

Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. Maids, Tea and Spanking
  2. By
  3. Susan Waterflower Bell
  6. Susan took a deep breath as she peered toward the crowed classroom that filled to the rafters of boys and girls alike. The air was filled with the chattered of seventeen or so patrons that had squeezed themselves into the tiny little space to serviced by girls dressed in cute maid outfits. Quickly she released her breath as she gathered up her courage.
  8. The young girl was beside herself, she was only half joking when she suggested the anime club of ‘St. Katherine’s Anglican School’ a private all girl school that followed more in the ‘Anglo-Catholic’ tradition host an maid café like display for the students at there school fair. Truth be known she only suggested it because the only other idea up for vote something along the lines of a haunted house.
  10. “I never expected them to go through with this.” She said peering toward the plastic nametag pinned to front of her pastel pink dress. The nametag read ‘Maid Peppermint’ the name was writing in bubble blue script. Quickly her eyes fell upon the other four girls skirting about. To save money all of them wore home sewed pastel pink dress’s and white lacy aprons. White stockings provided a little modesty as the bouncy helm of the dress often tended to ride up a bit.
  12. “Hey Sue!” A blonde girl called peering toward her concern. “Come off it would you? We need help on the floor, Megan is being overpowered out there, those cheerleader girls are really being rough on her.” A sour look came over her face as the word ‘cheerleader’ passed her lips. The cheerleaders where known to consider themselves the queens of the school. For it was they that cheered on the football to victory more often than not, it was them who set the standers of beauty in the school and made the social law for all the other girls to follow. And in the pecking order of the social clubs they ruled from the top. They where the elite.
  14. Susan blinked and blinked again as she peered toward the girl, who’s nametag read. ‘Maid Darjeeling’. without wasting a second she turned around and peered around her shoulder to a collection of girls sitting at one of the center tables. A flash card with the name ‘Maid Rose’ printed in the center could be seen from where she stood. The girls around four in number all appeared to the older, all appeared to be blonde though only one seemed to a natural blonde, the others seemed to have dyed there hair to fit in. And all seem to giving the girl waiting on them a hard time.
  16. “Bloody hell.” she said turning toward ‘Maid Darjeeling’ “There really letting her have it..” Susan could only catch bits and pieces of chatter, but what she could make out made her shiver. The schools anime club was considered to a bottom rung club among the schools elite, second only to the book club. Hence the club only had around five members on its rooster.
  18. “I know, that’s why you need to get in there and help her!” The other said girl said peering toward Susan. “You’re the one who came up with this harebrain idea.” She quickly added a little blush coloring her cheeks.
  20. “I know,” Susan said taking a deep breath as she reached down and delivered a playful little swat to ‘Maid Darjeeling’ bottom. A playful little smirk crossed her face as the palm of her hand connected with the round little bottom. A loud crackling sound filled the backroom that was serving as the makeshift dressing/staging room.
  22. A cute little yep escaped the girls lips as she turned around to rub her bottom. Smiling softy she peered toward ‘Maid Peppermint’ quickly though her lips shifted into a little pout as her bottom lip was stuck out.
  24. “I’m going to get you back for that you little brat.” She said taking a deep breath as she peered toward the brown hair girl. “But till then, get your pigtail wearing bottom out there and help Megan. Defining all laws of logic, this insane idea is taking off like free hotdogs at the county fair.” The girl name tag read ‘Darjeeling’ said, pointing toward the crowed sale room floor.
  26. It was Susan’s turn to blush now. “Sure Lily..” She said crossing herself as she walked passed her and onto sale room floor. As she crossed over the threshold, in a way she was crossing over into something else, she was leaving the plain old Susan behind, and in her place the stunning and drop dead gorges ’Maid Peppermint’.
  28. “And remember smile and act like a proper lady!” Called out Lily as she watched Sue walk onto the salesroom floor. The blonde hair girl shook her head. At least the club was getting some good publicity out of this deal.
  30. Susan only nodded her head toward Lily, “Sure thing ’Maid Darjeeling’ just enjoy your fifteen okay!” And with that the act started in earnest. Though the act kind of hit a mental wall when she found herself standing in the middle of the crowed classroom. Tiny beads of sweat started to appear upon her forehead as a dozen or so voice called out for there orders.
  32. “Hey Pepper!” Cried out Megan as she spotted her across the small sea of faces. “We need three hot chocolates for table number free and two green teas for number two and one builder for number one.” She said in a tone of voice that spoke of authority. Of all the members, Megan was the only one with waiting experience and that’s because her mom and dad ran a little café down on Clay Street. Sometimes they allowed Susan to help on weekends or holidays.
  34. “Coming right up Rose!” Responded Susan with a small smile, quickly she turned around and headed toward the small kitchen like area set up in the far back of the classroom where the ‘Kitchen’ was located. As she moved through the maze of small tables pushed closely together she felt her foot trip over something. Only some quick thinking on her part saved her from falling face down upon the floor and flashing the whole room her panties in the process. Righting herself up she turned to face the source of her trip.
  36. “Pardon you!” A blonde head girl said in a haughty tone of voice. “I know your in a hurry, but please do watch your step, these shoes cost more than your whole outfit put together.” she said looking down at the name brand pumps. Her little commented caused the two girls she sitting with to giggle with delight.
  41. Susan blushed a little and nodded her head. “Yes do pardon me..” Those words burned her throat and caused her mouth to twisted into something other than a pleasant smile. It took only a brief second for her to connect the dots, these must the girls giving her fellow maids trouble.
  43. “I’ll let it pass this time, but remember who you are when compared to me,” She said flashing the crest of her class ring in her direction. Despite the motto of St. Katherine’s Being Hic dicumntur ommia aeqlia Here all are Equal. Some of the students thought themselves above thought themselves above others and some very proudly flaunted there status under the noses of the underclassmen and those of lesser social standing. The only ones exempted from this treatment where the younger students who had connections to the elite outside of the school.
  45. “Yes ma’am.” Susan said taking a deep breath as she brushed off the front of her skirt. Quickly she narrowed her eyes toward the three girls, two could play.
  47. “Very good, now see that me and my lady friends get some more tea. Hurry along now.” The upperclassman said with a small smile. “Honesty, its so hard to find good help today. I’ll have to speak with father, this whole class fair has been nothing more than a bore.”
  49. “I agree. The Drama’s club production of ‘Macbeth’ was horrible. A forth rate production if I’ve ever seen any, and that boy, he really needs to get his act together.” Commented the other one.
  51. “And a haircut..” Chimed in the other. “Honesty I could not tell if I was looking at a boy or a girl.” Another chimed in.
  53. Susan felt her blush deepen as she overheard the conversation brewing between the three women. She knew the boy they where referring too, hell she had known him for most of his life. Hell she tried to give him away at one time. The boy in question was her little brother. The one boy she swear she’ll ever love more than her father or her future husband. Now it was personal, you could talk noise about her, but you did not talk noise about her family. Taking a deep breath she entered the little prep area.
  55. “Hey Lily! We need three hot chocolates, two green teas and one builder on the hop.” she said peering toward the table again. “And one parfait, extra yogurt please.” She said winking a little. “I’ll pay for that one.” Quickly added.
  57. Lily blinked and blinked again as she peered toward Susan. “Sure Susan.” She said starting to fix the drinks, quickly she placed the three hot chocolates, two green teas and one builder on the little serving tray. “I don’t know what your planning,” She said starting to fix the airy desert. “Just don’t do anything foolish, now go ahead and server those drinks and come back for the parfait.”
  59. “Thanks Lilly!” Chirped Susan smiling a little as she picked up the tray and carried it into the classroom. With all the grace she could muster she severed the drinks and made small talk, all the while the eyes of the three girls where glued to every movement. Susan could feel them peering toward her, and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
  61. Susan smiled
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