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Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. local plyMeta = FindMetaTable("Player")
  2. Prc = {}
  3. --[[
  4. Printers Revision: beta release
  5. ================================================================================================================================================================
  6. Prc.isVIP = {"superadmin", "admin", "vip"} // want more groups? add a coma and the usergroup, for example "vip", "goldvip", "premiumvip"
  7. General Configuration:
  8. Prc.Configurations = ( default: true, set false to disable improvements for the printers )
  9. Prc.VIPPrinters = ( default: true, set false to remove the VIP Money Printers from the TAB Menu)
  10. Prc.Borders = ( default: true, set false to remove printers borders )
  11. Prc.Glow = ( default: true, set false to remove glow effect while printing )
  12. Prc.Sparks = ( default: true, set false to remove sparks effect while printing )
  13. Prc.EnableNotification = ( default: true, set false to remove the message when you pickup the money from the printer )
  14. Prc.Notification = ( Notification before the "money amount" Ex: You've collected $(MoneyAmount) Notification2 )
  15. Prc.Notification2 = ( Notification after the "money amount" Ex: $(MoneyAmount) ! ( the ! is the notification2 )
  16. Prc.WaterDestroy = ( default: true, set false to avoid printers being destroyed by the water )
  17. Prc.EnableCPNotification = ( default: true, set false to remove the notification when the police destroy your printer )
  18. Prc.OwnerNotification = ( notification message for the owner, when the cops found the printer )
  19. Prc.CPMessage = ( If a cop try to get income of destroying their own entities a message will pop-up.)
  20. Prc.Collisions = ( IF True the printer will NO-COLLIDE with Players, IF False the printer will collide with Players )
  21. Prc.StealingSystem = Notify you if someone is stealing your printer
  22. Prc.StealingSystemShowIcon = Show the icons at the printer?
  23. Prc.SilencerShowIcon = Show the icons at the printer?
  24. Prc.SecurityIcon = Material("icon16/shield.png")
  25. Prc.SilencerIcon = Material("icon16/sound_mute.png")
  26. Prc.RocketMania = If you're using Rocket F4 you should turn this true ( if you are using the VIP Printers )
  27. Prc.StealingSystemMsg = The message for the user that is taking away your money
  28. Prc.Sound = Configure the Printing sound
  29. Prc.LevelSystem = false -- Set true if you want to give EXP, remember to configure the experience for each printer.
  30. Prc.LevelStatic = false -- Set it to true to give an static value, configurable at each printer, otherwise you will get a % of the money as exp.
  31. Prc.LevelPercent = 10 -- 10% of the printer money as experience if your printer have 100 money inside when you retrieve you will get 10 experience. Depending of the value you set, to make this work you must have Prc.LevelStatic disabled.
  33. Printer Upgrades Configuration:
  34. Prc.Timer = (Prc.PrintInitialValue / Prc.Timer , Prc.PrintSecondValue / Prc.Timer ) - Time Upgrade ( Decrease the amount of time )
  35. Prc.Amount = ( Prc.PrintAmount * Prc.Amount ) ( Don't put HIGH Values Here ) - Amount Upgrade
  36. Prc.Armor = 2
  37. Prc.ArmorMaterial = "phoenix_storms/metalset_1-2"
  38. Prc.ArmorMateriale = true
  40. Printers Configurations:
  41. ------------------------ F4 Customization
  42. Prc.PrinterEnable = true
  43. Prc.PrinterPrice = 1000
  44. Prc.PrinterMax = 2
  45. ------------------------ Printers Customziations
  46. Prc.PrinterPrice = ( Prite shown at F4 Menu Entities Tab )
  47. Prc.PrinterMax = ( Max amount of printers that you can OWN )
  48. Prc.F4Name = ( Printer Name at F4 Tab )
  49. Prc.PrinterName = ( Here you can set the money printer name )
  50. Prc.PrintAmount = ( Amount of money that the printers print )
  51. Prc.PrinterHealth = ( Set the health of the printer )
  52. Prc.PrinterModel = ( Model that you want to use with the money printer, default: )
  53. Prc.PrinterColor = ( Printer's Color )
  54. Prc.PrinterGlow = ( Printer's Printing Glow Color - required Prc.Glow = true )
  55. Prc.PrintInitialTime = ( Printers Initial Time , How much time takes to print the first time )
  56. Prc.PrintInitialValue = ( This is the first value of the math.random(This One, Second One), Less time to print money )
  57. Prc.PrintSecondValue = ( This is the second value of the math.random(First One, This One), Max time to print money )
  58. Prc.PrinterOverHeat = t( default: true, set false to avoid printers overheat ( explote because of overheating ) )
  59. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance = ( Higher value, less probability of overheat. )
  60. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval = ( default:false / set true so When a cop click "e" in the printer, the cop receive a good amount of money, and the printer dissapear )
  61. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift = ( How much money receive the cop for destroying the money printer )
  63. ================================================================================================================================================================
  64. ]]
  67. -- This function will add the VIP printers to this groups only.
  68. Prc.isVIP = {"superadmin", "vip+"} // want more groups? add a coma and the usergroup, for example "vip", "goldvip", "premiumvip"
  70. -- General Configuration ( Affect all the printers ):
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. Prc.StealingSystem = true
  73. Prc.StealingSystemShowIcon = true
  74. Prc.SilencerShowIcon = true
  75. Prc.SecurityIcon = Material("icon16/shield.png")
  76. Prc.SilencerIcon = Material("icon16/sound_mute.png")
  77. Prc.RocketMania = false
  78. Prc.StealingSystemMsg = "Someone is stealing your money"
  79. Prc.Sound = "ambient/levels/labs/equipment_printer_loop1.wav"
  80. Prc.Configurations = true
  81. Prc.VIPPrinters = true
  82. Prc.Borders = true
  83. Prc.Glow = true
  84. Prc.Sparks = true
  85. Prc.EnableNotification = true
  86. Prc.Notification = ("You've collected $")
  87. Prc.Notification2 = ("!")
  88. Prc.WaterDestroy = true
  89. Prc.EnableCPNotification = true
  90. Prc.OwnerNotification = ("Your Printer has been found, be careful")
  91. Prc.CPMessage = ("Your printer has been removed without reward.")
  92. Prc.Collisions = true
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. -- Level System By Vrondakis
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. Prc.LevelSystem = false -- Set true if you want to give EXP, remember to configure the experience for each printer. Example Printer 1 Config: Prc.PrinterExp = 250
  98. Prc.LevelStatic = false -- Set it to true to give an static value, configurable at each printer, otherwise you will get a % of the money as exp.
  99. Prc.LevelPercent = 10 -- 10% of the printer money as experience if your printer have 100 money inside when you retrieve you will get 10 experience. Depending of the value you set, to make this work you must have Prc.LevelStatic disabled.
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. -- Printer Upgrades Configuration ( Affect all the printers ):
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. Prc.Timer = 1.2
  105. Prc.Amount = 1.5
  106. Prc.OverHeat = 10 // If you raise this value, the chance of overheating will be less, lets say the normal chance is 1 in 10, if you put this value to 10 the chance will be 1 in 100. its: ( PrinterOverHeatChance * Prc.OverHeat )
  107. Prc.Armor = 2 -- ( Damage / 2 )
  108. Prc.ArmorMaterial = "phoenix_storms/metalset_1-2"
  109. Prc.ArmorMateriale = true
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. -- Printer 1:
  114. --------------------------------------------------------
  115. Prc.PrinterEnable = true
  116. Prc.PrinterPrice = 4000
  117. Prc.PrinterMax = 2
  118. --------------------------------------------------------
  119. Prc.PrinterName = "Money Printer"
  120. Prc.PrintAmount = 200
  121. Prc.PrinterExp = 250
  122. Prc.PrinterHealth = 100
  123. Prc.PrinterModel = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  124. Prc.PrinterColor = Color(63,127,127,255)
  125. Prc.PrinterGlow = Color(63,127,127,255)
  126. Prc.PrintInitialTime = 60
  127. Prc.PrintInitialValue = 60
  128. Prc.PrintSecondValue = 180
  129. Prc.PrinterOverHeat = true
  130. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance = 100
  131. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval = true
  132. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift = 200
  134. --------------------------------------------------------
  137. -- Printer 2:
  138. --------------------------------------------------------
  139. Prc.PrinterEnable2 = true
  140. Prc.PrinterPrice2 = 8000
  141. Prc.PrinterMax2 = 2
  142. --------------------------------------------------------
  143. Prc.PrinterName2 = "Bronze Money Printer"
  144. Prc.PrintAmount2 = 350
  145. Prc.PrinterExp2 = 350
  146. Prc.PrinterHealth2 = 100
  147. Prc.PrinterModel2 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  148. Prc.PrinterColor2 = Color(110,57,8,255)
  149. Prc.PrinterGlow2 = Color(110,57,8,255)
  150. Prc.PrintInitialTime2 = 55
  151. Prc.PrintInitialValue2 = 55
  152. Prc.PrintSecondValue2 = 170
  153. Prc.PrinterOverHeat2 = true
  154. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance2 = 90
  155. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval2 = false
  156. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift2 = 300
  158. --------------------------------------------------------
  161. -- Printer 3:
  162. --------------------------------------------------------
  163. Prc.PrinterEnable3 = true
  164. Prc.PrinterPrice3 = 17500
  165. Prc.PrinterMax3 = 1
  166. --------------------------------------------------------
  167. Prc.PrinterName3 = "Silver Money Printer"
  168. Prc.PrintAmount3 = 550
  169. Prc.PrinterExp3 = 450
  170. Prc.PrinterHealth3 = 100
  171. Prc.PrinterModel3 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  172. Prc.PrinterColor3 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  173. Prc.PrinterGlow3 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  174. Prc.PrintInitialTime3 = 50
  175. Prc.PrintInitialValue3 = 50
  176. Prc.PrintSecondValue3 = 160
  177. Prc.PrinterOverHeat3 = true
  178. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance3 = 80
  179. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval3 = false
  180. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift3 = 400
  181. --------------------------------------------------------
  184. -- Printer 4:
  185. --------------------------------------------------------
  186. Prc.PrinterEnable4 = true
  187. Prc.PrinterPrice4 = 30000
  188. Prc.PrinterMax4 = 1
  189. --------------------------------------------------------
  190. Prc.PrinterName4 = "Gold Money Printer"
  191. Prc.PrintAmount4 = 800
  192. Prc.PrinterExp4 = 550
  193. Prc.PrinterHealth4 = 100
  194. Prc.PrinterModel4 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  195. Prc.PrinterColor4 = Color(200,151,15,255)
  196. Prc.PrinterGlow4 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  197. Prc.PrintInitialTime4 = 45
  198. Prc.PrintInitialValue4 = 45
  199. Prc.PrintSecondValue4 = 150
  200. Prc.PrinterOverHeat4 = true
  201. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance4 = 70
  202. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval4 = false
  203. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift4 = 500
  204. --------------------------------------------------------
  206. -- Printer 5:
  207. --------------------------------------------------------
  208. Prc.PrinterEnable5 = true
  209. Prc.PrinterPrice5 = 50000
  210. Prc.PrinterMax5 = 1
  211. --------------------------------------------------------
  212. Prc.PrinterName5 = "Diamond Money Printer"
  213. Prc.PrintAmount5 = 1250
  214. Prc.PrinterExp5 = 650
  215. Prc.PrinterHealth5 = 100
  216. Prc.PrinterModel5 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  217. Prc.PrinterColor5 = Color(127,255,255,255)
  218. Prc.PrinterGlow5 = Color(127,255,255,255)
  219. Prc.PrintInitialTime5 = 40
  220. Prc.PrintInitialValue5 = 40
  221. Prc.PrintSecondValue5 = 140
  222. Prc.PrinterOverHeat5 = true
  223. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance5 = 60
  224. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval5 = true
  225. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift5 = 600
  226. --------------------------------------------------------
  228. -- Printer 6:
  229. --------------------------------------------------------
  230. Prc.PrinterEnable6 = true
  231. Prc.PrinterPrice6 = 75000
  232. Prc.PrinterMax6 = 1
  233. --------------------------------------------------------
  234. Prc.PrinterName6 = "Graphene Money Printer"
  235. Prc.PrintAmount6 = 2000
  236. Prc.PrinterExp6 = 750
  237. Prc.PrinterHealth6 = 100
  238. Prc.PrinterModel6 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  239. Prc.PrinterColor6 = Color(32,32,32,255)
  240. Prc.PrinterGlow6 = Color(255,0,0,255)
  241. Prc.PrintInitialTime6 = 35
  242. Prc.PrintInitialValue6 = 35
  243. Prc.PrintSecondValue6 = 130
  244. Prc.PrinterOverHeat6 = true
  245. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance6 = 50
  246. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval6 = true
  247. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift6 = 700
  248. --------------------------------------------------------
  250. -- VIP Money Printer 1:
  251. --------------------------------------------------------
  252. Prc.PrinterEnable7 = true
  253. Prc.PrinterPrice7 = 80000
  254. Prc.PrinterMax7 = 1
  255. --------------------------------------------------------
  256. Prc.PrinterName7 = "VIP+ Money Printer"
  257. Prc.PrintAmount7 = 3000
  258. Prc.PrinterExp7 = 750
  259. Prc.PrinterHealth7 = 100
  260. Prc.PrinterModel7 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  261. Prc.PrinterColor7 = Color(32,32,32,255)
  262. Prc.PrinterGlow7 = Color(255,0,0,255)
  263. Prc.PrintInitialTime7 = 30
  264. Prc.PrintInitialValue7 = 30
  265. Prc.PrintSecondValue7 = 120
  266. Prc.PrinterOverHeat7 = true
  267. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance7 = 40
  268. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval7 = true
  269. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift7 = 800
  270. --------------------------------------------------------
  272. -- VIP Money Printer 2:
  273. --------------------------------------------------------
  274. Prc.PrinterEnable8 = true
  275. Prc.PrinterPrice8 = 100000
  276. Prc.PrinterMax8 = 1
  277. --------------------------------------------------------
  278. Prc.PrinterName8 = "Bronze VIP+ Money Printer"
  279. Prc.PrintAmount8 = 3389
  280. Prc.PrinterExp8 = 750
  281. Prc.PrinterHealth8 = 100
  282. Prc.PrinterModel8 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  283. Prc.PrinterColor8 = Color(110,57,8,255)
  284. Prc.PrinterGlow8 = Color(110,57,8,255)
  285. Prc.PrintInitialTime8 = 25
  286. Prc.PrintInitialValue8 = 25
  287. Prc.PrintSecondValue8 = 110
  288. Prc.PrinterOverHeat8 = true
  289. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance8 = 30
  290. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval8 = true
  291. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift8 = 900
  292. --------------------------------------------------------
  294. -- VIP Money Printer 3:
  295. --------------------------------------------------------
  296. Prc.PrinterEnable9 = true
  297. Prc.PrinterPrice9 = 160000
  298. Prc.PrinterMax9 = 1
  299. --------------------------------------------------------
  300. Prc.PrinterName9 = "Silver VIP+ Money Printer"
  301. Prc.PrintAmount9 = 4150
  302. Prc.PrinterExp9 = 750
  303. Prc.PrinterHealth9 = 100
  304. Prc.PrinterModel9 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  305. Prc.PrinterColor9 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  306. Prc.PrinterGlow9 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  307. Prc.PrintInitialTime9 = 20
  308. Prc.PrintInitialValue9 = 20
  309. Prc.PrintSecondValue9 = 100
  310. Prc.PrinterOverHeat9 = true
  311. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance9 = 20
  312. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval9 = true
  313. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift9 = 1000
  314. --------------------------------------------------------
  316. -- VIP Money Printer 4:
  317. --------------------------------------------------------
  318. Prc.PrinterEnable10 = true
  319. Prc.PrinterPrice10 = 300000
  320. Prc.PrinterMax10 = 1
  321. --------------------------------------------------------
  322. Prc.PrinterName10 = "Golden MEGAVIP+ Money Printer"
  323. Prc.PrintAmount10 = 6250
  324. Prc.PrinterExp10 = 750
  325. Prc.PrinterHealth10 = 100
  326. Prc.PrinterModel10 = "models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl"
  327. Prc.PrinterColor10 = Color(200,151,15,255)
  328. Prc.PrinterGlow10 = Color(160,160,160,255)
  329. Prc.PrintInitialTime10 = 15
  330. Prc.PrintInitialValue10 = 15
  331. Prc.PrintSecondValue10 = 90
  332. Prc.PrinterOverHeat10 = true
  333. Prc.PrinterOverHeatChance10 = 20
  334. Prc.PrinterCopsRemoval10 = true
  335. Prc.PrinterCopsRemovalGift10 = 2000
  336. --------------------------------------------------------
  339. -- VIP Members Configurations ( DO NOT TOUCH THIS )
  340. -- ==========================
  341. function plyMeta:isVIPMember()
  342. local groups = self:GetNWString("usergroup")
  343. groups = string.lower(groups)
  344. if not IsValid(self) then return false end
  345. return table.HasValue(Prc.isVIP,groups)
  346. end
  347. -- ==============================================
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