_3: 0x417560>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.3
  2405. Apr 21 11:05:13 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: **** Remote HD started on port: 32700
  2406. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.14hrs. Need active time in 123.47hrs.
  2407. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Task '<FCMigrationTask_from_1_3_to_1_4: 0x4170c0>' has been successfully completed! New version is: 1.4
  2408. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Has been finished successfully!
  2409. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2410. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: +[WeatherApplianceITV initialize] swizzling < 5.1
  2411. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2412. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV[723]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/var/mobile/.smb/smb.conf":
  2413. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV[723]: No such file or directory
  2414. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV[723]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/usr/local/samba/etc/samba/smb.conf":
  2415. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV[723]: No such file or directory
  2416. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: NITOTV INITIALIZE
  2417. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: never checked before, set old date!!!
  2418. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: update date with value: 090410_022230
  2419. Apr 21 11:05:14 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: set section list: (
  2420. "Data Storage",
  2421. Development,
  2422. Fonts,
  2423. Networking,
  2424. Packaging,
  2425. Repositories,
  2426. System,
  2427. Tweaks,
  2428. Utilities,
  2429. utils,
  2430. Multimedia,
  2431. "ATV_Settings",
  2432. "Main_Menu_Extensions",
  2433. Music,
  2434. Localization,
  2435. Networking,
  2436. Productivity
  2437. )
  2438. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f63193c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  2439. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2440. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2441. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2442. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2443. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2444. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  2445. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  2446. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  2447. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:05:15.703594 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  2448. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:05:15.713553 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  2449. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:05:15.720569 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  2450. Apr 21 11:05:15 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  2451. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  2452. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/52748288 ***
  2453. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/7011008512 ***
  2454. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  2455. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  2456. *** Current Date:4/21/12 11:05 AM ***
  2457. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  2458. *** Activation State:1 ***
  2459. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:05:12±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  2460. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:05:16 from NTP because time is unchanged
  2461. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.14hrs. Need active time in 123.47hrs.
  2462. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:05:17±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  2463. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:05:16 from NTP because time is unchanged
  2464. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 40.14hrs. Need active time in 123.47hrs.
  2465. Apr 21 11:05:16 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2466. Apr 21 11:05:17 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2467. Apr 21 11:05:17 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2468. Apr 21 11:05:18 AppleTV lsd[730]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  2469. Apr 21 11:05:26 AppleTV timed[725]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  2470. Apr 21 11:05:37 AppleTV launchproxy[731]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 49335
  2471. Apr 21 11:05:40 AppleTV sshd[732]: Accepted password for root from port 49335 ssh2
  2472. Apr 21 11:05:40 AppleTV sshd[732]: subsystem request for sftp
  2473. Apr 21 11:06:36 AppleTV AppleTV[723]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x42f000>
  2474. Apr 21 11:07:05 AppleTV[723]: 2012-04-21 11:05:16 | | NetworkHelper.m:187
  2475. Apr 21 11:07:05 AppleTV[723]: [DEBUG] - <NETWORK> Check connection to
  2476. Apr 21 11:07:05 AppleTV[723]: 2012-04-21 11:05:16 | | NetworkHelper.m:213
  2477. Apr 21 11:07:05 AppleTV[723]: [DEBUG] - <NETWORK> Failed to connect
  2478. Apr 21 11:23:41 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 1 -> 0
  2479. Apr 21 11:23:41 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  2480. Apr 21 11:23:41 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  2481. Apr 21 11:23:41 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356693021.631648]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client AppleTV (268435459)
  2482. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  2483. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  2484. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  2485. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  2486. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  2487. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  2488. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Captured original IMP 0x363d2f9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  2489. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/EventCatcher.dylib
  2490. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  2491. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2492. Apr 21 11:23:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2493. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib
  2494. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ScrollHack.dylib
  2495. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  2496. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  2497. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2498. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  2499. Apr 21 11:23:42 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  2500. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2501. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Rowmote Helper initialized.
  2502. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: -[<LTAppDelegate: 0x45dc10> applicationDidFinishLaunching:<BRApplication: 0x43d200>]
  2503. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: initializing
  2504. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2505. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  2506. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  2507. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2508. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2509. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  2510. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  2511. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>"
  2512. )
  2513. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2514. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>
  2515. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  2516. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  2517. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  2518. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>"
  2519. )
  2520. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV mediaserverd[31]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 02:23:43.250 [tid 0x1eb7000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  2521. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  2522. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  2523. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2524. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  2525. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2526. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  2527. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  2528. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  2529. )
  2530. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  2531. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  2532. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  2533. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  2534. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  2535. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed there is a live DP connection but client did not put the driver in digital mode
  2536. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  2537. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  2538. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x37545c31 0xf308200
  2539. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x87911200 0x88abf244 0x37545c31 0xf308200
  2540. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  2541. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  2542. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  2543. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  2544. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  2545. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: [001112.411375]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Video Link started
  2546. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  2547. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  2548. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 20 12
  2549. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.059849]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x85b9b000) Audio Link started
  2550. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  2551. Apr 21 11:23:44: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2552. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  2553. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  2554. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  2555. Apr 21 11:23:43 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  2556. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV wifid[33]: WiFi:[356693024.208075]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  2557. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  2558. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: DISP: not using display bounds (1024.000000, 768.000000) for root layer; using (1280.000000, 720.000000) instead.
  2559. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Msg] [M1799] FCApplianceInitializer.m:(+[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance]:164) +[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance] settings <ATVSettingsFacade: 0x4618f0> OS version 5.0.1 build 3323
  2560. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Migration started! Attemps: 3
  2561. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Current DB version: 1.4
  2562. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] No need to migrate. Probably current version is final
  2563. Apr 21 11:23:44 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2564. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2565. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2566. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISCertificate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2567. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISSpringBoardUtility is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2568. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISStoreVersion is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2569. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2570. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2571. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2572. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDelayedInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2573. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISMainThreadInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2574. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISOperationQueue is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2575. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2576. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDataProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2577. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLBag is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2578. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISLoadURLBagOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2579. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISPropertyListProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2580. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISStoreURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2581. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISClient is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2582. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISNetworkObserver is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2583. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISRetryDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2584. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2585. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISAuthenticationChallengeOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2586. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2587. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISStoreAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2588. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2589. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISSoftwareApplication is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2590. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISLoadSoftwareMapOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2591. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISStoreAuthenticateOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2592. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISUserNotification is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2593. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDialog is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2594. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDialogButton is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2595. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDialogTextField is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2596. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISSoftwareMap is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2597. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x4f6a20>
  2598. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISUniqueOperationManager is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2599. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISUniqueOperationContext is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2600. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISServerAuthenticationOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2601. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISProcessPropertyListOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2602. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISDelegateProxy is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2603. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2604. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLOperationPool is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2605. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISURLOperationPoolOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2606. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISOpenURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2607. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISOpenURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2608. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class OpenURLTarget is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2609. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISCookieStorage is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2610. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class ISSQLiteDatabase is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2611. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: objc[737]: Class AsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib and /var/stash/Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  2612. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: **** Remote HD started on port: 32700
  2613. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2614. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: +[WeatherApplianceITV initialize] swizzling < 5.1
  2615. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2616. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/var/mobile/.smb/smb.conf":
  2617. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: No such file or directory
  2618. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/usr/local/samba/etc/samba/smb.conf":
  2619. Apr 21 11:23:45 AppleTV[737]: No such file or directory
  2620. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: NITOTV INITIALIZE
  2621. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f63193c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  2622. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2623. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2624. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2625. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2626. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  2627. Apr 21 11:23:46 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.83hrs. Need active time in 123.16hrs.
  2628. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  2629. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  2630. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  2631. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:23:47.008950 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  2632. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:23:47.018725 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  2633. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:23:47.025736 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  2634. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  2635. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  2636. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/52748288 ***
  2637. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/6884417536 ***
  2638. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  2639. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  2640. *** Current Date:4/21/12 11:23 AM ***
  2641. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  2642. *** Activation State:1 ***
  2643. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:23:45±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  2644. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:23:47 from NTP because time is unchanged
  2645. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.83hrs. Need active time in 123.16hrs.
  2646. Apr 21 11:23:47 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:23:48±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  2647. Apr 21 11:23:48 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:23:48 from NTP because time is unchanged
  2648. Apr 21 11:23:48 AppleTV timed[739]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.83hrs. Need active time in 123.16hrs.
  2649. Apr 21 11:23:48 AppleTV AppleTV[737]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  2650. Jan 1 01:00:04 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 4 0
  2651. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: 7: built Nov 2 2011 20:10:28, phy @ 0,
  2652. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: start, 61: start finished
  2653. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: jetsam: Setting jetsam_diagnostic_mode using sysctl failed with 2: No such file or directory
  2654. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: sensor status logging disabled
  2655. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost UserEventAgent[18]:
  2656. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Logging last sensor disabled
  2657. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: summary logging disabled
  2658. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: mitigation behavior enabled
  2659. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost configd[20]: loading
  2660. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Factory called
  2661. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  2662. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 254: port0 in ::prepare
  2663. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  2664. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 269: port0 in ::prepare done
  2665. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: start, 119: start finished
  2666. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
  2667. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
  2668. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
  2669. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:389)
  2670. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
  2671. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: camera equations enabled
  2672. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: thermal monitoring enabled
  2673. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: Thermal statistics disabled
  2674. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2675. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: registered for wake notification
  2676. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2677. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2678. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2679. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2680. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2681. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: loading
  2682. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: (Note ) PIH: MCUEAPlugin initialized.
  2683. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
  2684. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
  2685. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
  2686. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
  2687. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: FTL_Open will set index cache to 0x400
  2688. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:3117): CXT is not valid . Performing full NAND R/O restore ...
  2689. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
  2690. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  2691. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: created server connection: 0x1564e0
  2692. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Querying interface
  2693. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 1 to 546
  2694. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 2 to 6553
  2695. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 4 to 2730
  2696. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 6 to 6553
  2697. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 7 to 3276
  2698. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: loading
  2699. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Error loading /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent: dlopen(/System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent, 262): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDelete.framework/MobileDelete
  2700. Referenced from: /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent
  2701. Reason: image not found
  2702. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: setting thermal status level to 0 (0) [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  2703. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: set allowable transmit power limit to 24.000 dBm [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  2704. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
  2705. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
  2706. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Manufacturer: ""
  2707. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Product: ""
  2708. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
  2709. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: loading
  2710. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: Cannot find function pointer UserEventAgentFactory for factory FB86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x158ca0 </System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
  2711. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost UserEventAgent[18]: error: plugin does not support IUserEventAgent interface
  2712. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CLTM[18]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 18, last update = -2147483648
  2713. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo1: "P=K66 m=3.1 V=u"
  2714. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::start(): Started by: IOSDIOIoCardDevice, AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:29
  2715. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:32
  2716. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::attachBusGated(): Bus Driver Initialization Time 6.805120750
  2717. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no real time PS parameters found using default
  2718. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no enterprise roaming parameters found using default
  2719. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
  2720. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started: 0x823e6688
  2721. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started with AppleNANDConfigAccess
  2722. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 20, in group 1
  2723. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] started
  2724. Jan 1 01:00:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2725. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: LwVM::_partitionsFromConfig - loaded configuration for 2 partitions
  2726. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@BFC00000/AppleS5L8930XIO/flash-controller0@1200000/AppleIOPFMI/disk/IOFlashPartitionScheme/IOFlashStoragePartition@4/AppleNANDLegacyFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/LightweightVolumeManager/IOMedia@1/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/System@1
  2727. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s1s1, major 14, minor 2
  2728. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x82800000(0xceb7e000)
  2729. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart4 at 0x82900000(0xceb80000)
  2730. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: missing or invalid entitlement hash
  2731. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]:
  2732. Jan 1 01:00:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2733. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: pod2g is in da house !
  2734. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /private/var/stash/libexec/ptpd
  2735. Jan 1 01:00:10 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
  2736. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  2737. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  2738. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  2739. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2740. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2741. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2742. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2743. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2744. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2745. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2746. Jan 1 01:00:17 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  2747. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: adding
  2748. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: skipped (disabled)
  2749. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [CommCenterClassic] (675.00)
  2750. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost CommCenterClassic[24]: MS:Error: Cannot Stack: Cannot allocate memory
  2751. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  2752. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: Captured original IMP 0x365aaf9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  2753. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/EventCatcher.dylib
  2754. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: DevUSB: Waiting for lockdownd
  2755. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: AppleArasanFEController: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  2756. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 291: port0 in ::enable netif
  2757. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 768: port0 in ::_prepareHW
  2758. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: powerUp, 171: finished
  2759. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  2760. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 829: port0 ::_prepareHW done
  2761. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  2762. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2763. Jan 1 01:00:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2764. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib
  2765. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ScrollHack.dylib
  2766. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  2767. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost configd[20]: ioctl(SIOCGIFCAP) failed: Device not configured
  2768. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV configd[20]: ioctl(SIOCGIFCAP) failed: Device not configured
  2769. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  2770. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  2771. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV configd[20]: setting hostname to "AppleTV"
  2772. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  2773. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  2774. Jan 1 01:00:18 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 841: port0 in ::_enableBSD
  2775. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 849: port0 ::_enableBSD done
  2776. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 303: port0 ::enable netif done
  2777. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  2778. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  2779. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  2780. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: Posting '' notifyState=1
  2781. Jan 1 01:00:18 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: __IOHIDLoadBundles: Loaded 1 HID plugin
  2782. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.097058 AM [AppleTVIR] Initializing
  2783. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  2784. Jan 1 01:00:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2785. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  2786. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
  2787. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Communications Center Started.
  2788. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  2789. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.212237 AM [AppleTVIR] Loaded IR remote prefs, 0 learned button(s)
  2790. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Unable to locate service: Are the CommCenter helper processes present on the system?
  2791. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lockdownd] (675.00)
  2792. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.242528 AM [AppleTVIR] Initializing MCU
  2793. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV[1] ([26]): ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
  2794. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV CommCenter[24]: Unable to initialize the helper object for service
  2795. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307180.755659]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  2796. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.280476 AM [AppleTVIR] Started
  2797. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.296893 AM [AppleTVIR] MCU version 01.29
  2798. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307180.714395]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  2799. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.324333 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to booted
  2800. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307180.675331]: bootstrap_look_up of WiFiManager server failed
  2801. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:19.330545 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  2802. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 main: Starting Up
  2803. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  2804. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Performing boot time checks.
  2805. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
  2806. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
  2807. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Checking for new carrier profile...
  2808. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
  2811. Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
  2812. Code : 1000
  2813. Type : MCFatalError
  2814. Jan 1 01:00:19 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: No configuration profile found in carrier bundle.
  2815. Jan 1 01:00:20 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  2816. Jan 1 01:00:20 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: _handleTimer, 553: INTSRC:00ca
  2817. Jan 1 01:00:20 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: getLinkSpeed, 264: Link Partner: autoneg-capable:1, capabilities:01e1
  2818. Jan 1 01:00:20 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _linkChange, 1079: link-speed, 100BTx Full
  2819. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:21.215895 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  2820. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:21.216128 AM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  2821. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 1970-01-01 01:00:21.221330 AM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  2822. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000017.367959]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x86122800) initDevice=0x00000000
  2823. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2824. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Rowmote Helper initialized.
  2825. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  2826. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV configd[20]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
  2827. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  2828. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 0 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  2829. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  2830. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  2831. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  2832. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  2833. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  2834. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1970-01-01 01:00:09 +0100. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  2835. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x3771dc31 0xd20ca00
  2836. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x861efe00 0x8646c000 0x3771dc31 0xd20ca00
  2837. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  2838. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  2839. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware() redundant call
  2840. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT: DP cable attached
  2841. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::hotPlug_notify(uint64_t) (0x1)
  2842. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  2843. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  2844. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  2845. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), could not enable RGBOUT. Mode is set to TVOUT but could not locate TVOUT driver
  2846. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  2847. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 33 9
  2848. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware() redundant call
  2849. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_displayport_mode(IODPDisplayColorElement*, IODPDisplayTimingElement*)
  2850. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  2851. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  2852. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  2853. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.307690]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86431d80) Video Link started
  2854. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  2855. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  2856. Jan 1 01:00:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 33 9
  2857. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/mediaserverd
  2858. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd
  2859. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BTServer
  2860. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:cp_key_store_action(1)
  2861. Jan 1 01:00:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  2862. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANFirmwareManager::setNVRAMData(): received 895 bytes
  2863. Jan 1 01:00:22 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[32]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.txt", file size = 895 bytes
  2864. Jan 1 01:00:22 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: MS:Notice: Installing: [mediaserverd] (675.00)
  2865. Jan 1 01:00:22 AppleTV locationd[45]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [locationd] (675.00)
  2866. Jan 1 01:00:22 AppleTV mDNSResponder[44]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-329.6 (Nov 2 2011 20:18:42) starting iOSVers 9
  2867. Jan 1 01:00:22 AppleTV BTServer[58]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BTServer] (675.00)
  2868. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[32]: [ 24.701 sec] Sending NVRAM, 895 bytes
  2869. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[32]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.bin", file size = 264848 bytes
  2870. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[-978307176.937108]: WiFi Preferences is up to date
  2871. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV timed[33]: (Warn ) CoreTime: Current PMU RTC older than cache. Complete power drain likely. Cache invalid.
  2872. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV keybagd[40]: 3f8b4ce8 main: System Keybag loaded
  2873. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV mDNSResponder[44]: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
  2874. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[32]: [ 25.082 sec] Sending firmware, 264848 bytes
  2875. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV mDNSResponder[44]: Note: Compiled without SnowLeopard Fine-Grained Power Management support
  2876. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt buildRegionalBehaviorsIfNecessary: Could not open /System/Library/RegionFeatures/RegionFeatures_appletv.txt: No such file or directory
  2877. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV mDNSResponder[44]: D2DInitialize succeeded
  2878. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[-978307176.538832]: WiFiManager starting, version: WiFiManager-260 Nov 2 2011 20:24:18
  2879. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV fairplayd.K66[47]: Vroum
  2880. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: WiFi:[-978307176.390533]: WiFiManager now available
  2881. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyProximitySensorCalibration: Could not get proximity sensor calibration data
  2882. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyCompassCalibration: Could not get Compass calibration calibration data
  2883. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  2884. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandBoardSnum: Could not convert baseband board snum data to string
  2885. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convert NULL data to string
  2886. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: libMobileGestalt copyWirelessBoardSnum: Could not convert wireless board snum data to string
  2887. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 lockstart_local: Build= 9A405l
  2888. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 _load_product_type: old school Certs
  2889. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 _load_product_type: using activity url
  2890. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: libMobileGestalt load_dict: Could not fstat /System/Library/CoreServices/ Bad file descriptor
  2891. Jan 1 01:00:23 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: libMobileGestalt addCapabilities: Failed to load configuration plist
  2892. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV softwareupdated[38]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [softwareupdated] (675.00)
  2893. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: BTServer 5.0 () Modified on
  2894. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Bluetooth Super Server Robot Destroyer
  2895. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Got local-mac-address: b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  2896. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: PurpleTelephony.cpp:131 updateBatteryCapacit Telephony Error Could not retrieve value for kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey
  2897. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  2898. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManager::withBus(): BCM4329 revision B1
  2899. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): start
  2900. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): finish
  2901. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  2902. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV BlueTool[62]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BlueTool] (675.00)
  2903. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  2904. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Opening @ 115200 baud.
  2905. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Server attached, going into msg loop.
  2906. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[44]: Bluetooth transport is not supported
  2907. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[45]: NOTICE,Location icon should now not be visible
  2908. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[45]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
  2909. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV configd[20]: network configuration changed.
  2910. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV configd[20]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  2911. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[32]: [ 26.299 sec] Downloaded firmware, 264848 bytes
  2912. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: BCMWLAN Firmware Version: wl0: Aug 26 2011 02:10:31 version
  2913. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: nvram file version
  2914. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Firmware does not support ap mode; disabling apsta feature (currently enabled)
  2915. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): country code set to XZ
  2916. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Packet glomming ON (mode=7)
  2917. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
  2918. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  2919. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: Issued HCI Reset
  2920. Jan 1 01:00:24 AppleTV[58]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  2921. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[-978307174.928563]: Failed to attach to MIS Session with error Operation not supported
  2922. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV[58]: Chip is BCM4329B1
  2923. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::applyRoamingCandidateBoost(): Applying 5GHz roam candidate boost of 30
  2924. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore:initFirmware(): 2372 RoamScan feature is not enabled for this platform
  2925. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): successful initialization
  2926. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f6
  2927. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
  2928. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::attachInterfaceWithMacAddress(): interface en1 attached and registered
  2929. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initDongle(): Core Driver Initialization Time 26.628973416
  2930. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateWillChangeToGated(): cap 0x8002, stateNum 1, dev 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  2931. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateDidChangeToGated(): stateNum 1, pol 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  2932. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AirPort: Enabled AppleBCMWLANCore (link 1, sys 0, user 1)
  2933. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  2934. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV softwareupdated[38]: 3f8b4ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  2935. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [configd]: Setting power state to 1
  2936. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  2937. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  2938. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  2939. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  2940. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  2941. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  2942. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV[58]: Current Device: UART -
  2943. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV[58]: Setting speed to 115200
  2944. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV[58]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  2945. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV TSSAgent[59]: Processing blobs...
  2946. Jan 1 01:00:25 AppleTV hpfd[46]: libhpd Error: condition "hpDriverFound" FAILED, hpd_deviceCheck() line 103, status: (os/kern) successful(0x0)
  2947. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV[58]: Overriding BDADDR from environment variable: BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS = b8:17:c2:c8:85:f8
  2948. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV[58]: Using host name: AppleTV
  2949. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  2950. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  2951. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 _twiddle_checkpoint: Can't get CB stuff: -42110
  2952. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 load_supported_languages: Could not load bundle for Preferences application
  2953. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 _load_international_filters: Could not load the supported languages
  2954. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV BlueTool[70]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [BlueTool] (675.00)
  2955. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV[58]: Device not open yet, use 'device' to open it.
  2956. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in -0.00hrs. Need active time in -0.00hrs.
  2957. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 ping_configd: Not setting host name, it already has one: Apple TV (2)
  2958. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 load_activation_records: Could not extract ICCID from record
  2959. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 load_activation_records: This is the iPod activation record
  2960. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Activated
  2961. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  2962. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  2963. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV configd[20]: DevUSB: lockdownd is available
  2964. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV configd[20]: DevUSB: waiting for IOUSBDeviceController
  2965. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV UserEventAgent[18]: Unable to cancel system wake for 1970-01-01 01:00:11 +0100. IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent() returned 0xe00002c2
  2966. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 notification_worker: now listening for CT notifications
  2967. Jan 1 01:00:26 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Fetching NTP time from "" count:3 timeout:60.00
  2968. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV configd[20]:
  2969. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 notification_worker: we've registered for notifications, now make sure we didn't miss one...
  2970. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV configd[20]: DevUSB: IOUSBDeviceController is available
  2971. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 load_activation_records: Could not extract ICCID from record
  2972. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 load_activation_records: This is the iPod activation record
  2973. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The original activation state is Activated
  2974. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: SIM status: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady
  2975. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV lockdownd[27]: 3f8b4ce8 determine_activation_state_old: The activation state has not changed.
  2976. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: ignoring builtin profile for platform app: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  2977. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: Apple Mobile Device
  2978. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
  2979. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Nov 2 2011 20:10:31
  2980. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: init_waste
  2981. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
  2982. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
  2983. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableDisconnect
  2984. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 09:24:31 +0000 ± 0.12 at 696684892 (delay 0.21, dispersion 0.02)
  2985. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:00:27.406 [tid 0x3f8b4ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  2986. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:00:27.419 [tid 0x3f8b4ce8] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  2987. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 01:00:27.451 [tid 0x1dec000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  2988. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV[53]: 1970-01-01 01:00:27.461497 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  2989. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 09:24:31 +0000 ± 0.14 at 700881698 (delay 0.17, dispersion 0.05)
  2990. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Got NTP time 2012-04-21 09:24:32 +0000 ± 0.12 at 706320138 (delay 0.23, dispersion 0.01)
  2991. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: NTP got responses from 3 servers total
  2992. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: NTP succeeded with 356693071.80±0.12 at 696684892
  2993. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:24:31±0.12 from "NTP"
  2994. Jan 1 01:00:27 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:24:32 from NTP
  2995. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.99hrs. Need active time in 123.33hrs.
  2996. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV OTACrashCopier[55]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_attempted_submission_marker'
  2997. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV OTACrashCopier[55]: (Warn ) <OTAConditionMonitor.m -[OTAConditionMonitor _readDateFromMarkerFile:]:246> Failed to read attributes from '/var/mobile/Library/OTALogging/.last_successful_submission_marker'
  2998. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: -[<LTAppDelegate: 0x43d370> applicationDidFinishLaunching:<BRApplication: 0x423030>]
  2999. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:24:32.327180 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers started
  3000. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: initializing
  3001. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  3002. Apr 21 11:24:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3003. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 11:24:32.390 [tid 0x1dec000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  3004. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV gssc[74]: {
  3005. "application-display-identifiers" = (
  3006. ""
  3007. );
  3008. "device-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  3009. "device-name-localized" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  3010. "marketing-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  3011. "screen-dimensions" = {
  3012. "main-screen-height" = 720;
  3013. "main-screen-orientation" = 1.570796;
  3014. "main-screen-scale" = "1.0";
  3015. "main-screen-width" = 1280;
  3016. };
  3017. "tv-out-settings" = {
  3018. AspectRatio = "16:9";
  3019. Captioning = OFF;
  3020. FitSystem = ScaleToFit;
  3021. Signal = DisplayPort;
  3022. System = NTSC;
  3023. iPodOut = 0;
  3024. };
  3025. }
  3026. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV CLTM[18]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1335000272, last update = 23
  3027. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  3028. Apr 21 11:24:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3029. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV DumpPanic[56]: PanicDumper data written to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Panics/1970-01-01-010024.panic.plist
  3030. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  3031. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  3032. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3033. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  3034. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3035. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  3036. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3037. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  3038. )
  3039. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  3040. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  3041. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  3042. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  3043. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  3044. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  3045. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  3046. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  3047. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV daily[48]: (0x3f8b4ce8) carrousel: Could not rmdir /private/var/tmp/launchd: Directory not empty
  3048. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1317871906 reference_mtime = 27
  3049. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 check_stale_maps: /private/var/mobile/Applications appears stale
  3050. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 check_freshness: sb.st_mtime = 1334998887 reference_mtime = 27
  3051. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 check_stale_maps: /Applications appears stale
  3052. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  3053. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Appliances
  3054. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620388
  3055. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 load_application_info: /Applications/ has no executable in plist
  3056. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 load_application_type: Could not extract identifier for /Applications/
  3057. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring Utilities
  3058. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 3f8b4ce8 load_application_type: Ignoring XBMC.frappliance
  3059. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV installd[95]: 00381000 load_application_type: No applications found in /private/var/mobile/Applications
  3060. Apr 21 11:24:32 AppleTV daily[48]: (0x3f8b4ce8) renew_user_apps: There were no installed applications.
  3061. Apr 21 11:24:33 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[356693073.417441]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  3062. Apr 21 11:24:33 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  3063. Apr 21 11:24:33 AppleTV[96]: main:212 networkd.96 built Nov 2 2011 20:21:54
  3064. Apr 21 11:24:33 AppleTV mobile_profile_janitor[75]: (Note ) MPJ: No provisioning profiles to check. Exiting.
  3065. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Msg] [M1799] FCApplianceInitializer.m:(+[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance]:164) +[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance] settings <ATVSettingsFacade: 0x443390> OS version 5.0.1 build 3323
  3066. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Migration started! Attemps: 3
  3067. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Current DB version: 1.4
  3068. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] No need to migrate. Probably current version is final
  3069. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3070. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3071. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3072. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISCertificate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3073. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISSpringBoardUtility is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3074. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISStoreVersion is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3075. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3076. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3077. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3078. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDelayedInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3079. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISMainThreadInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3080. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISOperationQueue is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3081. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3082. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDataProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3083. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLBag is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3084. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISLoadURLBagOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3085. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISPropertyListProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3086. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISStoreURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3087. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISClient is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3088. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISNetworkObserver is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3089. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISRetryDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3090. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3091. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISAuthenticationChallengeOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3092. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3093. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISStoreAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3094. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3095. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISSoftwareApplication is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3096. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISLoadSoftwareMapOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3097. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISStoreAuthenticateOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3098. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISUserNotification is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3099. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDialog is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3100. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDialogButton is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3101. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDialogTextField is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3102. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISSoftwareMap is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3103. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISUniqueOperationManager is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3104. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISUniqueOperationContext is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3105. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISServerAuthenticationOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3106. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISProcessPropertyListOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3107. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISDelegateProxy is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3108. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3109. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLOperationPool is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3110. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISURLOperationPoolOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3111. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISOpenURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3112. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISOpenURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3113. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class OpenURLTarget is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3114. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISCookieStorage is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3115. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class ISSQLiteDatabase is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3116. Apr 21 11:24:34 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x4b5170>
  3117. Apr 21 11:24:35 AppleTV[21]: objc[21]: Class AsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib and /var/stash/Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3118. Apr 21 11:24:35 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: **** Remote HD started on port: 32700
  3119. Apr 21 11:24:35 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3120. Apr 21 11:24:35 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: +[WeatherApplianceITV initialize] swizzling < 5.1
  3121. Apr 21 11:24:35 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3122. Apr 21 11:24:36 AppleTV[21]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/var/mobile/.smb/smb.conf":
  3123. Apr 21 11:24:36 AppleTV[21]: No such file or directory
  3124. Apr 21 11:24:36 AppleTV[21]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/usr/local/samba/etc/samba/smb.conf":
  3125. Apr 21 11:24:36 AppleTV[21]: No such file or directory
  3126. Apr 21 11:24:36 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: NITOTV INITIALIZE
  3127. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f80993c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  3128. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3129. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3130. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3131. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3132. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3133. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  3134. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  3135. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  3136. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:24:37.852648 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  3137. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:24:37.862722 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  3138. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:24:37.869961 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  3139. Apr 21 11:24:37 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  3140. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  3141. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/52748288 ***
  3142. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/6884704256 ***
  3143. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  3144. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  3145. *** Current Date:4/21/12 11:24 AM ***
  3146. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  3147. *** Activation State:1 ***
  3148. Apr 21 11:24:38 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:24:34±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  3149. Apr 21 11:24:38 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:24:38 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3150. Apr 21 11:24:38 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.99hrs. Need active time in 123.32hrs.
  3151. Apr 21 11:24:38 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000012.083697]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86431d80) Audio Link started
  3152. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:24:39±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  3153. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:24:39 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3154. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV timed[33]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.99hrs. Need active time in 123.32hrs.
  3155. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3156. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3157. Apr 21 11:24:39 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3158. Apr 21 11:24:41 AppleTV lsd[100]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  3159. Apr 21 11:24:43 AppleTV softwareupdated[38]: 3f8b4ce8 : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  3160. Apr 21 11:24:46 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[356693086.439218]: Client apsd set type to background application
  3161. Apr 21 11:24:46 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[356693086.440448]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd"
  3162. Apr 21 11:24:48 AppleTV timed[33]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  3163. Apr 21 11:25:24 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
  3164. Apr 21 11:25:24 AppleTV profiled[25]: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
  3165. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  3166. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  3167. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  3168. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  3169. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  3170. Apr 21 11:25:30 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  3171. Apr 21 11:26:30 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  3172. Apr 21 11:26:30 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  3173. Apr 21 11:26:30 AppleTV[101]: main:212 networkd.101 built Nov 2 2011 20:21:54
  3174. Apr 21 11:26:32 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:26:31±15.00 from "LocationServer"
  3175. Apr 21 11:26:32 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:26:32 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3176. Apr 21 11:26:32 AppleTV timed[103]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.96hrs. Need active time in 123.29hrs.
  3177. Apr 21 11:26:45: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3178. Apr 21 11:26:45 AppleTV timed[103]: (Error) CoreTime: Can't set time zone to nil!
  3179. Apr 21 11:26:47 AppleTV[45]: NOTICE,Potentially setting system time zone to Europe/Amsterdam
  3180. Apr 21 11:26:47 AppleTV[45]: Unknown event 13
  3181. Apr 21 11:26:47 AppleTV[45]: Trying to set properties for unknown event 13
  3182. Apr 21 11:26:47 AppleTV timed[105]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/Amsterdam" from "Location"
  3183. Apr 21 11:26:47 AppleTV timed[105]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  3184. Apr 21 11:26:50 AppleTV timed[105]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.95hrs. Need active time in 123.29hrs.
  3185. Apr 21 11:27:00 AppleTV timed[105]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:27:01 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3186. Apr 21 11:27:11 AppleTV AppleTV[21]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x4b5170>
  3187. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV[21]: 2012-04-21 11:24:39 | | NetworkHelper.m:187
  3188. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV[21]: [DEBUG] - <NETWORK> Check connection to
  3189. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV[21]: 2012-04-21 11:24:39 | | NetworkHelper.m:213
  3190. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV[21]: [DEBUG] - <NETWORK> Failed to connect
  3191. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[356693301.345066]: Unable to dispatch WowStateChanged message to client AppleTV (268435459)
  3192. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 1 -> 0
  3193. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  3194. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  3195. Apr 21 11:28:21 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  3196. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (675.00)
  3197. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  3198. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.1) loaded.
  3199. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Captured original IMP 0x365aaf9d for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  3200. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/EventCatcher.dylib
  3201. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MainMenu.dylib
  3202. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  3203. Apr 21 11:28:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3204. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib
  3205. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ScrollHack.dylib
  3206. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist.dylib
  3207. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: beigelist (beigelist-2.2.2) loaded.
  3208. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  3209. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/screenSaverHack.dylib
  3210. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  3211. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  3212. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Rowmote Helper initialized.
  3213. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: -[<LTAppDelegate: 0x48e850> applicationDidFinishLaunching:<BRApplication: 0x46d550>]
  3214. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: initializing
  3215. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  3216. Apr 21 11:28:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3217. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 11:28:22.368 [tid 0x1dec000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'crec' is not supported."
  3218. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: Attempting to set display to default mode
  3219. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: sorted default modes to try: (
  3220. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3221. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  3222. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3223. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  3224. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  3225. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  3226. )
  3227. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  3228. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: Display mode change successful
  3229. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  3230. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: setting color mode to 1.
  3231. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV[111]: main:212 networkd.111 built Nov 2 2011 20:21:54
  3232. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  3233. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  3234. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  3235. Apr 21 11:28:22 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  3236. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  3237. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  3238. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  3239. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed there is a live DP connection but client did not put the driver in digital mode
  3240. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  3241. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV wifid[31]: WiFi:[356693303.086186]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  3242. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  3243. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 0 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 0
  3244. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x3771dc31 0xf218600
  3245. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x844c2e00 0x87a65658 0x3771dc31 0xf218600
  3246. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  3247. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void AppleRGBOUT::do_power_state_change(): fSoft: 1 fHard: 1 swapBusy: 0 fController: 0 -> 1
  3248. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware()
  3249. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: set_crc_notification_state 0
  3250. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), start DP Mode
  3251. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000224.352225]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86431d80) Video Link started
  3252. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_up_hardware(), link started
  3253. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 2
  3254. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: Redundant call to IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_digital_out_mode_gated(uint32_t, uint32_t) 33 9
  3255. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000000.036242]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x86431d80) Audio Link started
  3256. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  3257. Apr 21 11:28:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3258. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Msg] [M1799] FCApplianceInitializer.m:(+[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance]:164) +[FCApplianceInitializer initializeAppliance] settings <ATVSettingsFacade: 0x492160> OS version 5.0.1 build 3323
  3259. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Migration started! Attemps: 3
  3260. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] Current DB version: 1.4
  3261. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] [MIGRATION] No need to migrate. Probably current version is final
  3262. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3263. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3264. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3265. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISCertificate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3266. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: current device fixed: <UIDevice: 0x42e7e0>
  3267. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISSpringBoardUtility is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3268. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISStoreVersion is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3269. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3270. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3271. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3272. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDelayedInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3273. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISMainThreadInvocationRecorder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3274. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISOperationQueue is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3275. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3276. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDataProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3277. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLBag is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3278. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISLoadURLBagOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3279. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISPropertyListProvider is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3280. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISStoreURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3281. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISClient is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3282. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISNetworkObserver is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3283. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISRetryDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3284. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDialogOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3285. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISAuthenticationChallengeOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3286. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3287. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISStoreAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3288. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLAuthenticationChallenge is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3289. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISSoftwareApplication is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3290. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISLoadSoftwareMapOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3291. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISStoreAuthenticateOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3292. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISUserNotification is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3293. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDialog is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3294. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDialogButton is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3295. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDialogTextField is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3296. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISSoftwareMap is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3297. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISUniqueOperationManager is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3298. Apr 21 11:28:23 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISUniqueOperationContext is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3299. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISServerAuthenticationOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3300. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISProcessPropertyListOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3301. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISDelegateProxy is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3302. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3303. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLOperationPool is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3304. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISURLOperationPoolOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3305. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISOpenURLOperation is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3306. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISOpenURLRequest is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3307. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class OpenURLTarget is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3308. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISCookieStorage is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3309. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class ISSQLiteDatabase is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleTV.framework/AppleTV and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3310. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: objc[108]: Class AsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/RowmoteHelperATV2.dylib and /var/stash/Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3311. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: **** Remote HD started on port: 32700
  3312. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3313. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: +[WeatherApplianceITV initialize] swizzling < 5.1
  3314. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3315. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/var/mobile/.smb/smb.conf":
  3316. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: No such file or directory
  3317. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/usr/local/samba/etc/samba/smb.conf":
  3318. Apr 21 11:28:24 AppleTV[108]: No such file or directory
  3319. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: NITOTV INITIALIZE
  3320. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f80993c> _shouldPerformCheck]
  3321. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3322. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3323. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3324. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3325. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3326. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.93hrs. Need active time in 123.26hrs.
  3327. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  3328. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  3329. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  3330. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:28:25.931813 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  3331. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:28:25.941540 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  3332. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:28:25.948495 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  3333. Apr 21 11:28:25 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Serial Number:C7RGRFTJDDR5
  3334. *** OS 9A405l, IR 01.29, iBoot 1219.43.32, SW 4.4.3 / 3323 ***
  3335. *** OS partition size/free:596475904/52748288 ***
  3336. *** data partition size/free:7372701696/6884425728 ***
  3337. *** AVF main repository size:5654714778 ***
  3338. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  3339. *** Current Date:4/21/12 11:28 AM ***
  3340. *** Time Zone:Europe/Amsterdam (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  3341. *** Activation State:1 ***
  3342. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:28:23±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  3343. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:28:26 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3344. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.93hrs. Need active time in 123.26hrs.
  3345. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 04/21/2012 09:28:27±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  3346. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:28:27 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3347. Apr 21 11:28:26 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.93hrs. Need active time in 123.26hrs.
  3348. Apr 21 11:28:27 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: [FCM][Warn] Media version is 1.5_2012-04-16_15-42-14
  3349. Apr 21 11:28:27 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3350. Apr 21 11:28:27 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Appliance com.firecore.Weather not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  3351. Apr 21 11:28:29 AppleTV lsd[115]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (675.00)
  3352. Apr 21 11:28:36 AppleTV timed[110]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  3353. Apr 21 11:28:37 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: <MTopShelfController: 0x1043ac10> selectCategoryWithIdentifier:
  3354. Apr 21 11:28:37 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Deprecated use of [NSString isEmpty]
  3355. Apr 21 11:28:41: --- last message repeated 35 times ---
  3356. Apr 21 11:28:40 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: 6565 MB are available, proceed!
  3357. Apr 21 11:28:41 AppleTV TSSAgent[116]: Processing blobs...
  3358. Apr 21 11:28:41 AppleTV[108]: 2012-04-21 11:28:41.682 TSSAgent[116:e07] Processing blobs...
  3359. Apr 21 11:28:43 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Deprecated use of [NSString isEmpty]
  3360. Apr 21 11:28:44: --- last message repeated 11 times ---
  3361. Apr 21 11:28:44 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: 6565 MB are available, proceed!
  3362. Apr 21 11:28:46 AppleTV mHelper[120]: tarPreferenceFiles finished with status: 0
  3363. Apr 21 11:28:46 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: file attributes: {
  3364. NSFileCreationDate = "2012-04-21 09:28:46 +0000";
  3365. NSFileExtensionHidden = 0;
  3366. NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID = 0;
  3367. NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName = wheel;
  3368. NSFileModificationDate = "2012-04-21 09:28:46 +0000";
  3369. NSFileOwnerAccountID = 0;
  3370. NSFileOwnerAccountName = root;
  3371. NSFilePosixPermissions = 420;
  3372. NSFileProtectionKey = NSFileProtectionNone;
  3373. NSFileReferenceCount = 1;
  3374. NSFileSize = 153546;
  3375. NSFileSystemFileNumber = 12060;
  3376. NSFileSystemNumber = 234881027;
  3377. NSFileType = NSFileTypeRegular;
  3378. }
  3379. Apr 21 11:28:46 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: C7RGRFTJDDR5_042112_1128.tgz fileSize: 153546 bytes 149.95 K 0.15 MB
  3380. Apr 21 11:28:46 AppleTV[108]: 2012-04-21 11:28:46.539 mHelper[120:e07] tarPreferenceFiles finished with status: 0
  3381. Apr 21 11:28:46 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Deprecated use of [NSString isEmpty]
  3382. Apr 21 11:28:51: --- last message repeated 11 times ---
  3383. Apr 21 11:28:50 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: M: SendComplete
  3384. Apr 21 11:28:52 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: Deprecated use of [NSString isEmpty]
  3385. Apr 21 11:29:16: --- last message repeated 11 times ---
  3386. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.117573 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers stopping
  3387. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.118039 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers stopped
  3388. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.130002 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers stopping
  3389. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.130093 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers stopped
  3390. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.145360 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering off DisplayPort
  3391. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: 11:29:16.438 <0xa88000> audio device's sample rate is 0; forcing to 44100
  3392. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 11:29:16.445 [tid 0x2ff83000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cpar' is not supported."
  3393. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 11:29:16.446 [tid 0x2ff83000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1472]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  3394. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 11:29:16.447 [tid 0x2ff83000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[1312]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category 'cprB' is not supported."
  3395. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  3396. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV[108]: CADisplayIOMFB: swap_end returned error e00002c2
  3397. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.669732 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to standby
  3398. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.670654 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3399. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.671182 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3400. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.671659 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3401. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.672128 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3402. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.672595 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3403. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.710606 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3404. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: current mode: <CADisplayMode 0 x 0; pixelAspect 1>
  3405. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: available modes changed: new modes: (
  3406. )
  3407. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning -536870208 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  3408. Apr 21 11:29:16: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3409. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: *** DISPLAY UNPLUGGED ***
  3410. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: display mode did change; new mode: <CADisplayMode 0 x 0; pixelAspect 1>
  3411. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: Invalid refresh rate (0) returned for display <CADisplay:TVOut AppleRGBOUT>
  3412. Apr 21 11:29:16: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3413. Apr 21 11:29:16 AppleTV hidmonitord[26]: 2012-04-21 11:29:16.926303 AM [AppleTVIR] Ignoring repeat event without recent press
  3414. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT: DP cable removed
  3415. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::hotPlug_notify(uint64_t) (0)
  3416. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware()
  3417. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), stop the link
  3418. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), clock down RGBOUT
  3419. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, Completed Link
  3420. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), close the DP
  3421. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware(), detach and release DP driver
  3422. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 1 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  3423. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  3424. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  3425. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: IOReturn AppleRGBOUT::set_display_device_gated(uint32_t), 1
  3426. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: void AppleRGBOUT::verify_swap_gated(IOMFBSwapIORequest*, bool*) failed mIsDPOut: 1 mDPDriver: 0 fTVOUTDelegate: 0
  3427. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  3428. Apr 21 11:29:17 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT Requesting mirroring capabilities when DP service is absent
  3429. Apr 21 11:29:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3430. Apr 21 11:29:18 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: DISP: Invalid refresh rate (0) returned for display <CADisplay:TVOut AppleRGBOUT>
  3431. Apr 21 11:29:19 AppleTV mediaserverd[43]: >vad< ERROR: 11:29:19.458 [tid 0x3f8b4ce8] Object.cpp[343]: RemovePropertyListener(): Error removing ListenerRelay for property "[sfmt/glob/0]"
  3432. Apr 21 11:29:26 AppleTV AppleTV[108]: PM: Released idle sleep hold off assertion.
  3433. Apr 21 11:29:31 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:31.157815 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  3434. Apr 21 11:29:31 AppleTV[53]: 2012-04-21 11:29:31.166660 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers started
  3435. Apr 21 11:31:16 AppleTV SCHelper[125]: active (but IDLE) sessions
  3436. Apr 21 11:31:16 AppleTV SCHelper[125]: 0x221000 {port = 0x1a03, caller = AppleTV(108):AppleTV, path = /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist}
  3437. Apr 21 11:32:44 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1335000764 0
  3438. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: 7: built Nov 2 2011 20:10:28, phy @ 0,
  3439. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: jetsam: Setting jetsam_diagnostic_mode using sysctl failed with 2: No such file or directory
  3440. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]:
  3441. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: sensor status logging disabled
  3442. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: Logging last sensor disabled
  3443. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: summary logging disabled
  3444. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: mitigation behavior enabled
  3445. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: loading
  3446. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3447. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Factory called
  3448. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: ETHPHY: start, 61: start finished
  3449. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 254: port0 in ::prepare
  3450. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  3451. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: prepare, 269: port0 in ::prepare done
  3452. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: start, 119: start finished
  3453. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
  3454. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
  3455. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleD1815PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached
  3456. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:389)
  3457. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
  3458. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: camera equations enabled
  3459. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3460. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: thermal monitoring enabled
  3461. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3462. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: Thermal statistics disabled
  3463. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3464. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: registered for wake notification
  3465. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3466. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3467. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3468. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: loading
  3469. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
  3470. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
  3471. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
  3472. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
  3473. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: FTL_Open will set index cache to 0x400
  3474. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: yaFTL::YAFTL_Open(l:3117): CXT is not valid . Performing full NAND R/O restore ...
  3475. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
  3476. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: created server connection: 0x12f2e0
  3477. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 1 to 546
  3478. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 2 to 6553
  3479. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 4 to 2730
  3480. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 6 to 6553
  3481. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set decay on sensor 7 to 3276
  3482. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: setting thermal status level to 0 (0) [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  3483. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3484. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: loading
  3485. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: (Note ) PIH: MCUEAPlugin initialized.
  3486. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: set allowable transmit power limit to 24.000 dBm [-32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768, -32768]
  3487. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
  3488. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
  3489. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Manufacturer: ""
  3490. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): Product: ""
  3491. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
  3492. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CISTuple(): ProductInfo1: "P=K66 m=3.1 V=u"
  3493. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Querying interface
  3494. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost CLTM[16]: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1335000777, last update = -2147483648
  3495. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: loading
  3496. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::start(): Started by: IOSDIOIoCardDevice, AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:29
  3497. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::init(): AppleBCMWLANV2-83.11 Nov 2 2011 20:13:32
  3498. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::attachBusGated(): Bus Driver Initialization Time 7.225380625
  3499. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no real time PS parameters found using default
  3500. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::gatherParameterData() no enterprise roaming parameters found using default
  3501. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
  3502. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started: 0x823e6688
  3503. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleDiagnosticDataAccess started with AppleNANDConfigAccess
  3504. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 20, in group 1
  3505. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: [effaceable:INIT] started
  3506. Apr 21 11:32:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3507. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: LwVM::_partitionsFromConfig - loaded configuration for 2 partitions
  3508. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@BFC00000/AppleS5L8930XIO/flash-controller0@1200000/AppleIOPFMI/disk/IOFlashPartitionScheme/IOFlashStoragePartition@4/AppleNANDLegacyFTL/IOFlashBlockDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/unknown vendor unknown product Media/LightweightVolumeManager/IOMedia@1/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/System@1
  3509. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s1s1, major 14, minor 2
  3510. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart3 at 0x82800000(0xceb7e000)
  3511. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSamsungSerial: Identified Serial Port on ARM Device=uart4 at 0x82900000(0xceb80000)
  3512. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: missing or invalid entitlement hash
  3513. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: int _validateCodeDirectoryHashInDaemon(vnode*, uint8_t*): no registered daemon port
  3514. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 14: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3515. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost kernel[0]: int _validateCodeDirectoryHashInDaemon(vnode*, uint8_t*): no registered daemon port
  3516. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 15: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3517. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: launchd[22] Builtin profile: ptpd (sandbox)
  3518. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 20: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3519. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: adding
  3520. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost configd[18]: skipped (disabled)
  3521. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[24]
  3522. Apr 21 11:32:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3523. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost ReportCrash[25]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  3524. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Error loading /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent: dlopen(/System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent, 262): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDelete.framework/MobileDelete
  3525. Referenced from: /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent
  3526. Reason: image not found
  3527. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: AppleArasanFEController: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  3528. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: Cannot find function pointer UserEventAgentFactory for factory FB86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x1320d0 </System/Library/UserEventPlugins/MobileDeleteLowDiskUserEventAgent.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
  3529. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost UserEventAgent[16]: error: plugin does not support IUserEventAgent interface
  3530. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113257_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3531. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost configd[18]: DevUSB: Waiting for lockdownd
  3532. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113257_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3533. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 291: port0 in ::enable netif
  3534. Apr 21 11:32:58 localhost kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 768: port0 in ::_prepareHW
  3535. Apr 21 11:32:50 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
  3536. Apr 21 11:32:51 localhost[1] (jb[12]): (jb) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
  3537. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  3538. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  3539. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
  3540. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3541. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3542. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3543. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3544. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3545. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3546. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3547. Apr 21 11:32:56 localhost[1] ( ( The exception server is already claimed!
  3548. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost[1] ([20]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3549. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3550. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost[24]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3551. Apr 21 11:32:57 localhost[1] ([24]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3552. Apr 21 11:32:57 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3553. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV configd[18]: ioctl(SIOCGIFCAP) failed: Device not configured
  3554. Apr 21 11:32:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3555. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV configd[18]: network configuration changed.
  3556. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV configd[18]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  3557. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV configd[18]: setting hostname to "AppleTV"
  3558. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: powerUp, 171: finished
  3559. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: getHardwareAddress, 381: mac address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f7
  3560. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _prepareHW, 829: port0 ::_prepareHW done
  3561. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 841: port0 in ::_enableBSD
  3562. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _enableBSD, 849: port0 ::_enableBSD done
  3563. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: enable, 303: port0 ::enable netif done
  3564. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: setMulticastList, 530: error - count is 0
  3565. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3566. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV[27]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3567. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[27]
  3568. Apr 21 11:32:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3569. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113258_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3570. Apr 21 11:32:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3571. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV[1] ([27]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3572. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3573. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  3574. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Performing boot time checks.
  3575. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
  3576. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
  3577. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Checking for new carrier profile...
  3578. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
  3581. Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
  3582. Code : 1000
  3583. Type : MCFatalError
  3584. Apr 21 11:32:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: No configuration profile found in carrier bundle.
  3585. Apr 21 11:33:00 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: _handleTimer, 553: INTSRC:00ca
  3586. Apr 21 11:33:00 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: getLinkSpeed, 264: Link Partner: autoneg-capable:1, capabilities:01e1
  3587. Apr 21 11:33:00 AppleTV kernel[0]: ETH: _linkChange, 1079: link-speed, 100BTx Full
  3588. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
  3589. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
  3590. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
  3591. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /bin/bash not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3592. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3593. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[44]
  3594. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3595. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[42]
  3596. Apr 21 11:33:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3597. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(57) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3598. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for locationd[44]
  3599. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[57]
  3600. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/bin/TSSAgent not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3601. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.txt", file size = 895 bytes
  3602. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 29: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3603. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[42] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  3604. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[51] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
  3605. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[57] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  3606. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:cp_key_store_action(1)
  3607. Apr 21 11:33:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3608. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 58: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3609. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] (com.saurik.Cydia.Startup[29]): (com.saurik.Cydia.Startup) Exited: Killed: 9
  3610. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[44]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3611. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ([44]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3612. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3613. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[42]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3614. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ([42]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3615. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3616. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[57]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3617. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113302_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3618. Apr 21 11:33:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3619. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113302_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3620. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV wifid[30]: WiFi:[356693582.838995]: WiFi Preferences is up to date
  3621. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV mDNSResponder[43]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-329.6 (Nov 2 2011 20:18:42) starting iOSVers 9
  3622. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV keybagd[39]: 3ff34ce8 main: System Keybag loaded
  3623. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[44]
  3624. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV configd[18]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
  3625. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV fairplayd.K66[46]: Vroum
  3626. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ([57]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  3627. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3628. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV[1] (com.nito.tssagent[58]): (com.nito.tssagent) Exited: Killed: 9
  3629. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3630. Apr 21 11:33:02 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 25.056 sec] Sending NVRAM, 895 bytes
  3631. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV configd[18]: network configuration changed.
  3632. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113302_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3633. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV wifid[30]: WiFi:[356693583.020634]: WiFiManager starting, version: WiFiManager-260 Nov 2 2011 20:24:18
  3634. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV mDNSResponder[43]: Note: SetDomainSecrets: no keychain support
  3635. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: Loading "/usr/share/firmware/wifi/4329b1/sequel.bin", file size = 264848 bytes
  3636. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV configd[18]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  3637. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV mDNSResponder[43]: Note: Compiled without SnowLeopard Fine-Grained Power Management support
  3638. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113302_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3639. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV[37]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  3640. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV[37]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  3641. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV[37]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3642. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[37]
  3643. Apr 21 11:33:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3644. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV[1] ([37]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3645. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
  3646. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 25.339 sec] Sending firmware, 264848 bytes
  3647. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANFirmwareManager::setNVRAMData(): received 895 bytes
  3648. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV configd[18]: network configuration changed.
  3649. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV configd[18]: hostname (prefs) = AppleTV
  3650. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113303_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3651. Apr 21 11:33:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3652. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV mDNSResponder[43]: D2DInitialize succeeded
  3653. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  3654. Apr 21 11:33:03 AppleTV hpfd[45]: libhpd Error: condition "hpDriverFound" FAILED, hpd_deviceCheck() line 103, status: (os/kern) successful(0x0)
  3655. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV wifiFirmwareLoader[31]: [ 26.217 sec] Downloaded firmware, 264848 bytes
  3656. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManager::withBus(): BCM4329 revision B1
  3657. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): start
  3658. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANChipManagerSdio4329::downloadFirmware(): finish
  3659. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: BCMWLAN Firmware Version: wl0: Aug 26 2011 02:10:31 version
  3660. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: nvram file version
  3661. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Firmware does not support ap mode; disabling apsta feature (currently enabled)
  3662. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): country code set to XZ
  3663. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): Packet glomming ON (mode=7)
  3664. Apr 21 11:33:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::applyRoamingCandidateBoost(): Applying 5GHz roam candidate boost of 30
  3665. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3666. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[60]
  3667. Apr 21 11:33:05: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3668. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113305_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3669. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV[60]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3670. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV[1] ([60]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3671. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3672. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV ReportCrash[25]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113305_localhost.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3673. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore:initFirmware(): 2372 RoamScan feature is not enabled for this platform
  3674. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initFirmware(): successful initialization
  3675. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore: Ethernet address b8:17:c2:c8:85:f6
  3676. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
  3677. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::attachInterfaceWithMacAddress(): interface en1 attached and registered
  3678. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::initDongle(): Core Driver Initialization Time 26.733400416
  3679. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateWillChangeToGated(): cap 0x8002, stateNum 1, dev 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  3680. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateDidChangeToGated(): stateNum 1, pol 0xc0860800 (this 1, provider 0)
  3681. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AirPort: Enabled AppleBCMWLANCore (link 1, sys 0, user 1)
  3682. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER(): state(1) stateFlags(4221)
  3683. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::setPOWER() [configd]: Setting power state to 1
  3684. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn(): stateFlags(5221)
  3685. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLANBusInterfaceSdio::powerOn()
  3686. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
  3687. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
  3688. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
  3689. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
  3690. Apr 21 11:33:05 AppleTV timed[32]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 39.85hrs. Need active time in 123.18hrs.
  3691. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3692. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ([61]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3693. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3694. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3695. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[62]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3696. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[62]
  3697. Apr 21 11:33:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3698. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  3699. Apr 21 11:33:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3700. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113308_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3701. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ([62]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3702. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3703. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113308_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3704. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV daily[47]: (0x3ff34ce8) renew_user_apps: There were no installed applications.
  3705. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3706. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[65]
  3707. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for locationd[65]
  3708. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[65]
  3709. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113308_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3710. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[65]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3711. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 61: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3712. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ([65]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3713. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3714. Apr 21 11:33:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113308_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3715. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3716. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[66]
  3717. Apr 21 11:33:09: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3718. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113309_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3719. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV[66]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3720. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV[1] ([66]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3721. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3722. Apr 21 11:33:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113309_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3723. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3724. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[67]
  3725. Apr 21 11:33:11: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3726. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113311_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3727. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV[67]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3728. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV[1] ([67]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3729. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3730. Apr 21 11:33:11 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113311_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3731. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3732. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[68]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  3733. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[68]
  3734. Apr 21 11:33:12: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3735. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113312_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3736. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[68]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  3737. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[68]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3738. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113312_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3739. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ([68]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3740. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3741. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3742. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[69]
  3743. Apr 21 11:33:12: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3744. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Failed to save crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113312_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3745. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Error: 2 No such file or directory
  3746. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Could not save crash report to disk!
  3747. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Incident Identifier: 403CD9E5-D890-47B8-81EF-41EB99381B1D
  3748. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113312_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3749. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: CrashReporter Key: 5fb05b6f9ac9c581f95d62780a36fe6d38209210
  3750. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Hardware Model: AppleTV2,1
  3751. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Process: mediaserverd [69]
  3752. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Path: /usr/sbin/mediaserverd
  3753. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[69]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3754. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Identifier: mediaserverd
  3755. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Version: ??? (???)
  3756. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Code Type: ARM (Native)
  3757. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Parent Process: launchd [1]
  3758. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3759. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Date/Time: 2012-04-21 11:33:12.355 +0200
  3760. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: OS Version: iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405l)
  3761. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Report Version: 104
  3762. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3763. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL)
  3764. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
  3765. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ([69]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3766. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3767. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Crashed Thread: 0
  3768. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3769. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Thread 0 Crashed:
  3770. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 0 dyld 0x2fe2e3bc 0x2fe15000 + 103356
  3771. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 1 dyld 0x2fe2264a 0x2fe15000 + 54858
  3772. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 2 dyld 0x2fe260ee 0x2fe15000 + 69870
  3773. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 3 dyld 0x2fe231cc 0x2fe15000 + 57804
  3774. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 4 dyld 0x2fe1a25e 0x2fe15000 + 21086
  3775. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 5 dyld 0x2fe1a4c6 0x2fe15000 + 21702
  3776. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 6 dyld 0x2fe1a67e 0x2fe15000 + 22142
  3777. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 7 dyld 0x2fe1a866 0x2fe15000 + 22630
  3778. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 8 dyld 0x2fe1b044 0x2fe15000 + 24644
  3779. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 9 dyld 0x2fe1b1a6 0x2fe15000 + 24998
  3780. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 10 dyld 0x2fe1b2fa 0x2fe15000 + 25338
  3781. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 11 dyld 0x2fe1b42c 0x2fe15000 + 25644
  3782. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 12 dyld 0x2fe1ba6a 0x2fe15000 + 27242
  3783. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 13 dyld 0x2fe162c8 0x2fe15000 + 4808
  3784. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 14 dyld 0x2fe16058 0x2fe15000 + 4184
  3785. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3786. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State:
  3787. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: r0: 0x00049128 r1: 0x2fe32a1b r2: 0x2fe20cf5 r3: 0x2fe129b8
  3788. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: r4: 0x2fe3a7a0 r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x2fe32a1b r7: 0x2fe11ebc
  3789. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: r8: 0x2fe32a14 r9: 0x00009000 r10: 0x00007000 r11: 0x00000000
  3790. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: ip: 0x000000c5 sp: 0x2fe11e88 lr: 0x2fe22651 pc: 0x2fe2e3bc
  3791. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: cpsr: 0x00000010
  3792. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3793. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Binary Images:
  3794. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 0x16000 - 0x3cfff +mediaserverd armv7 <478e5e8345c83be5ba1868906813bb75> /usr/sbin/mediaserverd
  3795. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: 0x2fe15000 - 0x2fe36fff dyld armv7 <be7c0b491a943054ad12eb5060f1da06> /usr/lib/dyld
  3796. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]:
  3797. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[69] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  3798. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(70) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3799. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[70]
  3800. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[70]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3801. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ([70]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  3802. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3803. Apr 21 11:33:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113312_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3804. Apr 21 11:33:13 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[70] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  3805. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3806. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[71]
  3807. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for locationd[71]
  3808. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[71]
  3809. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113314_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3810. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV[71]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3811. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV[1] ([71]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3812. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3813. Apr 21 11:33:14 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113314_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3814. Apr 21 11:33:15 AppleTV timed[32]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 04/21/2012 09:33:16 from NTP because time is unchanged
  3815. Apr 21 11:33:15 AppleTV timed[32]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/Amsterdam from Location
  3816. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3817. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[72]
  3818. Apr 21 11:33:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3819. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113317_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3820. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV[72]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3821. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV[1] ([72]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3822. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3823. Apr 21 11:33:17 AppleTV ReportCrash[63]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113317_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3824. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3825. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV[1] ([73]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3826. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3827. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3828. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV[74]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3829. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[74]
  3830. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  3831. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for CommCenterClassic[74]
  3832. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[74]
  3833. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  3834. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113318_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3835. Apr 21 11:33:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3836. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV[1] ([74]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3837. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3838. Apr 21 11:33:18 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 73: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3839. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3840. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[77]
  3841. Apr 21 11:33:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3842. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113319_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3843. Apr 21 11:33:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3844. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV[77]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3845. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV[1] ([77]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3846. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3847. Apr 21 11:33:19 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[76] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
  3848. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3849. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[78]
  3850. Apr 21 11:33:20: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3851. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113320_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3852. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV[78]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3853. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV[1] ([78]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3854. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3855. Apr 21 11:33:20 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113320_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3856. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3857. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[79]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  3858. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[79]
  3859. Apr 21 11:33:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3860. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113322_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3861. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[79]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  3862. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[79]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3863. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113322_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3864. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3865. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[80]
  3866. Apr 21 11:33:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3867. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[80]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3868. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[1] ([80]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3869. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3870. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[1] ([79]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3871. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3872. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113322_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3873. Apr 21 11:33:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3874. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[80] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  3875. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(81) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3876. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[81]
  3877. Apr 21 11:33:22 AppleTV[81]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  3878. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV[1] ([81]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  3879. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3880. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113322_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3881. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[81] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  3882. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3883. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[82]
  3884. Apr 21 11:33:23: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3885. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113323_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3886. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV[82]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3887. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV[1] ([82]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3888. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3889. Apr 21 11:33:23 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113323_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3890. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV airtunesd[52]: 11:33:26.293 <0x3ff34ce8> InitializeSystemSoundPorts posting message to kill mediaserverd (0)
  3891. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3892. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[83]
  3893. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for locationd[83]
  3894. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[83]
  3895. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113326_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3896. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV[83]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3897. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV[1] ([83]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3898. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3899. Apr 21 11:33:26 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113326_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3900. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3901. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV[1] ([84]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3902. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3903. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3904. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[85]
  3905. Apr 21 11:33:28: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3906. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  3907. Apr 21 11:33:28: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3908. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Failed to save crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113328_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3909. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Error: 2 No such file or directory
  3910. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Could not save crash report to disk!
  3911. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Incident Identifier: 4FF99965-C473-48C0-A8C6-B88397D239BA
  3912. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113328_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  3913. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: CrashReporter Key: 5fb05b6f9ac9c581f95d62780a36fe6d38209210
  3914. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV[85]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3915. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Hardware Model: AppleTV2,1
  3916. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Process: CommCenterClassic [85]
  3917. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenterClassic
  3918. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Identifier: CommCenterClassic
  3919. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Version: ??? (???)
  3920. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Code Type: ARM (Native)
  3921. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Parent Process: launchd [1]
  3922. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3923. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Date/Time: 2012-04-21 11:33:28.215 +0200
  3924. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: OS Version: iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405l)
  3925. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Report Version: 104
  3926. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3927. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL)
  3928. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
  3929. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Crashed Thread: 0
  3930. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV[1] ([85]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3931. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3932. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3933. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Thread 0 Crashed:
  3934. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 0 dyld 0x2fee83bc 0x2fecf000 + 103356
  3935. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 1 dyld 0x2fedc64a 0x2fecf000 + 54858
  3936. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 2 dyld 0x2fee00ee 0x2fecf000 + 69870
  3937. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 3 dyld 0x2fedd1cc 0x2fecf000 + 57804
  3938. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 4 dyld 0x2fed425e 0x2fecf000 + 21086
  3939. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 5 dyld 0x2fed44c6 0x2fecf000 + 21702
  3940. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 6 dyld 0x2fed467e 0x2fecf000 + 22142
  3941. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 7 dyld 0x2fed4866 0x2fecf000 + 22630
  3942. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 8 dyld 0x2fed5044 0x2fecf000 + 24644
  3943. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 9 dyld 0x2fed51a6 0x2fecf000 + 24998
  3944. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 10 dyld 0x2fed52fa 0x2fecf000 + 25338
  3945. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 11 dyld 0x2fed542c 0x2fecf000 + 25644
  3946. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 12 dyld 0x2fed5a6a 0x2fecf000 + 27242
  3947. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 13 dyld 0x2fed02c8 0x2fecf000 + 4808
  3948. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 14 dyld 0x2fed0058 0x2fecf000 + 4184
  3949. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3950. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State:
  3951. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: r0: 0x00248128 r1: 0x2feeca1b r2: 0x2fedacf5 r3: 0x2fecc940
  3952. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: r4: 0x2fef47ec r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x2feeca1b r7: 0x2fecbe44
  3953. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: r8: 0x2feeca14 r9: 0x00009000 r10: 0x00007000 r11: 0x00000000
  3954. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: ip: 0x000000c5 sp: 0x2fecbe10 lr: 0x2fedc651 pc: 0x2fee83bc
  3955. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: cpsr: 0x00000010
  3956. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3957. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: Binary Images:
  3958. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 0xd0000 - 0x20efff CommCenterClassic armv7 <3ef6d0094b5c39d3b77e558ad3018d24> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenterClassic
  3959. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]: 0x2fecf000 - 0x2fef0fff dyld armv7 <be7c0b491a943054ad12eb5060f1da06> /usr/lib/dyld
  3960. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV ReportCrash[75]:
  3961. Apr 21 11:33:28 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 84: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  3962. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3963. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[86]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3964. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[86]
  3965. Apr 21 11:33:29: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3966. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113329_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3967. Apr 21 11:33:29: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3968. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[1] ([86]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3969. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3970. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3971. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[88]
  3972. Apr 21 11:33:29: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3973. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113329_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3974. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[88]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3975. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[1] ([88]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3976. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  3977. Apr 21 11:33:29 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113329_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3978. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3979. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[89]
  3980. Apr 21 11:33:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3981. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3982. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3983. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  3984. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[89]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3985. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ([89]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3986. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3987. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[90]
  3988. Apr 21 11:33:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  3989. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3990. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[90]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  3991. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[90]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  3992. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[90]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  3993. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[89] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  3994. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ([90]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  3995. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  3996. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  3997. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  3998. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[91]
  3999. Apr 21 11:33:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4000. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4001. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[91]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4002. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ([91]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4003. Apr 21 11:33:32 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4004. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113332_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4005. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(92) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4006. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[92]
  4007. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV[92]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4008. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV[1] ([92]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  4009. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4010. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113333_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4011. Apr 21 11:33:33 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[92] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  4012. Apr 21 11:33:34 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[93] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
  4013. Apr 21 11:33:35 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4014. Apr 21 11:33:35 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[94]
  4015. Apr 21 11:33:36: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4016. Apr 21 11:33:36 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113335_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4017. Apr 21 11:33:35 AppleTV[94]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4018. Apr 21 11:33:36 AppleTV[1] ([94]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4019. Apr 21 11:33:36 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4020. Apr 21 11:33:36 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113335_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4021. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4022. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV[1] ([95]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4023. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4024. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4025. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[96]
  4026. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4027. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[96]
  4028. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4029. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Failed to save crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113338_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4030. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV[96]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4031. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Error: 2 No such file or directory
  4032. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Could not save crash report to disk!
  4033. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Incident Identifier: 66D3A432-E011-47C6-8BCF-35F01F8E1D8B
  4034. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: CrashReporter Key: 5fb05b6f9ac9c581f95d62780a36fe6d38209210
  4035. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Hardware Model: AppleTV2,1
  4036. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113338_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4037. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV[1] ([96]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4038. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4039. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Process: CommCenterClassic [96]
  4040. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenterClassic
  4041. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Identifier: CommCenterClassic
  4042. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Version: ??? (???)
  4043. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Code Type: ARM (Native)
  4044. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Parent Process: launchd [1]
  4045. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4046. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Date/Time: 2012-04-21 11:33:38.295 +0200
  4047. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: OS Version: iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405l)
  4048. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Report Version: 104
  4049. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4050. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL)
  4051. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Exception Codes: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
  4052. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Crashed Thread: 0
  4053. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4054. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Thread 0 Crashed:
  4055. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 0 dyld 0x2fe4d3bc 0x2fe34000 + 103356
  4056. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 1 dyld 0x2fe4164a 0x2fe34000 + 54858
  4057. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 2 dyld 0x2fe450ee 0x2fe34000 + 69870
  4058. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 3 dyld 0x2fe421cc 0x2fe34000 + 57804
  4059. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 4 dyld 0x2fe3925e 0x2fe34000 + 21086
  4060. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 5 dyld 0x2fe394c6 0x2fe34000 + 21702
  4061. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 6 dyld 0x2fe3967e 0x2fe34000 + 22142
  4062. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 7 dyld 0x2fe39866 0x2fe34000 + 22630
  4063. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 8 dyld 0x2fe3a044 0x2fe34000 + 24644
  4064. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 9 dyld 0x2fe3a1a6 0x2fe34000 + 24998
  4065. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 10 dyld 0x2fe3a2fa 0x2fe34000 + 25338
  4066. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 11 dyld 0x2fe3a42c 0x2fe34000 + 25644
  4067. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 12 dyld 0x2fe3aa6a 0x2fe34000 + 27242
  4068. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 13 dyld 0x2fe352c8 0x2fe34000 + 4808
  4069. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 14 dyld 0x2fe35058 0x2fe34000 + 4184
  4070. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4071. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State:
  4072. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: r0: 0x001af128 r1: 0x2fe51a1b r2: 0x2fe3fcf5 r3: 0x2fe31940
  4073. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: r4: 0x2fe597ec r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x2fe51a1b r7: 0x2fe30e44
  4074. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: r8: 0x2fe51a14 r9: 0x00009000 r10: 0x00007000 r11: 0x00000000
  4075. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: ip: 0x000000c5 sp: 0x2fe30e10 lr: 0x2fe41651 pc: 0x2fe4d3bc
  4076. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: cpsr: 0x00000010
  4077. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4078. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Binary Images:
  4079. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 0x35000 - 0x173fff CommCenterClassic armv7 <3ef6d0094b5c39d3b77e558ad3018d24> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenterClassic
  4080. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: 0x2fe34000 - 0x2fe55fff dyld armv7 <be7c0b491a943054ad12eb5060f1da06> /usr/lib/dyld
  4081. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]:
  4082. Apr 21 11:33:38 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 95: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  4083. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4084. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[97]
  4085. Apr 21 11:33:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4086. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[97]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4087. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[1] ([97]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4088. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4089. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV ReportCrash[87]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113339_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4090. Apr 21 11:33:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4091. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4092. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[98]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4093. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[98]
  4094. Apr 21 11:33:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4095. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[1] ([98]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4096. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4097. Apr 21 11:33:39 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113339_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4098. Apr 21 11:33:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4099. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4100. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[100]
  4101. Apr 21 11:33:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4102. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113342_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4103. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[100]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4104. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ([100]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4105. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4106. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113342_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4107. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4108. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[101]
  4109. Apr 21 11:33:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4110. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[101]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4111. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[101] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  4112. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ([101]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4113. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4114. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113342_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4115. Apr 21 11:33:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4116. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4117. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[102]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  4118. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[102]
  4119. Apr 21 11:33:42: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4120. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[102]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  4121. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[102]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4122. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ([102]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4123. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4124. Apr 21 11:33:42 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113342_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4125. Apr 21 11:33:43: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4126. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(103) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4127. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[103]
  4128. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV[103]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4129. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV[1] ([103]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  4130. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4131. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113343_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4132. Apr 21 11:33:43 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[103] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  4133. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4134. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[104]
  4135. Apr 21 11:33:45: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4136. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113345_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4137. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV[104]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4138. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV[1] ([104]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4139. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4140. Apr 21 11:33:45 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113345_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4141. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4142. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ([105]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4143. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4144. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4145. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[106]
  4146. Apr 21 11:33:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4147. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[106]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4148. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ([106]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4149. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4150. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113348_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4151. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4152. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[107]
  4153. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4154. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: mach_make_memory_entry_64 failed: (ipc/send) invalid destination port
  4155. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for CommCenterClassic[107]
  4156. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[107]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4157. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[107]
  4158. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113348_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4159. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113348_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4160. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ([107]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4161. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4162. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV[99]: mach_make_memory_entry_64 failed: (ipc/send) invalid destination port
  4163. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4164. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113348_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4165. Apr 21 11:33:48 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 105: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  4166. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4167. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[109]
  4168. Apr 21 11:33:49: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4169. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113349_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4170. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV[109]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4171. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV[1] ([109]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4172. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4173. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV ReportCrash[99]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113349_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4174. Apr 21 11:33:49 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[108] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
  4175. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4176. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV[110]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4177. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[110]
  4178. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: [VMUSampler sampleAllThreadsOfTask:withSymbolicator] returned no stacks for locationd[110]
  4179. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[110]
  4180. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113351_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4181. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV[1] ([110]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4182. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4183. Apr 21 11:33:51 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113351_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4184. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4185. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[112]
  4186. Apr 21 11:33:52: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4187. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113352_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4188. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[112]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4189. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[112] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  4190. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[1] ([112]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4191. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4192. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113352_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4193. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4194. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[113]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  4195. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[113]
  4196. Apr 21 11:33:52: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4197. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113352_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4198. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[113]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  4199. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[113]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4200. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[1] ([113]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4201. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4202. Apr 21 11:33:52 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113352_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4203. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(114) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4204. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[114]
  4205. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV[114]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4206. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV[1] ([114]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  4207. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4208. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113353_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4209. Apr 21 11:33:53 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[114] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  4210. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4211. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[115]
  4212. Apr 21 11:33:54: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4213. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV[115]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4214. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV[1] ([115]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4215. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4216. Apr 21 11:33:54 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113354_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4217. Apr 21 11:33:57: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4218. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4219. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[116]
  4220. Apr 21 11:33:57: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4221. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113357_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4222. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV[116]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4223. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV[1] ([116]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4224. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4225. Apr 21 11:33:57 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113357_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4226. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4227. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV[1] ([117]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4228. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4229. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4230. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[118]
  4231. Apr 21 11:33:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4232. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4233. Apr 21 11:33:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4234. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113358_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4235. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV[118]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4236. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV[1] ([118]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4237. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4238. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113358_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4239. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 117: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  4240. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
  4241. Apr 21 11:33:58 AppleTV profiled[26]: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
  4242. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4243. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[119]
  4244. Apr 21 11:33:59: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4245. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV[119]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4246. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV[1] ([119]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4247. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4248. Apr 21 11:33:59 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113359_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4249. Apr 21 11:34:00: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4250. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4251. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[120]
  4252. Apr 21 11:34:00: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4253. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: Posting '' notifyState=1
  4254. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: __IOHIDLoadBundles: Loaded 1 HID plugin
  4255. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113400_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4256. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV[120]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4257. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV ReportCrash[111]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113400_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4258. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV[1] ([120]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4259. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4260. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.764294 AM [AppleTVIR] Initializing
  4261. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: CLTM: initial thermal level is 0
  4262. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.803875 AM [AppleTVIR] Loaded IR remote prefs, 0 learned button(s)
  4263. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.804085 AM [AppleTVIR] Started
  4264. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.836632 AM [AppleTVIR] Initializing MCU
  4265. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.841225 AM [AppleTVIR] MCU version 01.29
  4266. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.841422 AM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to booted
  4267. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.846141 AM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  4268. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV[1] ([121]): ( Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active:
  4269. Apr 21 11:34:00 AppleTV[52]: 2012-04-21 11:34:00.856363 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay servers starting
  4270. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4271. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[122]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4272. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[122] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  4273. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[122]
  4274. Apr 21 11:34:02: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4275. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:02.721062 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  4276. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:02.721282 AM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  4277. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV hidmonitord[121]: 2012-04-21 11:34:02.726444 AM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  4278. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[1] ([122]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4279. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4280. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113402_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4281. Apr 21 11:34:02: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4282. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4283. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[124]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  4284. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[124]
  4285. Apr 21 11:34:02: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4286. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113402_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4287. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[124]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  4288. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[124]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4289. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[1] ([124]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4290. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4291. Apr 21 11:34:02 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113402_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4292. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(125) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4293. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[125]
  4294. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[125]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4295. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[1] ([125]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  4296. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4297. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113403_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4298. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4299. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[126]
  4300. Apr 21 11:34:03: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4301. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[126]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4302. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: [000078.872997]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x84c0a000) initDevice=0x00000000
  4303. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: bool AppleRGBOUT::power_down_hardware() redundant call
  4304. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT: DP cable attached
  4305. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: virtual void IOMobileFramebuffer::hotPlug_notify(uint64_t) (0x1)
  4306. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[125] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  4307. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[1] ([126]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4308. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4309. Apr 21 11:34:03 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113403_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4310. Apr 21 11:34:04: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4311. Apr 21 11:34:04 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[127] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
  4312. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4313. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[128]
  4314. Apr 21 11:34:06: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4315. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113406_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4316. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV[128]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4317. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV[1] ([128]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4318. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4319. Apr 21 11:34:06 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113406_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4320. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4321. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV[1] ([129]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4322. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4323. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4324. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[130]
  4325. Apr 21 11:34:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4326. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4327. Apr 21 11:34:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4328. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV[130]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4329. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV[1] ([130]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4330. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4331. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113408_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4332. Apr 21 11:34:08: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4333. Apr 21 11:34:08 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 129: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  4334. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4335. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[131]
  4336. Apr 21 11:34:09: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4337. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113409_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4338. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[131]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4339. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[1] ([131]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4340. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4341. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113409_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4342. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4343. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[132]
  4344. Apr 21 11:34:09: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4345. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[132]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4346. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[1] ([132]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4347. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4348. Apr 21 11:34:09 AppleTV ReportCrash[123]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113409_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4349. Apr 21 11:34:12: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4350. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4351. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[133]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4352. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process mediaserverd[133]
  4353. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4354. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4355. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[135]
  4356. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4357. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[1] ([133]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4358. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4359. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mediaserverd_2012-04-21-113412_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4360. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4361. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4362. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[135]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4363. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[1] ([135]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4364. Apr 21 11:34:12 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4365. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process softwareupdated[136]
  4366. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4367. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113412_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4368. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4369. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV sandboxd[23]: BTServer(137) deny file-read-metadata /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4370. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[136]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /
  4371. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[136]: Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSu
  4372. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[136]: bstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4373. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process BTServer[137]
  4374. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/softwareupdated_2012-04-21-113413_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4375. Apr 21 11:34:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4376. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[137]: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  4377. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[1] ([137]): ( Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
  4378. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4379. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[1] ([136]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4380. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4381. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/BTServer_2012-04-21-113413_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
  4382. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[133] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
  4383. Apr 21 11:34:13 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[137] Builtin profile: BTServer (sandbox)
  4384. Apr 21 11:34:15 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4385. Apr 21 11:34:15 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[138]
  4386. Apr 21 11:34:16: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4387. Apr 21 11:34:16 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113415_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4388. Apr 21 11:34:15 AppleTV[138]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4389. Apr 21 11:34:15 AppleTV[1] ([138]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4390. Apr 21 11:34:15 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4391. Apr 21 11:34:16 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113415_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4392. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV amfid[21]: /private/var/stash/Applications/ not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4393. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[1] ([139]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4394. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4395. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4396. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process CommCenterClassic[140]
  4397. Apr 21 11:34:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4398. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Failed to open AC log file (/var/wireless/Library/Logs/AppleSupport/general.log) for writing. uid=25
  4399. Apr 21 11:34:18: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4400. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113418_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4401. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[140]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4402. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[1] ([140]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4403. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4404. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /var/wireless/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CommCenterClassic_2012-04-21-113418_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 25 egid: 0
  4405. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV kernel[0]: Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 139: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger
  4406. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4407. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process locationd[142]
  4408. Apr 21 11:34:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4409. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113418_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4410. Apr 21 11:34:18 AppleTV[142]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4411. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV[1] ([142]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4412. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
  4413. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/locationd_2012-04-21-113418_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4414. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV amfid[21]: /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateBootstrap.dylib not valid: 0xe800801c: No code signature found.
  4415. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Formulating crash report for process lockdownd[143]
  4416. Apr 21 11:34:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  4417. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113419_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4418. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV[143]: dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib with errno=1
  4419. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV[1] ([143]): ( Exited: Killed: 9
  4420. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV[1] ( ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
  4421. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV ReportCrash[134]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/lockdownd_2012-04-21-113419_AppleTV.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
  4422. Apr 21 11:34:19 AppleTV kernel[0]: launchd[141] Builtin profile: apsd (sandbox)
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