

Jan 29th, 2015
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  2. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Cabal."
  4. (Cabalists): You say, "Afternoon, Seven-hand."
  5. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Oh. uh. Hi. How are you, Conduit?"
  7. (Cabalists): You say, "Awake, which is a decent start. It's been a struggle the last few months.
  8. What news?"
  10. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Not much. Watching the pot Yarel seems to want to stir, about to boil over.
  11. "
  13. (Cabalists): Volka says, "I find it amusing that Abhorash has not stepped foward to speak his peice
  14. yet."
  15. (Cabalists): You say, "Oh, that vampire business? I skimmed it, but it fell in the too-long-didn't-
  16. read bucket."
  17. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Oh it's ridiculous."
  19. (Cabalists): You say, "Far as I can make out, Moirean's making her own fanger club and the
  20. institution doesn't much like the idea?"
  22. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Hahaha, yes, something like that."
  24. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Oh, reminnds me, do you know anyhing about Inkh picking up the class?"
  25. (Cabalists): Volka says, "He tried to get me to train him earlier this month."
  27. (Cabalists): You say, "I read it in the logs, but I hadn't heard. Honestly, though it's traditional
  28. to be precious about who knows what, if we haven't taught them how to do Numerology then all they
  29. know is the cantrips you can get in the public pamphlets anyway."
  31. (Cabalists): You say, "It's nothing to be terribly worried about, when push comes to shove."
  33. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Aye. I wasn't surre if it was something of note or not. But I figured it
  34. was worth a moment to ask."
  35. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Speaking of asking."
  36. (Cabalists): Volka says, "If you come across a few minutes, I'd like to meet with you."
  38. (Cabalists): You say, "Sure, I've some time. Anywhere in particular?"
  39. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Where ever is convienent, should be fine."
  41. (Cabalists): You say, "Well, I'm at the Break."
  43. (Cabalists): Volka says, "Alright."
  45. Volka arrives from the west.
  47. She is a normal Idreth, a prime example of an unstable ascension. 'Human' would best describe the
  48. silhouette she casts, though her features themselves seem non-descript and somehow fluid, changing
  49. in subtle and seemingly random ways. A pattern of black swirls shifts and whorls over her skin,
  50. reminiscent of a necromancer's withering power.
  52. (Fitted snugly) : a pair of black leather gloves
  53. (worn on the legs) : tailored black trousers
  54. (slung over a shoulder) : a bottomless letter satchel
  55. (tucked behind her left ear) : an unnatural crystalline blossom
  56. (worn on the ears) : a beaten gold and silver cuff earring
  57. (worn on a finger) : 2 arcane black rings
  58. (worn on the ears) : 2 arcane black rings
  59. (worn on the belt) : a secure brass keyring
  60. (perched on the ear) : a clinging spider earring
  61. (encircling her left wrist) : a bangle of dancing crustaceans
  62. (worn on the belt) : a classy black silk and suede pouch
  63. (around the waist) : a silver-buckled black leather belt
  64. (covering the torso) : a dark, high-collared shirt
  65. (worn upon the forearm) : the shining eye of Lanos
  66. (covering the body) : a formal longcoat of the Cabal
  68. You have emoted: Eleanor glances over, and her brows immediately shoot up. "Well!" she exclaims,
  69. striding briskly closer, cane tapping on the floor. "Well, well, well."
  71. (Spinesreach): Eugenides says, "How is everyone?"
  72. (Spinesreach): Volka says, "Solid, for the most part."
  73. (Spinesreach): Hugo says, "Well and yourself?"
  74. (Spinesreach): Eugenides says, "I'm doing fine. Anything new?"
  75. (Spinesreach): Hugo says, "Volka's form."
  77. Volka flushes slightly. "Did I break it again?" She asks, a worried expression furrowing her brow.
  78. "I keep breaking it. I can't get it to ....stay put."
  80. (Spinesreach): Eugenides says, "I know! I heard about that. Once again congratulations, Volka."
  81. (Spinesreach): Volka says, "Oh stop. Congradulate me when I look recognizable in the mirror, yeah?"
  83. (Spinesreach): Eugenides says, "Details. Details."
  85. You have emoted: Eleanor circles, an electric sort of energy in her motions, her limping regardless.
  86. "Marvelous! So you did it, and- ah, unstable, no doubt about that. Are you solid? Can you hold
  87. things? What are your senses like?" The questions are rapid and urgent.
  89. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Solid, for the most part. Eugenides was able to touch me, at least, and
  90. if i concentrate really hard I can hold things, s'long as they aren't heavy...."
  92. Volka frowns slightly. "I have to concentrate really hard or I sound funny."
  94. Chuckling softly,, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I definently prefer this to being Hollow."
  96. You have emoted: Eleanor nods, quickly, eagerly. "Have you been experiencing any overlap in your
  97. senses?" She eases back, allowing a little space. Her expression is odd- excited, but somehow a
  98. little flushed and breathless. She presses a gloved hand to her chest. "Oh, my, I am getting too
  99. excited," she says, a little sheepishly. "It's just- it's just--" she pauses, then finishes, "You're.
  100. .. like me."
  102. In a fractured and echoing voice, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Even if...damnit there it goes again..
  103. .even if it's difficult."
  105. Volka tilts her head to the side slightly. "Overlap? I'm not sure I understand the question.
  106. you?"
  109. You have emoted: Eleanor runs her tongue over her teeth. "Have you... well, have you seen my native
  110. form?"
  112. Volka shakes her head.
  113. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "No, just you. And Kelki you, there was that."
  114. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  116. Volka ceases to wield a gray-burnished buckler in her right hand.
  117. Volka puts a gray-burnished buckler into a brown pack with extra pockets.
  119. You have emoted: Eleanor's brows rise again. "I... you know what, I think you need to see." She
  120. glances about, then frowns a little bit. "Well. I'm just- I'll just duck upstairs and handle the...
  121. process, real quick. Don't go anywhere." She limps toward the backroom, nodding to Henderson as she
  122. goes.
  124. An opulent smoking lounge.
  125. -----
  127. [+]
  129. -----
  130. Hands folded in sleeves of voluminous robes, a cabalist statue stands here.
  131. You see a single exit leading down (open pine door).
  133. (Spirean Hunters): You say, "I can't emote from up here, but imagine a really fkn weird
  134. numerological feeling coming from upstairs."
  135. (Spirean Hunters): Volka says, "Gotcha."
  137. The main bar of the Clean Break.
  138. -----
  140. -[+]
  142. -----
  143. There are 2 flame-shaped sigils here. A bartender with a magnificent moustache stands at the ready.
  144. A conscripted Spirean soldier statue coldly scans the area for threats. Seven-Hand Volka Adil is
  145. here. She wields a tall glass in her left hand. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is
  146. the command to see what is for sale.
  147. You see exits leading west and up (open pine door).
  149. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says to a gentlemanly bartender, "No, you probably don't, do y-."
  151. You have emoted: Eleanor returns from upstairs, and though her clothing is unchanged, there is
  152. significant difference in her appearance otherwise.
  154. (Spirean Hunters): Volka says, "Oh kick -ass-."
  156. (Spirean Hunters): You say, "Volka has accidentally metamorphosed into elea's daughter."
  157. (Spirean Hunters): Volka says, "Whoops."
  159. In a fractured and softly echoing voice, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "....Whoah."
  161. You have emoted: Eleanor approaches, her cane tapping against the floor. "You see," she says, and
  162. despite her confusing appearance her voice sounds just as it always has, "I'm quite familiar with
  163. your particular problems."
  165. Volka tilts her head to the side slightly, watching you with equal parts awe and curiosity. "How do
  166. you do that? Are you solid like that? Does it feel different?" she asks, blurting out the questions
  167. as soon as she can think of them.
  169. You have emoted: Eleanor chuckles, and her eyes twinkle a little like distant stars. "I'm solid, but
  170. if I get very distracted, I become less so. When I first changed, I couldn't hold a fork or anything.
  171. " She raises a hand, adjusting her goggles, and the shape of it disappears into the rest of her
  172. silhouette. "It's... very different. All my senses are... well, I don't really have separate senses
  173. like this. I just get everything."
  175. Curiously, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Like when you ascend?"
  176. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "All the things, all at once?"
  178. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head left and right. "Sort of, and sort of not. Differently so,
  179. but similarly confusing."
  181. Volka nods slowly, as if the statement made -perfect- sense. "Fascinating!!" she smiles, rubbing her
  182. chin. "The other things people see, are a coat then, innit?"
  183. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Th' kelki, or how you normally look?"
  185. You have emoted: Eleanor rests an elbow on the bar. "Hm, not so much. When I am them, they are what
  186. I am. I pull myself completely apart, reconstruct myself each time. Like the ascension over again."
  188. You say, "They're more a coat when my boys do it. They shape their form like clay."
  190. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  191. Understanding dawning on her, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "You can -do that-?"
  193. You say, "Well. Some can, some can't. I do it that way, he does it his way. The Good Doctor was
  194. unstable but only sometimes- he looked like a man, but sometimes he'd just... spring a leak and
  195. vomit way more flesh than ought to have existed inside his body out from his shoulder or something."
  197. You have emoted: Eleanor rubs her hands together. "Piper was unstable in that she was a bit melty,
  198. but she didn't reshape her form either. Zuhayr didn't change skins, but she was a little
  199. structurally unsound."
  201. Scratching at her jaw line slightly, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "....Fascinating. Gross, but
  202. fascinating."
  204. You say, "It was a little disconcerting, to say the least."
  206. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "...D'you think I'd at least be able to stabilize this?"
  208. Volka tilts her head slightly, watching you curiously, as if trying to see how she goes together
  209. from a distance.
  211. You have emoted: Eleanor seems to eye Volka at length- though it's difficult to tell, entirely, what
  212. with the complete lack of facial expression- but that's where her pinprick eyes seem to be aimed. "..
  213. .Yes," she says, at length. "Yes, I believe so." She nods. "Give it time, to get used to the shell.
  214. You may even find that you settle into stability, and it's just- well- some kind of birth-shock that
  215. has you all wonky."
  217. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Consistency. That's the goal."
  218. Thoughtfully, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "And not unravelling."
  219. Attaining her fullest glory, the shining sun sits upon her throne at the apex of her daily trek
  220. through the firmament.
  222. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "That bit was...terrifying, honestly."
  224. You say, "It is. People always think I'm joking when I say it's impossible to prepare for."
  226. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I didn't think you were joking, but..."
  228. You have emoted: Eleanor's star-bright eyes shift, and she examines her cane idly. "But you've felt
  229. it now, eh?"
  231. Volka seems to think for a moment before nodding slowly.
  233. You say, "I do that every time I put on a new skin. It's more controlled when you've done it that
  234. many times, but there's still... well. Room for error. I don't recommend it as a common technique.""
  236. You have emoted: Eleanor returns to eyeing Volka. "Still. Your issues seem to be... less pronounced
  237. than mine. I can tell, because you're not cowering in a corner. Tell me, do you have to breathe?"
  238. The question seems to come out of nowhere, but it's asked as casually as one might ask if someone is
  239. left or right-handed.
  241. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  242. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I don't know. I hadn't tried -not- breathing."
  244. You say, "It's... well, not something you want to try and test, I suppose. But it's handy to know."
  245. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  247. You say, "There are many things that the Commissars and I don't actually need to do anymore-
  248. breathing is one of them- but it's rather a habit."
  250. Thoughtfully, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Old habits die hard?"
  251. Volka smiles wryly.
  253. You say, "Rather."
  254. Volka chuckles long and heartily.
  256. You say, "I discovered that sitting at the bottom of a body of water helped with my senses being
  257. such a jangle of awful."
  258. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Not having to breathe must have been dead helpfull then."
  260. You say, "It was, rather."
  262. Volka leans back against the bar, propping her elbows against the edge. "Colors are brighter." She
  263. says after a moment, glancing sideways at you. "Things are.....crisper. Like 'm actually -seeing-
  264. them, and not them?"
  266. You have emoted: Eleanor nods, slowly. "You will likely be seeing with a different kind of eye than
  267. you had. That's a common one. The boys, though, their native form didn't actually have eyes. That
  268. was... interesting." There's no expression, but you can practically hear a grimace in her tone.
  270. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "They didn't? was it on purpose?"
  272. You have emoted: Eleanor shakes her head. "No, it was- well. Quite the rude surprise. They also
  273. didn't have a mouth, to start."
  275. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Were they like you? All....absent-but-not?"
  277. You have emoted: Eleanor shakes her head. "Not at all. So far, every single unstable Idreth has been
  278. different." She indicates Volka with a gloved hand. "You're similar to me, but you're not the same
  279. sort of creature, even so."
  281. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I wonder..."
  283. You have emoted: Eleanor looks upward. "I'm planning to make a study on Idreth, eventually," she
  284. muses.
  286. Volka frowns slightly, considering. "Well everryone's essence is different, innit?"
  288. You say, "It is."
  290. Grinning suddenly, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Without the influence of the Divine's essence,
  291. Idreth are more likely a truer representation of the subject's essence and form. It makes sense that
  292. an unstable ascencion would be even more unique, since the instability itself likely comes from
  293. different reasons and points in the reconstitution."
  295. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  297. You have emoted: Eleanor's eyes glimmer, though what that could mean is difficult to discern. When
  298. she speaks, though, her voice is warm, and proud. "Listening to you theorise like this- ah, it's
  299. wonderful. If I had an actual heart, it would be warming."
  301. You have emoted: Eleanor chuckles to herself. "That's an Idreth thing. The boys grew one for me
  302. because I like the sound."
  304. Volka smiles, and the easy, honest expression makes her seem a bit more like herself, even through
  305. the subtle shifts in her finer features. "They offered to meet with me in the next few months or so.
  306. " she says, as an aside. "I think Akaryuterra wants to see if I sprouted horns or a third arm or
  307. something.
  308. Volka chuckles long and heartily.
  310. You say, "Well, of course! I'm afraid you've signed yourself up to be studied voraciously."
  312. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Though they said that they'd see if they could see about helping me try
  313. and get this," she guestures vaugely toward her face, "to actually look like something recognizable
  314. one moment to the next.""
  316. You have emoted: Eleanor rubs her chin (probably, that's where her hand is, at least) and eyes Volka
  317. again. "If you're like me, it'll take focus and time. I had to learn to hold corporeality in the
  318. back of my mind- a bit like the Spheres, really."
  320. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "The sheer amount of concentration it took... I never had to -think-
  321. about what I sound like. Talking was an exercise."
  323. You have emoted: Eleanor nods. "I had that problem. It hobbles you until you can get it down to
  324. second nature."
  326. Thoughtfully, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Poor Eugenides. I think he thought I had died or turned
  327. to stone or something...."
  329. You say, "Bit it -is- possible."
  331. You say, "But, rather. I mean, I am talking to you now, despite the fact that I can hear your shirt
  332. and taste your words."
  333. Only half-joking, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I'll be sure not to curse then."
  335. Volka's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
  336. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  338. You have emoted: Eleanor waves a hand vaguely. "You're sort of like straw and lilacs," she explains
  339. unhelpfully.
  341. Raising a brow, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I suppose that's better than sulphur and skunked beer."
  342. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  344. You say, "The boys are brass and marbles, when they're the red one."
  346. (Spirean Hunters): Volka says, "There's you a weird jelly bean flavor."
  347. (Spirean Hunters): You say, "Bertie bott's every flavour cabalists."
  348. (Spirean Hunters): Volka says, "Available in original and self-inking vareities!"
  350. You say, "Warmth is lovely, to these senses. Rosehips."
  352. You say, "And silk! Mmh, it's like kawhe with cream in it."
  354. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head back, sounding daydreamy.
  356. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  357. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "It's got to be a lot to process."
  359. You say, "It... well, it was too much, at the start. Now, I can sort of block most of it out when I
  360. need to. Otherwise I could never go into public like this."
  362. You say, "As it is, if I went to, say, a leyline, I'd be completely useless."
  364. You say, "Stunned, like a flashbomb went off."
  366. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  367. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "From the ley, or the activity?"
  369. You say, "Bit of everything."
  371. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  372. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I wonder if essence manipulation gets easier, after you've done it to
  373. yourself."
  375. You say, "The boys and I will pretty much always be eager to help you with this. We find it rather
  376. fascinating, and... well, there's something to being two of the older Idreth."
  378. You say, "We do feel a bit, heh... parental?"
  380. Nodding, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "It's certainly not an easy transition to make."
  382. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "And I appeciate the help. I'd say the same for your research. Let me
  383. know what you need, and I will do my best to get it."
  385. You say, "I wouldn't know about essence manipulation... I'm already a special case in that regard."
  386. Volka seems to think for a moment before nodding slowly.
  388. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Perhaps after I get the whole existence thing back down, I will take a
  389. look into it. Gods know I was clumsy enough before."
  390. Eyes twinkling, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I can't be much worse. Only up from there."
  392. You have emoted: Eleanor laughs, her eyes doing much the same but in a more literal sense. "Right,"
  393. she agrees.
  394. [ BAL: 1.00 ]
  395. --------
  396. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "At least I didn't come back as a tree."
  398. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Would have made research difficult."
  400. You say, "That reminds me- what was your hungry shape like?"
  402. Rising higher in the sky, the sun illuminates the land, confining darkness to the shadows.
  403. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Tall. ....Lerpy isn't really the right word...gangly? I kept tripping
  404. over my feet. Somehow I ended up with longer hair. ...I wanted to unravel -everything- and see how
  405. it worked."
  407. You say, "Hah! That's a fitting need."
  409. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I ended up staying in my haven-place, taking the elementals apart. I
  410. talked to Hugo for a few minutes and kept catching myself trying to do the same to him."
  411. Volka chuckles long and heartily.
  413. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Suited the end, certainly."
  415. You say, "Better that than the other kinds of need you could have collected."
  416. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Depends on whether I unravelled the wrong thing, I think."
  417. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  419. Laughing quietly to herself, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Y'know, it's funny, because the only thing
  420. I -didn't- want to unravel was myself. I knew I had the essence but I waited because I was afraid I
  421. would fail to come back."
  423. You say, "The boys lingered as well. Didn't quite want to make the jump."
  425. You say, "Me, I went facefirst into it because science!"
  427. Volka gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
  429. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
  431. You say, "Well, it was an experimental procedure! Never before attempted!"
  433. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "That's right isn't it..."
  435. You have emoted: Eleanor nods. "I was the first," she reminds.
  437. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "You're probably the only one that got it right, actually. When you
  438. consider the Ankyrean's and their thirst for power."
  439. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "What more could you want, than to warp your essence to shape your
  440. whims?"
  441. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Besides, you know, being solid."
  442. The corners of Volka's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
  444. You say, "Well, their theories were along the right lines, but they'd clearly never dealt with large
  445. movements of essence."
  446. Volka nods slowly. "They probably weren't trying to do it on the fly either.
  447. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "'oh my I seem to be comming apart, stop' is a damn good description, I
  448. tell you what."
  450. You say, "'yes yes yes no no NO' ratherlike."
  452. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Hahaha! true. Hindsight is a calm observer."
  454. You say, "The last thing I saw before I tore apart was the look on the boys' face when I came apart.
  455. "
  457. Her voice quiet and solemn, you say, "I think that was the key, that's what brought me back. I
  458. couldn't let that be the last thing."
  460. Nodding slowly, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I told Eug that if I didn't come back, he had to write
  461. you a good report as to why, but as soon as I started, all I could think of was how Aarbrok would
  462. have a conniption if he woke and found out I had managed to Unmake myself."
  464. You say, "We'd all have missed you dearly, and that's the truth."
  465. Volka stills as she speaks, her features settling into a softer, more subtle series of variations.
  466. For a moment, she almost looks normal, if unusually pensive. "And I still have things of his to mess
  467. with." she says after a moment, rolling her shoulders in a shrug.
  469. You have emoted: Eleanor lifts a hand and points at Volka. "You had it there, for a bit," she says.
  470. "It looks like it settles when you're focused."
  472. At this, Volka grins. "I'da missed you guys. The Cabal is my home. I can't just -leave-." she quirks
  473. a brow in thought. "Alas, my one weakness. If being focused is the requierment, I'm afraid I'm never
  474. going to be particularly recognizable at a distance." she says, chuckling. "I kept getting
  475. distracted by the way that the essence I had collected interacted with the Spheres."
  477. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "If I can't focus then, I'd be insane to think I could focus the rest of
  478. the time."
  480. You have emoted: Eleanor leans her elbow on the bar again- at some point, she's migrated to being
  481. sitting on one of the stools, and now she rests her chin on her hand. "I think you'll manage," she
  482. says reassuringly. "I never thought I'd get ahold of it either, but in time, it came." She goes
  483. quiet and thoughtful for a few moments, then adds, "It was a hard time. I think you'll have it
  484. easier than I did."
  486. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I have help."
  488. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "I think the more we learn about each Idreth, the more we may be able to
  489. learn about essence manipulation in general."
  490. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  492. You say, "Quite possible. Collating everything into a big picture will be the real issue, however,
  493. because there are so many factors to document."
  495. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "True. Perhaps a project for the team list. We'd need to interview
  496. stable and unstable ascenscions, to get a general idea of each, observe the ascencions we can, and
  497. what not."
  499. Volka looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
  501. You say, "I've had plans for some time now to begin cataloguing Idreth. It's a matter of finding
  502. time."
  503. Thoughtfully, Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "Never is enough, is there?"
  505. With the sound of a wry smile, if not the look of one, you say, "Never."
  507. Seven-Hand Volka Adil says, "What kind of categorization did you have in mind?"
  509. (Tells): From an unseen place, Canasius communicates to you, "So what if I told you I was interested
  510. in learning a bit more of your numberology?"
  512. You say, "Well, more of a study about experience and effect, really. What they look and feel like,
  513. why they feel they are that way. Any specific differences or discriminations."
  515. You say, "Anyway! It's about time I rested."
  517. You say, "I am so glad to see that you came back to us, lass, and I can't wait to see how you manage
  518. with this new shape of yours."
  520. You have emoted: Eleanor gets creakily up from her seat, and reaches over to clap Volka on the
  521. shoulder. "You'll manage, for sure. Don't lose heart, hm?" Then, with a succinct nod, she limps off.
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