
Anon's excellent adventures in Tartarus pt4

Apr 26th, 2012
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  1. Wherein Unamazing attempts to create properly weird monsters, and ends up taking one from Sorc.
  3. >You are Anonymous, only the most recent human to be marooned in Tartarus.
  4. >And, with every fiber of your being, you regret that observation you made only 20-something hours earlier.
  5. >For you are currently running at a dead sprint for your life.
  6. >You glance back at your pursuers--
  8. >and juke right with the speed of kenyans, narrowly avoiding a lance of crackling crimson lightning.
  9. >You were currently being pursued by a swarm of floating eyeballs who shot lightning when ever you made eye contact with them.
  10. >And considering they were floating eyeballs, that apparently means looking at them at all.
  11. >The leading eyeball apparently managed to almost get a bead on you, despite your best efforts.
  12. >you don't care if you're magic resistance still holds up or not here, it's not worth the risk.
  13. >why.png
  14. >why where they chasing you?
  15. >You take a moment to think, and remember your situation. You're in Tartarus.
  16. >Why'd they do this?
  17. >Because fuck you, that's why.
  18. >Case in point: remember that little blast of optic lightning you just dodged?
  19. >well, it promptly explodes into a mass of writhing, suckered arms, As two tentacles Lash out at random
  20. >A massive eye glares furiously, noticing both the swarm of eyeballs, and the fleeing human.
  21. >A Massive beak lets loose a hellish (yeah, yeah) cross between a shriek and a roar.
  22. >Congratulations; you've just managed to piss off a Sand Kraken.
  23. >Deciding that you were apparently not the bigger threat, the massive cephalopod focuses the majority of it's attention upon the cloud of eyes, catching dozens with each sweep of its writhing arms
  24. >You don't even look back. You just keep barreling along, away from the fight.
  25. >However, you were in Tartarus. Luck was not on your side here.
  26. >you are tripped up by the misaimed lash of a stray tentacle, which sends lines of pain across your shin as wicked hooks nearly manage to dig into bone.
  27. >a "lucky" break, now you only had to deal with torn flesh and blood loss. Just peach--
  28. >Your internal monologue is interrupted by a sharp crack as your skull collides with a stone of roughly similar size.
  29. >It's only thanks to adrenaline that you are even able to rise again, this time facing the twin terrors in their tumult of tortuous... combat.
  30. >Fuck alliteration, you probably have a concussion, anyways.
  31. >You are intrigued to note that the eyes still surviving are...
  32. >Thefuck.png
  33. >they're merging with the others into larger, more powerful eyes.
  34. >why are you not surprised?
  35. >you stand there, staring in what might be awe, might be horror as two huge eyes now attack the Kraken with thunderous blasts.
  36. >Amazingly, the squid shrugs it off easily enough, and rips chunks of...eye out of the eye.
  37. >you don't even know if you're gonna puke or not.
  38. >one of the eyes turns towards you after giving the Kraken a thorough roasting with its twin.
  39. >Gottagofast.mp4
  40. >You turn tail and book it, even as the eye launches an xboxhueg thunderbolt where you were just a second before.
  41. >Why couldn't it have been diamond dogs?
  42. >You silently thank evolution for humanity's fucking insane stamina compared to most other mammals.
  43. >If you were a pony right now, you'd be panting, breathless, and completely screwed.
  44. >But you weren't out of the park yet, hell no.
  45. >Hearing a bloodcurdling cry in the distance, you cast a quick glance back to see the Sand Kraken has felled the massive eye that you had left it with.
  46. >you must not be dead, for they cannot know this joy
  47. >It then turns in your direction, rapidly advancing as the jet thingy squids have emits undoubtedly noxious gas, almost floating above the ground as it emits another battle cry.
  48. >you must not be dead, for they can know peace from this evil.
  49. >thinking quickly, you scan your surroundings.
  50. >You are pleased to find another charred forest coming up to your left. Good. That could serve as an obstacle.
  51. >Even as the Sand Kraken slams into the eye from behind, you juke left into the forest.
  52. >The sound of snapping trees behind you suggests that you aren't going to lose them as easily as you'd hoped.
  53. >Well, you kind of expected that.
  54. >What you didn't expect, however was to soon find yourself in a massive clearing, dominated by a lake of lava.
  55. >And jutting out into that lake, there is a small, narrow peninsula, with what appears to be a fortress in the furthest point from the rest of the shore.
  56. >Of course, things still aren't easy.
  57. >Hopefully the twin monsters chasing you/fighting eachother will do a good enough job of convincing those guarding Diamond Dogs to let you through.
  58. >"HEY!" they yell, raising hefty, powerful looking Crossbows at you, seeing what looks like you charging their base.
  59. >"What're ya..."
  60. >They then notice your panicked expression
  61. >"doin'..."
  62. >the wild fear in your eyes, and the roars and crashes that follow in your wake
  63. >"Runnin'."
  64. >and then twin titans burst through the trees, locked in mortal combat
  65. >"Shit! Get inside!" they yell, just as much to themselves as to you.
  66. >they open the gate just in time for you to rush past, quickly following and shutting it behind themselves.
  67. >They don't dare attract the attention of either monster, as they rush for the entrance to the inner wall.
  68. >Even as you practically throw yourselves through the door, you hear a horrible screech as the Kraken manages to dunk part of the eye in the lava.
  69. >dear god, imagining that happening to your eye is just.
  70. Ffffuck.
  71. >you mutter under your breath, as the remaining eyes split back into the swarm of basketball sized ones you first encountered them as, and retreat.
  72. >The Kraken, satisfied with its victory, jets off.
  73. >You turn, about to breathe a sigh of relief--
  74. >"Fuck indeed." A dog says.
  75. >And you turn back to observe that the eyes are "Retreating" right into your fortress.
  76. >"Inta da main buildin' NOW!" a guard calls, firing with his crossbow into the swarm.
  77. >a second later, he is caught with an optic bolt of blood-colored lightning to the chest, and is down.
  78. >wasting no time, you rush for the nearest door you can find.
  79. >practically wrenching it open, you and a few other dogs throw yourselves inside, even as others rush in through any other entrance they could find.
  80. >The siege has begun.
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