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a guest
Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. ...
  2. Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.81 secs
  3. x86_64-elf-strip filesystem/bin/timeout
  4. sudo umount build/filesystem/ || true
  5. Password:
  6. umount: build/filesystem/: not currently mounted
  7. rm -rf build/filesystem.bin build/filesystem/
  8. dd if=/dev/zero of=build/filesystem.bin bs=1048576 count=128
  9. 128+0 records in
  10. 128+0 records out
  11. 134217728 bytes transferred in 0.070350 secs (1907858682 bytes/sec)
  12. cargo run --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --quiet --release --bin redoxfs-mkfs build/filesystem.bin
  13. redoxfs-mkfs: created filesystem on build/filesystem.bin, size 128 MB
  14. mkdir -p build/filesystem/
  15. cargo build --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --quiet --release --bin redoxfs
  16. cargo run --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --quiet --release --bin redoxfs -- build/filesystem.bin build/filesystem/
  17. redoxfs: opened filesystem build/filesystem.bin
  18. sleep 2
  19. pgrep redoxfs
  20. 61022
  21. cp -RL filesystem/* build/filesystem/
  22. chown -R 0:0 build/filesystem
  23. chown -R 1000:1000 build/filesystem/home/user
  24. chmod -R uog+rX build/filesystem
  25. chmod -R u+w build/filesystem
  26. chmod -R og-w build/filesystem
  27. chmod -R 755 build/filesystem/bin
  28. chmod -R u+rwX build/filesystem/root
  29. chmod -R og-rwx build/filesystem/root
  30. chmod -R u+rwX build/filesystem/home/user
  31. chmod -R og-rwx build/filesystem/home/user
  32. chmod +s build/filesystem/bin/passwd
  33. chmod +s build/filesystem/bin/su
  34. chmod +s build/filesystem/bin/sudo
  35. mkdir build/filesystem/tmp
  36. chmod 1777 build/filesystem/tmp
  37. sync
  38. sudo umount build/filesystem/ || true
  39. rm -rf build/filesystem/
  40. nasm -f bin -o build/harddrive.bin -D ARCH_x86_64 -ibootloader/x86_64/ bootloader/x86_64/harddrive.asm
  41. startup-x86_64.asm:125: warning: numeric constant 0xFFFFFF000009F000 does not fit in 32 bits
  42. bootsector.asm:184: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  43. startup-x86_64.asm:2: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  44. startup-x86_64.asm:3: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  45. startup-x86_64.asm:4: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  46. startup-x86_64.asm:5: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  47. startup-x86_64.asm:6: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  48. startup-x86_64.asm:7: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  49. unreal.asm:44: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  50. startup-x86_64.asm:118: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  51. startup-x86_64.asm:119: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  52. startup-x86_64.asm:120: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  53. startup-x86_64.asm:121: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  54. startup-x86_64.asm:122: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  55. startup-x86_64.asm:123: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  56. startup-x86_64.asm:125: error: symbol `rsp' undefined
  57. startup-x86_64.asm:128: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  58. startup-x86_64.asm:129: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  59. startup-x86_64.asm:132: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  60. startup-x86_64.asm:133: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  61. startup-x86_64.asm:134: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  62. startup-x86_64.asm:135: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  63. startup-x86_64.asm:136: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  64. startup-x86_64.asm:137: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  65. startup-x86_64.asm:139: error: symbol `rdi' undefined
  66. startup-x86_64.asm:140: error: symbol `rsi' undefined
  67. startup-x86_64.asm:141: error: symbol `rdx' undefined
  68. startup-x86_64.asm:142: error: symbol `rcx' undefined
  69. startup-x86_64.asm:144: error: symbol `rsp' undefined
  70. startup-x86_64.asm:146: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  71. startup-x86_64.asm:147: error: operation size not specified
  72. startup-x86_64.asm:148: error: symbol `rax' undefined
  73. startup-x86_64.asm:152: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  74. startup-x86_64.asm:156: error: integer supplied to a DQ instruction
  75. bootloader/x86_64/harddrive.asm:21: error: phase error detected at end of assembly.
  76. make: *** [build/harddrive.bin] Error 1
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