
ZH-002 Biology 1

Apr 23rd, 2024
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  1. SCP-ZH-002 has been confirmed, under morphological examinations, to carry at least 13 compartments and features of Taiwanese zoologic species. These characters include:
  3. * The antlers of Taiwanese Sika Deer1
  4. * The feet and hoof of Taiwanese Sambar Deer2
  5. * The V-shaped white streak of Formosan3 Black Bear4
  6. * The fur prints of Formosan Clouded Leopard5 and Leopard Cats6.
  7. * The feather of Formosan Blue Magpie7 grows out of the skin around scapula, along with the long tail feathers of Mikado Pheasant8
  8. * The scales of Taiwanese Pangolin9 covering the hips and ankles
  9. * The eyes of Taiwanese Macaque10
  10. * The ears of Taiwanese Flying Fox11
  11. * The fang that matches the morphological traits of the ones on Taiwanese Wild Boar12
  12. * The streaks and spots of Sakura Hooked Salmon13 show at the sides of torso of the item with significant humid surface.
  13. * The coccygeal traits similar with the extinct species Balaenoptera taiwanica (Taiwanese Whale).
  14. * The incisors of Taiwanese Field Mouse14
  15. * Six forked tongues of serpents from unknown species.
  17. ***
  18. SCP-ZH-002
  19. [Note: the original article has footnotes stating the scientific names of all the listed animals here]
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