

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [08:27:31]
  2. {LOAD GAME}
  4. [08:47:08] Lotlhutil of the Cruxati was protecting Ezmara. Tracing out a guardian rune in blood (sacrificial goat!) in the main courtyard, out the front of the temple.
  6. It was an awfully altruistic action of her. But she lived here now! It was out of self interest, or at least, she would say as such if anyone happened to try and make a big deal about it. But why would they? It was just a guardian rune. Geez.
  8. The rune still required empowering. Lotlhuitl paced around the edge of the circle, tracing the same steps that she had watched Xitalli take. The woman danced with each step, the motion aiding both the build up of energy - mana! - and the transfer from herself and into the rune.
  10. The rune glowed. Blood distinctly changing from a dull red to a bright and shining blue. Magic!
  12. Lotlhuitl's tail brushed against Xoconan as she passed him, hips swaying, copious amounts of worn jewellery shifting with each movement and making distinct metallic sounds as she shimmied.
  14. She'd made two full passes of the circle before she seemed satisfied. And she had been regarding her work, dusting her hands off, when she caught sight of the girl in yellow.
  16. The Nagual blinked, before her gaze turned appraising. Silently, she had stood, tilting her head as she persisted in staring at the youngster. "Hm," she finally said. Still staring. A gesture to the rune. "You like my work?"
  17. (Lotlhuitl)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [08:57:23] Spending her days in this strange new place, time flied by like an arrow. Her clothes were cleaned and she learned a little of the village of Ezmara, situated at the edge of the gloomy Dreadwoods. Today Mahiko was lounging on the bench as usual, snacking on berries and idly kicking her legs until the runescribe came along.
  22. Vivid green eyes turned down to the circle being formed, watching the actions with curiousity. She knew little about runecrafting or what exactly the woman was doing, but it sure was pretty!
  24. Her awe was transparent as she watched, gasping and clasping her hands together at the appropriate moments. The girl wriggled on the spot and leaned forwards as the ritual came to a close, before looking up at Lotlhuitl and blinking sheepishly.
  26. She quickly adopted a smile. "Yeah, it's pretty! Would be a lot prettier if it didn't use blood, though," she said bluntly. "Maybe you could get some nice paint and make it all sorts of colours. Or, um, maybe you can use charcoal! I think charcoal is pretty good for drawing on pavement. One time I drawed with charcoal but I got in trouble pretty quickly but I think I'd have gotten in even more trouble with blood..."
  28. The yammering was endless. Somewhere along the way she had stood up and waddled closer to inspect the circle.
  29. (Mahiko Yu)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [09:08:28] Lotlhuitl had tilted her head slightly, silently regarding the young teen as she yammered and tittered away. The Nagual's expression remained serious and appraising.
  34. It took time for the energy to really settle into the runes. But as Mahiko stood and approached, she would surely have to notice the sudden change in the air when the rune suddenly accepted the energy Lotlhuitl had offered it. Now, fleeing from Ezmara courtyard would be a much more difficult task.
  36. "The spirits require blood." Lotlhuitl explained. "I suppose it is pretty, but beauty is not this rune's purpose."
  38. The Nagual cast her gaze down to the rune. Blood still marked the stonework. Lotlhuitl's brushwork was distinctly more practical than, well, decorative. Straight and precise lines, save for when curves were required: the outside of the magic circle.
  40. "The spirits have accepted the task which I asked of them. They will prevent the unrighteous from fleeing from justice."
  41. (Lotlhuitl)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [09:10:11] He'd silently found himself a seat, watching his beloved enchant the Ezmaran square, a smile on his face. "I see you're contributing now." He spoke softly, glancing up to her, and to the child she spoke to,
  46. "I assure you, she knows what she's doing. If she says it requires blood, then it requires blood." His shoulders rolled, reaching out to run a hand along Lotlhuitls back.
  48. "Tired?" He asked her, knowing that runescribing could take it out of a person. "I was going to help you train, if you weren't."
  49. (Xoconan)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [09:13:36] Xitlalli says, "Morning."
  53. [09:14:27] Eyes moved over from Lotlhuitl to the man, smile dipping awkwardly as he polluted the scene with public affection. Feeling like she was watching something she shouldn't be, the awkward teenage girl turned around and sat back on the bench, pulling out the bag of berries.
  55. "That's real cool," she piped up amidst a mouthful of the red fruit. They went down at an alarming rate.
  56. (Mahiko Yu)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [09:29:48] At Xoconan's comment about her contributing, the serious Nagual arched an eyebrow. "Now?" Lotlhuitl breathed. She might have been mistaken for being seriously offended, if it wasn't for a momentary lapse in her composure - her lips momentarily smirking! - before seriousness prevailed. A wave given to Xitlalli. Her friend. Genuinely! Yet somehow, the Nagual made the casual action seem severe.
  61. Lotl's general seriousness shifted into distinct awkwardness as Xoconan first complimented her and then brushed his hand against her bare back! Silent, tail twitching, Lotl glanced first to Xoconan, then to Mahiko, then back to him.
  63. Well, she couldn't look too exasperated at him: at least he wasn't stroking her tail.
  65. "I'm not tired." Lotlhuitl answered, hands on her hips. She was still carrying a bucket of goat's blood and a bloodied paint brush. "But.. just a moment. I need to put this stuff away and-" she paused, looking at Mahiko. "I haven't seen you in the Gehennan territories before. Greetings. I'm Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati. If you're after a runescribing teacher, I can teach some."
  67. Lotlhuitl looked across the courtyard, nonchalantly shrugging and pointing the bloodied paintbrush at her friend. Xitlalli. "But if you're looking for a master, you best study under her. Xitlalli."
  69. (Lotlhuitl)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [09:38:20] The spirit dancer hadn't anticipated this kind of social gathering within the square; it was still the early hours of the morning last time she checked and yet from just what? Three individuals, so much life and noise was being created and that in all honesty was oddly refreshing yet.
  74. Attractive in it's own right.
  76. So like a moth drawn to the flame, Xitlalli crept closer, her eyes flickering from left to right, spying upon those present.
  78. "Ooh...", an almost-silent murmur of 'Ooh', escaped from Xitlalli's lips as her eyes first fell upon Xoconan, or rather his actions. A hand gracing her friend's back in a manner which suggested it was a sign of 'affection', something to which the dancer noted down mentally only for her eyes to swiftly leave...
  80. And then fall upon Lotlhuitl! Xitlalli waved back, only for her expression to shift from a radiant smile to a confused pout.
  82. "It's abit early to be doing THAT kind of thing.", a gesture was made with her left hand over to the bucket that was carried, "I can even smell it from here, phew.", to which in Xitlalli's mind smelled very strong, similar to a metal, like copper. Least that was what her nostrils was taking in and telling her nose to which her nose told her.
  84. "And... Yes, my friend, is correct. I'm a master at runewriting, been doing it for five years now. I've impressed quite a few and my handiwork is present on a number of items. Such as Dmex's staff if you ever get to see it; looks simple but I assure you it isn't."
  86. As she stepped forward, evermore creeping closer to the gathering, Xitlalli couldn't help but advertise some more of her talents thanks to the opening made by Lotlhuitl.
  88. "But yes, hello, I'm Xitlalli."
  89. (Xitlalli)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [09:46:01] Looking from one woman to the next, the teenager continued to chomp down on berries as she was spoken to. The square certainly seemed lively, old friends talking to each other and dragging her into the mix.
  94. "I don't really wanna learn runewriting," she said. "Flowers are cute too but that doesn't mean I wanna be a gardener every time I see one."
  96. Her gaze focused down on the pouch of berries, adjusting her yellow jacket slightly. The stiffling heat of the nearby brazier and the humidity of the gloomy forest took some getting used to.
  97. (Mahiko Yu)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [09:55:24] Lotlhuitl says, "... right."
  101. [09:56:16] Lotlhuitl didn't really know if she thought flowers were cute, but she supposed she followed the teen's logic. Her tail swished back and forth, and she looked away from the teenager. Apparently finished with her appraisal of her.
  102. (Lotlhuitl)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [09:57:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, I might leave you in Xitlalli's capable hands to tell you why you're being foolish."
  106. [09:57:58] Lotlhuitl walked off to put her blood away! Grumbling about it being a perfectly valid medium for runescribing..
  107. (Lotlhuitl)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [09:58:49] Lotlhuitl was clearly grumpy at Xitlalli, and leaving a teenager with her was some form of petty revenge..
  111. (Lotlhuitl)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [09:58:49] Xitlalli shrugs lightly before making her approach!
  115. (Xitlalli)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [09:59:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xocoo...
  119. [09:59:40] Xitlalli says, "Well. Not sure why you'd not want to be a runewriter."
  120. [09:59:40] Xitlalli says, "We're not in high supply, so you'll always have a job."
  121. [10:02:14] Xitlalli asks, "Though if you don't want to learn runewriting, I'm not sure if there's much to be done with you as of this moment... What was your name?"
  122. [10:13:20] Xitlalli stares at the PEOPLE who suddenly decided to stare into the abyss.
  123. (Xitlalli)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [10:13:20] Xitlalli says, "Well. Then."
  127. [10:14:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorrya ahaha)
  128. [10:14:11] Xitlalli says, "It appears they've."
  129. [10:14:11] Xitlalli says, "Done that thing again."
  130. [10:14:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm OOCly trying to fix my controller)
  131. [10:14:11] Lotlhuitl says, "Soul rot.."
  132. [10:14:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm tryin to fix my controller..)
  133. [10:15:02] Xitlalli says, "Yes."
  134. [10:17:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I legit can't work out why one of these buttons makes me move up AND do the keypress i want it to do)
  135. [10:19:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (hrm i'dk)
  136. [10:19:18] LOOC - Xitlalli: (byond controller support is iffy)
  137. [10:21:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (-shrug-
  138. [10:21:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I should just give up and go back to remapped keyboard)
  139. [10:21:52] LOOC - Xitlalli: (wasd + numpad is the best way to play mage imo)
  140. [10:21:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I don't have a numpad)
  141. [10:21:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (So)
  142. [10:21:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I have to remap to letter keys
  143. [10:22:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and it just gets a bit confusing.)
  144. [10:22:43] Xitlalli says, "oh"
  145. [10:22:43] Xitlalli says, "hrm"
  146. [10:23:34] LOOC - Xitlalli: (OOPS)
  147. [10:23:34] LOOC - Xitlalli: (LMFAO)
  148. [10:23:34] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i went retarded there)
  149. [10:33:48] Xitlalli asks, "Well, Lotlhuitl done anything... CONSTRUCTIVE? Lately?"
  150. [10:33:48] Lotlhuitl says, "... I mean, I just made it harder for criminals to run away in Ezmara.."
  151. [10:34:40] Xitlalli says, "Oooh, hard to tell since I don't usually run."
  152. [10:35:31] Lotlhuitl runs off, as if to demonstrate..
  153. (Lotlhuitl)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [10:36:22] Xitlalli catches up to Lotlhuitl.
  157. (Xitlalli)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [10:36:22] Xitlalli says, "I see."
  161. [10:36:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Huff.. puff.."
  162. [10:36:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Okay. Now you try and run away from me."
  163. [10:37:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Pretend that you're some daring criminal. "
  164. [10:37:13] Lotlhuitl whispers: Idk, you stole my virtue or something..
  165. [10:38:04] Xitlalli whispers: Riiiiight.
  166. [10:38:04] Xitlalli begins to HOP away at jogging speeds.
  167. (Xitlalli)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [10:38:56] Xitlalli says, "Ugh."
  171. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl tackled Xitlalli to the ground!
  172. (Lotlhuitl)
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Hahaa. "
  176. [10:38:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Gotcha, short stuff.."
  177. [10:40:38] Xitlalli asks, "Short?"
  178. [10:41:29] Xitlalli pouts as she is slammed to the ground.
  179. (Xitlalli)
  180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. [10:41:29] Xitlalli says, "Might be short, but I'm still solid as ever."
  183. [10:42:20] Lotlhuitl says, "... y-yeah.."
  184. [10:42:20] Lotlhuitl offered Xitlalli a hand, suddenly distinctly awkward..
  185. (Lotlhuitl)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [10:44:54] Xitlalli takes the hand, rolling her eyes as she follows.
  189. (Xitlalli)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [10:49:10] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  193. [10:50:01] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  194. [10:50:52] LOOC - Xitlalli: (bug)
  195. [10:50:52] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (she runs into beams/cosmic orbs
  196. [10:50:52] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (oh
  197. [10:50:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ohh.. whoops.. sorry.)
  198. [10:51:44] Xoconan asks, "Sparring?"
  199. [10:51:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm."
  200. [10:53:26] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  201. [10:54:17] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oh ok we're rping ok ok)
  202. [10:54:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (IDK if you wanna RP or w/e..)
  203. [10:57:42] Yeah, they were sparring, but Xitlalli would prefer to call it practice fighting.
  205. And it would seem that the spirit dancer was able to outpace Lotlhuitl by a large margin, despite being 'short stuff'. Be it beams of ether, blue or yellow, or massive orbs of cosmic power that provided a kinetic 'oomph' to the fight, Xitlalli was able to do it all, with the occasional crackle of more raw energy arcing out from her palms as she struck over and over on the Nagual.
  207. In the end, they were sent skidding towards the stairs, not knocked out after all that wasn't Xitlalli's plan.
  209. "There you go, Lotlhuitl, 'Short Stuff' did it again."
  210. (Xitlalli)
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [10:59:24] Xoconan whispers something.
  214. [10:59:24] Xoconan whispers something.
  215. [11:00:16] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  216. [11:01:07] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  217. [11:01:07] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  218. [11:01:07] Xoconan whispers something.
  219. [11:02:49] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  220. [11:02:49] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  221. [11:03:40] Xoconan whispers something.
  222. [11:07:05] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  223. [11:07:05] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  224. [11:07:05] That final beam of Xitlalli's -- ether! -- knocked the Nagual back, out of the ring! Towards the stairs, indeed.
  226. Lotlhuitl fell backwards, flopping (perhaps conveniently) into a ringside chair.
  228. "Solid." Lotlhuitl remarked, reclining. Catching her breath.
  230. No, this wasn't some hip new phrase that all the kids used these days. The woman was merely using the same term that Xitlalli had used earlier. The Nagual cast her gaze over to Xoconan. And.. Karma. They were whispering.
  232. Eyeroll.
  234. Attention back to Xitlalli. "Well, 'Short Stuff.' I think you missed a spot." It seemed Lotlhuitl felt like goading the woman into sparring with her again.
  236. (Lotlhuitl)
  237. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  239. [11:07:56] Xitlalli says, "Right. Right."
  240. [11:08:48] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  241. [11:10:30] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  242. [11:11:21] Xoconan whispers something.
  243. [11:11:21] Xoconan whispers something.
  244. [11:12:12] Xoconan whispers something.
  245. [11:12:12] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  246. [11:14:46] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  247. [11:14:46] Xoconan whispers something.
  248. [11:14:46] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  249. [11:15:37] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  250. [11:15:37] Xoconan whispers something.
  251. [11:15:37] Xoconan whispers something.
  252. [11:16:28] This time, Xitlalli decided to keep the same plays in place, often charging in with cosmic energies and bluish ether bursting out of her form as she clashed with Lotlhuitl. Despite the Nagual's ability to inflict some serious harm, it was Xitlalli's deftness which allowed her to circle and snake around the other woman; as to avoid the crippling and joint locking bloody blows she could have dealt out.
  254. Unfortunately for Lotlhuitl, the ending was wide out in the open; there'd be no skidding towards the bleachers this time, instead as Xitlalli anticipated a last ditch attempt? Or a strike to the back, the spirit dancer simply chose to unleash the last of her mana reserves in a defensive yet equally offensive Omni-arch of scorching electricity.
  256. Blue arcs flying out in each and every direction, some of these able to catch the Nagual off guard perhaps!
  258. The only question was; did it manage to catch the spot which she missed last time?
  259. (Xitlalli)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [11:16:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (what is it with this cosmic/energy/lightning)
  263. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (is this the new meta build)
  264. [11:17:20] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  265. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (no)
  266. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (it's just my idea ok gosh)
  267. [11:17:20] Xoconan whispers something.
  268. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i wanted filler dps cause0
  269. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (that you stole from chance :owosneaky:)
  270. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (energy + cosmic naturally have high CDs)
  271. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (Since that was basically his build)
  272. [11:17:20] LOOC - Xitlalli: (lightning has cheap homings)
  273. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (lightning is an amazing mage tree in general)
  274. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i was going to buy piercing strike but then I realised)
  275. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (that'll actually nerf me)
  276. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (if it was on my bar)
  277. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (... Wot?)
  278. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (a 20 damage homing will nerf you)
  279. [11:18:11] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  280. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (burst + shockbomb v2 + bolt v2 allow me to)
  281. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (stay mobile)
  282. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (also their CDs are smaller)
  283. [11:18:11] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i already have tons of downtime inbetween my beams ect)
  284. [11:18:11] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  285. [11:19:02] LOOC - Xitlalli: (like i said, i went lightning because not only is it another form of energy)
  286. [11:19:02] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  287. [11:19:02] LOOC - Xitlalli: (but it also has filler DPS items I need)
  288. [11:19:02] Xoconan whispers something.
  289. [11:19:02] LOOC - Xitlalli: (and i didn't know chance made a build like this, i haven't verbed him nor do I know much about his characters in the first place)
  290. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (even then, it's a pretty obvious and ez to theorise build)
  291. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (Yeah, this was basically Caprise)
  292. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (originally I was gonna go fire)
  293. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (When I told him what Noa's build was)
  294. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (but i already did fire like....)
  295. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xoconan: (He was like "Oh he stole Caprises build and automatically assumed it was good)
  296. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (a gazillion times)
  297. [11:19:53] LOOC - Xitlalli: (like my last 5 builds have been fire related)
  298. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (tbh i think lightning is in a good spot rn)
  299. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (it's not too overtuned or underwhelming)
  300. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (Lightning is an amazing mage tree)
  301. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (there's certain spells I'd avoid in it)
  302. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (It lacks CC and a good aura, but that's hardly a weakness on a basic element)
  303. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (but i'm looking at LE)
  304. [11:20:44] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  305. [11:20:44] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  306. [11:20:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (and i'm thinking i might pick it up just to fuck with melees)
  307. [11:21:36] LOOC - Xitlalli: (35% DR + aoe as you move)
  308. [11:21:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (Embodiment is basically a better shield against melees)
  309. [11:21:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (but it's otherwise useless)
  310. [11:21:36] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i mean i could chain it alongside e.shield is the thing)
  311. [11:21:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (Unless your opponent uses summons, then it's the super-shredder 9000)
  312. [11:22:27] Xoconan whispers something.
  313. [11:23:18] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  314. [11:24:09] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  315. [11:24:09] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  316. [11:24:09] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  317. [11:24:09] Xoconan whispers something.
  318. [11:25:00] Xoconan whispers something.
  319. [11:25:00] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  320. [11:25:00] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  321. [11:25:00] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  322. [11:25:00] Oof.
  324. And the Nagual went down!
  326. Xitlalli might have received a large chunk of admiration from Lotlhuitl. Might have, but Lotlhuitl wasn't exactly the admiring type at the best of times. And, well. She'd ended up falling flat on her face in after Xitlalli predicted her attempt to strike her in the back and knocked her off balance.
  328. Her face completely straight, Lotlhuitl had picked herself off the cobblestones. "Techy," she said. Waggling a finger. She assumed the extra blast was because of her continued goading. Entirely rich, coming from this particular Nagual. But hey.
  330. It was hard to say whether she actually did any better this time. Heck, she felt distinctly bruised. But.. nothing permanent. Nothing worth worrying about.
  332. "Again?"
  333. (Lotlhuitl)
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. [11:25:00] Xoconan whispers something.
  337. [11:25:52] Xoconan whispers something.
  338. [11:25:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (tetchy**)
  339. [11:25:52] Xoconan whispers something.
  340. [11:26:43] Xoconan whispers something.
  341. [11:27:34] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  342. [11:27:34] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  343. [11:28:25] Xoconan whispers something.
  344. [11:28:25] Xoconan whispers something.
  345. [11:28:25] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  346. [11:29:16] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  347. [11:29:16] You learnt the spell Lightning Burst.
  348. [11:30:59] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  349. [11:32:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb 1 sec)
  350. [11:33:32] Xoconan whispers something.
  351. [11:33:32] Xoconan whispers something.
  352. [11:34:24] Another round was performed, with the same score as before, Xitlalli taking it all home, though there were a few slip ups and errors on her end as she got a bit too confident here and there.
  354. "Not sure how many of these you really want to do.", the woman says out loud and clear from the other side of the arena; having been pushed back by Lotlhuitl's cannon-like burst of water. Xitlalli in response had only shot out a bolt of ether as a last resort to try and push against it, instead it ended up slicing through the middle, smacking into Lotlhuitl's midsection.
  356. Had Xitlalli been on weaker footing, it might have been a double knock out but that was far from the case.
  357. (Xitlalli)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [11:35:15] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  361. [11:35:15] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  362. [11:36:57] Xoconan whispers something.
  363. [11:37:48] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  364. [11:37:48] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  365. [11:37:48] Xoconan whispers something.
  366. [11:37:48] Xoconan whispers something.
  367. [11:40:22] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  368. [11:41:13] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  369. [11:41:13] Xoconan whispers something.
  370. [11:42:04] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  371. [11:42:04] Xoconan whispers something.
  372. [11:42:04] Xoconan whispers something.
  373. [11:42:56] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  374. [11:42:56] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  375. [11:45:29] Xoconan whispers something.
  376. [11:45:29] The Nagual had been surprised by the burst of ether cutting through the beam of water. It hit her right in the stomach! Oof. Lotlhuitl gasped, somehow managing to retain some shred of dignity and not yelp.
  378. A red welt was quickly appearing on Lotlhuitl's bared midsection.
  380. Yeah.
  382. She raised her hands up. Defeat.
  384. "You win, Xitlalli."
  385. (Lotlhuitl)
  386. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. [11:46:20] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  389. [11:47:12] Xoconan whispers something.
  390. [11:47:12] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  391. [11:48:03] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  392. [11:48:03] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  393. [11:48:54] Xitlalli says, "Mhm."
  394. [11:49:45] Xoconan whispers something.
  395. [11:49:45] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  396. [11:50:36] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (afk for a bit
  397. [12:00:00] "Helloooo miss Lottlehill!"
  399. Waddling into the arena once she was -sure- the fighting had died down, the little Saraddian beamed over. She had a little rucksack over her back and a water canister at her belt.
  401. "I'm heading off now, but it was nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll meet again and I can see your beautiful runecrafting and dancing some more. Bye bye!"
  402. (Mahiko Yu)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [12:11:56] Lotlhuitl blinked. She had been looking distinctly gloomy. Sitting in a seat by the side of the arena, gaze distant. The Nagual rested her chin at her hands. Her elbows resting against her knees.
  407. She had blinked, her posture straightening as she heard someone try and say her name. Lotllehill. "Lotlhuitl." She corrected.
  409. "Where are you going, little one? It is not safe outside Gehenna's territories."
  410. (Lotlhuitl)
  411. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  413. [12:17:55] Looking over at Lotlhuitl for a moment, the girl paused, her lips pursing with mild concern. It was also a great opportunity to avoid the question- along with her bad pronounciation of Gehennan names and accent, she sure didn't seem like she belonged in the tribe.
  415. "Hey, are you okay? You look a little down." She walked up towards the older woman, leaning over her awfully close, her round baby face having concern written all over it.
  417. "Did you get hurt in a spar? I have some bandages!"
  418. (Mahiko Yu)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [12:20:28] Lotlhuitl blinked. She wasn't down, she was stoic. And stern. And damn it, why was this small child trying to hover over her? The Nagual stood, gently pushing the Sarradian teen away from her in the process.
  423. "I'm fine," she said perhaps a little too firmly to be entirely convincing. "Don't change the topic to be about me, little one. I asked you a question. And, hm. I don't believe I caught your name."
  424. (Lotlhuitl)
  425. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  427. [12:21:20] Lotlhuitl says, "... come, walk with me."
  428. [12:22:11] Lotlhuitl says, "Or not.. I don't.. really care. Whatever, do as you wish, small one."
  429. [12:23:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace."
  430. [12:27:18] "Sure thing!"
  432. Though she remained upbeat, the girl was simply good at hiding her nervousness. Smiling as she followed along, her hands swayed idly by her side.
  434. "My name's Mahiko, I was just going to explore. I got here by accident, really, I'm a Saraddian and not a Gehennan. I guess I can tell you, since you're not really a scary type. We're friends."
  435. (Mahiko Yu)
  436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  438. [12:27:18] Lotlhuitl asks, "Friends?"
  439. [12:27:18] Lotlhuitl seemed bemused at this.
  440. (Lotlhuitl)
  441. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  443. [12:27:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well, Mahiko. "
  444. [12:27:18] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Yeah!"
  445. [12:27:18] Mahiko Yu asks, "We are friends, right?"
  446. [12:27:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Sarradians are friends of the Cruxati."
  447. [12:28:09] Lotlhuitl says, "And I am Cruxati."
  448. [12:28:09] Mahiko clasped her hands together cheerfully. "Great! Let's play a game!"
  449. (Mahiko Yu)
  450. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. [12:28:09] Lotlhuitl asks, "... oh?"
  453. [12:28:09] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "It's called word attack!"
  454. [12:28:09] Lotlhuitl asks, "And how do you play?"
  455. [12:28:09] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "I say a word and you say the first thing that comes to mind and we take turns!"
  456. [12:28:09] Mahiko Yu asks, "Ready?"
  457. [12:29:00] Lotlhuitl says, "... hah. Very well, Mahiko."
  458. [12:29:00] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Pot!"
  459. [12:29:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Luck."
  460. [12:29:00] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Bad!"
  461. [12:29:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Dog."
  462. [12:29:00] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Cat!"
  463. [12:29:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Claws."
  464. [12:29:00] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "C... cheetah!"
  465. [12:29:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Fast."
  466. [12:29:00] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Love!"
  467. [12:29:52] Lotlhuitl hesitated.
  468. (Lotlhuitl)
  469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  471. [12:29:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah, pass."
  472. [12:29:52] Mahiko smiled and leaned up on her toes. "I win! And bad dog... really? All dogs are good dogs!"
  473. (Mahiko Yu)
  474. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  476. [12:29:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Ha, I suppose."
  477. [12:30:43] Mahiko Yu asks, "Do you have... love woes?"
  478. [12:30:43] Mahiko Yu says, "You can tell me about anything, since we're friends."
  479. [12:30:43] Lotlhuitl says, "No, quite the opposi--"
  480. [12:30:43] Lotlhuitl says, "that's private."
  481. [12:30:43] Mahiko Yu says, "Oooohh."
  482. [12:30:43] Lotlhuitl looked quite serious.
  483. (Lotlhuitl)
  484. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  486. [12:31:34] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Okay!"
  487. [12:31:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm, perhaps another game.."
  488. [12:31:34] Lotlhuitl asks, "Would you like to play a game called questions?"
  489. [12:31:34] Mahiko Yu says, "This sounds like a trap..."
  490. [12:31:34] Lotlhuitl grins, a feline glint in her eyes.
  491. (Lotlhuitl)
  492. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. [12:32:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Statement. 5, 0."
  495. [12:32:25] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you want me to tell you how to play?"
  496. [12:32:25] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Umm, ok!"
  497. [12:32:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Statement. 10, 0."
  498. [12:33:16] Lotlhuitl asks, "Is it true you can't work it out?"
  499. [12:33:16] Mahiko frowned and scratched her head.
  500. (Mahiko Yu)
  501. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  503. [12:33:16] Mahiko Yu asks, "You are doing statements too, so you should be at negative a thousand, right?"
  504. [12:34:08] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you think adding "right" at the end of a sentence is really a question?"
  505. [12:34:08] Mahiko Yu asks, "It totally is, right?"
  506. [12:34:59] Lotlhuitl says, "It's abnoxious. Ah, shoot."
  507. [12:34:59] JaDrako Kumo asks, "It is a question, right?"
  508. [12:34:59] Mahiko Yu says, "D'ehehehehe..."
  509. [12:34:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "But what is a question?"
  510. [12:35:50] Lotlhuitl held up her hands, indicating that she had 10 points, while Mahiko had 5.
  511. (Lotlhuitl)
  512. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  514. [12:35:50] Mahiko Yu asks, "What is the air speed of a fully laden swallow?"
  515. [12:36:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Foul. non sequitur. 15, 5. "
  516. [12:36:41] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you like birds?"
  517. [12:36:41] Mahiko Yu asks, "Aaaahhh?! What is a non sequitur??"
  518. [12:37:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Foul. Non sequitur. 20, 5. "
  519. [12:37:32] Lotlhuitl blinked, tilting her head.
  520. (Lotlhuitl)
  521. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  523. [12:37:32] Lotlhuitl asks, "Don't you know a non-sequitur is an unrelated question?"
  524. [12:38:24] Mahiko Yu asks, "I knew that, so how do I win this game?"
  525. [12:38:24] Mahiko 's brow furrowed in concentration.
  526. (Mahiko Yu)
  527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  529. [12:38:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Statement. 25, 5. "
  530. [12:38:24] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Nooo! This game is impossible! I can't answer a question with a question!"
  531. [12:39:15] Mahiko Yu asks, "How come you're gonna bully a kid with an impossible game?!?"
  532. [12:39:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Haha."
  533. [12:39:15] Lotlhuitl says, "It's not impossible. It's the first to forty points, little one."
  534. [12:39:15] Mahiko pouted and furled her arms against her chest.
  535. (Mahiko Yu)
  536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. [12:39:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, maybe a smaller number would be easier."
  539. [12:39:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Scoring is done by foul. You keep going until someone makes a mistake."
  540. [12:40:06] Lotlhuitl says, "If they fail to answer with a question, that's a foul. That's a statement."
  541. [12:40:06] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "I prefer games where everyone wins!"
  542. [12:40:06] Lotlhuitl says, "If someone hesitates, or makes a false start, that's also a foul."
  543. [12:40:06] Mahiko raised her arms into the air, the bright ray of sunshine that she was.
  544. (Mahiko Yu)
  545. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547. [12:40:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh, I see."
  548. [12:40:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, I thought you did quite well."
  549. [12:40:06] Lotlhuitl says, "I wasn't playing fair at all."
  550. [12:40:57] Mahiko Yu says, "You are smart! I should go though..."
  551. [12:40:57] Lotlhuitl asks, "... are you going to be safe?"
  552. [12:41:48] Mahiko tapped a finger against her cheek. "I am pretty good in the wilderness, but maybe a big demon will find me."
  553. (Mahiko Yu)
  554. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  556. [12:41:48] Lotlhuitl says, "... you shouldn't joke."
  557. [12:41:48] Lotlhuitl says, "That happened to me once."
  558. [12:41:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Wasn't pleasant."
  559. [12:41:48] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Oh no!"
  560. [12:41:48] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "The world would be much sadder if you weren't here!"
  561. [12:41:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Be safe, little one. I will not stop you going into danger -- oh."
  562. [12:42:40] Lotlhuitl says, "That's.. a strangely kind thing to say."
  563. [12:42:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not so sure it is true."
  564. [12:42:40] Lotlhuitl looked somewhat bemused.
  565. (Lotlhuitl)
  566. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  568. [12:42:40] Mahiko smiled and reached out to grasp the womans hands in both of her own, eyes sparkling with innocent optimism. "It is true! Your beautiful dancing would be missed, and you were nice to me as well!"
  569. (Mahiko Yu)
  570. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  572. [12:43:31] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I wasn't nice to you."
  573. [12:43:31] Lotlhuitl says, "I was cordial."
  574. [12:43:31] Lotlhuitl seemed distinctly uncomfortable with the handholding, and the bright teenage girl's praise.
  575. (Lotlhuitl)
  576. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  578. [12:43:31] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "But, you could've been mean!"
  579. [12:43:31] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. could have."
  580. [12:43:31] Mahiko released the womans hand and adjusted her coat.
  581. (Mahiko Yu)
  582. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. [12:44:22] Lotlhuitl says, "But that would reflect poorly on Gehenna."
  585. [12:44:22] Lotlhuitl says, "I did not do it because I am a nice person, Mahiko. "
  586. [12:44:22] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "D'ehehehe. Don't be so modest!"
  587. [12:44:22] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'm not modest."
  588. [12:44:22] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm truthful."
  589. [12:45:13] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Is this a new game?!"
  590. [12:45:13] Lotlhuitl says, "... no."
  591. [12:45:13] Lotlhuitl was being completely serious.
  592. (Lotlhuitl)
  593. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. [12:45:13] Lotlhuitl was also lookin' pretty gloomy again.
  596. (Lotlhuitl)
  597. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  599. [12:46:04] Mahiko 's brow furrowed and she leaned closer, "If you're truthful then what's the matter? We're friends after all."
  600. (Mahiko Yu)
  601. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  603. [12:46:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "... do you need me to accompany you somewhere?"
  604. [12:46:56] Lotlhuitl gave the girl a rather wry look.
  605. (Lotlhuitl)
  606. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. [12:46:56] Lotlhuitl says, "If you're planning on travelling to Jianghu, I cannot accompany you there. But I could travel part of the way."
  609. [12:46:56] Mahiko giggled and leaned back, tilting her foot on the ground in mock shyness. "You wanna go with little ol' me?"
  610. (Mahiko Yu)
  611. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  613. [12:46:56] Lotlhuitl says, "It would make me feel slightly better about you wandering off into the wilderness."
  614. [12:47:47] Lotlhuitl says, "I want to make sure a demon doesn't eat you."
  615. [12:47:47] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "That's so nice!!"
  616. [12:47:47] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "I'll stay here then!"
  617. [12:47:47] Lotlhuitl tilted her head.
  618. (Lotlhuitl)
  619. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  621. [12:47:47] Lotlhuitl asks, "I thought you said you had to go?"
  622. [12:48:38] Lotlhuitl says, "But, very well. This is preferable."
  623. [12:48:38] Mahiko Yu says, "Well, I was feeling all out of place..."
  624. [12:48:38] Lotlhuitl asks, "... do you have a place to stay?"
  625. [12:48:38] Mahiko Yu says, "Nooo."
  626. [12:48:38] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  627. [12:48:38] Mahiko fluttered her lashes cutely.
  628. (Mahiko Yu)
  629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. [12:48:38] Lotlhuitl says, "You are welcome at my home, little one."
  632. [12:48:38] Lotlhuitl says, "... what are you doing.."
  633. [12:48:38] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Hooray!"
  634. [12:48:38] Mahiko Yu says, "I was using my feminine charm."
  635. [12:49:29] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  636. [12:49:29] Lotlhuitl coughed.
  637. (Lotlhuitl)
  638. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  640. [12:49:29] Mahiko Yu says, "...."
  641. [12:49:29] Mahiko looks away...
  642. (Mahiko Yu)
  643. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  645. [12:49:29] Mahiko embarassed...
  646. (Mahiko Yu)
  647. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  649. [12:49:29] Lotlhuitl asks, "Right, well. Perhaps.. if you are going to stay, you might like me to show you around?"
  650. [12:49:29] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Okay!"
  651. [12:49:29] Lotlhuitl says, "... well, this is the marketplace."
  652. [12:49:29] Lotlhuitl says, "You can buy things here. "
  653. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Like this staff which I just purchased.."
  654. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl says, "That's JaDrako."
  655. [12:50:20] Mahiko Yu says, "I don't have money but I have a plan."
  656. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: Don't talk to him if you can avoid it.
  657. [12:50:20] Mahiko Yu whispers: Ok..
  658. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl asks, "You have a plan?"
  659. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: Oh yes, he's terrible..
  660. [12:50:20] Mahiko beamed triumphantly. "I will sell good advice, for twenty coins..."
  661. (Mahiko Yu)
  662. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. [12:50:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha. "
  665. [12:51:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Okay, I will be your first customer, young Mahiko."
  666. [12:51:12] {Item} Dropped a bag of 20 Coins.
  667. [12:51:12] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Wow!"
  668. [12:51:12] Mahiko Yu says, "We aren't open right now though."
  669. [12:51:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh."
  670. [12:51:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  671. [12:51:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, take it as a tip, then."
  672. [12:52:03] Mahiko picks up the coins. "Thanks!"
  673. (Mahiko Yu)
  674. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  676. [12:52:03] Mahiko Yu asks, "Are all the women here pretty?"
  677. [12:52:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Usually."
  678. [12:52:03] Mahiko Yu says, "Hmmm."
  679. [12:52:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
  680. [12:52:54] Mahiko Yu says, "My mom always said that pretty women are the best at backstabbing."
  681. [12:52:54] Lotlhuitl says, "...perhaps so."
  682. [12:52:54] Mahiko Yu asks, "You have beauty in my eye! But don't backstab me okay?"
  683. [12:52:54] Lotlhuitl says, "I assure you, if I should ever intend on stabbing you, I shall do so from the front."
  684. [12:52:54] Lotlhuitl deadpans.
  685. (Lotlhuitl)
  686. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  688. [12:53:45] Mahiko rubbed her stomache instinctively while letting out a nervous "Eheh.."
  689. (Mahiko Yu)
  690. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  692. [12:53:45] Lotlhuitl says, "This building here? This is Ezmara's temple."
  693. [12:53:45] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Amazing!"
  694. [12:54:36] Lotlhuitl says, "You can often find Chieftain Karma and Maiya within."
  695. [12:54:36] Mahiko Yu asks, "Hmmm. What do you think goes in a persons mind when they name their child Karma?"
  696. [12:54:36] Mahiko Yu asks, "Hmmm. What do you think goes in a persons mind when they name their child Karma?"
  697. [12:54:36] Lotlhuitl says, "This is my house."
  698. [12:54:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha.. well, hm."
  699. [12:54:36] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not sure."
  700. [12:55:28] Lotlhuitl says, "The name suits him ill."
  701. [12:55:28] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Your house is well kept and pretty!"
  702. [12:55:28] Lotlhuitl says, "You can sleep here, if you like."
  703. [12:55:28] Mahiko Yu says, "Umm.."
  704. [12:55:28] Lotlhuitl says, "This is our guest bedroom. And, well. Storage."
  705. [12:55:28] Mahiko backed away nervously..
  706. (Mahiko Yu)
  707. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  709. [12:55:28] Lotlhuitl asks, "What's up?"
  710. [12:55:28] Mahiko Yu says, "This is too many braziers... for such a small room.."
  711. [12:55:28] Mahiko Yu says, "I will cook into a pie..."
  712. [12:56:19] Lotlhuitl says, "... Oyaotl had.. interesting tastes.."
  713. [12:56:19] Mahiko jumped onto the beds and rolled around. "So comfortable!"
  714. (Mahiko Yu)
  715. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  717. [12:57:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Aha.. I'll.. see if the braisiers can't be taken away from downstairs.."
  718. [12:57:10] Mahiko Yu says, "D'ehehe."
  719. [12:57:10] Mahiko straightened up on the bed, kneeling as she looked over to Lotlhuitl and smiling warmly. "I won't stay too long, I'll get money and be productive, ok?"
  720. (Mahiko Yu)
  721. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  723. [12:57:10] Lotlhuitl says, "This is mine and Xoconan's room. But, I mean.. make yourself at home. "
  724. [12:58:01] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. might have to give you a better tour of the land at another time."
  725. [12:58:01] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "Okay!"
  726. [12:58:01] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. don't expect you to hang around Gehenna if you need to travel. I understand that's a thing Sarradians just.. do."
  727. [12:58:52] Lotlhuitl was possibly really unclear on what the deal with Sarradians was.
  728. (Lotlhuitl)
  729. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  731. [12:58:52] Mahiko Yu asks, "Oh, you do?"
  732. [12:58:52] Mahiko looked down at the floor, a little embarassed.
  733. (Mahiko Yu)
  734. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  736. [12:58:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Every Sarradian I've met seemed to be a wanderer."
  737. [12:58:52] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "We are a fun loving people!"
  738. [12:59:44] Lotlhuitl says, "There's a fellow, Citlalli, he's often around town."
  739. [12:59:44] Lotlhuitl says, "He's a bit older than you."
  740. [12:59:44] Lotlhuitl says, "He's a kind boy, however."
  741. [12:59:44] Mahiko Yu says, "That sounds like a Gehennan name."
  742. [12:59:44] Lotlhuitl asks, "Does it?"
  743. [12:59:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm."
  744. [13:00:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Maybe he's only part Sarradian. Hard to tell, really.."
  745. [13:00:35] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "I think I'll sleep now. Thanks auntie!"
  746. [13:00:35] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I'll be downstairs. Goodnight."
  747. [13:00:35] Lotlhuitl says, "... what are you.."
  748. [13:00:35] Mahiko Yu exclaims, "I'm not gonna take your bed!"
  749. [13:00:35] Lotlhuitl asks, "I thought you said this room was too hot?"
  750. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I doon't own the house..)
  751. [13:01:26] Mahiko Yu says, "That doesn't matter! You gave it to me, so I will be grateful."
  752. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so i can't edit)
  753. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (the decor is redonkulous)
  754. [13:01:26] Mahiko Yu says, "Only the bitter scorpion rejects a free meal, then dries up in the desert."
  755. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (upstairs has cucumbers and bananas)
  756. [13:01:26] LOOC - Mahiko Yu: ( awks )
  757. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (in the upstairs bedroom)
  758. [13:01:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (in the lust sin's bedroom..)
  759. [13:01:26] Mahiko rolled up onto the bed. She sure seemed energetic.
  760. (Mahiko Yu)
  761. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  763. [13:01:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Goodnight, Mahiko."
  764. [21:22:20]
  765. {LOAD GAME}
  767. [21:23:12] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  768. [21:27:28] Maiya Vindict says, "Be there, then, Dmex. We are allies, after all."
  769. [21:27:28] Dmex says, "Long trip."
  770. [21:27:28] Dmex says, "Stay here, whatever your name was."
  771. [21:28:19] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (did someone ping jadrako)
  772. [21:29:10] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Not me."
  773. [21:29:10] Atro Gwyn asks, "I said, inform me of what the Atl said about Xomac?"
  774. [21:29:10] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (Alanai got the boneless death
  775. [21:29:10] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((:b:oneless
  776. [21:29:10] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (yo i heard)
  777. [21:29:10] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( We told him not to fight them
  778. [21:30:01] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (bruh)
  779. [21:30:01] LOOC - Maiya Vindict: (LOL)
  780. [21:30:01] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Got his ass merked
  781. [21:30:52] {Item} You drop Mantle.
  782. [21:30:52] {Item} You picked up Mantle.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  783. [21:54:46] Lotlhuitl is lying down on this bench. Woo.
  784. (Lotlhuitl)
  785. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  787. [22:07:34] Cocinar asks, "You awake there, Lotlhuitl?"
  788. [22:07:34] Lotlhuitl says, "... could be."
  789. [22:07:34] Cocinar says, "I wish to spar. I want to see how far I've come."
  790. [22:08:25] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  791. [22:09:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (did you wanna rp between?)
  792. [22:09:16] Cocinar quitely holds on to happier memories of the times as of late, as he prepares a holy aura with the words: Blessings for you.
  793. (Cocinar)
  794. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  796. [22:09:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm oocly feeling reaaal unwell so)
  797. [22:09:16] LOOC - Cocinar: (Just one round is fine.)
  798. [22:10:08] Lotlhuitl saunters on out into the middle of the field, giving Cocinar a real appraising stare.
  799. (Lotlhuitl)
  800. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  802. [22:11:50] {combat} Cocinar has been defeated by Lotlhuitl! They're unable to continue fighting.
  803. [22:11:50] LOOC - Cocinar: (I'm getting lag, but its meh XD)
  804. [22:13:32] {combat} Cocinar has been defeated by Lotlhuitl! They're unable to continue fighting.
  805. [22:13:32] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Cocinar! They're unable to continue fighting.
  806. [22:13:32] Cocinar says, "Tsk."
  807. [22:13:32] Cocinar says, "I am still weak."
  808. [22:14:24] Cocinar quiets his aura in frustration. It'd appear good will can only go so far.
  809. (Cocinar)
  810. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  812. [22:14:24] Lotlhuitl says, "... hah.."
  813. [22:14:24] Cocinar says, "Go on. Laugh. I darn near expect it."
  814. [22:15:15] Lotlhuitl panted, expression deadly serious..
  815. (Lotlhuitl)
  816. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  818. [22:15:15] Lotlhuitl says, "... I wouldn't have exactly called you weak."
  819. [22:16:06] Lotlhuitl says, "But lets be honest. I'm.. not exactly the strongest warrior Gehenna has to offer."
  820. [22:16:06] Cocinar says, "So be it. As long as I can serve."
  821. [22:16:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Someday soon, you'll be able to beat me in combat."
  822. [22:16:06] Cocinar says, "I have a muddied past, and have been trying to clean it all this time."
  823. [22:16:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Then you probably should face someone.. actually.. challenging.."
  824. [22:16:57] Lotlhuitl flopped down into a ringside chair, looking somewhat gloomy.
  825. (Lotlhuitl)
  826. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  828. [22:16:57] LOOC - Cocinar: (You want to RP or is a break needed.)
  829. [22:16:57] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (in truth I'm feeling bleh0
  830. [22:16:57] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (working on some sprites.)
  831. [22:17:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you did well..)
  832. [22:17:48] Cocinar quitely followed suit, and instead of gloom and doom, nearly lost his guts due to over-exertion.
  833. (Cocinar)
  834. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  836. [22:17:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (feeling a bit OOCly sad about how terribly I messed my build up..)
  837. [22:17:48] LOOC - Cocinar: (Hey, Water and fire when paired with holy? Kinda dumb XD)
  838. [22:17:48] LOOC - Cocinar: (I'm dead. Perfect announcement)
  839. [22:18:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (...>.>)
  840. [22:18:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it doesn't seem like a bad combo..)
  841. [22:18:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (mine relies almost entirely on skillshots for damage)
  842. [22:18:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (which is not.. great.)
  843. [22:18:40] LOOC - Cocinar: (Which you can do X3)
  844. [22:19:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I live in Australia)
  845. [22:19:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (the internet is bad)
  846. [22:19:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and if its not my internet connection)
  847. [22:19:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (my computer freaks out when people drop AOEs)
  848. [22:19:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (It was a poor decision)
  849. [22:19:31] Cocinar after a moment of spending any mana at all to heal up his gut.
  850. (Cocinar)
  851. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  853. [22:20:22] LOOC - Cocinar: (Its okay, I'd still bang *oink*)
  854. [22:20:22] LOOC - Cocinar: (sorry, I have been in the headspace for lewd as of late. Regardless, mind if we RP a bit more?)
  855. [22:21:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm gonna work on some sprites.)
  856. [22:21:13] LOOC - Cocinar: (Okay.)
  857. [22:21:13] Cocinar silently goes to leave, his body very much in pain, but very much alive.
  858. (Cocinar)
  859. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  861. [22:21:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Farewell."
  862. [22:22:04] Lotlhuitl says, "If you see a white-haired man named Griffin, tell him I'm looking for him."
  863. [22:22:04] Cocinar says, "Spirits Protect."
  864. [22:22:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace."
  865. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Maiya."
  866. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I destroyed the stall."
  867. [22:39:08] Maiya Vindict says, "Thank you, Noa."
  868. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mhm, mhm."
  869. [22:39:08] Maiya Vindict says, "For some reason I kept letting the flames die."
  870. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'm heading back to Ezmara- Yes, yes."
  871. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "You just have to stare at it constantly."
  872. [22:39:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Can't look away."
  873. [22:40:00] Lotlhuitl promptly decided to stand where the stall had been, loitering..
  874. (Lotlhuitl)
  875. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  877. [22:48:32] Kevon Leyoui says, "Hello"
  878. [22:48:32] Kevon Leyoui says, "Your on top of that....Thingy"
  879. [23:55:05] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: im so alone
  880. [23:55:05] (Midnight Coven) Effigy {Chosen}: i got pulled into a meeting...
  881. [23:55:05] (Midnight Coven) Effigy {Chosen}: vindignator...
  882. [23:55:56] {combat} Adsila Coaxoch has been defeated by Noxim Florus! They're unable to continue fighting.
  883. [23:55:56] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (That last combo)
  884. [23:55:56] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (made me feel good)
  885. [23:55:56] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (even if its partially because you blocked)
  886. [23:55:56] LOOC - Noxim Florus: (ahh fuck the yokai)
  887. [23:58:30] {combat} Noxim Florus has been defeated by Adsila Coaxoch! They're unable to continue fighting.
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