
Stuff for Essential worker things

Apr 30th, 2020
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  1. What it means to be Essential (During COVID-19):
  3. What it means to be essential during this time is a mix of things for me personally. At first glance, it's an Ego boost; feeling needed, and selected to continue to work despite the ordeal we're going through is an amazing feeling! ...Atleast at the start. The feelings that begin to follow this are ones that I've noticed are pretty closer to anxiety, worry, and fear.
  5. Hearing the stories of many of the customers that I still happily, and for the most part- willingly service has led me to some I remain at work, able to provide for my family and myself. But I sacrifice my safety by traveling on a near day-to-day basis to earn this. There's not a real lot of security, and though I can sense, and see the appreciation from my employers, and the people I help to serve. I don't really think essential equals indispensable.
  7. That's a scary realization, and it's painted my idea of it as a give-and-take. To be essential, means to take risks. The rewards haven't really changed much to boost the level of risks I take daily, but I can't find myself being able to refuse if only because I need to keep earning even despite these trying times to support those who depend on my ability to do so.
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