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a guest
Mar 29th, 2024
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Bash 2.24 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. Jury Rigging I
  2. Jury Rigging II
  3. Jury Rigging III
  4. Launcher Rigging I
  5. Launcher Rigging II
  6. Launcher Rigging III
  7. Launcher Rigging IV
  8. Biology I
  9. Biology II
  10. Biology III
  11. Repair Systems I
  12. Repair Systems II
  13. Repair Systems III
  14. Capacitor Emission Systems I
  15. Capacitor Emission Systems II
  16. Capacitor Emission Systems III
  17. Thermodynamics II
  18. Thermodynamics III
  19. Thermodynamics IV
  20. Trajectory Analysis IV
  21. Capacitor Emission Systems IV
  22. Propulsion Jamming IV
  23. Repair Systems IV
  24. Repair Systems V
  25. EM Armor Compensation I
  26. EM Armor Compensation II
  27. EM Armor Compensation III
  28. EM Armor Compensation IV
  29. Thermal Armor Compensation I
  30. Thermal Armor Compensation II
  31. Thermal Armor Compensation III
  32. Thermal Armor Compensation IV
  33. Kinetic Armor Compensation I
  34. Kinetic Armor Compensation II
  35. Kinetic Armor Compensation III
  36. Kinetic Armor Compensation IV
  37. Explosive Armor Compensation I
  38. Explosive Armor Compensation II
  39. Explosive Armor Compensation III
  40. Explosive Armor Compensation IV
  41. Energy Grid Upgrades II
  42. Energy Grid Upgrades III
  43. Energy Grid Upgrades IV
  44. Energy Grid Upgrades V
  45. Light Drone Operation I
  46. Light Drone Operation II
  47. Light Drone Operation III
  48. Light Drone Operation IV
  49. Light Drone Operation V
  50. Drones V
  51. Hull Upgrades V
  52. Amarr Drone Specialization I
  53. Amarr Drone Specialization II
  54. Amarr Drone Specialization III
  55. Amarr Drone Specialization IV
  56. Biology IV
  57. Precursor Frigate I
  58. Small Hybrid Turret I
  59. Small Hybrid Turret II
  60. Small Hybrid Turret III
  61. Small Hybrid Turret IV
  62. Small Hybrid Turret V
  63. Small Blaster Specialization I
  64. Precursor Frigate II
  65. Precursor Frigate III
  66. Precursor Frigate IV
  67. Precursor Frigate V
  68. Small Precursor Weapon I
  69. Small Precursor Weapon II
  70. Small Precursor Weapon III
  71. Small Precursor Weapon IV
  72. Small Precursor Weapon V
  73. Small Disintegrator Specialization I
  74. Small Disintegrator Specialization II
  75. Small Disintegrator Specialization III
  76. Small Disintegrator Specialization IV
  77. Small Disintegrator Specialization V
  78. Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
  79. Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
  80. Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
  81. Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV
  82. Gunnery V
  83. Controlled Bursts IV
  84. Controlled Bursts V
  85. Motion Prediction IV
  86. Rapid Firing IV
  87. Sharpshooter IV
  88. Surgical Strike IV
  91. 29 unique skills, 88 skill levels; Total time: 99 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes, 40 seconds
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