
Little Marie

Sep 3rd, 2018
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  1. Marie hated being as small as she was, at 4’5” she had taken after her mother's side of the family who were all short. Unlike her father's side where everybody was above 6’2” at the least even her grandmother. She was a 22 year old woman easily mistaken for a 5 year old next to half of her family. Marie had a few years out on her own away from the forest giants when her dad called her.
  2. “Hey dad what's up?”
  3. “Hey-ya Munchkin…” she hated that, he might have been a full 2 feet taller than her but jeez, he didn't have to rub it in her face, “I need ya to go check on your grandma. She's been askin about you lately, and with her memory slips it'd be a good idea.”
  4. Marie agreed wholeheartedly, she missed her grandma and drove down the next day to go see her.
  5. The first day was relatively smooth between the two. Marie listened along while her grandma told her stories she'd heard a hundred times before but still enjoyed anyway. It was on the second day staying over where things got weird.
  6. She woke up with thick padding between her legs. It was odd the way it made her legs splay out and how it hugged her butt and groin. Marie realized that at some point in the night she had been taped into an adult sized diaper by somebody. on a normal adult the diaper might look just a little thick but on her lithe frame, it was a proportional monstrosity. She moved to sit up and the new plastic backed sleepwear, crinkled loudly. Almost as soon as she started rustling, the door creaked open. And her grandma strode in with a vigor she hadn't seen in years.
  7. “looks like my baby girl's awake!”
  8. Marie rubbed the sleep from her eyes, trying to understand what was happening, what did she mean her baby girl? Why was she so excited and why in god's name was she diapered? Marie looked to her grandma and only got out a tired “Wha-” before she was hefted into the air. She never expected to see such strength from the old woman, despite Marie's own small frame in comparison to her grandmother's. In her grandma's surprisingly strong arms Marie felt herself being cradled, a pacifier was popped into her mouth and a quick diaper check was performed. “All dry!?” Her grandma exclaimed “Well I’m sure it won’t be long now sweetie pie.” Marie finally began to understand the situation, her grandmother thought Marie was a baby in her forgetful state. of course she started to take care of the baby in the house appropriately. She moved to spit out the pacifier and correct the old woman but then she realized she hadn’t seen her this happy in years and how could she take that away from her? Marie went along with her grandma for the whole day without a fight. She sat and played with whatever childish toys her grandmother could find and submitted to various diaper checks, despite her embarrassment. when lunch came, like a true grandmother, Marie was fed more food than could handle and after a few hours her stomach rumbled aggressively. The fiber rich baby food she’d been forced to eat had made its way down through her body and she knew soon she'd purge it. She stood, attempting to toddle her way towards the bathroom, her diaper slowed her significantly. The padding forcing her legs apart at a dramatic angle.
  9. Marie only took six steps in all.
  12. Three. “Please no let me make it.”
  14. Five. “Oh My! Look at my little Marie gooooo!”
  16. Marie’s foot hit the floor on the final step and she felt her body bend into a squat. Violent spasms racked her body while her bowels and stomach cramped and her body forcibly pushed every bit of hot excrement into her thick padding. Her bladder gave way in that instant adding a wet warmth to the mush causing the back of her diaper to expand. She felt her legs buckle from exhaustion and she fell back onto the squishy poop filled nappy when she was finished, her cheeks red and her eyes wet. Marie cried from pure humiliation, her grandmother having seen her using a diaper, like a baby.
  17. She was again lifted and felt her grandmother hugging and bouncing her in an effort to comfort her crying granddaughter. She felt the mess stick to her ass as the sagging diaper bounced along with her.
  18. “It’s okay sweet-pea we’ll get you out of that yucky mess and into a fresh clean diaper!” On the third day diapered Marie's grandma wheeled her in a stroller to see her friends. It was an outing that Marie tried to protest this outing but was to weak to fight the much taller woman who buckled her into a stroller and walked her out the door. She sat in a huff listening to the conversation above her. She assumed some of the women there knew Marie was not a baby, but halfway through the lunch her bladder emptied into her padding and each person felt too polite to mention her obvious age difference from a one year old. They laughed and cooed at her and she thought that for once maybe she should accept this new life of hers, obviously she was losing control and maybe this was just easier.
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