
Stand Full Features List

Feb 7th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Stand Full Features List
  2. Modding Palace
  4. ------------------------------------------
  6. Self — Command: self
  7. Movement
  8. Levitation
  9. Levitation — Command: levitate [on/off]
  10. Movement Speed (1 to 1000000) — Command: levitatespeed [0.01 to 10000.00]
  11. Sprint Multiplier (1 to 1000000) — How fast you go while you press [Space]. — Command: levitatesprintmultiplier [0.01 to 10000.00]
  12. Movement Ignores Pitch — Disables forward and backward movement affecting height depending on where you're looking. — Command: levitateignorepitch [on/off]
  13. Min Distance From Ground (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: levitatepassivemin [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  14. Max Distance From Ground (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: levitatepassivemax [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  15. Speed (0 to 1000000) — Command: levitatepassivespeed [0 to 1000000]
  16. Upward Force (0 to 1000000) — Command: levitateassistup [0.00 to 10000.00]
  17. Downward Force (0 to 1000000) — Command: levitateassistdown [0.00 to 10000.00]
  18. Downward Deadzone (0 to 100000) — How far from the ground you have to be before the assistant stops trying to pull you down. — Command: levitateassistdeadzone [0 to 100000]
  19. Snapping (0 to 1000000) — Command: levitateassistsnap [0.00 to 10000.00]
  20. Walk And Run Speed (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: walkspeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  21. Swim Speed (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: swimspeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  22. Super Run (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: superrun [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  23. Super Flight (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: superflight [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  24. Super Jump — Command: superjump [on/off]
  25. Walk On Air — Command: walkonair [on/off]
  26. Walk Underwater — Command: walkunderwater [on/off]
  27. Tennis Mode — Command: tennismode [on/off]
  28. Reduced Collision — Enables walking through walls and vehicles. — Command: reducedcollision [on/off]
  29. No Collision — Command: nocollision [on/off]
  30. Appearance
  31. Transform
  32. Search — Allows you to find models to transform into using their name. — Command: findmodel [clue]
  33. Playable Characters
  34. <5 Options>
  35. Ground Animals
  36. <23 Options>
  37. Water Animals
  38. <7 Options>
  39. Flying Animals
  40. <5 Options>
  41. NPCs
  42. <863 Options>
  43. Outfit — Command: outfit
  44. Wardrobe — Command: wardrobe
  45. Save Outfit
  46. Save Outfit — Command: saveoutfit [name]
  47. <40 More Options>
  48. Prefabricated Outfits
  49. Current Model: Default — The Rockstar-defined default outfit for your current model. — Command: defaultoutfit
  50. Current Model: Random — Command: randomoutfit
  51. Online Female: Topless — Command: toplessfemale
  52. Open Folder
  53. Lock Outfit — Disallows outfit changes outside of Stand which breaks the Casino Heist and possibly other missions. — Command: lockoutfit [on/off]
  54. <35 More Options>
  55. Walk Style — Command: walkstyle
  56. <44 Options>
  57. Scale (-1000000 to 1000000) — Changes the height, width, and depth of your character *locally*. — Command: scale [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  58. Scale Affects Camera — Command: scalecam [on/off]
  59. Scale Affects Speed — Command: scalespeed [on/off]
  60. Visual Z Correction (-1000000 to 1000000) — Corrects your characters visual Z position, to be used with scale. — Command: visualz [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  61. No Blood — Keeps your character free of blood. — Command: noblood [on/off]
  62. Set Wetness (0 to 1000) — Command: wetness [0 to 1000]
  63. Lock Wetness — Command: lockwetness [on/off]
  64. Invisibility — Command: invisibility
  65. Disabled — Command: invisibility off
  66. Locally Visible — Command: invisibility remote
  67. Enabled — Command: invisibility on
  68. Remove Attachments — Command: removeattachments
  69. Weapons
  70. Get Weapons — Command: getguns
  71. All Weapons — Command: allguns — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  72. <8 More Options>
  73. Remove Weapons — Command: removeguns
  74. All Weapons — Command: noguns — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  75. <8 More Options>
  76. When Aiming...
  77. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off)
  78. Owned Explosion (On/Off)
  79. Burn (On/Off)
  80. Die (On/Off)
  81. Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists.
  82. Freeze (On/Off)
  83. Cower (On/Off)
  84. Flee (On/Off)
  85. Push Away (On/Off)
  86. Drive (On/Off)
  87. Revive (On/Off)
  88. Delete (On/Off)
  89. AR Marker (On/Off)
  90. When Shooting...
  91. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off)
  92. Owned Explosion (On/Off)
  93. Burn (On/Off)
  94. Die (On/Off)
  95. Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists.
  96. Freeze (On/Off)
  97. Cower (On/Off)
  98. Flee (On/Off)
  99. Push Away (On/Off)
  100. Drive (On/Off)
  101. Revive (On/Off)
  102. Delete (On/Off)
  103. AR Marker (On/Off)
  104. Gravity Gun
  105. Gravity Gun — Command: gravitygun [on/off]
  106. Contrived Physics — Command: gravityguncontrivedphysics [on/off]
  107. Force Multiplier (1 to 10000) — Command: gravitygunforce [0.01 to 100.00]
  108. Collision — Command: gravityguncollision [on/off]
  109. Current Weapon: Tint — Command: weapontint
  110. Current Weapon: Tint: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Command: weapontintrainbow [0 to 1000]
  111. Aimbot
  112. Aimbot — Command: aimbot [on/off]
  113. Aimbot Affects Field Of View — Command: aimbotfov [on/off]
  114. Exclude Friends — Command: aimbotexcludefriends [on/off]
  115. Players — Command: aimbotplayers [on/off]
  116. Pedestrians — Command: aimbotpeds [on/off]
  117. Vehicles — Command: aimbotvehicles [on/off]
  118. Triggerbot
  119. Triggerbot — Command: triggerbot [on/off]
  120. Exclude Friends — Command: targetingexcludefriends [on/off]
  121. Players — Command: targetingplayers [on/off]
  122. Pedestrians — Command: targetingpeds [on/off]
  123. Vehicles — Command: targetingvehicles [on/off]
  124. Objects — Command: targetingobjects [on/off]
  125. Infinite Ammo — Command: bottomless [on/off]
  126. Skip Reloading — Command: noreload [on/off]
  127. Rapid Fire — Command: rapidfire [on/off]
  128. Rapid Fire Vehicle Weapons — Command: vehiclerapidfire [on/off]
  129. Range Multiplier (0 to 1000000) — Command: rangemultiplier [0.00 to 10000.00]
  130. Damage Multiplier (0 to 1000000) — Applies a multiplier to the damage dealt by your fists and guns. — Command: damagemultiplier [0.00 to 10000.00]
  131. Explosive Hits — Command: explosivehits [on/off]
  132. Explosion Type — Lets you select the explosion type of Explosive Hits. — Command: exptype
  133. <71 Options>
  134. Total Freedom — Allows you to use weapons in interiors and in passive mode. — Command: freedom [on/off]
  135. Immortality — Makes your character unable to die. — Command: godmode [on/off]
  136. Auto Heal — Keeps your character at maximum health and armour. — Command: demigodmode [on/off]
  137. Gracefulness — Makes your character unable to fall over. — Command: gracefulness [on/off]
  138. Glued To Seats — Makes your character unable to fall off bikes. — Command: seatbelt [on/off]
  139. Set Wanted Level (0 to 5) — Command: wanted [0 to 5] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  140. Lock Wanted Level — Command: lockwantedlevel [on/off]
  141. Fake Wanted Level (0 to 6) — Changes the number of wanted stars shown in the top-right corner. — Command: fakewantedlevel [0 to 6]
  142. Infinite Stamina — Command: infstamina [on/off]
  143. Infinite Parachutes — Command: paralock [on/off]
  144. Clumsiness — Makes your character fall over more often. — Command: clumsiness [on/off]
  145. Suicide — Command: ewo
  146. Vehicle
  147. Spawner — Command: spawner
  148. Search — Allows you to find vehicles using name, manufacturer, and real-life counterparts. — Command: findvehicle [clue]
  149. DLCs
  150. LS Tuners
  151. <18 Options>
  152. Cayo Perico Heist
  153. <21 Options>
  154. LS Summer Special
  155. <15 Options>
  156. Diamond Casino Heist
  157. <20 Options>
  158. Diamond Casino & Resort
  159. <22 Options>
  160. Arena War
  161. <46 Options>
  162. After Hours
  163. <14 Options>
  164. Southern SA Super Sport Series
  165. <16 Options>
  166. The Doomsday Heist
  167. <30 Options>
  168. Smuggler's Run
  169. <19 Options>
  170. Gunrunning Pack
  171. <19 Options>
  172. Special Vehicle Circuit
  173. <4 Options>
  174. Import/Export
  175. <24 Options>
  176. Bikers
  177. <21 Options>
  178. Cunning Stunts
  179. <15 Options>
  180. Further Adventures in Finance and Felony
  181. <14 Options>
  182. Lowriders: Custom Classics
  183. <7 Options>
  184. Be My Valentine
  186. January 2016
  187. <2 Options>
  188. Festive Surprise 2015
  190. Executives and Other Criminals
  191. <25 Options>
  192. Halloween Surprise
  193. <2 Options>
  194. Lowriders
  195. <8 Options>
  196. Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2
  197. <6 Options>
  198. Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1
  199. <6 Options>
  200. Heists DLC
  201. <21 Options>
  202. Festive Surprise 2014
  203. <4 Options>
  204. Next Gen Release
  205. <13 Options>
  206. Last Team Standing
  207. <3 Options>
  208. SA Flight School
  209. <4 Options>
  210. Independence Day
  211. <2 Options>
  212. I'm Not a Hipster
  213. <7 Options>
  214. High Life
  215. <4 Options>
  216. Business
  217. <4 Options>
  218. Valentine's Day Massacre
  220. Beach Bum
  221. <4 Options>
  222. Game Launch
  223. <298 Options>
  224. Classes
  225. Boats
  226. <26 Options>
  227. Commercial
  228. <20 Options>
  229. Compacts
  230. <17 Options>
  231. Coupes
  232. <15 Options>
  233. Cycles
  234. <7 Options>
  235. Emergency
  236. <19 Options>
  237. Helicopters
  238. <27 Options>
  239. Industrial
  240. <11 Options>
  241. Military
  242. <17 Options>
  243. Motorcycles
  244. <54 Options>
  245. Muscle
  246. <73 Options>
  247. Off-Road
  248. <59 Options>
  249. Open Wheel
  250. <4 Options>
  251. Planes
  252. <39 Options>
  253. SUVs
  254. <34 Options>
  255. Sedans
  256. <35 Options>
  257. Service
  258. <12 Options>
  259. Sports
  260. <91 Options>
  261. Sports Classic
  262. <45 Options>
  263. Super
  264. <48 Options>
  265. Trains
  266. <9 Options>
  267. Utility
  268. <44 Options>
  269. Vans
  270. <35 Options>
  271. Manufacturer Names (On/Off)
  272. Make Spawned Vehicles Indestructible — Command: spawngod [on/off]
  273. Tune Spawned Vehicles — Lets you select the tuning profile for vehicles spawned via Stand. — Command: spawntune
  274. Stock — Command: spawntune stock
  275. Performance — Only upgrades Engine, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. — Command: spawntune performance
  276. Performance, Including Spoiler — Command: spawntune perfwithspoiler
  277. Fully — Command: spawntune full
  278. On Foot Behaviour
  279. Drive Spawned Vehicles — Instantly puts you into the driver seat of vehicles that you spawn via Stand. — Command: footspawndrive [on/off]
  280. Spawn In Front — Puts vehicles that you spawn via Stand a few metres in front of you. — Command: footspawnfront [on/off]
  281. Delete Previous Vehicle — Command: footspawndelete [on/off]
  282. In Vehicle Behaviour
  283. Drive Spawned Vehicles — Instantly puts you into the driver seat of vehicles that you spawn via Stand. — Command: vehspawndrive [on/off]
  284. Spawn In Front — Puts vehicles that you spawn via Stand a few metres in front of you. — Command: vehspawnfront [on/off]
  285. Delete Previous Vehicle — Command: vehspawndelete [on/off]
  286. Keep Velocity — Command: vehspawnvelocity [on/off]
  287. Input Model Name — The "expert mode" way of spawning vehicles. — Command: spawn [model name] — Can be used by other players with the Spawn Commands permission
  288. Garage
  289. Save Vehicle — Command: savevehicle [name]
  290. Open Folder
  291. Personal Vehicles — Command: pvs
  292. Sort By
  293. Name
  294. Slot
  295. All
  296. Make Insurance Claim — Command: claimallpvs
  297. Add Insurance — Command: insureallpvs
  298. Current Personal Vehicle — Command: personalvehicle
  299. Teleport To Me & Drive — Command: callpersonalvehicle
  300. Enter — Command: enterpersonalvehicle
  301. Last Vehicle — Command: lastvehicle
  302. Teleport To Me & Drive — Command: calllastvehicle
  303. Enter — Command: enterlastvehicle
  304. Los Santos Customs — Command: lsc
  305. Performance
  306. Armor — Command: armor
  307. Brakes — Command: brakes
  308. Engine — Command: engine
  309. Spoilers — Command: spoilers
  310. Transmission — Command: transmission
  311. Turbo — Command: turbo [on/off]
  312. Appearance
  313. Primary Colour — Command: vehprimary
  314. Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehprimaryrainbow [0 to 1000]
  315. Finish — Command: vehprimaryfinish
  316. Normal
  317. Metallic
  318. Pearlescent
  319. Matte
  320. Metal
  321. Chrome
  322. Secondary Colour — Command: vehsecondary
  323. Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehsecondaryrainbow [0 to 1000]
  324. Finish — Command: vehsecondaryfinish
  325. Normal
  326. Metallic
  327. Pearlescent
  328. Matte
  329. Metal
  330. Chrome
  331. Copy Primary Colour
  332. Neon Lights
  333. Colour — Command: neoncolour
  334. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: neoncolourrainbow [0 to 1000]
  335. All — Command: vehneonall [on/off]
  336. Front — Command: vehneonfront [on/off]
  337. Back — Command: vehneonback [on/off]
  338. Left — Command: vehneonleft [on/off]
  339. Right — Command: vehneonright [on/off]
  340. Wheels
  341. Wheels Category — Command: wheeltype
  342. Front Wheels — Command: frontwheels
  343. Drift Tyres — Command: drifttyres [on/off]
  344. Bulletproof Tyres — Command: bulletprooftyres [on/off]
  345. Tyre Smoke Colour — Command: vehtire
  346. Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehtirerainbow [0 to 1000]
  347. Independence Day Tyre Smoke — Command: independencetiresmoke [on/off]
  348. Copy Primary Colour
  349. License Plate
  350. Text — Command: plate [text]
  351. Type — Command: platetype
  352. Speedometer — Command: platespeedometer [on/off]
  353. Parachute
  354. Enable Parachute (On/Off) — Doesn't have an effect on all vehicles, e.g. not on motorcycles.
  355. Appearance — Note that after you have opened the vehicle's parachute, not all changes will apply.
  356. Generic Parachute: Rainbow
  357. Generic Parachute: Red
  358. Generic Parachute: White, Blue, Yellow
  359. Generic Parachute: Black, Red, White
  360. Generic Parachute: Red, White, Blue
  361. Generic Parachute: Blue
  362. Generic Parachute: Black
  363. Generic Parachute: Black, Yellow
  364. Generic Parachute: Yellow, Blue, White
  365. Generic Parachute: Orange
  366. Generic Parachute: White
  367. SecuroServ
  368. Broken Parachute
  369. Umbrella: White, Blue, Green
  370. Umbrella: Cyan, Pink, Purple
  371. Umbrella: Red, Yellow, Blue
  372. Umbrella: Blue, Purple, Pink
  373. Umbrella: Green Pattern
  374. Umbrella: Rainbow Pattern
  375. Umbrella: Blue Pattern
  376. Umbrella: White Pattern
  377. Umbrella: White
  378. Flat Umbrella (White)
  379. Headlights — Command: headlights
  380. Window Tint — Command: windowtint
  381. Front Bumper / Countermeasures — Command: frontbumper
  382. Rear Bumper — Command: rearbumper
  383. Side Skirt — Command: sideskirt
  384. Exhaust — Command: exhaust
  385. Frame — Command: frame
  386. Grille — Command: grille
  387. Hood — Command: hood
  388. Fender — Command: fender
  389. Right Fender — Command: rightfender
  390. Roof / Weapons — Command: roof
  391. Horns — Command: horns
  392. Suspension — Command: suspension
  393. Plate Holders — Command: plateholders
  394. Vanity Plates — Command: vanityplates
  395. Trim Design — Command: trimdesign
  396. Ornaments — Command: ornaments
  397. Dashboard — Command: dashboard
  398. Dial Design — Command: dialdesign
  399. Seats — Command: seats
  400. Door Speaker — Command: doorspeaker
  401. Steering Wheel — Command: steeringwheel
  402. Shift Lever — Command: shiftlever
  403. Plaques — Command: plaques
  404. Speakers — Command: speakers
  405. Trunk — Command: trunk
  406. Hydraulics — Command: hydraulics
  407. Engine Block — Command: engineblock
  408. Boost / Air Filter — Command: boostairfilter
  409. Struts — Command: struts
  410. Arch Cover — Command: archcover
  411. Aerials — Command: aerials
  412. Trim — Command: trim
  413. Tank — Command: tank
  414. Windows — Command: windows
  415. Livery — Command: livery
  416. Upgrade — Fully upgrades your current or last vehicle. — Command: tune
  417. Performance Upgrade — Upgrades your current or last vehicle's EMS, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. — Command: performance
  418. Performance Upgrade, Including Spoiler — Command: perfwithspoiler
  419. Downgrade — Resets your current or last vehicle to stock tuning. — Command: untune
  420. Movement
  421. Super Drive
  422. Super Drive — Command: superdrive [on/off]
  423. Super Drive Uses Camera — Changes the definition of "forward" for Super Drive to be where you're looking instead of where your vehicle is going. — Command: superdrivecam [on/off]
  424. Speed (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: superdrivespeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  425. Controller Button
  426. <16 Options>
  427. Super Handbrake — Command: superhandbrake [on/off]
  428. Speed Limit (KMH) (0 to 10000) — Sets the speed limit of vehicles that you pilot or drive. (Default: 540) — Command: speedlimit [0 to 10000]
  429. Jump Ability — Note that if have both the jump and rocket boost ability, the game will move the boost to the secondary key.
  430. Don't Override
  431. Enabled
  432. Disabled
  433. Glide Ability
  434. Don't Override
  435. Enabled
  436. Disabled
  437. No Turbulence — Command: smoothflight [on/off]
  438. Gravity Multiplier (-10000 to 10000) — Command: gravitymultiplier [-100.00 to 100.00]
  439. Rocket Boost
  440. Override — Allows you to change whether the vehicles you drive have rocket boost.
  441. Don't Override
  442. Enabled
  443. Disabled
  444. Vertical Rocket Boost
  445. Don't Override
  446. Enabled
  447. Disabled
  448. Charge Behaviour — Command: boostcharge
  449. Normal — Command: boostcharge normal
  450. Infinite — Makes the boost never end unless you crash. — Command: boostcharge infinite
  451. Instant Refill — Refills the boost immedately after it runs out. — Command: boostcharge instantrefill
  452. No Refill Time — Refills the boost immedately when its conditions are met. — Command: boostcharge norefilltime
  453. Always Empty — Command: boostcharge empty
  454. Auto Rocket Boost — Automatically uses the rocket boost when it's charged. — Command: autoboost [on/off]
  455. Collisions
  456. Ramp
  457. Don't Override
  458. Enabled
  459. Disabled
  460. Ramming Scoop
  461. Don't Override
  462. Enabled
  463. Disabled
  464. Increased Ramming Force
  465. Don't Override
  466. Enabled
  467. Disabled
  468. No Collision With Other Vehicles — Command: ghostvehicles [on/off]
  469. No Collision — Completely disables collision for your current vehicle (not recommended for non-flying vehicles). — Command: vehiclenocollision [on/off]
  470. Open/Close Doors
  471. All Doors — Command: openvehdoors [on/off]
  472. Front Left (On/Off)
  473. Front Right (On/Off)
  474. Back Left (On/Off)
  475. Back Right (On/Off)
  476. Hood (On/Off)
  477. Trunk (On/Off)
  478. Back (On/Off)
  479. Back 2 (On/Off)
  480. AR Speedometer — Gives your character AR glasses running a speedometer app.
  481. AR Speedometer — Gives your character AR glasses running a speedometer app. — Command: arspeedometer [on/off]
  482. Colour — Command: arspeedcolour
  483. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: arspeedrainbow [0 to 1000]
  484. Turn Vehicle Upright — Turns your current or last vehicle upright. — Command: flipvehicle
  485. Fix Vehicle — Repairs your current or last vehicle. — Command: fixvehicle
  486. Indestructible — Makes any vehicle that you pilot or drive unable to be damaged. — Command: vehgodmode [on/off]
  487. Permanent Mint Condition — Keeps your vehicle free of dents and scratches. — Command: mint [on/off]
  488. Invisibility — Command: vehinvisibility
  489. Disabled — Command: vehinvisibility off
  490. Locally Visible — Command: vehinvisibility remote
  491. Enabled — Command: vehinvisibility on
  492. Headlights Intensity (0 to 1000000) — *higher values are only reflected locally* — Command: headlightsintensity [0.00 to 10000.00]
  493. Can't Be Locked On — Command: nolockon [on/off]
  494. Instantly Enter & Exit Vehicles — Skips your character walking to the vehicle, turning on the engine and getting out/off. — Command: instaseat [on/off]
  495. Stop Vehicles When Exiting — Command: exitstop [on/off]
  496. Set As Pegasus Vehicle — Allows you to put certain spawned aircraft in your hangar by making the game think it's a pegasus vehicle. — Command: pegasus
  497. Forge Model — Allows you to drive any spawned vehicle into your garage regardless of value. — Command: forgemodel [on/off]
  498. Destroy — Command: destroyvehicle
  499. Delete — Deletes your current or last vehicle. — Command: deletevehicle
  500. Online — Command: online
  501. New Session — Command: go
  502. Pit Stop At Character Selection (On/Off)
  503. Create Public Session — Command: go solopublic
  504. Create Invite Only Session — Command: go inviteonly
  505. Create Closed Crew Session — Command: go closedcrew
  506. Create Crew Session — Command: go crew
  507. Create Closed Friend Session — Command: go closedfriend
  508. Create Solo Session — Command: go solo
  509. Join A Friend — Command: go joinafriend
  510. Join Crew Members — Command: go joincrew
  511. Find Public Session — Command: go public
  512. Find New Public Session — Like "Find Public Session" but puts you in a fresh session first so you hopefully don't end up in the same session. — Command: go newpublic
  513. Creator Mode — Command: go creatormode
  514. SocialClub TV — Command: go sctv
  515. Transitions
  516. Session Hopper
  517. Session Hopper — Command: sessionhopper [on/off]
  518. Min Players (1 to 30) — Command: hopminplayers [1 to 30]
  519. Skip Swoop Down — Skips the slow camera descent when joining a session. — Command: skipswoopdown [on/off]
  520. Transition Helper — Ensures that you don't get stuck in the clouds. — Command: transitionhelper [on/off]
  521. Disable DLC Intro Movie — Command: nodlcintromovie [on/off]
  522. Break Sessions But Join Fast — You hit like thunder, making no one able to join after you. — Command: thunderjoin [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  523. Show Transition State — Command: showtransitionstate [on/off]
  524. Show Rockstar Support Message (On/Off)
  525. Quick Progress — Aka. "Recoveries".
  526. Unlocks — Command: unlocks
  527. Unlock All — For when you want the unlocks below all at once. — Command: unlockall
  528. Unlock Gender Change — Allows you to change your character's gender using Style > Change Appearance in the interaction menu. — Command: unlockgenderchange
  529. Unlock Exclusive Liveries — Command: unlockliveries
  530. Unlock Bunker Research — Command: unlockresearch
  531. Unlock Kosatka For Purchase — Command: unlockkosatka
  532. Unlock Casino Heist Clothing — Command: unlockcasinoheistclothing
  533. Unlock Arena War Clothing — Command: unlockarenawarclothing
  534. Unlock Bunker Shooting Range Rewards — Unlocks the rewards for completing all 3 tiers of the shooting range including increased capacity for throwables. — Command: unlockshootingrangerewards
  535. Unlock Awards — Gives you plenty of awards including clothing and tatoos they unlock. — Command: unlockawards
  536. Unlock Vehicle Customisations — Command: unlockvehiclecustomisations
  537. Unlock Ammu-Nation Tints — Unlocks the Army, Green, Orange, & LSPD tints for all applicable weapons. — Command: unlockweapontints
  538. Max Character Stats — Maxes your Stamina, Strength, Shooting, Stealth, Flying, Driving, & Lung Capacity stats. — Command: unlockcharacterstats
  539. LS Car Meet
  540. Set Reputation Level — Command: setlscarmeetreplevel [1 to 1000]
  541. Unlock Prize Ride — Command: unlockprizeride
  542. Casino Heist — Command: casinoheist
  543. Remove Repeat Cooldown — Make sure you're not inside of the arcade when using this. — Command: repeatcasinoheist
  544. Scope All P.O.I. — Only use this after having completed the initial scope out mission as otherwise it will softlock. — Command: scopecasinopoi
  545. Scope All Access Points — Only use this after having completed the initial scope out mission as otherwise it will softlock. — Command: scopecasinoaccesspoints
  546. Set Vault Contents — Use this after paying for the heist but before scoping out the vault contents. — Command: casinovault
  547. Diamonds — Command: casinovault diamonds
  548. Art — Command: casinovault art
  549. Gold — Command: casinovault gold
  550. Cash — Command: casinovault cash
  551. Finish First Board — Use this after paying for the heist and optionally setting the vault contents. — Command: casinoapproach
  552. Silent & Sneaky — Command: casinoapproach silentandsneaky
  553. Big Con — Command: casinoapproach bigcon
  554. Aggressive — Command: casinoapproach aggressive
  555. Finish Second Board — Command: casinosecondboard
  556. Reset Crew — In case you made a poor choice for your crew that you'd like to change. — Command: casinoresetcrew
  557. Finish Cayo Perico Heist Setups — Command: setupcayoheist
  558. Finish Doomsday Heist Setups — Skips all setup missions for your current doomsday heist. — Command: setupdoomsdayheist
  559. Finish Apartment Heist Setups — Skips all setup missions for your current apartment heist. — Command: setupapartmentheist
  560. Set Rank — Command: setrank [1 to 8000]
  561. Lucky Wheel Reward — Command: rigluckywheel
  562. Don't Manipulate — Command: rigluckywheel off
  563. Podium Vehicle — Command: rigluckywheel vehicle
  564. Discount — Command: rigluckywheel discount
  565. Chips — Command: rigluckywheel chips
  566. Cash — Command: rigluckywheel cash
  567. RP — Command: rigluckywheel rp
  568. Clothing — Command: rigluckywheel clothing
  569. Mystery: Vehicle — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryvehicle
  570. Mystery: Business Supplies — Command: rigluckywheel supplies
  571. Mystery: Snacks — Command: rigluckywheel snacks
  572. Mystery: Chips — Command: rigluckywheel mysterychips
  573. Mystery: Cash — Command: rigluckywheel mysterycash
  574. Mystery: RP — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryrp
  575. Mystery: Clothing — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryclothing
  576. Set Nightclub Popularity (0 to 100) — Command: clubpopularity [0 to 100]
  577. The State Of Money Recoveries
  578. Restrictions
  579. Disable Idle/AFK Kick — Command: noidlekick [on/off]
  580. Disable Mechanic Cooldown — Command: nomechaniccooldown [on/off]
  581. Disable Oppressor Mk II Cooldown — Command: nomkiicooldown [on/off]
  582. Disable VIP Work Cooldown — Command: noworkcooldown [on/off]
  583. Disable Suicide Cooldown — Command: noewocooldown [on/off]
  584. Disable Passive Mode Cooldown — Command: nopassivecooldown [on/off]
  585. Disable Orbital Cannon Cooldown — Command: noorbcooldown [on/off]
  586. Disable Death Barriers — Command: nodeathbarriers [on/off]
  587. Allow Weaponised Vehicles In Passive Mode — Command: passiweaponveh [on/off]
  588. All Missions In Private Sessions — Command: sellinprivate [on/off]
  589. Bypass Interaction Menu Barriers — Allows you to use most interaction menu options even when they're greyed out or unavailable. — Command: bypasspimenugrey [on/off]
  590. Bypass Casino Region Lock — Command: bypasscasinoregionlock [on/off]
  591. Bypass Time Trial Vehicle Suitability — Command: bypasstimetrialsuitability [on/off]
  592. Block Background Script — Blocks execution of the background script which Rockstar uses to tease new DLCs but also to cause complications for modders. — Command: blockbgscript [on/off]
  593. Protections — Command: protections
  594. Events
  595. Crash Event
  596. Notification
  597. Enabled
  598. Strangers
  599. Disabled
  600. Block
  601. <3 Options>
  602. Mark As Modder
  603. <3 Options>
  604. Write To Log
  605. <3 Options>
  606. Announce In Chat
  607. <3 Options>
  608. Announce In Team Chat
  609. <3 Options>
  610. Kick
  611. <3 Options>
  612. Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  613. <3 Options>
  614. Block Their Network Events
  615. <3 Options>
  616. Block Incoming Syncs
  617. <3 Options>
  618. Block Outgoing Syncs
  619. <3 Options>
  620. Log Their Network Events
  621. <3 Options>
  622. Log Incoming Syncs
  623. <3 Options>
  624. Log Outgoing Syncs
  625. <3 Options>
  626. Notifications For Their Network Events
  627. <3 Options>
  628. Notifications For Incoming Syncs
  629. <3 Options>
  630. Notifications For Outgoing Syncs
  631. <3 Options>
  632. Kick Event
  633. <18 Options>
  634. Modded Event — Events that could only have been sent by a modder.
  635. <18 Options>
  636. Ban From CEO/MC
  637. <18 Options>
  638. Kick From CEO/MC
  639. <18 Options>
  640. Infinite Loading Screen
  641. <18 Options>
  642. Send To Job
  643. <18 Options>
  644. Transaction Error Event
  645. <18 Options>
  646. Disable Driving Vehicles
  647. <18 Options>
  648. Kick From Personal Vehicle
  649. <18 Options>
  650. Freeze
  651. <18 Options>
  652. Apartment Invite
  653. <18 Options>
  654. Cayo Perico Invite
  655. <18 Options>
  656. Vehicle Takeover — When someone tries to take control of a vehicle you're driving which could be used to teleport you.
  657. <18 Options>
  658. Raw Network Events
  659. <85 Options>
  660. Modder Detection
  661. Stand User Identification (On/Off) — Identifies other Stand users but also allows them to identify you.
  662. Any Modder Detection
  663. Notification
  664. Enabled
  665. Strangers
  666. Disabled
  667. Mark As Modder
  668. <3 Options>
  669. Write To Log
  670. <3 Options>
  671. Announce In Chat
  672. <3 Options>
  673. Announce In Team Chat
  674. <3 Options>
  675. Kick
  676. <3 Options>
  677. Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  678. <3 Options>
  679. Block Their Network Events
  680. <3 Options>
  681. Block Incoming Syncs
  682. <3 Options>
  683. Block Outgoing Syncs
  684. <3 Options>
  685. Log Their Network Events
  686. <3 Options>
  687. Log Incoming Syncs
  688. <3 Options>
  689. Log Outgoing Syncs
  690. <3 Options>
  691. Notifications For Their Network Events
  692. <3 Options>
  693. Notifications For Incoming Syncs
  694. <3 Options>
  695. Notifications For Outgoing Syncs
  696. <3 Options>
  697. Stand User
  698. <15 Options>
  699. Stand User (Co-Loading)
  700. <17 Options>
  701. Other User Identifications
  702. <17 Options>
  703. Rockstar Anti Cheat
  704. <17 Options>
  705. Modded Health
  706. <17 Options>
  707. Dead For Too Long
  708. <17 Options>
  709. Too Much Armor
  710. <17 Options>
  711. Invalid Name
  712. <17 Options>
  713. Invalid Rockstar ID
  714. <17 Options>
  715. Spoofed Rockstar ID (Soft)
  716. <17 Options>
  717. Spoofed Rockstar ID (Hard)
  718. <17 Options>
  719. Rockstar Employee RID
  720. <17 Options>
  721. Take-Two IP Address
  722. <17 Options>
  723. FBI IP Address
  724. <17 Options>
  725. CIA IP Address
  726. <17 Options>
  727. Modded Host Token
  728. <17 Options>
  729. Modded Character Model
  730. <17 Options>
  731. Attacking While Invulnerable
  732. <17 Options>
  733. Super Jump
  734. <17 Options>
  735. Explosive Ammo
  736. <17 Options>
  737. Fire Ammo
  738. <17 Options>
  739. Explosive Melee
  740. <17 Options>
  741. Rockstar Developer Flag
  742. <17 Options>
  743. Invalid RP
  744. <17 Options>
  745. Syncs
  746. Incoming Syncs
  747. Invalid Model Sync
  748. <18 Options>
  749. Clone Create Near Pool Limit
  750. <18 Options>
  751. Heuristic Clone Create Crash Protection — This is heuristic so it will definitely over-block and you won't be notified but it does block some crashes.
  752. AUTOMOBILE (On/Off)
  753. BIKE (On/Off)
  754. BOAT (On/Off)
  755. DOOR (On/Off)
  756. HELI (On/Off)
  757. OBJECT (On/Off)
  758. PED (On/Off)
  759. PICKUP (On/Off)
  761. PLANE (On/Off)
  762. SUBMARINE (On/Off)
  763. PLAYER (On/Off)
  764. TRAILER (On/Off)
  765. TRAIN (On/Off)
  766. Heuristic Clone Update Crash Protection — This is heuristic so it will definitely over-block and you won't be notified but it does block some crashes.
  767. <14 Options>
  768. Any Incoming Sync
  769. Notification
  770. Enabled
  771. Strangers
  772. Disabled
  773. Block
  774. <3 Options>
  775. Write To Log
  776. <3 Options>
  777. Clone Create
  778. <3 Options>
  779. Clone Update
  780. <3 Options>
  781. Clone Delete
  782. <3 Options>
  783. Acknowledge Clone Create
  784. <3 Options>
  785. Acknowledge Clone Update
  786. <3 Options>
  787. Acknowledge Clone Delete
  788. <3 Options>
  789. Outgoing Syncs
  790. Any Outgoing Sync
  791. <3 Options>
  792. Clone Create
  793. <3 Options>
  794. Clone Update
  795. <3 Options>
  796. Clone Delete
  797. <3 Options>
  798. Name Spoofing
  799. Respoof Invalid Names — Command: respoofinvalidnames [on/off]
  800. Co-Loading
  801. Disable Crash Event (C1) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  802. Disable Crash Event (C3) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  803. Disable Crash Event (U1) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  804. Disable Crash Event (U2) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  805. Disable Crash Event (CS) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  806. Disable Crash Event (SR) When Co-Loading (On/Off)
  807. Pickups
  808. Any Pickup Collected
  809. Notification (On/Off)
  810. Block (On/Off)
  811. Write To Log (On/Off)
  812. Announce In Chat (On/Off)
  813. Announce In Team Chat (On/Off)
  814. Cash Pickup Collected
  815. <5 Options>
  816. RP Pickup Collected
  817. <5 Options>
  818. Invalid Pickup Collected — What to do in the event that you collect an invalid pickup that would kick you from session.
  819. <5 Options>
  820. Entities
  821. Block Crash Models (On/Off) — Blocks models that can only crash your game if you were to "see" them.
  822. Block Water Animals (On/Off) — Water animals are classic crash models that you might not want to block if you're going for a dive.
  823. Block Vote Kicks — Prevents you being kicked from sessions for being vote kicked including when the script host abuses this mechanic to try to kick you.
  824. Disabled
  825. Method 5
  826. Method 2
  827. Method 4
  828. Method 1
  829. Method 3
  830. Block Bailing
  831. Player No Longer In Session (On/Off)
  832. Switching Primary Crew (On/Off)
  833. Other Reasons (On/Off) — Timeouts and whatnot.
  834. Block Blaming (On/Off) — Makes you unable to damage others so that explosions blamed on you equally do no damage.
  835. Block RID 0 Crash (On/Off) — Spoofs anyone with Rockstar ID 0 to 1 to avoid a crash.
  836. Script Error Recovery — Command: scripterrorrecovery
  837. Disabled — Command: scripterrorrecovery off
  838. Only For Freemode — Command: scripterrorrecovery freemodeonly
  839. Enabled — Command: scripterrorrecovery on
  840. Protections Guide
  841. Chat
  842. Commands — Process chat messages with the chosen prefix like commands for Stand's command box but note that most commands aren't available for other players.
  843. Enabled For Me — Command: commandsforme [on/off]
  844. For Friends
  845. Enabled — Command: commandsforfriends [on/off]
  846. Friendly Commands (On/Off)
  847. Neutral Commands (On/Off)
  848. Spawn Commands (On/Off)
  849. Rude Commands (On/Off)
  850. Aggressive Commands (On/Off)
  851. Toxic Commands (On/Off)
  852. For Strangers
  853. Enabled — Command: commandsforstrangers [on/off]
  854. Friendly Commands (On/Off)
  855. Neutral Commands (On/Off)
  856. Spawn Commands (On/Off)
  857. Rude Commands (On/Off)
  858. Aggressive Commands (On/Off)
  859. Toxic Commands (On/Off)
  860. Prefix
  861. !
  862. ?
  863. ;
  864. ,
  865. .
  866. +
  867. -
  868. *
  869. /
  870. \
  871. %
  872. =
  873. $
  874. #
  875. Command Box Documentation
  876. Command List
  877. Reactions
  878. Any Message
  879. Notification
  880. Enabled
  881. Strangers
  882. Disabled
  883. Block — Will prevent the message reaching you but others will still see it.
  884. <3 Options>
  885. Mark As Modder
  886. <3 Options>
  887. Write To Log
  888. <3 Options>
  889. Announce In Chat
  890. <3 Options>
  891. Announce In Team Chat
  892. <3 Options>
  893. Kick
  894. <3 Options>
  895. Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  896. <3 Options>
  897. Block Their Network Events
  898. <3 Options>
  899. Block Incoming Syncs
  900. <3 Options>
  901. Block Outgoing Syncs
  902. <3 Options>
  903. Log Their Network Events
  904. <3 Options>
  905. Log Incoming Syncs
  906. <3 Options>
  907. Log Outgoing Syncs
  908. <3 Options>
  909. Notifications For Their Network Events
  910. <3 Options>
  911. Notifications For Incoming Syncs
  912. <3 Options>
  913. Notifications For Outgoing Syncs
  914. <3 Options>
  915. Advertisement
  916. <18 Options>
  917. Bypassed Profanity Filter
  918. <18 Options>
  919. Spoofed Message
  920. <18 Options>
  921. Typing Indicator — Shows a typing indicator like in Discord when other players are typing.
  922. Typing Indicator — Shows a typing indicator like in Discord when other players are typing. — Command: typingindicator [on/off]
  923. Closed Chat Position — Command: closedtypingpos
  924. X — Command: closedtypingx
  925. Y — Command: closedtypingy
  926. Move With Mouse (On/Off)
  927. Open Chat Position — Command: opentypingpos
  928. X — Command: opentypingx
  929. Y — Command: opentypingy
  930. Move With Mouse (On/Off)
  931. Send Message
  932. Send Message — Command: say [text]
  933. Add To Local History (On/Off)
  934. In Team Chat (On/Off)
  935. Spam
  936. Spam — Command: spam [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  937. Text — Command: spamtext [value]
  938. Interval (ms) (1 to 60000) — Command: spaminterval [1 to 60000]
  939. Add To Local History — In case you also want to be spamming on your end. — Command: spamlocal [on/off]
  940. Sing In Chat — Sings the song in your %appdata%\Stand\Song.lrc. — Command: singing [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition
  941. Suppress Typing Indicator — Makes other players unable to see when you're drafting a chat message. — Command: hidetyping [on/off]
  942. Log Chat Messages — Command: logchat
  943. Disabled — Command: logchat off
  944. Log.txt — Command: logchat logtxt
  945. Chat.txt — Command: logchat chattxt
  946. Both — Command: logchat both
  947. Type Out Player Names — Completes player names for you when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. — Command: tabcomplete [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition
  948. Paste In Chat Message — Pastes text from your clipboard when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. — Command: chatpaste [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition
  949. Bypass Character Filter — Allows you to use naughty characters like < and > in chat. — Command: html [on/off]
  950. Bypass Profanity Filter — Allows you to swear in chat without it being censored for others. — Command: uncensored [on/off]
  951. No "Transaction Pending" When Chatting (On/Off) — Removes loading indicators while you have the chat open.
  952. Player History — Command: history
  953. Search — Allows you to find players in your history using their name or Rockstar ID. — Command: findplayer [clue]
  954. Noted Players
  955. Tracked Players — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  956. Players With Join Reactions
  957. Add Player By Name — Command: historyadd [name]
  958. Add Player By RID — Command: historyaddrid [rid]
  959. Spoofing — Note that if you plan to keep spoofing permanently enabled you should load to story mode first in subsequent startups.
  960. Name Spoofing — Allows you to seemingly have a different name in GTA Online sessions.
  961. Name Spoofing — Allows you to seemingly have a different name in GTA Online sessions. — Command: spoofname [on/off]
  962. Spoofed Name — The name that other players will see when name spoofing is enabled. — Command: spoofedname [value]
  963. Get Name From Spoofed RID
  964. Get Random Name From Player History
  965. RID Spoofing — Allows you to seemingly have a different Rockstar/Social Club ID in GTA Online sessions.
  966. RID Spoofing — Allows you to seemingly have a different Rockstar/Social Club ID in GTA Online sessions. — Command: spoofrid
  967. Disabled — Command: spoofrid off
  968. Hard — Command: spoofrid hard
  969. Soft — Not Recommended — Command: spoofrid soft
  970. Spoofed RID — The Rockstar/Social Club ID that other players will receive when RID spoofing is enabled. — Command: spoofedrid [rid]
  971. Get RID From Spoofed Name
  972. Get Random RID From Player History
  973. Name & RID Spoofing Presets
  974. Youtubers
  975. <32 Options>
  976. Rockstar Employees
  977. <146 Options>
  978. IP Address Spoofing
  979. IP Address Spoofing — Command: spoofip [on/off]
  980. Spoofed IP Address — Command: spoofedip [value]
  981. Presets
  982. Random
  983. Take-Two IP Address
  984. FBI IP Address
  985. CIA IP Address
  986. Host Token Spoofing — Allows you to change your host token with lower values increasing your position in the host queue.
  987. Host Token Spoofing — Allows you to change your host token with lower values increasing your position in the host queue. — Command: hosttokenspoofing [on/off]
  988. Spoofed Host Token — Command: spoofedhosttoken [value]
  989. Presets
  990. Handicap
  991. Sweet Spot
  992. Aggressive
  993. Kick Host When Joining As Next In Queue (On/Off) — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  994. Rank Spoofing — Allows you to change the rank other players see on you in the player list.
  995. Rank Spoofing — Allows you to change the rank other players see on you in the player list. — Command: spoofrank [on/off]
  996. Spoofed Rank (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: spoofedrank [-2147483648 to 2147483647]
  997. K/D Spoofing
  998. K/D Spoofing — Command: spoofkd [on/off]
  999. Spoofed K/D (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: spoofedkd [-21474836.48 to 21474836.47]
  1000. Rockstar Developer Flag — Command: devflag [on/off]
  1001. Spoof Other Players' Names — This will only affect your game. — Command: streamerspoof [on/off]
  1002. Reactions
  1003. Player Join Reactions
  1004. <16 Options>
  1005. Host Change Reactions
  1006. <14 Options>
  1007. Script Host Change Reactions
  1008. <14 Options>
  1009. Vote Kick Reactions
  1010. Voting To Kick Anyone
  1011. <16 Options>
  1012. Voting To Kick Me
  1013. <17 Options>
  1014. Host Tools — Things that will only take into effect when you're the session host.
  1015. Block Joins — Command: blockjoins [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  1016. Aggressive Host Token Spoofing
  1017. Corrupt (On/Off) — Causes them to be kicked instead of becoming host when the time comes. — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  1018. Block Join (On/Off) — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  1019. Soft Rockstar ID Spoofing
  1020. Unspoof (On/Off) — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  1021. Block Join (On/Off) — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition
  1022. Block RID 0 Crash For Others (On/Off) — If you're the session host, Stand will respoof Rockstar ID 0 to 1 for other players.
  1023. Rockstar ID Tools
  1024. Join Session By Name — Command: join [name]
  1025. Spectate Player By Name — Command: namespectate [name]
  1026. Open Profile By Name — Command: nameprofile [name]
  1027. Join Session By RID — Command: ridjoin [rid]
  1028. Spectate Player By RID — Command: ridspectate [rid]
  1029. Open Profile By RID — Command: ridprofile [rid]
  1030. CEO/MC
  1031. Name — Command: ceoname [value]
  1032. Change Type — Changes your organisation into a motorcycle club or vice-versa. — Command: ceotomc
  1033. Disable Member Limit — This will only take effect when you're the VIP, CEO, or president. — Command: ceonocap [on/off]
  1034. Colour Slots — Command: ceocolours
  1035. 0 — Command: ceocolour0
  1036. <9 More Options>
  1037. ATM
  1038. Withdraw — Command: withdraw [value]
  1039. Auto Deposit Wallet (0 to 1000000) — Command: wallethopper [0 to 1000000]
  1040. Tunables — Allows you to enable some of the things Rockstar only enable for certain event weeks. — Command: tunables
  1041. Halloween Event — Command: halloween [on/off]
  1042. Peyote Plants — Command: peyotes [on/off]
  1043. VPN
  1044. Server Selection
  1045. Connect — Make sure your account has VPN time before attempting to connect. — Command: vpnconnect
  1046. Disconnect — Command: vpndisconnect
  1047. Account Management
  1048. Become Script Host — Command: scripthost
  1049. Become A Script Host Kleptomaniac — There can only be one and this is for those who really want to be that one at all times with no compromise. — Command: klepto [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition
  1050. Remove "Transaction Pending" — Removes any active loading indicator at the bottom right of your screen. — Command: removeloader
  1051. Force Cloud Save — Command: forcecloudsave
  1052. Be Alone — Makes you the only one in your current session without disrupting anyone else's experience. — Command: bealone
  1053. Quit To Story Mode — Command: quittosp
  1054. Force Quit To Story Mode — Command: forcequittosp
  1055. Refill Snacks & Armor — Command: fillinventory
  1056. Request Services
  1057. Request Airstrike — Gives you a flare and spawns a Merryweather jet ready to bomb at the flare's location. — Command: airstrike
  1058. Request Ammo Drop — Command: requestammodrop
  1059. Request Boat Pickup — Command: boatpickup
  1060. Request Helicopter Pickup — Command: helipickup
  1061. Request Helicopter Backup — Command: helibackup
  1062. Off The Radar — Command: otr [on/off]
  1063. Bull Shark Testosterone (BST) — Command: bst [on/off]
  1064. Reveal Off The Radar Players — Command: revealotr [on/off]
  1065. Become The Orbital Cannon — Sends everyone who you kill to the hospital and shows the orbital cannon kill message. — Command: becomeorbitalcannon [on/off]
  1066. Set Mental State (0 to 100) — Command: mentalstate [0 to 100]
  1067. Log Leaving Players (On/Off)
  1068. View Report Stats — Stand blocks any reports against you but here you can see past reports and commendations. — Command: reportstats
  1069. Notify On Commendation — Gives you a notification when someone commends you for being helpful or friendly. — Command: commendnotify [on/off]
  1070. Set Targeting Mode — Command: targeting
  1071. Assisted Aim - Full — Command: targeting assisted
  1072. Assisted Aim - Partial — Command: targeting partialassist
  1073. Free Aim - Assisted — Command: targeting assistedfreeaim
  1074. Free Aim — Command: targeting freeaim
  1075. Disable Daily Expenses — Command: nodailyexpenses [on/off]
  1076. Rockstar Admin DLC — After all that unpaid overtime you deserve these 3 special T-Shirts and creeper mode or whatever we called it. — Command: admindlc [on/off]
  1077. Players — Command: playerlist
  1078. Settings
  1079. Tags
  1080. Self
  1081. <51 Options>
  1082. Friend
  1083. <51 Options>
  1084. Crew Member
  1085. <51 Options>
  1086. Modder
  1087. <51 Options>
  1088. Attacked You
  1089. <51 Options>
  1090. Host
  1091. <51 Options>
  1092. Script Host
  1093. <51 Options>
  1094. Using RC Vehicle
  1095. <51 Options>
  1096. Invulnerable
  1097. <51 Options>
  1098. Off The Radar
  1099. <51 Options>
  1100. In An Interior
  1101. <51 Options>
  1102. Spectating
  1103. <51 Options>
  1104. Joining
  1105. <51 Options>
  1106. Typing
  1107. <51 Options>
  1108. Dead
  1109. <51 Options>
  1110. AR Beacon On Focused Players
  1111. In Player List (On/Off)
  1112. Within A Player's List (On/Off)
  1113. Exclude Me (On/Off)
  1114. Sort By
  1115. Name
  1116. Distance
  1117. Rank
  1118. Money In Total
  1119. K/D Ratio
  1120. Discovery Time
  1121. Session Player ID / Slot
  1122. Host Queue Position
  1123. Reverse Order (On/Off)
  1124. All Players
  1125. Excludes
  1126. Exclude Friends (On/Off)
  1127. Exclude Crew Members (On/Off)
  1128. Exclude Stand Users (On/Off)
  1129. Teleport
  1130. Teleport To Apartment...
  1131. Near Me — Command: aptmeall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1132. Near My Waypoint — Command: aptwpall
  1133. Eclipse Towers, Apt 31 — Command: apt1all — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1134. <113 More Options>
  1135. Teleport To Cayo Perico — Command: vacateall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1136. Friendly
  1137. CEO Money Loop — Gives your associates and bodyguards some decent pay. — Command: ceopayall [on/off]
  1138. Drop RP — Command: rpall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1139. Auto Heal — Keeps their character at maximum health and armour. — Command: autohealall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1140. Never Wanted — Command: bailall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1141. Off The Radar — Command: giveotrall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1142. Chat
  1143. Mock Chat Messages — HeRe'S sOmE tExT tO fEaSt YoUr EyEs UpOn — Command: chatmock — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1144. Disabled — Command: chatmock off — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1145. Enabled — Command: chatmock on — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1146. Spoofing As Them — Command: chatmock spoofing — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1147. Weapons
  1148. Give All Weapons — Command: armall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1149. Give Ammo — Gives them ammo for their current weapon. — Command: ammoall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1150. Disarm — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. — Command: disarmall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1151. Trolling
  1152. Freeze — Command: freezeall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1153. Transaction Error — Command: errorall [on/off]
  1154. Explode — Command: explodeall
  1155. Place Bounty — Command: bountyall [0 to 10000] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1156. Place Bounty On Self (On/Off) — Also place a bounty on yourself to avoid drawing suspicion.
  1157. Send Notifications
  1158. Cash Removed — Command: notifyremovedall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1159. Cash Stolen — Command: notifystolenall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1160. Cash Banked — Command: notifybankedall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1161. Notification Spam — Command: notifyspamall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1162. Send To Job
  1163. Severe Weather Patterns — Command: sendtojoball
  1164. Half-track Bully
  1165. Exit Strategy
  1166. Offshore Assets
  1167. Cover Blown
  1168. Mole Hunt
  1169. Data Breach
  1170. Work Dispute
  1171. Disable Driving Vehicles — Puts them into a state where they can't drive vehicles among other things which can be fixed with an apartment invite. — Command: novehsall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1172. Kick From CEO/MC — Command: ceokickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1173. Ban From CEO/MC — Command: ceobanall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1174. Infinite Loading Screen — Command: infiniteloadingall
  1175. Increment Commend/Report Stats
  1176. Helpful — Command: commendhelpfulall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1177. Friendly — Command: commendfriendlyall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1178. Griefing — Command: reportgriefingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1179. Exploits — Command: reportexploitsall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1180. Game Bug Exploits — Command: reportbugabuseall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1181. Text Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportannoyingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1182. Text Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reporthateall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1183. Voice Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportvcannoyingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1184. Voice Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reportvchateall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1185. Kick
  1186. Smart — Command: kickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1187. Non-Host — Command: nonhostkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1188. Host — Command: hostkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1189. Crash — Command: crashall — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission
  1190. Network Events
  1191. Block — Command: ignoreall [on/off]
  1192. Write To Log — Command: netlogall [on/off]
  1193. Notification (On/Off)
  1194. Incoming Syncs
  1195. Block — Command: blocksyncall [on/off]
  1196. Write To Log — Command: syncinlogall [on/off]
  1197. Notification (On/Off)
  1198. Outgoing Syncs
  1199. Block — Stops your position being updated for other players and can even prevent other players from knowing that you're in the session if joining with this enabled. — Command: desyncall [on/off]
  1200. Write To Log — Command: syncoutlogall [on/off]
  1201. Notification (On/Off)
  1202. [Player] — Command: [player]
  1203. Information — Command: info[player]
  1204. Status
  1205. Distance
  1206. Health
  1207. Armour
  1208. Wanted Level
  1209. Mental State
  1210. Apartment ID
  1211. Can Be Vote Kicked
  1212. Session Player ID / Slot
  1213. Stats
  1214. Rank
  1215. Money In Wallet
  1216. Money In Bank
  1217. Money In Total
  1218. Kills
  1219. Deaths
  1220. K/D Ratio
  1221. Favourite Radio Station
  1222. Owns Bunker
  1223. Owns Facility
  1224. Owns Nightclub
  1225. Connection
  1226. Ping
  1227. IP Address
  1228. Port
  1229. Connected Via Relay
  1230. Relay IP
  1231. Relay Port
  1232. City
  1233. Region
  1234. Country
  1235. ISP
  1236. Name (Stand)
  1237. Name (Session)
  1238. Name (Social Club)
  1239. Rockstar ID
  1240. Discovered
  1241. Invulnerable For
  1242. Host Token
  1243. Host Queue Position
  1244. Teleport
  1245. Teleport To Them — Command: tp[player]
  1246. Teleport Into Their Vehicle — Command: tpveh[player]
  1247. Teleport To Apartment...
  1248. Near Me — Command: aptme[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1249. Near My Waypoint — Command: aptwp[player]
  1250. Eclipse Towers, Apt 31 — Command: apt1[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1251. <113 More Options>
  1252. Teleport Into Their Apartment
  1253. Teleport To Cayo Perico — Command: vacate[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1254. Friendly
  1255. Gift Spawned Vehicle — Allows them to put any vehicle into their garage regardless of value. — Command: gift[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1256. CEO Money Loop — Gives your associates and bodyguards some decent pay. — Command: ceopay[player] [on/off]
  1257. Drop RP — Command: rp[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1258. Auto Heal — Keeps their character at maximum health and armour. — Command: autoheal[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1259. Never Wanted — Command: bail[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1260. Off The Radar — Command: giveotr[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1261. Chat
  1262. Chat As Them — Command: chatas[player] [on/off]
  1263. Mock Chat Messages — HeRe'S sOmE tExT tO fEaSt YoUr EyEs UpOn — Command: chatmock — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1264. Disabled — Command: chatmock off — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1265. Enabled — Command: chatmock on — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1266. Spoofing As Them — Command: chatmock spoofing — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1267. Weapons
  1268. Give All Weapons — Command: arm[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1269. Give Ammo — Gives them ammo for their current weapon. — Command: ammo[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission
  1270. Disarm — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. — Command: disarm[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1271. Trolling
  1272. Freeze — Command: freeze[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1273. Transaction Error — Command: error[player] [on/off]
  1274. Explode — Command: explode[player]
  1275. Blame For Killing...
  1276. Place Bounty — Command: bounty[player] [0 to 10000] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1277. Send Notifications
  1278. Cash Removed — Command: notifyremoved[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1279. Cash Stolen — Command: notifystolen[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1280. Cash Banked — Command: notifybanked[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1281. Notification Spam — Command: notifyspam[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1282. Send To Job
  1283. Severe Weather Patterns — Command: sendtojob[player]
  1284. Half-track Bully
  1285. Exit Strategy
  1286. Offshore Assets
  1287. Cover Blown
  1288. Mole Hunt
  1289. Data Breach
  1290. Work Dispute
  1291. Disable Driving Vehicles — Puts them into a state where they can't drive vehicles among other things which can be fixed with an apartment invite. — Command: novehs[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission
  1292. Kick From CEO/MC — Command: ceokick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1293. Ban From CEO/MC — Command: ceoban[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1294. Infinite Loading Screen — Command: infiniteloading[player]
  1295. Waypoint — Command: wp[player] [on/off]
  1296. Spectate — Command: spectate[player] [on/off]
  1297. Open Profile — Command: profile[player]
  1298. Send Friend Request — Command: befriend[player]
  1299. In Player History
  1300. Copy Outfit — Command: copyoutfit[player]
  1301. Copy Vehicle — Command: copyvehicle[player]
  1302. Issue Commands On Their Behalf — Command: as[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1303. Join CEO/MC — Command: ceojoin[player] [on/off]
  1304. Invite To Pong — Command: pong[player]
  1305. Increment Commend/Report Stats
  1306. Helpful — Command: commendhelpful[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1307. Friendly — Command: commendfriendly[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission
  1308. Griefing — Command: reportgriefing[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1309. Exploits — Command: reportexploits[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1310. Game Bug Exploits — Command: reportbugabuse[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1311. Text Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportannoying[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1312. Text Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reporthate[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1313. Voice Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportvcannoying[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1314. Voice Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reportvchate[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1315. Kick
  1316. Smart — Command: kick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1317. Non-Host — Command: nonhostkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1318. Desync — Command: desynckick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1319. Host — Command: hostkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1320. Invalid Pickup — Command: pickupkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission
  1321. Crash — Command: crash[player] — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission
  1322. Network Events
  1323. Block — Command: ignore[player] [on/off]
  1324. Write To Log — Command: netlog[player] [on/off]
  1325. Notification (On/Off)
  1326. Incoming Syncs
  1327. Block — Command: blocksync[player] [on/off]
  1328. Write To Log — Command: syncinlog[player] [on/off]
  1329. Notification (On/Off)
  1330. Outgoing Syncs
  1331. Block — Stops your position being updated for this player. — Command: desync[player] [on/off]
  1332. Write To Log — Command: syncoutlog[player] [on/off]
  1333. Notification (On/Off)
  1334. World — Command: world
  1335. Teleport To... — Command: tp
  1336. Waypoint — Command: tpwp
  1337. Objective — Command: tpobjective
  1338. Interiors
  1339. FIB (Bureau Raid)
  1340. FIB
  1341. IAA
  1342. Split Sides West Comedy Club — Command: tpcomedyclub
  1343. La Fluente Blanca — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: lafluenteblanca
  1344. Bahama Mamas — Teleporting here will ensure the Story world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: bahmamamas
  1345. Saved Places
  1346. Open Folder
  1347. Stores
  1348. Ammu-Nation — Command: tpammunation
  1349. Ammu-Nation with Range — Command: tpshootingrange
  1350. Barber Shop — Command: tpbarbershop
  1351. Clothes Store — Command: tpclothesstore
  1352. Los Santos Customs — Command: tplsc
  1353. Tattoo Parlor — Command: tptattooparlor
  1354. Landmarks
  1355. Los Santos International Airport — Command: tplsia
  1356. Maze Bank Tower Helipad — Command: tpmazehelipad
  1357. Fort Zancudo — Command: tpfortzancudo
  1358. Cayo Perico — Ensure that the Cayo Perico world state or IPLs are enabled before teleporting to avoid ending up in water. — Command: tpcayoperico
  1359. Casino — Command: tpcasino
  1360. Very High Up — Command: tphigh
  1361. Position From Clipboard — Scans your clipboard for a 3D or 2D vector. — Command: pastepos
  1362. Auto Teleport To Waypoints — Automatically teleports you to any waypoint you set. — Command: autotpwp [on/off]
  1363. Teleport To Waypoints With Portals — Command: wpportals [on/off]
  1364. Repeat Last Teleport — Command: repeattp
  1365. Undo Teleport — Command: undoteleport
  1366. Waypoint On... — Command: wp
  1367. Objective — Command: wpobjective
  1368. Saved Places
  1369. Open Folder
  1370. Stores
  1371. Ammu-Nation — Command: wpammunation
  1372. Ammu-Nation with Range — Command: wpshootingrange
  1373. Barber Shop — Command: wpbarbershop
  1374. Clothes Store — Command: wpclothesstore
  1375. Los Santos Customs — Command: wplsc
  1376. Tattoo Parlor — Command: wptattoparlor
  1377. Landmarks
  1378. Los Santos International Airport — Command: wplsia
  1379. Maze Bank Tower Helipad — Command: wpmazehelipad
  1380. Fort Zancudo — Command: wpfortzancudo
  1381. Cayo Perico — Command: wpcayoperico
  1382. Casino — Command: wpcasino
  1383. Position From Clipboard — Scans your clipboard for a 3D or 2D vector. — Command: wpclipboard
  1384. Position — Command: pos
  1385. Save My Position — Command: savepos [name]
  1386. Save Waypoint Position — Command: savewppos [name]
  1387. X (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: posx [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  1388. Y (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: posy [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  1389. Z (Altitude) (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: posz [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  1390. Copy Position To Clipboard — Command: copypos
  1391. Traffic
  1392. Disable — Command: notraffic [on/off]
  1393. Potato Mode (On/Off)
  1394. Pedestrians
  1395. Disable — Command: nopedestrians [on/off]
  1396. Set World State — Note that changing the world state might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: worldstate
  1397. Story Mode — Command: worldstate storymode
  1398. Online — Command: worldstate online
  1399. Cayo Perico — Command: worldstate island
  1400. Objects
  1401. Spawner
  1402. Search — Command: findobject [clue]
  1403. Input Model Name — The "expert mode" way of spawning objects. — Command: spawnobject
  1404. Downtown
  1405. <130 Options>
  1406. <17311 More Options>
  1407. IPLs — Allows you to load and unload parts of the world ("IPLs") *locally*. — Command: ipls
  1408. Teleport To IPLs — Will teleport you to IPLs when you enable them below. — Command: ipltp [on/off]
  1409. Cayo Perico — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: iplcayopercio [on/off]
  1410. North Yankton — Command: yank [on/off]
  1411. North Yankton Map & Radar — Command: yankmap [on/off]
  1412. Clucking Bell Factory — Command: cluckingbellfactory [on/off]
  1413. USS Luxington — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: ussluxington [on/off]
  1414. Morgue — Command: morgue [on/off]
  1415. Pillbox Hill Medical Center — Command: hospital [on/off]
  1416. Series A Heist Yacht — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: seriesayacht [on/off]
  1417. O'Neil Brothers Ranch — Command: ranch [on/off]
  1418. O'Neil Brothers Ranch Fire — Command: ranchfire [on/off]
  1419. Lost MC Clubhouse — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: lostmcclubhouse [on/off]
  1420. Lester's Factory — Command: lestersfactory [on/off]
  1421. Fame or Shame — Command: fameorshame [on/off]
  1422. Lifeinvader — Command: lifeinvader [on/off]
  1423. Vangelico Fine Jewelry — Command: vangelicofinejewelry [on/off]
  1424. Max Renda — Command: maxrenda [on/off]
  1425. Train Crash — Command: trainwreck [on/off]
  1426. Mount Chiliad UFO — Command: ufoeye [on/off]
  1427. Banham Canyon House — Command: banhamcanyonhouse [on/off]
  1428. Red Carpet — Command: redcarpet [on/off]
  1429. FIB Lobby — Command: fiblobby [on/off]
  1430. FIB Helicopter Crash — Command: fibhelicoptercrash [on/off]
  1431. FIB Rubble — Command: fibrubble [on/off]
  1432. Union Depository — Command: uniondepository [on/off]
  1433. Alamo Sea Triathlon — Command: alamoseatriathlon [on/off]
  1434. LSIA Triathlon — Command: lsiatriathlon [on/off]
  1435. Fort Zancudo Gates — Command: zancudogates [on/off]
  1436. Sandy Shores Airfield Boxes — Command: sandyshoresairfieldboxes [on/off]
  1437. Car Wash Spinners — Command: carwashspinners [on/off]
  1438. Maze Bank Billboard Graffiti — Command: mazebankbillboardgraffiti [on/off]
  1439. Ron Oil Billboard Graffiti — Command: ronoilbillboardgraffiti [on/off]
  1440. iFruit Billboard — Command: ifruitbillboard [on/off]
  1441. Meltdown Billboard 1 — Command: meltdownbillboard1 [on/off]
  1442. Meltdown Billboard 2 — Command: meltdownbillboard2 [on/off]
  1443. Hill Valley Church Grave — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: hillvalleychurchgrave [on/off]
  1444. NPC Existence Punishments — Command: existencepunishments
  1445. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off)
  1446. Owned Explosion (On/Off)
  1447. Burn (On/Off)
  1448. Die (On/Off)
  1449. Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists.
  1450. Freeze (On/Off)
  1451. Cower (On/Off)
  1452. Flee (On/Off)
  1453. Push Away (On/Off)
  1454. Revive (On/Off)
  1455. AR Marker (On/Off)
  1456. NPC Aim Punishments — Punish NPCs for aiming in your area. — Command: aimpunishments
  1457. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off)
  1458. Owned Explosion (On/Off)
  1459. Burn (On/Off)
  1460. Die (On/Off)
  1461. Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists.
  1462. Interrupt (On/Off)
  1463. Freeze (On/Off)
  1464. Cower (On/Off)
  1465. Flee (On/Off)
  1466. Push Away (On/Off)
  1467. Revive (On/Off)
  1468. Delete (On/Off)
  1469. AR Marker (On/Off)
  1470. Punish Only If Aiming At Me (On/Off) — If disabled, NPCs will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at
  1471. Player Aim Punishments — Punish players for aiming in your area. — Command: playeraimpunishments
  1472. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off)
  1473. Owned Explosion (On/Off)
  1474. Burn (On/Off)
  1475. Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists.
  1476. Interrupt (On/Off)
  1477. Freeze (On/Off)
  1478. AR Marker (On/Off)
  1479. Exclude Friends (On/Off)
  1480. Punish Only If Aiming At Me (On/Off) — If disabled, players will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at
  1481. NPC ESP
  1482. Bone ESP — Command: npcboneesp
  1483. Disabled
  1484. Low Latency Rendering
  1485. Legacy Rendering
  1486. Exclude Dead (On/Off)
  1487. Player ESP
  1488. Bone ESP — Command: playerboneesp
  1489. Disabled
  1490. Low Latency Rendering
  1491. Legacy Rendering
  1492. Name ESP
  1493. Name ESP — Command: nameesp [on/off]
  1494. Max Distance (1 to 100000) — Command: esprange [1 to 100000]
  1495. Min Text Scale (1 to 10000) — Command: esptextmin [1 to 10000]
  1496. Max Text Scale (1 to 10000) — Command: esptextmax [1 to 10000]
  1497. Invert Text Scaling — Command: esptextinverse [on/off]
  1498. Line ESP
  1499. Line ESP — Command: lineesp [on/off]
  1500. Max Distance (1 to 100000) — Command: lineesprange [1 to 100000]
  1501. Watch_Dogs-Like World Hacking
  1502. Watch_Dogs-Like World Hacking — Command: dedsecmode [on/off]
  1503. Colour — Command: dedseccolour
  1504. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: dedsecrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1505. Draw Line To Targets (On/Off)
  1506. Override Weather — Overrides the weather *locally*. — Command: weather
  1507. Don't Override — Command: weather normal
  1508. Extra Sunny — Command: weather extrasunny
  1509. Clear — Command: weather clear
  1510. Clouds — Command: weather clouds
  1511. Smog — Command: weather smog
  1512. Foggy — Command: weather foggy
  1513. Overcast — Command: weather overcast
  1514. Rain — Command: weather rain
  1515. Thunder — Command: weather thunder
  1516. Clearing — Command: weather clearing
  1517. Neutral — Command: weather neutral
  1518. Snow — Command: weather snow
  1519. Blizzard — Command: weather blizzard
  1520. Snowlight — Command: weather snowlight
  1521. Xmas — This weather has snow on the ground but only works in GTA Online. — Command: weather xmas
  1522. Halloween — Command: weather halloween
  1523. Clock — This will only affect your game.
  1524. Use Session Time — Command: syncclock
  1525. Time — Command: time [value]
  1526. Lock Time — Command: locktime [on/off]
  1527. Speed (1 to 3999) — Command: clockspeed [1 to 3999]
  1528. Noon — Command: time 12
  1529. Morning — Command: time 6
  1530. Midnight — Command: time 0
  1531. Afternoon — Command: time 18
  1532. Water
  1533. Behaviour — Changes how water behaves *locally*. — Command: waterbehaviour
  1534. Normal — Command: waterbehaviour normal
  1535. Be Gone — Command: waterbehaviour remove
  1536. Moses — Command: waterbehaviour moses
  1537. Smooth — Command: waterbehaviour smooth
  1538. Magnetic — Command: waterbehaviour magnet
  1539. Strength Override (0 to 100000) — Command: waterstrength [0.00 to 1000.00]
  1540. Opacity Differential (-80 to 233) — Allows you to add and remove water opacity *locally*. — Command: wateropacity [-80 to 233]
  1541. Aesthetic Light
  1542. Aesthetic Light (On/Off)
  1543. Colour — Command: aestheticcolour
  1544. Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: aestheticrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1545. Placement
  1546. Character — A single light shining out of your character.
  1547. Camera — A single light shining out of the camera.
  1548. Oval Of Lights — 81 lights arranged in an oval around your character.
  1549. Range (0 to 1000000) — Command: aestheticrange [0.00 to 10000.00]
  1550. Intensity (0 to 1000000) — Command: aestheticintensity [0.00 to 10000.00]
  1551. Diffraction (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: aestheticdiffraction [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  1552. World Border
  1553. World Border (0 to 12000) — Shows the world border if you're within the specified amount of metres to it. — Command: worldborder [0 to 12000]
  1554. Colour — Command: worldbordercolour
  1555. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: worldborderrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1556. Blackout — This will only affect your game. — Command: blackout
  1557. Disabled
  1558. Enabled
  1559. Enabled, Including Vehicles
  1560. I Like Trains — Makes trains much more common in the world. — Command: trains [on/off]
  1561. AR Waypoint — Places a beacon at your waypoints and gives you a way to see the height associated with some waypoints placed via Stand. — Command: arwaypoint [on/off]
  1562. Game — Command: gameplay
  1563. Disables
  1564. Disable Game Inputs
  1565. Presets
  1566. Mouse — Disables most game inputs while Stand is opened.
  1567. Controller — Disables a few game inputs while Stand is opened.
  1568. Controller + Tabs — Same as "Controller" but also disables vehicle acceleration and brake inputs.
  1569. Numpad — Enables all game inputs.
  1570. Invert (On/Off)
  1571. <358 More Options>
  1572. Straight To Voicemail — Blocks all incoming phone calls. — Command: nophonespam [on/off]
  1573. Disable Stunt Jumps — Command: nostuntjumps [on/off]
  1574. Disable Cinematic Camera — Command: nocinematiccamera [on/off]
  1575. Disable Idle Camera — Command: noidlecam [on/off]
  1576. Disable Restricted Areas — This might cause you to have no weapons in missions or even cause you to fail to load into missions. — Command: disablerestrictedareas [on/off]
  1577. Prevent Numpad 7 Opening SocialClub (On/Off)
  1578. Camera
  1579. Freecam — Allows you to basically take the camera anywhere you want.
  1580. Freecam — Allows you to basically take the camera anywhere you want. — Command: freecam [on/off]
  1581. Movement Speed (1 to 1000000) — Command: freecamspeed [0.01 to 10000.00]
  1582. Sprint Multiplier (1 to 1000000) — How fast you go while you press [Space]. — Command: freecamsprintmultiplier [0.01 to 10000.00]
  1583. Teleport On Disable — Teleports your character to the camera's location when you turn freecam off. — Command: freecamtp [on/off]
  1584. Movement Ignores Pitch — Disables forward and backward movement affecting height depending on where you're looking. — Command: freecamignorepitch [on/off]
  1585. Minimap Follows Freecam — Command: freecamminmap [on/off]
  1586. Movement Controls — Switches your movement inputs between your freecam and character — Command: freecammovement [on/off]
  1587. Field of View (0 to 130) — Replaces the normal gameplay camera with one that has a fixed field of view (0 = Disabled). — Command: fov [0 to 130]
  1588. Camera Distance Multiplier (-1000000 to 1000000) — Command: cameradistance [-10000.00 to 10000.00]
  1589. Unrestrict Gameplay Camera — Allows you to move the gameplay camera in a full 360° circle. — Command: unrestrictcam [on/off]
  1590. 2nd Person Perspective — Command: 2ndperson [on/off]
  1591. Lock Gameplay Camera Heading — Command: lockheading [on/off]
  1592. Anti-Crash Camera — Command: anticrashcamera [on/off]
  1593. Info Overlay — Command: hudinfo
  1594. In-Game Time (On/Off)
  1595. Real-World Time (On/Off)
  1596. Ticks Per Second (On/Off) — Equal to frames per second.
  1597. Draws Per Second (On/Off)
  1598. Speedometer (On/Off)
  1599. Players (On/Off)
  1600. Friends (On/Off)
  1601. Crew Members (On/Off)
  1602. Modders (On/Off)
  1603. Attacked You (On/Off)
  1604. Host (On/Off)
  1605. Next Host (On/Off)
  1606. Script Host (On/Off)
  1607. Spectating (On/Off)
  1608. Using RC Vehicle (On/Off)
  1609. Invulnerable (On/Off)
  1610. Off The Radar (On/Off)
  1611. In An Interior (On/Off)
  1612. Joining (On/Off)
  1613. Typing (On/Off)
  1614. Position (On/Off)
  1615. Pedestrians (On/Off)
  1616. Vehicles (On/Off)
  1617. Objects (On/Off)
  1618. Pickups (On/Off)
  1619. Script Programs (On/Off)
  1620. Script Threads (On/Off)
  1621. Natives GTA Invoked Last Tick (On/Off)
  1622. Natives Stand Invoked Last Tick (On/Off)
  1623. Entity Handles Last Tick (On/Off)
  1624. Control Requests (On/Off)
  1625. Fiber Pool Utilisation+Queue (On/Off)
  1626. Script Tick Handlers (On/Off)
  1627. Draw Handlers (On/Off)
  1628. Edit HUD/UI Colours
  1629. <224 Options>
  1630. Edit Labels — Command: editlabels
  1631. Add Label — Adds a label to the list which will allow you to edit it. — Command: addlabel
  1632. Reveal Labels — Stops in-game text labels from being resolved and instead shows the label. — Command: reveallabels [on/off]
  1633. Label List
  1634. Radio
  1635. Radio Stations
  1636. Blaine County Radio
  1637. <3 Options>
  1638. Blue Ark
  1639. <3 Options>
  1640. Worldwide FM
  1641. <3 Options>
  1642. FlyLo FM
  1643. <3 Options>
  1644. The Lowdown 91.1
  1645. <3 Options>
  1646. The Lab
  1647. <3 Options>
  1648. Radio Mirror Park
  1649. <3 Options>
  1650. Space 103.2
  1651. <3 Options>
  1652. Vinewood Boulevard Radio
  1653. <3 Options>
  1654. Blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM
  1655. <3 Options>
  1656. Los Santos Underground Radio
  1657. <3 Options>
  1658. iFruit Radio
  1659. <3 Options>
  1660. Self Radio
  1661. <3 Options>
  1662. Los Santos Rock Radio
  1663. Don't Override
  1664. Show
  1665. Hide
  1666. Non-Stop-Pop FM
  1667. <3 Options>
  1668. Radio Los Santos
  1669. <3 Options>
  1670. Channel X
  1671. <3 Options>
  1672. West Coast Talk Radio
  1673. <3 Options>
  1674. Rebel Radio
  1675. <3 Options>
  1676. Soulwax FM
  1677. <3 Options>
  1678. East Los FM
  1679. <3 Options>
  1680. West Coast Classics
  1681. <3 Options>
  1682. Media Player
  1683. <3 Options>
  1684. The Music Locker
  1685. <3 Options>
  1686. Kult FM
  1687. <3 Options>
  1688. Still Slipping Los Santos
  1689. <3 Options>
  1690. Mobile Radio — Enables listening to the radio while on foot. — Command: ipod [on/off]
  1691. Lock Radio Station — Disallows any changes to the radio station by the game or other players. — Command: lockradio [on/off]
  1692. Unlocks
  1693. Set Story Mode Cash — Allow you to change how much money Michael, Franklin, & Trevor have.
  1694. Michael — Command: spcashmichael [0 to 2147483647]
  1695. Franklin — Command: spcashfranklin [0 to 2147483647]
  1696. Trevor — Command: spcashtrevor [0 to 2147483647]
  1697. Unlock GTA Online (Skip Prologue) — Command: skipprologue
  1698. Unlock All Achievements — Gives you all Social Club and Steam achievements for the game.
  1699. Override Pre-Order Bonus
  1700. Don't Override
  1701. On
  1702. Off
  1703. Remove Notifications Above Map — Command: clearnotifications
  1704. Skip Cutscene — Command: skipcutscene
  1705. Snake — Command: snake
  1706. Disabled — Command: snake off
  1707. During Session Transition — Command: snake whilewaiting
  1708. Enabled — Command: snake on
  1709. Time Scale (0 to 100) — Changes the speed of time itself *locally*. — Command: timescale [0.00 to 1.00]
  1710. Aim Time Scale (0 to 100) — Changes the speed of time itself *locally* while you're aiming. — Command: aimtimescale [0.00 to 1.00]
  1711. Rewind Position — Go back in time up to 5 seconds by pressing the assigned hotkey or special ability on controller. — Command: rewind [on/off]
  1712. Night Vision — Command: nightvision [on/off]
  1713. Thermal Vision — Command: thermalvision [on/off]
  1714. Shader Override — Command: shader
  1715. <958 Options>
  1716. Render HD Only (On/Off)
  1717. Potato Mode — Restores the game's original 2013 graphics. — Command: potatomode [on/off]
  1718. Override Debug Natives — Implements and overrides the debug natives which are still used in some of the game's scripts. — Command: debugnatives [on/off]
  1719. YEET — Command: yeet
  1720. Stand — Command: stand
  1721. Settings — Command: settings
  1722. In-Game UI
  1723. Position — Command: menupos
  1724. X — Command: menux
  1725. Y — Command: menuy
  1726. Move With Mouse (On/Off)
  1727. Header
  1728. Header — Command: header
  1729. Be Gone — Command: header hide
  1730. Logo Concept 5 by Hollywood Collins
  1731. Minimalistic by PootisGodAnimations
  1732. Rockstar Admin Tools
  1733. Paragon by Denzy
  1734. Paragon (Purple) by Denzy
  1735. Paragon (Cyan) by Denzy
  1736. GlitchFav4 by SourGrapeApe
  1737. Quantum by Denzy
  1738. 2Horny2Stand
  1739. 2Horny2Stand Animated by super saiyan ginger
  1740. 2Horny2Stand Animated 2 by super saiyan ginger
  1741. Amogus by boah
  1742. JoJo by Spicy
  1743. Shitty Attempt #2 by super saiyan ginger
  1744. Logo Concept 3 by Hollywood Collins
  1745. Stan by synn420
  1746. Take-Two Anti-Profit Tool
  1747. WillMa Techno by Cahya
  1748. Untitled (2) by moue
  1749. epic3dblenderrendernightmare by Thimo
  1750. Komp 1 by Cahya
  1751. Shitty Attempt #1 by super saiyan ginger
  1752. Shitty Attempt #3 by super saiyan ginger
  1753. Untitled Animated by moue
  1754. Custom
  1755. Frame Interval (1 to 10000) — Command: headerinterval [1 to 10000]
  1756. Legacy Positioning (On/Off)
  1757. Address Bar
  1758. Address Bar — Command: addressbar [on/off]
  1759. Root Name
  1760. <23 Options>
  1761. Address Separator
  1762. Stand > Online
  1763. Stand>Online
  1764. Stand / Online
  1765. Stand/Online
  1766. Stand : Online
  1767. Stand:Online
  1768. Show Current List Only (On/Off)
  1769. Width Affected By Scrollbar (On/Off)
  1770. Height (0 to 32767) — Command: addressbarheight [0 to 32767]
  1771. Show Cursor Position — Toggles the visibility of the cursor position indicator at the top-right of Stand's in-game UI. — Command: cursorpos [on/off]
  1772. Cursor Position Includes Dividers (On/Off)
  1773. Tabs
  1774. Tabs — Command: tabs [on/off]
  1775. Width (1 to 32767) — Command: tabswidth [1 to 32767]
  1776. Position — Command: tabsposition
  1777. Left — Command: tabsposition left
  1778. Right — Command: tabsposition right
  1779. Top — Command: tabsposition top
  1780. Bottom — Command: tabsposition bottom
  1781. Text Alignment — Command: tabsalignment
  1782. Left — Command: tabsalignment left
  1783. Centre — Command: tabsalignment centre
  1784. Right — Command: tabsalignment right
  1785. Scrollbar
  1786. Scrollbar
  1787. Enabled
  1788. Enabled For Big Lists
  1789. Disabled
  1790. Width (1 to 32767) — Command: scrollbarwidth [1 to 32767]
  1791. Command Info Text
  1792. Position — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: commandinfotextposition
  1793. Left — Command: commandinfotextposition left
  1794. Bottom — Command: commandinfotextposition bottom
  1795. Right — Command: commandinfotextposition right
  1796. Below Tabs — Command: commandinfotextposition belowtabs
  1797. Width (1 to 32767) — Command: infowidth [1 to 32767]
  1798. Padding (-100 to 100) — Command: infopadding [-100 to 100]
  1799. Show Help Text — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: showhelptext [on/off]
  1800. Show Command Syntax — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: showsyntax [on/off]
  1801. Indicate Slider Behaviour — Command: showsliderbehaviour [on/off]
  1802. Indicate If Usable By Other Players — Command: shownonuseronly [on/off]
  1803. Commands
  1804. Colour Commands
  1805. Preview Colour In Texture (On/Off)
  1806. Preview Colour In List (On/Off)
  1807. Prefill Current Value For Command Box
  1808. Sliders (On/Off)
  1809. Text Inputs (On/Off)
  1810. Selectable Dividers (On/Off)
  1811. Selectable N/A Sliders (On/Off)
  1812. Border
  1813. Width (0 to 32767) — Command: borderwidth [0 to 32767]
  1814. Colour — Command: border
  1815. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: borderrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1816. Max Visible Commands (3 to 50) — Command: menuheight [3 to 50]
  1817. Cursor Scroll Gap (0 to 25) — Sets the minimum amount of commands you will see below or above your selection unless you're at the beginning or end of a list. — Command: cursorpadding [0 to 25]
  1818. List Width (0 to 32767) — Command: menuwidth [0 to 32767]
  1819. Spacer Size (0 to 32767) — Command: spacersize [0 to 32767]
  1820. Open After Injection (On/Off)
  1821. Open Theme Folder — Opens your %appdata%\Stand\Theme folder.
  1822. Reload Textures — Command: reloadtextures
  1823. Text
  1824. Set Font — Command: setfont
  1825. Use Preset Font — Command: presetfont
  1826. Microsoft YaHei — Stand's default font. — Command: presetfont yahei
  1827. Nanum Gothic — Stand's auxiliary font for Korean. — Command: presetfont nanumgothic
  1828. Reload Font — Command: reloadfont
  1829. Show Text Bounding Boxes — Command: showtextboundingboxes [on/off]
  1830. Big Text Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: bigtextscale [1 to 32767]
  1831. Big Text X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: bigtextxoffset [-15 to 15]
  1832. Big Text Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: bigtextyoffset [-10 to 10]
  1833. Small Text Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: smalltextscale [1 to 32767]
  1834. Small Text X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: smalltextxoffset [-15 to 15]
  1835. Small Text Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: smalltextyoffset [-10 to 10]
  1836. Input
  1837. Keyboard Input Scheme — Command: inputscheme
  1838. Presets
  1839. Flexible
  1840. No Numpad
  1841. Numpad
  1842. Open/Close Menu
  1843. Previous Tab
  1844. Next Tab
  1845. Up
  1846. Down
  1847. Left
  1848. Right
  1849. Click
  1850. Back
  1851. Context Menu
  1852. Command Box
  1853. Mouse Support
  1854. Mouse Support — Command: mouse [on/off]
  1855. Set Cursor Position On Non-Mouse Navigation (On/Off)
  1856. Controller Support — Command: controller [on/off]
  1857. Controller Input Scheme
  1858. Open/Close Menu 1
  1859. <16 Options>
  1860. Open/Close Menu 2
  1861. <16 Options>
  1862. Previous Tab
  1863. <16 Options>
  1864. Next Tab
  1865. <16 Options>
  1866. Up
  1867. <16 Options>
  1868. Down
  1869. <16 Options>
  1870. Left
  1871. <16 Options>
  1872. Right
  1873. <16 Options>
  1874. Click
  1875. <16 Options>
  1876. Back
  1877. <16 Options>
  1878. Context Menu
  1879. <16 Options>
  1880. Command Box
  1881. <17 Options>
  1882. Key Repeat Interval (0 to 10000) — The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated while you're holding a key down. — Command: keyrepeatinterval [0 to 10000]
  1883. Key Long-Hold Repeat Interval (0 to 10000) — The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated when you've held a key down for a while. — Command: keylongrepeatinterval [0 to 10000]
  1884. Key Repeat Interval For Tabs (0 to 10000) — Command: tabrepeatinterval [0 to 10000]
  1885. Back Closes Menu — Allows Stand's in-game UI to be closed by pressing back when there's nothing to go back to. — Command: backclose [on/off]
  1886. Keep Cursor When Revisiting Tab — Will make tabs like "Self" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. — Command: tabkeepscursor [on/off]
  1887. Keep Cursor When Revisiting List — Will make lists like "Settings" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. — Command: listkeepscurosr [on/off]
  1888. Interrupt Holding On Wrap-Around (On/Off)
  1889. Modifier Key Matching — How ctrl, shift, & alt are handled.
  1890. Strict
  1891. Smart
  1892. Lax
  1893. Disable Hotkeys — Command: disablehotkeys [on/off]
  1894. Colours
  1895. Primary Colour — Command: primary
  1896. Primary Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: rainbow [0 to 1000]
  1897. Focused Text Colour — Command: focustext
  1898. Focused Right-Bound Text Colour — Command: focusrighttext
  1899. Copy Focused Text Colour
  1900. Focused Texture Colour — Command: focustexture
  1901. Copy Focused Text Colour
  1902. Background Colour — Command: background
  1903. Unfocused Text Colour — Command: unfocusedtext
  1904. Unfocused Right-Bound Text Colour — Command: unfocusedrighttext
  1905. Copy Unfocused Text Colour
  1906. Unfocused Texture Colour — Command: unfocusedtexture
  1907. Copy Unfocused Text Colour
  1908. HUD Colour — Command: hud
  1909. Copy Primary Colour
  1910. HUD Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: hudrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1911. AR Colour — Command: ar
  1912. Copy Primary Colour
  1913. AR Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: arrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1914. Notifications
  1915. Type
  1916. Game
  1917. Stand, Next To Map
  1918. Stand, Custom Position
  1919. Custom Position — Command: notifypos
  1920. X — Command: notifyx
  1921. Y — Command: notifyy
  1922. Move With Mouse (On/Off)
  1923. Width (0 to 32767) — Command: notifywidth [0 to 32767]
  1924. Colour — Command: notify
  1925. Copy Primary Colour
  1926. Colour: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: notifyrainbow [0 to 1000]
  1927. Flash Notification
  1928. Info Text
  1929. Position — Command: infopos
  1930. X — Command: infox
  1931. Y — Command: infoy
  1932. Move With Mouse (On/Off)
  1933. Alignment — Command: infoalign
  1934. Top Left — Command: infoalign topleft
  1935. Top Centre — Command: infoalign topcentre
  1936. Top Right — Command: infoalign topright
  1937. Centre Left — Command: infoalign centreleft
  1938. Centre — Command: infoalign centre
  1939. Centre Right — Command: infoalign centreright
  1940. Bottom Left — Command: infoalign bottomleft
  1941. Bottom Centre — Command: infoalign bottomcentre
  1942. Bottom Right — Command: infoalign bottomright
  1943. Scale (0 to 10000) — Command: infoscale [0 to 10000]
  1944. Command Box
  1945. Keep Draft When Closed (On/Off)
  1946. Show Button Instructions — Command: showbuttoninstructions
  1947. Enabled
  1948. Smart
  1949. Disabled
  1950. Language — If you're unable to comprehend the language in which this text was written change this maybe. — Command: lang
  1951. Chinese (Simplified) - 简体中文 — Command: lang zh
  1952. Dutch - Nederlands — Command: lang nl
  1953. English — Command: lang en
  1954. French - Français — Command: lang fr
  1955. German - Deutsch — Command: lang de
  1956. Korean - 한국어 — Command: lang ko
  1957. Lithuanian - Lietuvių — Command: lang lt
  1958. Portuguese - Português — Command: lang pt
  1959. Russian - русский — Command: lang ru
  1960. Spanish - Español — Command: lang es
  1961. Discord Rich Presence — Command: discordrichpresence [on/off]
  1962. Sound Effects — Command: sfx [on/off]
  1963. Stream-Proof Rendering — Prevents Stand being visible to streaming software, if it uses DirectX/game capture. — Command: streamproof [on/off]
  1964. Hide Information
  1965. Hide Unspoofed Name — This refers to the name shown in the player information list and is unaffected by "Spoof Other Players' Names".
  1966. Disabled
  1967. Me
  1968. Friends & Me
  1969. Crew Members, Friends, & Me
  1970. Enabled
  1971. Hide Rockstar ID
  1972. Disabled
  1973. Me
  1974. Friends & Me
  1975. Crew Members, Friends, & Me
  1976. Enabled
  1977. Hide IP Address
  1978. Disabled
  1979. Me
  1980. Friends & Me
  1981. Crew Members, Friends, & Me
  1982. Enabled
  1983. Suppress Generic Responses — Suppress generic responses like "Command executed successfully".
  1984. Command Box — Includes the Stand Command Box, the command box on the web interface, and chat commands. — Command: suppressgenericresponses [on/off]
  1985. Hotkey (On/Off)
  1986. Warnings
  1987. Automatically Proceed On Warnings
  1988. Command Box — Includes the Stand Command Box, the command box on the web interface, and chat commands. — Command: commandsskipwarnings [on/off]
  1989. Hotkey — Command: hotkeysskipwarnings [on/off]
  1990. Force Me To Read Warnings (On/Off)
  1991. Skip Already-Accepted Warnings — Command: skiprepeatwarnings [on/off]
  1992. Conformance
  1993. Trigger Rockstar Anti Cheat 2 — Once triggered, you will need to restart the game to get rid of it.
  1994. Drop Those Frames (0 to 200) — Command: framedrop [0 to 200]
  1995. ASI Mods — Allows you to use ASI mods with Stand's ScriptHookV implementation.
  1996. Open ASI Mods Folder — Opens your %appdata%\Stand\ASI Mods folder.
  1997. Open GTA V Folder
  1998. Download SDK
  1999. Settings
  2000. Deceive Online Checks (On/Off) — Allows you to use ASI mods that refuse to work when you're in Online.
  2001. Lua Scripts
  2002. Open Folder
  2003. Download Example Scripts
  2004. Command Box Scripts
  2005. Open Folder
  2006. Command Box Documentation
  2007. Command List
  2008. Experiments
  2009. Show Apartments — Pos. ID -> Apt. ID(s) — Command: showapartments [on/off]
  2010. The Stanley Parable Adventure Line — Command: shownavmesh [on/off]
  2011. Adventure Portals — Command: adventureportals [on/off]
  2012. GPS — Navigates you to your waypoints. — Command: gps [on/off]
  2013. Show Ped Tasks — Command: showpedtasks [on/off]
  2014. Show Interior ID — Command: showinteriorid [on/off]
  2015. Notification When Desync Kicked (On/Off)
  2016. Show Player Leave Reasons (On/Off)
  2017. Log Profanities — Best enjoyed in conjuction with a lapdance at the Vanilla Unicorn. — Command: dumpprofanities
  2018. Export Display Names
  2019. Shitty Decompile — Shitty in-memory game script decompiler on a per function basis. — Command: shittydecompile [script] [func_i]
  2020. Credits — Command: credits
  2021. Pocakking — Created BigBaseV2, which was a great starting point.
  2022. QuickNET — Shared his knowledge of GTA and C++ and answered stupid questions.
  2023. Maestro-1337 — Shared his 1.50 crossmap.
  2024. fingaweg — Created crosstables.
  2025. alloc8or — Maintains his Native DB and shared lots of useful data.
  2026. SirMestre — Created LittleInjector, which helped with creating the Launchpad.
  2027. Give-Two — Created a ScriptHookV implementation, which helped with DirectX rendering.
  2028. gir489 — Shared his knowledge of GTA and created bigbasev2-fix.
  2029. UPX — Allows the Stand DLL to be smaller than it actually is.
  2030. UnknownCheats — Diamonds in the mud.
  2031. StackOverflow — Naturally.
  2032. Thimo — Maintains Stand's Dutch translation.
  2033. moue — Maintains Stand's Lithuanian translation.
  2034. aeronyx — Maintains Stand's Portuguese translation.
  2035. zzzz — Maintains Stand's Chinese translation.
  2036. IceDoomfist — Maintains Stand's Korean translation.
  2037. pNoName — Maintains Stand's Russian translation.
  2038. Lancito01 — Maintains Stand's Spanish translation.
  2039. Itreax — Maintains Stand's French translation.
  2040. ... and you! — Yes, you get a participation trophy. But seriously, thank you for supporting Stand, reporting bugs, and suggesting features!
  2041. Get Help With Stand
  2042. Open Web Interface — Opens the web interface which allows you to use Stand in your browser, even on your smartphone. — Command: webinterface
  2043. Save State — Saves the state of every command to %appdata%\Stand\State.txt. — Command: savestate
  2044. Automatically Save State — Keeps your %appdata%\Stand\State.txt up-to-date as you use Stand. — Command: autosave [on/off]
  2045. Load State — Applies the state from %appdata%\Stand\State.txt for every command. — Command: loadstate
  2046. Apply Default State — Resets all commands back to their default state. — Command: default
  2047. Commands With Non-Default State
  2048. Find Command — Allows you to find commands in Stand by name and help text. — Command: findcommand [clue]
  2049. Saved Commands — Lists all commands you've saved using the respective option in the context menu.
  2050. Console — Command: console [on/off]
  2051. Open Stand Folder — Opens your %appdata%\Stand folder.
  2052. Empty Log.txt — Cleanses your %appdata%\Stand\Log.txt. — Command: emptylog
  2053. Generate Features (en).txt — Saves all currently available commands in %appdata%\Stand\Features (en).txt with their help text and syntax. — Command: featurelist
  2054. Repeat Tutorial — Command: repeattutorial
  2055. Unload Stand — Removes Stand from the game until you re-inject it. — Command: unload
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