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Nov 23rd, 2016
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  1. ⇱ N U' E S T ⇲
  2. | Name: Cara Jung
  3. | Stage Name: Angel
  5. ⇱ D Ξ ∆ N ⇲
  6. | Age: 19
  7. | D.O.B: 31.12.1997
  8. | Height: 159 cm
  9. | Weight: 47 kg
  11. ⇱ H E I Z E ⇲
  12. | Birthplace: Tonto,Canada
  13. | Hometown: Toronto,Canada
  14. | Nationality: Korean/Canadian
  16. ⇱ S E V E N T E E N ⇲
  17. | Personality :
  18. Kind-hearted and caring ; she is the type of person to stop at the convnient store to by a tona ffor the cat she saw in the street she will even open the can for her,she would help an old man to pass the street,she is the mom of the group the one who is always their for them when they need her.
  19. Humble ; if anyone compliments her she would blush and denise what they say she would compliments them back.
  20. Charismatic ; well she is a co-leader their must be a reason why they chose her because of her charisma on stage she knows how handle a crowd.
  21. Smart ; she has an iq of 153
  22. Hardworking ; she is really hardworking she would stay up all night practicing since she doesnt want to miss up on their performance plus since she is the worst dancer she works harder than the other members.
  23. Polite ; she is very polite to her elders she would always say "thank you" to anyone who did something for her,she would leave her seat in the bus for an older person to sit on her chair.
  24. Curious ; one of the most curious member she would always ask question about something she doesnt get,and she hates it when people keeps secrets from them if they di she would always find out what was the secret that they kept from her.
  25. Cheerful ; she always tries to cheer people up when they are sad.
  26. Innocent ; she doesnt swear at all,and she doesnt understand dirty jokes.
  27. Clumsy ; who the most clumsiest person you know? it is Cara she trips alot espicially when she is running down the stairs or running in general,she trips on her own feet since most of the time her sheolaces are untied,
  28. Stubborn ; She is very stubborn,she would anything if her mind is set on it
  29. Odd ; known as the most weirdest members,she would blurbs out the strangest things and des the weirdest things like for ex ; she would be sitting normally then out of no where she would jump up and down,she would even talk and play with the camera she like BTS V and 2ne1 Bomi combined.
  30. Dense ; she is really dense,she is slow at getting a joke,she is not stupid but her head is thick so its hard to teach her.
  31. naive ; she has an innocent view of this world,she trust way too easily so it is easy to take an advantage of her
  32. insecure ; she doesnt think that she is pretty and talented but nobody knows about this trait since she doesnt like talking about her feelings,she also very insecure about her body so she often diet.
  33. Crybaby ; she is the member who cries everytime when they win an award,she would cry if her drama ended happily or sad,she cries when someone yells at her or scolds her,she cant handle hate comments at all that is why she is precious to her members.
  34. Gullabile ; she doesnt understand sarcasim,she belives lies people tell her she gets easily tricked.
  37. ⇱ 9 M U S E S ⇲
  38. | likes:
  39. 1 - Salt and Vinger/salt ships ; they are her favorite snacks
  40. 2 - Cats and dogs ; favorite animales
  41. 3 - Teen wolf ; her favorite American show
  42. 4 - Detective conan and sailor moon ; her favorite anime shows
  43. 5 - Harry Potter and Percy Jackson ; her favorite book and movie seriese
  44. 6 - Kshows,and kdramas ; she is a huge fan of kdramas and shows
  45. 7 - Music ; she loves music prefferably English and Kpop music she is a fan of many kpop groups such as BTS,EXO,GOT7,BIGBANG,RED VELVET,AOA,INFINITE,CNBLUE,MAMAMOO,BLACKPINK,and 2ne1
  46. 8 - Cooking ; she often cooks for her members
  47. 9 - Plutu ; it is her all time favorite planet
  48. 10 - frensh fries ; it is her all time favorite food
  49. 11 - pepporonie/chicken pizza ; it is her favorite food,but she hates vegetable pizza
  51. | dislikes:
  52. 1 - Spicy food ; she cant eat at all
  53. 2 - Horror movies ; she is a scardy cat she cant watch them
  54. 3 - Lonliness
  55. 4 - Darkness
  56. 5 - Drawing ; she cant draw
  57. 6 - spiders ; she hates them
  58. 7 - Blood ; she is afraid of it
  59. 8 - Dancing ; she is the worst dancer in the group
  61. | Fact:
  62. - quotes by Cara ; " Friends talk to each other,but real friends listen.","You dont know me at all","Pluto's a little cutie pie."The smallest planet with the biggest heart. I love Pluto so much,I would kiss it on the face.",Yaaaaaay","I am happy.","I am a happy artist that is why I stink".
  63. - She is often found practining in the studio dancing,singing,playing thee piano,or composing
  64. - Known as the mist weirdest and clumsiest member
  65. - Cant wear heels if she wore them she will trip
  66. - Knows how to play thhe piano
  68. ⇱ R E D V E L V E T ⇲
  69. | talent twin
  70. Singing: Wendy (RV)
  71. Rapping: Yooujung(I.O.I)
  72. Dancing: Black Pink Lisa
  74. | background:
  75. Due her parents works, she was born and being raised at Toronto,Canada Her father was businessman while her mother a pianest. She is really closed with her parents. They spend weekend together even her father busy with his business. He never forget about his responsibility as well her mother. Even her mother busy performing but she never forget her family. That's why Cara really respect her parents.She thinks her parents as her friend. She like communicate with them as she always believe no secret between family member even she lied about her personal matter.She being raised in good condition.Everything that she need,her parents will grant whatever she want as she is their first child. But it don't made Cara being a spoiled kid.She keep words "no pain no gain",even her parents will grant all her will but Cara try to make her things by herself.
  76. After following her mother performing around the town,she grown to love music at age 4 years old. She practiced piano with her mother everyday and made simple songs . The interest slowly grow. Her passion in music became more stronger as she keep enter contest. She won first place several times but when she got below top 3 she practiced more harder. After staying 9 years in Canada, they moved to Seoul,South Korea,Her mom at that time retired from being a pianest and opened piano class. Her day was almost perfect until her family involved in an accident. Her family members survived but she lost her mom and her ability playing piano. Not 100 percent but it will affect her daily life. She lost her motivation to continued her dream. But one day,something change her whole life. It's K-Pop that gave her new hope. One of her friend show her K-op music video and she started to love it. To her it had unique sound.She found her interest; singing and dancing. After persuade her father, they sent her to a vocal and singing class at her age 10. She became good in singig and rapping more than she imagine. When she 13 years old, her dancing and singing skill became more better. She rearranged the songs,and composed,she would choreography dance moves. She decided to audiotion to AOMG entertainment to achive her dreams.
  77. For her high school she is now enrolled in Seoul Art high school after getting a scholer ship when they saw a video of her singing and dancing.
  78. | family:
  79. Minjoon Jung / 45 / father / buseniss man
  81. ⇱ A O A ⇲
  82. | face claim: Bea Suzy
  83. | back up face claim: Dia Chaeyeon
  85. | Audition song: Jessi who you are
  87. | Love interest = BTS suga
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