
Anastasia Personality

Sep 27th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Anastasia will go along with any idea, specifically so that she can point out the flaws along the way. However, in the case that the idea risks her life or the lives of anyone she cares about, she will bluntly state her opposition and will state every reason as to why it is a bad idea. Outside of that trait, she is relatively mature for a 14 year-old. She absolute hates flowery language, often taking the blunt and untactful approach to things. Rather than approaching something by emotional, she'll assess something logically before coming to a conclusion, hence why she finds relationships (Outside of her familial bonds) nuisances. Despite this logical side, she still has a heart and emotions, to her absolute disgust. She, reluctantly, cares for all of her allies and often despises those who hurt them though, will return betrayal with a well-earned beatdown before handing them over to Elana. She, like her sister, has an exquisite taste for death and destruction. Rather than taking the direct approach, like she does with other things, she likes to exploit a person and break them down through other indirect methods such as psychological warfare or harmful chemicals, abusing them until she hears them beg for mercy, then providing them the sweet release of death.
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