
Pyspades Sample Config **DO NOT USE AS CONFIG.TXT**

Mar 31st, 2012
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  1. {
  2. "name" : "pyspades server", <The name of the server, can be changed using /servername command
  3. "motd" : [
  4. "Welcome to %(server_name)s! See /help for new commands.", <This is what
  5. "Map is %(map_name)s by %(map_author)s.", <The server will say
  6. "(server powered by pyspades)" <When you join it
  7. ],
  8. "help" : [
  9. "/SQUAD Creates or joins a squad, letting you spawn with friends", <<What happens when you type /help
  10. "/STREAK Shows how many kills in a row you got without dying",
  11. "/AIRSTRIKE Air support! Try it out just like that for more details",
  12. "/INTEL Tells you who's got the enemy intel",
  13. "/PING Shows your ping (how good your connection to the server is)"
  14. ],
  15. "tips" : [
  16. "Here you can deploy airstrikes, form squads and more! Type /help for info.", <<Tips that show up every certain amount of time that you specify
  17. "The spade does melee damage! Use it wisely."
  18. ],
  19. "tip_frequency" : 5, <<How often tips appear
  20. "rules" : [
  21. "No griefing, no bad words, etc." <</rules
  22. ],
  23. "max_players" : 32, <<Max players that can be in the server at one time, you may want to limit (bandwidth reasons)
  24. "port" : 32887, <<Port that the server runs on, you have to forward this port
  25. "max_connections_per_ip" : 3, <<Max players that can be in with the same IP (usually same household)
  26. "game_mode" : "ctf", <<Gamemode
  27. "cap_limit" : 10, <<Caplimit
  28. "maps" : ["random", "pyspades", "bridgewars", "pinpoint", "anticbridge", <<Maps that are in the rotation, make sure they are in /maps/ (exclude .vxl extension)
  29. "hallway", "pinpoint2", "harbor2"],
  30. "random_rotation" : false, <<Random map rotation (not in order)
  31. "default_time_limit" : 15, <<Timelimit for maps/games
  32. "advance_on_win" : false, <<Advance the map when the game is finished
  33. "votemap_public_votes" : true, <<If true, players can use /votemap
  34. "votemap_extension_time" : 15, <<Time /vote extend extends the game by
  35. "votemap_player_driven" : false, <<Specify whether the votemap can be used by a player
  36. "votemap_autoschedule" : 180, <<When this amount of time is left, a votemap automatically starts
  37. "votemap_time" : 120, <<How long a votemap lasts (seconds)
  38. "votemap_percentage" : 80, <<What percentage of the players must be in favor of that choice in order for it to be chosen as the next map
  39. "respawn_time" : 30, <<Respawn time, either regular spawn or waves, specify in next line
  40. "respawn_waves" : true, <<Wave respawning (all dead players spawn when the timer runs out). Set to true or false
  41. "master" : true, <<Do you want your server on the master server list (play page)?
  42. "friendly_fire" : false, <<Friendly fire (players can kill teammates, can be set to on_grief)
  43. "grief_friendly_fire_time" : 2, <<When a player destroys a block, a teammate can kill him to stop him from griefing. This is the time that they can do that from the last block the griefer broke
  44. "melee_damage" : 100, <<How much damage one whack with the spade does, I recommend 100
  45. "fall_damage" : true, <<Fall damage on or off
  46. "set_god_build" : false, <<When you are in god mode or invisible, your blocks are not able to be destroyed (doesn't have to be automatic, you can do this manually by typing /godbuild ingame)
  47. "teamswitch_interval" : 0, <<How long a player must wait after joining before switching teams (0 is any time)
  48. "votekick_percentage" : 25, <<What percentage must vote yes for a player to be kicked
  49. "votekick_ban_duration" : 15, <<How long a player gets banned for a votekick (DO NOT SET TO 0, that would be PERMBAN)
  50. "votekick_public_votes" : true, <<Specify whether regular players can start a votekick
  51. "default_ban_duration" : 1440, <<When an admin types /ban <player> without specifying time, how long is the default? (1440 is 1 day)
  52. "speedhack_detect" : true, <<Do you want the server to detect speedhackers?
  53. "network_interface" : "", <<If you don't know what this does, leave it alone
  54. "team1" : {
  55. "name" : "Blue", <<Name of team one
  56. "color" : [0, 0, 255] <<RGB values for the team color
  57. },
  58. "team2" : {
  59. "name" : "Green", <<Name of team two
  60. "color" : [0, 255, 0] <<RGB values for the team color
  61. },
  62. "passwords" : {
  63. "admin" : ["replaceme"], <<Admin password, you can add multiple admin passes like this: "admin" : ["adminpass1", "adminpass2", "adminpass3"],
  64. "trusted" : [] <<Trusted players cannot be votekicked. Use the same format as admin passes. ("trusted" : ["trustedpass1", "trustedpass2"]
  65. },
  66. "ssh" : {
  67. "enabled" : false, <<Secure Shell Hosting, if you don't know what it does, leave it alone
  68. "port" : 32887,
  69. "users" : {
  70. "user" : "pass"
  71. }
  72. },
  73. "status_server" : {
  74. "enabled" : false, <<Status server for your server. Example:
  75. "port" : 32886 <<Forward this port if you want status server to work, but I think you need pyspades from source (see bottom of tutorial) to use this.
  76. },
  77. "ban_publish" : {
  78. "enabled" : false,
  79. "port" : 32885
  80. },
  81. "ban_subscribe" : {
  82. "enabled" : true, <<Subscribe to Global Blacklist (hackers banned by IP)
  83. "urls" : [
  84. ["", []] <<Blacklist page
  85. ]
  86. },
  87. "server_prefix" : "[*]", <<Prefix for server tips, so when server says something, so doing: "/say Server Test" would send a message to players ingame looking like [*] Server Test
  88. "time_announcements" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180,
  89. 240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000], <<Time remaining announcements
  90. "user_blocks_only" : false, <<Players can only destroy blocks placed by other players, not map blocks
  91. "logfile" : "./logs/log.txt",
  92. "rotate_daily" : true, <<Make a new log file daily
  93. "debug_log" : false, <<Debug log
  94. "balanced_teams" : 1, <<How many players more can be on one team before forcing new players to balance it out
  95. "login_retries" : 3, <<How many wrong passwords a player can enter before getting auto-kicked
  96. "irc" : {
  97. "enabled" : false, <<IRC bot to use commands from not ingame
  98. "nickname" : "pyspades", <<The bot's nick for the IRC
  99. "username" : "pyspades", <<The bot's username
  100. "realname" : "pyspades server bot", <<The realname that you see when the bot is /whois'd
  101. "server" : "", <<IRC server
  102. "port" : 6667, <<IRC port
  103. "channel" : "#pyspades.bots", <<Channel you want the bot to join
  104. "password" : "", <<Password to the channel
  105. "commandprefix" : ".", <<Command prefix for IRC, I recommend using "!". So when you do !ban deuce12 in the IRC, Deuce12 gets banned.
  106. "chatprefix" : "" <<Prefix to broadcast chat to players ingame. Keeping it blank means everything you say gets broadcasted. I recommend "." so .Hi everyone!
  107. },
  108. "profile" : false, <<I have no idea
  110. "scripts" : [ <<.py files in /scripts/. See for help
  111. "welcome",
  112. "rollback",
  113. "trusted",
  114. "autohelp",
  115. "protect",
  116. "map_extensions",
  117. "airstrike",
  118. "squad",
  119. "disco",
  120. "antijerk",
  121. "ratio"
  122. ],
  124. "load_saved_map" : false, <<Load the saved map that pyspades made.
  126. "squad_respawn_time" : 45, <<Respawn time when players are in squads (in seconds)
  127. "squad_size" : 4, <<Maximum squad size
  128. "auto_squad" : false, <<Automatically put players in squads when they join
  130. "statistics" : {
  131. "host" : "localhost",
  132. "server_name" : "stats server",
  133. "port" : 32880,
  134. "password" : "marmelade"
  135. },
  137. "welcomes" : {
  138. "mat^2" : "The very likeable mat^2 has entered!" <<Welcome a player when they join. Format is "IGN" : "Welcome Message" (remember to use commas!)
  139. },
  140. "rollback_on_game_end" : false <<Rollback the map when the game is over (this causes lag)
  141. }
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