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Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. #=======================#
  2. # SrReports 3.3 #
  3. # Best Staff Solution #
  4. #=======================#
  6. #===========#
  7. # Options #
  8. #===========#
  9. Options:
  10. Prefix: &c&lReports &f»
  11. WaitMsg: &7Please wait some seconds to report again a player!
  12. SuccesRMsg: &7Thanks for your report, !
  13. ReasonError: &7Please add a reason.
  14. PlayerError: &7Player is not online, have you written his name correctly?
  15. AutoRError: &7You cant report yourself...
  16. Delay: 10 # In seconds!
  17. NoPermission: &7Are you crazy? you can't do this!
  18. SSDisconnect: &7Disconnected while ss!
  19. NoStaff: &7There's no staff online, please report on &b@ServerName
  20. Recargando: &6Reloading the plugin...
  21. Recargado: &aPlugin Reloaded!
  22. Warn: &bYou are now in ss mode, please do what the staff tells you.
  23. WarnSucces: &bPlayer has been successfully warned.
  24. StaffChat: &6&lSCHAT
  25. MiningAlert: &e%player% &amight be using xray, he had mined
  26. # In this option above put your server name !! #
  27. ServerName: &6Name &f» &b
  28. #=====================#
  29. # Staff Mode Config #
  30. #=====================#
  31. Message: &eStaff Mode
  32. RandomTP: &aRandom Teleport
  33. Freezer: &bFreeze Player
  34. Inventory: &cInventory Viewer
  35. Vanish: &eVanish
  36. Follower: &3Follow Player
  37. TPLast: &aLast Report TP
  38. Alerts: &6Alerts Config
  39. UnFrozen: &aUnfrozen by &e
  40. Frozen: &cFrozen by &e
  41. ssrefuseban: true
  42. #===============#
  43. # IBan Config #
  44. #===============#
  45. # Edit more on lines 372-380 #
  47. xrayban: /tempban %arg-1% 5d xRay (Admitted)
  48. hacksban: /ban %arg-1% Hacks (SS)
  49. truceban: /tempban %arg-1% 1d Truce
  50. admittedhacksban: /tempban %arg-1% 5d Hacks (Admitted)
  51. teamban: /tempban %arg-1% 1d Teaming
  52. altsban: /ban %arg-1% Banned Alts
  53. ghostban: /ban %arg-1% GhostClient (SS)
  54. ssrefuseban: /tempban %arg-1% 5d SS Refuse
  55. serverdisturbban: /tempban %arg-1% 1h Toxic // Server Disturb
  57. # Code #
  58. #===============#
  59. # Staff Mode #
  60. #===============#
  62. command /staff:
  63. aliases: /mod
  64. permission: srreports.admin
  65. trigger:
  66. if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
  67. set {inventory.%player%} to player's serialized inventory
  68. clear player's inventory
  69. set player's gamemode to creative
  70. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  71. send "{@Message} &aEnabled" to player
  72. hide player from all players
  73. give 1 clock named "{@RandomTP}" to slot 0 of player
  74. give 1 ice block named "{@Freezer}" to slot 1 of player
  75. give 1 book named "{@Inventory}" to slot 8 of player
  76. give 1 light green dye named "{@Vanish} &a&lON" to slot 3 of player
  77. give 1 lead named "{@Follower}" to slot 4 of player
  78. give 1 diamond hoe named "{@TPLast}" to slot 5 of player
  79. give 1 redstone repeater named "{@Alerts}" to slot 7 of player
  80. stop
  81. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  82. clear {staffmode.%player%}
  83. send "{@Message} &cDisabled"
  84. clear player's inventory
  85. restore inventory of player from {inventory.%player%}
  86. reveal player from all players
  87. set player's gamemode to survival
  88. make player execute command "/spawn"
  89. stop
  91. on rightclick on player:
  92. if player's tool is a book named "{@Inventory}":
  93. if player has permission "srreports.admin":
  94. wait 3 ticks
  95. open the clicked entity's inventory for the player
  96. send "&7Opening Inventory: &e%clicked entity%" to player
  97. if player's tool is a ice block named "{@Freezer}":
  98. if player has permission "srreports.admin":
  99. if {freeze.%clicked entity%} is not set:
  100. wait 3 ticks
  101. set {freeze.%clicked entity%} to true
  102. send "&7Player Frozen:&e %clicked entity%" to player
  103. send "{@Frozen} %player%" to clicked entity
  104. send "{@Warn}"
  105. stop
  106. if {freeze.%clicked entity%} is true:
  107. wait 3 ticks
  108. clear {freeze.%clicked entity%}
  109. send "&7Player UnFrozen:&e %clicked entity%" to player
  110. send "{@UnFrozen}" to clicked entity
  111. stop
  113. on quit:
  114. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  115. clear {staffmode.%player%}
  117. on right click:
  118. if player is holding a diamond hoe named "{@TPLast}":
  119. if player has permission "srreports.admin":
  120. wait 5 ticks
  121. teleport player to {lastreport}
  122. stop
  123. if player is holding a clock named "{@RandomTP}":
  124. if player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  125. cancel event
  126. set {_random} to a random player out of all players
  127. while {_random} is name of player:
  128. set {_random} to a random player out of all players
  129. wait 1 tick
  130. if {_random} is not name of player:
  131. teleport player 1 behind {_random}
  132. send "&7Teleporting to: &e%{_random}%"
  133. if name of player's tool is "{@Vanish} &a&lON":
  134. set slot 3 of player to gray dye named "{@Vanish} &c&lOFF"
  135. reveal player from all players
  136. else if name of player's tool is "{@Vanish} &c&lOFF":
  137. set slot 3 of player to light green dye named "{@Vanish} &a&lON"
  138. hide player from all players
  139. if player is holding a lead named "{@Follower}":
  140. if player has permission "srreports.admin":
  141. if entity's target is a player:
  142. set {_name} to "%target entity%" parsed as a player
  143. send "&7Following: &e%{_name}%"
  144. make player ride {_name}
  145. if player is holding a redstone repeater named "{@Alerts}":
  146. if player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  147. open chest with 3 rows named "{@Alerts}" to player
  148. wait 3 ticks
  149. format slot 2 of player with 1 diamond ore named "&eMining Alerts &f({%miningal}%&f)" to close
  150. format slot 11 of player with 1 dye:10 named "&a&lON" to run [make player execute command "/§mineon"]
  151. format slot 20 of player with 1 dye:8 named "&c&lOFF" to run [make player execute command "/§mineoff"]
  152. format slot 6 of player with 1 iron sword named "&eBug Alerts &f({%bugal}%&f)" to close
  153. format slot 15 of player with 1 dye:10 named "&a&lON" to run [make player execute command "/§bugon"]
  154. format slot 24 of player with 1 dye:8 named "&c&lOFF" to run [make player execute command "/§bugoff"]
  156. on command "/§mineon":
  157. cancel event
  158. set {miningal} to "&aON"
  159. set {miningalerts.%player%} to true
  160. send "{@Prefix} &6Mining Alerts &a&lON"
  162. on command "/§mineoff":
  163. cancel event
  164. set {miningalerts.%player%} to false
  165. set {miningal} to "&cOFF"
  166. send "{@Prefix} &6Mining Alerts &c&lOFF"
  168. on command "/§bugon":
  169. cancel event
  170. set {bugalerts.%player%} to true
  171. set {bugal} to "&aON"
  172. send "{@Prefix} &6Bug Alerts &a&lON"
  174. on command "/§bugoff":
  175. cancel event
  176. set {bugalerts.%player%} to false
  177. set {bugal} to "&cOFF"
  178. send "{@Prefix} &6Bug Alerts &c&lOFF"
  180. on any movement:
  181. if {freeze.%player%} is true:
  182. cancel event
  184. on damage:
  185. if {freeze.%attacker%} is true:
  186. cancel event
  188. on quit:
  189. if {freeze.%player%} is true:
  190. set {freeze.%player%} to false
  191. if {ssrefuseban} is true:
  192. execute console command "/ban %player% SS Refusing"
  193. else:
  194. broadcast "&c&l[!] &a%player% {@SSDisconnect}"
  196. on break:
  197. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  198. cancel event
  200. on place:
  201. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  202. cancel event
  204. on damage:
  205. if {staffmode.%attacker%} is true:
  206. cancel event
  208. on burn:
  209. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  210. cancel event
  212. on drop:
  213. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  214. cancel event
  216. on pickup:
  217. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  218. cancel event
  220. on craft:
  221. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  222. cancel event
  224. on consume:
  225. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  226. cancel event
  228. on inventory click:
  229. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  230. cancel event
  232. on mine of diamond ore:
  233. loop all players:
  234. if {miningalerts.%loop-player%} is true:
  235. send "&c&l[!] {@MiningAlert} &bdiamond."
  237. on mine of gold ore:
  238. loop all players:
  239. if {miningalerts.%loop-player%} is true:
  240. send "&c&l[!] {@MiningAlert} &6gold."
  242. on mine of emerald ore:
  243. loop all players:
  244. if {miningalerts.%loop-player%} is true:
  245. send "&c&l[!] {@MiningAlert} &aesmerald."
  247. on mine of lapis lazuli ore:
  248. loop all players:
  249. if {miningalerts.%loop-player%} is true:
  250. send "&c&l[!] {@MiningAlert} &aesmerald."
  252. command /onstaff:
  253. trigger:
  254. loop all players:
  255. loop-player has permission "srreports.admin"
  256. add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
  257. size of {_online staff::*} is 0:
  258. message "{@Prefix} {@NoStaff}"
  259. else:
  260. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 3
  261. send ""
  262. send "&a» &cOnline Staff:"
  263. send "&e%{_online staff::*}%"
  264. send ""
  266. command /report <player> <text>:
  267. usage: &b/report <jugador> <razon>
  268. trigger:
  269. arg 1 is a player:
  270. arg 2 is set:
  271. set {_waited} to difference between {report.%player%.lastused} and now
  272. if {_waited} is less than {@Delay} seconds:
  273. message "{@Prefix} {@WaitMsg}"
  274. stop
  275. if arg-1 is "%player%":
  276. message "{@Prefix} {@AutoRError}"
  277. stop
  278. loop all players:
  279. loop-player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  280. play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 3
  281. send "" to loop-player
  282. send "&b» &a%player% &7has reported &c%arg 1%" to loop-player
  283. send "&b» &7Reason: &e%arg 2%" to loop-player
  284. send "" to loop-player
  285. set {report.%player%.lastused} to now
  286. set {lastreport} to arg-1
  287. send "{@Prefix} {@SuccesRMsg}" to player
  288. send message "&cReport: %player% report %arg-1% por %arg-2%" to console
  289. log "Reportes: %player% (%ip of player%) report %arg-1% (%ip of arg-1%) for %arg-2%" to "SK.log"
  290. else:
  291. message "{@Prefix} {@ReasonError}"
  292. else:
  293. message "{@Prefix} {@PlayerError}"
  295. command /reports [<text>]:
  296. trigger:
  297. if arg 1 is not set:
  298. if player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  299. play raw sound "mob.wolf.hurt" at player with pitch 1 volume 3
  300. send "" to player
  301. send "&ePlugin By SrSergioxx" to player
  302. send "" to player
  303. send "&6Commands:" to player
  304. send ""
  305. send "&a» &7/report <player> <reason>" to player
  306. send "&a» &7/staff"
  307. send "&a» &7/onstaff" to player
  308. send "&a» &7/reports reload"
  309. send "&a» &7/sc <text>"
  310. send "&a» &7/bug <text>"
  311. send "&a» &7/hear <text>"
  312. send "" to player
  313. send "&6Permissions:"
  314. send ""
  315. send "&b» &esrreports.admin"
  316. send ""
  317. else:
  318. send ""
  319. send "&e/report <player> <reason>"
  320. send "&e/bug <problem>"
  321. send "&e/onstaff"
  322. send ""
  323. if arg 1 is "reload":
  324. if player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  325. execute console command "/sk reload SrReport"
  326. wait 1 tick
  327. send "{@Prefix} {@Recargando}"
  328. wait 2 seconds
  329. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 3
  330. send "{@Recargado}"
  331. else:
  332. send "{@Prefix} {@NoPermission}" to player
  334. command /sc <text>:
  335. trigger:
  336. if player does not have the permission "srreports.admin":
  337. message "{@Prefix} {@NoPermission}"
  338. stop
  339. send message "{@StaffChat} &e%player% &f» &a%arg 1%" to console
  340. loop all players:
  341. loop-player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  342. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 3
  343. send "{@StaffChat} &e%player% &f» &A %arg 1%" to loop-player
  345. command /bug <text>:
  346. usage: &e/bug <bug>
  347. trigger:
  348. loop all players:
  349. loop-player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  350. if {bugalerts.%loop-player%} is true:
  351. play raw sound "random.burp" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 3
  352. send "" to loop-player
  353. send "&a» &7Player &e%player% &7has reported a bug." to loop-player
  354. send "&a» &7Bug: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player
  355. send "" to loop-player
  356. send "{@Prefix} {@SuccesRMsg}" to player
  357. send message "&cBugs: %player% reporto el bug de %arg-1%" to console
  358. log "Bugs: %player% (%ip of player%) reporto el bug de %arg-1%" to "SK.log"
  360. command /hear <text>:
  361. usage: /hear <text>
  362. trigger:
  363. if player has the permission "srreports.admin":
  364. broadcast "{@ServerName} %arg-1%"
  365. else:
  366. send "{@Prefix} {@NoPermission}"
  368. command /iban <player>:
  369. permission: srreports.admin
  370. trigger:
  371. open chest with 1 rows named "&cBan Player:&b %arg-1%" to player
  372. wait 3 ticks
  373. format slot 0 of player with 1 diamond ore named "&axRay (Admitted)" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@xrayban}"]
  374. format slot 1 of player with 1 diamond sword named "&aHacks (SS)" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@hacksban}"]
  375. format slot 2 of player with 1 player head named "&aTruce" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@truceban}"]
  376. format slot 3 of player with 1 iron sword named "&aHacks (Admitted)" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@admittedhacksban}"]
  377. format slot 4 of player with 1 book named "&aTeaming" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@teamban}"]
  378. format slot 5 of player with 1 lead named "&aAlts" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@altsban}"]
  379. format slot 6 of player with 1 iron hoe named "&aGhostClient (SS)" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@ghostban}"]
  380. format slot 7 of player with 1 enchanted book named "&aSS Refuse" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@ssrefuseban}"]
  381. format slot 8 of player with 1 paper named "&aServer Disturb" with lore "&7Choose This Reason" to close then run [make player execute command "{@serverdisturbban}"]
  383. # ================================================#
  384. #| |#
  385. #| New ! CHAT MODERATION |#
  386. #| |#
  387. # ================================================#
  389. #-----------------------------------------------------#
  390. # Easy edition, you just have to copy the #
  391. # frase and replace. Example #
  392. # #
  393. # replace all "bad word" in the message #
  394. # with "**" #
  395. # Then reload the plugin with /reports reload #
  396. #-----------------------------------------------------#
  398. on chat:
  399. if player doesn't have the permission "srreports.admin":
  400. replace all "tonto" in the message with "**"
  401. replace all "gilipollas" in the message with "**"
  402. replace all "gilipoyas" in the message with "**"
  403. replace all "subnormal" in the message with "**"
  404. replace all "Puta" in the message with "**"
  405. replace all "Mierda" in the message with "**"
  406. replace all "mierda" in the message with "**"
  407. replace all "PUTA" in the message with "**"
  408. replace all "mrd" in the message with "**"
  409. replace all "Mrd" in the message with "**"
  410. replace all "randy" in the message with "**"
  412. #===============#
  413. # IP Detect #
  414. #===============#
  416. on chat:
  417. replace all ".my." in the message with ""
  418. replace all "my." in the message with ""
  419. replace all ".my" in the message with ""
  420. replace all ".g s.." in the message with ""
  421. replace all "g s." in the message with ""
  422. replace all ".g s" in the message with ""
  423. replace all ".nu." in the message with ""
  424. replace all "nu." in the message with ""
  425. replace all ".nu" in the message with ""
  426. replace all ".mc." in the message with ""
  427. replace all "mc." in the message with ""
  428. replace all ".mc" in the message with ""
  429. replace all ".xyz." in the message with ""
  430. replace all "xyz." in the message with ""
  431. replace all ".xyz" in the message with ""
  432. replace all ".us." in the message with ""
  433. replace all "us." in the message with ""
  434. replace all ".us" in the message with ""
  435. replace all ".play." in the message with ""
  436. replace all "play." in the message with ""
  437. replace all ".play" in the message with ""
  438. replace all "com." in the message with ""
  439. replace all ".com" in the message with ""
  440. replace all ".g-s." in the message with ""
  441. replace all "g-s." in the message with ""
  442. replace all ".g-s" in the message with ""
  443. replace all ".es" in the message with ""
  444. replace all "net." in the message with ""
  445. replace all ".net" in the message with ""
  446. replace all "org." in the message with ""
  447. replace all ".org" in the message with ""
  448. replace all "eu." in the message with ""
  449. replace all ".eu" in the message with ""
  450. replace all "latin" in the message with ""
  451. replace all "latin." in the message with ""
  452. replace all ".latin" in the message with ""
  453. replace all "Craft" in the message with ""
  454. replace all ".tk" in the message with ""
  455. replace all "t.k" in the message with ""
  456. replace all "t-k" in the message with ""
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