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a guest
Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {dyniaszansa} = false
  3. on break:
  4. chance of 10%:
  5. spawn 1 bat at target block
  6. set the spawned bat's display name to "Boo"
  7. wait 2 seconds
  8. loop all entities in radius 50 around player:
  9. if loop-entity's name is "Boo":
  10. delete loop-entity
  11. if {dyniaszansa} is false:
  12. chance of 0.05%:
  13. drop 1 pumpkin named "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Dynia Eventowa!" with lore "&3&lDostepna podczas Halloween 2019"
  14. show 20 "flame" particles at location of target block for player offset by 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
  15. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Znalazles Dynie Eventowa!"
  16. if {dyniaszansa} is true:
  17. chance of 0.7%:
  18. drop 1 pumpkin named "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Dynia Eventowa!" with lore "&3&lDostepna podczas Halloween 2019"
  19. show 20 "flame" particles at location of target block for player offset by 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
  20. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Znalazles Dynie Eventowa!"
  21. command /wymienhallo:
  22. trigger:
  23. if player has 300 pumpkin named "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Dynia Eventowa!" with lore "&3&lDostepna podczas Halloween 2019":
  24. give 1 276 of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 5 named "&8[&cBoo&8] &3Miecz Grabieżcy" with lore "&c&lUnikatowy miecz, dostepny podczas halloween 2019" to the player
  25. remove 300 pumpkin named "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Dynia Eventowa!" with lore "&3&lDostepna podczas Halloween 2019" from the player
  26. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &c&lGracz &6&l%player% &c&lwymienil eventowe dynie na &6&lHalloween'owy MIECZ!" to all players
  27. send player title "&c&lZdobyles nagrode!" with subtitle "&6&lMiecz Grabieżcy!" for 3 seconds
  28. show 100 villager happy particles at location of player offset by 0.8, 1.0, 0.8
  29. else:
  30. set {_ilosc} to amount of pumpkin named "&8[&4Boo&8] &7Dynia Eventowa!" with lore "&3&lDostepna podczas Halloween 2019" in player's inventory
  31. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &4Nie masz 300 dyn event'owych! Obcenie posiadasz &7%{_ilosc}%&4/&7300"
  32. every 3 hours:
  33. set {dyniaszansa} to true
  34. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &c&lUWAGA!!! &7&lNAWIEDZONO WSZYSTKIE BLOKI! SZANSA NA DROP &6&lEVENTOWEJ DYNI &7ZOSTALA &a&lZWIEKSZONA&7&l NA &a&l30 10 MINUT&7&l!" to all players
  35. wait 10 minutes
  36. set {dyniaszansa} to false
  37. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &c&lUWAGA!!! &7&lSZANSA NA DROP &6&lEVENTOWEJ DYNI &a&cMINĘŁA" to all players
  38. command /pokazczas:
  39. trigger:
  40. if {dyniaszansa} is true:
  41. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &a&lTRWA &cZWIĘKSZONY DROP NA EVENTOWE DYNIE!" to the player
  42. if {dyniaszansa} is false:
  43. send "&8[&4Boo&8] &c&lBRAK &cZWIĘKSZONEGO DROPU NA EVENTOWE DYNIE!" to the player
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