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- getgenv().Arceus = {
- Silent = {
- ["Enabled"] = (true), -- // Use The Silent Aim Or Not
- ["Part"] = ("Head"), -- // What Part It Targerts
- ["UseAirPart"] = (false), -- // When Target Isnt On The Ground It Uses This Part
- ["AirPart"] = ("LowerTorso"), -- // The Parts It Targets On When Player Isnt On The Ground
- ["ClosestPart"] = (true), -- // Automatically Gets The Closest Part Of The Target And Uses That
- ["ClosestPoint"] = (false), -- // Automatically Gets The Closest Point Of The Target Part And Uses That
- ["HitChance"] = (600), -- // The Chance You Will Hit The Target
- ["Humanize"] = (true), -- // Makes Soo The Silent Doesnt Hit The Same Position
- ["HumanizeValue"] = (2), -- // Makes How Much Power It Changes
- ["TriggerBot"] = (true), -- // Shoots AutoMatically
- ["UseTriggerBotKeybind"] = (true), -- // Enable / Disable TriggerBot Keybind
- ["TriggerBotKey"] = (c), -- // KeyBind To Enable / Disable TriggerBot You Can Find More At
- ["PredictMovement"] = (true), -- // Predicts Targets Movement
- ["AutoPrediction"] = (false), -- // Automatically Gets An Good Prediction
- ["PredictionVelocity"] = (0.149), -- // How Much It Predicts
- ["AntiGroundShots"] = (true), -- // Makes So You Dont Shoot The Ground
- ["AntiGroundValue"] = (0.5), -- // How Much Velocity It Rmoves From Target
- ["WhenAntiGroundActivate"] = (-20), -- // When Its Gonna Activate
- ["AntiAimViewer"] = (false), -- // Bypasses The Mouse Position For The Server
- ["WallCheck"] = (true), -- // Checks If Theres A Wall
- ["CheckIf_KO"] = (true), -- // Checks If Target Is Grabbed Or Knocked
- ["CheckIf_TargetDeath"] = (true), -- // Checks If Target Is Dead
- ["UseKeybind"] = (true), -- // Use The KeyBind To Enable / Disable The Silent Aim
- ["Keybind"] = (";") -- // The Keybind That Enables / Disables The Silent Aim
- },
- GunFov = {
- ["Enabled"] = (false), -- // Gun Fov / Fov Is Automatically Changed To Specific Gun Equipped
- ["Double-Barrel SG"] = {["Fov"] = 50}, -- // Db
- ["Revolver"] = {["Fov"] = 50}, -- // Rev
- ["SMG"] = {["Fov"] = 30}, -- // Smg
- ["Shotgun"] = {["Fov"] = 50}, -- // Shotgun
- ["Rifle"] = {["Fov"] = 45}, -- // Rifle
- ["TacticalShotgun"] = {["Fov"] = 50}, -- // Tactical
- ["Silencer"] = {["Fov"] = 35}, -- // Smg
- ["AK47"] = {["Fov"] = 20}, -- // Ak47
- ["AR"] = {["Fov"] = 35} -- // Rifle
- -- // You Can Add Custom Weapons If You Want To :p
- },
- RangeFov = {
- ["Enabled"] = (true), -- // Gun Fov / Fov Is Automatically Changed To Specific Distance Between Target / This Will OverWrite GunFov
- ["Far_Activation"] = (math.huge), -- // Just Keep It At Math.Huge
- ["Medium_Activation"] = (50), -- // Its Using Studs
- ["Close_Activation"] = (25), -- // Its Uisng Studs
- ["Double-Barrel SG"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70}, -- // Db
- ["Revolver"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70}, -- // Rev
- ["SMG"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70}, -- // Smg
- ["Shotgun"] = {["Far"] = 30, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70}, -- // Shotgun
- ["Rifle"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70}, -- // Rifle
- ["TacticalShotgun"] = {["Far"] = 30, ["Med"] = 50, ["Close"] = 70},
- ["Silencer"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70},
- ["AK47"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70},
- ["AR"] = {["Far"] = 15, ["Med"] = 30, ["Close"] = 70},
- -- // You Can Add Custom Weapons If You Want To :p
- },
- SilentFov = {
- ["Visible"] = (false), -- // If The Circle Is Showing Or Not
- ["Filled"] = (false), -- // If The Circle Is Filled
- ["Transparency"] = (1), -- // The Circle Transparency
- ["Color"] = (Color3.fromRGB(87, 237, 255)), -- // Circle Transparency
- ["Radius"] = (50) -- // How Big The Circle Is
- },
- AimAssist = {
- ["Enabled"] = (false), -- // Use The Aim Assist Or Not
- ["Key"] = ("c"), -- // The Key To Lock Onto A Player
- ["HoldMode"] = (false), -- // Enables While Only Holding The Key
- ["Part"] = ("UpperTorso"), -- // The Part That Aim Assist Locks On
- ["ClosestPart"] = (true), -- // Automatically Gets The Closest Part Of The Target And Uses That
- ["DisableTargetDeath"] = (true), -- // Disables When Target Dies
- ["DisableLocalDeath"] = (true), -- // Disables When You Died
- ["DisableOn_KO"] = (true), -- // Disables If Target Is KO Or Grabbed
- ["UseCircleRadius"] = (true), -- // Only Locks On To People Inside The Circle
- ["DisableOutSideCircle"] = (false), -- // If Target Is OutSide The Circle It Disables The Aim Assist
- ["UseShake"] = (true), -- // Shakes The Camera
- ["ShakeValue"] = (55), -- // How Much It Shakes
- ["PredictMovement"] = (true), -- // Predicts Targets MoveMent
- ["PredictionVelocity"] = (0.22), -- // How Much It Predicts
- ["WallCheck"] = (true), -- // Checks If Theres A Wall
- ["Smoothness_X"] = (0.053251), -- // How Smooth The Aim Assist Is On X
- ["Smoothness_Y"] = (0.053251) -- // How Smooth The Aim Assist Is On Y
- },
- AimAssistFov = {
- ["Visible"] = (false), -- // If The Circle Is Showing Or Not
- ["Filled"] = (false), -- // If The Circle Is Filled
- ["Transparency"] = (100), -- // Circle Transparency
- ["Color"] = (Color3.fromRGB(255, 87, 87)), -- // Circle Transparency
- ["Radius"] = (70) -- // How Big The Circle Is
- },
- Both = {
- ["DetectDesync"] = (true), -- // Detects Velocity Changer + Actually Hits
- ["DesyncDetection"] = (86), -- // When It Detects
- ["UsDetectDesyncKeybind"] = (false), -- // Enable / Disable Desync Detection Keybind
- ["DetectDesyncKey"] = ("t"), -- // KeyBind To Enable / Disable Desync Detection
- ["DetectUnderGround"] = (true), -- // Detects Common UnderGround Resolver
- ["UnderGroundDetection"] = (-30), -- // When It Detects
- ["UseUnderGroundKeybind"] = (false), -- // Enable / Disable UnderGround Resolver Keybind
- ["UnderGroundKey"] = ("X"), -- // KeyBind To Enable / Disable UnderGround Resolver
- ["VisibleCheck"] = (true), -- // Checks If Target Is Visible
- ["CrewCheck"] = (false), -- // Checks If Target Is In Your Crew
- ["FriendCheck"] = (false), -- // Checks If Target Is Your Friend
- ["TeamCheck"] = (false), -- // Checks If Player Is In the Same Team
- ["UseLay"] = (true), -- // Enable / Disable Lay Keybind
- ["LayKeybind"] = ("v"), -- // KeyBind To Lay
- ["SendNotification"] = (true) -- // Sends Notification When you Enabled / Disabled Stuff
- },
- Commands = {
- ["Enabled"] = (true), -- // Enable / Disable Chat Command
- -- // Silent Table
- ["Silent_Enabled"] = ("!senabled"), -- // The Command To Enable / Disable Silent (With false/true)
- ["Silent_Prediction"] = ("/e fov"), -- // The Command To Change Silent Prediction (With Numbers)
- ["Silent_Fov_Size"] = ("!sfov"), -- // The Command To Change Silent Fov (With Numbers)
- ["Silent_Fov_Show"] = ("!sshow"), -- // The Command To Change Silent (With false/true)
- ["Silent_HitChance"] = ("!schance"), -- // The Command To Change Silent HitChance (With Numbers)
- -- // AimAssist Table
- ["AimAssist_Enabled"] = ("!aenabled"), -- // The Command To Enable / Disable AimAssist (With false/true)
- ["AimAssist_Prediction"] = ("!apred"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist Prediction (With Numbers)
- ["AimAssist_Fov_Size"] = ("!afov"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist Fov (With Numbers)
- ["AimAssist_Fov_Show"] = ("!ashow"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist (With false/true)
- ["AimAssist_SmoothX"] = ("!smoothx"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist SmoothNess X Value (With Numbers)
- ["AimAssist_SmoothY"] = ("!smoothy"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist SmoothNess Y Value (With Numbers)
- ["AimAssist_Shake"] = ("!ashake"), -- // The Command To Change AimAssist Shake Value (With Numbers)
- ["CrashMode"] = (". "), -- // The Command To Crash Roblox
- },
- Esp = {
- ["Enabled"] = (false), -- // Enabel / Disable Esp
- ["UseEspKeybind"] = (true), -- // Enable / Disable Esp Keybind
- ["EspKey"] = ("p"), -- // KeyBind To Enable / Disable Esp
- ["HoldMode"] = (true), -- // Enables While Only Holding The Key
- ["Name"] = {["Enabled"] = true, ["OutLine"] = true, ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}, -- // Shows Targets Name
- ["Box"] = {["Enabled"] = true, ["OutLine"] = true, ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}, -- // Shows Box On Target
- ["HealthBar"] = {["Enabled"] = true, ["OutLine"] = true, ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)}, -- // Shows An Health Bar On Target
- ["HealthText"] = {["Enabled"] = true, ["OutLine"] = true, ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)}, -- // Shows An Text How Much Hp Target Have
- ["Distance"] = {["Enabled"] = true, ["OutLine"] = true, ["Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)} -- // Shows Targets Distance Between You
- }
- }
- -- // If You See This Means That You Got This Or It Got Leaked. Look I Do Not Care About You Skidding Of It But If Your Just Gonna try To Make The Exact Same Replica Imma Beat Yo Mamma. AnyWays Gl
- -- // Checks If Obfuscated Else Makes Luraph Macro Useless Function
- if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then
- LPH_JIT_MAX = function(...)
- return (...)
- end
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE = function(...)
- return (...)
- end
- end
- LPH_JIT_MAX(function()
- -- // Variables (Too Lazy To Make It To One Local)
- local Arceus = getgenv().Arceus
- local OldSilentAimPart = Arceus.Silent.Part
- local ClosestPointCF, SilentTarget, AimTarget, DetectedDesync, DetectedDesyncV2, DetectedUnderGround, DetectedUnderGroundV2, DetectedFreeFall, AntiAimViewer =
- nil,
- nil,
- false,
- false,
- false,
- false,
- false,
- true
- local Script = {Functions = {}, Friends = {}, Drawing = {}, EspPlayers = {}}
- local Players, Client, Mouse, RS, Camera, GuiS, Uis, Ran =
- game:GetService("Players"),
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer,
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse(),
- game:GetService("RunService"),
- game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera,
- game:GetService("GuiService"),
- game:GetService("UserInputService"),
- math.random
- -- // Drawing For AimAssist And SilentAim
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle ="Circle")
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Color =,1,1)
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Thickness = 1
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle ="Circle")
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Color =,1,1)
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Thickness = 1
- -- // Chat Check
- Client.Chatted:Connect(function(Msg)
- if Msg == Arceus.Commands.CrashMode then
- while true do end
- end
- local Splitted = string.split(Msg, " ")
- if Splitted[1] and Splitted[2] and Arceus.Commands.Enabled then
- if Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.Silent_Prediction then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.Silent_Fov_Size then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Radius = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.Silent_Fov_Show then
- if Splitted[2] == "true" then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Visible = true
- else
- Arceus.SilentFov.Visible = false
- end
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.Silent_Enabled then
- if Splitted[2] == "true" then
- Arceus.Silent.Enabled = true
- else
- Arceus.Silent.Enabled = false
- end
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.Silent_HitChance then
- Arceus.Silent.HitChance = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_Prediction then
- Arceus.AimAssist.PredictionVelocity = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_Fov_Size then
- Arceus.AimAssistFov.Radius = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_Fov_Show then
- if Splitted[2] == "true" then
- Arceus.AimAssistFov.Visible = true
- else
- Arceus.AimAssistFov.Visible = false
- end
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_Enabled then
- if Splitted[2] == "true" then
- Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled = true
- else
- Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled = false
- end
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_SmoothX then
- Arceus.AimAssist.Smoothness_X = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_SmoothY then
- Arceus.AimAssist.Smoothness_Y = Splitted[2]
- elseif Splitted[1] == Arceus.Commands.AimAssist_Shake then
- Arceus.AimAssist.ShakeValue = Splitted[2]
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // KeyDown Check
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Key)
- local Keybind = Arceus.AimAssist.Key:lower()
- if Key == Keybind then
- if Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled then
- IsTargetting = not IsTargetting
- if IsTargetting then
- Script.Functions.GetClosestPlayer2()
- else
- if AimTarget ~= nil then
- AimTarget = nil
- IsTargetting = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local Keybind2 = Arceus.Silent.Keybind:lower()
- if Key == Keybind2 and Arceus.Silent.UseKeybind then
- Arceus.Silent.Enabled = not Arceus.Silent.Enabled
- if Arceus.Both.SendNotification then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title = "",
- Text = "Silent Aim: " .. tostring(Arceus.Silent.Enabled),
- Icon = "rbxassetid://12225612888",
- Duration = 1
- })
- end
- end
- local Keybind3 = Arceus.Both.UnderGroundKey:lower()
- if Key == Keybind3 and Arceus.Both.UseUnderGroundKeybind then
- Arceus.Both.DetectUnderGround = not Arceus.Both.DetectUnderGround
- if Arceus.Both.SendNotification then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title = "",
- Text = "UnderGround Resolver: " .. tostring(Arceus.Both.DetectUnderGround),
- Icon = "rbxassetid://12225612888",
- Duration = 1
- })
- end
- end
- local Keybind4 = Arceus.Both.DetectDesyncKey:lower()
- if Key == Keybind4 and Arceus.Both.UsDetectDesyncKeybind then
- Arceus.Both.DetectDesync = not Arceus.Both.DetectDesync
- if Arceus.Both.SendNotification then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title = "",
- Text = "Desync Resolver: " .. tostring(Arceus.Both.DetectDesync),
- Icon = "rbxassetid://12225612888",
- Duration = 1
- })
- end
- end
- local Keybind5 = Arceus.Both.LayKeybind:lower()
- if Key == Keybind5 and Arceus.Both.UseLay then
- local Args = {
- [1] = "AnimationPack",
- [2] = "Lay"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("MainEvent"):FireServer(unpack(Args))
- end
- local Keybind6 = Arceus.Esp.EspKey:lower()
- if Key == Keybind6 and Arceus.Esp.UseEspKeybind then
- if Arceus.Esp.HoldMode then
- Arceus.Esp.Enabled = true
- else
- Arceus.Esp.Enabled = not Arceus.Esp.Enabled
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // KeyUp Check
- Mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(Key)
- local Keybind = Arceus.Esp.EspKey:lower()
- if Key == Keybind and Arceus.Esp.UseEspKeybind and Arceus.Esp.HoldMode then
- Arceus.Esp.Enabled = false
- end
- local Keybind2 = Arceus.AimAssist.Key:lower()
- if Key == Keybind2 and Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled and Arceus.AimAssist.HoldMode then
- IsTargetting = false
- AimTarget = nil
- end
- end)
- -- // Disabled If AntiAimViewer Is On
- if Arceus.Silent.AntiAimViewer then
- AntiAimViewer = false
- else
- AntiAimViewer = true
- end
- -- // Blocks Mouse Triggering
- game:GetService("ContextActionService"):BindActionAtPriority(
- "LeftMouseBlock",
- function()
- if AntiAimViewer == false and Arceus.Silent.AntiAimViewer and Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink
- else
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
- end
- end,
- true,
- Enum.ContextActionPriority.Low.Value,
- Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1
- )
- -- // Delaying The Mouse Trigger
- Uis.InputBegan:connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType[Arceus.Silent.TriggerBotKey] and Arceus.Silent.UseTriggerBotKeybind then
- Arceus.Silent.TriggerBot = true
- end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Arceus.Silent.AntiAimViewer and Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then
- if AntiAimViewer == false then
- AntiAimViewer = true
- mouse1click()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- mouse1press()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- AntiAimViewer = false
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // Helps With Automatics
- Uis.InputEnded:connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType[Arceus.Silent.TriggerBotKey] and Arceus.Silent.UseTriggerBotKeybind then
- Arceus.Silent.TriggerBot = true
- end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Arceus.Silent.AntiAimViewer and Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then
- if AntiAimViewer == false then
- AntiAimViewer = true
- mouse1click()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- mouse1click()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- RS.RenderStepped:Wait()
- AntiAimViewer = true
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // Checks If The Player Is Alive
- Script.Functions.Alive = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Plr)
- if Plr and Plr.Character and Plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and Plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and Plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end)
- -- // Checks If Player Is On Your Screen
- Script.Functions.OnScreen = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Object)
- local _, screen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Object.Position)
- return screen
- end)
- -- // Gets Magnitude From Part Position And Mouse
- Script.Functions.GetMagnitudeFromMouse = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Part)
- local PartPos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Part.Position)
- if OnScreen then
- local Magnitude = (, PartPos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude
- return Magnitude
- end
- return math.huge
- end)
- -- // Makes Random Number With Vector3
- Script.Functions.RandomVec = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Number, Multi)
- return (, Number), Ran(-Number, Number), Ran(-Number, Number)) * Multi or 1)
- end)
- -- // Checks If The Player Is Behind A Wall Or Something Else
- Script.Functions.RayCastCheck = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Part, PartDescendant)
- local Character = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded.Wait(Client.CharacterAdded)
- local Origin = Camera.CFrame.Position
- local RayCastParams =
- RayCastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- RayCastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Character, Camera}
- local Result = Workspace.Raycast(Workspace, Origin, Part.Position - Origin, RayCastParams)
- if (Result) then
- local PartHit = Result.Instance
- local Visible = (not PartHit or"Part").IsDescendantOf(PartHit, PartDescendant))
- return Visible
- end
- return false
- end)
- -- // Gets The Part From An Object
- Script.Functions.GetParts = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Object)
- if string.find(Object.Name, "Gun") then
- return
- end
- if table.find({"Part", "MeshPart", "BasePart"}, Object.ClassName) then
- return true
- end
- end)
- -- // Random Number To Compare
- Script.Functions.CalculateChance = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Percentage)
- Percentage = math.floor(Percentage)
- local chance = math.floor(, 0, 1) * 100) / 100
- return chance < Percentage / 100
- end)
- -- // Check If Crew Folder Is A Thing
- Script.Functions.FindCrew = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Player)
- if Player:FindFirstChild("DataFolder") and Player.DataFolder:FindFirstChild("Information") and Player.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew") and Client:FindFirstChild("DataFolder") and Client.DataFolder:FindFirstChild("Information") and Client.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew") then
- if Client.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value ~= nil and Player.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value ~= nil and Player.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value ~= "" and Client.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value ~= "" then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end)
- -- // Splits The Gun Name And Splits []
- Script.Functions.GetGunName = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Name)
- local split = string.split(string.split(Name, "[")[2], "]")[1]
- return split
- end)
- -- // Gets Current Gun
- Script.Functions.GetCurrentWeaponName = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- if Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") then
- local Tool = Client.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool")
- if string.find(Tool.Name, "%[") and string.find(Tool.Name, "%]") and not string.find(Tool.Name, "Wallet") and not string.find(Tool.Name, "Phone") then
- return Script.Functions.GetGunName(Tool.Name)
- end
- end
- return nil
- end)
- -- // Drawing Function With Property Attached
- Script.Functions.NewDrawing = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Type, Properties)
- local NewDrawing =
- for i,v in next, Properties or {} do
- NewDrawing[i] = v
- end
- return NewDrawing
- end)
- -- // Draws For The New Players Joining For Esp
- Script.Functions.NewPlayer = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Player)
- Script.EspPlayers[Player] = {
- Name = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Text", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,2550, 255), Outline = true, Visible = false, Center = true, Size = 13, Font = 0}),
- BoxOutline = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Square", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Thickness = 3, Visible = false}),
- Box = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Square", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Thickness = 1, Visible = false}),
- HealthBarOutline = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Line", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Thickness = 3, Visible = false}),
- HealthBar = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Line", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), Thickness = 1, Visible = false}),
- HealthText = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Text", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0), Outline = true, Visible = false, Center = true, Size = 13, Font = 0}),
- Distance = Script.Functions.NewDrawing("Text", {Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Outline = true, Visible = false, Center = true, Size = 13, Font = 0})
- }
- end)
- -- // Gets The Closest Part From Cursor
- Script.Functions.GetClosestBodyPart = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Char)
- local Distance = math.huge
- local ClosestPart = nil
- local Filterd = {}
- if not (Char and Char:IsA("Model")) then
- return ClosestPart
- end
- local Parts = Char:GetChildren()
- for _, v in pairs(Parts) do
- if Script.Functions.GetParts(v) and Script.Functions.OnScreen(v) then
- table.insert(Filterd, v)
- for _, Part in pairs(Filterd) do
- local Magnitude = Script.Functions.GetMagnitudeFromMouse(Part)
- if Magnitude < Distance then
- ClosestPart = Part
- Distance = Magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestPart
- end)
- -- // Gets The Closest Point From Cursor
- Script.Functions.GetClosestPointOfPart = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(Part)
- local NearestPosition = nil
- if Part ~= nil then
- local Hit, Half = Mouse.Hit.Position, Part.Size * 0.5
- local Transform = Part.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(Mouse.Hit.Position)
- NearestPosition = Part.CFrame *, -Half.X, Half.X),math.clamp(Transform.Y, -Half.Y, Half.Y),math.clamp(Transform.Z, -Half.Z, Half.Z))
- end
- return NearestPosition
- end)
- -- // Gets The Closest Player For Cursor (Silent Aim)
- Script.Functions.GetClosestPlayer = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- local Target = nil
- local Closest = math.huge
- local HitChance = Script.Functions.CalculateChance(Arceus.Silent.HitChance)
- if not HitChance then
- return nil
- end
- for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v ~= Client and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if not Script.Functions.OnScreen(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart) then
- continue
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.WallCheck and not Script.Functions.RayCastCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart, v.Character) then
- continue
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.CheckIf_KO and v.Character:FindFirstChild("BodyEffects") then
- local KoCheck = v.Character.BodyEffects:FindFirstChild("K.O").Value
- local Grabbed = v.Character:FindFirstChild("GRABBING_CONSTRAINT") ~= nil
- if KoCheck or Grabbed then
- continue
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.CheckIf_TargetDeath and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- if < 4 then
- continue
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.VisibleCheck and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- if v.Character.Head.Transparency > 0.5 then
- continue
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.CrewCheck and Script.Functions.FindCrew(v) and v.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value == Client.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value then
- continue
- end
- if Arceus.Both.TeamCheck then
- if v.Team ~= Client.Team then
- continue
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.FriendCheck then
- if not table.find(Script.Friends, v.UserId) then
- continue
- end
- end
- local Distance = Script.Functions.GetMagnitudeFromMouse(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
- if (Distance < Closest and Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Radius + 10 > Distance) then
- Closest = Distance
- Target = v
- end
- end
- end
- SilentTarget = Target
- end)
- -- // Gets Closest Player From Mouse (AimAssist)
- Script.Functions.GetClosestPlayer2 = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- local Target = nil
- local Distance = nil
- local Closest = math.huge
- for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v ~= Client and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if not Script.Functions.OnScreen(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart) then
- continue
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.WallCheck and not Script.Functions.RayCastCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart, v.Character) then
- continue
- end
- local Distance = Script.Functions.GetMagnitudeFromMouse(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
- if Distance < Closest then
- if (Arceus.AimAssist.UseCircleRadius and Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Radius + 10 < Distance) then continue end
- Closest = Distance
- Target = v
- end
- end
- end
- if Script.Functions.Alive(Target) then
- if Arceus.Both.VisibleCheck then
- if Target.Character.Head.Transparency > 0.5 then
- return nil
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.CrewCheck and Script.Functions.FindCrew(Target) and Target.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value == Client.DataFolder.Information:FindFirstChild("Crew").Value then
- return nil
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.TeamCheck and Target then
- if Target.Team == Client.Team then
- return nil
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.FriendCheck then
- if table.find(Script.Friends, Target.UserId) then
- return nil
- end
- end
- AimTarget = Target
- end)
- -- // Server Side Mouse Position Changer
- local OldIndex = nil
- OldIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function(self, Index)
- if not checkcaller() and Mouse and self == Mouse and Index == "Hit" and Arceus.Silent.Enabled and AntiAimViewer then
- if Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) and Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character:FindFirstChild(Arceus.Silent.Part) then
- local EndPoint = nil
- local TargetCF = nil
- local TargetVel = Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity
- local TargetMov = Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection
- if Arceus.Silent.ClosestPoint then
- TargetCF = ClosestPointCF
- else
- TargetCF = Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character[Arceus.Silent.Part].CFrame
- end
- if Arceus.Both.DetectDesync then
- local Magnitude = TargetVel.magnitude
- local Magnitude2 = TargetMov.magnitude
- if Magnitude > Arceus.Both.DesyncDetection then
- DetectedDesync = true
- elseif Magnitude < 1 and Magnitude2 > 0.01 then
- DetectedDesync = true
- elseif Magnitude > 5 and Magnitude2 < 0.01 then
- DetectedDesync = true
- else
- DetectedDesync = false
- end
- else
- DetectedDesync = false
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.AntiGroundShots then
- if TargetVel.Y < Arceus.Silent.WhenAntiGroundActivate then
- DetectedFreeFall = true
- else
- DetectedFreeFall = false
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Both.DetectUnderGround then
- if TargetVel.Y < Arceus.Both.UnderGroundDetection then
- DetectedUnderGround = true
- else
- DetectedUnderGround = false
- end
- else
- DetectedUnderGround = false
- end
- if TargetCF ~= nil then
- if DetectedDesync then
- local MoveDirection = TargetMov * 16
- EndPoint = TargetCF + (MoveDirection * Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity)
- elseif DetectedUnderGround then
- EndPoint = TargetCF + (, 0, TargetVel.Z) * Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity)
- elseif DetectedFreeFall then
- EndPoint = TargetCF + (, (TargetVel.Y * Arceus.Silent.AntiGroundValue), TargetVel.Z) * Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity)
- elseif Arceus.Silent.PredictMovement then
- EndPoint = TargetCF + (, (TargetVel.Y * 0.5), TargetVel.Z) * Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity)
- else
- EndPoint = TargetCF
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.Humanize then
- local HumanizeValue = Arceus.Silent.HumanizeValue
- EndPoint = (EndPoint + Script.Functions.RandomVec(HumanizeValue, 0.01))
- end
- end
- if EndPoint ~= nil then
- return (Index == "Hit" and EndPoint)
- end
- end
- end
- return OldIndex(self, Index)
- end))
- -- // Silent Aim Misc
- Script.Functions.SilentMisc = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- if Arceus.Silent.Enabled and Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) then
- if Arceus.Silent.UseAirPart then
- if SilentTarget.Character.Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Arceus.Silent.Part = Arceus.Silent.AirPart
- else
- Arceus.Silent.Part = OldSilentAimPart
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.TriggerBot then
- mouse1click()
- end
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.AutoPrediction then
- local ping = math.floor(game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue())
- if ping < 10 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.07
- elseif ping < 20 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.155
- elseif ping < 30 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.132
- elseif ping < 40 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.136
- elseif ping < 50 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.130
- elseif ping < 60 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.136
- elseif ping < 70 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.138
- elseif ping < 80 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.138
- elseif ping < 90 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.146
- elseif ping < 100 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.14322
- elseif ping < 110 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.146
- elseif ping < 120 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.149
- elseif ping < 130 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.151
- elseif ping < 140 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.1223333
- elseif ping < 150 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.15
- elseif ping < 160 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.16
- elseif ping < 170 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.1923111
- elseif ping < 180 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.19284
- elseif ping > 180 then
- Arceus.Silent.PredictionVelocity = 0.166547
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // The AimAssist Mouse Dragging/Check Functions
- Script.Functions.MouseChanger = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- if Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled and Script.Functions.Alive(AimTarget) and Players[tostring(AimTarget)].Character:FindFirstChild(Arceus.AimAssist.Part) and Script.Functions.OnScreen(Players[tostring(AimTarget)].Character[Arceus.AimAssist.Part]) then
- local EndPosition = nil
- local TargetPos = Players[tostring(AimTarget)].Character[Arceus.AimAssist.Part].Position
- local TargetVel = Players[tostring(AimTarget)].Character[Arceus.AimAssist.Part].Velocity
- local TargetMov = Players[tostring(AimTarget)].Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection
- if Arceus.Both.DetectDesync then
- local Magnitude = TargetVel.magnitude
- local Magnitude2 = TargetMov.magnitude
- if Magnitude > Arceus.Both.DesyncDetection then
- DetectedDesyncV2 = true
- elseif Magnitude < 1 and Magnitude2 > 0.01 then
- DetectedDesyncV2 = true
- elseif Magnitude > 5 and Magnitude2 < 0.01 then
- DetectedDesyncV2 = true
- else
- DetectedDesyncV2 = false
- end
- else
- DetectedDesyncV2 = false
- end
- if Arceus.Both.DetectUnderGround then
- if TargetVel.Y < Arceus.Both.UnderGroundDetection then
- DetectedUnderGroundV2 = true
- else
- DetectedUnderGroundV2 = false
- end
- else
- DetectedUnderGroundV2 = false
- end
- if Script.Functions.Alive(Client) then
- if Arceus.AimAssist.DisableLocalDeath then
- if < 4 then
- AimTarget = nil
- IsTargetting = false
- return
- end
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.DisableOutSideCircle then
- local Magnitude = Script.Functions.GetMagnitudeFromMouse(AimTarget.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
- if Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Radius < Magnitude then
- AimTarget = nil
- IsTargetting = false
- return
- end
- end
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.DisableOn_KO and AimTarget.Character:FindFirstChild("BodyEffects") then
- local KoCheck = AimTarget.Character.BodyEffects:FindFirstChild("K.O").Value
- local Grabbed = AimTarget.Character:FindFirstChild("GRABBING_CONSTRAINT") ~= nil
- if KoCheck or Grabbed then
- AimTarget = nil
- IsTargetting = false
- return
- end
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.DisableTargetDeath then
- if < 4 then
- AimTarget = nil
- IsTargetting = false
- return
- end
- end
- if DetectedDesyncV2 and Arceus.AimAssist.PredictMovement then
- local MoveDirection = TargetMov * 16
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos + (MoveDirection * Arceus.AimAssist.PredictionVelocity))
- elseif DetectedUnderGroundV2 and Arceus.AimAssist.PredictMovement then
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos + (, 0, TargetVel.Z) * Arceus.AimAssist.PredictionVelocity))
- elseif Arceus.AimAssist.PredictMovement then
- if Arceus.AimAssist.UseShake and Script.Functions.Alive(Client) then
- local Shake = Arceus.AimAssist.ShakeValue / 100
- local Mag = math.ceil((TargetPos - Client.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude)
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos + (TargetVel * Arceus.AimAssist.PredictionVelocity) + Script.Functions.RandomVec(Mag * Shake, 0.1))
- else
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos + (TargetVel * Arceus.AimAssist.PredictionVelocity))
- end
- else
- if Arceus.AimAssist.UseShake and Script.Functions.Alive(Client) then
- local Shake = Arceus.AimAssist.ShakeValue / 100
- local Mag = math.ceil((TargetPos - Client.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude)
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos + Script.Functions.RandomVec(Mag * Shake, 0.1))
- else
- EndPosition = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(TargetPos)
- end
- end
- if EndPosition ~= nil then
- local InCrementX = (EndPosition.X - Mouse.X) * Arceus.AimAssist.Smoothness_X
- local InCrementY = (EndPosition.Y - Mouse.Y) * Arceus.AimAssist.Smoothness_Y
- mousemoverel(InCrementX, InCrementY)
- end
- end
- end)
- --// Update Size/Position Of Circle
- Script.Functions.UpdateFOV = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- if (not Script.Drawing.SilentCircle and not Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle) then
- return Script.Drawing.SilentCircle and Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle
- end
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Visible = Arceus.AimAssistFov.Visible
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Filled = Arceus.AimAssistFov.Filled
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Color = Arceus.AimAssistFov.Color
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Transparency = Arceus.AimAssistFov.Transparency
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Position =, Mouse.Y + GuiS:GetGuiInset().Y)
- Script.Drawing.AimAssistCircle.Radius = Arceus.AimAssistFov.Radius * 3
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Visible = Arceus.SilentFov.Visible
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Color = Arceus.SilentFov.Color
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Filled = Arceus.SilentFov.Filled
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Transparency = Arceus.SilentFov.Transparency
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Position =, Mouse.Y + GuiS:GetGuiInset().Y)
- Script.Drawing.SilentCircle.Radius = Arceus.SilentFov.Radius * 3
- if Arceus.RangeFov.Enabled or Arceus.GunFov.Enabled then
- local CurrentGun = Script.Functions.GetCurrentWeaponName()
- if Arceus.GunFov.Enabled then
- local WeaponSettings = Arceus.GunFov[CurrentGun]
- if WeaponSettings ~= nil then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Radius = WeaponSettings.Fov
- end
- end
- if Arceus.RangeFov.Enabled then
- local WeaponSettingsV2 = Arceus.RangeFov[CurrentGun]
- if WeaponSettingsV2 ~= nil then
- if Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) and Script.Functions.Alive(Client) then
- local Magnitude = (SilentTarget.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Client.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
- if Magnitude < Arceus.RangeFov.Close_Activation then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Radius = WeaponSettingsV2.Close
- elseif Magnitude < Arceus.RangeFov.Medium_Activation then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Radius = WeaponSettingsV2.Med
- elseif Magnitude < Arceus.RangeFov.Far_Activation then
- Arceus.SilentFov.Radius = WeaponSettingsV2.Far
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // Updates Esp Posistions
- Script.Functions.UpdateEsp = LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- for i,v in pairs(Script.EspPlayers) do
- if Arceus.Esp.Enabled and i ~= Client and i.Character and i.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and i.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and i.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- local Hum = i.Character.Humanoid
- local Hrp = i.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local Vector, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(i.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
- local Size = (Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Hrp.Position -, 3, 0)).Y - Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Hrp.Position +, 2.6, 0)).Y) / 2
- local BoxSize = * 1.5), math.floor(Size * 1.9))
- local BoxPos = - Size * 1.5 / 2), math.floor(Vector.Y - Size * 1.6 / 2))
- local BottomOffset = BoxSize.Y + BoxPos.Y + 1
- if OnScreen then
- if Arceus.Esp.Name.Enabled then
- v.Name.Position = / 2 + BoxPos.X, BoxPos.Y - 16)
- v.Name.Outline = Arceus.Esp.Name.OutLine
- v.Name.Text = tostring(i)
- v.Name.Color = Arceus.Esp.Name.Color
- v.Name.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
- v.Name.Font = 0
- v.Name.Size = 16
- v.Name.Visible = true
- else
- v.Name.Visible = false
- end
- if Arceus.Esp.Distance.Enabled and Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- v.Distance.Position = / 2 + BoxPos.X, BottomOffset)
- v.Distance.Outline = Arceus.Esp.Distance.OutLine
- v.Distance.Text = "[" .. math.floor((Hrp.Position - Client.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude) .. "m]"
- v.Distance.Color = Arceus.Esp.Distance.Color
- v.Distance.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
- BottomOffset = BottomOffset + 15
- v.Distance.Font = 0
- v.Distance.Size = 16
- v.Distance.Visible = true
- else
- v.Distance.Visible = false
- end
- if Arceus.Esp.Box.Enabled then
- v.BoxOutline.Size = BoxSize
- v.BoxOutline.Position = BoxPos
- v.BoxOutline.Visible = Arceus.Esp.Box.OutLine
- v.BoxOutline.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
- v.Box.Size = BoxSize
- v.Box.Position = BoxPos
- v.Box.Color = Arceus.Esp.Box.Color
- v.Box.Visible = true
- else
- v.BoxOutline.Visible = false
- v.Box.Visible = false
- end
- if Arceus.Esp.HealthBar.Enabled then
- v.HealthBar.From = - 5), BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y)
- v.HealthBar.To =, v.HealthBar.From.Y - (Hum.Health / Hum.MaxHealth) * BoxSize.Y)
- v.HealthBar.Color = Arceus.Esp.HealthBar.Color
- v.HealthBar.Visible = true
- v.HealthBarOutline.From =, BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y + 1)
- v.HealthBarOutline.To =, (v.HealthBar.From.Y - 1 * BoxSize.Y) -1)
- v.HealthBarOutline.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
- v.HealthBarOutline.Visible = Arceus.Esp.HealthBar.OutLine
- else
- v.HealthBarOutline.Visible = false
- v.healthBar.Visible = false
- end
- if Arceus.Esp.HealthText.Enabled then
- v.HealthText.Text = tostring(math.floor((Hum.Health / Hum.MaxHealth) * 100 + 0.5))
- v.HealthText.Position = - 20), (BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y - 1 * BoxSize.Y) -1)
- v.HealthText.Color = Arceus.Esp.HealthText.Color
- v.HealthText.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
- v.HealthText.Outline = Arceus.Esp.HealthText.OutLine
- v.HealthText.Font = 0
- v.HealthText.Size = 16
- v.HealthText.Visible = true
- else
- v.HealthText.Visible = false
- end
- else
- v.Name.Visible = false
- v.BoxOutline.Visible = false
- v.Box.Visible = false
- v.HealthBarOutline.Visible = false
- v.HealthBar.Visible = false
- v.HealthText.Visible = false
- v.Distance.Visible = false
- end
- else
- v.Name.Visible = false
- v.BoxOutline.Visible = false
- v.Box.Visible = false
- v.HealthBarOutline.Visible = false
- v.HealthBar.Visible = false
- v.HealthText.Visible = false
- v.Distance.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end)
- -- // Client Fps (EXECUTES PER FRAME)
- RS.Heartbeat:Connect(LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- Script.Functions.GetClosestPlayer()
- Script.Functions.SilentMisc()
- Script.Functions.MouseChanger()
- end))
- -- // Server Tick (EXECUTES PER TICK)
- RS.RenderStepped:Connect(LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- Script.Functions.UpdateEsp()
- Script.Functions.UpdateFOV()
- if Arceus.Silent.Enabled and Arceus.Silent.ClosestPoint and Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) and Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character:FindFirstChild(Arceus.Silent.Part) then
- local ClosestPoint = Script.Functions.GetClosestPointOfPart(Players[tostring(SilentTarget)].Character[Arceus.Silent.Part])
- ClosestPointCF =, ClosestPoint.Y, ClosestPoint.Z)
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled and Script.Functions.Alive(AimTarget) and Arceus.Silent.ClosestPart and Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) then
- local currentpart = tostring(Script.Functions.GetClosestBodyPart(AimTarget.Character))
- if Arceus.AimAssist.ClosestPart then
- Arceus.AimAssist.Part = currentpart
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.ClosestPart then
- Arceus.Silent.Part = currentpart
- OldSilentAimPart = Arceus.Silent.Part
- end
- return
- end
- if Arceus.AimAssist.Enabled and Arceus.AimAssist.ClosestPart and Script.Functions.Alive(AimTarget) then
- Arceus.AimAssist.Part = tostring(Script.Functions.GetClosestBodyPart(AimTarget.Character))
- end
- if Arceus.Silent.Enabled and Arceus.Silent.ClosestPart and Script.Functions.Alive(SilentTarget) then
- Arceus.Silent.Part = tostring(Script.Functions.GetClosestBodyPart(SilentTarget.Character))
- OldSilentAimPart = Arceus.Silent.Part
- end
- end))
- -- // Checks Everyone In The Server And Puts It In A Table
- for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if (Player ~= Client and Client:IsFriendsWith(Player.UserId)) then
- table.insert(Script.Friends, Player)
- end
- Script.Functions.NewPlayer(Player)
- end
- -- // Checks When Players Joins And Adds Them To A Table
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player)
- if (Client:IsFriendsWith(Player.UserId)) then
- table.insert(Script.Friends, Player)
- end
- Script.Functions.NewPlayer(Player)
- end)
- -- // Checks If A Player Left And Removes Them From The Table
- Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player)
- local i = table.find(Script.Friends, Player)
- if (i) then
- table.remove(Script.Friends, i)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Script.EspPlayers[Player]) do
- v:Remove()
- end
- Script.EspPlayers[Player] = nil
- end)
- end)()
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