

Mar 17th, 2015
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  1. #Mission Info
  3. $Version: 0.10
  4. $Name: XSTR("Nothing Is True", -1)
  5. $Author: Seth
  6. $Created: 08/06/10 at 10:58:42
  7. $Modified: 01/05/13 at 21:08:35
  8. $Notes:
  9. This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission.
  10. $End Notes:
  12. $Mission Desc:
  13. XSTR("Put mission description here
  14. ", -1)
  15. $end_multi_text
  16. +Game Type Flags: 1
  17. +Flags: 262336
  18. +Fog Near Mult: 1.000000
  20. +Fog Far Mult: 1.000000
  22. +Disallow Support: 0
  23. +Hull Repair Ceiling: 70.000000
  24. +Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000
  26. +Viewer pos: -1566.042969, 2847.195557, -4191.373535
  27. +Viewer orient:
  28. 0.686370, -0.000002, -0.727253,
  29. 0.577844, 0.607191, 0.545359,
  30. 0.441580, -0.794556, 0.416759
  32. $Starting wing names: ( "Falcata" "Beta" "Gamma" )
  33. $Squadron wing names: ( "Falcata" "Beta" "Gamma" "Kukri" "Epsilon" )
  34. $Team-versus-team wing names: ( "Falcata" "Beta" )
  36. $Load Screen 640: LoadingBG.pcx
  37. $Load Screen 1024: 2_LoadingBGM03.png
  39. $Skybox Model: htsb.pof
  41. $AI Profile: BP2
  43. #Sexp_variables
  45. $Variables:
  46. (
  47. 0 "chi1v" " " "string"
  48. 1 "chi2v" " " "string"
  49. 2 "chi3v" " " "string"
  50. 3 "chi4v" " " "string"
  51. 4 "convoypercent" "100" "number"
  52. 5 "convoytimer" "9" "number"
  53. 6 "emptyvar" " " "string"
  54. 7 "gefanger" "0" "number"
  55. 8 "heketv" " " "string"
  56. 9 "missionindex" "0" "number" "campaign-persistent"
  57. 10 "ogdoadv" " " "string"
  58. 11 "roulette" "0" "number"
  59. 12 "rwbeta2x" "0" "number"
  60. 13 "rwbeta2y" "0" "number"
  61. 14 "rwbeta2z" "0" "number"
  62. 15 "stealthTime" "-1" "number"
  63. 16 "tabiadetectiontimer" "40" "number"
  64. 17 "talker" "0" "number"
  65. 18 "vasudan60flag" "0" "number"
  66. 19 "viralShipsLeft" "4" "number"
  67. )
  68. #Fiction Viewer
  70. $File: m18.txt
  72. #Command Briefing
  74. $Stage Text:
  75. XSTR("$b Masyaf $b Secure $b Net - $b Message $b Received
  76. $b Sender: $b Al-Da'wa (authenticated $b x8t8oo2g569: timestamp discrepancy)
  78. I wrote this message six hours ago, before you had decided to leave the Red Room. When you read it, you will be in your new bunkroom, waking from the dreamscape. Ready to fight.
  80. This may seem like prophecy. It is not. The future is determined by its past. Know the state of the board and the rules of play, and you know what is yet to come. Predicting the actions of one woman is difficult, but not beyond our $f CASSANDRA mainframe, or beyond me.
  82. This talent for simulation also tells us where and when to strike to alter the course of the war.", -1)
  83. $end_multi_text
  84. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  85. +Wave Filename: none
  87. $Stage Text:
  88. XSTR("I know that you need answers. Why you're here, what we want, and above all, what you are.
  90. You will learn these things. They are secondary. You must master that which makes you $f Fedayeen: the capacity for instantaneous, unrestrained violence, and the ability to wield that capacity instead of being wielded by it. You must be ready to commit atrocities if necessary, and you must nonetheless understand that they are atrocities.
  92. There are no rules. Nothing is true. All actions are permitted. But not all actions are correct. In every moment, you must find the shortest path to our ultimate goal, and use every method at your disposal to achieve it. Ruthlessness, mercy, torture, succor, hatred, compassion: these are all tools, to be deployed as they are needed.
  94. Our objective in the span of eons is the survival of mankind. The $f Council $f of $f Elders has made it clear to us that if the $f United $f Earth $f Federation is lost, that objective will fail. We intend to learn why.", -1)
  95. $end_multi_text
  96. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  97. +Wave Filename: none
  99. $Stage Text:
  100. XSTR("Recent events left you critically damaged. You may feel that our prospects in this war are equally crippled. But we have a new asset.
  102. We count amongst our ranks four $v Vasudan pilots, stranded in Sol after they helped destroy the $r Lucifer. Like the Terran pilot that led the attack, their appreciation of the $r Shivan threat led them to help found the $f Fedayeen.
  104. Days before the Fall of Jupiter, they left Sol on the invitation of $v Emperor $v Khonsu $v II. Once they reached $v Aldebaran, these $f Fedayeen completed a pact that began with secret radio transmissions between Alpha Centauri and Earth thirty years ago. The $f Hammer $f of $f Light has come to our aid. Their agents are everywhere, and their enemies are ours as well. We have access to a fanatically loyal intelligence network built deep into the fabric of the $r GTVA's military.
  106. The critical moment of the war is upon us. The Elders have at last authorized us to act without restriction.", -1)
  107. $end_multi_text
  108. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  109. +Wave Filename: none
  111. $Stage Text:
  112. XSTR("Your coordinator and fellow operators will prepare you for your first mission.
  114. You are no longer Ubuntu$semicolon some would say no longer human. Succeed in this sortie, and you will become one of us.
  116. Al-Da'wa", -1)
  117. $end_multi_text
  118. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  119. +Wave Filename: none
  121. $Stage Text:
  123. Personal Distribution, Eyes Only
  124. FROM: $f Thorn $f (cassandra4393)
  126. I'm Thorn. Dreamscape info doesn't always stick, so here's the short version: I handle tactical prep for your wing and liase to the $f CASSANDRA simulation unit. Don't ask to see $f CASSANDRA. It won't happen.
  128. We're still hunting the $r mole inside the Federation that tipped Steele off to your meeting with the Vasudans. We believe this same mole also leaked details of the attack on the $r Carthage. We know that this mole must be positioned highly, perhaps close to $f Admiral $f Netreba. I'll keep you updated.
  130. I have no news for you about $f Captain $f Lorna $f Simms. But I know about your list. It would be my pleasure to help you reach the bottom.", -1)
  131. $end_multi_text
  132. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  133. +Wave Filename: none
  135. $Stage Text:
  136. XSTR("$b MASYAF $b PERSONAL - $b EYES $b ONLY - FROM: $f Kovacs
  138. You're about to become a Fedayeen operator, and I have to warn you up front: whatever else you might become in this life, you'll always be a Fedayeen operator. It marks you.
  140. You've heard the stories. Black ops killers. Spies. Torturers. They're true, but not complete. The Elders made us, just as they made Ubuntu. And if the Federation is all they hoped humanity could become, well, we're all that they feared we might have to.
  142. Falconer, Vidaura and I will fly with you. If you talk, we'll listen. If you break, we'll pick up the pieces. There are no ranks between Operators. Performance is what matters. Bringing you in was a gamble, Laporte. But what isn't?
  144. Prep is underway for our first op together. ", -1)
  145. $end_multi_text
  146. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  147. +Wave Filename: none
  149. $Stage Text:
  150. XSTR("$b Ainsarii $b Strike $b Fighter $b (Stealth)
  151. $b Pilot's $b Reference - $b Opening $b Abstract
  153. The $f Ainsarii is the latest descendant of the stealth fighter program initiated by Galactic Terran Intelligence before the Isolation. Produced on eccentric-orbit asteroid workshops, the $f Ainsarii combines the speed and agility that Fleet pilots demand with next-generation weapons systems such as the $f Sidhe molybdenum shrapnel weapon and the $f UX $f Accelerator light antimatter massdriver.
  155. The Ainsarii carries a full stealth suite, from low-observability hull design to active countermeasures. Only $r Charybdis or $v Setekh AWACS, or the Terran $r Aurora fighter, can consistently detect it.
  157. $f Ainsarii pilots must treat their large, vulnerable ship as the assassin it is: making quick, lightning attacks and retreating to repair and rearm.", -1)
  158. $end_multi_text
  159. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  160. +Wave Filename: none
  162. $Stage Text:
  163. XSTR("$b Reference $b Continues
  165. The $f Ainsarii serves as a testbed for several experimental technologies now entering broad deployment.
  167. You will be authorized to carry two such flight systems.
  169. The Cellular Ammunition Pack replaces one of your primary weapon mounts with fast-load packs for your internal secondary bays. Fire it to reload your secondaries.
  171. The Repair System includes a reserve of coagulating polymer similar to that used by support ships. When selected, it will drain your ship's weapon energy and gradually scab over damaged armor, repairing your fighter.", -1)
  172. $end_multi_text
  173. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  174. +Wave Filename: none
  176. $Stage Text:
  178. distribution HOLMES, keyword SHADOWFAX, source CASSANDRA
  179. FROM: CASSANDRA analysts
  182. Current estimate:
  184. $b 19 $b days plus or minus $b 5 days until $r Steele attacks $f Earth.", -1)
  185. $end_multi_text
  186. $Ani Filename: uef_cb_default
  187. +Wave Filename: none
  189. #Briefing
  190. $start_briefing
  191. $num_stages: 10
  192. $start_stage
  193. $multi_text
  194. XSTR("Let it be noted in the log that at 1445 ship's time, the pilots of Falcata Wing completed praxis review of their tactical orders. Pilot suggestions were implemented as noted in the log.
  196. If there are no further remarks from the operators or the coordinators, I will proceed with final briefing. Let the voiceprint confirm that I am Analyst Thorn and that I am under no duress or coercion.", -1)
  197. $end_multi_text
  198. $voice: none.wav
  199. $camera_pos: 487.043365, -2676.923828, -3366.695313
  200. $camera_orient:
  201. -0.000009, 0.000000, 1.000000,
  202. -1.000000, 0.000012, -0.000009,
  203. -0.000012, -1.000000, 0.000000
  204. $camera_time: 1500
  205. $num_lines: 0
  206. $num_icons: 0
  207. $Flags: 1
  208. $Formula: ( true )
  209. $end_stage
  210. $start_stage
  211. $multi_text
  212. XSTR("$r Admiral $r Steele's final attack on Earth is imminent.The $f Council $f of $f Elders has authorized unlimited autonomous operations to buy time for the implementation of an utterly classified end-state contingency.
  214. Our strategic objectives are to hamper GTVA buildup and to lay the groundwork for a plan to destroy the alliance between $r Admiral $r Steele's $r SOC operatives and the Gaian Effort $r Kostadin $r Cell. Our tactical objective is a Vasudan convoy, $r Bellwether $r 4.12. Our $f Hammer $f of $f Light contacts have passed us the convoy's jump schedule. ", -1)
  215. $end_multi_text
  216. $voice: none.wav
  217. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 3144.705322, -3080.969482
  218. $camera_orient:
  219. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  220. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  221. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  222. $camera_time: 500
  223. $num_lines: 0
  224. $num_icons: 1
  225. $Flags: 0
  226. $Formula: ( true )
  227. $start_icon
  228. $type: 14
  229. $team: Hostile
  230. $class: GVFr Bes
  231. $pos: 476.753815, -216.690094, -3169.057617
  232. $label: Bellwether 4.12
  233. +id: 5
  234. $hlight: 0
  235. $mirror: 1
  236. $multi_text
  237. $end_multi_text
  238. $end_icon
  239. $end_stage
  240. $start_stage
  241. $multi_text
  242. XSTR("Emperor Khonsu's military continues to provide $r Admiral $r Steele with logistical support. $f Fleet assets cannot attack this convoy without drawing the Vasudans further into the war.
  244. The convoy carries Terran aircrews fresh from the $r STEP flight school, as well as veteran warship officers returning from training rotations. Eliminating these targets will strike a major blow to enemy morale and offensive readiness.
  246. The convoy will enter the Sol system at 2215 tonight. Current orbital patterns make a direct jump from the node to $r Artemis $r Station impossible. The convoy will instead jump to a safe point south of the ecliptic plane, where it will recharge for nine minutes. This will be the killing field.", -1)
  247. $end_multi_text
  248. $voice: none.wav
  249. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 3144.705322, -3080.969482
  250. $camera_orient:
  251. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  252. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  253. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  254. $camera_time: 500
  255. $num_lines: 0
  256. $num_icons: 1
  257. $Flags: 0
  258. $Formula: ( true )
  259. $start_icon
  260. $type: 14
  261. $team: Hostile
  262. $class: GVFr Bes
  263. $pos: 476.753815, -216.690094, -3169.057617
  264. $label: Bellwether 4.12
  265. +id: 5
  266. $hlight: 0
  267. $mirror: 1
  268. $multi_text
  269. $end_multi_text
  270. $end_icon
  271. $end_stage
  272. $start_stage
  273. $multi_text
  274. XSTR("$r Bellwether $r 4.12 is lightly escorted. The $v Vasudans hope to keep their military commitment in Sol minimal. But they do fear Gef attack.
  276. The $r Tabia AWACS carries the Neith protocol. This allows the convoy ships to network their weapons into a formidable defensive grid. The $r Tabia can also detect our $f Ainsarii, punch transmissions through the jamming that we will use to block distress signals, and jam the seeker heads of most Gef antiship weapons.
  278. The $r Tabia is our first target. We will expend human assets to destroy it.", -1)
  279. $end_multi_text
  280. $voice: none.wav
  281. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 3144.705322, -3080.969482
  282. $camera_orient:
  283. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  284. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  285. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  286. $camera_time: 500
  287. $num_lines: 0
  288. $num_icons: 4
  289. $Flags: 0
  290. $Formula: ( true )
  291. $start_icon
  292. $type: 18
  293. $team: Hostile
  294. $class: GVC Mentu
  295. $pos: 488.831421, 150.000000, -4781.344727
  296. $label: Heket
  297. +id: 1
  298. $hlight: 0
  299. $mirror: 0
  300. $multi_text
  301. $end_multi_text
  302. $end_icon
  303. $start_icon
  304. $type: 18
  305. $team: Hostile
  306. $class: GVC Aten
  307. $pos: 417.891937, -268.459229, -1053.551514
  308. $label: Ogdoad
  309. +id: 2
  310. $hlight: 0
  311. $mirror: 0
  312. $multi_text
  313. $end_multi_text
  314. $end_icon
  315. $start_icon
  316. $type: 30
  317. $team: Hostile
  318. $class: GVA Setekh
  319. $pos: 370.850006, 0.003256, -2215.857910
  320. $label: Tabia
  321. +id: 4
  322. $hlight: 0
  323. $mirror: 0
  324. $multi_text
  325. $end_multi_text
  326. $end_icon
  327. $start_icon
  328. $type: 14
  329. $team: Hostile
  330. $class: GVFr Bes
  331. $pos: 476.753815, -216.690094, -3169.057617
  332. $label: Bellwether 4.12
  333. +id: 5
  334. $hlight: 0
  335. $mirror: 1
  336. $multi_text
  337. $end_multi_text
  338. $end_icon
  339. $end_stage
  340. $start_stage
  341. $multi_text
  342. XSTR("We maintain a stock of captured $r Gaian $r Effort pilots, including several from the $r Kostadin $r Cell. Several of these pilots have agreed to assist in our attack in exchange for their freedom.
  344. Deploy the pilots of $r Kukri $r Wing to destroy the $r Tabia. Their ejection seat thrusters have been replaced with high-yield explosives to ensure their compliance. Their Warhammer torpedoes carry top-of-the-line home-on-jam seekers to defeat the $r Tabia's ECM.
  346. Once their job is done, we suggest detonating the charges to sanitize these assets. It is critical that some Gaian Effort fighter debris be discovered on the scene.", -1)
  347. $end_multi_text
  348. $voice: none.wav
  349. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 4413.953613, -3470.498291
  350. $camera_orient:
  351. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  352. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  353. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  354. $camera_time: 500
  355. $num_lines: 0
  356. $num_icons: 2
  357. $Flags: 0
  358. $Formula: ( true )
  359. $start_icon
  360. $type: 1
  361. $team: Friendly
  362. $class: Scimitar
  363. $pos: 462.695374, 149.999939, -4545.907715
  364. $label: Kukrii
  365. +id: 1
  366. $hlight: 0
  367. $mirror: 1
  368. $multi_text
  369. $end_multi_text
  370. $end_icon
  371. $start_icon
  372. $type: 30
  373. $team: Hostile
  374. $class: GVA Setekh
  375. $pos: 388.861572, -199.999985, -2292.111328
  376. $label: Tabia
  377. +id: 3
  378. $hlight: 0
  379. $mirror: 0
  380. $multi_text
  381. $end_multi_text
  382. $end_icon
  383. $end_stage
  384. $start_stage
  385. $multi_text
  386. XSTR("The Vasudan convoy will detect the incoming Scimitars of $f Kukri $f Wing and report a small Gaian Effort attack. This will be the last transmission the convoy ever sends.
  388. Once the AWACS is destroyed, $f Midwinter $f 5-1 will jam all further transmissions. Your stealth fighters will have free rein. Kill everything. Allow no Vasudan ships to escape. For our ruse to work, $r Admiral $r Steele must believe that the convoy was destroyed by his own $r Kostadin $r Cell.
  390. $f Midwinter $f 5-2 will provide escort to the ECM asset. If necessary, you can order it to engage convoy elements. This $f Custos patrol combatant variant carries light antimatter munitions and fighter-grade mass drivers.", -1)
  391. $end_multi_text
  392. $voice: none.wav
  393. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 13789.163086, -4360.925293
  394. $camera_orient:
  395. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  396. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  397. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  398. $camera_time: 500
  399. $num_lines: 0
  400. $num_icons: 3
  401. $Flags: 0
  402. $Formula: ( true )
  403. $start_icon
  404. $type: 29
  405. $team: Hostile
  406. $class: GVG Anuket
  407. $pos: 989.926331, 0.006352, -6087.407227
  408. $label: Gas Miners/Tankers
  409. +id: 6
  410. $hlight: 0
  411. $mirror: 1
  412. $multi_text
  413. $end_multi_text
  414. $end_icon
  415. $start_icon
  416. $type: 14
  417. $team: Hostile
  418. $class: GVFr Bes
  419. $pos: 794.851257, -216.690460, 1674.767944
  420. $label: Transports and Freighters
  421. +id: 7
  422. $hlight: 0
  423. $mirror: 1
  424. $multi_text
  425. $end_multi_text
  426. $end_icon
  427. $start_icon
  428. $type: 4
  429. $team: Friendly
  430. $class: UEA Oculus
  431. $pos: 2830.162354, 1474.998657, -9990.304688
  432. $label: Midwinter
  433. +id: 8
  434. $hlight: 0
  435. $mirror: 0
  436. $multi_text
  437. $end_multi_text
  438. $end_icon
  439. $end_stage
  440. $start_stage
  441. $multi_text
  442. XSTR("If our $r Gaian $r Effort assets fail, there is an alternative. The $f Hammer $f of $f Light has supplied us with a potent military virus designed to cripple Vasudan tactical systems. You can approach the $r Tabia alone and upload this virus, crashing the convoy battlenet.
  444. Upload the virus by scanning the target vessel. The $r Tabia is not the only possible target. The virus will also disable the magnetic bottles of the cruisers' beam and pulse weapons, taking them offline. Scan the $r Vasudan $r cruisers to disable their heavy weapons.", -1)
  445. $end_multi_text
  446. $voice: none.wav
  447. $camera_pos: 427.815887, 13789.163086, -4360.925293
  448. $camera_orient:
  449. 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  450. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  451. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  452. $camera_time: 500
  453. $num_lines: 0
  454. $num_icons: 3
  455. $Flags: 0
  456. $Formula: ( true )
  457. $start_icon
  458. $type: 29
  459. $team: Hostile
  460. $class: GVG Anuket
  461. $pos: 989.926331, 0.006352, -6087.407227
  462. $label: Gas Miners/Tankers
  463. +id: 6
  464. $hlight: 0
  465. $mirror: 1
  466. $multi_text
  467. $end_multi_text
  468. $end_icon
  469. $start_icon
  470. $type: 14
  471. $team: Hostile
  472. $class: GVFr Bes
  473. $pos: 794.851257, -216.690460, 1674.767944
  474. $label: Transports and Freighters
  475. +id: 7
  476. $hlight: 0
  477. $mirror: 1
  478. $multi_text
  479. $end_multi_text
  480. $end_icon
  481. $start_icon
  482. $type: 4
  483. $team: Friendly
  484. $class: UEA Oculus
  485. $pos: 2830.162354, 1474.998657, -9990.304688
  486. $label: Midwinter
  487. +id: 8
  488. $hlight: 0
  489. $mirror: 0
  490. $multi_text
  491. $end_multi_text
  492. $end_icon
  493. $end_stage
  494. $start_stage
  495. $multi_text
  496. XSTR("This virus has one last crucial role to play. We we will use the Vasudan gas miners as improvised bombs. By infecting the $r Chi wing gas miners with the virus, you can disable their onboard safeties, allowing volatile gases to mix and converting them into makeshift warheads.
  498. Scanning an Anuket will prime it to detonate. Destroy it with weapons fire to trigger the blast. Try to scan all four miners before you detonate any of them. Once you trigger a detonation, the Vasudans will realize the miners are dangerous. They'll break formation and scatter. Isolated, they should be easy targets, but don't let them scatter too far.", -1)
  499. $end_multi_text
  500. $voice: none.wav
  501. $camera_pos: 836.617004, 1058.935059, -6118.258301
  502. $camera_orient:
  503. 0.000011, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  504. 1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000011,
  505. -0.000000, -1.000000, -0.000000
  506. $camera_time: 500
  507. $num_lines: 0
  508. $num_icons: 1
  509. $Flags: 0
  510. $Formula: ( true )
  511. $start_icon
  512. $type: 29
  513. $team: Hostile
  514. $class: GVG Anuket
  515. $pos: 879.783630, 0.006355, -6096.674316
  516. $label: Gas Miners/Tankers
  517. +id: 6
  518. $hlight: 0
  519. $mirror: 1
  520. $multi_text
  521. $end_multi_text
  522. $end_icon
  523. $end_stage
  524. $start_stage
  525. $multi_text
  526. XSTR("By destroying this convoy, we slow Steele's buildup. By framing $r Kostadin $r Cell for the attack, we avoid Vasudan recrimination and lead $r Admiral $r Steele to believe that his own Gaian Effort allies are playing both sides of the war, plundering $v Vasudan convoys for their own benefit.
  528. Operators, you now have tactical autonomy. Be prepared to launch at five minutes' notice. Al-Da'wa will be supervising this operation via secure comm, but $f Midwinter $f 5-1 will be the tactical command vessel.", -1)
  529. $end_multi_text
  530. $voice: none.wav
  531. $camera_pos: 836.617004, 1058.935059, -6118.258301
  532. $camera_orient:
  533. 0.000011, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  534. 1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000011,
  535. -0.000000, -1.000000, -0.000000
  536. $camera_time: 500
  537. $num_lines: 0
  538. $num_icons: 1
  539. $Flags: 0
  540. $Formula: ( true )
  541. $start_icon
  542. $type: 1
  543. $team: Friendly
  544. $class: UEF Ainsarii
  545. $pos: 879.783630, 0.006355, -6096.674316
  546. $label: Falcata
  547. +id: 6
  548. $hlight: 0
  549. $mirror: 1
  550. $multi_text
  551. $end_multi_text
  552. $end_icon
  553. $end_stage
  554. $start_stage
  555. $multi_text
  556. XSTR("$f Operational $f Review
  558. Destroy the Tabia with Kukri wing, or sneak in alone and scan it. Infect all four gas miners by scanning them, then $y detonate $y them using your guns or your wingmen. Mop up the survivors before they jump out.
  560. $f Midwinter $f 5-2 is available to provide heavy fire support on your ship orders menu.", -1)
  561. $end_multi_text
  562. $voice: none.wav
  563. $camera_pos: 836.617004, 1058.935059, -6118.258301
  564. $camera_orient:
  565. 0.000011, 0.000000, -1.000000,
  566. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000011,
  567. 0.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000
  568. $camera_time: 500
  569. $num_lines: 0
  570. $num_icons: 1
  571. $Flags: 0
  572. $Formula: ( true )
  573. $start_icon
  574. $type: 1
  575. $team: Friendly
  576. $class: UEF Ainsarii
  577. $pos: 879.783630, 0.006355, -6096.674316
  578. $label: Falcata
  579. +id: 6
  580. $hlight: 0
  581. $mirror: 1
  582. $multi_text
  583. $end_multi_text
  584. $end_icon
  585. $end_stage
  586. $end_briefing
  588. #Debriefing_info
  590. $Num stages: 4
  592. $Formula: ( and
  593. ( not
  594. ( is-event-true-delay
  595. "convoy escape failure"
  596. 0
  597. )
  598. )
  599. ( not
  600. ( or
  601. ( is-event-true-delay
  602. "you've been detected, fail"
  603. 0
  604. )
  605. ( is-event-true-delay
  606. "late detection fail"
  607. 0
  608. )
  609. )
  610. )
  611. )
  612. $Multi text
  613. XSTR("Masyaf Internal Communique
  614. Operational Impact Assessment
  616. CASSANDRA projections and coordinator analysis of this outcome concur that this mission was a qualified success.
  618. Hammer of Light sources within the Alliance confirm that the convoy's last received transmission was their contact report with Gaian Effort forces. Admiral Recamai is convinced that the Gaian Effort overwhelmed Bellwether 4.12, and he is furious with Admiral Steele for supplying faulty intelligence indicating that the Gefs were not a major threat.
  620. Terran-Vasudan relations have been weak for several years now, and the two militaries are largely segregated and mutually distrustful. This should help to further drive a wedge between them.
  622. Admiral Steele's SOC advisors are beyond HoL penetration, but all signs suggest that they have concluded that the Kostadin Cell is attempting to play both sides of the war for its mutual advantage. We believe that Special Operations Command will withdraw support of the Kostadin Cell and may even move against it in retaliation for this attack.
  624. We destroyed the frigate Ridwan's Beta wing. This was an act of fratricide, a tragedy. But it also perplexed Vasudan investigators, who have correctly concluded that these Federation pilots died attempting to protect the convoy from Gef attack. Remember what we took from them, and what it earned.
  626. Masyaf Personal
  627. Sender: Vidaura
  629. You did well, Laporte. On that much Kovacs, Falconer and I all agree, and we agree on very little.
  631. Welcome.", -1)
  632. $end_multi_text
  633. $Voice: none.wav
  634. $Recommendation text:
  635. XSTR("Personal Log, Noemi Laporte
  637. Killed three Federation pilots.
  639. Was it necessary? Not sure. Not sold. Al-Da'wa seemed to think it was worth it, to make the Vasudans think the UEF was trying to help them out. Vasudans respond well to honorable death.
  641. He's got all those analysts and that mystery supercomputer CASSANDRA to back him up. Maybe I should just...not question. Accept that it's right, even if it feels wrong.
  643. But that's not what he wants, is it? He wants skeptical atrocities. He wants us to question our own horrors and yet enact them without hesitation.
  645. It's like Ubuntu from hell.", -1)
  646. $end_multi_text
  648. $Formula: ( or
  649. ( is-event-true-delay
  650. "you've been detected, fail"
  651. 0
  652. )
  653. ( is-event-true-delay
  654. "late detection fail"
  655. 0
  656. )
  657. )
  658. $Multi text
  659. XSTR("Masyaf Internal Communique
  660. Operational Impact Assessment
  662. Falcata Wing's stealth fighters were positively identified by hostile forces. Sources within the Alliance confirm that this identification was transmitted clear of the AO and received by both Artemis Station and the GVD Shepseskaf.
  664. Our attempt to disguise this attack as a Gef strike against the Vasudans has failed.
  666. CASSANDRA projections indicate that the Vasudan Imperium will declare war against the Federation within six days, plus or minus two days.
  668. Our botched execution of this operation has effectively condemned the Federation to defeat. This is the greatest failure in Fedayeen history. Analysis of tactical data suggests the failure point was Falcata 1, Noemi Laporte.", -1)
  669. $end_multi_text
  670. $Voice: none.wav
  671. $Recommendation text:
  672. XSTR("Don't allow any of your wing to get in range of the AWACS before you either upload the virus by scanning it or destroy it with Kukri wing.
  674. If you use the viral approach, don't forget to destroy the Tabia with Midwinter 5-2 or the Gefs afterward.", -1)
  675. $end_multi_text
  677. $Formula: ( is-event-true-delay
  678. "convoy escape failure"
  679. 0
  680. )
  681. $Multi text
  682. XSTR("Masyaf Internal Communique
  683. Operational Impact Assessment
  685. Elements of the Bellwether 4.12 convoy escaped the field of engagement. According to sources in the Alliance, these ships positively identified their attackers as Federation stealth fighters.
  687. Our attempt to disguise this attack as a Gef strike against the Vasudans has failed.
  689. CASSANDRA projections indicate that the Vasudan Imperium will declare war against the Federation within six days, plus or minus two days.
  691. Our botched execution of this operation has effectively condemned the Federation to defeat. This is the greatest failure in Fedayeen history. Analysis of tactical data suggests the failure point was Falcata 1, Noemi Laporte.", -1)
  692. $end_multi_text
  693. $Voice: none.wav
  694. $Recommendation text:
  695. XSTR("Infect all four Anuket miners with the virus by scanning them. Then use your wingmen to destroy them all. Use your wingmen and the Midwinter gunship to mop up the survivors.", -1)
  696. $end_multi_text
  698. $Formula: ( is-event-true-delay
  699. "ridwan escape missionkill"
  700. 0
  701. )
  702. $Multi text
  703. XSTR("Masyaf Internal Communique
  704. Operational Impact Assessment
  706. Elements of the Ridwan's fighter wing escaped the field of engagement. These ships positively identified their attackers as Federation stealth fighters. This identification was passed through Second Fleet chain of command and at some point was leaked to the Alliance.
  708. Our attempt to disguise this attack as a Gef strike against the Vasudans has failed.
  710. CASSANDRA projections indicate that the Vasudan Imperium will declare war against the Federation within six days, plus or minus two days.
  712. Our botched execution of this operation has effectively condemned the Federation to defeat. This is the greatest failure in Fedayeen history. Analysis of tactical data suggests the failure point was Falcata 1, Noemi Laporte.", -1)
  713. $end_multi_text
  714. $Voice: none.wav
  715. $Recommendation text:
  716. XSTR("Someone needs to do the dirty work. Kill the three Ridwan fighters, or give your wingmen permission to carry out the deed.", -1)
  717. $end_multi_text
  719. #Alternate Types:
  720. $Alt: GVT Argo
  721. $Alt: 477th Dehent
  723. #end
  726. #Callsigns:
  727. $Callsign: Vidaura
  728. $Callsign: Kovacs
  729. $Callsign: Falconer
  730. $Callsign: Laporte
  731. $Callsign: Midwinter 5-1
  732. $Callsign: Midwinter 5-2
  733. $Callsign:
  734. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  735. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  736. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  737. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  739. #end
  742. #Players ;! 1 total
  744. $Starting Shipname: Falcata 1
  745. $Ship Choices: (
  746. )
  748. +Weaponry Pool: (
  749. "Vulcan" 12
  750. "Maul" 12
  751. "Gattler" 8
  752. "Scalpel" 24
  753. "Sidhe" 8
  754. "UX Accelerator" 8
  755. "Ammo Pack" 4
  756. "Repair System" 4
  757. "Dart" 1520
  758. "Dirk" 1200
  759. "Hellfire" 2500
  760. )
  762. #Objects ;! 102 total
  764. $Name: Falcata 1 ;! Object #0
  765. $Class: UEF Ainsarii
  766. $Callsign: Laporte
  768. $Team: Friendly
  769. $Location: 123.599998, 1519.289551, 4187.083496
  770. $Orientation:
  771. -0.997688, 0.000000, -0.067958,
  772. 0.025903, 0.924509, -0.380279,
  773. 0.062828, -0.381160, -0.922372
  774. $AI Behavior: None
  775. +AI Class: Little Devil
  776. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  777. +Initial Hull: 100
  778. +Subsystem: Pilot
  779. +Primary Banks: ( "Sidhe" "UX Accelerator" )
  780. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  781. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  782. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  783. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  784. $Determination: 10
  785. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "player-start" "stealth" )
  786. +Flags2: ( )
  787. +Respawn priority: 0
  788. +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  789. +Group: 0
  790. +Score: 8
  792. $Name: Falcata 2 ;! Object #1
  793. $Class: UEF Ainsarii
  794. $Callsign: Kovacs
  796. $Team: Friendly
  797. $Location: 88.069443, 1540.503174, 4268.267090
  798. $Orientation:
  799. -0.996901, 0.000000, -0.078670,
  800. 0.030297, 0.922869, -0.383920,
  801. 0.072602, -0.385114, -0.920009
  802. $AI Behavior: None
  803. +AI Class: Little Devil
  804. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  805. +Initial Velocity: 33
  806. +Initial Hull: 100
  807. +Subsystem: Pilot
  808. +Primary Banks: ( "Sidhe" "UX Accelerator" )
  809. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  810. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  811. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  812. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  813. $Determination: 10
  814. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  815. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  816. +Respawn priority: 0
  817. +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  818. +Group: 0
  819. +Use Table Score:
  820. +Score: 24
  821. +Persona Index: 0
  823. $Name: Falcata 3 ;! Object #2
  824. $Class: UEF Ainsarii
  825. $Callsign: Falconer
  827. $Team: Friendly
  828. $Location: 161.971039, 1540.503174, 4259.438965
  829. $Orientation:
  830. -0.998297, 0.000000, -0.058335,
  831. 0.022540, 0.922338, -0.385726,
  832. 0.053805, -0.386384, -0.920767
  833. $AI Behavior: None
  834. +AI Class: Little Devil
  835. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  836. +Initial Velocity: 33
  837. +Initial Hull: 100
  838. +Subsystem: Pilot
  839. +Primary Banks: ( "Sidhe" "UX Accelerator" )
  840. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  841. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  842. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  843. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  844. $Determination: 10
  845. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  846. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  847. +Respawn priority: 0
  848. +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  849. +Group: 0
  850. +Use Table Score:
  851. +Score: 24
  852. +Persona Index: 1
  854. $Name: Falcata 4 ;! Object #3
  855. $Class: UEF Ainsarii
  856. $Callsign: Vidaura
  858. $Team: Friendly
  859. $Location: 121.284332, 1540.503174, 4232.372559
  860. $Orientation:
  861. -0.997535, 0.000000, -0.070177,
  862. 0.027273, 0.921392, -0.387677,
  863. 0.064660, -0.388635, -0.919120
  864. $AI Behavior: None
  865. +AI Class: Little Devil
  866. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  867. +Initial Velocity: 33
  868. +Initial Hull: 100
  869. +Subsystem: Pilot
  870. +Primary Banks: ( "Sidhe" "UX Accelerator" )
  871. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  872. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  873. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  874. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  875. $Determination: 10
  876. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  877. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  878. +Respawn priority: 0
  879. +Orders Accepted: 33023 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  880. +Group: 0
  881. +Use Table Score:
  882. +Score: 24
  883. +Persona Index: 1
  885. $Name: Chi 1 ;! Object #4
  886. $Class: GVG Anuket
  887. $Team: Hostile
  888. $Location: 370.850006, 0.003256, -2215.857910
  889. $Orientation:
  890. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  891. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  892. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  893. $AI Behavior: None
  894. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  895. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path chi1" 50 ) )
  896. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Fusion Fuel", -1)
  897. +Initial Velocity: 33
  898. +Initial Hull: 100
  899. +Initial Shields: 100
  900. +Subsystem: Pilot
  901. +Subsystem: turret01
  902. +Subsystem: turret02
  903. +Subsystem: turret03
  904. +Subsystem: turret04
  905. +Subsystem: turret05
  906. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  907. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  908. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  909. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  910. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  911. )
  912. $Determination: 10
  913. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  914. +Flags2: ( )
  915. +Respawn priority: 0
  916. +Escort priority: 0
  917. +Hotkey: 5
  918. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  919. +Group: 0
  920. +Use Table Score:
  921. +Score: 50
  923. $Name: Chi 2 ;! Object #5
  924. $Class: GVG Anuket
  925. $Team: Hostile
  926. $Location: 771.287781, 0.006685, -3519.876953
  927. $Orientation:
  928. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  929. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  930. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  931. $AI Behavior: None
  932. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  933. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path chi2" 50 ) )
  934. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Fusion Fuel", -1)
  935. +Initial Velocity: 33
  936. +Initial Hull: 100
  937. +Initial Shields: 100
  938. +Subsystem: Pilot
  939. +Subsystem: turret01
  940. +Subsystem: turret02
  941. +Subsystem: turret03
  942. +Subsystem: turret04
  943. +Subsystem: turret05
  944. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  945. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  946. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  947. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  948. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  949. )
  950. $Determination: 10
  951. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  952. +Flags2: ( )
  953. +Respawn priority: 0
  954. +Escort priority: 0
  955. +Hotkey: 5
  956. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  957. +Group: 0
  958. +Use Table Score:
  959. +Score: 50
  961. $Name: Heket ;! Object #6
  962. $Class: GVC Mentu
  963. $Team: Hostile
  964. $Location: 441.600006, 150.000000, -2548.500488
  965. $Orientation:
  966. -0.999397, 0.028403, -0.019991,
  967. -0.028398, -0.999597, -0.000568,
  968. -0.019999, 0.000000, 0.999800
  969. $AI Behavior: None
  970. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  971. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path heket" 50 ) )
  972. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  973. +Initial Velocity: 33
  974. +Initial Hull: 100
  975. +Initial Shields: 100
  976. +Subsystem: Pilot
  977. +Subsystem: turret01
  978. +Primary Banks: ( "VasPulse" )
  979. +Subsystem: turret02
  980. +Primary Banks: ( "VasPulse" )
  981. +Subsystem: turret03
  982. +Primary Banks: ( "AAAh" )
  983. +Subsystem: turret04
  984. +Primary Banks: ( "AAAh" )
  985. +Subsystem: turret05
  986. +Primary Banks: ( "AAAh" )
  987. +Subsystem: turret06
  988. +Primary Banks: ( "Vasudan Light Energy Flak" )
  989. +Subsystem: turret07
  990. +Primary Banks: ( "Vasudan Light Energy Flak" )
  991. +Subsystem: turret08
  992. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  993. +Subsystem: turret09
  994. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  995. +Subsystem: turret10
  996. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  997. +Subsystem: turret11
  998. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  999. +Subsystem: turret12
  1000. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  1001. +Subsystem: turret13
  1002. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  1003. +Subsystem: turret14
  1004. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  1005. +Subsystem: turret15
  1006. +Primary Banks: ( "Terran Turret 2" )
  1007. +Subsystem: turret16
  1008. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" )
  1009. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1010. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1011. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1012. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1013. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1014. )
  1015. $Determination: 10
  1016. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  1017. +Flags2: ( )
  1018. +Respawn priority: 0
  1019. +Escort priority: 50
  1020. +Hotkey: 7
  1021. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1022. +Group: 0
  1023. +Use Table Score:
  1024. +Score: 100
  1026. $Name: Upsilon 1 ;! Object #7
  1027. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1028. $Team: Hostile
  1029. $Location: 360.061493, 8.901491, -2371.252686
  1030. $Orientation:
  1031. 1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000,
  1032. 0.000000, 0.999995, -0.003010,
  1033. 0.000000, 0.003010, 0.999995
  1034. $AI Behavior: None
  1035. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1036. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon1" 50 ) )
  1037. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1038. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1039. +Initial Hull: 100
  1040. +Initial Shields: 100
  1041. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1042. +Subsystem: turret01
  1043. +Subsystem: turret02
  1044. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1045. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1046. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1047. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1048. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1049. )
  1050. $Determination: 10
  1051. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1052. +Flags2: ( )
  1053. +Respawn priority: 0
  1054. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1055. +Hotkey: 7
  1056. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1057. +Group: 0
  1058. +Use Table Score:
  1059. +Score: 13
  1061. $Name: VAC 5 ;! Object #8
  1062. $Class: VAC 5
  1063. $Team: Hostile
  1064. $Location: 360.060852, 0.008767, -2370.751465
  1065. $Orientation:
  1066. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1067. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1068. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1069. $AI Behavior: None
  1070. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1071. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  1072. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1073. +Initial Hull: 100
  1074. +Initial Shields: 100
  1075. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1076. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1077. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1078. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1079. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1080. $Determination: 10
  1081. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1082. +Flags2: ( )
  1083. +Respawn priority: 0
  1084. +Hotkey: 7
  1085. +Docked With: Upsilon 1
  1086. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1087. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1088. +Group: 0
  1089. +Use Table Score:
  1090. +Score: 3
  1092. $Name: Upsilon 2 ;! Object #9
  1093. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1094. $Team: Hostile
  1095. $Location: 516.016663, 8.901364, -2211.164551
  1096. $Orientation:
  1097. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1098. 0.000000, 0.999995, -0.003010,
  1099. -0.000000, 0.003010, 0.999995
  1100. $AI Behavior: None
  1101. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1102. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon2" 50 ) )
  1103. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1104. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1105. +Initial Hull: 100
  1106. +Initial Shields: 100
  1107. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1108. +Subsystem: turret01
  1109. +Subsystem: turret02
  1110. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1111. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1112. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1113. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1114. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1115. )
  1116. $Determination: 10
  1117. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1118. +Flags2: ( )
  1119. +Respawn priority: 0
  1120. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1121. +Hotkey: 7
  1122. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1123. +Group: 0
  1124. +Use Table Score:
  1125. +Score: 13
  1127. $Name: VAC 5# ;! Object #10
  1128. $Class: VAC 5
  1129. $Team: Hostile
  1130. $Location: 516.015991, 0.008639, -2210.663330
  1131. $Orientation:
  1132. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1133. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1134. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1135. $AI Behavior: None
  1136. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1137. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  1138. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1139. +Initial Hull: 100
  1140. +Initial Shields: 100
  1141. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1142. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1143. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1144. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1145. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1146. $Determination: 10
  1147. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1148. +Flags2: ( )
  1149. +Respawn priority: 0
  1150. +Hotkey: 7
  1151. +Docked With: Upsilon 2
  1152. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1153. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1154. +Group: 0
  1155. +Use Table Score:
  1156. +Score: 3
  1158. $Name: Upsilon 7 ;! Object #11
  1159. $Class: GVT Isis
  1160. $Team: Hostile
  1161. $Location: 513.717346, -0.000051, -2342.045410
  1162. $Orientation:
  1163. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1164. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1165. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1166. $AI Behavior: None
  1167. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1168. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon2" 50 ) )
  1169. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Officers", -1)
  1170. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1171. +Initial Hull: 100
  1172. +Initial Shields: 100
  1173. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1174. +Subsystem: turret01
  1175. +Subsystem: turret02
  1176. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1177. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1178. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1179. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1180. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1181. )
  1182. $Determination: 10
  1183. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1184. +Flags2: ( )
  1185. +Respawn priority: 0
  1186. +Hotkey: 7
  1187. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1188. +Group: 0
  1189. +Use Table Score:
  1190. +Score: 15
  1192. $Name: Upsilon 8 ;! Object #12
  1193. $Class: GVT Isis
  1194. $Team: Hostile
  1195. $Location: 360.000000, 0.000000, -2509.600098
  1196. $Orientation:
  1197. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1198. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1199. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1200. $AI Behavior: None
  1201. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1202. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon1" 50 ) )
  1203. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Officers", -1)
  1204. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1205. +Initial Hull: 100
  1206. +Initial Shields: 100
  1207. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1208. +Subsystem: turret01
  1209. +Subsystem: turret02
  1210. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1211. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1212. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1213. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1214. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1215. )
  1216. $Determination: 10
  1217. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1218. +Flags2: ( )
  1219. +Respawn priority: 0
  1220. +Hotkey: 7
  1221. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1222. +Group: 0
  1223. +Use Table Score:
  1224. +Score: 15
  1226. $Name: Upsilon 6 ;! Object #13
  1227. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1228. $Team: Hostile
  1229. $Location: 517.919983, -0.000353, -2399.762207
  1230. $Orientation:
  1231. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1232. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1233. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1234. $AI Behavior: None
  1235. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1236. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon2" 50 ) )
  1237. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1238. +Initial Hull: 100
  1239. +Initial Shields: 100
  1240. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1241. +Subsystem: turret01
  1242. +Subsystem: turret02
  1243. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1244. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1245. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1246. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1247. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1248. )
  1249. $Determination: 10
  1250. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1251. +Flags2: ( )
  1252. +Respawn priority: 0
  1253. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1254. +Hotkey: 7
  1255. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1256. +Group: 0
  1257. +Score: 14
  1259. $Name: VAC 5#1 ;! Object #14
  1260. $Class: VAC 5
  1261. $Team: Hostile
  1262. $Location: 517.919312, -8.894543, -2399.287842
  1263. $Orientation:
  1264. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1265. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  1266. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  1267. $AI Behavior: None
  1268. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1269. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  1270. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1271. +Initial Hull: 100
  1272. +Initial Shields: 100
  1273. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1274. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1275. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1276. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1277. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1278. $Determination: 10
  1279. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1280. +Flags2: ( )
  1281. +Respawn priority: 0
  1282. +Hotkey: 7
  1283. +Docked With: Upsilon 6
  1284. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1285. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1286. +Group: 0
  1287. +Use Table Score:
  1288. +Score: 3
  1290. $Name: Upsilon 3 ;! Object #15
  1291. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1292. $Team: Hostile
  1293. $Location: 360.000000, 0.000000, -2640.073242
  1294. $Orientation:
  1295. 1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000,
  1296. 0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1297. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1298. $AI Behavior: None
  1299. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1300. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon1" 50 ) )
  1301. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1302. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1303. +Initial Hull: 100
  1304. +Initial Shields: 100
  1305. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1306. +Subsystem: turret01
  1307. +Subsystem: turret02
  1308. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1309. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1310. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1311. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1312. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1313. )
  1314. $Determination: 10
  1315. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1316. +Flags2: ( )
  1317. +Respawn priority: 0
  1318. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1319. +Hotkey: 7
  1320. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1321. +Group: 0
  1322. +Use Table Score:
  1323. +Score: 13
  1325. $Name: VAC 5#2 ;! Object #16
  1326. $Class: VAC 5
  1327. $Team: Hostile
  1328. $Location: 359.999359, -8.894190, -2639.598877
  1329. $Orientation:
  1330. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1331. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  1332. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  1333. $AI Behavior: None
  1334. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1335. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Active Armor Plating", -1)
  1336. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1337. +Initial Hull: 100
  1338. +Initial Shields: 100
  1339. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1340. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1341. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1342. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1343. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1344. $Determination: 10
  1345. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1346. +Flags2: ( )
  1347. +Respawn priority: 0
  1348. +Hotkey: 7
  1349. +Docked With: Upsilon 3
  1350. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1351. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1352. +Group: 0
  1353. +Use Table Score:
  1354. +Score: 3
  1356. $Name: Upsilon 4 ;! Object #17
  1357. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1358. $Team: Hostile
  1359. $Location: 515.731018, -0.000113, -1977.859985
  1360. $Orientation:
  1361. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1362. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1363. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1364. $AI Behavior: None
  1365. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1366. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon2" 50 ) )
  1367. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1368. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1369. +Initial Hull: 100
  1370. +Initial Shields: 100
  1371. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1372. +Subsystem: turret01
  1373. +Subsystem: turret02
  1374. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1375. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1376. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1377. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1378. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1379. )
  1380. $Determination: 10
  1381. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1382. +Flags2: ( )
  1383. +Respawn priority: 0
  1384. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1385. +Hotkey: 7
  1386. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1387. +Group: 0
  1388. +Use Table Score:
  1389. +Score: 13
  1391. $Name: VAC 5#3 ;! Object #18
  1392. $Class: VAC 5
  1393. $Team: Hostile
  1394. $Location: 515.730347, -8.894302, -1977.385498
  1395. $Orientation:
  1396. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1397. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  1398. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  1399. $AI Behavior: None
  1400. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1401. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Components", -1)
  1402. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1403. +Initial Hull: 100
  1404. +Initial Shields: 100
  1405. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1406. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1407. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1408. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1409. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1410. $Determination: 10
  1411. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1412. +Flags2: ( )
  1413. +Respawn priority: 0
  1414. +Hotkey: 7
  1415. +Docked With: Upsilon 4
  1416. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1417. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1418. +Group: 0
  1419. +Use Table Score:
  1420. +Score: 3
  1422. $Name: Upsilon 5 ;! Object #19
  1423. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1424. $Team: Hostile
  1425. $Location: 360.736420, 0.000040, -1906.630371
  1426. $Orientation:
  1427. 1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000,
  1428. 0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1429. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1430. $AI Behavior: None
  1431. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1432. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path upsilon1" 50 ) )
  1433. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1434. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1435. +Initial Hull: 100
  1436. +Initial Shields: 100
  1437. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1438. +Subsystem: turret01
  1439. +Subsystem: turret02
  1440. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1441. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1442. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1443. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1444. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1445. )
  1446. $Determination: 10
  1447. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1448. +Flags2: ( )
  1449. +Respawn priority: 0
  1450. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  1451. +Hotkey: 7
  1452. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1453. +Group: 0
  1454. +Use Table Score:
  1455. +Score: 13
  1457. $Name: VAC 5#6 ;! Object #20
  1458. $Class: VAC 5
  1459. $Team: Hostile
  1460. $Location: 360.735779, -8.894150, -1906.155884
  1461. $Orientation:
  1462. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1463. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  1464. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  1465. $AI Behavior: None
  1466. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1467. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Active Armor Plating", -1)
  1468. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1469. +Initial Hull: 100
  1470. +Initial Shields: 100
  1471. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1472. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1473. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1474. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1475. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1476. $Determination: 10
  1477. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1478. +Flags2: ( )
  1479. +Respawn priority: 0
  1480. +Hotkey: 7
  1481. +Docked With: Upsilon 5
  1482. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  1483. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1484. +Group: 0
  1485. +Use Table Score:
  1486. +Score: 3
  1488. $Name: Tabia ;! Object #21
  1489. $Class: GVA Setekh
  1490. $Team: Hostile
  1491. $Location: 574.563110, -199.999924, -2799.379639
  1492. $Orientation:
  1493. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1494. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1495. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1496. $AI Behavior: None
  1497. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1498. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path tabia 1" 50 ) )
  1499. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  1500. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1501. +Initial Hull: 100
  1502. +Initial Shields: 100
  1503. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1504. +Subsystem: turret01
  1505. +Subsystem: turret02
  1506. +Subsystem: turret03
  1507. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1508. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1509. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1510. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1511. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1512. )
  1513. $Determination: 10
  1514. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  1515. +Flags2: ( )
  1516. +Respawn priority: 0
  1517. +Escort priority: 100
  1518. $Special Explosion:
  1519. +Special Exp Damage: 50
  1520. +Special Exp Blast: 1000
  1521. +Special Exp Inner Radius: 200
  1522. +Special Exp Outer Radius: 450
  1523. +Special Exp Shockwave Speed: 250
  1524. +Hotkey: 7
  1525. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1526. +Group: 0
  1527. +Use Table Score:
  1528. +Score: 150
  1530. $Name: Chi 3 ;! Object #22
  1531. $Class: GVG Anuket
  1532. $Team: Hostile
  1533. $Location: -2.981372, -0.000506, -3110.640381
  1534. $Orientation:
  1535. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1536. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1537. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1538. $AI Behavior: None
  1539. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1540. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path chi 3" 50 ) )
  1541. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Fusion Fuel", -1)
  1542. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1543. +Initial Hull: 100
  1544. +Initial Shields: 100
  1545. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1546. +Subsystem: turret01
  1547. +Subsystem: turret02
  1548. +Subsystem: turret03
  1549. +Subsystem: turret04
  1550. +Subsystem: turret05
  1551. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1552. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1553. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1554. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1555. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1556. )
  1557. $Determination: 10
  1558. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  1559. +Flags2: ( )
  1560. +Respawn priority: 0
  1561. +Escort priority: 0
  1562. +Hotkey: 5
  1563. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1564. +Group: 0
  1565. +Use Table Score:
  1566. +Score: 50
  1568. $Name: Rho 1 ;! Object #23
  1569. $Class: GVT Isis
  1570. $Team: Hostile
  1571. $Location: -34.956127, 150.000000, -2889.515137
  1572. $Orientation:
  1573. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1574. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1575. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1576. $AI Behavior: None
  1577. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1578. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 2" 50 ) )
  1579. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Officers", -1)
  1580. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1581. +Initial Hull: 100
  1582. +Initial Shields: 100
  1583. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1584. +Subsystem: turret01
  1585. +Subsystem: turret02
  1586. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1587. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1588. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1589. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1590. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1591. )
  1592. $Determination: 10
  1593. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1594. +Flags2: ( )
  1595. +Respawn priority: 0
  1596. +Special Hitpoints: 2000
  1597. +Hotkey: 7
  1598. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1599. +Group: 0
  1600. +Use Table Score:
  1601. +Score: 15
  1603. $Name: Rho 2 ;! Object #24
  1604. $Class: GVT Isis
  1605. $Team: Hostile
  1606. $Location: -33.733257, 150.000000, -2994.079346
  1607. $Orientation:
  1608. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1609. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1610. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1611. $AI Behavior: None
  1612. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1613. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 2" 50 ) )
  1614. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Officers", -1)
  1615. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1616. +Initial Hull: 100
  1617. +Initial Shields: 100
  1618. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1619. +Subsystem: turret01
  1620. +Subsystem: turret02
  1621. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1622. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1623. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1624. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1625. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1626. )
  1627. $Determination: 10
  1628. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1629. +Flags2: ( )
  1630. +Respawn priority: 0
  1631. +Special Hitpoints: 2000
  1632. +Hotkey: 7
  1633. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1634. +Group: 0
  1635. +Use Table Score:
  1636. +Score: 15
  1638. $Name: Rho 3 ;! Object #25
  1639. $Class: GVT Isis
  1640. $Team: Hostile
  1641. $Location: -31.937557, 149.999969, -3108.338135
  1642. $Orientation:
  1643. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1644. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1645. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1646. $AI Behavior: None
  1647. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1648. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 2" 50 ) )
  1649. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Technical Crew", -1)
  1650. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1651. +Initial Hull: 100
  1652. +Initial Shields: 100
  1653. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1654. +Subsystem: turret01
  1655. +Subsystem: turret02
  1656. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1657. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1658. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1659. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1660. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1661. )
  1662. $Determination: 10
  1663. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1664. +Flags2: ( )
  1665. +Respawn priority: 0
  1666. +Special Hitpoints: 2000
  1667. +Hotkey: 7
  1668. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1669. +Group: 0
  1670. +Use Table Score:
  1671. +Score: 15
  1673. $Name: Rho 4 ;! Object #26
  1674. $Class: GVT Isis
  1675. $Team: Hostile
  1676. $Location: -29.618984, 149.999969, -3223.175049
  1677. $Orientation:
  1678. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1679. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  1680. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1681. $AI Behavior: None
  1682. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1683. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 2" 50 ) )
  1684. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Technical Crew", -1)
  1685. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1686. +Initial Hull: 100
  1687. +Initial Shields: 100
  1688. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1689. +Subsystem: turret01
  1690. +Subsystem: turret02
  1691. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1692. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1693. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1694. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1695. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1696. )
  1697. $Determination: 10
  1698. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1699. +Flags2: ( )
  1700. +Respawn priority: 0
  1701. +Special Hitpoints: 2000
  1702. +Hotkey: 7
  1703. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1704. +Group: 0
  1705. +Use Table Score:
  1706. +Score: 15
  1708. $Name: Rho 5 ;! Object #27
  1709. $Class: PVFR Ma'at
  1710. $Team: Hostile
  1711. $Location: 109.197983, -99.999985, -2807.204590
  1712. $Orientation:
  1713. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1714. -0.000000, 1.000007, 0.000000,
  1715. -0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000007
  1716. $AI Behavior: None
  1717. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1718. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 1" 50 ) )
  1719. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1720. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1721. +Initial Hull: 100
  1722. +Initial Shields: 100
  1723. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1724. +Subsystem: turret01
  1725. +Subsystem: turret02
  1726. +Subsystem: turret03
  1727. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1728. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1729. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1730. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1731. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1732. )
  1733. $Determination: 10
  1734. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1735. +Flags2: ( )
  1736. +Respawn priority: 0
  1737. +Special Hitpoints: 3000
  1738. +Hotkey: 7
  1739. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1740. +Group: 0
  1741. +Use Table Score:
  1742. +Score: 14
  1744. $Name: VAC 4# ;! Object #28
  1745. $Class: VAC 4
  1746. $Team: Hostile
  1747. $Location: 109.829216, -91.259209, -2822.576904
  1748. $Orientation:
  1749. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1750. -0.000000, 0.999399, -0.034880,
  1751. 0.000000, 0.034880, 0.999399
  1752. $AI Behavior: None
  1753. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1754. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  1755. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1756. +Initial Hull: 100
  1757. +Initial Shields: 100
  1758. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1759. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1760. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1761. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1762. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1763. $Determination: 10
  1764. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1765. +Flags2: ( )
  1766. +Respawn priority: 0
  1767. +Hotkey: 7
  1768. +Docked With: Rho 5
  1769. $Docker Point: cargo dock
  1770. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1771. +Group: 0
  1772. +Use Table Score:
  1773. +Score: 3
  1775. $Name: Rho 6 ;! Object #29
  1776. $Class: PVFR Ma'at
  1777. $Team: Hostile
  1778. $Location: 108.756302, -99.999985, -2960.187744
  1779. $Orientation:
  1780. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1781. -0.000000, 1.000007, 0.000000,
  1782. -0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000007
  1783. $AI Behavior: None
  1784. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1785. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 1" 50 ) )
  1786. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1787. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1788. +Initial Hull: 100
  1789. +Initial Shields: 100
  1790. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1791. +Subsystem: turret01
  1792. +Subsystem: turret02
  1793. +Subsystem: turret03
  1794. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1795. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1796. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1797. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1798. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1799. )
  1800. $Determination: 10
  1801. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1802. +Flags2: ( )
  1803. +Respawn priority: 0
  1804. +Special Hitpoints: 3000
  1805. +Hotkey: 7
  1806. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1807. +Group: 0
  1808. +Use Table Score:
  1809. +Score: 14
  1811. $Name: VAC 4#1 ;! Object #30
  1812. $Class: VAC 4
  1813. $Team: Hostile
  1814. $Location: 109.387535, -91.259209, -2975.560059
  1815. $Orientation:
  1816. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1817. -0.000000, 0.999399, -0.034880,
  1818. 0.000000, 0.034880, 0.999399
  1819. $AI Behavior: None
  1820. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1821. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Components", -1)
  1822. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1823. +Initial Hull: 100
  1824. +Initial Shields: 100
  1825. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1826. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1827. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1828. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1829. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1830. $Determination: 10
  1831. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1832. +Flags2: ( )
  1833. +Respawn priority: 0
  1834. +Hotkey: 7
  1835. +Docked With: Rho 6
  1836. $Docker Point: cargo dock
  1837. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1838. +Group: 0
  1839. +Use Table Score:
  1840. +Score: 3
  1842. $Name: Rho 7 ;! Object #31
  1843. $Class: PVFR Ma'at
  1844. $Team: Hostile
  1845. $Location: 111.881104, -100.000015, -3125.317383
  1846. $Orientation:
  1847. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1848. -0.000000, 1.000007, 0.000000,
  1849. -0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000007
  1850. $AI Behavior: None
  1851. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1852. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 1" 50 ) )
  1853. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Technical Crew", -1)
  1854. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1855. +Initial Hull: 100
  1856. +Initial Shields: 100
  1857. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1858. +Subsystem: turret01
  1859. +Subsystem: turret02
  1860. +Subsystem: turret03
  1861. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1862. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1863. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1864. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1865. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1866. )
  1867. $Determination: 10
  1868. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1869. +Flags2: ( )
  1870. +Respawn priority: 0
  1871. +Special Hitpoints: 3000
  1872. +Hotkey: 7
  1873. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1874. +Group: 0
  1875. +Use Table Score:
  1876. +Score: 14
  1878. $Name: VAC 4#2 ;! Object #32
  1879. $Class: VAC 4
  1880. $Team: Hostile
  1881. $Location: 112.512337, -91.259239, -3140.689697
  1882. $Orientation:
  1883. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1884. -0.000000, 0.999399, -0.034880,
  1885. 0.000000, 0.034880, 0.999399
  1886. $AI Behavior: None
  1887. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1888. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  1889. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1890. +Initial Hull: 100
  1891. +Initial Shields: 100
  1892. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1893. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1894. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1895. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1896. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1897. $Determination: 10
  1898. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1899. +Flags2: ( )
  1900. +Respawn priority: 0
  1901. +Hotkey: 7
  1902. +Docked With: Rho 7
  1903. $Docker Point: cargo dock
  1904. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1905. +Group: 0
  1906. +Use Table Score:
  1907. +Score: 3
  1909. $Name: Rho 8 ;! Object #33
  1910. $Class: PVFR Ma'at
  1911. $Team: Hostile
  1912. $Location: 113.000000, -100.000046, -3276.412598
  1913. $Orientation:
  1914. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1915. -0.000000, 1.000007, 0.000000,
  1916. -0.000000, -0.000000, 1.000007
  1917. $AI Behavior: None
  1918. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1919. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path rho 1" 50 ) )
  1920. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1921. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1922. +Initial Hull: 100
  1923. +Initial Shields: 100
  1924. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1925. +Subsystem: turret01
  1926. +Subsystem: turret02
  1927. +Subsystem: turret03
  1928. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1929. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1930. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1931. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1932. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1933. )
  1934. $Determination: 10
  1935. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1936. +Flags2: ( )
  1937. +Respawn priority: 0
  1938. +Special Hitpoints: 3000
  1939. +Hotkey: 7
  1940. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  1941. +Group: 0
  1942. +Use Table Score:
  1943. +Score: 14
  1945. $Name: VAC 4#3 ;! Object #34
  1946. $Class: VAC 4
  1947. $Team: Hostile
  1948. $Location: 113.631233, -91.259270, -3291.784912
  1949. $Orientation:
  1950. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
  1951. -0.000000, 0.999399, -0.034880,
  1952. 0.000000, 0.034880, 0.999399
  1953. $AI Behavior: None
  1954. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1955. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Active Armor Plating", -1)
  1956. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1957. +Initial Hull: 100
  1958. +Initial Shields: 100
  1959. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1960. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1961. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  1962. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1963. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  1964. $Determination: 10
  1965. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  1966. +Flags2: ( )
  1967. +Respawn priority: 0
  1968. +Hotkey: 7
  1969. +Docked With: Rho 8
  1970. $Docker Point: cargo dock
  1971. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  1972. +Group: 0
  1973. +Use Table Score:
  1974. +Score: 3
  1976. $Name: Iota 1 ;! Object #35
  1977. $Class: GVFr Bes
  1978. $Team: Hostile
  1979. $Location: 682.000000, 0.000000, -3402.226807
  1980. $Orientation:
  1981. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  1982. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  1983. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  1984. $AI Behavior: None
  1985. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  1986. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path1 iota" 50 ) )
  1987. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  1988. +Initial Velocity: 33
  1989. +Initial Hull: 100
  1990. +Initial Shields: 100
  1991. +Subsystem: Pilot
  1992. +Subsystem: turret01
  1993. +Subsystem: turret02
  1994. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  1995. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  1996. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  1997. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  1998. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  1999. )
  2000. $Determination: 10
  2001. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2002. +Flags2: ( )
  2003. +Respawn priority: 0
  2004. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2005. +Hotkey: 7
  2006. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2007. +Group: 0
  2008. +Use Table Score:
  2009. +Score: 13
  2011. $Name: VAC 5#10 ;! Object #36
  2012. $Class: VAC 5
  2013. $Team: Hostile
  2014. $Location: 681.999329, -8.894190, -3401.752441
  2015. $Orientation:
  2016. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2017. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2018. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2019. $AI Behavior: None
  2020. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2021. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Components", -1)
  2022. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2023. +Initial Hull: 100
  2024. +Initial Shields: 100
  2025. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2026. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2027. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2028. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2029. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2030. $Determination: 10
  2031. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2032. +Flags2: ( )
  2033. +Respawn priority: 0
  2034. +Hotkey: 7
  2035. +Docked With: Iota 1
  2036. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2037. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2038. +Group: 0
  2039. +Use Table Score:
  2040. +Score: 3
  2042. $Name: Iota 2 ;! Object #37
  2043. $Class: GVFr Bes
  2044. $Team: Hostile
  2045. $Location: 681.624146, -0.003218, -3201.399170
  2046. $Orientation:
  2047. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2048. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  2049. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2050. $AI Behavior: None
  2051. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2052. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path1 iota" 50 ) )
  2053. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Technical Crew", -1)
  2054. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2055. +Initial Hull: 100
  2056. +Initial Shields: 100
  2057. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2058. +Subsystem: turret01
  2059. +Subsystem: turret02
  2060. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2061. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2062. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2063. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2064. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2065. )
  2066. $Determination: 10
  2067. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2068. +Flags2: ( )
  2069. +Respawn priority: 0
  2070. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2071. +Hotkey: 7
  2072. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2073. +Group: 0
  2074. +Use Table Score:
  2075. +Score: 13
  2077. $Name: VAC 5#11 ;! Object #38
  2078. $Class: VAC 5
  2079. $Team: Hostile
  2080. $Location: 681.623474, -8.897408, -3200.924805
  2081. $Orientation:
  2082. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2083. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2084. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2085. $AI Behavior: None
  2086. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2087. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  2088. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2089. +Initial Hull: 100
  2090. +Initial Shields: 100
  2091. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2092. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2093. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2094. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2095. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2096. $Determination: 10
  2097. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2098. +Flags2: ( )
  2099. +Respawn priority: 0
  2100. +Hotkey: 7
  2101. +Docked With: Iota 2
  2102. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2103. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2104. +Group: 0
  2105. +Use Table Score:
  2106. +Score: 3
  2108. $Name: Iota 3 ;! Object #39
  2109. $Class: GVFr Bes
  2110. $Team: Hostile
  2111. $Location: 673.900024, 0.000000, -3615.832520
  2112. $Orientation:
  2113. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2114. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  2115. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2116. $AI Behavior: None
  2117. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2118. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path1 iota" 50 ) )
  2119. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Officers", -1)
  2120. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2121. +Initial Hull: 100
  2122. +Initial Shields: 100
  2123. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2124. +Subsystem: turret01
  2125. +Subsystem: turret02
  2126. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2127. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2128. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2129. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2130. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2131. )
  2132. $Determination: 10
  2133. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2134. +Flags2: ( )
  2135. +Respawn priority: 0
  2136. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2137. +Hotkey: 7
  2138. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2139. +Group: 0
  2140. +Use Table Score:
  2141. +Score: 13
  2143. $Name: VAC 5#12 ;! Object #40
  2144. $Class: VAC 5
  2145. $Team: Hostile
  2146. $Location: 673.899353, -8.894190, -3615.358154
  2147. $Orientation:
  2148. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2149. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2150. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2151. $AI Behavior: None
  2152. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2153. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Active Armor Plating", -1)
  2154. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2155. +Initial Hull: 100
  2156. +Initial Shields: 100
  2157. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2158. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2159. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2160. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2161. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2162. $Determination: 10
  2163. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2164. +Flags2: ( )
  2165. +Respawn priority: 0
  2166. +Hotkey: 7
  2167. +Docked With: Iota 3
  2168. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2169. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2170. +Group: 0
  2171. +Use Table Score:
  2172. +Score: 3
  2174. $Name: Iota 4 ;! Object #41
  2175. $Class: GVFr Bes
  2176. $Team: Hostile
  2177. $Location: 610.000000, -100.000000, -3557.535889
  2178. $Orientation:
  2179. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2180. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  2181. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2182. $AI Behavior: None
  2183. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2184. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path2 iota" 50 ) )
  2185. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  2186. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2187. +Initial Hull: 100
  2188. +Initial Shields: 100
  2189. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2190. +Subsystem: turret01
  2191. +Subsystem: turret02
  2192. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2193. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2194. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2195. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2196. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2197. )
  2198. $Determination: 10
  2199. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2200. +Flags2: ( )
  2201. +Respawn priority: 0
  2202. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2203. +Hotkey: 7
  2204. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2205. +Group: 0
  2206. +Use Table Score:
  2207. +Score: 13
  2209. $Name: VAC 5#13 ;! Object #42
  2210. $Class: VAC 5
  2211. $Team: Hostile
  2212. $Location: 609.999329, -108.894188, -3557.061523
  2213. $Orientation:
  2214. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2215. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2216. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2217. $AI Behavior: None
  2218. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2219. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Spoons", -1)
  2220. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2221. +Initial Hull: 100
  2222. +Initial Shields: 100
  2223. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2224. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2225. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2226. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2227. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2228. $Determination: 10
  2229. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2230. +Flags2: ( )
  2231. +Respawn priority: 0
  2232. +Hotkey: 7
  2233. +Docked With: Iota 4
  2234. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2235. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2236. +Group: 0
  2237. +Use Table Score:
  2238. +Score: 3
  2240. $Name: Iota 5 ;! Object #43
  2241. $Class: GVFr Bes
  2242. $Team: Hostile
  2243. $Location: 610.000000, -100.000000, -3355.395020
  2244. $Orientation:
  2245. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2246. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  2247. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2248. $AI Behavior: None
  2249. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2250. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path2 iota" 50 ) )
  2251. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Technical Crew", -1)
  2252. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2253. +Initial Hull: 100
  2254. +Initial Shields: 100
  2255. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2256. +Subsystem: turret01
  2257. +Subsystem: turret02
  2258. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2259. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2260. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2261. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2262. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2263. )
  2264. $Determination: 10
  2265. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2266. +Flags2: ( )
  2267. +Respawn priority: 0
  2268. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2269. +Hotkey: 7
  2270. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2271. +Group: 0
  2272. +Use Table Score:
  2273. +Score: 13
  2275. $Name: VAC 5#14 ;! Object #44
  2276. $Class: VAC 5
  2277. $Team: Hostile
  2278. $Location: 609.999329, -108.894188, -3354.920654
  2279. $Orientation:
  2280. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2281. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2282. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2283. $AI Behavior: None
  2284. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2285. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Ordnance", -1)
  2286. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2287. +Initial Hull: 100
  2288. +Initial Shields: 100
  2289. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2290. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2291. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2292. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2293. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2294. $Determination: 10
  2295. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2296. +Flags2: ( )
  2297. +Respawn priority: 0
  2298. +Hotkey: 7
  2299. +Docked With: Iota 5
  2300. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2301. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2302. +Group: 0
  2303. +Use Table Score:
  2304. +Score: 3
  2306. $Name: Iota 6 ;! Object #45
  2307. $Class: GVFr Bes
  2308. $Team: Hostile
  2309. $Location: 610.000000, -100.000000, -3186.086182
  2310. $Orientation:
  2311. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2312. -0.000000, 1.000000, -0.000000,
  2313. -0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2314. $AI Behavior: None
  2315. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2316. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path2 iota" 50 ) )
  2317. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Pilots", -1)
  2318. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2319. +Initial Hull: 100
  2320. +Initial Shields: 100
  2321. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2322. +Subsystem: turret01
  2323. +Subsystem: turret02
  2324. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2325. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2326. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2327. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2328. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2329. )
  2330. $Determination: 10
  2331. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2332. +Flags2: ( )
  2333. +Respawn priority: 0
  2334. +Special Hitpoints: 4000
  2335. +Hotkey: 7
  2336. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2337. +Group: 0
  2338. +Use Table Score:
  2339. +Score: 13
  2341. $Name: VAC 5#15 ;! Object #46
  2342. $Class: VAC 5
  2343. $Team: Hostile
  2344. $Location: 609.999329, -108.894188, -3185.611816
  2345. $Orientation:
  2346. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2347. -0.000000, 0.999995, 0.003010,
  2348. 0.000000, -0.003010, 0.999995
  2349. $AI Behavior: None
  2350. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2351. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Avionics", -1)
  2352. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2353. +Initial Hull: 100
  2354. +Initial Shields: 100
  2355. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2356. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2357. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2358. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2359. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2360. $Determination: 10
  2361. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2362. +Flags2: ( )
  2363. +Respawn priority: 0
  2364. +Hotkey: 7
  2365. +Docked With: Iota 6
  2366. $Docker Point: cargo dock01
  2367. $Dockee Point: cargo dock
  2368. +Group: 0
  2369. +Use Table Score:
  2370. +Score: 3
  2372. $Name: Kukri 1 ;! Object #47
  2373. $Class: Scimitar
  2374. $Team: Friendly
  2375. $Location: 145.899994, 1250.000000, 3333.606445
  2376. $Orientation:
  2377. -0.978486, 0.000000, -0.206315,
  2378. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2379. 0.206315, 0.000002, -0.978486
  2380. $AI Behavior: None
  2381. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2382. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2383. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2384. +Initial Hull: 100
  2385. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2386. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2387. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2388. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2389. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2390. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2391. $Determination: 10
  2392. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2393. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2394. +Respawn priority: 0
  2395. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2396. +Group: 0
  2397. +Use Table Score:
  2398. +Score: 10
  2400. $Name: Kukri 2 ;! Object #48
  2401. $Class: Scimitar
  2402. $Team: Friendly
  2403. $Location: 116.616974, 1250.000122, 3373.554199
  2404. $Orientation:
  2405. -0.975990, 0.000000, -0.217815,
  2406. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2407. 0.217815, 0.000002, -0.975990
  2408. $AI Behavior: None
  2409. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2410. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2411. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2412. +Initial Hull: 100
  2413. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2414. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2415. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2416. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2417. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2418. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2419. $Determination: 10
  2420. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2421. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2422. +Respawn priority: 0
  2423. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2424. +Group: 0
  2425. +Use Table Score:
  2426. +Score: 10
  2428. $Name: Kukri 3 ;! Object #49
  2429. $Class: Scimitar
  2430. $Team: Friendly
  2431. $Location: 167.458160, 1250.000000, 3383.772949
  2432. $Orientation:
  2433. -0.982065, 0.000000, -0.188541,
  2434. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2435. 0.188541, 0.000002, -0.982065
  2436. $AI Behavior: None
  2437. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2438. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2439. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2440. +Initial Hull: 100
  2441. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2442. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2443. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2444. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2445. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2446. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2447. $Determination: 10
  2448. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2449. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2450. +Respawn priority: 0
  2451. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2452. +Group: 0
  2453. +Use Table Score:
  2454. +Score: 10
  2456. $Name: Kukri 4 ;! Object #50
  2457. $Class: Scimitar
  2458. $Team: Friendly
  2459. $Location: 98.899582, 1249.999756, 3404.650879
  2460. $Orientation:
  2461. -0.974678, 0.000000, -0.223614,
  2462. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2463. 0.223614, 0.000002, -0.974678
  2464. $AI Behavior: None
  2465. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2466. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2467. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2468. +Initial Hull: 100
  2469. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2470. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2471. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2472. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2473. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2474. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2475. $Determination: 10
  2476. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2477. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2478. +Respawn priority: 0
  2479. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2480. +Group: 0
  2481. +Use Table Score:
  2482. +Score: 10
  2484. $Name: Kukri 5 ;! Object #51
  2485. $Class: Scimitar
  2486. $Team: Friendly
  2487. $Location: 203.514954, 1249.999756, 3426.081543
  2488. $Orientation:
  2489. -0.986393, 0.000000, -0.164406,
  2490. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2491. 0.164406, 0.000002, -0.986393
  2492. $AI Behavior: None
  2493. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2494. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2495. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2496. +Initial Hull: 100
  2497. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2498. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2499. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2500. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2501. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2502. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2503. $Determination: 10
  2504. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2505. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2506. +Respawn priority: 0
  2507. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2508. +Group: 0
  2509. +Use Table Score:
  2510. +Score: 10
  2512. $Name: Kukri 6 ;! Object #52
  2513. $Class: Scimitar
  2514. $Team: Friendly
  2515. $Location: 166.058807, 1249.999756, 3429.440918
  2516. $Orientation:
  2517. -0.982824, 0.000000, -0.184546,
  2518. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000002,
  2519. 0.184546, 0.000002, -0.982824
  2520. $AI Behavior: None
  2521. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2522. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2523. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2524. +Initial Hull: 100
  2525. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2526. +Secondary Banks: ( "Warhammer" "Warhammer" )
  2527. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2528. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2529. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2530. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2531. $Determination: 10
  2532. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2533. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2534. +Respawn priority: 0
  2535. +Orders Accepted: 16433 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2536. +Group: 0
  2537. +Use Table Score:
  2538. +Score: 10
  2540. $Name: Ogdoad ;! Object #53
  2541. $Class: GVC Aten
  2542. $Team: Hostile
  2543. $Location: 187.789215, -268.459595, -4213.885254
  2544. $Orientation:
  2545. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2546. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2547. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2548. $AI Behavior: None
  2549. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2550. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path ogdoad" 50 ) )
  2551. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2552. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2553. +Initial Hull: 100
  2554. +Initial Shields: 100
  2555. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2556. +Subsystem: turret01a
  2557. +Primary Banks: ( "Vasudan Light Energy Flak" )
  2558. +Subsystem: turret02a
  2559. +Primary Banks: ( "Vasudan Light Energy Flak" )
  2560. +Subsystem: turret03
  2561. +Primary Banks: ( "AAAh" )
  2562. +Subsystem: turret04
  2563. +Primary Banks: ( "AAAh" )
  2564. +Subsystem: turret05
  2565. +Primary Banks: ( "VasPulse" )
  2566. +Subsystem: turret06
  2567. +Primary Banks: ( "VasPulse" )
  2568. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2569. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2570. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2571. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2572. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2573. )
  2574. $Determination: 10
  2575. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  2576. +Flags2: ( )
  2577. +Respawn priority: 0
  2578. +Escort priority: 10
  2579. +Hotkey: 7
  2580. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2581. +Group: 0
  2582. +Use Table Score:
  2583. +Score: 90
  2585. $Name: Chi 4 ;! Object #54
  2586. $Class: GVG Anuket
  2587. $Team: Hostile
  2588. $Location: 197.289246, -70.355850, -4252.185059
  2589. $Orientation:
  2590. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2591. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2592. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2593. $AI Behavior: None
  2594. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2595. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path chi 4" 50 ) )
  2596. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Fusion Fuel", -1)
  2597. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2598. +Initial Hull: 100
  2599. +Initial Shields: 100
  2600. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2601. +Subsystem: turret01
  2602. +Subsystem: turret02
  2603. +Subsystem: turret03
  2604. +Subsystem: turret04
  2605. +Subsystem: turret05
  2606. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2607. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2608. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2609. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2610. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2611. )
  2612. $Determination: 10
  2613. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "escort" "scannable" )
  2614. +Flags2: ( )
  2615. +Respawn priority: 0
  2616. +Escort priority: 0
  2617. +Hotkey: 5
  2618. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2619. +Group: 0
  2620. +Use Table Score:
  2621. +Score: 50
  2623. $Name: Tau 1 ;! Object #55
  2624. $Class: GTT Argo
  2625. $Alt: GVT Argo
  2627. $Team: Hostile
  2628. $Location: 117.047272, -216.690491, -4067.508301
  2629. $Orientation:
  2630. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2631. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2632. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2633. $AI Behavior: None
  2634. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2635. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path tau 1" 50 ) )
  2636. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Marine Battalion", -1)
  2637. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2638. +Initial Hull: 100
  2639. +Initial Shields: 100
  2640. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2641. +Subsystem: turret01
  2642. +Subsystem: turret02
  2643. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2644. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2645. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2646. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2647. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2648. )
  2649. $Determination: 10
  2650. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2651. +Flags2: ( )
  2652. +Respawn priority: 0
  2653. $Special Explosion:
  2654. +Special Exp Damage: 250
  2655. +Special Exp Blast: 650
  2656. +Special Exp Inner Radius: 25
  2657. +Special Exp Outer Radius: 250
  2658. +Special Exp Shockwave Speed: 115
  2659. +Special Hitpoints: 6500
  2660. +Hotkey: 7
  2661. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2662. +Group: 0
  2663. +Use Table Score:
  2664. +Score: 40
  2666. $Name: Tau 2 ;! Object #56
  2667. $Class: GTT Argo
  2668. $Alt: GVT Argo
  2670. $Team: Hostile
  2671. $Location: 120.394684, -216.690430, -4379.193848
  2672. $Orientation:
  2673. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2674. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2675. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2676. $AI Behavior: None
  2677. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2678. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path tau 1" 50 ) )
  2679. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Marine Battalion", -1)
  2680. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2681. +Initial Hull: 100
  2682. +Initial Shields: 100
  2683. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2684. +Subsystem: turret01
  2685. +Subsystem: turret02
  2686. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2687. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2688. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2689. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2690. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2691. )
  2692. $Determination: 10
  2693. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2694. +Flags2: ( )
  2695. +Respawn priority: 0
  2696. $Special Explosion:
  2697. +Special Exp Damage: 250
  2698. +Special Exp Blast: 650
  2699. +Special Exp Inner Radius: 25
  2700. +Special Exp Outer Radius: 250
  2701. +Special Exp Shockwave Speed: 115
  2702. +Special Hitpoints: 6500
  2703. +Hotkey: 7
  2704. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2705. +Group: 0
  2706. +Use Table Score:
  2707. +Score: 40
  2709. $Name: Tau 3 ;! Object #57
  2710. $Class: GTT Argo
  2711. $Alt: GVT Argo
  2713. $Team: Hostile
  2714. $Location: 335.454346, -216.690491, -4473.384277
  2715. $Orientation:
  2716. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2717. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2718. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2719. $AI Behavior: None
  2720. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2721. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path tau 2" 50 ) )
  2722. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Marine Battalion", -1)
  2723. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2724. +Initial Hull: 100
  2725. +Initial Shields: 100
  2726. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2727. +Subsystem: turret01
  2728. +Subsystem: turret02
  2729. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2730. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2731. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2732. $Departure Cue: ( has-time-elapsed
  2733. ( + 540 ( rand-multiple 25 55 ) )
  2734. )
  2735. $Determination: 10
  2736. +Flags: ( "no-shields" )
  2737. +Flags2: ( )
  2738. +Respawn priority: 0
  2739. $Special Explosion:
  2740. +Special Exp Damage: 250
  2741. +Special Exp Blast: 650
  2742. +Special Exp Inner Radius: 25
  2743. +Special Exp Outer Radius: 250
  2744. +Special Exp Shockwave Speed: 115
  2745. +Special Hitpoints: 6500
  2746. +Hotkey: 7
  2747. +Orders Accepted: 257 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2748. +Group: 0
  2749. +Use Table Score:
  2750. +Score: 40
  2752. $Name: concluded, withdrawing ;! Object #58
  2753. $Class: GTNB Pharos
  2754. $Team: Hostile
  2755. $Location: -146.000000, -20000.000000, -572.000000
  2756. $Orientation:
  2757. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2758. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2759. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2760. $AI Behavior: None
  2761. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2762. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2763. +Initial Shields: 100
  2764. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2765. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2766. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2767. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2768. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2769. $Determination: 10
  2770. +Flags: ( "no-shields" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" )
  2771. +Flags2: ( )
  2772. +Respawn priority: 0
  2773. +Group: 0
  2774. +Use Table Score:
  2775. +Score: 0
  2777. $Name: Midwinter 5-1 ;! Object #59
  2778. $Class: UEA Oculus
  2779. $Team: Friendly
  2780. $Location: 3658.100098, 1500.000000, 1081.244751
  2781. $Orientation:
  2782. 1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000650,
  2783. 0.000004, 0.999985, 0.005505,
  2784. 0.000650, -0.005505, 0.999985
  2785. $AI Behavior: None
  2786. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2787. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path mw5-1" 50 ) )
  2788. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2789. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2790. +Initial Hull: 100
  2791. +Initial Shields: 100
  2792. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2793. +Subsystem: turret01
  2794. +Subsystem: turret02
  2795. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2796. $Arrival Cue: ( has-time-elapsed 11 )
  2797. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2798. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  2799. "RTB return to base"
  2800. 2
  2801. )
  2802. $Determination: 10
  2803. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
  2804. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2805. +Respawn priority: 0
  2806. +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2807. +Group: 0
  2808. +Use Table Score:
  2809. +Score: 160
  2811. $Name: Midwinter 5-2 ;! Object #60
  2812. $Class: UEC Custos
  2813. $Team: Friendly
  2814. $Location: 3540.800049, 1450.000000, 963.244751
  2815. $Orientation:
  2816. 0.999910, 0.000000, -0.013388,
  2817. -0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2818. 0.013388, 0.000000, 0.999910
  2819. $AI Behavior: None
  2820. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2821. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "path mw5-2" 50 ) )
  2822. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2823. +Initial Hull: 100
  2824. +Initial Shields: 100
  2825. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2826. +Subsystem: turret01
  2827. +Primary Banks: ( "Gattler" )
  2828. +Subsystem: turret02
  2829. +Primary Banks: ( "Gattler" )
  2830. +Subsystem: turret03
  2831. +Primary Banks: ( "Gattler" )
  2832. +Subsystem: turret04
  2833. +Primary Banks: ( "Gattler" )
  2834. +Subsystem: turret05
  2835. +Sbank Ammo: ( 0 )
  2836. +Subsystem: turret06
  2837. +Sbank Ammo: ( 0 )
  2838. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2839. $Arrival Cue: ( has-time-elapsed 11 )
  2840. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2841. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  2842. "RTB return to base"
  2843. 4
  2844. )
  2845. $Determination: 10
  2846. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "stealth" )
  2847. +Flags2: ( "no-builtin-messages" )
  2848. +Respawn priority: 0
  2849. +Orders Accepted: 1 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2850. +Group: 0
  2851. +Score: 400
  2853. $Name: Ridwan Beta 1 ;! Object #61
  2854. $Class: UEF Kentauroi
  2855. $Team: Unknown
  2856. $Location: 1480.135376, 0.000347, -2092.033203
  2857. $Orientation:
  2858. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2859. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2860. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2861. $AI Behavior: None
  2862. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2863. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2864. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2865. +Initial Hull: 100
  2866. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2867. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2868. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2869. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2870. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2871. $Determination: 10
  2872. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2873. +Flags2: ( )
  2874. +Respawn priority: 0
  2875. +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2876. +Group: 0
  2877. +Use Table Score:
  2878. +Score: 12
  2880. $Name: Ridwan Beta 2 ;! Object #62
  2881. $Class: UEF Kentauroi
  2882. $Team: Unknown
  2883. $Location: 1511.832886, 0.000205, -2135.918457
  2884. $Orientation:
  2885. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2886. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2887. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2888. $AI Behavior: None
  2889. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2890. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2891. +Initial Hull: 100
  2892. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2893. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2894. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2895. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2896. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2897. $Determination: 10
  2898. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2899. +Flags2: ( )
  2900. +Respawn priority: 0
  2901. +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2902. +Group: 0
  2903. +Score: 10
  2905. $Name: Ridwan Beta 3 ;! Object #63
  2906. $Class: UEF Kentauroi
  2907. $Team: Unknown
  2908. $Location: 1455.197144, 0.000195, -2134.510010
  2909. $Orientation:
  2910. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2911. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2912. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2913. $AI Behavior: None
  2914. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2915. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2916. +Initial Hull: 100
  2917. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2918. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2919. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2920. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2921. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2922. $Determination: 10
  2923. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  2924. +Flags2: ( )
  2925. +Respawn priority: 0
  2926. +Orders Accepted: 0 ;! note that this is a bitfield!!!
  2927. +Group: 0
  2928. +Score: 10
  2930. $Name: Convoy % ;! Object #64
  2931. $Class: GTNB Pharos
  2932. $Team: Friendly
  2933. $Location: 1179.400024, 100000.000000, -3151.199951
  2934. $Orientation:
  2935. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2936. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2937. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2938. $AI Behavior: None
  2939. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2940. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2941. +Initial Shields: 100
  2942. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2943. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2944. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  2945. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2946. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2947. $Determination: 10
  2948. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "escort" )
  2949. +Flags2: ( )
  2950. +Respawn priority: 0
  2951. +Escort priority: 100
  2952. +Group: 0
  2953. +Use Table Score:
  2954. +Score: 0
  2956. $Name: Aries 1 ;! Object #65
  2957. $Class: GVF Serapis
  2958. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  2960. $Team: Hostile
  2961. $Location: 436.599396, -0.000229, -3823.710205
  2962. $Orientation:
  2963. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2964. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2965. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2966. $AI Behavior: None
  2967. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2968. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2969. +Initial Velocity: 33
  2970. +Initial Hull: 100
  2971. +Subsystem: Pilot
  2972. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  2973. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  2974. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  2975. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  2976. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  2977. $Determination: 10
  2978. +Flags: ( )
  2979. +Flags2: ( )
  2980. +Respawn priority: 0
  2981. +Hotkey: 7
  2982. +Group: 0
  2983. +Use Table Score:
  2984. +Score: 12
  2986. $Name: Aries 2 ;! Object #66
  2987. $Class: GVF Serapis
  2988. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  2990. $Team: Hostile
  2991. $Location: 464.070038, -0.000157, -3866.382324
  2992. $Orientation:
  2993. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  2994. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  2995. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  2996. $AI Behavior: None
  2997. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  2998. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  2999. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3000. +Initial Hull: 100
  3001. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3002. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  3003. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3004. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3005. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3006. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3007. $Determination: 10
  3008. +Flags: ( )
  3009. +Flags2: ( )
  3010. +Respawn priority: 0
  3011. +Hotkey: 7
  3012. +Group: 0
  3013. +Use Table Score:
  3014. +Score: 12
  3016. $Name: Aries 3 ;! Object #67
  3017. $Class: GVF Serapis
  3018. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  3020. $Team: Hostile
  3021. $Location: 422.381775, -0.000147, -3873.107666
  3022. $Orientation:
  3023. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3024. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3025. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3026. $AI Behavior: None
  3027. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  3028. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3029. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3030. +Initial Hull: 100
  3031. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3032. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  3033. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3034. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3035. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3036. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3037. $Determination: 10
  3038. +Flags: ( )
  3039. +Flags2: ( )
  3040. +Respawn priority: 0
  3041. +Hotkey: 7
  3042. +Group: 0
  3043. +Use Table Score:
  3044. +Score: 12
  3046. $Name: Cancer 1 ;! Object #68
  3047. $Class: GVF Serapis
  3048. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  3050. $Team: Hostile
  3051. $Location: 251.179886, 0.000531, -2504.112305
  3052. $Orientation:
  3053. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3054. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3055. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3056. $AI Behavior: None
  3057. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  3058. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3059. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3060. +Initial Hull: 100
  3061. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3062. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  3063. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3064. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3065. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3066. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3067. $Determination: 10
  3068. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3069. +Flags2: ( )
  3070. +Respawn priority: 0
  3071. +Hotkey: 7
  3072. +Group: 0
  3073. +Use Table Score:
  3074. +Score: 12
  3076. $Name: Cancer 2 ;! Object #69
  3077. $Class: GVF Serapis
  3078. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  3080. $Team: Hostile
  3081. $Location: 271.657776, 0.000572, -2558.042236
  3082. $Orientation:
  3083. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3084. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3085. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3086. $AI Behavior: None
  3087. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  3088. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3089. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3090. +Initial Hull: 100
  3091. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3092. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  3093. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3094. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3095. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3096. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3097. $Determination: 10
  3098. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3099. +Flags2: ( )
  3100. +Respawn priority: 0
  3101. +Hotkey: 7
  3102. +Group: 0
  3103. +Use Table Score:
  3104. +Score: 12
  3106. $Name: Cancer 3 ;! Object #70
  3107. $Class: GVF Serapis
  3108. $Callsign: 486th Tactical
  3110. $Team: Hostile
  3111. $Location: 202.270096, 0.000535, -2561.667725
  3112. $Orientation:
  3113. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3114. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3115. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3116. $AI Behavior: None
  3117. +AI Class: BP2-Major
  3118. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3119. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3120. +Initial Hull: 100
  3121. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3122. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Mekhu HL-7" )
  3123. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3124. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3125. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3126. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3127. $Determination: 10
  3128. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3129. +Flags2: ( )
  3130. +Respawn priority: 0
  3131. +Hotkey: 7
  3132. +Group: 0
  3133. +Use Table Score:
  3134. +Score: 12
  3136. $Name: Ejected Pilot ;! Object #71
  3137. $Class: Spacesuit
  3138. $Team: Unknown
  3139. $Location: -701.324890, -0.000138, -3198.709473
  3140. $Orientation:
  3141. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3142. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3143. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3144. $AI Behavior: None
  3145. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3146. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3147. +Initial Hull: 100
  3148. +Initial Shields: 100
  3149. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3150. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3151. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3152. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3153. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3154. $Determination: 10
  3155. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "no-arrival-warp" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" "don't-collide-invisible" )
  3156. +Flags2: ( )
  3157. +Respawn priority: 0
  3158. +Special Hitpoints: 2000
  3159. +Group: 0
  3160. +Use Table Score:
  3161. +Score: 1
  3163. $Name: Jump (min) ;! Object #72
  3164. $Class: GTNB Pharos
  3165. $Team: Friendly
  3166. $Location: -13089.200195, 1000000.000000, 3078.300049
  3167. $Orientation:
  3168. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3169. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3170. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3171. $AI Behavior: None
  3172. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3173. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3174. +Initial Shields: 100
  3175. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3176. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3177. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  3178. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3179. $Departure Cue: ( percent-ships-destroyed
  3180. 100
  3181. "Chi 1"
  3182. "Chi 2"
  3183. "Chi 3"
  3184. "Chi 4"
  3185. "Heket"
  3186. "Upsilon 1"
  3187. "Upsilon 2"
  3188. "Upsilon 7"
  3189. "Upsilon 8"
  3190. "Upsilon 6"
  3191. "Upsilon 3"
  3192. "Upsilon 4"
  3193. "Upsilon 5"
  3194. "Tabia"
  3195. "Rho 1"
  3196. "Rho 2"
  3197. "Rho 3"
  3198. "Rho 4"
  3199. "Rho 5"
  3200. "Rho 6"
  3201. "Rho 7"
  3202. "Rho 8"
  3203. "Iota 1"
  3204. "Iota 2"
  3205. "Iota 3"
  3206. "Iota 4"
  3207. "Iota 5"
  3208. "Iota 6"
  3209. "Tau 1"
  3210. "Ogdoad"
  3211. "Tau 3"
  3212. "Tau 2"
  3213. )
  3214. $Determination: 10
  3215. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" )
  3216. +Flags2: ( )
  3217. +Respawn priority: 0
  3218. +Group: 0
  3219. +Use Table Score:
  3220. +Score: 0
  3222. $Name: Token 1 ;! Object #73
  3223. $Class: GTEP Hermes
  3224. $Team: Unknown
  3225. $Location: 968.400024, 999999.000000, -1654.400024
  3226. $Orientation:
  3227. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3228. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3229. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3230. $AI Behavior: None
  3231. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3232. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3233. +Initial Hull: 100
  3234. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3235. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3236. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3237. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3238. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3239. $Determination: 10
  3240. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-departure-warp" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" )
  3241. +Flags2: ( )
  3242. +Respawn priority: 0
  3243. +Group: 0
  3244. +Use Table Score:
  3245. +Score: 5
  3247. $Name: Token 2 ;! Object #74
  3248. $Class: GTEP Hermes
  3249. $Team: Unknown
  3250. $Location: 1055.044678, 999999.000000, -1685.430176
  3251. $Orientation:
  3252. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3253. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3254. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3255. $AI Behavior: None
  3256. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3257. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3258. +Initial Hull: 100
  3259. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3260. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3261. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3262. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3263. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3264. $Determination: 10
  3265. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-departure-warp" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" )
  3266. +Flags2: ( )
  3267. +Respawn priority: 0
  3268. +Group: 0
  3269. +Use Table Score:
  3270. +Score: 5
  3272. $Name: Token 3 ;! Object #75
  3273. $Class: GTEP Hermes
  3274. $Team: Unknown
  3275. $Location: 1181.415039, 999999.000000, -1729.266968
  3276. $Orientation:
  3277. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3278. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3279. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3280. $AI Behavior: None
  3281. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3282. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3283. +Initial Hull: 100
  3284. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3285. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3286. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3287. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3288. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3289. $Determination: 10
  3290. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-departure-warp" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" )
  3291. +Flags2: ( )
  3292. +Respawn priority: 0
  3293. +Group: 0
  3294. +Use Table Score:
  3295. +Score: 5
  3297. $Name: Token 4 ;! Object #76
  3298. $Class: GTEP Hermes
  3299. $Team: Unknown
  3300. $Location: 1305.703857, 999999.000000, -1750.089233
  3301. $Orientation:
  3302. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3303. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3304. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3305. $AI Behavior: None
  3306. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3307. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3308. +Initial Hull: 100
  3309. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3310. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3311. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3312. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3313. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3314. $Determination: 10
  3315. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-departure-warp" "invulnerable" "hidden-from-sensors" "stealth" "friendly-stealth-invisible" )
  3316. +Flags2: ( )
  3317. +Respawn priority: 0
  3318. +Group: 0
  3319. +Use Table Score:
  3320. +Score: 5
  3322. $Name: Capricorn 1 ;! Object #77
  3323. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3324. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3326. $Team: Hostile
  3327. $Location: 73.151291, -0.020954, 8120.908691
  3328. $Orientation:
  3329. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3330. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3331. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3332. $AI Behavior: None
  3333. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3334. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3335. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3336. +Initial Hull: 100
  3337. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3338. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3339. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3340. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3341. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3342. $Determination: 10
  3343. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3344. +Flags2: ( )
  3345. +Respawn priority: 0
  3346. +Group: 0
  3347. +Use Table Score:
  3348. +Score: 14
  3350. $Name: Capricorn 2 ;! Object #78
  3351. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3352. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3354. $Team: Hostile
  3355. $Location: 49.046085, -0.020881, 8085.900879
  3356. $Orientation:
  3357. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3358. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3359. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3360. $AI Behavior: None
  3361. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3362. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3363. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3364. +Initial Hull: 100
  3365. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3366. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3367. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3368. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3369. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3370. $Determination: 10
  3371. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3372. +Flags2: ( )
  3373. +Respawn priority: 0
  3374. +Group: 0
  3375. +Use Table Score:
  3376. +Score: 14
  3378. $Name: Capricorn 3 ;! Object #79
  3379. $Class: GTF Perseus
  3380. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3382. $Team: Hostile
  3383. $Location: 2.992013, -0.021047, 8127.252930
  3384. $Orientation:
  3385. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3386. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3387. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3388. $AI Behavior: None
  3389. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3390. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3391. +Initial Hull: 100
  3392. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3393. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Prometheus S" )
  3394. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Hornet" )
  3395. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3396. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3397. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3398. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3399. $Determination: 10
  3400. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3401. +Flags2: ( )
  3402. +Respawn priority: 0
  3403. +Group: 0
  3404. +Score: 12
  3406. $Name: Capricorn 4 ;! Object #80
  3407. $Class: GTF Perseus
  3408. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3410. $Team: Hostile
  3411. $Location: -22.636625, -0.020958, 8064.729980
  3412. $Orientation:
  3413. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3414. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3415. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3416. $AI Behavior: None
  3417. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3418. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3419. +Initial Hull: 100
  3420. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3421. +Primary Banks: ( "Balor" "Prometheus S" )
  3422. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tornado" "Hornet" )
  3423. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3424. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3425. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3426. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3427. $Determination: 10
  3428. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3429. +Flags2: ( )
  3430. +Respawn priority: 0
  3431. +Group: 0
  3432. +Score: 12
  3434. $Name: Capricorn 5 ;! Object #81
  3435. $Class: GTF Myrmidon
  3436. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3438. $Team: Hostile
  3439. $Location: 151.572311, -0.021026, 8136.085938
  3440. $Orientation:
  3441. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3442. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3443. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3444. $AI Behavior: None
  3445. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3446. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3447. +Initial Hull: 100
  3448. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3449. +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" )
  3450. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Tornado" "Tempest" )
  3451. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3452. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3453. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3454. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3455. $Determination: 10
  3456. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3457. +Flags2: ( )
  3458. +Respawn priority: 0
  3459. +Group: 0
  3460. +Score: 12
  3462. $Name: Capricorn 6 ;! Object #82
  3463. $Class: GTF Myrmidon
  3464. $Callsign: 899th Undine
  3466. $Team: Hostile
  3467. $Location: 121.074242, -0.020982, 8071.620605
  3468. $Orientation:
  3469. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3470. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3471. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3472. $AI Behavior: None
  3473. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3474. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3475. +Initial Hull: 100
  3476. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3477. +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Prometheus S" )
  3478. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Tornado" "Tempest" )
  3479. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3480. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3481. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3482. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3483. $Determination: 10
  3484. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3485. +Flags2: ( )
  3486. +Respawn priority: 0
  3487. +Group: 0
  3488. +Score: 12
  3490. $Name: Gemini 1 ;! Object #83
  3491. $Class: GVF Seth
  3492. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3494. $Team: Hostile
  3495. $Location: -71.284920, -0.000001, 8123.969238
  3496. $Orientation:
  3497. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3498. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3499. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3500. $AI Behavior: None
  3501. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3502. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3503. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3504. +Initial Hull: 100
  3505. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3506. +Primary Banks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Balor" )
  3507. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Harpoon" )
  3508. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3509. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3510. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3511. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3512. $Determination: 10
  3513. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3514. +Flags2: ( )
  3515. +Respawn priority: 0
  3516. +Group: 0
  3517. +Use Table Score:
  3518. +Score: 12
  3520. $Name: Gemini 2 ;! Object #84
  3521. $Class: GVF Seth
  3522. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3524. $Team: Hostile
  3525. $Location: -98.782127, -0.000007, 8144.347168
  3526. $Orientation:
  3527. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3528. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3529. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3530. $AI Behavior: None
  3531. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3532. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3533. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3534. +Initial Hull: 100
  3535. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3536. +Primary Banks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Balor" )
  3537. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Harpoon" )
  3538. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3539. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3540. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3541. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3542. $Determination: 10
  3543. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3544. +Flags2: ( )
  3545. +Respawn priority: 0
  3546. +Group: 0
  3547. +Use Table Score:
  3548. +Score: 12
  3550. $Name: Gemini 3 ;! Object #85
  3551. $Class: GVF Tauret
  3552. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3554. $Team: Hostile
  3555. $Location: -132.801178, -0.000005, 8093.937012
  3556. $Orientation:
  3557. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3558. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3559. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3560. $AI Behavior: None
  3561. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3562. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3563. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3564. +Initial Hull: 100
  3565. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3566. +Primary Banks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Balor" )
  3567. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" )
  3568. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3569. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3570. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3571. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3572. $Determination: 10
  3573. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3574. +Flags2: ( )
  3575. +Respawn priority: 0
  3576. +Group: 0
  3577. +Use Table Score:
  3578. +Score: 10
  3580. $Name: Gemini 4 ;! Object #86
  3581. $Class: GVF Tauret
  3582. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3584. $Team: Hostile
  3585. $Location: -110.651512, 0.000008, 8071.472168
  3586. $Orientation:
  3587. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3588. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3589. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3590. $AI Behavior: None
  3591. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3592. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3593. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3594. +Initial Hull: 100
  3595. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3596. +Primary Banks: ( "Mekhu HL-7" "Balor" )
  3597. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" )
  3598. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3599. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3600. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3601. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3602. $Determination: 10
  3603. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3604. +Flags2: ( )
  3605. +Respawn priority: 0
  3606. +Group: 0
  3607. +Use Table Score:
  3608. +Score: 10
  3610. $Name: Gemini 5 ;! Object #87
  3611. $Class: GVF Horus
  3612. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3614. $Team: Hostile
  3615. $Location: -72.847061, 0.000029, 8033.958984
  3616. $Orientation:
  3617. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3618. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3619. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3620. $AI Behavior: None
  3621. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3622. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3623. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3624. +Initial Hull: 100
  3625. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3626. +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Morning Star" )
  3627. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" )
  3628. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3629. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3630. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3631. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3632. $Determination: 10
  3633. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3634. +Flags2: ( )
  3635. +Respawn priority: 0
  3636. +Group: 0
  3637. +Use Table Score:
  3638. +Score: 10
  3640. $Name: Gemini 6 ;! Object #88
  3641. $Class: GVF Horus
  3642. $Callsign: 477th Ta Dehent
  3644. $Team: Hostile
  3645. $Location: -88.018700, -0.000019, 8063.129395
  3646. $Orientation:
  3647. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3648. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3649. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3650. $AI Behavior: None
  3651. +AI Class: BP2-Colonel
  3652. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3653. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3654. +Initial Hull: 100
  3655. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3656. +Primary Banks: ( "Prometheus S" "Morning Star" )
  3657. +Secondary Banks: ( "Tempest" "Trebuchet" )
  3658. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3659. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3660. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3661. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3662. $Determination: 10
  3663. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3664. +Flags2: ( )
  3665. +Respawn priority: 0
  3666. +Group: 0
  3667. +Use Table Score:
  3668. +Score: 10
  3670. $Name: Auriga 1 ;! Object #89
  3671. $Class: GTF Pegasus
  3672. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3674. $Team: Hostile
  3675. $Location: 43.711102, 0.000142, 7867.124023
  3676. $Orientation:
  3677. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3678. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3679. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3680. $AI Behavior: None
  3681. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3682. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3683. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3684. +Initial Hull: 100
  3685. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3686. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3687. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3688. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3689. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3690. $Determination: 10
  3691. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  3692. +Flags2: ( )
  3693. +Respawn priority: 0
  3694. +Group: 0
  3695. +Use Table Score:
  3696. +Score: 10
  3698. $Name: Auriga 2 ;! Object #90
  3699. $Class: GTF Pegasus
  3700. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3702. $Team: Hostile
  3703. $Location: 78.914772, 0.000084, 7837.834961
  3704. $Orientation:
  3705. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3706. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3707. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3708. $AI Behavior: None
  3709. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3710. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3711. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3712. +Initial Hull: 100
  3713. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3714. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3715. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3716. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3717. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3718. $Determination: 10
  3719. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  3720. +Flags2: ( )
  3721. +Respawn priority: 0
  3722. +Group: 0
  3723. +Use Table Score:
  3724. +Score: 10
  3726. $Name: Auriga 3 ;! Object #91
  3727. $Class: GTF Pegasus
  3728. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3730. $Team: Hostile
  3731. $Location: 31.126143, 0.000089, 7826.780273
  3732. $Orientation:
  3733. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3734. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3735. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3736. $AI Behavior: None
  3737. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3738. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3739. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3740. +Initial Hull: 100
  3741. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3742. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3743. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3744. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3745. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3746. $Determination: 10
  3747. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  3748. +Flags2: ( )
  3749. +Respawn priority: 0
  3750. +Group: 0
  3751. +Use Table Score:
  3752. +Score: 10
  3754. $Name: Auriga 4 ;! Object #92
  3755. $Class: GTF Pegasus
  3756. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3758. $Team: Hostile
  3759. $Location: 62.182373, 0.000155, 7786.354980
  3760. $Orientation:
  3761. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3762. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3763. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3764. $AI Behavior: None
  3765. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3766. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3767. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3768. +Initial Hull: 100
  3769. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3770. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3771. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3772. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3773. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3774. $Determination: 10
  3775. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "stealth" )
  3776. +Flags2: ( )
  3777. +Respawn priority: 0
  3778. +Group: 0
  3779. +Use Table Score:
  3780. +Score: 10
  3782. $Name: Caedus 1 ;! Object #93
  3783. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3784. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3786. $Team: Hostile
  3787. $Location: -54.378048, 0.000179, 7858.745605
  3788. $Orientation:
  3789. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3790. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3791. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3792. $AI Behavior: None
  3793. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3794. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3795. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3796. +Initial Hull: 100
  3797. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3798. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3799. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3800. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3801. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3802. $Determination: 10
  3803. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3804. +Flags2: ( )
  3805. +Respawn priority: 0
  3806. +Group: 0
  3807. +Use Table Score:
  3808. +Score: 14
  3810. $Name: Caedus 2 ;! Object #94
  3811. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3812. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3814. $Team: Hostile
  3815. $Location: -22.973509, 0.000146, 7836.312012
  3816. $Orientation:
  3817. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3818. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3819. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3820. $AI Behavior: None
  3821. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3822. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3823. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3824. +Initial Hull: 100
  3825. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3826. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3827. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3828. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3829. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3830. $Determination: 10
  3831. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3832. +Flags2: ( )
  3833. +Respawn priority: 0
  3834. +Group: 0
  3835. +Use Table Score:
  3836. +Score: 14
  3838. $Name: Caedus 3 ;! Object #95
  3839. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3840. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3842. $Team: Hostile
  3843. $Location: -67.906593, 0.000113, 7810.931152
  3844. $Orientation:
  3845. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3846. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3847. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3848. $AI Behavior: None
  3849. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3850. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3851. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3852. +Initial Hull: 100
  3853. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3854. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3855. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3856. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3857. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3858. $Determination: 10
  3859. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3860. +Flags2: ( )
  3861. +Respawn priority: 0
  3862. +Group: 0
  3863. +Use Table Score:
  3864. +Score: 14
  3866. $Name: Caedus 4 ;! Object #96
  3867. $Class: GTF Aurora
  3868. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3870. $Team: Hostile
  3871. $Location: -33.398499, 0.000109, 7778.917480
  3872. $Orientation:
  3873. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3874. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3875. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3876. $AI Behavior: None
  3877. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3878. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3879. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3880. +Initial Hull: 100
  3881. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3882. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3883. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3884. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3885. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3886. $Determination: 10
  3887. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3888. +Flags2: ( )
  3889. +Respawn priority: 0
  3890. +Group: 0
  3891. +Use Table Score:
  3892. +Score: 14
  3894. $Name: Corona 1 ;! Object #97
  3895. $Class: GTF Atalanta
  3896. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3898. $Team: Hostile
  3899. $Location: 1533.155151, 0.000039, -5532.299805
  3900. $Orientation:
  3901. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3902. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3903. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3904. $AI Behavior: None
  3905. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3906. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3907. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3908. +Initial Hull: 100
  3909. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3910. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3911. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3912. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3913. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3914. $Determination: 10
  3915. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3916. +Flags2: ( )
  3917. +Respawn priority: 0
  3918. +Group: 0
  3919. +Use Table Score:
  3920. +Score: 12
  3922. $Name: Corona 2 ;! Object #98
  3923. $Class: GTF Atalanta
  3924. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3926. $Team: Hostile
  3927. $Location: 1558.301880, 0.000071, -5558.453125
  3928. $Orientation:
  3929. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3930. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3931. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3932. $AI Behavior: None
  3933. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3934. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3935. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3936. +Initial Hull: 100
  3937. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3938. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3939. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3940. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3941. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3942. $Determination: 10
  3943. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3944. +Flags2: ( )
  3945. +Respawn priority: 0
  3946. +Group: 0
  3947. +Use Table Score:
  3948. +Score: 12
  3950. $Name: Corona 3 ;! Object #99
  3951. $Class: GTF Atalanta
  3952. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3954. $Team: Hostile
  3955. $Location: 1516.826904, 0.000071, -5567.774414
  3956. $Orientation:
  3957. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3958. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3959. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3960. $AI Behavior: None
  3961. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3962. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3963. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3964. +Initial Hull: 100
  3965. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3966. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3967. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3968. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3969. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3970. $Determination: 10
  3971. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  3972. +Flags2: ( )
  3973. +Respawn priority: 0
  3974. +Group: 0
  3975. +Use Table Score:
  3976. +Score: 12
  3978. $Name: Corona 4 ;! Object #100
  3979. $Class: GTF Atalanta
  3980. $Callsign: 13th Eidolon
  3982. $Team: Hostile
  3983. $Location: 1538.085449, -0.000009, -5604.943848
  3984. $Orientation:
  3985. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  3986. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  3987. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  3988. $AI Behavior: None
  3989. +AI Class: Little Devil
  3990. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  3991. +Initial Velocity: 33
  3992. +Initial Hull: 100
  3993. +Subsystem: Pilot
  3994. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  3995. $Arrival Cue: ( false )
  3996. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  3997. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  3998. $Determination: 10
  3999. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
  4000. +Flags2: ( )
  4001. +Respawn priority: 0
  4002. +Group: 0
  4003. +Use Table Score:
  4004. +Score: 12
  4006. $Name: Observation Point ;! Object #101
  4007. $Class: UENB Alexandria
  4008. $Team: Unknown
  4009. $Location: 185.600006, 5500.000000, 8200.599609
  4010. $Orientation:
  4011. 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
  4012. 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
  4013. 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  4014. $AI Behavior: None
  4015. $Cargo 1: XSTR("Nothing", -1)
  4016. +Initial Shields: 100
  4017. +Subsystem: Pilot
  4018. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4019. $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4020. "RTB return to base"
  4021. 0
  4022. )
  4023. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4024. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4025. $Determination: 10
  4026. +Flags: ( "cargo-known" "no-shields" "escort" "no-arrival-warp" )
  4027. +Flags2: ( )
  4028. +Respawn priority: 0
  4029. +Escort priority: 0
  4030. +Group: 0
  4031. +Use Table Score:
  4032. +Score: 0
  4034. #Wings ;! 10 total
  4036. $Name: Falcata
  4037. $Waves: 1
  4038. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4039. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Falcata 1
  4041. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4042. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  4043. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4044. $Departure Cue: ( and
  4045. ( key-pressed "Alt-J" )
  4046. ( is-event-true-delay
  4047. "RTB return to base"
  4048. 7
  4049. )
  4050. )
  4051. $Ships: ( ;! 4 total
  4052. "Falcata 1"
  4053. "Falcata 2"
  4054. "Falcata 3"
  4055. "Falcata 4"
  4056. )
  4057. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-play-dead 50 ) )
  4058. +Hotkey: 0
  4059. +Flags: ( )
  4061. $Name: Kukri
  4062. $Waves: 1
  4063. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4064. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Kukri 1
  4066. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4067. $Arrival Cue: ( has-time-elapsed 1 )
  4068. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4069. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4070. $Ships: ( ;! 6 total
  4071. "Kukri 1"
  4072. "Kukri 2"
  4073. "Kukri 3"
  4074. "Kukri 4"
  4075. "Kukri 5"
  4076. "Kukri 6"
  4077. )
  4078. +Flags: ( "no-dynamic" )
  4080. $Name: Ridwan Beta
  4081. $Waves: 1
  4082. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4083. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Ridwan Beta 1
  4085. $Arrival Location: Near Ship
  4086. +Arrival Distance: 10000
  4087. $Arrival Anchor: <any hostile>
  4088. $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4089. "UEF ships inbound!"
  4090. 0
  4091. )
  4092. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4093. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4094. "UEF ships inbound!"
  4095. 196
  4096. )
  4097. $Ships: ( ;! 3 total
  4098. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  4099. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  4100. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  4101. )
  4102. +Flags: ( )
  4104. $Name: Aries
  4105. $Waves: 1
  4106. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4107. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Aries 1
  4109. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4110. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  4111. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4112. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4113. $Ships: ( ;! 3 total
  4114. "Aries 1"
  4115. "Aries 2"
  4116. "Aries 3"
  4117. )
  4118. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-guard "Ogdoad" 50 ) )
  4119. +Flags: ( )
  4121. $Name: Cancer
  4122. $Waves: 1
  4123. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4124. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Cancer 1
  4126. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4127. $Arrival Cue: ( true )
  4128. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4129. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4130. $Ships: ( ;! 3 total
  4131. "Cancer 1"
  4132. "Cancer 2"
  4133. "Cancer 3"
  4134. )
  4135. $AI Goals: ( goals ( ai-waypoints-once "patrol path Cancer" 50 ) ( ai-guard "Heket" 40 ) )
  4136. +Flags: ( )
  4138. $Name: Capricorn
  4139. $Waves: 1
  4140. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4141. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Capricorn 1
  4143. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4144. $Arrival Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4145. "RTB return to base"
  4146. 106
  4147. )
  4148. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4149. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4150. $Ships: ( ;! 6 total
  4151. "Capricorn 1"
  4152. "Capricorn 2"
  4153. "Capricorn 3"
  4154. "Capricorn 4"
  4155. "Capricorn 5"
  4156. "Capricorn 6"
  4157. )
  4158. +Flags: ( )
  4160. $Name: Gemini
  4161. $Waves: 1
  4162. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4163. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Gemini 1
  4165. $Arrival Location: Near Ship
  4166. +Arrival Distance: 1
  4167. $Arrival Anchor: <any hostile>
  4168. $Arrival Cue: ( has-arrived-delay 9 "Capricorn" )
  4169. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4170. $Departure Cue: ( false )
  4171. $Ships: ( ;! 6 total
  4172. "Gemini 1"
  4173. "Gemini 2"
  4174. "Gemini 3"
  4175. "Gemini 4"
  4176. "Gemini 5"
  4177. "Gemini 6"
  4178. )
  4179. +Flags: ( )
  4181. $Name: Auriga
  4182. $Waves: 1
  4183. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4184. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Auriga 1
  4186. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4187. $Arrival Cue: ( has-arrived-delay 17 "Gemini" )
  4188. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4189. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4190. "investigate 7"
  4191. 125
  4192. )
  4193. $Ships: ( ;! 4 total
  4194. "Auriga 1"
  4195. "Auriga 2"
  4196. "Auriga 3"
  4197. "Auriga 4"
  4198. )
  4199. +Flags: ( )
  4201. $Name: Caedus
  4202. $Waves: 1
  4203. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4204. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Caedus 1
  4206. $Arrival Location: Hyperspace
  4207. $Arrival Cue: ( has-arrived-delay 17 "Gemini" )
  4208. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4209. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4210. "investigate 7"
  4211. 125
  4212. )
  4213. $Ships: ( ;! 4 total
  4214. "Caedus 1"
  4215. "Caedus 2"
  4216. "Caedus 3"
  4217. "Caedus 4"
  4218. )
  4219. +Flags: ( )
  4221. $Name: Corona
  4222. $Waves: 1
  4223. $Wave Threshold: 0
  4224. $Special Ship: 0 ;! Corona 1
  4226. $Arrival Location: Near Ship
  4227. +Arrival Distance: 450
  4228. $Arrival Anchor: <any hostile>
  4229. $Arrival Cue: ( has-arrived-delay 18 "Gemini" )
  4230. $Departure Location: Hyperspace
  4231. $Departure Cue: ( is-event-true-delay
  4232. "investigate 7"
  4233. 125
  4234. )
  4235. $Ships: ( ;! 4 total
  4236. "Corona 1"
  4237. "Corona 2"
  4238. "Corona 3"
  4239. "Corona 4"
  4240. )
  4241. +Flags: ( )
  4243. #Events ;! 217 total
  4245. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4246. ( every-of
  4247. "Chi 1"
  4248. "Chi 2"
  4249. "Heket"
  4250. "Upsilon 1"
  4251. "Upsilon 2"
  4252. "Upsilon 7"
  4253. "Upsilon 8"
  4254. "Upsilon 3"
  4255. "Upsilon 4"
  4256. "Upsilon 5"
  4257. "Upsilon 6"
  4258. "Chi 3"
  4259. "Rho 1"
  4260. "Rho 2"
  4261. "Rho 3"
  4262. "Rho 4"
  4263. "Rho 5"
  4264. "Rho 6"
  4265. "Rho 8"
  4266. "Rho 7"
  4267. "Iota 1"
  4268. "Iota 2"
  4269. "Iota 3"
  4270. "Iota 4"
  4271. "Iota 5"
  4272. "Iota 6"
  4273. "Chi 4"
  4274. "Ogdoad"
  4275. "Tau 1"
  4276. "Tau 2"
  4277. "Tau 3"
  4278. )
  4279. ( and
  4280. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  4281. ( not
  4282. ( is-event-true-delay
  4283. "viral strike on tabia"
  4284. 0
  4285. )
  4286. )
  4287. ( not
  4288. ( is-event-true-delay
  4289. "you've been detected, fail"
  4290. 0
  4291. )
  4292. )
  4293. )
  4294. ( change-ai-class
  4295. "Coward"
  4296. "<argument>"
  4297. )
  4298. ( send-message
  4299. "Ogdoad"
  4300. "Normal"
  4301. "ogdoad: AWACS down"
  4302. )
  4303. ( beam-lock-all "Heket" "Ogdoad" )
  4304. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4305. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4306. "Kukri 1"
  4307. )
  4308. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4309. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4310. "Kukri 3"
  4311. )
  4312. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4313. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4314. "Kukri 4"
  4315. )
  4316. ( add-goal
  4317. "Cancer"
  4318. ( ai-guard "Heket" 89 )
  4319. )
  4320. )
  4321. +Name: Neith shuts down
  4322. +Repeat Count: 1
  4323. +Interval: 1
  4324. +Team: 0
  4326. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4327. ( every-of
  4328. "Chi 1"
  4329. "Chi 2"
  4330. "Heket"
  4331. "Upsilon 1"
  4332. "Upsilon 2"
  4333. "Upsilon 7"
  4334. "Upsilon 8"
  4335. "Upsilon 3"
  4336. "Upsilon 4"
  4337. "Upsilon 5"
  4338. "Upsilon 6"
  4339. "Chi 3"
  4340. "Rho 1"
  4341. "Rho 2"
  4342. "Rho 3"
  4343. "Rho 4"
  4344. "Rho 5"
  4345. "Rho 6"
  4346. "Rho 8"
  4347. "Rho 7"
  4348. "Iota 1"
  4349. "Iota 2"
  4350. "Iota 3"
  4351. "Iota 4"
  4352. "Iota 5"
  4353. "Iota 6"
  4354. "Chi 4"
  4355. "Ogdoad"
  4356. "Tau 1"
  4357. "Tau 2"
  4358. "Tau 3"
  4359. "Tabia"
  4360. )
  4361. ( and
  4362. ( or
  4363. ( is-event-true-delay
  4364. "Neith shuts down"
  4365. 300
  4366. )
  4367. ( is-event-true-delay
  4368. "viral strike on tabia"
  4369. 300
  4370. )
  4371. )
  4372. ( not
  4373. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  4374. 100
  4375. "Chi 1"
  4376. "Chi 2"
  4377. "Chi 3"
  4378. "Chi 4"
  4379. "Heket"
  4380. "Upsilon 1"
  4381. "Upsilon 2"
  4382. "Upsilon 7"
  4383. "Upsilon 8"
  4384. "Upsilon 6"
  4385. "Upsilon 3"
  4386. "Upsilon 4"
  4387. "Upsilon 5"
  4388. "Tabia"
  4389. "Rho 1"
  4390. "Rho 2"
  4391. "Rho 3"
  4392. "Rho 4"
  4393. "Rho 5"
  4394. "Rho 6"
  4395. "Rho 7"
  4396. "Rho 8"
  4397. "Iota 1"
  4398. "Iota 2"
  4399. "Iota 3"
  4400. "Iota 4"
  4401. "Iota 5"
  4402. "Iota 6"
  4403. "Tau 1"
  4404. "Ogdoad"
  4405. "Tau 3"
  4406. "Tau 2"
  4407. )
  4408. )
  4409. )
  4410. ( change-ai-class
  4411. "BP2-Lieutenant"
  4412. "<argument>"
  4413. )
  4414. ( send-message
  4415. "Midwinter 5-1"
  4416. "Normal"
  4417. "mw5-1: aegis back up"
  4418. )
  4419. ( awacs-set-radius
  4420. "Tabia"
  4421. "radara"
  4422. 1700
  4423. )
  4424. ( free-rotating-subsystem
  4425. "Tabia"
  4426. "radara"
  4427. )
  4428. ( beam-free-all "Heket" "Ogdoad" )
  4429. )
  4430. +Name: local control restored
  4431. +Repeat Count: 1
  4432. +Interval: 1
  4434. $Formula: ( when
  4435. ( true )
  4436. ( when-argument
  4437. ( every-of
  4438. "Chi 1"
  4439. "Chi 2"
  4440. "Heket"
  4441. "Upsilon 1"
  4442. "Upsilon 2"
  4443. "Upsilon 7"
  4444. "Upsilon 8"
  4445. "Upsilon 3"
  4446. "Upsilon 4"
  4447. "Upsilon 5"
  4448. "Upsilon 6"
  4449. "Chi 3"
  4450. "Rho 1"
  4451. "Rho 2"
  4452. "Rho 3"
  4453. "Rho 4"
  4454. "Rho 5"
  4455. "Rho 6"
  4456. "Rho 8"
  4457. "Rho 7"
  4458. "Iota 1"
  4459. "Iota 2"
  4460. "Iota 3"
  4461. "Iota 4"
  4462. "Iota 5"
  4463. "Iota 6"
  4464. "Chi 4"
  4465. "Ogdoad"
  4466. "Tau 1"
  4467. "Tau 2"
  4468. "Tau 3"
  4469. )
  4470. ( true )
  4471. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 20 )
  4472. )
  4473. ( never-warp "Falcata 1" )
  4474. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4475. ( rand-multiple 13 14 )
  4476. "Falcata 2"
  4477. "Falcata 3"
  4478. "Falcata 4"
  4479. )
  4480. ( set-armor-type
  4481. "Chi 1"
  4482. ( true )
  4483. "Heavy Armor 20"
  4484. "Hull"
  4485. )
  4486. ( set-armor-type
  4487. "Chi 2"
  4488. ( true )
  4489. "Heavy Armor 20"
  4490. "Hull"
  4491. )
  4492. ( set-armor-type
  4493. "Chi 3"
  4494. ( true )
  4495. "Heavy Armor 20"
  4496. "Hull"
  4497. )
  4498. ( when-argument
  4499. ( every-of
  4500. "Heket"
  4501. "Upsilon 1"
  4502. "Upsilon 2"
  4503. "Upsilon 7"
  4504. "Upsilon 8"
  4505. "Upsilon 3"
  4506. "Upsilon 4"
  4507. "Upsilon 5"
  4508. "Upsilon 6"
  4509. "Rho 1"
  4510. "Rho 2"
  4511. "Rho 3"
  4512. "Rho 4"
  4513. "Rho 5"
  4514. "Rho 6"
  4515. "Rho 8"
  4516. "Rho 7"
  4517. "Iota 1"
  4518. "Iota 2"
  4519. "Iota 3"
  4520. "Iota 4"
  4521. "Iota 5"
  4522. "Iota 6"
  4523. "Ogdoad"
  4524. "Tau 1"
  4525. "Tau 2"
  4526. "Tau 3"
  4527. )
  4528. ( true )
  4529. ( set-armor-type
  4530. "<argument>"
  4531. ( true )
  4532. "Medium Armor 80"
  4533. "Hull"
  4534. )
  4535. )
  4536. ( set-armor-type
  4537. "Chi 4"
  4538. ( true )
  4539. "Heavy Armor 20"
  4540. "Hull"
  4541. )
  4542. ( modify-variable @gefanger[0] 0 )
  4543. ( set-armor-type
  4544. "Falcata 2"
  4545. ( true )
  4546. "ShipShockwaveResistant 20"
  4547. "Hull"
  4548. )
  4549. ( set-armor-type
  4550. "Falcata 3"
  4551. ( true )
  4552. "ShipShockwaveResistant 20"
  4553. "Hull"
  4554. )
  4555. ( set-armor-type
  4556. "Falcata 4"
  4557. ( true )
  4558. "ShipShockwaveResistant 20"
  4559. "Hull"
  4560. )
  4561. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4562. 99
  4563. "Falcata 1"
  4564. "communications"
  4565. )
  4566. ( set-armor-type
  4567. "Falcata 1"
  4568. ( true )
  4569. "ShipShockwaveResistant 20"
  4570. "Hull"
  4571. )
  4572. ( protect-ship
  4573. "Chi 1"
  4574. "Chi 2"
  4575. "Chi 3"
  4576. "Chi 4"
  4577. )
  4578. ( hud-set-max-targeting-range 100000 )
  4579. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4580. 42
  4581. "Kukri 1"
  4582. "engine"
  4583. )
  4584. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4585. 51
  4586. "Kukri 2"
  4587. "engine"
  4588. )
  4589. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4590. 17
  4591. "Kukri 3"
  4592. "engine"
  4593. )
  4594. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4595. 71
  4596. "Kukri 4"
  4597. "engine"
  4598. )
  4599. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4600. 34
  4601. "Kukri 5"
  4602. "engine"
  4603. )
  4604. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4605. 56
  4606. "Kukri 6"
  4607. "engine"
  4608. )
  4609. ( set-armor-type
  4610. "Kukri 1"
  4611. ( true )
  4612. "Light Armor 5"
  4613. "engine"
  4614. )
  4615. ( set-armor-type
  4616. "Kukri 2"
  4617. ( true )
  4618. "Light Armor 5"
  4619. "engine"
  4620. )
  4621. ( set-armor-type
  4622. "Kukri 3"
  4623. ( true )
  4624. "Light Armor 5"
  4625. "engine"
  4626. )
  4627. ( set-armor-type
  4628. "Kukri 4"
  4629. ( true )
  4630. "Light Armor 5"
  4631. "engine"
  4632. )
  4633. ( set-armor-type
  4634. "Kukri 5"
  4635. ( true )
  4636. "Light Armor 5"
  4637. "engine"
  4638. )
  4639. ( set-armor-type
  4640. "Kukri 6"
  4641. ( true )
  4642. "Light Armor 5"
  4643. "engine"
  4644. )
  4645. ( modify-variable
  4646. @talker[0]
  4647. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  4648. )
  4649. ( play-sound-from-file "arp1.ogg" 1 )
  4650. ( when-argument
  4651. ( every-of
  4652. "Falcata 2"
  4653. "Falcata 3"
  4654. "Falcata 4"
  4655. )
  4656. ( true )
  4657. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  4658. ( rand-multiple 65 86 )
  4659. "<argument>"
  4660. "Weapons"
  4661. )
  4662. )
  4663. ( modify-variable @missionindex[0] 1 )
  4664. ( hud-set-frame "BPstealthgauge" 0 )
  4665. ( cap-waypoint-speed "Cancer 1" 20 )
  4666. ( cap-waypoint-speed "Cancer 2" 20 )
  4667. ( cap-waypoint-speed "Cancer 3" 20 )
  4668. ( lock-primary-weapon "Falcata 1" )
  4669. ( send-message
  4670. "#Falcata 1"
  4671. "High"
  4672. "laporte: no shooting"
  4673. )
  4674. )
  4675. +Name: mission setup
  4676. +Repeat Count: 1
  4677. +Interval: 1
  4679. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4680. ( any-of
  4681. "Falcata 2"
  4682. "Falcata 3"
  4683. "Falcata 4"
  4684. )
  4685. ( < ( hits-left "<argument>" ) 15 )
  4686. ( add-goal
  4687. "<argument>"
  4688. ( ai-warp-out 100 )
  4689. )
  4690. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  4691. ( when
  4692. ( < ( hits-left "Falcata 2" ) 15 )
  4693. ( send-message
  4694. "Falcata 2"
  4695. "Low"
  4696. "falcata 2 departing"
  4697. )
  4698. )
  4699. ( when
  4700. ( < ( hits-left "Falcata 3" ) 15 )
  4701. ( send-message
  4702. "Falcata 3"
  4703. "Low"
  4704. "falcata 3 departing"
  4705. )
  4706. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  4707. )
  4708. ( when
  4709. ( < ( hits-left "Falcata 4" ) 15 )
  4710. ( send-message
  4711. "Falcata 4"
  4712. "Low"
  4713. "falcata 4 departing"
  4714. )
  4715. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  4716. )
  4717. )
  4718. +Name: wingmen must warp home
  4719. +Repeat Count: 1
  4720. +Interval: 1
  4722. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4723. ( any-of
  4724. "Chi 1"
  4725. "Chi 2"
  4726. "Chi 3"
  4727. "Chi 4"
  4728. )
  4729. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  4730. ( set-explosion-option
  4731. "<argument>"
  4732. "inner radius"
  4733. 400
  4734. "outer radius"
  4735. 600
  4736. "damage"
  4737. 5000
  4738. "shockwave speed"
  4739. 240
  4740. )
  4741. ( set-armor-type
  4742. "<argument>"
  4743. ( true )
  4744. "Medium Armor 60"
  4745. "Hull"
  4746. )
  4747. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  4748. ( training-msg
  4749. "viral strike complete"
  4750. )
  4751. ( when
  4752. ( is-cargo-known-delay 1 "Chi 4" )
  4753. ( set-explosion-option
  4754. "Chi 4"
  4755. "inner radius"
  4756. 400
  4757. "outer radius"
  4758. 600
  4759. "damage"
  4760. 8000
  4761. "shockwave speed"
  4762. 240
  4763. )
  4764. )
  4765. ( add-goal
  4766. "Falcata 2"
  4767. ( ai-evade-ship "<argument>" 88 )
  4768. )
  4769. ( add-goal
  4770. "Falcata 3"
  4771. ( ai-evade-ship "<argument>" 88 )
  4772. )
  4773. ( add-goal
  4774. "Falcata 4"
  4775. ( ai-evade-ship "<argument>" 88 )
  4776. )
  4777. ( change-iff-color
  4778. "Friendly"
  4779. "Hostile"
  4780. 128
  4781. 0
  4782. 0
  4783. "<argument>"
  4784. )
  4785. )
  4786. +Name: anuket bomb
  4787. +Repeat Count: -1
  4788. +Trigger Count: 4
  4789. +Interval: 0
  4791. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4792. ( any-of
  4793. "Falcata 2"
  4794. "Falcata 3"
  4795. "Falcata 4"
  4796. )
  4797. ( and
  4798. ( or
  4799. ( is-event-true-delay
  4800. "gef withdraw"
  4801. 0
  4802. )
  4803. ( is-event-true-delay
  4804. "gef withdraw"
  4805. 0
  4806. )
  4807. )
  4808. ( >
  4809. ( distance
  4810. "<argument>"
  4811. "<any hostile>"
  4812. )
  4813. 3500
  4814. )
  4815. )
  4816. ( good-rearm-time "Friendly" 20 )
  4817. )
  4818. +Name: rearm time?
  4819. +Repeat Count: -1
  4820. +Trigger Count: 400
  4821. +Interval: 20
  4823. $Formula: ( when
  4824. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Ogdoad" )
  4825. ( turret-lock
  4826. "Ogdoad"
  4827. "turret05"
  4828. "turret06"
  4829. "turret04"
  4830. "turret03"
  4831. )
  4832. ( training-msg
  4833. "viral strike complete"
  4834. )
  4835. ( change-iff-color
  4836. "Friendly"
  4837. "Hostile"
  4838. 128
  4839. 0
  4840. 0
  4841. "Ogdoad"
  4842. )
  4843. )
  4844. +Name: viral strike on ogdoad
  4845. +Repeat Count: 1
  4846. +Interval: 1
  4848. $Formula: ( when
  4849. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Heket" )
  4850. ( turret-lock
  4851. "Heket"
  4852. "turret01"
  4853. "turret02"
  4854. "turret03"
  4855. "turret04"
  4856. "turret05"
  4857. )
  4858. ( training-msg
  4859. "viral strike complete"
  4860. )
  4861. ( send-message
  4862. "Heket"
  4863. "Low"
  4864. "vasudans freak out"
  4865. )
  4866. ( change-iff-color
  4867. "Friendly"
  4868. "Hostile"
  4869. 128
  4870. 0
  4871. 0
  4872. "Heket"
  4873. )
  4874. )
  4875. +Name: viral strike on heket
  4876. +Repeat Count: 1
  4877. +Interval: 1
  4879. $Formula: ( when
  4880. ( and
  4881. ( is-event-true-delay
  4882. "Neith shuts down"
  4883. 12
  4884. )
  4885. ( not
  4886. ( is-event-true-delay
  4887. "gef withdraw"
  4888. 0
  4889. )
  4890. )
  4891. ( not
  4892. ( is-event-true-delay
  4893. "you've been detected, fail"
  4894. 0
  4895. )
  4896. )
  4897. )
  4898. ( send-message
  4899. "Falcata 4"
  4900. "Low"
  4901. "vidaura: battlenet"
  4902. )
  4903. )
  4904. +Name: aegis shuts down part 2
  4905. +Repeat Count: 1
  4906. +Interval: 1
  4907. +Team: 0
  4909. $Formula: ( when
  4910. ( not
  4911. ( is-event-true-delay
  4912. "gef withdraw"
  4913. 0
  4914. )
  4915. )
  4916. ( send-message
  4917. "Falcata 2"
  4918. "Normal"
  4919. "kovacs: hope you can"
  4920. )
  4921. )
  4922. +Name: aegis shuts down part 3
  4923. +Repeat Count: 1
  4924. +Interval: 1
  4925. +Chained: 12
  4926. +Team: 0
  4928. $Formula: ( when-argument
  4929. ( every-of
  4930. "Chi 1"
  4931. "Chi 2"
  4932. "Heket"
  4933. "Upsilon 1"
  4934. "Upsilon 2"
  4935. "Upsilon 7"
  4936. "Upsilon 8"
  4937. "Upsilon 3"
  4938. "Upsilon 4"
  4939. "Upsilon 5"
  4940. "Upsilon 6"
  4941. "Chi 3"
  4942. "Rho 1"
  4943. "Rho 2"
  4944. "Rho 3"
  4945. "Rho 4"
  4946. "Rho 5"
  4947. "Rho 6"
  4948. "Rho 8"
  4949. "Rho 7"
  4950. "Iota 1"
  4951. "Iota 2"
  4952. "Iota 3"
  4953. "Iota 4"
  4954. "Iota 5"
  4955. "Iota 6"
  4956. "Chi 4"
  4957. "Ogdoad"
  4958. "Tau 1"
  4959. "Tau 2"
  4960. "Tau 3"
  4961. "Tabia"
  4962. )
  4963. ( and
  4964. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  4965. ( > @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 0 )
  4966. )
  4967. ( change-ai-class
  4968. "Coward"
  4969. "<argument>"
  4970. )
  4971. ( lock-rotating-subsystem
  4972. "Tabia"
  4973. "radara"
  4974. )
  4975. ( awacs-set-radius
  4976. "Tabia"
  4977. "radara"
  4978. 50
  4979. )
  4980. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4981. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4982. "Kukri 2"
  4983. )
  4984. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4985. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4986. "Kukri 5"
  4987. )
  4988. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  4989. ( rand-multiple 0 68 )
  4990. "Kukri 6"
  4991. )
  4992. ( when
  4993. ( > @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 0 )
  4994. ( send-message
  4995. "Midwinter 5-1"
  4996. "Normal"
  4997. "al-da'wa: virus in AWACS"
  4998. )
  4999. ( modify-variable
  5000. @tabiadetectiontimer[40]
  5001. 21
  5002. )
  5003. )
  5004. ( add-goal
  5005. "Cancer"
  5006. ( ai-guard "Heket" 89 )
  5007. )
  5008. )
  5009. +Name: viral strike on tabia
  5010. +Repeat Count: 1
  5011. +Interval: 1
  5013. $Formula: ( when
  5014. ( has-time-elapsed 3 )
  5015. ( send-message
  5016. "Kukri 1"
  5017. "High"
  5018. "kukri 1: give us orders"
  5019. )
  5020. )
  5021. +Name: gefs are ready
  5022. +Repeat Count: 1
  5023. +Interval: 1
  5024. +Team: 0
  5026. $Formula: ( when-argument
  5027. ( any-of
  5028. "Kukri 1"
  5029. "Kukri 2"
  5030. "Kukri 3"
  5031. "Kukri 4"
  5032. "Kukri 5"
  5033. "Kukri"
  5034. "Kukri 6"
  5035. )
  5036. ( query-orders
  5037. "<argument>"
  5038. "Destroy my target"
  5039. 0
  5040. "Tabia"
  5041. )
  5042. ( send-message
  5043. "Kukri 1"
  5044. "Normal"
  5045. "kukri 1: gefs going in"
  5046. )
  5047. ( clear-goals "Kukri" )
  5048. ( add-goal
  5049. "Kukri"
  5050. ( ai-chase "Tabia" 101 )
  5051. )
  5052. )
  5053. +Name: gefs respond to strike order
  5054. +Repeat Count: 1
  5055. +Interval: 1
  5056. +Team: 0
  5058. $Formula: ( when-argument
  5059. ( any-of
  5060. "Chi 1"
  5061. "Chi 2"
  5062. "Heket"
  5063. "Upsilon 1"
  5064. "Upsilon 2"
  5065. "Upsilon 7"
  5066. "Upsilon 8"
  5067. "Upsilon 3"
  5068. "Upsilon 4"
  5069. "Upsilon 5"
  5070. "Upsilon 6"
  5071. "Chi 3"
  5072. "Rho 1"
  5073. "Rho 2"
  5074. "Rho 3"
  5075. "Rho 4"
  5076. "Rho 5"
  5077. "Rho 6"
  5078. "Rho 8"
  5079. "Rho 7"
  5080. "Iota 1"
  5081. "Iota 2"
  5082. "Iota 3"
  5083. "Iota 4"
  5084. "Iota 5"
  5085. "Iota 6"
  5086. "Chi 4"
  5087. "Ogdoad"
  5088. "Tau 1"
  5089. "Tau 2"
  5090. "Tau 3"
  5091. "VAC 5"
  5092. "VAC 5#"
  5093. "VAC 5#1"
  5094. "VAC 5#2"
  5095. "VAC 5#3"
  5096. "VAC 5#4"
  5097. "VAC 5#5"
  5098. "VAC 5#6"
  5099. "VAC 5#7"
  5100. "VAC 5#8"
  5101. "VAC 5#9"
  5102. "VAC 5#10"
  5103. "VAC 5#11"
  5104. "VAC 5#12"
  5105. "VAC 5#13"
  5106. "VAC 5#14"
  5107. "VAC 5#15"
  5108. "VAC 5#16"
  5109. "VAC 4#"
  5110. "VAC 4#1"
  5111. "VAC 4#2"
  5112. "VAC 4#3"
  5113. )
  5114. ( and
  5115. ( or
  5116. ( query-orders
  5117. "Kukri"
  5118. "Destroy my target"
  5119. 1
  5120. "<argument>"
  5121. )
  5122. ( query-orders
  5123. "Kukri 1"
  5124. "Destroy my target"
  5125. 1
  5126. "<argument>"
  5127. )
  5128. ( query-orders
  5129. "Kukri 2"
  5130. "Destroy my target"
  5131. 1
  5132. "<argument>"
  5133. )
  5134. ( query-orders
  5135. "Kukri 3"
  5136. "Destroy my target"
  5137. 1
  5138. "<argument>"
  5139. )
  5140. ( query-orders
  5141. "Kukri 4"
  5142. "Destroy my target"
  5143. 1
  5144. "<argument>"
  5145. )
  5146. ( query-orders
  5147. "Kukri 5"
  5148. "Destroy my target"
  5149. 1
  5150. "<argument>"
  5151. )
  5152. ( query-orders
  5153. "Kukri 6"
  5154. "Destroy my target"
  5155. 1
  5156. "<argument>"
  5157. )
  5158. ( query-orders
  5159. "<all fighters>"
  5160. "Destroy my target"
  5161. 1
  5162. "<argument>"
  5163. )
  5164. )
  5165. ( not
  5166. ( is-event-true-delay
  5167. "gefs respond to strike order"
  5168. 0
  5169. )
  5170. )
  5171. ( not
  5172. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  5173. )
  5174. )
  5175. ( clear-goals "Kukri" )
  5176. ( add-goal
  5177. "Kukri"
  5178. ( ai-guard "Midwinter 5-1" 88 )
  5179. )
  5180. ( modify-variable
  5181. @gefanger[0]
  5182. ( + @gefanger[0] 1 )
  5183. )
  5184. )
  5185. +Name: gefs refuse bad orders
  5186. +Repeat Count: 1
  5187. +Interval: 1
  5188. +Team: 0
  5190. $Formula: ( when
  5191. ( = @gefanger[0] 1 )
  5192. ( when
  5193. ( not
  5194. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5195. )
  5196. ( send-message
  5197. "Kukri 1"
  5198. "Normal"
  5199. "kukri 1: gef orders bad"
  5200. )
  5201. )
  5202. ( when
  5203. ( and
  5204. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5205. ( not
  5206. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5207. )
  5208. )
  5209. ( send-message
  5210. "Kukri 2"
  5211. "Normal"
  5212. "kukri 1: gef orders bad"
  5213. )
  5214. )
  5215. ( when
  5216. ( and
  5217. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5218. ( not
  5219. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5220. )
  5221. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5222. )
  5223. ( send-message
  5224. "Kukri 3"
  5225. "Normal"
  5226. "kukri 1: gef orders bad 2"
  5227. )
  5228. )
  5229. ( when
  5230. ( and
  5231. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5232. ( not
  5233. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5234. )
  5235. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5236. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5237. )
  5238. ( send-message
  5239. "Kukri 4"
  5240. "Normal"
  5241. "kukri 1: gef orders bad"
  5242. )
  5243. )
  5244. )
  5245. +Name: gef refuse bad orders m1
  5246. +Repeat Count: 1
  5247. +Interval: 1
  5249. $Formula: ( when
  5250. ( = @gefanger[0] 2 )
  5251. ( when
  5252. ( not
  5253. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5254. )
  5255. ( send-message
  5256. "Kukri 1"
  5257. "Normal"
  5258. "kukri 1: gef orders bad 2"
  5259. )
  5260. )
  5261. ( when
  5262. ( and
  5263. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5264. ( not
  5265. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5266. )
  5267. )
  5268. ( send-message
  5269. "Kukri 2"
  5270. "Normal"
  5271. "kukri 1: gef orders bad 2"
  5272. )
  5273. )
  5274. ( when
  5275. ( and
  5276. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5277. ( not
  5278. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5279. )
  5280. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5281. )
  5282. ( send-message
  5283. "Kukri 3"
  5284. "Normal"
  5285. "kukri 1: gef orders bad 2"
  5286. )
  5287. )
  5288. ( when
  5289. ( and
  5290. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5291. ( not
  5292. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5293. )
  5294. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5295. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5296. )
  5297. ( send-message
  5298. "Kukri 4"
  5299. "Normal"
  5300. "kukri 1: gef orders bad 2"
  5301. )
  5302. )
  5303. )
  5304. +Name: gef refuse bad orders m2
  5305. +Repeat Count: 1
  5306. +Interval: 1
  5308. $Formula: ( when
  5309. ( or
  5310. ( = @gefanger[0] 3 )
  5311. ( percent-ships-destroyed 65 "Kukri" )
  5312. ( and
  5313. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  5314. 45
  5315. "Chi 1"
  5316. "Chi 2"
  5317. "Chi 3"
  5318. "Chi 4"
  5319. "Heket"
  5320. "Upsilon 1"
  5321. "Upsilon 2"
  5322. "Upsilon 7"
  5323. "Upsilon 8"
  5324. "Upsilon 6"
  5325. "Upsilon 3"
  5326. "Upsilon 4"
  5327. "Upsilon 5"
  5328. "Tabia"
  5329. "Rho 1"
  5330. "Rho 2"
  5331. "Rho 3"
  5332. "Rho 4"
  5333. "Rho 5"
  5334. "Rho 6"
  5335. "Rho 7"
  5336. "Rho 8"
  5337. "Iota 1"
  5338. "Iota 2"
  5339. "Iota 3"
  5340. "Iota 4"
  5341. "Iota 5"
  5342. "Iota 6"
  5343. "Tau 1"
  5344. "Ogdoad"
  5345. "Tau 3"
  5346. "Tau 2"
  5347. )
  5348. ( is-event-true-delay
  5349. "ogdoad asks about electronics"
  5350. 7
  5351. )
  5352. ( is-event-incomplete "let them go" )
  5353. )
  5354. )
  5355. ( when
  5356. ( not
  5357. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5358. )
  5359. ( send-message
  5360. "Kukri 1"
  5361. "Normal"
  5362. "kukri 1: gefs flee"
  5363. )
  5364. )
  5365. ( when
  5366. ( and
  5367. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5368. ( not
  5369. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5370. )
  5371. )
  5372. ( send-message
  5373. "Kukri 2"
  5374. "Normal"
  5375. "kukri 1: gefs flee"
  5376. )
  5377. )
  5378. ( when
  5379. ( and
  5380. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5381. ( not
  5382. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5383. )
  5384. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5385. )
  5386. ( send-message
  5387. "Kukri 3"
  5388. "Normal"
  5389. "kukri 1: gefs flee"
  5390. )
  5391. )
  5392. ( when
  5393. ( and
  5394. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5395. ( not
  5396. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5397. )
  5398. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5399. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5400. )
  5401. ( send-message
  5402. "Kukri 4"
  5403. "Normal"
  5404. "kukri 1: gefs flee"
  5405. )
  5406. )
  5407. ( when
  5408. ( and
  5409. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5410. ( not
  5411. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 5" )
  5412. )
  5413. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5414. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5415. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5416. )
  5417. ( send-message
  5418. "Kukri 5"
  5419. "Normal"
  5420. "kukri 1: gefs flee"
  5421. )
  5422. )
  5423. ( clear-goals "Kukri" )
  5424. ( add-goal
  5425. "Kukri"
  5426. ( ai-chase
  5427. "concluded, withdrawing"
  5428. 89
  5429. )
  5430. )
  5431. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5432. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5433. "Kukri 1"
  5434. "<all engines>"
  5435. )
  5436. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5437. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5438. "Kukri 2"
  5439. "<all engines>"
  5440. )
  5441. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5442. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5443. "Kukri 3"
  5444. "<all engines>"
  5445. )
  5446. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5447. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5448. "Kukri 4"
  5449. "<all engines>"
  5450. )
  5451. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5452. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5453. "Kukri 5"
  5454. "<all engines>"
  5455. )
  5456. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  5457. ( rand-multiple 20 35 )
  5458. "Kukri 6"
  5459. "<all engines>"
  5460. )
  5461. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  5462. ( rand-multiple 15 25 )
  5463. "Kukri 1"
  5464. "Kukri 2"
  5465. "Kukri 3"
  5466. "Kukri 4"
  5467. "Kukri 5"
  5468. "Kukri 6"
  5469. )
  5470. ( change-iff
  5471. "Unknown"
  5472. "Kukri 1"
  5473. "Kukri 2"
  5474. "Kukri 3"
  5475. "Kukri 4"
  5476. "Kukri 5"
  5477. "Kukri 6"
  5478. )
  5479. )
  5480. +Name: gef withdraw
  5481. +Repeat Count: 1
  5482. +Interval: 1
  5484. $Formula: ( when
  5485. ( not
  5486. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri" )
  5487. )
  5488. ( send-message
  5489. "#Falcata 1"
  5490. "High"
  5491. "laporte: gefs are fleeing"
  5492. )
  5493. )
  5494. +Name: laporte: gefs flee
  5495. +Repeat Count: 1
  5496. +Interval: 1
  5497. +Chained: 7
  5498. +Team: 0
  5500. $Formula: ( when
  5501. ( true )
  5502. ( send-message
  5503. "#Al-Da'wa"
  5504. "High"
  5505. "al-da'wa: orders?"
  5506. )
  5507. )
  5508. +Name: al-da'wa: orders?
  5509. +Repeat Count: 1
  5510. +Interval: 1
  5511. +Chained: 7
  5512. +Team: 0
  5514. $Formula: ( when
  5515. ( and
  5516. ( is-event-true-delay
  5517. "al-da'wa: orders?"
  5518. 8
  5519. )
  5520. ( not
  5521. ( or
  5522. ( is-event-true-delay
  5523. "detonate deadman charges"
  5524. 0
  5525. )
  5526. ( is-event-true-delay "let them go" 0 )
  5527. )
  5528. )
  5529. )
  5530. ( training-msg "gef fate decision" )
  5531. ( key-reset-multiple "1" "2" )
  5532. ( key-reset "1" )
  5533. ( key-reset "2" )
  5534. )
  5535. +Name: choose gef fate
  5536. +Repeat Count: -1
  5537. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  5538. +Interval: 1
  5539. +Team: 0
  5541. $Formula: ( when
  5542. ( and
  5543. ( and
  5544. ( is-event-true-delay
  5545. "choose gef fate"
  5546. 0
  5547. )
  5548. ( key-pressed "1" )
  5549. )
  5550. ( not
  5551. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri" )
  5552. )
  5553. ( not
  5554. ( is-event-true-delay "let them go" 0 )
  5555. )
  5556. )
  5557. ( when
  5558. ( not
  5559. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5560. )
  5561. ( send-message
  5562. "#Kukri 1"
  5563. "High"
  5564. "kukri: explode time"
  5565. )
  5566. )
  5567. ( when
  5568. ( and
  5569. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5570. ( not
  5571. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5572. )
  5573. )
  5574. ( send-message
  5575. "#Kukri 2"
  5576. "High"
  5577. "kukri 2: explode time"
  5578. )
  5579. )
  5580. ( when
  5581. ( and
  5582. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5583. ( not
  5584. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5585. )
  5586. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5587. )
  5588. ( send-message
  5589. "#Kukri 3"
  5590. "High"
  5591. "kukri 3: explode time"
  5592. )
  5593. )
  5594. ( when
  5595. ( and
  5596. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5597. ( not
  5598. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5599. )
  5600. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5601. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5602. )
  5603. ( send-message
  5604. "#Kukri 4"
  5605. "High"
  5606. "kukri 4: explode time"
  5607. )
  5608. )
  5609. ( when
  5610. ( and
  5611. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5612. ( not
  5613. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 5" )
  5614. )
  5615. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5616. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5617. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5618. )
  5619. ( send-message
  5620. "#Kukri 5"
  5621. "High"
  5622. "kukri 5: explode time"
  5623. )
  5624. )
  5625. ( when
  5626. ( and
  5627. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5628. ( not
  5629. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 6" )
  5630. )
  5631. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5632. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5633. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5634. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 5" )
  5635. )
  5636. ( send-message
  5637. "#Kukri 6"
  5638. "High"
  5639. "kukri 6: explode time"
  5640. )
  5641. )
  5642. ( training-msg "clear message" )
  5643. )
  5644. +Name: detonate deadman charges
  5645. +Repeat Count: 1
  5646. +Interval: 1
  5647. +Team: 0
  5649. $Formula: ( when
  5650. ( true )
  5651. ( training-msg
  5652. "laporte: no mercy, no hesitati"
  5653. )
  5654. )
  5655. +Name: laporte thinks: no mercy
  5656. +Repeat Count: 1
  5657. +Interval: 1
  5658. +Chained: 8
  5659. +Team: 0
  5661. $Formula: ( when
  5662. ( or
  5663. ( and
  5664. ( and
  5665. ( is-event-true-delay
  5666. "choose gef fate"
  5667. 1
  5668. )
  5669. ( key-pressed "2" )
  5670. )
  5671. ( not
  5672. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri" )
  5673. )
  5674. ( not
  5675. ( is-event-true-delay
  5676. "detonate deadman charges"
  5677. 0
  5678. )
  5679. )
  5680. )
  5681. ( query-orders "Kukri" "Depart" 0 )
  5682. ( query-orders
  5683. "<all fighters>"
  5684. "Depart"
  5685. 0
  5686. )
  5687. ( query-orders "Kukri 1" "Depart" 0 )
  5688. ( query-orders "Kukri 2" "Depart" 0 )
  5689. ( query-orders "Kukri 3" "Depart" 0 )
  5690. ( query-orders "Kukri 4" "Depart" 0 )
  5691. ( query-orders "Kukri 5" "Depart" 0 )
  5692. ( query-orders "Kukri 6" "Depart" 0 )
  5693. ( and
  5694. ( is-event-true-delay
  5695. "al-da'wa: orders?"
  5696. 55
  5697. ( true )
  5698. )
  5699. ( not
  5700. ( or
  5701. ( is-event-true-delay "let them go" 0 )
  5702. ( is-event-true-delay
  5703. "detonate deadman charges"
  5704. 0
  5705. )
  5706. )
  5707. )
  5708. )
  5709. )
  5710. ( add-goal
  5711. "Kukri"
  5712. ( ai-warp-out 100 )
  5713. )
  5714. ( when
  5715. ( not
  5716. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5717. )
  5718. ( send-message
  5719. "Kukri 1"
  5720. "Normal"
  5721. "kukri 1 thanks"
  5722. )
  5723. )
  5724. ( when
  5725. ( and
  5726. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5727. ( not
  5728. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5729. )
  5730. )
  5731. ( send-message
  5732. "Kukri 2"
  5733. "Normal"
  5734. "kukri 2 thanks"
  5735. )
  5736. )
  5737. ( when
  5738. ( and
  5739. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5740. ( not
  5741. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5742. )
  5743. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5744. )
  5745. ( send-message
  5746. "Kukri 3"
  5747. "Normal"
  5748. "kukri 3 thanks"
  5749. )
  5750. )
  5751. ( when
  5752. ( and
  5753. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5754. ( not
  5755. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5756. )
  5757. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5758. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5759. )
  5760. ( send-message
  5761. "Kukri 4"
  5762. "Normal"
  5763. "kukri 4 thanks"
  5764. )
  5765. )
  5766. ( when
  5767. ( and
  5768. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5769. ( not
  5770. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 5" )
  5771. )
  5772. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5773. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5774. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5775. )
  5776. ( send-message
  5777. "Kukri 5"
  5778. "Normal"
  5779. "kukri 5 thanks"
  5780. )
  5781. )
  5782. ( when
  5783. ( and
  5784. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 1" )
  5785. ( not
  5786. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 6" )
  5787. )
  5788. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 2" )
  5789. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 3" )
  5790. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 4" )
  5791. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri 5" )
  5792. )
  5793. ( send-message
  5794. "Kukri 6"
  5795. "Normal"
  5796. "kukri 6 thanks"
  5797. )
  5798. )
  5799. ( training-msg "clear message" )
  5800. ( when-argument
  5801. ( every-of
  5802. "Kukri 1"
  5803. "Kukri 2"
  5804. "Kukri 3"
  5805. "Kukri 4"
  5806. "Kukri 5"
  5807. "Kukri 6"
  5808. )
  5809. ( true )
  5810. ( set-subsystem-strength
  5811. "<argument>"
  5812. "<all engines>"
  5813. 100
  5814. )
  5815. )
  5816. )
  5817. +Name: let them go
  5818. +Repeat Count: 1
  5819. +Interval: 1
  5820. +Team: 0
  5822. $Formula: ( when-argument
  5823. ( any-of
  5824. "Chi 1"
  5825. "Chi 2"
  5826. "Heket"
  5827. "Upsilon 1"
  5828. "Upsilon 2"
  5829. "Upsilon 7"
  5830. "Upsilon 8"
  5831. "Upsilon 3"
  5832. "Upsilon 4"
  5833. "Upsilon 5"
  5834. "Upsilon 6"
  5835. "Chi 3"
  5836. "Rho 1"
  5837. "Rho 2"
  5838. "Rho 3"
  5839. "Rho 4"
  5840. "Rho 5"
  5841. "Rho 6"
  5842. "Rho 8"
  5843. "Rho 7"
  5844. "Iota 1"
  5845. "Iota 2"
  5846. "Iota 3"
  5847. "Iota 4"
  5848. "Iota 5"
  5849. "Iota 6"
  5850. "Chi 4"
  5851. "Ogdoad"
  5852. "Tau 1"
  5853. "Tau 2"
  5854. "Tau 3"
  5855. "VAC 5"
  5856. "VAC 5#"
  5857. "VAC 5#1"
  5858. "VAC 5#2"
  5859. "VAC 5#3"
  5860. "VAC 5#4"
  5861. "VAC 5#5"
  5862. "VAC 5#6"
  5863. "VAC 5#7"
  5864. "VAC 5#8"
  5865. "VAC 5#9"
  5866. "VAC 5#10"
  5867. "VAC 5#11"
  5868. "VAC 5#12"
  5869. "VAC 5#13"
  5870. "VAC 5#14"
  5871. "VAC 5#15"
  5872. "VAC 5#16"
  5873. "VAC 4#"
  5874. "VAC 4#1"
  5875. "VAC 4#2"
  5876. "VAC 4#3"
  5877. )
  5878. ( and
  5879. ( or
  5880. ( query-orders
  5881. "Kukri"
  5882. "Destroy my target"
  5883. 1
  5884. "<argument>"
  5885. )
  5886. ( query-orders
  5887. "Kukri 1"
  5888. "Destroy my target"
  5889. 1
  5890. "<argument>"
  5891. )
  5892. ( query-orders
  5893. "Kukri 2"
  5894. "Destroy my target"
  5895. 1
  5896. "<argument>"
  5897. )
  5898. ( query-orders
  5899. "Kukri 3"
  5900. "Destroy my target"
  5901. 1
  5902. "<argument>"
  5903. )
  5904. ( query-orders
  5905. "Kukri 4"
  5906. "Destroy my target"
  5907. 1
  5908. "<argument>"
  5909. )
  5910. ( query-orders
  5911. "Kukri 5"
  5912. "Destroy my target"
  5913. 1
  5914. "<argument>"
  5915. )
  5916. ( query-orders
  5917. "Kukri 6"
  5918. "Destroy my target"
  5919. 1
  5920. "<argument>"
  5921. )
  5922. ( query-orders
  5923. "<all fighters>"
  5924. "Destroy my target"
  5925. 1
  5926. "<argument>"
  5927. )
  5928. )
  5929. ( not
  5930. ( is-event-true-delay
  5931. "gefs respond to strike order"
  5932. 0
  5933. )
  5934. )
  5935. ( is-event-true-delay
  5936. "gefs refuse bad orders"
  5937. 1
  5938. )
  5939. )
  5940. ( clear-goals "Kukri" )
  5941. ( add-goal
  5942. "Kukri"
  5943. ( ai-waypoints-once
  5944. "gef withdraw point"
  5945. 100
  5946. )
  5947. )
  5948. ( modify-variable
  5949. @gefanger[0]
  5950. ( + @gefanger[0] 1 )
  5951. )
  5952. )
  5953. +Name: gefs refuse bad orders 2
  5954. +Repeat Count: 1
  5955. +Interval: 1
  5956. +Team: 0
  5958. $Formula: ( when-argument
  5959. ( any-of
  5960. "Chi 1"
  5961. "Chi 2"
  5962. "Heket"
  5963. "Upsilon 1"
  5964. "Upsilon 2"
  5965. "Upsilon 7"
  5966. "Upsilon 8"
  5967. "Upsilon 3"
  5968. "Upsilon 4"
  5969. "Upsilon 5"
  5970. "Upsilon 6"
  5971. "Chi 3"
  5972. "Rho 1"
  5973. "Rho 2"
  5974. "Rho 3"
  5975. "Rho 4"
  5976. "Rho 5"
  5977. "Rho 6"
  5978. "Rho 8"
  5979. "Rho 7"
  5980. "Iota 1"
  5981. "Iota 2"
  5982. "Iota 3"
  5983. "Iota 4"
  5984. "Iota 5"
  5985. "Iota 6"
  5986. "Chi 4"
  5987. "Ogdoad"
  5988. "Tau 1"
  5989. "Tau 2"
  5990. "Tau 3"
  5991. "VAC 5"
  5992. "VAC 5#"
  5993. "VAC 5#1"
  5994. "VAC 5#2"
  5995. "VAC 5#3"
  5996. "VAC 5#4"
  5997. "VAC 5#5"
  5998. "VAC 5#6"
  5999. "VAC 5#7"
  6000. "VAC 5#8"
  6001. "VAC 5#9"
  6002. "VAC 5#10"
  6003. "VAC 5#11"
  6004. "VAC 5#12"
  6005. "VAC 5#13"
  6006. "VAC 5#14"
  6007. "VAC 5#15"
  6008. "VAC 5#16"
  6009. "VAC 4#"
  6010. "VAC 4#1"
  6011. "VAC 4#2"
  6012. "VAC 4#3"
  6013. )
  6014. ( and
  6015. ( or
  6016. ( query-orders
  6017. "Kukri"
  6018. "Destroy my target"
  6019. 1
  6020. "<argument>"
  6021. )
  6022. ( query-orders
  6023. "Kukri 1"
  6024. "Destroy my target"
  6025. 1
  6026. "<argument>"
  6027. )
  6028. ( query-orders
  6029. "Kukri 2"
  6030. "Destroy my target"
  6031. 1
  6032. "<argument>"
  6033. )
  6034. ( query-orders
  6035. "Kukri 3"
  6036. "Destroy my target"
  6037. 1
  6038. "<argument>"
  6039. )
  6040. ( query-orders
  6041. "Kukri 4"
  6042. "Destroy my target"
  6043. 1
  6044. "<argument>"
  6045. )
  6046. ( query-orders
  6047. "Kukri 5"
  6048. "Destroy my target"
  6049. 1
  6050. "<argument>"
  6051. )
  6052. ( query-orders
  6053. "Kukri 6"
  6054. "Destroy my target"
  6055. 1
  6056. "<argument>"
  6057. )
  6058. ( query-orders
  6059. "<all fighters>"
  6060. "Destroy my target"
  6061. 1
  6062. "<argument>"
  6063. )
  6064. )
  6065. ( not
  6066. ( is-event-true-delay
  6067. "gefs respond to strike order"
  6068. 0
  6069. )
  6070. )
  6071. ( is-event-true-delay
  6072. "gefs refuse bad orders 2"
  6073. 1
  6074. )
  6075. )
  6076. ( clear-goals "Kukri" )
  6077. ( add-goal
  6078. "Kukri"
  6079. ( ai-waypoints-once
  6080. "gef withdraw point"
  6081. 100
  6082. )
  6083. )
  6084. ( modify-variable
  6085. @gefanger[0]
  6086. ( + @gefanger[0] 1 )
  6087. )
  6088. )
  6089. +Name: gefs refuse bad orders 3
  6090. +Repeat Count: 1
  6091. +Interval: 1
  6093. $Formula: ( when
  6094. ( is-event-true-delay
  6095. "detonate deadman charges"
  6096. 1
  6097. )
  6098. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  6099. 0
  6100. "Kukri 1"
  6101. "Kukri 2"
  6102. "Kukri 3"
  6103. "Kukri 4"
  6104. "Kukri 5"
  6105. "Kukri 6"
  6106. )
  6107. ( self-destruct
  6108. "Kukri 1"
  6109. "Kukri 2"
  6110. "Kukri 3"
  6111. "Kukri 4"
  6112. "Kukri 5"
  6113. "Kukri 6"
  6114. )
  6115. )
  6116. +Name: detonate deadman charges 2
  6117. +Repeat Count: 1
  6118. +Interval: 1
  6120. $Formula: ( when
  6121. ( and
  6122. ( or
  6123. ( is-event-true-delay
  6124. "laporte thinks: no mercy"
  6125. 6
  6126. )
  6127. ( is-event-true-delay "let them go" 7 )
  6128. )
  6129. ( not
  6130. ( or
  6131. ( is-event-true-delay
  6132. "Neith shuts down"
  6133. 0
  6134. )
  6135. ( is-event-true-delay
  6136. "viral strike on tabia"
  6137. 0
  6138. )
  6139. )
  6140. )
  6141. )
  6142. ( send-message
  6143. "#Falcata 1"
  6144. "High"
  6145. "laporte: gefs gone, job undone"
  6146. )
  6147. )
  6148. +Name: gefs gone, job undone
  6149. +Repeat Count: 1
  6150. +Interval: 1
  6152. $Formula: ( when
  6153. ( not
  6154. ( or
  6155. ( is-event-true-delay
  6156. "Neith shuts down"
  6157. 0
  6158. )
  6159. ( is-event-true-delay
  6160. "viral strike on tabia"
  6161. 0
  6162. )
  6163. )
  6164. )
  6165. ( send-message
  6166. "#Al-Da'wa"
  6167. "High"
  6168. "al-da'wa: do it yourself"
  6169. )
  6170. )
  6171. +Name: al-da'wa: do it yourself
  6172. +Repeat Count: 1
  6173. +Interval: 1
  6174. +Chained: 8
  6176. $Formula: ( when
  6177. ( and
  6178. ( is-event-true-delay
  6179. "detonate deadman charges"
  6180. 12
  6181. )
  6182. ( or
  6183. ( is-event-true-delay
  6184. "Neith shuts down"
  6185. 0
  6186. )
  6187. ( is-event-true-delay
  6188. "viral strike on tabia"
  6189. 0
  6190. )
  6191. )
  6192. ( not
  6193. ( is-event-true-delay
  6194. "gefs gone, job undone"
  6195. 0
  6196. )
  6197. )
  6198. )
  6199. ( send-message
  6200. "#Falcata 1"
  6201. "High"
  6202. "laporte: gefs dead, job done"
  6203. )
  6204. )
  6205. +Name: gefs dead, job done
  6206. +Repeat Count: 1
  6207. +Interval: 1
  6209. $Formula: ( when
  6210. ( true )
  6211. ( send-message
  6212. "#Al-Da'wa"
  6213. "High"
  6214. "al-da'wa: those were people"
  6215. )
  6216. )
  6217. +Name: al-da'wa criticizes
  6218. +Repeat Count: 1
  6219. +Interval: 1
  6220. +Chained: 7
  6221. +Team: 0
  6223. $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( do-nothing ) )
  6224. +Name: laporte thinks: no pleasing him
  6225. +Repeat Count: 1
  6226. +Interval: 1
  6227. +Chained: 9
  6228. +Team: 0
  6230. $Formula: ( when
  6231. ( and
  6232. ( is-event-true-delay
  6233. "let them go"
  6234. 12
  6235. )
  6236. ( or
  6237. ( is-event-true-delay
  6238. "Neith shuts down"
  6239. 0
  6240. )
  6241. ( is-event-true-delay
  6242. "viral strike on tabia"
  6243. 0
  6244. )
  6245. )
  6246. ( not
  6247. ( is-event-true-delay
  6248. "gefs gone, job undone"
  6249. 0
  6250. )
  6251. )
  6252. )
  6253. ( send-message
  6254. "#Falcata 1"
  6255. "High"
  6256. "laporte: gefs gone, job done"
  6257. )
  6258. )
  6259. +Name: gefs gone, job done
  6260. +Repeat Count: 1
  6261. +Interval: 1
  6262. +Team: 0
  6264. $Formula: ( when
  6265. ( true )
  6266. ( send-message
  6267. "#Al-Da'wa"
  6268. "High"
  6269. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  6270. )
  6271. )
  6272. +Name: al-da'wa: good deed?
  6273. +Repeat Count: 1
  6274. +Interval: 1
  6275. +Chained: 7
  6277. $Formula: ( when-argument
  6278. ( any-of
  6279. "Falcata 2"
  6280. "Falcata 3"
  6281. "Falcata 4"
  6282. )
  6283. ( or
  6284. ( and
  6285. ( not
  6286. ( or
  6287. ( is-event-true-delay
  6288. "Neith shuts down"
  6289. 0
  6290. )
  6291. ( is-event-true-delay
  6292. "viral strike on tabia"
  6293. 0
  6294. )
  6295. )
  6296. )
  6297. ( <
  6298. ( distance "<argument>" "Tabia" )
  6299. 1701
  6300. )
  6301. )
  6302. ( and
  6303. ( is-event-true-delay
  6304. "mw 5-1 protection expires"
  6305. 0
  6306. )
  6307. ( not
  6308. ( or
  6309. ( is-event-true-delay
  6310. "viral strike on tabia"
  6311. 0
  6312. )
  6313. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  6314. )
  6315. )
  6316. )
  6317. ( and
  6318. ( is-event-true-delay
  6319. "local control restored"
  6320. 0
  6321. )
  6322. ( not
  6323. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  6324. )
  6325. )
  6326. ( and
  6327. ( is-event-true-delay "Bad Stealth" 0 )
  6328. ( not
  6329. ( or
  6330. ( is-event-true-delay
  6331. "viral strike on tabia"
  6332. 0
  6333. )
  6334. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  6335. )
  6336. )
  6337. )
  6338. )
  6339. ( send-message
  6340. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6341. "High"
  6342. "midwinter: detected, failure"
  6343. )
  6344. )
  6345. +Name: you've been detected, fail
  6346. +Repeat Count: 1
  6347. +Interval: 1
  6348. +Team: 0
  6350. $Formula: ( when
  6351. ( true )
  6352. ( training-msg
  6353. "laporte: who haven't I failed"
  6354. )
  6355. )
  6356. +Name: laporte: who haven't I failed?
  6357. +Repeat Count: 1
  6358. +Interval: 1
  6359. +Chained: 8
  6360. +Team: 0
  6362. $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( end-mission ) )
  6363. +Name: end mission, detection failure
  6364. +Repeat Count: 1
  6365. +Interval: 1
  6366. +Chained: 6
  6367. +Team: 0
  6369. $Formula: ( when
  6370. ( and
  6371. ( not
  6372. ( or
  6373. ( is-event-true-delay
  6374. "Neith shuts down"
  6375. 0
  6376. )
  6377. ( is-event-true-delay
  6378. "viral strike on tabia"
  6379. 0
  6380. )
  6381. )
  6382. )
  6383. ( <
  6384. ( distance "Falcata 1" "Tabia" )
  6385. 1701
  6386. )
  6387. ( not
  6388. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6389. 0
  6390. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6391. )
  6392. )
  6393. ( not
  6394. ( is-event-true-delay
  6395. "you've been detected, fail"
  6396. 0
  6397. )
  6398. )
  6399. )
  6400. ( send-message
  6401. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6402. "High"
  6403. "mw5-1: covering you"
  6404. )
  6405. ( modify-variable
  6406. @tabiadetectiontimer[40]
  6407. 36
  6408. )
  6409. ( protect-ship "Falcata 1" )
  6410. )
  6411. +Name: midwinter five-one covers you
  6412. +Repeat Count: 1
  6413. +Interval: 1
  6414. +Team: 0
  6416. $Formula: ( when
  6417. ( and
  6418. ( is-event-true-delay
  6419. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  6420. 1
  6421. )
  6422. ( <
  6423. ( distance "Falcata 1" "Tabia" )
  6424. 1701
  6425. )
  6426. ( not
  6427. ( or
  6428. ( is-event-true-delay
  6429. "viral strike on tabia"
  6430. 0
  6431. )
  6432. ( is-event-true-delay
  6433. "Neith shuts down"
  6434. 0
  6435. )
  6436. ( is-event-true-delay
  6437. "mw 5-1 protection expires"
  6438. 0
  6439. )
  6440. )
  6441. )
  6442. )
  6443. ( modify-variable
  6444. @tabiadetectiontimer[40]
  6445. ( - @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 1 )
  6446. )
  6447. ( when
  6448. ( or
  6449. ( = @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 10 )
  6450. ( = @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 20 )
  6451. ( = @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 30 )
  6452. )
  6453. ( send-message
  6454. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6455. "Normal"
  6456. "mw5-1: countdown"
  6457. )
  6458. )
  6459. )
  6460. +Name: decrement time
  6461. +Repeat Count: -1
  6462. +Trigger Count: 9999999
  6463. +Interval: 1
  6464. +Team: 0
  6466. $Formula: ( when
  6467. ( or
  6468. ( < @tabiadetectiontimer[40] 1 )
  6469. ( is-event-true-delay
  6470. "viral strike on tabia"
  6471. 21
  6472. )
  6473. ( and
  6474. ( or
  6475. ( primary-fired-since "Falcata 1" 0 1 )
  6476. ( primary-fired-since "Falcata 1" 1 1 )
  6477. ( secondary-fired-since
  6478. "Falcata 1"
  6479. 0
  6480. 1
  6481. )
  6482. ( secondary-fired-since
  6483. "Falcata 1"
  6484. 1
  6485. 2
  6486. )
  6487. ( secondary-fired-since
  6488. "Falcata 1"
  6489. 2
  6490. 3
  6491. )
  6492. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6493. 0
  6494. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6495. )
  6496. )
  6497. ( is-event-true-delay
  6498. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  6499. 0
  6500. )
  6501. ( not
  6502. ( or
  6503. ( is-event-true-delay
  6504. "viral strike on tabia"
  6505. 0
  6506. )
  6507. ( is-event-true-delay
  6508. "Neith shuts down"
  6509. 0
  6510. )
  6511. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  6512. )
  6513. )
  6514. ( not
  6515. ( is-event-true-delay
  6516. "you've been detected, fail"
  6517. 0
  6518. )
  6519. )
  6520. )
  6521. ( and-in-sequence
  6522. ( is-event-true-delay
  6523. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  6524. 0
  6525. )
  6526. ( is-destroyed-delay 21 "Tabia" )
  6527. )
  6528. )
  6529. ( unprotect-ship "Falcata 1" )
  6530. ( send-message
  6531. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6532. "Normal"
  6533. "mw5-1: you fired"
  6534. )
  6535. )
  6536. +Name: mw 5-1 protection expires
  6537. +Repeat Count: 1
  6538. +Interval: 1
  6539. +Team: 0
  6541. $Formula: ( when
  6542. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6543. 0
  6544. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6545. )
  6546. ( do-nothing )
  6547. )
  6548. +Name: mw 5-1 destroyed
  6549. +Repeat Count: 1
  6550. +Interval: 1
  6551. +Team: 0
  6553. $Formula: ( when
  6554. ( has-arrived-delay 2 "Midwinter 5-1" )
  6555. ( send-message
  6556. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6557. "High"
  6558. "mw5-1: on station"
  6559. )
  6560. ( cap-waypoint-speed
  6561. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6562. 20
  6563. )
  6564. ( cap-waypoint-speed
  6565. "Midwinter 5-2"
  6566. 20
  6567. )
  6568. ( unlock-primary-weapon "Falcata 1" )
  6569. )
  6570. +Name: mw on-station
  6571. +Repeat Count: 1
  6572. +Interval: 1
  6574. $Formula: ( when
  6575. ( or
  6576. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  6577. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  6578. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  6579. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  6580. )
  6581. ( do-nothing )
  6582. )
  6583. +Name: chi transports exploding
  6584. +Repeat Count: -1
  6585. +Trigger Count: 4
  6586. +Interval: 1
  6588. $Formula: ( when
  6589. ( and
  6590. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Heket" )
  6591. ( not
  6592. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  6593. 100
  6594. "Chi 1"
  6595. "Chi 2"
  6596. "Chi 3"
  6597. "Chi 4"
  6598. "Heket"
  6599. "Upsilon 1"
  6600. "Upsilon 2"
  6601. "Upsilon 7"
  6602. "Upsilon 8"
  6603. "Upsilon 6"
  6604. "Upsilon 3"
  6605. "Upsilon 4"
  6606. "Upsilon 5"
  6607. "Tabia"
  6608. "Rho 1"
  6609. "Rho 2"
  6610. "Rho 3"
  6611. "Rho 4"
  6612. "Rho 5"
  6613. "Rho 6"
  6614. "Rho 7"
  6615. "Rho 8"
  6616. "Iota 1"
  6617. "Iota 2"
  6618. "Iota 3"
  6619. "Iota 4"
  6620. "Iota 5"
  6621. "Iota 6"
  6622. "Tau 1"
  6623. "Ogdoad"
  6624. "Tau 3"
  6625. "Tau 2"
  6626. )
  6627. )
  6628. )
  6629. ( send-message
  6630. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6631. "Low"
  6632. "mw5-1: heket down"
  6633. )
  6634. )
  6635. +Name: heket down
  6636. +Repeat Count: 1
  6637. +Interval: 1
  6639. $Formula: ( when
  6640. ( and
  6641. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ogdoad" )
  6642. ( not
  6643. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  6644. 100
  6645. "Chi 1"
  6646. "Chi 2"
  6647. "Chi 3"
  6648. "Chi 4"
  6649. "Heket"
  6650. "Upsilon 1"
  6651. "Upsilon 2"
  6652. "Upsilon 7"
  6653. "Upsilon 8"
  6654. "Upsilon 6"
  6655. "Upsilon 3"
  6656. "Upsilon 4"
  6657. "Upsilon 5"
  6658. "Tabia"
  6659. "Rho 1"
  6660. "Rho 2"
  6661. "Rho 3"
  6662. "Rho 4"
  6663. "Rho 5"
  6664. "Rho 6"
  6665. "Rho 7"
  6666. "Rho 8"
  6667. "Iota 1"
  6668. "Iota 2"
  6669. "Iota 3"
  6670. "Iota 4"
  6671. "Iota 5"
  6672. "Iota 6"
  6673. "Tau 1"
  6674. "Ogdoad"
  6675. "Tau 3"
  6676. "Tau 2"
  6677. )
  6678. )
  6679. )
  6680. ( send-message
  6681. "#Ogdoad"
  6682. "Low"
  6683. "mw5-1: ogdoad down"
  6684. )
  6685. )
  6686. +Name: ogdoad down
  6687. +Repeat Count: 1
  6688. +Interval: 1
  6689. +Team: 0
  6691. $Formula: ( when
  6692. ( and
  6693. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  6694. 75
  6695. "Chi 1"
  6696. "Chi 2"
  6697. "Chi 3"
  6698. "Chi 4"
  6699. "Heket"
  6700. "Upsilon 1"
  6701. "Upsilon 2"
  6702. "Upsilon 7"
  6703. "Upsilon 8"
  6704. "Upsilon 6"
  6705. "Upsilon 3"
  6706. "Upsilon 4"
  6707. "Upsilon 5"
  6708. "Tabia"
  6709. "Rho 1"
  6710. "Rho 2"
  6711. "Rho 3"
  6712. "Rho 4"
  6713. "Rho 5"
  6714. "Rho 6"
  6715. "Rho 7"
  6716. "Rho 8"
  6717. "Iota 1"
  6718. "Iota 2"
  6719. "Iota 3"
  6720. "Iota 4"
  6721. "Iota 5"
  6722. "Iota 6"
  6723. "Tau 1"
  6724. "Ogdoad"
  6725. "Tau 3"
  6726. "Tau 2"
  6727. )
  6728. ( or
  6729. ( is-event-true-delay
  6730. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  6731. 10
  6732. )
  6733. ( is-event-true-delay
  6734. "gefs all destroyed early"
  6735. 10
  6736. )
  6737. ( is-event-true-delay
  6738. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  6739. 10
  6740. )
  6741. ( is-event-true-delay
  6742. "gefs gone, job undone"
  6743. 10
  6744. )
  6745. )
  6746. )
  6747. ( send-message
  6748. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6749. "Normal"
  6750. "mw5-1: friendlies inbound"
  6751. )
  6752. ( ship-guardian "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  6753. ( play-sound-from-file
  6754. "violence.ogg"
  6755. 1
  6756. )
  6757. )
  6758. +Name: UEF ships inbound!
  6759. +Repeat Count: 1
  6760. +Interval: 1
  6762. $Formula: ( when
  6763. ( not
  6764. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6765. 0
  6766. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6767. )
  6768. )
  6769. ( send-message
  6770. "#Falcata 1"
  6771. "Normal"
  6772. "laporte: status update"
  6773. )
  6774. ( add-goal
  6775. "Ridwan Beta"
  6776. ( ai-stay-near-ship "Falcata 1" 89 )
  6777. )
  6778. )
  6779. +Name: laporte: i hate this job
  6780. +Repeat Count: 1
  6781. +Interval: 1
  6782. +Chained: 9
  6784. $Formula: ( when
  6785. ( true )
  6786. ( send-message
  6787. "#Al-Da'wa"
  6788. "Normal"
  6789. "al-da'wa: ramifications"
  6790. )
  6791. )
  6792. +Name: al-da'wa: ramifications
  6793. +Repeat Count: 1
  6794. +Interval: 1
  6795. +Chained: 7
  6797. $Formula: ( when
  6798. ( true )
  6799. ( send-message
  6800. "#Falcata 1"
  6801. "High"
  6802. "laporte: but"
  6803. )
  6804. )
  6805. +Name: laporte: but
  6806. +Repeat Count: 1
  6807. +Interval: 1
  6808. +Chained: 10
  6810. $Formula: ( when
  6811. ( true )
  6812. ( send-message
  6813. "#Al-Da'wa"
  6814. "High"
  6815. "al-da'wa: swore an oath"
  6816. )
  6817. )
  6818. +Name: al-da'wa: an oath
  6819. +Repeat Count: 1
  6820. +Interval: 1
  6821. +Chained: 5
  6822. +Team: 0
  6824. $Formula: ( when
  6825. ( true )
  6826. ( training-msg
  6827. "laporte: i hate this job"
  6828. )
  6829. )
  6830. +Name: laporte: i really hate this job
  6831. +Repeat Count: 1
  6832. +Interval: 1
  6833. +Chained: 9
  6834. +Team: 0
  6836. $Formula: ( when
  6837. ( and
  6838. ( not
  6839. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  6840. )
  6841. ( not
  6842. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6843. 0
  6844. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6845. )
  6846. )
  6847. ( not
  6848. ( is-event-true-delay
  6849. "stealth fighters?"
  6850. 0
  6851. )
  6852. )
  6853. )
  6854. ( send-message
  6855. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  6856. "Normal"
  6857. "ridwan beta 1: what the hell"
  6858. )
  6859. ( change-iff
  6860. "Hostile"
  6861. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  6862. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  6863. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  6864. )
  6865. ( add-goal
  6866. "Ridwan Beta"
  6867. ( ai-chase "Kukri" 92 )
  6868. )
  6869. ( add-goal
  6870. "Ridwan Beta"
  6871. ( ai-chase "Falcata" 91 )
  6872. )
  6873. )
  6874. +Name: ridwan beta: inbound!
  6875. +Repeat Count: 1
  6876. +Interval: 1
  6877. +Chained: 3
  6879. $Formula: ( when
  6880. ( and
  6881. ( not
  6882. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  6883. )
  6884. ( not
  6885. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6886. 0
  6887. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6888. )
  6889. )
  6890. ( not
  6891. ( is-event-true-delay
  6892. "stealth fighters?"
  6893. 0
  6894. )
  6895. )
  6896. )
  6897. ( when
  6898. ( not
  6899. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  6900. )
  6901. ( send-message
  6902. "Falcata 2"
  6903. "Normal"
  6904. "kovacs: poor bastards"
  6905. )
  6906. )
  6907. ( when
  6908. ( and
  6909. ( not
  6910. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  6911. )
  6912. ( true )
  6913. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  6914. )
  6915. ( send-message
  6916. "Falcata 3"
  6917. "Normal"
  6918. "falconer: poor bastards"
  6919. )
  6920. )
  6921. ( when
  6922. ( and
  6923. ( not
  6924. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  6925. )
  6926. ( true )
  6927. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  6928. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  6929. )
  6930. ( send-message
  6931. "Falcata 4"
  6932. "Normal"
  6933. "vidaura: poor bastards"
  6934. )
  6935. )
  6936. )
  6937. +Name: wingman: poor bastards
  6938. +Repeat Count: 1
  6939. +Interval: 1
  6940. +Chained: 8
  6942. $Formula: ( when
  6943. ( and
  6944. ( not
  6945. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  6946. )
  6947. ( not
  6948. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6949. 0
  6950. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6951. )
  6952. )
  6953. ( not
  6954. ( is-event-true-delay
  6955. "stealth fighters?"
  6956. 0
  6957. )
  6958. )
  6959. )
  6960. ( send-message
  6961. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  6962. "High"
  6963. "ridwan beta 2: jamming?"
  6964. )
  6965. )
  6966. +Name: what's up with the jamming?
  6967. +Repeat Count: 1
  6968. +Interval: 1
  6969. +Chained: 7
  6971. $Formula: ( when
  6972. ( and
  6973. ( not
  6974. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  6975. )
  6976. ( not
  6977. ( is-destroyed-delay
  6978. 0
  6979. "Midwinter 5-1"
  6980. )
  6981. )
  6982. ( not
  6983. ( is-event-true-delay
  6984. "stealth fighters?"
  6985. 0
  6986. )
  6987. )
  6988. )
  6989. ( send-message
  6990. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  6991. "High"
  6992. "ridwan beta 3: gefs?"
  6993. )
  6994. )
  6995. +Name: where are the gefs?
  6996. +Repeat Count: 1
  6997. +Interval: 1
  6998. +Chained: 7
  7000. $Formula: ( when-argument
  7001. ( any-of
  7002. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7003. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7004. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7005. )
  7006. ( or
  7007. ( <
  7008. ( distance "<argument>" "Falcata 1" )
  7009. 1300
  7010. )
  7011. ( <
  7012. ( distance "<argument>" "Falcata 2" )
  7013. 1300
  7014. )
  7015. ( <
  7016. ( distance "<argument>" "Falcata 3" )
  7017. 1300
  7018. )
  7019. ( <
  7020. ( distance "<argument>" "Falcata 4" )
  7021. 1300
  7022. )
  7023. )
  7024. ( when
  7025. ( not
  7026. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7027. 0
  7028. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7029. )
  7030. )
  7031. ( send-message
  7032. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7033. "High"
  7034. "ridwan b1: stealth?"
  7035. )
  7036. )
  7037. ( when
  7038. ( and
  7039. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7040. 0
  7041. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7042. )
  7043. ( not
  7044. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7045. 0
  7046. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7047. )
  7048. )
  7049. )
  7050. ( send-message
  7051. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7052. "High"
  7053. "ridwan b2: stealth?"
  7054. )
  7055. )
  7056. ( when
  7057. ( and
  7058. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7059. 0
  7060. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7061. )
  7062. ( not
  7063. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7064. 0
  7065. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7066. )
  7067. )
  7068. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7069. 0
  7070. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7071. )
  7072. )
  7073. ( send-message
  7074. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7075. "High"
  7076. "ridwan b3: stealth?"
  7077. )
  7078. )
  7079. ( clear-goals "Ridwan Beta" )
  7080. ( add-goal
  7081. "Ridwan Beta"
  7082. ( ai-chase "Falcata" 89 )
  7083. )
  7084. )
  7085. +Name: stealth fighters?
  7086. +Repeat Count: 1
  7087. +Interval: 1
  7089. $Formula: ( when
  7090. ( and
  7091. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  7092. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  7093. ( not
  7094. ( is-event-true-delay
  7095. "hekets purge virus?"
  7096. 0
  7097. )
  7098. )
  7099. )
  7100. ( send-message
  7101. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7102. "Normal"
  7103. "mw5-1: chi 1 going up"
  7104. )
  7105. ( add-goal
  7106. "Falcata"
  7107. ( ai-evade-ship "Chi 1" 88 )
  7108. )
  7109. )
  7110. +Name: chi 1 going up
  7111. +Repeat Count: 1
  7112. +Interval: 1
  7113. +Team: 0
  7115. $Formula: ( when
  7116. ( and
  7117. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  7118. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  7119. ( not
  7120. ( is-event-true-delay
  7121. "hekets purge virus?"
  7122. 0
  7123. )
  7124. )
  7125. )
  7126. ( send-message
  7127. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7128. "Normal"
  7129. "mw5-1: chi 2 going up"
  7130. )
  7131. ( add-goal
  7132. "Falcata"
  7133. ( ai-evade-ship "Chi 2" 88 )
  7134. )
  7135. )
  7136. +Name: chi 2 going up
  7137. +Repeat Count: 1
  7138. +Interval: 1
  7139. +Team: 0
  7141. $Formula: ( when
  7142. ( and
  7143. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  7144. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  7145. ( not
  7146. ( is-event-true-delay
  7147. "hekets purge virus?"
  7148. 0
  7149. )
  7150. )
  7151. )
  7152. ( send-message
  7153. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7154. "Normal"
  7155. "mw5-1: chi 3 going up"
  7156. )
  7157. ( add-goal
  7158. "Falcata"
  7159. ( ai-evade-ship "Chi 3" 88 )
  7160. )
  7161. )
  7162. +Name: chi 3 going up
  7163. +Repeat Count: 1
  7164. +Interval: 1
  7166. $Formula: ( when
  7167. ( and
  7168. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  7169. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  7170. ( not
  7171. ( is-event-true-delay
  7172. "hekets purge virus?"
  7173. 0
  7174. )
  7175. )
  7176. )
  7177. ( send-message
  7178. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7179. "Normal"
  7180. "mw5-1: chi 4 going up"
  7181. )
  7182. ( add-goal
  7183. "Falcata"
  7184. ( ai-evade-ship "Chi 4" 88 )
  7185. )
  7186. )
  7187. +Name: chi 4 going up
  7188. +Repeat Count: 1
  7189. +Interval: 1
  7190. +Team: 0
  7192. $Formula: ( when
  7193. ( and
  7194. ( not
  7195. ( is-event-true-delay
  7196. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  7197. 0
  7198. )
  7199. )
  7200. ( is-event-true-delay
  7201. "mw on-station"
  7202. 8
  7203. )
  7204. )
  7205. ( send-message
  7206. "Heket"
  7207. "Normal"
  7208. "vasudans: gefs inbound"
  7209. )
  7210. )
  7211. +Name: vasudans have contact
  7212. +Repeat Count: 1
  7213. +Interval: 1
  7215. $Formula: ( when
  7216. ( and
  7217. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Kukri" )
  7218. ( not
  7219. ( is-event-true-delay
  7220. "laporte: gefs flee"
  7221. 0
  7222. )
  7223. )
  7224. ( not
  7225. ( is-event-true-delay
  7226. "you've been detected, fail"
  7227. 0
  7228. )
  7229. )
  7230. )
  7231. ( send-message
  7232. "#Falcata 1"
  7233. "High"
  7234. "laporte: gefs died early"
  7235. )
  7236. )
  7237. +Name: gefs all destroyed early
  7238. +Repeat Count: 1
  7239. +Interval: 1
  7240. +Team: 0
  7242. $Formula: ( when
  7243. ( true )
  7244. ( send-message
  7245. "#Al-Da'wa"
  7246. "High"
  7247. "al-da'wa: those were people to"
  7248. )
  7249. )
  7250. +Name: al-da'wa: they were people too
  7251. +Repeat Count: 1
  7252. +Interval: 1
  7253. +Chained: 6
  7255. $Formula: ( when
  7256. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  7257. 25
  7258. "Chi 1"
  7259. "Chi 2"
  7260. "Chi 3"
  7261. "Chi 4"
  7262. "Heket"
  7263. "Upsilon 1"
  7264. "Upsilon 2"
  7265. "Upsilon 7"
  7266. "Upsilon 8"
  7267. "Upsilon 6"
  7268. "Upsilon 3"
  7269. "Upsilon 4"
  7270. "Upsilon 5"
  7271. "Tabia"
  7272. "Rho 1"
  7273. "Rho 2"
  7274. "Rho 3"
  7275. "Rho 4"
  7276. "Rho 5"
  7277. "Rho 6"
  7278. "Rho 7"
  7279. "Rho 8"
  7280. "Iota 1"
  7281. "Iota 2"
  7282. "Iota 3"
  7283. "Iota 4"
  7284. "Iota 5"
  7285. "Iota 6"
  7286. "Tau 1"
  7287. "Ogdoad"
  7288. "Tau 3"
  7289. "Tau 2"
  7290. )
  7291. ( send-message
  7292. "Heket"
  7293. "Low"
  7294. "vasudans complain of losses 1"
  7295. )
  7296. )
  7297. +Name: convoy 25% destroyed
  7298. +Repeat Count: 1
  7299. +Interval: 1
  7300. +Team: 0
  7302. $Formula: ( when
  7303. ( not
  7304. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta 1" )
  7305. )
  7306. ( send-message
  7307. "Ogdoad"
  7308. "Normal"
  7309. "ogdoad electronics"
  7310. )
  7311. ( ship-guardian-threshold
  7312. 0
  7313. "Kukri 1"
  7314. "Kukri 2"
  7315. "Kukri 3"
  7316. "Kukri 4"
  7317. "Kukri 5"
  7318. "Kukri 6"
  7319. )
  7320. )
  7321. +Name: ogdoad asks about electronics
  7322. +Repeat Count: 1
  7323. +Interval: 1
  7324. +Chained: 9
  7325. +Team: 0
  7327. $Formula: ( do-nothing )
  7328. +Name: falcata 2 depart message
  7329. +Repeat Count: 1
  7330. +Interval: 1
  7332. $Formula: ( do-nothing )
  7333. +Name: falcata 3 depart message
  7334. +Repeat Count: 1
  7335. +Interval: 1
  7337. $Formula: ( do-nothing )
  7338. +Name: falcata 4 departing
  7339. +Repeat Count: 1
  7340. +Interval: 1
  7342. $Formula: ( when
  7343. ( and
  7344. ( not
  7345. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  7346. )
  7347. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  7348. )
  7349. ( send-message
  7350. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7351. "Normal"
  7352. "chi1 going up early"
  7353. )
  7354. )
  7355. +Name: chi1 going up early
  7356. +Repeat Count: 1
  7357. +Interval: 1
  7359. $Formula: ( when
  7360. ( and
  7361. ( not
  7362. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  7363. )
  7364. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  7365. )
  7366. ( send-message
  7367. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7368. "Normal"
  7369. "chi2 going up early"
  7370. )
  7371. )
  7372. +Name: chi2 going up early
  7373. +Repeat Count: 1
  7374. +Interval: 1
  7376. $Formula: ( when
  7377. ( and
  7378. ( not
  7379. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  7380. )
  7381. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  7382. )
  7383. ( send-message
  7384. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7385. "Normal"
  7386. "chi3 going up early"
  7387. )
  7388. )
  7389. +Name: chi3 going up early
  7390. +Repeat Count: 1
  7391. +Interval: 1
  7393. $Formula: ( when
  7394. ( and
  7395. ( not
  7396. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  7397. )
  7398. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  7399. )
  7400. ( send-message
  7401. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7402. "Normal"
  7403. "chi4 going up early"
  7404. )
  7405. )
  7406. +Name: chi4 going up early
  7407. +Repeat Count: 1
  7408. +Interval: 1
  7409. +Team: 0
  7411. $Formula: ( when
  7412. ( or
  7413. ( and
  7414. ( not
  7415. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  7416. 100
  7417. "Chi 1"
  7418. "Chi 2"
  7419. "Chi 3"
  7420. "Chi 4"
  7421. "Heket"
  7422. "Upsilon 1"
  7423. "Upsilon 2"
  7424. "Upsilon 7"
  7425. "Upsilon 8"
  7426. "Upsilon 6"
  7427. "Upsilon 3"
  7428. "Upsilon 4"
  7429. "Upsilon 5"
  7430. "Tabia"
  7431. "Rho 1"
  7432. "Rho 2"
  7433. "Rho 3"
  7434. "Rho 4"
  7435. "Rho 5"
  7436. "Rho 6"
  7437. "Rho 7"
  7438. "Rho 8"
  7439. "Iota 1"
  7440. "Iota 2"
  7441. "Iota 3"
  7442. "Iota 4"
  7443. "Iota 5"
  7444. "Iota 6"
  7445. "Tau 1"
  7446. "Ogdoad"
  7447. "Tau 3"
  7448. "Tau 2"
  7449. )
  7450. )
  7451. ( not
  7452. ( query-orders
  7453. "Midwinter 5-2"
  7454. "Destroy my target"
  7455. 0
  7456. )
  7457. )
  7458. ( is-event-true-delay
  7459. "wingman: silence?"
  7460. 10
  7461. )
  7462. )
  7463. ( has-departed-delay
  7464. 5
  7465. "Falcata 2"
  7466. "Falcata 3"
  7467. "Falcata 4"
  7468. )
  7469. )
  7470. ( send-message
  7471. "Midwinter 5-2"
  7472. "Low"
  7473. "mw5-2 offers help"
  7474. )
  7475. )
  7476. +Name: mw5-2 offers help
  7477. +Repeat Count: 1
  7478. +Interval: 1
  7479. +Team: 0
  7481. $Formula: ( when
  7482. ( and
  7483. ( not
  7484. ( is-event-true-delay
  7485. "stealth fighters?"
  7486. 0
  7487. )
  7488. )
  7489. ( is-event-true-delay
  7490. "where are the gefs?"
  7491. 9
  7492. )
  7493. )
  7494. ( send-message
  7495. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7496. "Normal"
  7497. "ridwan beta 2: this makes no s"
  7498. )
  7499. )
  7500. +Name: continue from 'where are gefs
  7501. +Repeat Count: 1
  7502. +Interval: 1
  7504. $Formula: ( when
  7505. ( not
  7506. ( is-event-true-delay
  7507. "stealth fighters?"
  7508. 0
  7509. )
  7510. )
  7511. ( send-message
  7512. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7513. "Normal"
  7514. "ridwan beta 1: hostiles"
  7515. )
  7516. )
  7517. +Name: ridwan beta 1: shivans?
  7518. +Repeat Count: 1
  7519. +Interval: 1
  7520. +Chained: 7
  7522. $Formula: ( when
  7523. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7524. 0
  7525. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7526. )
  7527. ( when
  7528. ( not
  7529. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7530. 0
  7531. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7532. )
  7533. )
  7534. ( send-message
  7535. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7536. "Normal"
  7537. "ridwan beta 2: lead is down"
  7538. )
  7539. )
  7540. ( when
  7541. ( and
  7542. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7543. 0
  7544. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7545. )
  7546. ( not
  7547. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7548. 0
  7549. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7550. )
  7551. )
  7552. )
  7553. ( send-message
  7554. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7555. "Normal"
  7556. "ridwan beta 3: all alone here!"
  7557. )
  7558. )
  7559. )
  7560. +Name: ridwan beta 1 down
  7561. +Repeat Count: 1
  7562. +Interval: 1
  7564. $Formula: ( when
  7565. ( true )
  7566. ( modify-variable
  7567. @convoypercent[100]
  7568. ( /
  7569. ( *
  7570. ( num-ships-in-battle
  7571. "Chi 1"
  7572. "Chi 2"
  7573. "Chi 3"
  7574. "Chi 4"
  7575. "Heket"
  7576. "Upsilon 1"
  7577. "Upsilon 2"
  7578. "Upsilon 7"
  7579. "Upsilon 8"
  7580. "Upsilon 6"
  7581. "Upsilon 3"
  7582. "Upsilon 4"
  7583. "Upsilon 5"
  7584. "Tabia"
  7585. "Rho 1"
  7586. "Rho 2"
  7587. "Rho 3"
  7588. "Rho 4"
  7589. "Rho 5"
  7590. "Rho 6"
  7591. "Rho 7"
  7592. "Rho 8"
  7593. "Iota 1"
  7594. "Iota 2"
  7595. "Iota 3"
  7596. "Iota 4"
  7597. "Iota 5"
  7598. "Iota 6"
  7599. "Tau 1"
  7600. "Ogdoad"
  7601. "Tau 3"
  7602. "Tau 2"
  7603. )
  7604. 100
  7605. )
  7606. 32
  7607. )
  7608. )
  7609. ( set-subsystem-strength
  7610. "Convoy %"
  7611. "Hull"
  7612. @convoypercent[100]
  7613. )
  7614. )
  7615. +Name: monitor convoy integrity
  7616. +Repeat Count: -1
  7617. +Trigger Count: 999999
  7618. +Interval: 1
  7620. $Formula: ( when
  7621. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  7622. 100
  7623. "Chi 1"
  7624. "Chi 2"
  7625. "Chi 3"
  7626. "Chi 4"
  7627. "Heket"
  7628. "Upsilon 1"
  7629. "Upsilon 2"
  7630. "Upsilon 7"
  7631. "Upsilon 8"
  7632. "Upsilon 6"
  7633. "Upsilon 3"
  7634. "Upsilon 4"
  7635. "Upsilon 5"
  7636. "Tabia"
  7637. "Rho 1"
  7638. "Rho 2"
  7639. "Rho 3"
  7640. "Rho 4"
  7641. "Rho 5"
  7642. "Rho 6"
  7643. "Rho 7"
  7644. "Rho 8"
  7645. "Iota 1"
  7646. "Iota 2"
  7647. "Iota 3"
  7648. "Iota 4"
  7649. "Iota 5"
  7650. "Iota 6"
  7651. "Tau 1"
  7652. "Ogdoad"
  7653. "Tau 3"
  7654. "Tau 2"
  7655. )
  7656. ( ship-vanish "Convoy %" )
  7657. )
  7658. +Name: remove convoy integrity
  7659. +Repeat Count: 1
  7660. +Interval: 1
  7662. $Formula: ( when
  7663. ( and
  7664. ( is-event-true-delay
  7665. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  7666. 0
  7667. )
  7668. ( not
  7669. ( or
  7670. ( is-event-true-delay
  7671. "Neith shuts down"
  7672. 0
  7673. )
  7674. ( is-event-true-delay
  7675. "viral strike on tabia"
  7676. 0
  7677. )
  7678. )
  7679. )
  7680. )
  7681. ( modify-variable
  7682. @roulette[0]
  7683. ( rand-multiple 0 10 )
  7684. )
  7685. )
  7686. +Name: detection roulette
  7687. +Repeat Count: -1
  7688. +Trigger Count: 200
  7689. +Interval: 6
  7690. +Team: 0
  7692. $Formula: ( when
  7693. ( and
  7694. ( is-event-true-delay
  7695. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  7696. 0
  7697. )
  7698. ( not
  7699. ( or
  7700. ( is-event-true-delay
  7701. "Neith shuts down"
  7702. 0
  7703. )
  7704. ( is-event-true-delay
  7705. "viral strike on tabia"
  7706. 0
  7707. )
  7708. ( is-event-true-delay
  7709. "you've been detected, fail"
  7710. 0
  7711. )
  7712. )
  7713. )
  7714. ( is-facing
  7715. "Cancer 1"
  7716. "Falcata 1"
  7717. 45
  7718. 250
  7719. )
  7720. )
  7721. ( add-goal
  7722. "Cancer 1"
  7723. ( ai-chase "Falcata 1" 89 )
  7724. )
  7725. ( send-message
  7726. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7727. "Normal"
  7728. "mw5-1: early sighting!"
  7729. )
  7730. )
  7731. +Name: detection roulette comes up
  7732. +Repeat Count: 1
  7733. +Interval: 1
  7735. $Formula: ( when
  7736. ( and
  7737. ( or
  7738. ( is-event-true-delay
  7739. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  7740. 10
  7741. )
  7742. ( is-event-true-delay
  7743. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  7744. 10
  7745. )
  7746. )
  7747. ( not
  7748. ( is-event-true-delay
  7749. "local control restored"
  7750. 0
  7751. )
  7752. )
  7753. ( not
  7754. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  7755. )
  7756. ( not
  7757. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7758. 0
  7759. "Midwinter 5-2"
  7760. )
  7761. )
  7762. )
  7763. ( send-message
  7764. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7765. "Normal"
  7766. "mw5-1: need to take out tabia"
  7767. )
  7768. )
  7769. +Name: gefs have fled, but AWACS is up
  7770. +Repeat Count: 1
  7771. +Interval: 1
  7773. $Formula: ( when
  7774. ( is-event-true-delay
  7775. "viral strike on tabia"
  7776. 12
  7777. )
  7778. ( send-message
  7779. "Heket"
  7780. "Normal"
  7781. "heket: viral strike!"
  7782. )
  7783. )
  7784. +Name: vasudans complain about viral
  7785. +Repeat Count: 1
  7786. +Interval: 1
  7787. +Team: 0
  7789. $Formula: ( when
  7790. ( and
  7791. ( is-destroyed-delay 22 "Tabia" )
  7792. ( not
  7793. ( is-event-true-delay
  7794. "viral strike on tabia"
  7795. 0
  7796. )
  7797. )
  7798. ( false )
  7799. )
  7800. ( send-message
  7801. "Ogdoad"
  7802. "Normal"
  7803. "ogdoad: AWACS down"
  7804. )
  7805. )
  7806. +Name: vasudans complain about AWACS
  7807. +Repeat Count: 1
  7808. +Interval: 1
  7809. +Team: 0
  7811. $Formula: ( when
  7812. ( and
  7813. ( not
  7814. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7815. 0
  7816. "Midwinter 5-1"
  7817. )
  7818. )
  7819. ( not
  7820. ( is-event-true-delay
  7821. "gef withdraw"
  7822. 0
  7823. )
  7824. )
  7825. )
  7826. ( send-message
  7827. "Heket"
  7828. "Normal"
  7829. "heket: stand fast!"
  7830. )
  7831. )
  7832. +Name: vasudans complain about AWACS 2
  7833. +Repeat Count: 1
  7834. +Interval: 1
  7835. +Chained: 15
  7836. +Team: 0
  7838. $Formula: ( when
  7839. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7840. 0
  7841. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7842. )
  7843. ( when
  7844. ( not
  7845. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7846. 0
  7847. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7848. )
  7849. )
  7850. ( send-message
  7851. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7852. "Normal"
  7853. "ridwan beta 1: 2 is down"
  7854. )
  7855. )
  7856. ( when
  7857. ( and
  7858. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7859. 0
  7860. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7861. )
  7862. ( not
  7863. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7864. 0
  7865. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7866. )
  7867. )
  7868. )
  7869. ( send-message
  7870. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7871. "Normal"
  7872. "ridwan beta 3: all alone here!"
  7873. )
  7874. )
  7875. )
  7876. +Name: ridwan beta 2 down
  7877. +Repeat Count: 1
  7878. +Interval: 1
  7880. $Formula: ( when
  7881. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7882. 0
  7883. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  7884. )
  7885. ( when
  7886. ( not
  7887. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7888. 0
  7889. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7890. )
  7891. )
  7892. ( send-message
  7893. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7894. "Normal"
  7895. "ridwan beta 1: 3 is down?"
  7896. )
  7897. )
  7898. ( when
  7899. ( and
  7900. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7901. 0
  7902. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  7903. )
  7904. ( not
  7905. ( is-destroyed-delay
  7906. 0
  7907. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7908. )
  7909. )
  7910. )
  7911. ( send-message
  7912. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  7913. "Normal"
  7914. "ridwan beta 2: all aloned"
  7915. )
  7916. )
  7917. )
  7918. +Name: ridwan beta 3 down
  7919. +Repeat Count: 1
  7920. +Interval: 1
  7922. $Formula: ( when
  7923. ( and
  7924. ( not
  7925. ( is-event-true-delay
  7926. "Neith shuts down"
  7927. 0
  7928. )
  7929. )
  7930. ( not
  7931. ( is-event-true-delay
  7932. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  7933. 0
  7934. )
  7935. )
  7936. ( not
  7937. ( is-event-true-delay
  7938. "viral strike on tabia"
  7939. 0
  7940. )
  7941. )
  7942. ( secondary-fired-since "Kukri 1" 0 1 )
  7943. ( is-event-true-delay
  7944. "vasudans have contact"
  7945. 10
  7946. )
  7947. )
  7948. ( send-message
  7949. "Tabia"
  7950. "Normal"
  7951. "tabia: incoming!"
  7952. )
  7953. ( add-goal
  7954. "Cancer"
  7955. ( ai-guard "Heket" 89 )
  7956. )
  7957. )
  7958. +Name: vasudans complain about vampire
  7959. +Repeat Count: 1
  7960. +Interval: 1
  7962. $Formula: ( when-argument
  7963. ( random-of
  7964. "Chi 1"
  7965. "Chi 2"
  7966. "Heket"
  7967. "Upsilon 1"
  7968. "Upsilon 2"
  7969. "Upsilon 7"
  7970. "Upsilon 8"
  7971. "Upsilon 3"
  7972. "Upsilon 4"
  7973. "Upsilon 5"
  7974. "Upsilon 6"
  7975. "Chi 3"
  7976. "Rho 1"
  7977. "Rho 2"
  7978. "Rho 3"
  7979. "Rho 4"
  7980. "Rho 5"
  7981. "Rho 6"
  7982. "Rho 8"
  7983. "Rho 7"
  7984. "Iota 1"
  7985. "Iota 2"
  7986. "Iota 3"
  7987. "Iota 4"
  7988. "Iota 5"
  7989. "Iota 6"
  7990. "Chi 4"
  7991. "Ogdoad"
  7992. "Tau 1"
  7993. "Tau 2"
  7994. "Tau 3"
  7995. )
  7996. ( true )
  7997. ( when
  7998. ( and
  7999. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8000. 40
  8001. "Chi 1"
  8002. "Chi 2"
  8003. "Chi 3"
  8004. "Chi 4"
  8005. "Heket"
  8006. "Upsilon 1"
  8007. "Upsilon 2"
  8008. "Upsilon 7"
  8009. "Upsilon 8"
  8010. "Upsilon 6"
  8011. "Upsilon 3"
  8012. "Upsilon 4"
  8013. "Upsilon 5"
  8014. "Tabia"
  8015. "Rho 1"
  8016. "Rho 2"
  8017. "Rho 3"
  8018. "Rho 4"
  8019. "Rho 5"
  8020. "Rho 6"
  8021. "Rho 7"
  8022. "Rho 8"
  8023. "Iota 1"
  8024. "Iota 2"
  8025. "Iota 3"
  8026. "Iota 4"
  8027. "Iota 5"
  8028. "Iota 6"
  8029. "Tau 1"
  8030. "Ogdoad"
  8031. "Tau 3"
  8032. "Tau 2"
  8033. )
  8034. ( or
  8035. ( is-event-true-delay
  8036. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  8037. 10
  8038. )
  8039. ( is-event-true-delay
  8040. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  8041. 10
  8042. )
  8043. ( is-event-true-delay
  8044. "al-da'wa: they were people too"
  8045. 10
  8046. )
  8047. )
  8048. ( not
  8049. ( is-event-true-delay
  8050. "UEF ships inbound!"
  8051. 0
  8052. )
  8053. )
  8054. ( is-event-true-delay
  8055. "convoy 25% destroyed"
  8056. 10
  8057. )
  8058. )
  8059. ( send-message
  8060. "<argument>"
  8061. "Normal"
  8062. "vasudan 60 help"
  8063. )
  8064. ( invalidate-all-arguments )
  8065. ( modify-variable @vasudan60flag[0] 1 )
  8066. )
  8067. ( when
  8068. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  8069. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  8070. )
  8071. )
  8072. +Name: vasudan 60 help
  8073. +Repeat Count: -1
  8074. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  8075. +Interval: 0
  8077. $Formula: ( when-argument
  8078. ( random-of
  8079. "Chi 1"
  8080. "Chi 2"
  8081. "Heket"
  8082. "Upsilon 1"
  8083. "Upsilon 2"
  8084. "Upsilon 7"
  8085. "Upsilon 8"
  8086. "Upsilon 3"
  8087. "Upsilon 4"
  8088. "Upsilon 5"
  8089. "Upsilon 6"
  8090. "Chi 3"
  8091. "Rho 1"
  8092. "Rho 2"
  8093. "Rho 3"
  8094. "Rho 4"
  8095. "Rho 5"
  8096. "Rho 6"
  8097. "Rho 8"
  8098. "Rho 7"
  8099. "Iota 1"
  8100. "Iota 2"
  8101. "Iota 3"
  8102. "Iota 4"
  8103. "Iota 5"
  8104. "Iota 6"
  8105. "Chi 4"
  8106. "Ogdoad"
  8107. "Tau 1"
  8108. "Tau 2"
  8109. "Tau 3"
  8110. )
  8111. ( true )
  8112. ( when
  8113. ( and
  8114. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8115. 40
  8116. "Chi 1"
  8117. "Chi 2"
  8118. "Chi 3"
  8119. "Chi 4"
  8120. "Heket"
  8121. "Upsilon 1"
  8122. "Upsilon 2"
  8123. "Upsilon 7"
  8124. "Upsilon 8"
  8125. "Upsilon 6"
  8126. "Upsilon 3"
  8127. "Upsilon 4"
  8128. "Upsilon 5"
  8129. "Tabia"
  8130. "Rho 1"
  8131. "Rho 2"
  8132. "Rho 3"
  8133. "Rho 4"
  8134. "Rho 5"
  8135. "Rho 6"
  8136. "Rho 7"
  8137. "Rho 8"
  8138. "Iota 1"
  8139. "Iota 2"
  8140. "Iota 3"
  8141. "Iota 4"
  8142. "Iota 5"
  8143. "Iota 6"
  8144. "Tau 1"
  8145. "Ogdoad"
  8146. "Tau 3"
  8147. "Tau 2"
  8148. )
  8149. ( or
  8150. ( is-event-true-delay
  8151. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  8152. 10
  8153. )
  8154. ( is-event-true-delay
  8155. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  8156. 10
  8157. )
  8158. ( is-event-true-delay
  8159. "al-da'wa: they were people too"
  8160. 10
  8161. )
  8162. )
  8163. ( is-event-true-delay
  8164. "wingman: silence?"
  8165. 25
  8166. )
  8167. ( not
  8168. ( is-event-true-delay
  8169. "UEF ships inbound!"
  8170. 0
  8171. )
  8172. )
  8173. )
  8174. ( send-message
  8175. "<argument>"
  8176. "Normal"
  8177. "vasudan 90 help"
  8178. )
  8179. ( invalidate-all-arguments )
  8180. )
  8181. ( when
  8182. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  8183. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  8184. )
  8185. )
  8186. +Name: vasudan 90 help
  8187. +Repeat Count: -1
  8188. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  8189. +Interval: 0
  8191. $Formula: ( when-argument
  8192. ( random-of
  8193. "Chi 1"
  8194. "Chi 2"
  8195. "Heket"
  8196. "Upsilon 1"
  8197. "Upsilon 2"
  8198. "Upsilon 7"
  8199. "Upsilon 8"
  8200. "Upsilon 3"
  8201. "Upsilon 4"
  8202. "Upsilon 5"
  8203. "Upsilon 6"
  8204. "Chi 3"
  8205. "Rho 1"
  8206. "Rho 2"
  8207. "Rho 3"
  8208. "Rho 4"
  8209. "Rho 5"
  8210. "Rho 6"
  8211. "Rho 8"
  8212. "Rho 7"
  8213. "Iota 1"
  8214. "Iota 2"
  8215. "Iota 3"
  8216. "Iota 4"
  8217. "Iota 5"
  8218. "Iota 6"
  8219. "Chi 4"
  8220. "Ogdoad"
  8221. "Tau 1"
  8222. "Tau 2"
  8223. "Tau 3"
  8224. )
  8225. ( true )
  8226. ( when
  8227. ( and
  8228. ( or
  8229. ( is-event-true-delay
  8230. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  8231. 10
  8232. )
  8233. ( is-event-true-delay
  8234. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  8235. 10
  8236. )
  8237. ( is-event-true-delay
  8238. "al-da'wa: they were people too"
  8239. 10
  8240. )
  8241. )
  8242. ( is-event-true-delay
  8243. "vasudan 90 help"
  8244. 10
  8245. )
  8246. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8247. 60
  8248. "Chi 1"
  8249. "Chi 2"
  8250. "Chi 3"
  8251. "Chi 4"
  8252. "Heket"
  8253. "Upsilon 1"
  8254. "Upsilon 2"
  8255. "Upsilon 7"
  8256. "Upsilon 8"
  8257. "Upsilon 6"
  8258. "Upsilon 3"
  8259. "Upsilon 4"
  8260. "Upsilon 5"
  8261. "Tabia"
  8262. "Rho 1"
  8263. "Rho 2"
  8264. "Rho 3"
  8265. "Rho 4"
  8266. "Rho 5"
  8267. "Rho 6"
  8268. "Rho 7"
  8269. "Rho 8"
  8270. "Iota 1"
  8271. "Iota 2"
  8272. "Iota 3"
  8273. "Iota 4"
  8274. "Iota 5"
  8275. "Iota 6"
  8276. "Tau 1"
  8277. "Ogdoad"
  8278. "Tau 3"
  8279. "Tau 2"
  8280. )
  8281. )
  8282. ( send-message
  8283. "<argument>"
  8284. "Normal"
  8285. "fight to the last!"
  8286. )
  8287. ( invalidate-all-arguments )
  8288. )
  8289. ( when
  8290. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  8291. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  8292. )
  8293. )
  8294. +Name: fight to the last!
  8295. +Repeat Count: -1
  8296. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  8297. +Interval: 0
  8298. +Team: 0
  8300. $Formula: ( when
  8301. ( is-destroyed-delay 4 "Ridwan Beta" )
  8302. ( send-message
  8303. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8304. "High"
  8305. "wingman: don't blame yourself"
  8306. )
  8307. )
  8308. +Name: UEF fighters down
  8309. +Repeat Count: 1
  8310. +Interval: 1
  8312. $Formula: ( when
  8313. ( true )
  8314. ( send-message
  8315. "#Falcata 1"
  8316. "High"
  8317. "laporte: targets!?"
  8318. )
  8319. )
  8320. +Name: laporte: targets?
  8321. +Repeat Count: 1
  8322. +Interval: 1
  8323. +Chained: 4
  8325. $Formula: ( when
  8326. ( true )
  8327. ( when
  8328. ( not
  8329. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  8330. )
  8331. ( send-message
  8332. "Falcata 2"
  8333. "High"
  8334. "wingman: no ghosts"
  8335. )
  8336. )
  8337. ( when
  8338. ( and
  8339. ( not
  8340. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  8341. )
  8342. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  8343. )
  8344. ( send-message
  8345. "Falcata 4"
  8346. "High"
  8347. "wingman: no ghosts"
  8348. )
  8349. )
  8350. )
  8351. +Name: wingman: no better death
  8352. +Repeat Count: 1
  8353. +Interval: 1
  8354. +Chained: 8
  8356. $Formula: ( when
  8357. ( not
  8358. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8359. 100
  8360. "Chi 1"
  8361. "Chi 2"
  8362. "Chi 3"
  8363. "Chi 4"
  8364. "Heket"
  8365. "Upsilon 1"
  8366. "Upsilon 2"
  8367. "Upsilon 7"
  8368. "Upsilon 8"
  8369. "Upsilon 6"
  8370. "Upsilon 3"
  8371. "Upsilon 4"
  8372. "Upsilon 5"
  8373. "Tabia"
  8374. "Rho 1"
  8375. "Rho 2"
  8376. "Rho 3"
  8377. "Rho 4"
  8378. "Rho 5"
  8379. "Rho 6"
  8380. "Rho 7"
  8381. "Rho 8"
  8382. "Iota 1"
  8383. "Iota 2"
  8384. "Iota 3"
  8385. "Iota 4"
  8386. "Iota 5"
  8387. "Iota 6"
  8388. "Tau 1"
  8389. "Ogdoad"
  8390. "Tau 3"
  8391. "Tau 2"
  8392. )
  8393. )
  8394. ( send-message
  8395. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8396. "Normal"
  8397. "mw5-1: convoy"
  8398. )
  8399. )
  8400. +Name: mop up convoy
  8401. +Repeat Count: 1
  8402. +Interval: 1
  8403. +Chained: 10
  8405. $Formula: ( when
  8406. ( and
  8407. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8408. 43
  8409. "Chi 1"
  8410. "Chi 2"
  8411. "Chi 3"
  8412. "Chi 4"
  8413. "Heket"
  8414. "Upsilon 1"
  8415. "Upsilon 2"
  8416. "Upsilon 7"
  8417. "Upsilon 8"
  8418. "Upsilon 6"
  8419. "Upsilon 3"
  8420. "Upsilon 4"
  8421. "Upsilon 5"
  8422. "Tabia"
  8423. "Rho 1"
  8424. "Rho 2"
  8425. "Rho 3"
  8426. "Rho 4"
  8427. "Rho 5"
  8428. "Rho 6"
  8429. "Rho 7"
  8430. "Rho 8"
  8431. "Iota 1"
  8432. "Iota 2"
  8433. "Iota 3"
  8434. "Iota 4"
  8435. "Iota 5"
  8436. "Iota 6"
  8437. "Tau 1"
  8438. "Ogdoad"
  8439. "Tau 3"
  8440. "Tau 2"
  8441. )
  8442. ( or
  8443. ( is-event-true-delay
  8444. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  8445. 10
  8446. )
  8447. ( is-event-true-delay
  8448. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  8449. 10
  8450. )
  8451. ( is-event-true-delay
  8452. "al-da'wa: they were people too"
  8453. 10
  8454. )
  8455. )
  8456. ( not
  8457. ( is-event-true-delay
  8458. "UEF ships inbound!"
  8459. 0
  8460. )
  8461. )
  8462. ( is-event-true-delay
  8463. "vasudan 60 flag"
  8464. 10
  8465. )
  8466. ( false )
  8467. )
  8468. ( send-message
  8469. "#Falcata 1"
  8470. "High"
  8471. "laporte: slaughter them all"
  8472. )
  8473. )
  8474. +Name: vasudan 70 laporte
  8475. +Repeat Count: 1
  8476. +Interval: 1
  8478. $Formula: ( when
  8479. ( and
  8480. ( false )
  8481. ( or
  8482. ( is-event-true-delay
  8483. "al-da'wa: good deed?"
  8484. 10
  8485. )
  8486. ( is-event-true-delay
  8487. "al-da'wa criticizes"
  8488. 10
  8489. )
  8490. ( is-event-true-delay
  8491. "al-da'wa: they were people too"
  8492. 10
  8493. )
  8494. )
  8495. ( not
  8496. ( is-event-true-delay
  8497. "UEF ships inbound!"
  8498. 0
  8499. )
  8500. )
  8501. ( is-event-true-delay
  8502. "vasudan 60 flag"
  8503. 10
  8504. )
  8505. )
  8506. ( when
  8507. ( not
  8508. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  8509. )
  8510. ( send-message
  8511. "Falcata 2"
  8512. "High"
  8513. "kovacs: keep it cool"
  8514. )
  8515. )
  8516. ( when
  8517. ( and
  8518. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  8519. ( not
  8520. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  8521. )
  8522. )
  8523. ( send-message
  8524. "Falcata 4"
  8525. "High"
  8526. "vidaura: keep it cool"
  8527. )
  8528. )
  8529. )
  8530. +Name: wingman: silence?
  8531. +Repeat Count: 1
  8532. +Interval: 1
  8533. +Chained: 10
  8535. $Formula: ( when
  8536. ( and
  8537. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8538. 100
  8539. "Chi 1"
  8540. "Chi 2"
  8541. "Chi 3"
  8542. "Chi 4"
  8543. "Heket"
  8544. "Upsilon 1"
  8545. "Upsilon 2"
  8546. "Upsilon 7"
  8547. "Upsilon 8"
  8548. "Upsilon 6"
  8549. "Upsilon 3"
  8550. "Upsilon 4"
  8551. "Upsilon 5"
  8552. "Tabia"
  8553. "Rho 1"
  8554. "Rho 2"
  8555. "Rho 3"
  8556. "Rho 4"
  8557. "Rho 5"
  8558. "Rho 6"
  8559. "Rho 7"
  8560. "Rho 8"
  8561. "Iota 1"
  8562. "Iota 2"
  8563. "Iota 3"
  8564. "Iota 4"
  8565. "Iota 5"
  8566. "Iota 6"
  8567. "Tau 1"
  8568. "Ogdoad"
  8569. "Tau 3"
  8570. "Tau 2"
  8571. )
  8572. ( not
  8573. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  8574. )
  8575. ( is-event-true-delay
  8576. "where are the gefs?"
  8577. 7
  8578. )
  8579. )
  8580. ( send-message
  8581. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8582. "Normal"
  8583. "mw5-1: wrap up fighters"
  8584. )
  8585. )
  8586. +Name: convoy destroyed, UEF not down
  8587. +Repeat Count: 1
  8588. +Interval: 1
  8590. $Formula: ( when
  8591. ( and
  8592. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8593. 100
  8594. "Chi 1"
  8595. "Chi 2"
  8596. "Chi 3"
  8597. "Chi 4"
  8598. "Heket"
  8599. "Upsilon 1"
  8600. "Upsilon 2"
  8601. "Upsilon 7"
  8602. "Upsilon 8"
  8603. "Upsilon 6"
  8604. "Upsilon 3"
  8605. "Upsilon 4"
  8606. "Upsilon 5"
  8607. "Tabia"
  8608. "Rho 1"
  8609. "Rho 2"
  8610. "Rho 3"
  8611. "Rho 4"
  8612. "Rho 5"
  8613. "Rho 6"
  8614. "Rho 7"
  8615. "Rho 8"
  8616. "Iota 1"
  8617. "Iota 2"
  8618. "Iota 3"
  8619. "Iota 4"
  8620. "Iota 5"
  8621. "Iota 6"
  8622. "Tau 1"
  8623. "Ogdoad"
  8624. "Tau 3"
  8625. "Tau 2"
  8626. )
  8627. ( is-destroyed-delay 25 "Ridwan Beta" )
  8628. )
  8629. ( send-message
  8630. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8631. "Normal"
  8632. "mw-5-1: convoy and fighters do"
  8633. )
  8634. )
  8635. +Name: convoy destroyed, UEF down
  8636. +Repeat Count: 1
  8637. +Interval: 1
  8639. $Formula: ( when
  8640. ( < ( hits-left "Ridwan Beta 2" ) 2 )
  8641. ( change-iff
  8642. "Unknown"
  8643. "Ejected Pilot"
  8644. )
  8645. ( ship-no-guardian "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  8646. ( self-destruct "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  8647. ( set-object-position
  8648. "Ejected Pilot"
  8649. @rwbeta2x[0]
  8650. @rwbeta2y[0]
  8651. @rwbeta2z[0]
  8652. )
  8653. ( add-goal
  8654. "Ejected Pilot"
  8655. ( ai-stay-near-ship "Falcata 1" 89 )
  8656. )
  8657. )
  8658. +Name: create beta 2 ejection
  8659. +Repeat Count: 1
  8660. +Interval: 1
  8662. $Formula: ( when
  8663. ( < ( hits-left "Midwinter 5-2" ) 51 )
  8664. ( send-message
  8665. "Midwinter 5-2"
  8666. "High"
  8667. "mw5-2: in trouble"
  8668. )
  8669. )
  8670. +Name: midwinter 5-2 at 50%
  8671. +Repeat Count: 1
  8672. +Interval: 1
  8674. $Formula: ( when
  8675. ( is-destroyed-delay
  8676. 0
  8677. "Midwinter 5-2"
  8678. )
  8679. ( send-message
  8680. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8681. "Normal"
  8682. "mw5-2 lost"
  8683. )
  8684. )
  8685. +Name: midwinter 5-2 lost
  8686. +Repeat Count: 1
  8687. +Interval: 1
  8689. $Formula: ( when
  8690. ( and
  8691. ( not
  8692. ( is-destroyed-delay
  8693. 0
  8694. "Ejected Pilot"
  8695. )
  8696. )
  8697. ( is-event-true-delay
  8698. "convoy destroyed, UEF down"
  8699. 11
  8700. )
  8701. )
  8702. ( send-message
  8703. "Midwinter 5-1"
  8704. "Normal"
  8705. "mw5-1: it's clear"
  8706. )
  8707. ( ship-unstealthy "Ejected Pilot" )
  8708. ( ship-visible "Ejected Pilot" )
  8709. ( add-goal
  8710. "Ejected Pilot"
  8711. ( ai-play-dead 89 )
  8712. )
  8713. )
  8714. +Name: survivor?
  8715. +Repeat Count: 1
  8716. +Interval: 1
  8718. $Formula: ( when
  8719. ( not
  8720. ( is-destroyed-delay
  8721. 0
  8722. "Ejected Pilot"
  8723. )
  8724. )
  8725. ( send-message
  8726. "#Al-Da'wa"
  8727. "Normal"
  8728. "al-da'wa: no time for SAR"
  8729. )
  8730. )
  8731. +Name: al-da'wa: kill
  8732. +Repeat Count: 1
  8733. +Interval: 1
  8734. +Chained: 9
  8736. $Formula: ( when
  8737. ( not
  8738. ( is-destroyed-delay
  8739. 0
  8740. "Ejected Pilot"
  8741. )
  8742. )
  8743. ( do-nothing )
  8744. )
  8745. +Name: fedayeen benediction
  8746. +Repeat Count: 1
  8747. +Interval: 1
  8748. +Chained: 9
  8749. +Team: 0
  8751. $Formula: ( when-argument
  8752. ( random-of
  8753. "Chi 1"
  8754. "Chi 2"
  8755. "Heket"
  8756. "Upsilon 1"
  8757. "Upsilon 2"
  8758. "Upsilon 7"
  8759. "Upsilon 8"
  8760. "Upsilon 3"
  8761. "Upsilon 4"
  8762. "Upsilon 5"
  8763. "Upsilon 6"
  8764. "Chi 3"
  8765. "Rho 1"
  8766. "Rho 2"
  8767. "Rho 3"
  8768. "Rho 4"
  8769. "Rho 5"
  8770. "Rho 6"
  8771. "Rho 8"
  8772. "Rho 7"
  8773. "Iota 1"
  8774. "Iota 2"
  8775. "Iota 3"
  8776. "Iota 4"
  8777. "Iota 5"
  8778. "Iota 6"
  8779. "Chi 4"
  8780. "Ogdoad"
  8781. "Tau 1"
  8782. "Tau 2"
  8783. "Tau 3"
  8784. )
  8785. ( true )
  8786. ( when
  8787. ( is-event-true-delay
  8788. "ridwan beta: inbound!"
  8789. 0
  8790. )
  8791. ( add-goal
  8792. "Ridwan Beta"
  8793. ( ai-guard "<argument>" 89 )
  8794. )
  8795. ( invalidate-all-arguments )
  8796. )
  8797. ( when
  8798. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  8799. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  8800. )
  8801. )
  8802. +Name: uef moves to convoy
  8803. +Repeat Count: -1
  8804. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  8805. +Interval: 1
  8807. $Formula: ( when
  8808. ( and
  8809. ( or
  8810. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tau 2" )
  8811. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tau 1" )
  8812. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tau 3" )
  8813. )
  8814. ( or
  8815. ( not
  8816. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta 1" )
  8817. )
  8818. ( has-arrived-delay
  8819. 25
  8820. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  8821. )
  8822. )
  8823. )
  8824. ( send-message
  8825. "Ogdoad"
  8826. "Low"
  8827. "ogdoad: targeting marines"
  8828. )
  8829. )
  8830. +Name: tau transport losses
  8831. +Repeat Count: 1
  8832. +Interval: 1
  8833. +Team: 0
  8835. $Formula: ( when
  8836. ( or
  8837. ( is-event-true-delay
  8838. "Neith shuts down"
  8839. 0
  8840. ( true )
  8841. )
  8842. ( is-event-true-delay
  8843. "viral strike on tabia"
  8844. 0
  8845. ( true )
  8846. )
  8847. )
  8848. ( do-nothing )
  8849. )
  8850. +Name: crash Vasudan battlenet dir
  8851. +Repeat Count: 1
  8852. +Interval: 1
  8853. +Objective: XSTR("Strike Tabia AWACS", -1)
  8854. +Objective key: XSTR("Use Viral Strike or Kukri Wing", -1)
  8856. $Formula: ( when
  8857. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  8858. ( do-nothing )
  8859. )
  8860. +Name: destroy Tabia
  8861. +Repeat Count: 1
  8862. +Interval: 1
  8863. +Chained: 0
  8864. +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Tabia AWACS", -1)
  8865. +Objective key: XSTR("Use Kukri or Gunboat", -1)
  8867. $Formula: ( when
  8868. ( or
  8869. ( is-event-true-delay
  8870. "Neith shuts down"
  8871. 0
  8872. ( true )
  8873. )
  8874. ( is-event-true-delay
  8875. "viral strike on tabia"
  8876. 0
  8877. ( true )
  8878. )
  8879. )
  8880. ( do-nothing )
  8881. )
  8882. +Name: avoid detection dir
  8883. +Repeat Count: 1
  8884. +Interval: 1
  8885. +Objective: XSTR("Avoid Detection", -1)
  8886. +Objective key: XSTR("Keep Wingmen 1700m From AWACS", -1)
  8887. +Team: 0
  8889. $Formula: ( when
  8890. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  8891. 100
  8892. "Chi 1"
  8893. "Chi 2"
  8894. "Chi 3"
  8895. "Chi 4"
  8896. "Heket"
  8897. "Upsilon 1"
  8898. "Upsilon 2"
  8899. "Upsilon 7"
  8900. "Upsilon 8"
  8901. "Upsilon 6"
  8902. "Upsilon 3"
  8903. "Upsilon 4"
  8904. "Upsilon 5"
  8905. "Tabia"
  8906. "Rho 1"
  8907. "Rho 2"
  8908. "Rho 3"
  8909. "Rho 4"
  8910. "Rho 5"
  8911. "Rho 6"
  8912. "Rho 7"
  8913. "Rho 8"
  8914. "Iota 1"
  8915. "Iota 2"
  8916. "Iota 3"
  8917. "Iota 4"
  8918. "Iota 5"
  8919. "Iota 6"
  8920. "Tau 1"
  8921. "Ogdoad"
  8922. "Tau 3"
  8923. "Tau 2"
  8924. )
  8925. ( do-nothing )
  8926. )
  8927. +Name: destroy convoy dir
  8928. +Repeat Count: 1
  8929. +Interval: 1
  8930. +Chained: 0
  8931. +Objective: XSTR("Destroy Entire Convoy (F12)", -1)
  8933. $Formula: ( when
  8934. ( or
  8935. ( is-event-true-delay
  8936. "Neith shuts down"
  8937. 0
  8938. ( true )
  8939. )
  8940. ( is-event-true-delay
  8941. "viral strike on tabia"
  8942. 0
  8943. ( true )
  8944. )
  8945. )
  8946. ( do-nothing )
  8947. )
  8948. +Name: upload viruses trigger
  8949. +Repeat Count: 1
  8950. +Interval: 1
  8952. $Formula: ( when
  8953. ( and
  8954. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  8955. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  8956. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  8957. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  8958. ( directive-value @viralShipsLeft[4] )
  8959. )
  8960. ( do-nothing )
  8961. )
  8962. +Name: upload viruses dir
  8963. +Repeat Count: 1
  8964. +Interval: 1
  8965. +Chained: 0
  8966. +Objective: XSTR("Upload Viruses to Miners (F10)", -1)
  8967. +Team: 0
  8969. $Formula: ( when
  8970. ( is-event-true-delay
  8971. "ridwan beta: inbound!"
  8972. 0
  8973. )
  8974. ( do-nothing )
  8975. )
  8976. +Name: destroy rescue wing trigger
  8977. +Repeat Count: 1
  8978. +Interval: 1
  8980. $Formula: ( when
  8981. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta" )
  8982. ( do-nothing )
  8983. )
  8984. +Name: destroy rescue wing
  8985. +Repeat Count: 1
  8986. +Interval: 1
  8987. +Chained: 0
  8988. +Objective: XSTR("Prevent Ridwan Beta Departure", -1)
  8989. +Objective key: XSTR("Act Personally or Order Wingmen", -1)
  8991. $Formula: ( when
  8992. ( true )
  8993. ( when-argument
  8994. ( any-of
  8995. "Chi 1"
  8996. "Chi 2"
  8997. "Chi 3"
  8998. "Chi 4"
  8999. )
  9000. ( and
  9001. ( or
  9002. ( query-orders
  9003. "Falcata 4"
  9004. "Destroy my target"
  9005. 1
  9006. "<argument>"
  9007. )
  9008. ( query-orders
  9009. "<all fighters>"
  9010. "Destroy my target"
  9011. 1
  9012. "<argument>"
  9013. )
  9014. ( query-orders
  9015. "Falcata"
  9016. "Destroy my target"
  9017. 1
  9018. "<argument>"
  9019. )
  9020. )
  9021. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9022. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9023. )
  9024. ( send-random-message
  9025. "Falcata 4"
  9026. "Low"
  9027. "vidaura: minerkill 1"
  9028. "vidaura: minerkill 2"
  9029. "vidaura: minerkill 3"
  9030. )
  9031. ( modify-variable
  9032. @talker[0]
  9033. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9034. )
  9035. )
  9036. ( when-argument
  9037. ( any-of
  9038. "Chi 1"
  9039. "Chi 2"
  9040. "Chi 3"
  9041. "Chi 4"
  9042. )
  9043. ( and
  9044. ( or
  9045. ( query-orders
  9046. "Falcata 4"
  9047. "Destroy my target"
  9048. 1
  9049. "<argument>"
  9050. )
  9051. ( query-orders
  9052. "<all fighters>"
  9053. "Destroy my target"
  9054. 1
  9055. "<argument>"
  9056. )
  9057. ( query-orders
  9058. "Falcata"
  9059. "Destroy my target"
  9060. 1
  9061. "<argument>"
  9062. )
  9063. )
  9064. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9065. ( not
  9066. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9067. )
  9068. )
  9069. ( send-random-message
  9070. "Falcata 4"
  9071. "Low"
  9072. "vidaura: miner dry"
  9073. )
  9074. ( modify-variable
  9075. @talker[0]
  9076. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9077. )
  9078. )
  9079. ( when-argument
  9080. ( any-of
  9081. "Chi 1"
  9082. "Chi 2"
  9083. "Chi 3"
  9084. "Chi 4"
  9085. )
  9086. ( and
  9087. ( or
  9088. ( query-orders
  9089. "Falcata 3"
  9090. "Destroy my target"
  9091. 1
  9092. "<argument>"
  9093. )
  9094. ( query-orders
  9095. "<all fighters>"
  9096. "Destroy my target"
  9097. 1
  9098. "<argument>"
  9099. )
  9100. ( query-orders
  9101. "Falcata"
  9102. "Destroy my target"
  9103. 1
  9104. "<argument>"
  9105. )
  9106. )
  9107. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  9108. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9109. )
  9110. ( send-random-message
  9111. "Falcata 3"
  9112. "Low"
  9113. "falconer: minerkill 1"
  9114. "falconer: minerkill 2"
  9115. "falconer: minerkill3"
  9116. )
  9117. ( modify-variable
  9118. @talker[0]
  9119. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9120. )
  9121. )
  9122. ( when-argument
  9123. ( any-of
  9124. "Chi 1"
  9125. "Chi 2"
  9126. "Chi 3"
  9127. "Chi 4"
  9128. )
  9129. ( and
  9130. ( or
  9131. ( query-orders
  9132. "Falcata 3"
  9133. "Destroy my target"
  9134. 1
  9135. "<argument>"
  9136. )
  9137. ( query-orders
  9138. "<all fighters>"
  9139. "Destroy my target"
  9140. 1
  9141. "<argument>"
  9142. )
  9143. ( query-orders
  9144. "Falcata"
  9145. "Destroy my target"
  9146. 1
  9147. "<argument>"
  9148. )
  9149. )
  9150. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  9151. ( not
  9152. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9153. )
  9154. )
  9155. ( send-random-message
  9156. "Falcata 3"
  9157. "Low"
  9158. "falconer: miner dry?"
  9159. )
  9160. ( modify-variable
  9161. @talker[0]
  9162. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9163. )
  9164. )
  9165. )
  9166. +Name: virtual persona
  9167. +Repeat Count: -1
  9168. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  9169. +Interval: 1
  9170. +Team: 0
  9172. $Formula: ( when
  9173. ( true )
  9174. ( when-argument
  9175. ( any-of
  9176. "Chi 1"
  9177. "Chi 2"
  9178. "Chi 3"
  9179. "Chi 4"
  9180. )
  9181. ( and
  9182. ( or
  9183. ( query-orders
  9184. "Falcata 2"
  9185. "Destroy my target"
  9186. 1
  9187. "<argument>"
  9188. )
  9189. ( query-orders
  9190. "<all fighters>"
  9191. "Destroy my target"
  9192. 1
  9193. "<argument>"
  9194. )
  9195. ( query-orders
  9196. "Falcata"
  9197. "Destroy my target"
  9198. 1
  9199. "<argument>"
  9200. )
  9201. )
  9202. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  9203. ( not
  9204. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9205. )
  9206. )
  9207. ( send-random-message
  9208. "Falcata 2"
  9209. "Low"
  9210. "kovacs: miner dry"
  9211. )
  9212. ( modify-variable
  9213. @talker[0]
  9214. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9215. )
  9216. )
  9217. ( when-argument
  9218. ( any-of
  9219. "Chi 1"
  9220. "Chi 2"
  9221. "Chi 3"
  9222. "Chi 4"
  9223. )
  9224. ( and
  9225. ( or
  9226. ( query-orders
  9227. "Falcata 2"
  9228. "Destroy my target"
  9229. 1
  9230. "<argument>"
  9231. )
  9232. ( query-orders
  9233. "<all fighters>"
  9234. "Destroy my target"
  9235. 1
  9236. "<argument>"
  9237. )
  9238. ( query-orders
  9239. "Falcata"
  9240. "Destroy my target"
  9241. 1
  9242. "<argument>"
  9243. )
  9244. )
  9245. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  9246. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  9247. )
  9248. ( send-random-message
  9249. "Falcata 2"
  9250. "Low"
  9251. "kovacs: minerkill 1"
  9252. "kovacs: minerkill 2"
  9253. "kovacs: minerkill 3"
  9254. )
  9255. ( modify-variable
  9256. @talker[0]
  9257. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9258. )
  9259. )
  9260. )
  9261. +Name: virtual persona part 2
  9262. +Repeat Count: -1
  9263. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  9264. +Interval: 1
  9266. $Formula: ( when
  9267. ( and
  9268. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  9269. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  9270. )
  9271. ( modify-variable
  9272. @talker[0]
  9273. ( rand-multiple 3 4 )
  9274. )
  9275. )
  9276. +Name: handle wingman departures
  9277. +Repeat Count: -1
  9278. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  9279. +Interval: 0
  9280. +Team: 0
  9282. $Formula: ( when
  9283. ( and
  9284. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  9285. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  9286. )
  9287. ( modify-variable
  9288. @talker[0]
  9289. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9290. )
  9291. )
  9292. +Name: handle f3 departure
  9293. +Repeat Count: -1
  9294. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  9295. +Interval: 0
  9297. $Formula: ( when
  9298. ( and
  9299. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  9300. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9301. )
  9302. ( modify-variable
  9303. @talker[0]
  9304. ( rand-multiple 2 3 )
  9305. )
  9306. )
  9307. +Name: handle f4 departure
  9308. +Repeat Count: -1
  9309. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  9310. +Interval: 0
  9312. $Formula: ( when
  9313. ( false )
  9314. ( send-message
  9315. "<any wingman>"
  9316. "High"
  9317. "want to do this, or should we?"
  9318. )
  9319. ( add-goal
  9320. "Falcata"
  9321. ( ai-guard "Ejected Pilot" 99 )
  9322. )
  9323. ( lock-primary-weapon
  9324. "Falcata 2"
  9325. "Falcata 3"
  9326. "Falcata 4"
  9327. )
  9328. ( lock-secondary-weapon
  9329. "Falcata 2"
  9330. "Falcata 3"
  9331. "Falcata 4"
  9332. )
  9333. )
  9334. +Name: benediction p1
  9335. +Repeat Count: 1
  9336. +Interval: 1
  9338. $Formula: ( when
  9339. ( and
  9340. ( not
  9341. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9342. 0
  9343. "Ejected Pilot"
  9344. )
  9345. )
  9346. ( <
  9347. ( distance
  9348. "Falcata 1"
  9349. "Ejected Pilot"
  9350. )
  9351. 3200
  9352. )
  9353. )
  9354. ( send-message
  9355. "<any wingman>"
  9356. "High"
  9357. "give us a minute"
  9358. )
  9359. )
  9360. +Name: benediction p2:
  9361. +Repeat Count: 1
  9362. +Interval: 1
  9363. +Chained: 6
  9364. +Team: 0
  9366. $Formula: ( when
  9367. ( not
  9368. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9369. 0
  9370. "Ejected Pilot"
  9371. )
  9372. )
  9373. ( send-message
  9374. "#Falcata 1"
  9375. "High"
  9376. "laporte: what can we tell him?"
  9377. )
  9378. )
  9379. +Name: benediction p3
  9380. +Repeat Count: 1
  9381. +Interval: 1
  9382. +Chained: 5
  9384. $Formula: ( when
  9385. ( not
  9386. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9387. 0
  9388. "Ejected Pilot"
  9389. )
  9390. )
  9391. ( send-message
  9392. "<any wingman>"
  9393. "High"
  9394. "the truth"
  9395. )
  9396. )
  9397. +Name: benediction p4
  9398. +Repeat Count: 1
  9399. +Interval: 1
  9400. +Chained: 4
  9402. $Formula: ( when
  9403. ( not
  9404. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9405. 0
  9406. "Ejected Pilot"
  9407. )
  9408. )
  9409. ( send-message
  9410. "<any wingman>"
  9411. "High"
  9412. "stand easy, pilot"
  9413. )
  9414. )
  9415. +Name: benediction p5
  9416. +Repeat Count: 1
  9417. +Interval: 1
  9418. +Chained: 5
  9420. $Formula: ( when
  9421. ( not
  9422. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9423. 0
  9424. "Ejected Pilot"
  9425. )
  9426. )
  9427. ( send-message
  9428. "Ejected Pilot"
  9429. "High"
  9430. "ejectee: what?"
  9431. )
  9432. )
  9433. +Name: benediction p6
  9434. +Repeat Count: 1
  9435. +Interval: 1
  9436. +Chained: 8
  9437. +Team: 0
  9439. $Formula: ( when
  9440. ( not
  9441. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9442. 0
  9443. "Ejected Pilot"
  9444. )
  9445. )
  9446. ( send-message
  9447. "<any wingman>"
  9448. "High"
  9449. "you're an ironic hero"
  9450. )
  9451. )
  9452. +Name: benediction p7
  9453. +Repeat Count: 1
  9454. +Interval: 1
  9455. +Chained: 7
  9457. $Formula: ( when
  9458. ( not
  9459. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9460. 0
  9461. "Ejected Pilot"
  9462. )
  9463. )
  9464. ( send-message
  9465. "Ejected Pilot"
  9466. "High"
  9467. "ejectee: i am?"
  9468. )
  9469. )
  9470. +Name: benediction p8
  9471. +Repeat Count: 1
  9472. +Interval: 1
  9473. +Chained: 10
  9475. $Formula: ( when
  9476. ( not
  9477. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9478. 0
  9479. "Ejected Pilot"
  9480. )
  9481. )
  9482. ( send-message
  9483. "<any wingman>"
  9484. "High"
  9485. "on the way"
  9486. )
  9487. )
  9488. +Name: benediction p9
  9489. +Repeat Count: 1
  9490. +Interval: 1
  9491. +Chained: 8
  9493. $Formula: ( when
  9494. ( not
  9495. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9496. 0
  9497. "Ejected Pilot"
  9498. )
  9499. )
  9500. ( add-goal
  9501. "Falcata"
  9502. ( ai-chase "Ejected Pilot" 100 )
  9503. )
  9504. ( unlock-secondary-weapon
  9505. "Falcata 2"
  9506. "Falcata 3"
  9507. "Falcata 4"
  9508. )
  9509. ( set-secondary-ammo
  9510. "Falcata 2"
  9511. 0
  9512. 9999
  9513. )
  9514. ( set-secondary-ammo
  9515. "Falcata 3"
  9516. 0
  9517. 9999
  9518. )
  9519. ( set-secondary-ammo
  9520. "Falcata 4"
  9521. 0
  9522. 9999
  9523. )
  9524. )
  9525. +Name: benediction: mercy kill
  9526. +Repeat Count: 1
  9527. +Interval: 1
  9528. +Chained: 15
  9530. $Formula: ( when
  9531. ( and
  9532. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9533. 0
  9534. "Ejected Pilot"
  9535. )
  9536. ( <
  9537. ( get-damage-caused
  9538. "Ejected Pilot"
  9539. "Falcata 1"
  9540. )
  9541. 1
  9542. )
  9543. )
  9544. ( send-message
  9545. "<any wingman>"
  9546. "High"
  9547. "mercy kill complete"
  9548. )
  9549. )
  9550. +Name: mercy kill complete
  9551. +Repeat Count: 1
  9552. +Interval: 1
  9553. +Chained: 0
  9555. $Formula: ( when
  9556. ( and
  9557. ( is-destroyed-delay
  9558. 0
  9559. "Ejected Pilot"
  9560. )
  9561. ( >
  9562. ( get-damage-caused
  9563. "Ejected Pilot"
  9564. "Falcata 1"
  9565. )
  9566. 0
  9567. )
  9568. )
  9569. ( send-message
  9570. "<any wingman>"
  9571. "High"
  9572. "you conduct mercy kill"
  9573. )
  9574. )
  9575. +Name: you conduct mercy kill
  9576. +Repeat Count: 1
  9577. +Interval: 1
  9579. $Formula: ( when ( false ) ( do-nothing ) )
  9580. +Name: conduct mercy kill trigger
  9581. +Repeat Count: 1
  9582. +Interval: 1
  9584. $Formula: ( when
  9585. ( and
  9586. ( or
  9587. ( is-event-true-delay
  9588. "you conduct mercy kill"
  9589. 0
  9590. ( true )
  9591. )
  9592. ( is-event-true-delay
  9593. "rwb2 killed too early"
  9594. 0
  9595. ( true )
  9596. )
  9597. )
  9598. ( not
  9599. ( is-event-true-delay
  9600. "mercy kill complete"
  9601. 0
  9602. ( true )
  9603. )
  9604. )
  9605. )
  9606. ( do-nothing )
  9607. )
  9608. +Name: conduct mercy kill directive?
  9609. +Repeat Count: 1
  9610. +Interval: 1
  9611. +Chained: 0
  9612. +Objective: XSTR("Sanitize Ejected Pilot", -1)
  9613. +Objective key: XSTR("Use Missiles or Ramming", -1)
  9615. $Formula: ( when
  9616. ( or
  9617. ( is-event-true-delay
  9618. "al-da'wa: kill"
  9619. 7
  9620. )
  9621. ( is-event-true-delay
  9622. "al-da'wa: kill"
  9623. 6
  9624. ( true )
  9625. )
  9626. ( is-event-true-delay
  9627. "al-da'wa: kill"
  9628. 7
  9629. ( true )
  9630. )
  9631. )
  9632. ( allow-warp "Falcata 1" )
  9633. ( set-support-ship
  9634. "Hyperspace"
  9635. "<no anchor>"
  9636. "Hyperspace"
  9637. "<no anchor>"
  9638. "<species support ship class>"
  9639. 0
  9640. 0
  9641. )
  9642. ( when-argument
  9643. ( every-of
  9644. "Support 1"
  9645. "Support 2"
  9646. "Support 3"
  9647. "Support 4"
  9648. "Support 5"
  9649. "Support 6"
  9650. )
  9651. ( true )
  9652. ( add-goal
  9653. "<argument>"
  9654. ( ai-warp-out 99 )
  9655. )
  9656. )
  9657. )
  9658. +Name: RTB return to base
  9659. +Repeat Count: 1
  9660. +Interval: 1
  9661. +Team: 0
  9663. $Formula: ( when
  9664. ( key-pressed "Alt-J" )
  9665. ( do-nothing )
  9666. )
  9667. +Name: rtb dir
  9668. +Repeat Count: 1
  9669. +Interval: 1
  9670. +Chained: 0
  9671. +Objective: XSTR("Return to Masyaf", -1)
  9672. +Objective key: XSTR("Press $Alt-J$", -1)
  9674. $Formula: ( when
  9675. ( true )
  9676. ( when-argument
  9677. ( any-of "Ogdoad" "Heket" )
  9678. ( and
  9679. ( or
  9680. ( query-orders
  9681. "Falcata 4"
  9682. "Destroy my target"
  9683. 1
  9684. "<argument>"
  9685. )
  9686. ( query-orders
  9687. "<all fighters>"
  9688. "Destroy my target"
  9689. 1
  9690. "<argument>"
  9691. )
  9692. ( query-orders
  9693. "Falcata"
  9694. "Destroy my target"
  9695. 1
  9696. "<argument>"
  9697. )
  9698. )
  9699. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9700. )
  9701. ( send-random-message
  9702. "Falcata 4"
  9703. "Low"
  9704. "vidaura: cruiser 1"
  9705. "vidaura: cruiser 2"
  9706. "vidaura: cruiser 3"
  9707. )
  9708. ( modify-variable
  9709. @talker[0]
  9710. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9711. )
  9712. )
  9713. ( when-argument
  9714. ( any-of "Ogdoad" "Heket" )
  9715. ( and
  9716. ( or
  9717. ( query-orders
  9718. "Falcata 3"
  9719. "Destroy my target"
  9720. 1
  9721. "<argument>"
  9722. )
  9723. ( query-orders
  9724. "<all fighters>"
  9725. "Destroy my target"
  9726. 1
  9727. "<argument>"
  9728. )
  9729. ( query-orders
  9730. "Falcata"
  9731. "Destroy my target"
  9732. 1
  9733. "<argument>"
  9734. )
  9735. )
  9736. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  9737. )
  9738. ( send-random-message
  9739. "Falcata 3"
  9740. "Low"
  9741. "falconer: cruiser 1"
  9742. "falconer: cruiser 2"
  9743. "falconer: cruiser 3"
  9744. )
  9745. ( modify-variable
  9746. @talker[0]
  9747. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9748. )
  9749. )
  9750. ( when-argument
  9751. ( any-of "Ogdoad" "Heket" )
  9752. ( and
  9753. ( or
  9754. ( query-orders
  9755. "Falcata 2"
  9756. "Destroy my target"
  9757. 1
  9758. "<argument>"
  9759. )
  9760. ( query-orders
  9761. "<all fighters>"
  9762. "Destroy my target"
  9763. 1
  9764. "<argument>"
  9765. )
  9766. ( query-orders
  9767. "Falcata"
  9768. "Destroy my target"
  9769. 1
  9770. "<argument>"
  9771. )
  9772. )
  9773. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  9774. )
  9775. ( send-random-message
  9776. "Falcata 2"
  9777. "Low"
  9778. "kovacs: cruiser 1"
  9779. "kovacs: cruiser 2"
  9780. "kovacs: cruiser 3"
  9781. )
  9782. ( modify-variable
  9783. @talker[0]
  9784. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9785. )
  9786. )
  9787. )
  9788. +Name: virtual persona (cruisers)
  9789. +Repeat Count: -1
  9790. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  9791. +Interval: 1
  9793. $Formula: ( when
  9794. ( true )
  9795. ( when-argument
  9796. ( any-of
  9797. "Aries 1"
  9798. "Aries 2"
  9799. "Aries 3"
  9800. "Cancer 1"
  9801. "Cancer 2"
  9802. "Cancer 3"
  9803. )
  9804. ( and
  9805. ( or
  9806. ( query-orders
  9807. "Falcata 4"
  9808. "Destroy my target"
  9809. 1
  9810. "<argument>"
  9811. )
  9812. ( query-orders
  9813. "<all fighters>"
  9814. "Destroy my target"
  9815. 1
  9816. "<argument>"
  9817. )
  9818. ( query-orders
  9819. "Falcata"
  9820. "Destroy my target"
  9821. 1
  9822. "<argument>"
  9823. )
  9824. )
  9825. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9826. )
  9827. ( send-random-message
  9828. "Falcata 4"
  9829. "Low"
  9830. "vidaura: fighter 1"
  9831. "vidaura: fighter 2"
  9832. )
  9833. ( modify-variable
  9834. @talker[0]
  9835. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9836. )
  9837. )
  9838. ( when-argument
  9839. ( any-of
  9840. "Aries 1"
  9841. "Aries 2"
  9842. "Aries 3"
  9843. "Cancer 1"
  9844. "Cancer 2"
  9845. "Cancer 3"
  9846. )
  9847. ( and
  9848. ( or
  9849. ( query-orders
  9850. "Falcata 3"
  9851. "Destroy my target"
  9852. 1
  9853. "<argument>"
  9854. )
  9855. ( query-orders
  9856. "<all fighters>"
  9857. "Destroy my target"
  9858. 1
  9859. "<argument>"
  9860. )
  9861. ( query-orders
  9862. "Falcata"
  9863. "Destroy my target"
  9864. 1
  9865. "<argument>"
  9866. )
  9867. )
  9868. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  9869. )
  9870. ( send-random-message
  9871. "Falcata 3"
  9872. "Low"
  9873. "falconer: fighter 1"
  9874. "falconer: fighter 2"
  9875. )
  9876. ( modify-variable
  9877. @talker[0]
  9878. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9879. )
  9880. )
  9881. ( when-argument
  9882. ( any-of
  9883. "Aries 1"
  9884. "Aries 2"
  9885. "Aries 3"
  9886. "Cancer 1"
  9887. "Cancer 2"
  9888. "Cancer 3"
  9889. )
  9890. ( and
  9891. ( or
  9892. ( query-orders
  9893. "Falcata 2"
  9894. "Destroy my target"
  9895. 1
  9896. "<argument>"
  9897. )
  9898. ( query-orders
  9899. "<all fighters>"
  9900. "Destroy my target"
  9901. 1
  9902. "<argument>"
  9903. )
  9904. ( query-orders
  9905. "Falcata"
  9906. "Destroy my target"
  9907. 1
  9908. "<argument>"
  9909. )
  9910. )
  9911. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  9912. )
  9913. ( send-random-message
  9914. "Falcata 2"
  9915. "Low"
  9916. "falconer: fighter 1"
  9917. "falconer: fighter 2"
  9918. )
  9919. ( modify-variable
  9920. @talker[0]
  9921. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9922. )
  9923. )
  9924. )
  9925. +Name: virtual persona (fighters)
  9926. +Repeat Count: -1
  9927. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  9928. +Interval: 1
  9929. +Team: 0
  9931. $Formula: ( when
  9932. ( true )
  9933. ( when-argument
  9934. ( any-of
  9935. "Upsilon 1"
  9936. "Upsilon 2"
  9937. "Upsilon 7"
  9938. "Upsilon 8"
  9939. "Upsilon 3"
  9940. "Upsilon 4"
  9941. "Upsilon 5"
  9942. "Upsilon 6"
  9943. "Rho 1"
  9944. "Rho 2"
  9945. "Rho 3"
  9946. "Rho 4"
  9947. "Rho 5"
  9948. "Rho 6"
  9949. "Rho 8"
  9950. "Rho 7"
  9951. "Iota 1"
  9952. "Iota 2"
  9953. "Iota 3"
  9954. "Iota 4"
  9955. "Iota 5"
  9956. "Iota 6"
  9957. "Tau 1"
  9958. "Tau 2"
  9959. "Tau 3"
  9960. )
  9961. ( and
  9962. ( or
  9963. ( query-orders
  9964. "Falcata 4"
  9965. "Destroy my target"
  9966. 1
  9967. "<argument>"
  9968. )
  9969. ( query-orders
  9970. "<all fighters>"
  9971. "Destroy my target"
  9972. 1
  9973. "<argument>"
  9974. )
  9975. ( query-orders
  9976. "Falcata"
  9977. "Destroy my target"
  9978. 1
  9979. "<argument>"
  9980. )
  9981. )
  9982. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  9983. )
  9984. ( send-random-message
  9985. "Falcata 4"
  9986. "Low"
  9987. "vidaura: engaging convoy"
  9988. )
  9989. ( modify-variable
  9990. @talker[0]
  9991. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  9992. )
  9993. )
  9994. ( when-argument
  9995. ( any-of
  9996. "Upsilon 1"
  9997. "Upsilon 2"
  9998. "Upsilon 7"
  9999. "Upsilon 8"
  10000. "Upsilon 3"
  10001. "Upsilon 4"
  10002. "Upsilon 5"
  10003. "Upsilon 6"
  10004. "Rho 1"
  10005. "Rho 2"
  10006. "Rho 3"
  10007. "Rho 4"
  10008. "Rho 5"
  10009. "Rho 6"
  10010. "Rho 8"
  10011. "Rho 7"
  10012. "Iota 1"
  10013. "Iota 2"
  10014. "Iota 3"
  10015. "Iota 4"
  10016. "Iota 5"
  10017. "Iota 6"
  10018. "Tau 1"
  10019. "Tau 2"
  10020. "Tau 3"
  10021. )
  10022. ( and
  10023. ( or
  10024. ( query-orders
  10025. "Falcata 3"
  10026. "Destroy my target"
  10027. 1
  10028. "<argument>"
  10029. )
  10030. ( query-orders
  10031. "<all fighters>"
  10032. "Destroy my target"
  10033. 1
  10034. "<argument>"
  10035. )
  10036. ( query-orders
  10037. "Falcata"
  10038. "Destroy my target"
  10039. 1
  10040. "<argument>"
  10041. )
  10042. )
  10043. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  10044. )
  10045. ( send-random-message
  10046. "Falcata 3"
  10047. "Low"
  10048. "falconer: engaging convoy"
  10049. )
  10050. ( modify-variable
  10051. @talker[0]
  10052. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  10053. )
  10054. )
  10055. ( when-argument
  10056. ( any-of
  10057. "Upsilon 1"
  10058. "Upsilon 2"
  10059. "Upsilon 7"
  10060. "Upsilon 8"
  10061. "Upsilon 3"
  10062. "Upsilon 4"
  10063. "Upsilon 5"
  10064. "Upsilon 6"
  10065. "Rho 1"
  10066. "Rho 2"
  10067. "Rho 3"
  10068. "Rho 4"
  10069. "Rho 5"
  10070. "Rho 6"
  10071. "Rho 8"
  10072. "Rho 7"
  10073. "Iota 1"
  10074. "Iota 2"
  10075. "Iota 3"
  10076. "Iota 4"
  10077. "Iota 5"
  10078. "Iota 6"
  10079. "Tau 1"
  10080. "Tau 2"
  10081. "Tau 3"
  10082. )
  10083. ( and
  10084. ( or
  10085. ( query-orders
  10086. "Falcata 2"
  10087. "Destroy my target"
  10088. 1
  10089. "<argument>"
  10090. )
  10091. ( query-orders
  10092. "<all fighters>"
  10093. "Destroy my target"
  10094. 1
  10095. "<argument>"
  10096. )
  10097. ( query-orders
  10098. "Falcata"
  10099. "Destroy my target"
  10100. 1
  10101. "<argument>"
  10102. )
  10103. )
  10104. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  10105. )
  10106. ( send-random-message
  10107. "Falcata 2"
  10108. "Low"
  10109. "kovacs: engaging convoy"
  10110. )
  10111. ( modify-variable
  10112. @talker[0]
  10113. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  10114. )
  10115. )
  10116. )
  10117. +Name: virtual persona (convoy)
  10118. +Repeat Count: -1
  10119. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  10120. +Interval: 1
  10122. $Formula: ( when
  10123. ( < ( hits-left "Ridwan Beta 2" ) 4 )
  10124. ( modify-variable
  10125. @rwbeta2x[0]
  10126. ( get-object-x "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  10127. )
  10128. ( modify-variable
  10129. @rwbeta2y[0]
  10130. ( get-object-y "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  10131. )
  10132. ( modify-variable
  10133. @rwbeta2z[0]
  10134. ( get-object-z "Ridwan Beta 2" )
  10135. )
  10136. )
  10137. +Name: store beta 2 coords
  10138. +Repeat Count: 1
  10139. +Interval: 1
  10141. $Formula: ( when
  10142. ( and
  10143. ( not
  10144. ( or
  10145. ( is-event-true-delay
  10146. "Neith shuts down"
  10147. 0
  10148. )
  10149. ( is-event-true-delay
  10150. "viral strike on tabia"
  10151. 0
  10152. )
  10153. )
  10154. )
  10155. ( or
  10156. ( <
  10157. ( distance "Falcata 2" "Tabia" )
  10158. 2500
  10159. )
  10160. ( <
  10161. ( distance "Falcata 3" "Tabia" )
  10162. 2500
  10163. )
  10164. ( <
  10165. ( distance "Falcata 4" "Tabia" )
  10166. 2500
  10167. )
  10168. )
  10169. )
  10170. ( send-message
  10171. "<any wingman>"
  10172. "High"
  10173. "wingman: too close!"
  10174. )
  10175. )
  10176. +Name: wingmen: too close!
  10177. +Repeat Count: 1
  10178. +Interval: 1
  10180. $Formula: ( when
  10181. ( and
  10182. ( is-destroyed-delay
  10183. 0
  10184. "Ejected Pilot"
  10185. )
  10186. ( not
  10187. ( is-event-true-delay
  10188. "benediction p9"
  10189. 0
  10190. )
  10191. )
  10192. )
  10193. ( send-message
  10194. "<any wingman>"
  10195. "High"
  10196. "wingman: that fast?"
  10197. )
  10198. )
  10199. +Name: rwb2 killed too early
  10200. +Repeat Count: 1
  10201. +Interval: 1
  10203. $Formula: ( when
  10204. ( true )
  10205. ( when-argument
  10206. ( any-of
  10207. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  10208. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  10209. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  10210. )
  10211. ( and
  10212. ( or
  10213. ( query-orders
  10214. "Falcata 4"
  10215. "Destroy my target"
  10216. 1
  10217. "<argument>"
  10218. )
  10219. ( query-orders
  10220. "<all fighters>"
  10221. "Destroy my target"
  10222. 1
  10223. "<argument>"
  10224. )
  10225. ( query-orders
  10226. "Falcata"
  10227. "Destroy my target"
  10228. 1
  10229. "<argument>"
  10230. )
  10231. )
  10232. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  10233. )
  10234. ( send-random-message
  10235. "Falcata 4"
  10236. "Low"
  10237. "vidaura: attacking rwbeta"
  10238. )
  10239. ( modify-variable
  10240. @talker[0]
  10241. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  10242. )
  10243. )
  10244. ( when-argument
  10245. ( any-of
  10246. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  10247. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  10248. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  10249. )
  10250. ( and
  10251. ( or
  10252. ( query-orders
  10253. "Falcata 3"
  10254. "Destroy my target"
  10255. 1
  10256. "<argument>"
  10257. )
  10258. ( query-orders
  10259. "<all fighters>"
  10260. "Destroy my target"
  10261. 1
  10262. "<argument>"
  10263. )
  10264. ( query-orders
  10265. "Falcata"
  10266. "Destroy my target"
  10267. 1
  10268. "<argument>"
  10269. )
  10270. )
  10271. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  10272. )
  10273. ( send-random-message
  10274. "Falcata 3"
  10275. "Low"
  10276. "falconer: attacking twbeta"
  10277. )
  10278. ( modify-variable
  10279. @talker[0]
  10280. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  10281. )
  10282. )
  10283. ( when-argument
  10284. ( any-of
  10285. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  10286. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  10287. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  10288. )
  10289. ( and
  10290. ( or
  10291. ( query-orders
  10292. "Falcata 2"
  10293. "Destroy my target"
  10294. 1
  10295. "<argument>"
  10296. )
  10297. ( query-orders
  10298. "<all fighters>"
  10299. "Destroy my target"
  10300. 1
  10301. "<argument>"
  10302. )
  10303. ( query-orders
  10304. "Falcata"
  10305. "Destroy my target"
  10306. 1
  10307. "<argument>"
  10308. )
  10309. )
  10310. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  10311. )
  10312. ( send-random-message
  10313. "Falcata 2"
  10314. "Low"
  10315. "kovacs: attacking twbeta"
  10316. )
  10317. ( modify-variable
  10318. @talker[0]
  10319. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  10320. )
  10321. )
  10322. )
  10323. +Name: virtual persona: rwbeta
  10324. +Repeat Count: -1
  10325. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  10326. +Interval: 1
  10327. +Team: 0
  10329. $Formula: ( when
  10330. ( true )
  10331. ( modify-variable @convoytimer[9] 9 )
  10332. )
  10333. +Name: print that timer
  10334. +Repeat Count: 1
  10335. +Interval: 1
  10337. $Formula: ( when
  10338. ( true )
  10339. ( set-subsystem-strength
  10340. "Jump (min)"
  10341. "Hull"
  10342. @convoytimer[9]
  10343. )
  10344. )
  10345. +Name: print timer to buoy
  10346. +Repeat Count: 1410065407
  10347. +Interval: 1
  10349. $Formula: ( when
  10350. ( has-time-elapsed 60 )
  10351. ( modify-variable
  10352. @convoytimer[9]
  10353. ( - @convoytimer[9] 1 )
  10354. )
  10355. )
  10356. +Name: decrement timer
  10357. +Repeat Count: 8
  10358. +Interval: 60
  10360. $Formula: ( when
  10361. ( or
  10362. ( is-event-true-delay
  10363. "Neith shuts down"
  10364. 0
  10365. )
  10366. ( is-event-true-delay
  10367. "viral strike on tabia"
  10368. 0
  10369. )
  10370. )
  10371. ( when-argument
  10372. ( any-of "Ogdoad" "Heket" )
  10373. ( query-orders
  10374. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10375. "Destroy my target"
  10376. 1
  10377. "<argument>"
  10378. )
  10379. ( send-random-message
  10380. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10381. "Low"
  10382. "mw5-2: attacking cruisers"
  10383. "mw5-2: attacking cruisers 2"
  10384. )
  10385. )
  10386. ( when-argument
  10387. ( any-of "Tabia" )
  10388. ( query-orders
  10389. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10390. "Destroy my target"
  10391. 1
  10392. "<argument>"
  10393. )
  10394. ( send-random-message
  10395. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10396. "Low"
  10397. "mw5-2: attacking AWACS"
  10398. )
  10399. )
  10400. ( when-argument
  10401. ( any-of
  10402. "Upsilon 1"
  10403. "Upsilon 2"
  10404. "Upsilon 7"
  10405. "Upsilon 8"
  10406. "Upsilon 3"
  10407. "Upsilon 4"
  10408. "Upsilon 5"
  10409. "Upsilon 6"
  10410. "Rho 1"
  10411. "Rho 2"
  10412. "Rho 3"
  10413. "Rho 4"
  10414. "Rho 5"
  10415. "Rho 6"
  10416. "Rho 8"
  10417. "Rho 7"
  10418. "Iota 1"
  10419. "Iota 2"
  10420. "Iota 3"
  10421. "Iota 4"
  10422. "Iota 5"
  10423. "Iota 6"
  10424. "Tau 1"
  10425. "Tau 2"
  10426. "Tau 3"
  10427. )
  10428. ( query-orders
  10429. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10430. "Destroy my target"
  10431. 1
  10432. "<argument>"
  10433. )
  10434. ( send-random-message
  10435. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10436. "Low"
  10437. "mw5-2: attacking convoy elemen"
  10438. )
  10439. )
  10440. )
  10441. +Name: virtual persona: mw5-2
  10442. +Repeat Count: -1
  10443. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  10444. +Interval: 1
  10446. $Formula: ( when
  10447. ( percent-ships-departed
  10448. 1
  10449. "Chi 1"
  10450. "Chi 2"
  10451. "Chi 3"
  10452. "Chi 4"
  10453. "Upsilon 1"
  10454. "Upsilon 2"
  10455. "Upsilon 3"
  10456. "Upsilon 4"
  10457. "Upsilon 5"
  10458. "Upsilon 6"
  10459. "Upsilon 7"
  10460. "Upsilon 8"
  10461. "Rho 1"
  10462. "Rho 2"
  10463. "Rho 3"
  10464. "Rho 4"
  10465. "Rho 5"
  10466. "Rho 6"
  10467. "Rho 7"
  10468. "Rho 8"
  10469. "Iota 1"
  10470. "Iota 2"
  10471. "Iota 3"
  10472. "Iota 4"
  10473. "Iota 5"
  10474. "Iota 6"
  10475. "Tau 1"
  10476. "Tau 2"
  10477. "Tau 3"
  10478. "Heket"
  10479. "Ogdoad"
  10480. "Tabia"
  10481. )
  10482. ( send-message
  10483. "Midwinter 5-1"
  10484. "High"
  10485. "mw5-1: you let one go"
  10486. )
  10487. )
  10488. +Name: convoy escape failure
  10489. +Repeat Count: 1
  10490. +Interval: 1
  10492. $Formula: ( when
  10493. ( true )
  10494. ( training-msg "laporte: god damn" )
  10495. )
  10496. +Name: laporte: goddamn
  10497. +Repeat Count: 1
  10498. +Interval: 1
  10499. +Chained: 5
  10501. $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( end-mission ) )
  10502. +Name: end mission, depart fail
  10503. +Repeat Count: 1
  10504. +Interval: 1
  10505. +Chained: 6
  10507. $Formula: ( when
  10508. ( and
  10509. ( = @convoytimer[9] 6 )
  10510. ( not
  10511. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  10512. 100
  10513. "Chi 1"
  10514. "Chi 2"
  10515. "Chi 3"
  10516. "Chi 4"
  10517. "Heket"
  10518. "Upsilon 1"
  10519. "Upsilon 2"
  10520. "Upsilon 7"
  10521. "Upsilon 8"
  10522. "Upsilon 6"
  10523. "Upsilon 3"
  10524. "Upsilon 4"
  10525. "Upsilon 5"
  10526. "Tabia"
  10527. "Rho 1"
  10528. "Rho 2"
  10529. "Rho 3"
  10530. "Rho 4"
  10531. "Rho 5"
  10532. "Rho 6"
  10533. "Rho 7"
  10534. "Rho 8"
  10535. "Iota 1"
  10536. "Iota 2"
  10537. "Iota 3"
  10538. "Iota 4"
  10539. "Iota 5"
  10540. "Iota 6"
  10541. "Tau 1"
  10542. "Ogdoad"
  10543. "Tau 3"
  10544. "Tau 2"
  10545. )
  10546. )
  10547. ( not
  10548. ( query-orders
  10549. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10550. "Destroy my target"
  10551. 0
  10552. )
  10553. )
  10554. ( or
  10555. ( is-event-true-delay
  10556. "Neith shuts down"
  10557. 0
  10558. )
  10559. ( is-event-true-delay
  10560. "viral strike on tabia"
  10561. 0
  10562. )
  10563. )
  10564. )
  10565. ( send-message
  10566. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10567. "Normal"
  10568. "mw5-2 offers help"
  10569. )
  10570. )
  10571. +Name: deploy gunboat trigger
  10572. +Repeat Count: 1
  10573. +Interval: 1
  10574. +Team: 0
  10576. $Formula: ( when
  10577. ( or
  10578. ( percent-ships-destroyed
  10579. 100
  10580. "Chi 1"
  10581. "Chi 2"
  10582. "Chi 3"
  10583. "Chi 4"
  10584. "Heket"
  10585. "Upsilon 1"
  10586. "Upsilon 2"
  10587. "Upsilon 7"
  10588. "Upsilon 8"
  10589. "Upsilon 6"
  10590. "Upsilon 3"
  10591. "Upsilon 4"
  10592. "Upsilon 5"
  10593. "Tabia"
  10594. "Rho 1"
  10595. "Rho 2"
  10596. "Rho 3"
  10597. "Rho 4"
  10598. "Rho 5"
  10599. "Rho 6"
  10600. "Rho 7"
  10601. "Rho 8"
  10602. "Iota 1"
  10603. "Iota 2"
  10604. "Iota 3"
  10605. "Iota 4"
  10606. "Iota 5"
  10607. "Iota 6"
  10608. "Tau 1"
  10609. "Ogdoad"
  10610. "Tau 3"
  10611. "Tau 2"
  10612. )
  10613. ( query-orders
  10614. "Midwinter 5-2"
  10615. "Destroy my target"
  10616. 0
  10617. )
  10618. )
  10619. ( do-nothing )
  10620. )
  10621. +Name: deploy gunboat directive
  10622. +Repeat Count: 1
  10623. +Interval: 1
  10624. +Chained: 0
  10625. +Objective: XSTR("Deploy Midwinter Gunboat?", -1)
  10626. +Objective key: XSTR("Comms Orders Menu", -1)
  10628. $Formula: ( when-argument
  10629. ( any-of
  10630. "Chi 1"
  10631. "Chi 2"
  10632. "Chi 3"
  10633. "Chi 4"
  10634. )
  10635. ( and
  10636. ( is-cargo-known-delay
  10637. 15
  10638. "<argument>"
  10639. )
  10640. ( not
  10641. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  10642. )
  10643. ( false )
  10644. )
  10645. ( set-unscanned "<argument>" )
  10646. ( when
  10647. ( string-equals "<argument>" "Chi 1" )
  10648. ( send-message
  10649. "Midwinter 5-1"
  10650. "Normal"
  10651. "mw5-1: chi 1 reset"
  10652. )
  10653. )
  10654. ( when
  10655. ( string-equals "<argument>" "Chi 2" )
  10656. ( send-message
  10657. "Midwinter 5-1"
  10658. "Normal"
  10659. "mw5-1: chi 2 reset"
  10660. )
  10661. )
  10662. ( when
  10663. ( string-equals "<argument>" "Chi 3" )
  10664. ( send-message
  10665. "Midwinter 5-1"
  10666. "Normal"
  10667. "mw5-1: chi 3 reset"
  10668. )
  10669. )
  10670. ( when
  10671. ( string-equals "<argument>" "Chi 4" )
  10672. ( send-message
  10673. "Midwinter 5-1"
  10674. "Normal"
  10675. "mw5-1: chi 4 reset"
  10676. )
  10677. )
  10678. ( set-explosion-option
  10679. "<argument>"
  10680. "inner radius"
  10681. 200
  10682. "outer radius"
  10683. 500
  10684. "damage"
  10685. 150
  10686. "shockwave speed"
  10687. 240
  10688. )
  10689. )
  10690. +Name: hekets purge virus?
  10691. +Repeat Count: -1
  10692. +Trigger Count: 4
  10693. +Interval: 1
  10695. $Formula: ( when
  10696. ( false )
  10697. ( when
  10698. ( or
  10699. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  10700. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  10701. )
  10702. ( sabotage-subsystem
  10703. "Token 4"
  10704. "Hull"
  10705. 101
  10706. )
  10707. )
  10708. ( when
  10709. ( or
  10710. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  10711. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  10712. )
  10713. ( sabotage-subsystem
  10714. "Token 3"
  10715. "Hull"
  10716. 101
  10717. )
  10718. )
  10719. ( when
  10720. ( or
  10721. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  10722. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  10723. )
  10724. ( sabotage-subsystem
  10725. "Token 2"
  10726. "Hull"
  10727. 101
  10728. )
  10729. )
  10730. ( when
  10731. ( or
  10732. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  10733. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  10734. )
  10735. ( sabotage-subsystem
  10736. "Token 1"
  10737. "Hull"
  10738. 101
  10739. )
  10740. )
  10741. )
  10742. +Name: self destruct tokens
  10743. +Repeat Count: 1
  10744. +Interval: 1
  10746. $Formula: ( when
  10747. ( = @vasudan60flag[0] 1 )
  10748. ( do-nothing )
  10749. )
  10750. +Name: vasudan 60 flag
  10751. +Repeat Count: 1
  10752. +Interval: 1
  10753. +Team: 0
  10755. $Formula: ( when
  10756. ( and
  10757. ( is-event-true-delay
  10758. "RTB return to base"
  10759. 10
  10760. )
  10761. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  10762. ( not
  10763. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  10764. )
  10765. ( not
  10766. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  10767. )
  10768. )
  10769. ( send-message-list
  10770. "Falcata 3"
  10771. "High"
  10772. "k+f1: falconer: lingering"
  10773. 0
  10774. "#Falcata 1"
  10775. "High"
  10776. "k+f2: laporte: no, intel"
  10777. 6000
  10778. "Falcata 2"
  10779. "High"
  10780. "k+f3: kovacs: don't pretend"
  10781. 6000
  10782. "#Falcata 1"
  10783. "High"
  10784. "k+f4: laporte: it's a drug"
  10785. 8000
  10786. "Falcata 3"
  10787. "High"
  10788. "k+f5: falconer: always pass"
  10789. 8000
  10790. "#Falcata 1"
  10791. "High"
  10792. "k+f6: laporte: everything?"
  10793. 7000
  10794. "Falcata 3"
  10795. "High"
  10796. "k+f8: falconer: no secrets"
  10797. 6000
  10798. "#Falcata 1"
  10799. "High"
  10800. "k+f9: laporte: human?"
  10801. 10000
  10802. "Falcata 3"
  10803. "High"
  10804. "k+f10: falconer: blade in hand"
  10805. 8000
  10806. "Falcata 2"
  10807. "High"
  10808. "k+f11: kovacs: what we are"
  10809. 6000
  10810. "Falcata 3"
  10811. "High"
  10812. "k+f12: falconer: sub, post"
  10813. 7000
  10814. "Falcata 2"
  10815. "High"
  10816. "k+f13: kovacs: a code"
  10817. 10000
  10818. "#Falcata 1"
  10819. "High"
  10820. "k+f14: laporte: cheerful"
  10821. 10000
  10822. )
  10823. )
  10824. +Name: k+f banter
  10825. +Repeat Count: 1
  10826. +Interval: 1
  10828. $Formula: ( when
  10829. ( and
  10830. ( is-event-true-delay
  10831. "RTB return to base"
  10832. 10
  10833. )
  10834. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  10835. ( not
  10836. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  10837. )
  10838. ( not
  10839. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  10840. )
  10841. )
  10842. ( send-message-list
  10843. "Falcata 4"
  10844. "High"
  10845. "f+v1: vidaura: lingering"
  10846. 0
  10847. "#Falcata 1"
  10848. "High"
  10849. "f+v2: laporte: intel"
  10850. 6000
  10851. "Falcata 3"
  10852. "High"
  10853. "f+v3: falconer: thrills?"
  10854. 6000
  10855. "#Falcata 1"
  10856. "High"
  10857. "k+f4: laporte: it's a drug"
  10858. 8000
  10859. "Falcata 3"
  10860. "High"
  10861. "k+f5: falconer: always pass"
  10862. 8000
  10863. "#Falcata 1"
  10864. "High"
  10865. "k+f6: laporte: everything?"
  10866. 7000
  10867. "Falcata 3"
  10868. "High"
  10869. "k+f8: falconer: no secrets"
  10870. 6000
  10871. "#Falcata 1"
  10872. "High"
  10873. "k+f9: laporte: human?"
  10874. 10000
  10875. "Falcata 3"
  10876. "High"
  10877. "k+f10: falconer: blade in hand"
  10878. 8000
  10879. "Falcata 4"
  10880. "High"
  10881. "f+v11: vidaura: castoffs"
  10882. 6000
  10883. "Falcata 3"
  10884. "High"
  10885. "k+f12: falconer: sub, post"
  10886. 7000
  10887. "Falcata 4"
  10888. "High"
  10889. "f+v13: vidaura: a code"
  10890. 10000
  10891. "#Falcata 1"
  10892. "High"
  10893. "k+f14: laporte: cheerful"
  10894. 10000
  10895. )
  10896. )
  10897. +Name: f+v banter
  10898. +Repeat Count: 1
  10899. +Interval: 1
  10901. $Formula: ( when
  10902. ( and
  10903. ( is-event-true-delay
  10904. "RTB return to base"
  10905. 10
  10906. )
  10907. ( not
  10908. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  10909. )
  10910. ( not
  10911. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  10912. )
  10913. ( not
  10914. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  10915. )
  10916. )
  10917. ( send-message-list
  10918. "Falcata 2"
  10919. "High"
  10920. "kfv1: kovacs: ladies"
  10921. 0
  10922. "#Falcata 1"
  10923. "High"
  10924. "kfv2: laporte: unseemly"
  10925. 6000
  10926. "Falcata 4"
  10927. "High"
  10928. "k+v3: vidaura: play the pro"
  10929. 6000
  10930. "#Falcata 1"
  10931. "High"
  10932. "k+f4: laporte: it's a drug"
  10933. 8000
  10934. "Falcata 3"
  10935. "High"
  10936. "k+f5: falconer: always pass"
  10937. 8000
  10938. "#Falcata 1"
  10939. "High"
  10940. "k+f6: laporte: everything?"
  10941. 7000
  10942. "Falcata 2"
  10943. "High"
  10944. "k+v8: kovacs: no secrets"
  10945. 6000
  10946. "#Falcata 1"
  10947. "High"
  10948. "k+f9: laporte: human?"
  10949. 10000
  10950. "Falcata 3"
  10951. "High"
  10952. "k+f10: falconer: blade in hand"
  10953. 8000
  10954. "Falcata 4"
  10955. "High"
  10956. "f+v11: vidaura: castoffs"
  10957. 6000
  10958. "Falcata 3"
  10959. "High"
  10960. "k+f12: falconer: sub, post"
  10961. 7000
  10962. "Falcata 4"
  10963. "High"
  10964. "f+v13: vidaura: a code"
  10965. 10000
  10966. "#Falcata 1"
  10967. "High"
  10968. "k+f14: laporte: cheerful"
  10969. 10000
  10970. )
  10971. )
  10972. +Name: k+f+v banter
  10973. +Repeat Count: 1
  10974. +Interval: 1
  10976. $Formula: ( when
  10977. ( and
  10978. ( is-event-true-delay
  10979. "RTB return to base"
  10980. 10
  10981. )
  10982. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 3" )
  10983. ( not
  10984. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 4" )
  10985. )
  10986. ( not
  10987. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  10988. )
  10989. )
  10990. ( send-message-list
  10991. "Falcata 2"
  10992. "High"
  10993. "k+v1: kovacs: she likes it"
  10994. 0
  10995. "#Falcata 1"
  10996. "High"
  10997. "k+v2: laporte: shut up kovacs"
  10998. 6000
  10999. "Falcata 4"
  11000. "High"
  11001. "k+v3: vidaura: play the pro"
  11002. 6000
  11003. "#Falcata 1"
  11004. "High"
  11005. "k+f4: laporte: it's a drug"
  11006. 8000
  11007. "Falcata 4"
  11008. "High"
  11009. "k+v5: vidaura: it's okay"
  11010. 8000
  11011. "#Falcata 1"
  11012. "High"
  11013. "k+f6: laporte: everything?"
  11014. 7000
  11015. "Falcata 2"
  11016. "High"
  11017. "k+v8: kovacs: no secrets"
  11018. 6000
  11019. "#Falcata 1"
  11020. "High"
  11021. "k+f9: laporte: human?"
  11022. 10000
  11023. "Falcata 2"
  11024. "High"
  11025. "k+v10: kovacs: metaphor"
  11026. 8000
  11027. "Falcata 4"
  11028. "High"
  11029. "f+v11: vidaura: castoffs"
  11030. 6000
  11031. "Falcata 2"
  11032. "High"
  11033. "k+v12: kovacs: sub, post"
  11034. 7000
  11035. "Falcata 4"
  11036. "High"
  11037. "f+v13: vidaura: a code"
  11038. 10000
  11039. "#Falcata 1"
  11040. "High"
  11041. "k+f14: laporte: cheerful"
  11042. 10000
  11043. )
  11044. )
  11045. +Name: k+v banter
  11046. +Repeat Count: 1
  11047. +Interval: 1
  11049. $Formula: ( when
  11050. ( has-arrived-delay 3 "Capricorn" )
  11051. ( send-message
  11052. "Capricorn 1"
  11053. "Normal"
  11054. "capricorn: convoy gone"
  11055. )
  11056. )
  11057. +Name: capricorn: convoy gone
  11058. +Repeat Count: 1
  11059. +Interval: 1
  11061. $Formula: ( when
  11062. ( has-arrived-delay 3 "Gemini" )
  11063. ( send-message
  11064. "Gemini 1"
  11065. "Normal"
  11066. "gemini: what is this"
  11067. )
  11068. )
  11069. +Name: gemini: what happened here
  11070. +Repeat Count: 1
  11071. +Interval: 1
  11073. $Formula: ( when
  11074. ( true )
  11075. ( send-message
  11076. "Capricorn 1"
  11077. "Normal"
  11078. "capricorn: you tell us"
  11079. )
  11080. )
  11081. +Name: capricorn: you tell us!
  11082. +Repeat Count: 1
  11083. +Interval: 1
  11084. +Chained: 8
  11086. $Formula: ( when
  11087. ( true )
  11088. ( send-message
  11089. "Gemini 1"
  11090. "Normal"
  11091. "gemini: do not blame"
  11092. )
  11093. )
  11094. +Name: gemini: how did this happen
  11095. +Repeat Count: 1
  11096. +Interval: 1
  11097. +Chained: 9
  11099. $Formula: ( when
  11100. ( has-arrived-delay 1 "Corona" )
  11101. ( send-message
  11102. "Corona 1"
  11103. "Normal"
  11104. "pisces: everyone clear area"
  11105. )
  11106. )
  11107. +Name: eidolon arrives
  11108. +Repeat Count: 1
  11109. +Interval: 1
  11110. +Chained: 9
  11111. +Team: 0
  11113. $Formula: ( when
  11114. ( true )
  11115. ( send-message
  11116. "Gemini 1"
  11117. "Normal"
  11118. "gemini: this will be pursued"
  11119. )
  11120. )
  11121. +Name: gemini warps out:
  11122. +Repeat Count: 1
  11123. +Interval: 1
  11124. +Chained: 10
  11126. $Formula: ( when
  11127. ( true )
  11128. ( add-goal
  11129. "Gemini"
  11130. ( ai-warp-out 89 )
  11131. )
  11132. ( add-goal
  11133. "Capricorn"
  11134. ( ai-warp-out 89 )
  11135. )
  11136. )
  11137. +Name: warpout time
  11138. +Repeat Count: 1
  11139. +Interval: 1
  11140. +Chained: 3
  11142. $Formula: ( when
  11143. ( true )
  11144. ( add-goal
  11145. "Auriga"
  11146. ( ai-waypoints
  11147. "investigation path"
  11148. 89
  11149. )
  11150. )
  11151. ( send-message
  11152. "Caedus 1"
  11153. "Normal"
  11154. "caedus 1: debris"
  11155. )
  11156. )
  11157. +Name: investigators investigate
  11158. +Repeat Count: 1
  11159. +Interval: 1
  11160. +Chained: 3
  11162. $Formula: ( when
  11163. ( true )
  11164. ( send-message
  11165. "Caedus 2"
  11166. "Normal"
  11167. "caedus 2: UEF wreckage"
  11168. )
  11169. ( add-goal
  11170. "Caedus"
  11171. ( ai-waypoints
  11172. "investigation path"
  11173. 89
  11174. )
  11175. )
  11176. )
  11177. +Name: investigate 2
  11178. +Repeat Count: 1
  11179. +Interval: 1
  11180. +Chained: 6
  11181. +Team: 0
  11183. $Formula: ( when
  11184. ( true )
  11185. ( add-goal
  11186. "Corona"
  11187. ( ai-waypoints
  11188. "investigation path"
  11189. 89
  11190. )
  11191. )
  11192. ( send-message
  11193. "Caedus 3"
  11194. "Normal"
  11195. "caedus 3: trawl"
  11196. )
  11197. )
  11198. +Name: investigate 3
  11199. +Repeat Count: 1
  11200. +Interval: 1
  11201. +Chained: 7
  11203. $Formula: ( when
  11204. ( true )
  11205. ( send-message
  11206. "Caedus 4"
  11207. "Normal"
  11208. "caedus 4: sophisticated"
  11209. )
  11210. )
  11211. +Name: investigate 4
  11212. +Repeat Count: 1
  11213. +Interval: 1
  11214. +Chained: 11
  11216. $Formula: ( when
  11217. ( true )
  11218. ( send-message
  11219. "Corona 1"
  11220. "Normal"
  11221. "corona 1: damn it"
  11222. )
  11223. )
  11224. +Name: investigate 5
  11225. +Repeat Count: 1
  11226. +Interval: 1
  11227. +Chained: 11
  11229. $Formula: ( when
  11230. ( true )
  11231. ( send-message
  11232. "Auriga 1"
  11233. "Normal"
  11234. "auriga 1: cut them loose"
  11235. )
  11236. )
  11237. +Name: auriga 6
  11238. +Repeat Count: 1
  11239. +Interval: 1
  11240. +Chained: 11
  11241. +Team: 0
  11243. $Formula: ( when
  11244. ( true )
  11245. ( send-message
  11246. "Corona 1"
  11247. "Normal"
  11248. "corona 1: steele's call"
  11249. )
  11250. )
  11251. +Name: investigate 7
  11252. +Repeat Count: 1
  11253. +Interval: 1
  11254. +Chained: 9
  11256. $Formula: ( when
  11257. ( true )
  11258. ( send-message
  11259. "#Falcata 1"
  11260. "Normal"
  11261. "laporte: seen enough"
  11262. )
  11263. )
  11264. +Name: laporte: i've seen enough
  11265. +Repeat Count: 1
  11266. +Interval: 1
  11267. +Chained: 8
  11269. $Formula: ( when-argument
  11270. ( any-of
  11271. "Falcata 1"
  11272. "Falcata 2"
  11273. "Falcata 3"
  11274. "Falcata 4"
  11275. )
  11276. ( and
  11277. ( or
  11278. ( <
  11279. ( distance "<argument>" "Caedus 1" )
  11280. 1501
  11281. )
  11282. ( <
  11283. ( distance "<argument>" "Caedus 2" )
  11284. 1501
  11285. )
  11286. ( <
  11287. ( distance "<argument>" "Caedus 3" )
  11288. 1501
  11289. )
  11290. ( <
  11291. ( distance "<argument>" "Caedus 4" )
  11292. 1501
  11293. )
  11294. ( primary-fired-since
  11295. "<argument>"
  11296. 0
  11297. 1
  11298. )
  11299. ( primary-fired-since
  11300. "<argument>"
  11301. 1
  11302. 1
  11303. )
  11304. ( primary-fired-since
  11305. "<argument>"
  11306. 2
  11307. 1
  11308. )
  11309. ( secondary-fired-since
  11310. "<argument>"
  11311. 0
  11312. 1
  11313. )
  11314. ( secondary-fired-since
  11315. "<argument>"
  11316. 1
  11317. 1
  11318. )
  11319. ( <
  11320. ( distance "<argument>" "Capricorn 1" )
  11321. 1501
  11322. )
  11323. ( <
  11324. ( distance "<argument>" "Capricorn 2" )
  11325. 1501
  11326. )
  11327. )
  11328. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Capricorn" )
  11329. ( not
  11330. ( has-departed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  11331. )
  11332. ( not
  11333. ( is-event-true-delay "rtb dir" 0 )
  11334. )
  11335. )
  11336. ( send-message
  11337. "#Al-Da'wa"
  11338. "High"
  11339. "al-da'wa: fool!"
  11340. )
  11341. )
  11342. +Name: late detection fail
  11343. +Repeat Count: 1
  11344. +Interval: 1
  11346. $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( end-mission ) )
  11347. +Name: late detection fail missionkill
  11348. +Repeat Count: 1
  11349. +Interval: 1
  11350. +Chained: 7
  11351. +Team: 0
  11353. $Formula: ( when
  11354. ( and
  11355. ( = @convoytimer[9] 4 )
  11356. ( not
  11357. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11358. 0
  11359. "Chi 1"
  11360. "Chi 2"
  11361. "Chi 3"
  11362. "Chi 4"
  11363. "Heket"
  11364. "Upsilon 1"
  11365. "Upsilon 2"
  11366. "Upsilon 7"
  11367. "Upsilon 8"
  11368. "Upsilon 6"
  11369. "Upsilon 3"
  11370. "Upsilon 4"
  11371. "Upsilon 5"
  11372. "Tabia"
  11373. "Rho 1"
  11374. "Rho 2"
  11375. "Rho 3"
  11376. "Rho 4"
  11377. "Rho 5"
  11378. "Rho 6"
  11379. "Rho 7"
  11380. "Rho 8"
  11381. "Iota 1"
  11382. "Iota 2"
  11383. "Iota 3"
  11384. "Iota 4"
  11385. "Iota 5"
  11386. "Iota 6"
  11387. "Tau 1"
  11388. "Ogdoad"
  11389. "Tau 3"
  11390. "Tau 2"
  11391. )
  11392. )
  11393. )
  11394. ( send-message
  11395. "Midwinter 5-1"
  11396. "Normal"
  11397. "mw5-1: four minute warning"
  11398. )
  11399. )
  11400. +Name: three minute prompt
  11401. +Repeat Count: 1
  11402. +Interval: 1
  11404. $Formula: ( when
  11405. ( or
  11406. ( is-event-true-delay
  11407. "al-da'wa: kill"
  11408. 9
  11409. )
  11410. ( is-event-true-delay
  11411. "al-da'wa: kill"
  11412. 7
  11413. ( true )
  11414. )
  11415. ( is-event-true-delay
  11416. "al-da'wa: kill"
  11417. 9
  11418. ( true )
  11419. )
  11420. )
  11421. ( do-nothing )
  11422. )
  11423. +Name: observe trigger
  11424. +Repeat Count: 1
  11425. +Interval: 1
  11427. $Formula: ( when
  11428. ( and
  11429. ( is-event-true-delay
  11430. "laporte: i've seen enough"
  11431. 0
  11432. ( true )
  11433. )
  11434. ( not
  11435. ( is-event-true-delay
  11436. "late detection fail"
  11437. 0
  11438. ( true )
  11439. )
  11440. )
  11441. )
  11442. ( ship-vanish "Observation Point" )
  11443. )
  11444. +Name: observe directive
  11445. +Repeat Count: 1
  11446. +Interval: 1
  11447. +Chained: 0
  11448. +Objective: XSTR("or Observe Aftermath", -1)
  11449. +Objective key: XSTR("Rally Wing at Observation Point", -1)
  11451. $Formula: ( when
  11452. ( and
  11453. ( is-event-true-delay
  11454. "UEF ships inbound!"
  11455. 193
  11456. )
  11457. ( not
  11458. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11459. 0
  11460. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11461. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  11462. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  11463. )
  11464. )
  11465. )
  11466. ( when
  11467. ( not
  11468. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11469. 0
  11470. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11471. )
  11472. )
  11473. ( send-message
  11474. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11475. "Normal"
  11476. "rwb1: bugging out!"
  11477. )
  11478. )
  11479. ( when
  11480. ( and
  11481. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11482. 0
  11483. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11484. )
  11485. ( not
  11486. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11487. 0
  11488. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  11489. )
  11490. )
  11491. )
  11492. ( send-message
  11493. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  11494. "Normal"
  11495. "rwb2: bugging out"
  11496. )
  11497. )
  11498. ( when
  11499. ( and
  11500. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11501. 0
  11502. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11503. )
  11504. ( not
  11505. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11506. 0
  11507. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  11508. )
  11509. )
  11510. ( is-destroyed-delay
  11511. 0
  11512. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  11513. )
  11514. )
  11515. ( send-message
  11516. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  11517. "Normal"
  11518. "rwb3: bugging out"
  11519. )
  11520. )
  11521. )
  11522. +Name: ridwan beta bugs out
  11523. +Repeat Count: 1
  11524. +Interval: 1
  11525. +Team: 1
  11527. $Formula: ( when
  11528. ( true )
  11529. ( when
  11530. ( and
  11531. ( or
  11532. ( query-orders
  11533. "Falcata 2"
  11534. "Engage enemy"
  11535. 1
  11536. )
  11537. ( query-orders
  11538. "<all fighters>"
  11539. "Engage enemy"
  11540. 1
  11541. )
  11542. ( query-orders
  11543. "Falcata"
  11544. "Engage enemy"
  11545. 1
  11546. )
  11547. )
  11548. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  11549. )
  11550. ( send-random-message
  11551. "Falcata 2"
  11552. "Low"
  11553. "kovacs: engage all"
  11554. "kovacs: engage all 2"
  11555. )
  11556. ( modify-variable
  11557. @talker[0]
  11558. ( rand-multiple 3 4 )
  11559. )
  11560. )
  11561. ( when
  11562. ( and
  11563. ( or
  11564. ( query-orders
  11565. "Falcata 3"
  11566. "Engage enemy"
  11567. 1
  11568. )
  11569. ( query-orders
  11570. "<all fighters>"
  11571. "Engage enemy"
  11572. 1
  11573. )
  11574. ( query-orders
  11575. "Falcata"
  11576. "Engage enemy"
  11577. 1
  11578. )
  11579. )
  11580. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  11581. )
  11582. ( send-random-message
  11583. "Falcata 3"
  11584. "Low"
  11585. "falconer: engage all"
  11586. "falconer: engage all 2"
  11587. )
  11588. ( modify-variable
  11589. @talker[0]
  11590. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  11591. )
  11592. )
  11593. ( when
  11594. ( and
  11595. ( or
  11596. ( query-orders
  11597. "Falcata 4"
  11598. "Engage enemy"
  11599. 1
  11600. )
  11601. ( query-orders
  11602. "<all fighters>"
  11603. "Engage enemy"
  11604. 1
  11605. )
  11606. ( query-orders
  11607. "Falcata"
  11608. "Engage enemy"
  11609. 1
  11610. )
  11611. )
  11612. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  11613. )
  11614. ( send-random-message
  11615. "Falcata 4"
  11616. "Low"
  11617. "vidaura: engage all"
  11618. "vidaura: engage all 2"
  11619. )
  11620. ( modify-variable
  11621. @talker[0]
  11622. ( rand-multiple 2 3 )
  11623. )
  11624. )
  11625. )
  11626. +Name: virtual persona: engage enemy
  11627. +Repeat Count: -1
  11628. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  11629. +Interval: 1
  11630. +Team: 0
  11632. $Formula: ( when
  11633. ( true )
  11634. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  11635. 41
  11636. "Falcata 1"
  11637. "communications"
  11638. )
  11639. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  11640. 41
  11641. "Falcata 2"
  11642. "<all engines>"
  11643. )
  11644. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  11645. 41
  11646. "Falcata 3"
  11647. "<all engines>"
  11648. )
  11649. ( ship-subsys-guardian-threshold
  11650. 41
  11651. "Falcata 4"
  11652. "<all engines>"
  11653. )
  11654. )
  11655. +Name: guardian wingdude engines
  11656. +Repeat Count: 1
  11657. +Interval: 1
  11659. $Formula: ( when
  11660. ( has-arrived-delay 1 "Capricorn" )
  11661. ( close-sound-from-file ( true ) )
  11662. ( play-sound-from-file
  11663. "carbonised.ogg"
  11664. 1
  11665. )
  11666. )
  11667. +Name: swap to carbonised
  11668. +Repeat Count: 1
  11669. +Interval: 1
  11671. $Formula: ( every-time
  11672. ( is-event-true-delay
  11673. "al-da'wa: kill"
  11674. 2
  11675. )
  11676. ( when-argument
  11677. ( every-of
  11678. "Support 1"
  11679. "Support 2"
  11680. "Support 3"
  11681. "Support 4"
  11682. "Support 5"
  11683. "Support 6"
  11684. )
  11685. ( true )
  11686. ( add-goal
  11687. "<argument>"
  11688. ( ai-warp-out 95 )
  11689. )
  11690. )
  11691. ( set-support-ship
  11692. "Hyperspace"
  11693. "<no anchor>"
  11694. "Hyperspace"
  11695. "<no anchor>"
  11696. "<species support ship class>"
  11697. 0
  11698. )
  11699. ( add-goal
  11700. "Falcata"
  11701. ( ai-stay-near-ship "Falcata 1" 99 )
  11702. )
  11703. )
  11704. +Name: support ships go home
  11705. +Repeat Count: 1
  11706. +Interval: 1
  11708. $Formula: ( when
  11709. ( is-event-true-delay
  11710. "vasudans complain about vampire"
  11711. 8
  11712. )
  11713. ( send-message
  11714. "Heket"
  11715. "Normal"
  11716. "heket: incoming bad"
  11717. )
  11718. )
  11719. +Name: heket responds to tabia distres
  11720. +Repeat Count: 1
  11721. +Interval: 1
  11723. $Formula: ( when-argument
  11724. ( any-of
  11725. "Ridwan Beta 1"
  11726. "Ridwan Beta 2"
  11727. "Ridwan Beta 3"
  11728. )
  11729. ( has-departed-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  11730. ( send-message
  11731. "Midwinter 5-1"
  11732. "Normal"
  11733. "midwinter 5-1: ridwan escaped"
  11734. )
  11735. )
  11736. +Name: ridwan escape failure
  11737. +Repeat Count: 1
  11738. +Interval: 1
  11740. $Formula: ( when
  11741. ( true )
  11742. ( training-msg
  11743. "laporte: couldn't do it"
  11744. )
  11745. )
  11746. +Name: laporte: couldn't do it!
  11747. +Repeat Count: 1
  11748. +Interval: 1
  11749. +Chained: 7
  11751. $Formula: ( when ( true ) ( end-mission ) )
  11752. +Name: ridwan escape missionkill
  11753. +Repeat Count: 1
  11754. +Interval: 1
  11755. +Chained: 6
  11757. $Formula: ( when
  11758. ( or
  11759. ( is-event-true-delay
  11760. "chi 1 going up"
  11761. 41
  11762. )
  11763. ( is-event-true-delay
  11764. "chi 2 going up"
  11765. 41
  11766. )
  11767. ( is-event-true-delay
  11768. "chi 3 going up"
  11769. 41
  11770. )
  11771. ( is-event-true-delay
  11772. "chi 4 going up"
  11773. 41
  11774. )
  11775. )
  11776. ( when-argument
  11777. ( every-of
  11778. "Rho 1"
  11779. "Rho 2"
  11780. "Rho 3"
  11781. "Rho 4"
  11782. )
  11783. ( true )
  11784. ( clear-goals "<argument>" )
  11785. ( add-goal
  11786. "<argument>"
  11787. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11788. "break left rho 1234"
  11789. 89
  11790. )
  11791. )
  11792. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 25 )
  11793. )
  11794. ( when-argument
  11795. ( every-of
  11796. "Rho 5"
  11797. "Rho 6"
  11798. "Rho 7"
  11799. "Rho 8"
  11800. )
  11801. ( true )
  11802. ( clear-goals "<argument>" )
  11803. ( add-goal
  11804. "<argument>"
  11805. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11806. "break down rho 5678"
  11807. 89
  11808. )
  11809. )
  11810. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 25 )
  11811. )
  11812. ( when-argument
  11813. ( every-of "Iota 2" "Iota 1" "Iota 3" )
  11814. ( true )
  11815. ( clear-goals "<argument>" )
  11816. ( add-goal
  11817. "<argument>"
  11818. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11819. "break right iota 123"
  11820. 89
  11821. )
  11822. )
  11823. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 25 )
  11824. )
  11825. ( when-argument
  11826. ( every-of "Iota 4" "Iota 5" "Iota 6" )
  11827. ( true )
  11828. ( clear-goals "<argument>" )
  11829. ( add-goal
  11830. "<argument>"
  11831. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11832. "break upright iotas"
  11833. 89
  11834. )
  11835. )
  11836. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 25 )
  11837. )
  11838. ( when-argument
  11839. ( every-of
  11840. "Upsilon 1"
  11841. "Upsilon 2"
  11842. "Upsilon 5"
  11843. "Upsilon 4"
  11844. "Upsilon 3"
  11845. )
  11846. ( true )
  11847. ( clear-goals "<argument>" )
  11848. ( add-goal
  11849. "<argument>"
  11850. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11851. "break down upsilons"
  11852. 89
  11853. )
  11854. )
  11855. ( cap-waypoint-speed "<argument>" 25 )
  11856. )
  11857. ( clear-goals "Chi 4" )
  11858. ( add-goal
  11859. "Chi 4"
  11860. ( ai-waypoints-once
  11861. "break north chi 4"
  11862. 89
  11863. )
  11864. )
  11865. ( send-message
  11866. "Midwinter 5-1"
  11867. "High"
  11868. "mw 5-1: convoy breaking up"
  11869. )
  11870. ( cap-waypoint-speed "Chi 4" -1 )
  11871. )
  11872. +Name: convoy breaks up
  11873. +Repeat Count: 1
  11874. +Interval: 1
  11876. $Formula: ( when
  11877. ( true )
  11878. ( when
  11879. ( and
  11880. ( not
  11881. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  11882. )
  11883. ( not
  11884. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta 1" )
  11885. )
  11886. )
  11887. ( send-message
  11888. "Falcata 2"
  11889. "Normal"
  11890. "kovacs: blast it"
  11891. )
  11892. )
  11893. ( when
  11894. ( and
  11895. ( has-departed-delay 0 "Falcata 2" )
  11896. ( not
  11897. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Ridwan Beta 1" )
  11898. )
  11899. )
  11900. ( send-message
  11901. "Falcata 3"
  11902. "Normal"
  11903. "falconer: blast it"
  11904. )
  11905. )
  11906. )
  11907. +Name: wingman unhappy about this
  11908. +Repeat Count: 1
  11909. +Interval: 1
  11910. +Chained: 9
  11912. $Formula: ( when
  11913. ( or
  11914. ( is-event-true-delay
  11915. "vasudans complain about vampire"
  11916. 0
  11917. )
  11918. ( is-event-true-delay
  11919. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  11920. 0
  11921. )
  11922. )
  11923. ( close-sound-from-file ( true ) )
  11924. ( play-sound-from-file
  11925. "fighter3.ogg"
  11926. 1
  11927. )
  11928. )
  11929. +Name: swap music to fighter3
  11930. +Repeat Count: 1
  11931. +Interval: 1
  11933. $Formula: ( when-argument
  11934. ( any-of
  11935. "Falcata 2"
  11936. "Falcata 3"
  11937. "Falcata 4"
  11938. )
  11939. ( or
  11940. ( <
  11941. ( primary-ammo-pct "<argument>" 0 )
  11942. 25
  11943. )
  11944. ( <
  11945. ( primary-ammo-pct "<argument>" 1 )
  11946. 25
  11947. )
  11948. )
  11949. ( set-primary-ammo "<argument>" 0 100 )
  11950. ( set-primary-ammo "<argument>" 1 100 )
  11951. )
  11952. +Name: reload wingmen
  11953. +Repeat Count: -1
  11954. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  11955. +Interval: 5
  11957. $Formula: ( when-argument
  11958. ( any-of
  11959. "Falcata 2"
  11960. "Falcata 3"
  11961. "Falcata 4"
  11962. )
  11963. ( <
  11964. ( secondary-ammo-pct "<argument>" 0 )
  11965. 25
  11966. )
  11967. ( set-secondary-ammo
  11968. "<argument>"
  11969. 0
  11970. 100
  11971. )
  11972. )
  11973. +Name: reload wingmen missiles
  11974. +Repeat Count: -1
  11975. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  11976. +Interval: 5
  11978. $Formula: ( when-argument
  11979. ( any-of
  11980. "Upsilon 1"
  11981. "Upsilon 2"
  11982. "Upsilon 7"
  11983. "Upsilon 8"
  11984. "Upsilon 3"
  11985. "Upsilon 4"
  11986. )
  11987. ( query-orders
  11988. "Midwinter 5-2"
  11989. "Destroy my target"
  11990. 1
  11991. "<argument>"
  11992. )
  11993. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  11994. ( add-goal
  11995. "Midwinter 5-2"
  11996. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 1" 89 )
  11997. )
  11998. ( add-goal
  11999. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12000. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 2" 87 )
  12001. )
  12002. ( add-goal
  12003. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12004. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 3" 85 )
  12005. )
  12006. ( add-goal
  12007. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12008. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 4" 83 )
  12009. )
  12010. ( add-goal
  12011. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12012. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 5" 81 )
  12013. )
  12014. ( add-goal
  12015. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12016. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 6" 79 )
  12017. )
  12018. )
  12019. +Name: midwinter 5-2 attack AI
  12020. +Repeat Count: -1
  12021. +Trigger Count: 1215752191
  12022. +Interval: 0
  12024. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12025. ( any-of
  12026. "Rho 1"
  12027. "Rho 2"
  12028. "Rho 3"
  12029. "Rho 4"
  12030. )
  12031. ( query-orders
  12032. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12033. "Destroy my target"
  12034. 1
  12035. "<argument>"
  12036. )
  12037. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12038. ( add-goal
  12039. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12040. ( ai-chase "Rho 1" 60 )
  12041. )
  12042. ( add-goal
  12043. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12044. ( ai-chase "Rho 2" 50 )
  12045. )
  12046. ( add-goal
  12047. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12048. ( ai-chase "Rho 3" 40 )
  12049. )
  12050. ( add-goal
  12051. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12052. ( ai-chase "Rho 4" 30 )
  12053. )
  12054. )
  12055. +Name: midwinter 5-2 attack AI pt 2
  12056. +Repeat Count: -1
  12057. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12058. +Interval: 0
  12060. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12061. ( any-of "Iota 1" "Iota 2" "Iota 3" )
  12062. ( query-orders
  12063. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12064. "Destroy my target"
  12065. 1
  12066. "<argument>"
  12067. )
  12068. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12069. ( add-goal
  12070. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12071. ( ai-chase "Iota 1" 60 )
  12072. )
  12073. ( add-goal
  12074. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12075. ( ai-chase "Iota 2" 50 )
  12076. )
  12077. ( add-goal
  12078. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12079. ( ai-chase "Iota 3" 40 )
  12080. )
  12081. )
  12082. +Name: midwinter 5-2 attack AI pt 3
  12083. +Repeat Count: -1
  12084. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12085. +Interval: 0
  12087. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12088. ( any-of "Iota 4" "Iota 5" "Iota 6" )
  12089. ( query-orders
  12090. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12091. "Destroy my target"
  12092. 1
  12093. "<argument>"
  12094. )
  12095. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12096. ( add-goal
  12097. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12098. ( ai-chase "Iota 6" 60 )
  12099. )
  12100. ( add-goal
  12101. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12102. ( ai-chase "Iota 4" 50 )
  12103. )
  12104. ( add-goal
  12105. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12106. ( ai-chase "Iota 5" 40 )
  12107. )
  12108. )
  12109. +Name: midwinter 5-2 attack AI pt 4
  12110. +Repeat Count: -1
  12111. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12112. +Interval: 0
  12114. $Formula: ( when
  12115. ( true )
  12116. ( when
  12117. ( and
  12118. ( or
  12119. ( query-orders
  12120. "Falcata 2"
  12121. "Form on my wing"
  12122. 1
  12123. )
  12124. ( query-orders
  12125. "<all fighters>"
  12126. "Form on my wing"
  12127. 1
  12128. )
  12129. ( query-orders
  12130. "Falcata"
  12131. "Form on my wing"
  12132. 1
  12133. )
  12134. )
  12135. ( = @talker[0] 2 )
  12136. )
  12137. ( send-random-message
  12138. "Falcata 2"
  12139. "Low"
  12140. "kovacs: forming up"
  12141. )
  12142. ( modify-variable
  12143. @talker[0]
  12144. ( rand-multiple 3 4 )
  12145. )
  12146. )
  12147. ( when
  12148. ( and
  12149. ( or
  12150. ( query-orders
  12151. "Falcata 3"
  12152. "Engage enemy"
  12153. 1
  12154. )
  12155. ( query-orders
  12156. "<all fighters>"
  12157. "Form on my wing"
  12158. 1
  12159. )
  12160. ( query-orders
  12161. "Falcata"
  12162. "Form on my wing"
  12163. 1
  12164. )
  12165. )
  12166. ( = @talker[0] 3 )
  12167. )
  12168. ( send-random-message
  12169. "Falcata 3"
  12170. "Low"
  12171. "falconer: forming up"
  12172. )
  12173. ( modify-variable
  12174. @talker[0]
  12175. ( rand-multiple 2 4 )
  12176. )
  12177. )
  12178. ( when
  12179. ( and
  12180. ( or
  12181. ( query-orders
  12182. "Falcata 4"
  12183. "Form on my wing"
  12184. 1
  12185. )
  12186. ( query-orders
  12187. "<all fighters>"
  12188. "Form on my wing"
  12189. 1
  12190. )
  12191. ( query-orders
  12192. "Falcata"
  12193. "Form on my wing"
  12194. 1
  12195. )
  12196. )
  12197. ( = @talker[0] 4 )
  12198. )
  12199. ( send-random-message
  12200. "Falcata 4"
  12201. "Low"
  12202. "vidaura: forming up"
  12203. )
  12204. ( modify-variable
  12205. @talker[0]
  12206. ( rand-multiple 2 3 )
  12207. )
  12208. )
  12209. )
  12210. +Name: virtual persona: form up
  12211. +Repeat Count: -1
  12212. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12213. +Interval: 1
  12215. $Formula: ( every-time
  12216. ( not
  12217. ( is-goal-true-delay
  12218. "Destroy Entire Convoy"
  12219. 0
  12220. )
  12221. )
  12222. ( hud-set-message
  12223. "BPTaccomA"
  12224. "timer left"
  12225. )
  12226. ( hud-set-text
  12227. "BPTaccomB"
  12228. "until convoy jump"
  12229. )
  12230. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12231. "BPTaccom"
  12232. ( true )
  12233. )
  12234. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12235. "BPTaccomA"
  12236. ( true )
  12237. )
  12238. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12239. "BPTaccomB"
  12240. ( true )
  12241. )
  12242. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12243. "BPTaccomC"
  12244. ( true )
  12245. )
  12246. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12247. "BPTaccomD"
  12248. ( true )
  12249. )
  12250. )
  12251. +Name: activate taccom timer
  12252. +Repeat Count: 1
  12253. +Interval: 1
  12255. $Formula: ( when
  12256. ( has-arrived-delay 0 "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12257. ( turret-lock-all "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12258. )
  12259. +Name: lock mw5-2 turrets
  12260. +Repeat Count: 1
  12261. +Interval: 1
  12263. $Formula: ( when
  12264. ( true )
  12265. ( turret-free-all "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12266. )
  12267. +Name: and unlock mw5-2
  12268. +Repeat Count: 1
  12269. +Interval: 1
  12270. +Chained: 25
  12272. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12273. ( any-of
  12274. "Upsilon 5"
  12275. "Upsilon 6"
  12276. "Rho 5"
  12277. "Rho 6"
  12278. "Upsilon 7"
  12279. "Upsilon 8"
  12280. )
  12281. ( query-orders
  12282. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12283. "Destroy my target"
  12284. 1
  12285. "<argument>"
  12286. )
  12287. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12288. ( add-goal
  12289. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12290. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 5" 89 )
  12291. )
  12292. ( add-goal
  12293. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12294. ( ai-chase "Upsilon 6" 87 )
  12295. )
  12296. ( add-goal
  12297. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12298. ( ai-chase "Rho 5" 85 )
  12299. )
  12300. ( add-goal
  12301. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12302. ( ai-chase "Rho 6" 83 )
  12303. )
  12304. ( add-goal
  12305. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12306. ( ai-chase "Rho 7" 81 )
  12307. )
  12308. ( add-goal
  12309. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12310. ( ai-chase "Rho 8" 79 )
  12311. )
  12312. )
  12313. +Name: midwinter 5-2 attack AI part 5
  12314. +Repeat Count: -1
  12315. +Trigger Count: 999999999
  12316. +Interval: 0
  12318. $Formula: ( when
  12319. ( true )
  12320. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12321. "BPMiscStatus"
  12322. ( true )
  12323. )
  12324. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12325. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12326. ( true )
  12327. )
  12328. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12329. "BPMiscStatusB"
  12330. ( true )
  12331. )
  12332. ( hud-set-text
  12333. "BPMiscStatus"
  12334. "Tactical Imperative"
  12335. )
  12336. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12337. "BPMiscStatusB"
  12338. ( true )
  12339. )
  12340. )
  12341. +Name: activate misc gauge
  12342. +Repeat Count: 1
  12343. +Interval: 1
  12345. $Formula: ( when
  12346. ( true )
  12347. ( when
  12348. ( not
  12349. ( or
  12350. ( is-event-true-delay
  12351. "Neith shuts down"
  12352. 0
  12353. )
  12354. ( is-event-true-delay
  12355. "viral strike on tabia"
  12356. 0
  12357. )
  12358. )
  12359. )
  12360. ( hud-set-text
  12361. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12362. "Destroy or Infect Tabia"
  12363. )
  12364. )
  12365. ( when
  12366. ( and
  12367. ( or
  12368. ( is-event-true-delay
  12369. "Neith shuts down"
  12370. 0
  12371. )
  12372. ( is-event-true-delay
  12373. "viral strike on tabia"
  12374. 0
  12375. )
  12376. )
  12377. ( not
  12378. ( or
  12379. ( is-event-true-delay
  12380. "convoy breaks up"
  12381. 0
  12382. )
  12383. ( is-event-true-delay
  12384. "UEF ships inbound!"
  12385. 0
  12386. )
  12387. )
  12388. )
  12389. )
  12390. ( hud-set-text
  12391. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12392. "Infect miners, destroy"
  12393. )
  12394. )
  12395. ( when
  12396. ( and
  12397. ( or
  12398. ( is-event-true-delay
  12399. "convoy breaks up"
  12400. 0
  12401. )
  12402. ( is-event-true-delay
  12403. "upload viruses dir"
  12404. 0
  12405. )
  12406. ( is-event-false-delay
  12407. "upload viruses dir"
  12408. 0
  12409. )
  12410. )
  12411. ( not
  12412. ( is-event-true-delay
  12413. "UEF ships inbound!"
  12414. 0
  12415. )
  12416. )
  12417. )
  12418. ( hud-set-text
  12419. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12420. "Destroy convoy (F12)"
  12421. )
  12422. )
  12423. ( when
  12424. ( is-event-true-delay
  12425. "UEF ships inbound!"
  12426. 0
  12427. )
  12428. ( hud-set-text
  12429. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12430. "Prevent UEF escape"
  12431. )
  12432. )
  12433. ( when
  12434. ( is-event-true-delay
  12435. "convoy destroyed, UEF down"
  12436. 0
  12437. )
  12438. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12439. "BPMiscStatus"
  12440. ( false )
  12441. )
  12442. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12443. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12444. ( false )
  12445. )
  12446. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12447. "BPMiscStatusB"
  12448. ( false )
  12449. )
  12450. )
  12451. ( when
  12452. ( is-event-true-delay
  12453. "convoy destroyed, UEF down"
  12454. 0
  12455. )
  12456. ( hud-set-text
  12457. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12458. "Destroy convoy (F12)"
  12459. )
  12460. )
  12461. ( when
  12462. ( is-event-true-delay
  12463. "al-da'wa: kill"
  12464. 0
  12465. )
  12466. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12467. "BPMiscStatus"
  12468. ( false )
  12469. )
  12470. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12471. "BPMiscStatusA"
  12472. ( false )
  12473. )
  12474. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12475. "BPMiscStatusB"
  12476. ( false )
  12477. )
  12478. )
  12479. )
  12480. +Name: modify misc gauge
  12481. +Repeat Count: -1
  12482. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12483. +Interval: 1
  12485. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12486. ( any-of
  12487. "Falcata 1"
  12488. "Falcata 2"
  12489. "Falcata 3"
  12490. "Falcata 4"
  12491. )
  12492. ( or
  12493. ( and
  12494. ( primary-fired-since
  12495. "<argument>"
  12496. 0
  12497. 1
  12498. )
  12499. ( has-primary-weapon
  12500. "<argument>"
  12501. "0"
  12502. "Ammo Pack"
  12503. )
  12504. )
  12505. ( and
  12506. ( primary-fired-since
  12507. "<argument>"
  12508. 1
  12509. 1
  12510. )
  12511. ( has-primary-weapon
  12512. "<argument>"
  12513. "1"
  12514. "Ammo Pack"
  12515. )
  12516. )
  12517. )
  12518. ( set-secondary-ammo
  12519. "<argument>"
  12520. 0
  12521. 999999999
  12522. )
  12523. ( set-secondary-ammo
  12524. "<argument>"
  12525. 1
  12526. 999999999
  12527. )
  12528. )
  12529. +Name: EQUIP: ammo pack
  12530. +Repeat Count: -1
  12531. +Trigger Count: 1410065407
  12532. +Interval: 0
  12534. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12535. ( any-of
  12536. "Falcata 1"
  12537. "Falcata 2"
  12538. "Falcata 3"
  12539. "Falcata 4"
  12540. )
  12541. ( and
  12542. ( or
  12543. ( and
  12544. ( has-primary-weapon
  12545. "<argument>"
  12546. "0"
  12547. "Repair System"
  12548. )
  12549. ( is-primary-selected "<argument>" 0 )
  12550. )
  12551. ( and
  12552. ( has-primary-weapon
  12553. "<argument>"
  12554. "1"
  12555. "Repair System"
  12556. )
  12557. ( is-primary-selected "<argument>" 1 )
  12558. )
  12559. ( and
  12560. ( has-primary-weapon
  12561. "<argument>"
  12562. "2"
  12563. "Repair System"
  12564. )
  12565. ( is-primary-selected "<argument>" 2 )
  12566. )
  12567. )
  12568. ( < ( hits-left "<argument>" ) 100 )
  12569. )
  12570. ( repair-subsystem
  12571. "<argument>"
  12572. "Hull"
  12573. 1
  12574. )
  12575. ( set-weapon-energy
  12576. ( -
  12577. ( weapon-energy-pct "<argument>" )
  12578. 1
  12579. )
  12580. "<argument>"
  12581. )
  12582. )
  12583. +Name: EQUIP: repair
  12584. +Repeat Count: 99999999
  12585. +Interval: 2
  12587. $Formula: ( when
  12588. ( and
  12589. ( not
  12590. ( or
  12591. ( is-event-true-delay
  12592. "Neith shuts down"
  12593. 0
  12594. )
  12595. ( is-event-true-delay
  12596. "viral strike on tabia"
  12597. 0
  12598. )
  12599. )
  12600. )
  12601. ( query-orders
  12602. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12603. "Destroy my target"
  12604. 1
  12605. )
  12606. )
  12607. ( clear-goals "Midwinter 5-2" )
  12608. ( add-goal
  12609. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12610. ( ai-waypoints-once "path mw5-2" 89 )
  12611. )
  12612. ( send-message
  12613. "Midwinter 5-2"
  12614. "Normal"
  12615. "mw 5-2: refusing order"
  12616. )
  12617. )
  12618. +Name: Midwinter 5-2 refuses early att
  12619. +Repeat Count: -1
  12620. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  12621. +Interval: 1
  12623. $Formula: ( when-argument
  12624. ( every-of
  12625. "GTT Argo"
  12626. "GVG Anuket"
  12627. "GVC Aten"
  12628. "GVFr Bes"
  12629. "VAC 4"
  12630. "GVT Isis"
  12631. "GVA Setekh"
  12632. "VAC 5"
  12633. "GVC Mentu"
  12634. "PVFR Ma'at"
  12635. )
  12636. ( true )
  12637. ( ship-set-shockwave-damage-type
  12638. "Shockwave"
  12639. ( true )
  12640. "<argument>"
  12641. )
  12642. )
  12643. +Name: shockwave damage control
  12644. +Repeat Count: 1
  12645. +Interval: 1
  12647. $Formula: ( when
  12648. ( is-goal-true-delay
  12649. "Destroy Entire Convoy"
  12650. 11
  12651. )
  12652. ( hud-set-message
  12653. "BPTaccomA"
  12654. "convoy destroyed"
  12655. )
  12656. ( hud-set-text "BPTaccomB" "" )
  12657. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12658. "BPTaccom"
  12659. ( false )
  12660. )
  12661. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12662. "BPTaccomA"
  12663. ( false )
  12664. )
  12665. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12666. "BPTaccomB"
  12667. ( false )
  12668. )
  12669. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12670. "BPTaccomC"
  12671. ( false )
  12672. )
  12673. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12674. "BPTaccomD"
  12675. ( false )
  12676. )
  12677. )
  12678. +Name: turn off tacnet
  12679. +Repeat Count: 1
  12680. +Interval: 1
  12682. $Formula: ( when
  12683. ( is-ship-class
  12684. "UEF Ainsarii"
  12685. "Falcata 1"
  12686. )
  12687. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12688. "BPstealthgauge"
  12689. ( true )
  12690. )
  12691. ( hud-set-color
  12692. "BPstealthgauge"
  12693. 64
  12694. 192
  12695. 64
  12696. )
  12697. ( ship-stealthy "Falcata 1" )
  12698. ( when ( true ) ( do-nothing ) )
  12699. )
  12700. +Name: Init Stealth
  12701. +Repeat Count: 1
  12702. +Interval: 1
  12704. $Formula: ( when
  12705. ( and
  12706. ( > ( mission-time ) @stealthTime[-1] )
  12707. ( not
  12708. ( is-ship-stealthy "Falcata 1" )
  12709. )
  12710. ( is-event-true-delay
  12711. "Init Stealth"
  12712. 0
  12713. )
  12714. ( is-ship-class
  12715. "UEF Ainsarii"
  12716. "Falcata 1"
  12717. )
  12718. )
  12719. ( hud-set-frame "BPstealthgauge" 0 )
  12720. ( hud-set-color
  12721. "BPstealthgauge"
  12722. 64
  12723. 192
  12724. 64
  12725. )
  12726. ( ship-stealthy "Falcata 1" )
  12727. ( flash-hud-gauge "CENTER_RETICLE" )
  12728. ( turret-protect-ship
  12729. "laser"
  12730. "Falcata 1"
  12731. )
  12732. ( turret-protect-ship
  12733. "flak"
  12734. "Falcata 1"
  12735. )
  12736. ( turret-protect-ship
  12737. "beam"
  12738. "Falcata 1"
  12739. )
  12740. ( protect-ship "Falcata 1" )
  12741. )
  12742. +Name: Good Stealth
  12743. +Repeat Count: -1
  12744. +Trigger Count: 9999999
  12745. +Interval: 1
  12747. $Formula: ( when
  12748. ( and
  12749. ( or
  12750. ( primary-fired-since
  12751. "Falcata 1"
  12752. 0
  12753. 10
  12754. )
  12755. ( primary-fired-since
  12756. "Falcata 1"
  12757. 1
  12758. 10
  12759. )
  12760. ( secondary-fired-since
  12761. "Falcata 1"
  12762. 0
  12763. 10
  12764. )
  12765. ( and
  12766. ( <
  12767. ( distance "Falcata 1" "Tabia" )
  12768. 1500
  12769. )
  12770. ( not
  12771. ( or
  12772. ( is-subsystem-destroyed-delay
  12773. "Tabia"
  12774. "radara"
  12775. 0
  12776. )
  12777. ( and
  12778. ( is-event-true-delay
  12779. "viral strike on tabia"
  12780. 0
  12781. )
  12782. ( not
  12783. ( and
  12784. ( is-event-true-delay
  12785. "local control restored"
  12786. 0
  12787. )
  12788. ( not
  12789. ( or
  12790. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Tabia" )
  12791. ( is-subsystem-destroyed-delay
  12792. "Tabia"
  12793. "radara"
  12794. 0
  12795. )
  12796. )
  12797. )
  12798. )
  12799. )
  12800. )
  12801. )
  12802. )
  12803. ( not
  12804. ( and
  12805. ( is-event-true-delay
  12806. "midwinter five-one covers you"
  12807. 0
  12808. )
  12809. ( not
  12810. ( or
  12811. ( is-event-true-delay
  12812. "detection roulette comes up"
  12813. 0
  12814. )
  12815. ( is-event-true-delay
  12816. "mw 5-1 protection expires"
  12817. 0
  12818. )
  12819. )
  12820. )
  12821. )
  12822. )
  12823. )
  12824. )
  12825. ( >
  12826. ( num-ships-in-battle "Hostile" )
  12827. 1
  12828. )
  12829. ( is-ship-class
  12830. "UEF Ainsarii"
  12831. "Falcata 1"
  12832. )
  12833. ( is-event-true-delay
  12834. "Init Stealth"
  12835. 0
  12836. )
  12837. ( not
  12838. ( destroyed-or-departed-delay
  12839. 0
  12840. "Tabia"
  12841. )
  12842. )
  12843. )
  12844. ( ship-unstealthy "Falcata 1" )
  12845. ( modify-variable
  12846. @stealthTime[-1]
  12847. ( + ( mission-time ) 5 )
  12848. )
  12849. ( hud-set-frame "BPstealthgauge" 1 )
  12850. ( hud-set-color
  12851. "BPstealthgauge"
  12852. 255
  12853. 64
  12854. 64
  12855. )
  12856. ( turret-unprotect-ship
  12857. "laser"
  12858. "Falcata 1"
  12859. )
  12860. ( turret-unprotect-ship
  12861. "flak"
  12862. "Falcata 1"
  12863. )
  12864. ( turret-unprotect-ship
  12865. "beam"
  12866. "Falcata 1"
  12867. )
  12868. ( unprotect-ship "Falcata 1" )
  12869. )
  12870. +Name: Bad Stealth
  12871. +Repeat Count: -1
  12872. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  12873. +Interval: 1
  12875. $Formula: ( when
  12876. ( and
  12877. ( not
  12878. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Falcata 1" )
  12879. )
  12880. ( not
  12881. ( is-ship-stealthy "Falcata 1" )
  12882. )
  12883. ( is-event-true-delay
  12884. "Init Stealth"
  12885. 0
  12886. )
  12887. ( is-ship-class
  12888. "UEF Ainsarii"
  12889. "Falcata 1"
  12890. )
  12891. ( not
  12892. ( destroyed-or-departed-delay
  12893. 0
  12894. "Tabia"
  12895. )
  12896. )
  12897. )
  12898. ( flash-hud-gauge "CENTER_RETICLE" )
  12899. )
  12900. +Name: Flash No Stealth Gauge
  12901. +Repeat Count: -1
  12902. +Trigger Count: 99999999
  12903. +Interval: 5
  12905. $Formula: ( when
  12906. ( and
  12907. ( has-time-elapsed 60 )
  12908. ( not
  12909. ( or
  12910. ( is-event-true-delay
  12911. "Neith shuts down"
  12912. 0
  12913. )
  12914. ( is-event-true-delay
  12915. "viral strike on tabia"
  12916. 0
  12917. )
  12918. ( is-event-true-delay
  12919. "gefs respond to strike order"
  12920. 0
  12921. )
  12922. )
  12923. )
  12924. )
  12925. ( add-goal
  12926. "Kukri"
  12927. ( ai-guard "Midwinter 5-1" 88 )
  12928. )
  12929. ( add-goal
  12930. "Falcata"
  12931. ( ai-guard "Midwinter 5-1" 88 )
  12932. )
  12933. ( send-message
  12934. "Falcata 2"
  12935. "High"
  12936. "wingmen moving to avoid"
  12937. )
  12938. )
  12939. +Name: Keep Falcata/gefs out of way
  12940. +Repeat Count: 1
  12941. +Interval: 1
  12943. $Formula: ( when
  12944. ( or
  12945. ( is-event-true-delay
  12946. "mw on-station"
  12947. 3
  12948. )
  12949. ( is-event-true-delay
  12950. "mw on-station"
  12951. 3
  12952. )
  12953. )
  12954. ( when-argument
  12955. ( every-of
  12956. "BPLowerRightMFD"
  12957. "BPLowerRightMFDA"
  12958. "BPLowerRightMFDB"
  12959. "BPLowerRightMFDC"
  12960. "BPLowerRightMFDD"
  12961. "BPLowerRightMFDE"
  12962. "BPLowerRightMFDF"
  12963. "BPLowerRightMFDG"
  12964. "BPLowerRightMFDH"
  12965. )
  12966. ( true )
  12967. ( hud-gauge-set-active
  12968. "<argument>"
  12969. ( true )
  12970. )
  12971. )
  12972. ( hud-set-text
  12973. "BPLowerRightMFD"
  12974. "Viral Strike Targets"
  12975. )
  12976. ( hud-set-message
  12977. "BPLowerRightMFDA"
  12978. "heket vstat message"
  12979. )
  12980. ( hud-set-message
  12981. "BPLowerRightMFDB"
  12982. "ogdoad vstat message"
  12983. )
  12984. ( hud-set-message
  12985. "BPLowerRightMFDC"
  12986. "chi 1 vstat message"
  12987. )
  12988. ( hud-set-message
  12989. "BPLowerRightMFDD"
  12990. "chi2 vstat message"
  12991. )
  12992. ( hud-set-message
  12993. "BPLowerRightMFDE"
  12994. "chi3 vstat message"
  12995. )
  12996. ( hud-set-message
  12997. "BPLowerRightMFDF"
  12998. "chi4 vstat message"
  12999. )
  13000. )
  13001. +Name: Activate viral HUD
  13002. +Repeat Count: 1410065407
  13003. +Interval: 1
  13005. $Formula: ( every-time
  13006. ( is-event-true-delay
  13007. "mw on-station"
  13008. 0
  13009. )
  13010. ( when
  13011. ( and
  13012. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Heket" )
  13013. ( not
  13014. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Heket" )
  13015. )
  13016. )
  13017. ( modify-variable
  13018. "@heketv[ ]"
  13019. "Infected"
  13020. )
  13021. )
  13022. ( when
  13023. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Heket" )
  13024. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDA" "" )
  13025. )
  13026. ( when
  13027. ( and
  13028. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Ogdoad" )
  13029. ( not
  13030. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Ogdoad" )
  13031. )
  13032. )
  13033. ( modify-variable
  13034. "@ogdoadv[ ]"
  13035. "Infected"
  13036. )
  13037. )
  13038. ( when
  13039. ( is-destroyed-delay 0 "Heket" )
  13040. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDB" "" )
  13041. )
  13042. ( when
  13043. ( and
  13044. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 1" )
  13045. ( not
  13046. ( is-event-true-delay
  13047. "chi 1 going up"
  13048. 0
  13049. )
  13050. )
  13051. )
  13052. ( modify-variable
  13053. "@chi1v[ ]"
  13054. "Infected"
  13055. )
  13056. )
  13057. ( when
  13058. ( and
  13059. ( is-event-true-delay
  13060. "chi 1 going up"
  13061. 0
  13062. )
  13063. ( not
  13064. ( is-event-true-delay
  13065. "chi 1 going up"
  13066. 25
  13067. )
  13068. )
  13069. )
  13070. ( modify-variable
  13071. "@chi1v[ ]"
  13072. "Detonating"
  13073. )
  13074. )
  13075. ( when
  13076. ( is-event-true-delay
  13077. "chi 1 going up"
  13078. 25
  13079. )
  13080. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDC" "" )
  13081. )
  13082. ( when
  13083. ( and
  13084. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 2" )
  13085. ( not
  13086. ( is-event-true-delay
  13087. "chi 2 going up"
  13088. 0
  13089. )
  13090. )
  13091. )
  13092. ( modify-variable
  13093. "@chi2v[ ]"
  13094. "Infected"
  13095. )
  13096. )
  13097. ( when
  13098. ( and
  13099. ( is-event-true-delay
  13100. "chi 2 going up"
  13101. 0
  13102. )
  13103. ( not
  13104. ( is-event-true-delay
  13105. "chi 2 going up"
  13106. 25
  13107. )
  13108. )
  13109. )
  13110. ( modify-variable
  13111. "@chi2v[ ]"
  13112. "Detonating"
  13113. )
  13114. )
  13115. ( when
  13116. ( is-event-true-delay
  13117. "chi 2 going up"
  13118. 25
  13119. )
  13120. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDD" "" )
  13121. )
  13122. ( when
  13123. ( and
  13124. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 3" )
  13125. ( not
  13126. ( is-event-true-delay
  13127. "chi 3 going up"
  13128. 0
  13129. )
  13130. )
  13131. )
  13132. ( modify-variable
  13133. "@chi3v[ ]"
  13134. "Infected"
  13135. )
  13136. )
  13137. ( when
  13138. ( and
  13139. ( is-event-true-delay
  13140. "chi 3 going up"
  13141. 0
  13142. )
  13143. ( not
  13144. ( is-event-true-delay
  13145. "chi 3 going up"
  13146. 25
  13147. )
  13148. )
  13149. )
  13150. ( modify-variable
  13151. "@chi3v[ ]"
  13152. "Detonating"
  13153. )
  13154. )
  13155. ( when
  13156. ( is-event-true-delay
  13157. "chi 3 going up"
  13158. 25
  13159. )
  13160. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDE" "" )
  13161. )
  13162. ( when
  13163. ( and
  13164. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "Chi 4" )
  13165. ( not
  13166. ( is-event-true-delay
  13167. "chi 4 going up"
  13168. 0
  13169. )
  13170. )
  13171. )
  13172. ( modify-variable
  13173. "@chi4v[ ]"
  13174. "Infected"
  13175. )
  13176. )
  13177. ( when
  13178. ( and
  13179. ( is-event-true-delay
  13180. "chi 4 going up"
  13181. 0
  13182. )
  13183. ( not
  13184. ( is-event-true-delay
  13185. "chi 4 going up"
  13186. 25
  13187. )
  13188. )
  13189. )
  13190. ( modify-variable
  13191. "@chi4v[ ]"
  13192. "Detonating"
  13193. )
  13194. )
  13195. ( when
  13196. ( is-event-true-delay
  13197. "chi 4 going up"
  13198. 25
  13199. )
  13200. ( hud-set-text "BPLowerRightMFDF" "" )
  13201. )
  13202. )
  13203. +Name: Update viral HUD elements
  13204. +Repeat Count: 1
  13205. +Interval: 1
  13207. $Formula: ( when
  13208. ( true )
  13209. ( ship-set-shockwave-damage-type
  13210. "ShipShockwave"
  13211. ( true )
  13212. "GTT Argo"
  13213. "GVG Anuket"
  13214. )
  13215. )
  13216. +Name: Set shockwave damage type
  13217. +Repeat Count: 1
  13218. +Interval: 1
  13220. $Formula: ( when
  13221. ( or
  13222. ( is-event-true-delay
  13223. "mw on-station"
  13224. 4
  13225. )
  13226. ( is-event-true-delay
  13227. "mw on-station"
  13228. 4
  13229. )
  13230. )
  13231. ( flash-hud-gauge "RETICLE_CIRCLE" )
  13232. )
  13233. +Name: Flash viral HUD when active
  13234. +Repeat Count: 1
  13235. +Interval: 1
  13237. $Formula: ( when-argument
  13238. ( any-of
  13239. "Chi 1"
  13240. "Chi 2"
  13241. "Chi 3"
  13242. "Chi 4"
  13243. )
  13244. ( is-cargo-known-delay 0 "<argument>" )
  13245. ( modify-variable
  13246. @viralShipsLeft[4]
  13247. ( - @viralShipsLeft[4] 1 )
  13248. )
  13249. ( invalidate-argument "<argument>" )
  13250. )
  13251. +Name: Track viral infect dir
  13252. +Repeat Count: -1
  13253. +Trigger Count: 4
  13254. +Interval: 0
  13256. #Goals ;! 4 total
  13258. $Type: Primary
  13259. +Name: Maintain OpSec
  13260. $MessageNew: XSTR("Maintain Operational Security", -1)
  13261. $end_multi_text
  13262. $Formula: ( and
  13263. ( is-event-true-delay "rtb dir" 0 )
  13264. ( not
  13265. ( or
  13266. ( is-event-true-delay
  13267. "late detection fail"
  13268. 0
  13269. )
  13270. ( is-event-true-delay
  13271. "you've been detected, fail"
  13272. 0
  13273. )
  13274. )
  13275. )
  13276. )
  13278. $Type: Primary
  13279. +Name: Destroy Entire Convoy
  13280. $MessageNew: XSTR("Destroy Vasudan Convoy", -1)
  13281. $end_multi_text
  13282. $Formula: ( is-destroyed-delay
  13283. 0
  13284. "Chi 1"
  13285. "Chi 2"
  13286. "Chi 3"
  13287. "Chi 4"
  13288. "Heket"
  13289. "Upsilon 1"
  13290. "Upsilon 2"
  13291. "Upsilon 7"
  13292. "Upsilon 8"
  13293. "Upsilon 6"
  13294. "Upsilon 3"
  13295. "Upsilon 4"
  13296. "Upsilon 5"
  13297. "Tabia"
  13298. "Rho 1"
  13299. "Rho 2"
  13300. "Rho 3"
  13301. "Rho 4"
  13302. "Rho 5"
  13303. "Rho 6"
  13304. "Rho 7"
  13305. "Rho 8"
  13306. "Iota 1"
  13307. "Iota 2"
  13308. "Iota 3"
  13309. "Iota 4"
  13310. "Iota 5"
  13311. "Iota 6"
  13312. "Tau 1"
  13313. "Ogdoad"
  13314. "Tau 3"
  13315. "Tau 2"
  13316. )
  13318. $Type: Secondary
  13319. +Name: Handle Gef Assets
  13320. $MessageNew: XSTR("Handle Gef Assets", -1)
  13321. $end_multi_text
  13322. $Formula: ( or
  13323. ( is-event-true-delay
  13324. "gefs dead, job done"
  13325. 0
  13326. )
  13327. ( is-event-true-delay
  13328. "gefs gone, job done"
  13329. 0
  13330. )
  13331. ( is-event-true-delay
  13332. "gefs all destroyed early"
  13333. 0
  13334. )
  13335. )
  13337. $Type: Secondary
  13338. +Name: Use Miners as Bombs
  13339. $MessageNew: XSTR("Use Infected Gas Miners as Bombs", -1)
  13340. $end_multi_text
  13341. $Formula: ( and
  13342. ( is-event-true-delay
  13343. "chi 1 going up"
  13344. 0
  13345. )
  13346. ( is-event-true-delay
  13347. "chi 2 going up"
  13348. 0
  13349. )
  13350. ( is-event-true-delay
  13351. "chi 3 going up"
  13352. 0
  13353. )
  13354. ( is-event-true-delay
  13355. "chi 4 going up"
  13356. 0
  13357. )
  13358. )
  13360. #Waypoints ;! 30 lists total
  13362. $Name: path2 iota
  13363. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13364. ( 609.703979, -99.999939, 8275.135742 )
  13365. )
  13367. $Name: path1 iota
  13368. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13369. ( 681.962891, 0.000031, 8255.796875 )
  13370. )
  13372. $Name: path chi2
  13373. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13374. ( 770.962891, 0.000031, 8218.097656 )
  13375. )
  13377. $Name: path chi1
  13378. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13379. ( 370.962860, 0.000031, 8375.512695 )
  13380. )
  13382. $Name: path upsilon2
  13383. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13384. ( 515.693848, -0.000083, 8117.113281 )
  13385. )
  13387. $Name: path upsilon1
  13388. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13389. ( 359.962860, 0.000031, 8442.788086 )
  13390. )
  13392. $Name: path tabia 1
  13393. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13394. ( 574.962891, -199.999969, 8422.081055 )
  13395. )
  13397. $Name: path heket
  13398. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13399. ( 441.962860, 150.000031, 8077.014648 )
  13400. )
  13402. $Name: path rho 1
  13403. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13404. ( 108.962860, -99.999969, 8284.588867 )
  13405. )
  13407. $Name: path rho 2
  13408. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13409. ( -34.656124, 150.000000, 8280.540039 )
  13410. )
  13412. $Name: path chi 3
  13413. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13414. ( -3.037140, 0.000031, 8343.786133 )
  13415. )
  13417. $Name: path ogdoad
  13418. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13419. ( 188.000000, -268.000000, 8332.737305 )
  13420. )
  13422. $Name: path tau 1
  13423. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13424. ( 120.000000, -217.000000, 8327.938477 )
  13425. )
  13427. $Name: path tau 2
  13428. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13429. ( 335.000000, -217.000000, 8280.540039 )
  13430. )
  13432. $Name: path chi 4
  13433. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13434. ( 197.000000, -70.000000, 8363.938477 )
  13435. )
  13437. $Name: gef withdraw point
  13438. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13439. ( 125.400002, 2200.000000, 3399.606445 )
  13440. )
  13442. $Name: gef flight path
  13443. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13444. ( 146.399994, -20000.000000, -572.000000 )
  13445. )
  13447. $Name: path mw5-1
  13448. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13449. ( 3664.000000, 1450.000000, 10450.599609 )
  13450. )
  13452. $Name: path mw5-2
  13453. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13454. ( 3535.662598, 1450.000000, 10329.955078 )
  13455. )
  13457. $Name: exit checkpoint
  13458. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13459. ( 441.211060, -0.000657, 8205.953125 )
  13460. )
  13462. $Name: investigation path
  13463. $List: ( ;! 12 points in list
  13464. ( 109.764923, 0.001022, 5918.160156 )
  13465. ( -1.073922, 0.000586, 818.333984 )
  13466. ( 1401.832520, 0.001058, 4307.274902 )
  13467. ( -516.968384, 0.000559, 6547.163574 )
  13468. ( -770.207642, 0.001148, 2591.609863 )
  13469. ( 948.145813, 0.000885, 1735.981812 )
  13470. ( 1288.921753, 0.000640, 6337.740234 )
  13471. ( -916.848450, 0.001374, 4858.798828 )
  13472. ( -111.664093, 0.001244, 1619.321167 )
  13473. ( 1344.856201, 0.000697, 2603.638184 )
  13474. ( 866.752991, 0.001195, 6546.520996 )
  13475. ( 177.803986, 0.000785, 4320.038086 )
  13476. )
  13478. $Name: convoy break west
  13479. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13480. ( 1873.550415, -0.000530, -3021.018066 )
  13481. )
  13483. $Name: break left rho 1234
  13484. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13485. ( -8104.941406, -0.000108, 7916.536133 )
  13486. )
  13488. $Name: break north chi 4
  13489. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13490. ( 468.600006, 5000.000000, 8269.400391 )
  13491. )
  13493. $Name: convoy break south
  13494. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13495. ( 186.300003, -3000.000000, -1407.099976 )
  13496. )
  13498. $Name: break down rho 5678
  13499. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13500. ( -22.500000, -8000.000000, 8671.000000 )
  13501. )
  13503. $Name: break right iota 123
  13504. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13505. ( 9821.264648, -0.007482, 8391.731445 )
  13506. )
  13508. $Name: break upright iotas
  13509. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13510. ( -23.000000, -8000.000000, 6500.000000 )
  13511. )
  13513. $Name: break down upsilons
  13514. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13515. ( -23.000000, -8000.000000, 7000.000000 )
  13516. )
  13518. $Name: patrol path Cancer
  13519. $List: ( ;! 1 points in list
  13520. ( 252.786606, 0.000498, 8079.085938 )
  13521. )
  13523. #Messages ;! 239 total
  13526. $Name: falcata 2 departing
  13527. $Team: -1
  13528. $MessageNew: XSTR("Damage unsustainable. Detaching. Fight well, Fedayeen.", -1)
  13529. $end_multi_text
  13530. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  13531. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13533. $Name: falcata 3 departing
  13534. $Team: -1
  13535. $MessageNew: XSTR("My fighter is a mission kill. Pulling out.", -1)
  13536. $end_multi_text
  13537. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13538. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13540. $Name: falcata 4 departing
  13541. $Team: -1
  13542. $MessageNew: XSTR("Hull integrity compromised. Withdrawing.", -1)
  13543. $end_multi_text
  13544. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  13545. +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav
  13547. $Name: viral strike complete
  13548. $Team: -1
  13549. $MessageNew: XSTR("Viral Strike Complete", -1)
  13550. $end_multi_text
  13552. $Name: al-da'wa: awacs is gone
  13553. $Team: -1
  13554. $MessageNew: XSTR("The AWACS is gone. The Vasudan battlenet is in disarray and they are cut off from any outside help. Execute your mission.", -1)
  13555. $end_multi_text
  13556. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13557. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13559. $Name: vidaura: battlenet
  13560. $Team: -1
  13561. $MessageNew: XSTR("Let's be swift.", -1)
  13562. $end_multi_text
  13563. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13564. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13566. $Name: kovacs: hope you can
  13567. $Team: -1
  13568. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fast in, fast out. Let's infect all four miners and light them up. ", -1)
  13569. $end_multi_text
  13570. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  13571. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13573. $Name: mw5-1: aegis back up
  13574. $Team: -1
  13575. $MessageNew: XSTR("The convoy's gunnery net is back online. Exercise care.", -1)
  13576. $end_multi_text
  13577. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13578. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13580. $Name: kukri 1: give us orders
  13581. $Team: -1
  13582. $MessageNew: XSTR("Hostage wing, on station to attack the Tabia AWACS. Give us orders or let us go.", -1)
  13583. $end_multi_text
  13584. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13585. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13587. $Name: al-da'wa: virus in AWACS
  13588. $Team: -1
  13589. $MessageNew: XSTR("Well done. The virus has crippled the convoy's gunnery systems and disabled the AWACS. You have twenty seconds before they detect you.", -1)
  13590. $end_multi_text
  13591. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13592. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13594. $Name: kukri 1: gefs going in
  13595. $Team: -1
  13596. $MessageNew: XSTR("Okay, Kukris, you heard the call. Let's do this fast and - and go home. Check your locks and hit that AWACS.", -1)
  13597. $end_multi_text
  13598. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13599. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13601. $Name: kukri 1: gef orders bad
  13602. $Team: -1
  13603. $MessageNew: XSTR("That wasn't the deal! We were just supposed to go after the AWACS! Kukris, get back to the rally point!", -1)
  13604. $end_multi_text
  13605. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13606. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13608. $Name: kukri 1: gef orders bad 2
  13609. $Team: -1
  13610. $MessageNew: XSTR("Are you trying to get us killed? Send us after that AWACS or send us home!", -1)
  13611. $end_multi_text
  13612. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13613. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13615. $Name: kukri 1: gefs flee
  13616. $Team: -1
  13617. $MessageNew: XSTR("It's now or never! Make a break for it! Go go go!", -1)
  13618. $end_multi_text
  13619. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13620. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13622. $Name: laporte: gefs are fleeing
  13623. $Team: -1
  13624. $MessageNew: XSTR("Al-Da'wa, this is Laporte. The Gefs are making a run for it. What are your orders?", -1)
  13625. $end_multi_text
  13626. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13628. $Name: al-da'wa: orders?
  13629. $Team: -1
  13630. $MessageNew: XSTR("You are the commander on the scene, Laporte. Their fate is yours.", -1)
  13631. $end_multi_text
  13632. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13634. $Name: gef fate decision
  13635. $Team: -1
  13636. $MessageNew: XSTR("Determine Gef Fate
  13637. $1$ - Detonate Deadman Charges
  13638. $2$ - Transmit Jump Coordinates", -1)
  13639. $end_multi_text
  13641. $Name: kukri: explode time
  13642. $Team: -1
  13643. $MessageNew: XSTR("Ghanna! I'm coming ho -", -1)
  13644. $end_multi_text
  13645. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13646. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13648. $Name: kukri 2: explode time
  13649. $Team: -1
  13650. $MessageNew: XSTR("God damn you, you -", -1)
  13651. $end_multi_text
  13652. +AVI Name: Head-TP7
  13653. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13655. $Name: kukri 3: explode time
  13656. $Team: -1
  13657. $MessageNew: XSTR("No! Wait! NO!", -1)
  13658. $end_multi_text
  13659. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13660. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13662. $Name: kukri 4: explode time
  13663. $Team: -1
  13664. $MessageNew: XSTR("Go to hell, you heartless bi -", -1)
  13665. $end_multi_text
  13666. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13667. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13669. $Name: kukri 5: explode time
  13670. $Team: -1
  13671. $MessageNew: XSTR("Gaia preserve me, Gaia preserve me, Gaia preserve -", -1)
  13672. $end_multi_text
  13673. +AVI Name: Head-TP4
  13674. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13676. $Name: kukri 6: explode time
  13677. $Team: -1
  13678. $MessageNew: XSTR("Wait! Turn it off! NO!", -1)
  13679. $end_multi_text
  13680. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  13681. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13683. $Name: laporte: no mercy, no hesitati
  13684. $Team: -1
  13685. $MessageNew: XSTR("No hesitation. No mercy. Not any more.", -1)
  13686. $end_multi_text
  13688. $Name: clear message
  13689. $Team: -1
  13690. $MessageNew: XSTR("$emptyvar", -1)
  13691. $end_multi_text
  13693. $Name: kukri 1 thanks
  13694. $Team: -1
  13695. $MessageNew: XSTR("Thank you. Thank you! Ghanna, I'm coming home!", -1)
  13696. $end_multi_text
  13697. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  13698. +Wave Name: emptymsg.wav
  13700. $Name: kukri 2 thanks
  13701. $Team: -1
  13702. $MessageNew: XSTR("Gaia bless you!", -1)
  13703. $end_multi_text
  13704. +AVI Name: Head-TP7
  13705. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13707. $Name: kukri 3 thanks
  13708. $Team: -1
  13709. $MessageNew: XSTR("You'll be seeing me again.", -1)
  13710. $end_multi_text
  13711. +AVI Name: Head-TP6
  13712. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13714. $Name: kukri 4 thanks
  13715. $Team: -1
  13716. $MessageNew: XSTR("Jump coordinates? Punch them in and go!", -1)
  13717. $end_multi_text
  13718. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13719. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13721. $Name: kukri 5 thanks
  13722. $Team: -1
  13723. $MessageNew: XSTR("Jump clear now, before they change their mind!", -1)
  13724. $end_multi_text
  13725. +AVI Name: Head-TP4
  13726. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13728. $Name: kukri 6 thanks
  13729. $Team: -1
  13730. $MessageNew: XSTR("Gaia smile on you for what you've done today!", -1)
  13731. $end_multi_text
  13732. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  13733. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13735. $Name: laporte: gefs gone, job undone
  13736. $Team: -1
  13737. $MessageNew: XSTR("Hell. The Gefs are gone and the convoy defenses are still up. Al-Da'wa, give me something to work with.", -1)
  13738. $end_multi_text
  13739. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13741. $Name: al-da'wa: do it yourself
  13742. $Team: -1
  13743. $MessageNew: XSTR("You need to trust yourself before you can ask others to trust you. Finish the mission.", -1)
  13744. $end_multi_text
  13745. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13747. $Name: laporte: gefs dead, job done
  13748. $Team: -1
  13749. $MessageNew: XSTR("Al-Da'wa, the Gefs did their job. I tied up the loose ends. Proceeding with mission.", -1)
  13750. $end_multi_text
  13751. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13753. $Name: al-da'wa: those were people
  13754. $Team: -1
  13755. $MessageNew: XSTR("Ruthlessness is a blade. You must be the wielder, not the blade itself.", -1)
  13756. $end_multi_text
  13757. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13759. $Name: laporte thinks: no pleasing hi
  13760. $Team: -1
  13761. $MessageNew: XSTR("Thanks, I think.", -1)
  13762. $end_multi_text
  13764. $Name: laporte: gefs gone, job done
  13765. $Team: -1
  13766. $MessageNew: XSTR("I freed the Gef pilots. They have homes and families to care for. I'll take any good deeds I can get.", -1)
  13767. $end_multi_text
  13768. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13770. $Name: al-da'wa: good deed?
  13771. $Team: -1
  13772. $MessageNew: XSTR("Mercy is a dangerous luxury for us. Consider the future, and the consequences of your act. The shadow of a good deed often stretches long.", -1)
  13773. $end_multi_text
  13774. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13776. $Name: midwinter: detected, failure
  13777. $Team: -1
  13778. $MessageNew: XSTR("You have been detected. The Tabia is informing Admiral Recamai of Federation involvement in this attack. We have failed.", -1)
  13779. $end_multi_text
  13780. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13781. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  13783. $Name: laporte: who haven't I failed
  13784. $Team: -1
  13785. $MessageNew: XSTR("Who haven't I failed by now?", -1)
  13786. $end_multi_text
  13788. $Name: mw5-1: covering you
  13789. $Team: -1
  13790. $MessageNew: XSTR("We are covering your approach from the AWACS. Beware the Vasudan fighters - they may engage you visually. Do not fire!", -1)
  13791. $end_multi_text
  13792. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13793. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13795. $Name: mw5-1: countdown
  13796. $Team: -1
  13797. $MessageNew: XSTR("$tabiadetectiontimer seconds before detection.", -1)
  13798. $end_multi_text
  13799. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13800. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13802. $Name: mw5-1: you fired
  13803. $Team: -1
  13804. $MessageNew: XSTR("Be advised, Falcata 1, we can no longer conceal you.", -1)
  13805. $end_multi_text
  13806. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13807. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13809. $Name: mw5-1: on station
  13810. $Team: -1
  13811. $MessageNew: XSTR("Midwinter on station. We'll jam their distress calls once the attack begins.", -1)
  13812. $end_multi_text
  13813. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13814. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13816. $Name: mw5-1: chi 1 going up
  13817. $Team: -1
  13818. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 1 is going critical.", -1)
  13819. $end_multi_text
  13820. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13821. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13823. $Name: mw5-1: chi 2 going up
  13824. $Team: -1
  13825. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 2 detonation imminent.", -1)
  13826. $end_multi_text
  13827. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13828. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13830. $Name: mw5-1: chi 3 going up
  13831. $Team: -1
  13832. $MessageNew: XSTR("Stand clear of Chi 3.", -1)
  13833. $end_multi_text
  13834. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13835. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13837. $Name: mw5-1: chi 4 going up
  13838. $Team: -1
  13839. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 4 is going to blow. Stand clear.", -1)
  13840. $end_multi_text
  13841. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13842. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  13844. $Name: mw5-1: heket down
  13845. $Team: -1
  13846. $MessageNew: XSTR("Cruiser Heket nullified. Standing by to map the debris for survivors.", -1)
  13847. $end_multi_text
  13848. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13849. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13851. $Name: mw5-1: ogdoad down
  13852. $Team: -1
  13853. $MessageNew: XSTR("Sa Vasuda! May the Emperor crush -", -1)
  13854. $end_multi_text
  13855. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  13856. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13858. $Name: mw5-1: friendlies inbound
  13859. $Team: -1
  13860. $MessageNew: XSTR("Incoming jump signatures, friendly configuration! Federation Fleet assets have arrived on the scene. They must have heard the distress call.", -1)
  13861. $end_multi_text
  13862. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13863. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13865. $Name: laporte: status update
  13866. $Team: -1
  13867. $MessageNew: XSTR("Give me a status update, Al-Da'wa. We can't let those ships leave with records of the attack. That mole would pass them right to the Tevs.", -1)
  13868. $end_multi_text
  13869. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13871. $Name: al-da'wa: ramifications
  13872. $Team: -1
  13873. $MessageNew: XSTR("These ships are an opportunity. The presence of Federation debris in the wreckage will suggest our fighters tried to assist...and were also destroyed by the Gefs.", -1)
  13874. $end_multi_text
  13875. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13877. $Name: laporte: i hate this job
  13878. $Team: -1
  13879. $MessageNew: XSTR("Some days I really hate this job.", -1)
  13880. $end_multi_text
  13882. $Name: laporte: but
  13883. $Team: -1
  13884. $MessageNew: XSTR("You're asking me to kill Federation officers?", -1)
  13885. $end_multi_text
  13886. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13888. $Name: al-da'wa: swore an oath
  13889. $Team: -1
  13890. $MessageNew: XSTR("We have no time to take prisoners. If these fighters are allowed to return to base, our involvement here will be known to all. This cannot be allowed. You must balance three lives against the risk of total mission failure.", -1)
  13891. $end_multi_text
  13892. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13894. $Name: ridwan beta 1: what the hell
  13895. $Team: -1
  13896. $MessageNew: XSTR("What the hell is going on here? Vasudan convoy, we are responding to your reports of a Gef attack. Inbound to assist!", -1)
  13897. $end_multi_text
  13898. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  13899. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13901. $Name: wingman: poor bastards
  13902. $Team: -1
  13903. $MessageNew: XSTR("Bad luck for those rats. If they live, the op dies. Don't hesitate.", -1)
  13904. $end_multi_text
  13905. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  13906. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13908. $Name: ridwan beta 2: jamming?
  13909. $Team: -1
  13910. $MessageNew: XSTR("Can anyone get a bearing on that jamming? I can't reach Command.", -1)
  13911. $end_multi_text
  13912. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  13913. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13915. $Name: ridwan beta 3: gefs?
  13916. $Team: -1
  13917. $MessageNew: XSTR("Where are all the Gefs? I can't see any that an Oculus? What the hell?", -1)
  13918. $end_multi_text
  13919. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  13920. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13922. $Name: ridwan b1: stealth?
  13923. $Team: -1
  13924. $MessageNew: XSTR("I just tallied a stealth fighter! Can someone confirm?", -1)
  13925. $end_multi_text
  13926. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  13927. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13929. $Name: ridwan b2: stealth?
  13930. $Team: -1
  13931. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fuck me, that was an Ainsarii! This is a Fedayeen op!", -1)
  13932. $end_multi_text
  13933. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  13934. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13936. $Name: ridwan b3: stealth?
  13937. $Team: -1
  13938. $MessageNew: XSTR("Are they Fedayeen? Command, do you read? The Fedayeen splashed my entire wing!", -1)
  13939. $end_multi_text
  13940. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  13941. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13943. $Name: vasudans: gefs inbound
  13944. $Team: -1
  13945. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Shepseskaf Control, this is Bellwether 4.12, reporting contact with Gaian Effort forces. One wing of Scimitars. Intentions unknown.", -1)
  13946. $end_multi_text
  13947. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  13948. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13950. $Name: laporte: gefs died early
  13951. $Team: -1
  13952. $MessageNew: XSTR("So much for our Gef instruments. Looks like they got in the way of a shockwave.", -1)
  13953. $end_multi_text
  13954. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13956. $Name: al-da'wa: those were people to
  13957. $Team: -1
  13958. $MessageNew: XSTR("Their instrumentality does not diminish their humanity. Those Gef pilots were heroes, even if unwilling ones. Remember that.", -1)
  13959. $end_multi_text
  13960. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13962. $Name: vasudans complain of losses 1
  13963. $Team: -1
  13964. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Any Allied unit, this is convoy Bellwether 4.12! We are suffering massive losses! Confirm your receipt, over!", -1)
  13965. $end_multi_text
  13966. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  13967. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13969. $Name: ogdoad electronics
  13970. $Team: -1
  13971. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> The jamming is overwhelming! All convoy elements, you must rotate frequences and continue transmitting distress calls!", -1)
  13972. $end_multi_text
  13973. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  13974. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13976. $Name: vasudans freak out
  13977. $Team: -1
  13978. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Our systems are under viral attack! Coolant is venting into our life support! All hands, check your seals!", -1)
  13979. $end_multi_text
  13980. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  13981. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  13983. $Name: chi1 going up early
  13984. $Team: -1
  13985. $MessageNew: XSTR("Miner Chi 4 has detonated without effect.", -1)
  13986. $end_multi_text
  13987. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13988. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13990. $Name: chi2 going up early
  13991. $Team: -1
  13992. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 2 has detonated prematurely.", -1)
  13993. $end_multi_text
  13994. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  13995. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  13997. $Name: chi3 going up early
  13998. $Team: -1
  13999. $MessageNew: XSTR("Anuket Chi 3 is coming apart.", -1)
  14000. $end_multi_text
  14001. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14002. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14004. $Name: chi4 going up early
  14005. $Team: -1
  14006. $MessageNew: XSTR("Containment failure but no ignition on Chi 4.", -1)
  14007. $end_multi_text
  14008. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14009. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14011. $Name: mw5-2 offers help
  14012. $Team: -1
  14013. $MessageNew: XSTR("Falcata, we are standing by to engage the convoy if you need additional firepower.", -1)
  14014. $end_multi_text
  14015. +AVI Name: Head-CM1
  14016. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14018. $Name: ridwan beta 2: this makes no s
  14019. $Team: -1
  14020. $MessageNew: XSTR("The convoy's really been ripped up...there's a lot of dead Vasudans out here. We need to clean up that jamming and call in SAR.", -1)
  14021. $end_multi_text
  14022. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14023. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14025. $Name: ridwan beta 1: hostiles
  14026. $Team: -1
  14027. $MessageNew: XSTR("We've got unknown hostiles on scene. You think...could they be Shivans? Keep your eyes roaming.", -1)
  14028. $end_multi_text
  14029. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14030. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14032. $Name: ridwan beta 2: lead is down
  14033. $Team: -1
  14034. $MessageNew: XSTR("Lead is down! I just lost his datalink!", -1)
  14035. $end_multi_text
  14036. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14037. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14039. $Name: ridwan beta 3: lead is down
  14040. $Team: -1
  14041. $MessageNew: XSTR("<put description here>", -1)
  14042. $end_multi_text
  14044. $Name: mw5-1: early sighting!
  14045. $Team: -1
  14046. $MessageNew: XSTR("Cancer 1 has detected you! Upload the virus and get out!", -1)
  14047. $end_multi_text
  14048. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14049. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  14051. $Name: mw5-1: need to take out tabia
  14052. $Team: -1
  14053. $MessageNew: XSTR("Be advised, Falcata 1, you need to destroy the AWACS before the Vasudan net comes back online. Use the Midwinter gunboat.", -1)
  14054. $end_multi_text
  14055. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14056. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14058. $Name: heket: viral strike!
  14059. $Team: -1
  14060. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Viral strike, viral strike! All convoy elements, partition and purge before it hits your life support!", -1)
  14061. $end_multi_text
  14062. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  14063. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14065. $Name: ogdoad: AWACS down
  14066. $Team: -1
  14067. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> AWACS down! The Neith net is crashing! Heket, we have lost all carriers to the Shepseskaf and Artemis!", -1)
  14068. $end_multi_text
  14069. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  14070. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14072. $Name: heket: stand fast!
  14073. $Team: -1
  14074. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Stand fast! Can any ship obtain a solid target lock? These cannot be Gaian Effort fighters!", -1)
  14075. $end_multi_text
  14076. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  14077. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14079. $Name: ridwan beta 3: all alone here!
  14080. $Team: -1
  14081. $MessageNew: XSTR("Ridwan, come in! It's the fucking Fedayeen, they took out my whole wing!", -1)
  14082. $end_multi_text
  14083. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  14084. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14086. $Name: ridwan beta 1: 2 is down
  14087. $Team: -1
  14088. $MessageNew: XSTR("Skinny? Skinny, come in. Answer me, kid.", -1)
  14089. $end_multi_text
  14090. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14091. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14093. $Name: ridwan beta 1: 3 is down?
  14094. $Team: -1
  14095. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fucking Allah and Gethsemane! Beta 3, say your status!", -1)
  14096. $end_multi_text
  14097. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14098. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14100. $Name: ridwan beta 2: all aloned
  14101. $Team: -1
  14102. $MessageNew: XSTR("Boss? Skinny? I've lost your datalinks, say your state!", -1)
  14103. $end_multi_text
  14104. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14105. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14107. $Name: tabia: incoming!
  14108. $Team: -1
  14109. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Vampire! We have multiple warheads inbound! Heket, we cannot jam their seekers!", -1)
  14110. $end_multi_text
  14111. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  14112. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14114. $Name: vasudan 60 help
  14115. $Team: -1
  14116. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Bellwether 4.12 to any Allied unit. Casualties exceed thirty percent, and we are declaring Case Midnight. Can you read us? We require immediate reinforcement!", -1)
  14117. $end_multi_text
  14118. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  14119. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14121. $Name: vasudan 90 help
  14122. $Team: -1
  14123. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> They're not coming, are they?", -1)
  14124. $end_multi_text
  14125. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  14126. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14128. $Name: fight to the last!
  14129. $Team: -1
  14130. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> Our ancestors are watching. Fight to the last, Medjai. Sa Vasuda!", -1)
  14131. $end_multi_text
  14132. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  14133. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14135. $Name: wingman: don't blame yourself
  14136. $Team: -1
  14137. $MessageNew: XSTR("Scratch three. Targets down.", -1)
  14138. $end_multi_text
  14139. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14140. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14142. $Name: laporte: targets!?
  14143. $Team: -1
  14144. $MessageNew: XSTR("'Targets down?' Those were good Two Fleet pilots. Simms probably knew - probably knew - ", -1)
  14145. $end_multi_text
  14146. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14148. $Name: wingman: no ghosts
  14149. $Team: -1
  14150. $MessageNew: XSTR("We gave them a useful death. That's as much as any soldier can ask. You do what you have to do, and you understand that it's terrible.", -1)
  14151. $end_multi_text
  14152. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14153. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14155. $Name: mw5-1: convoy
  14156. $Team: -1
  14157. $MessageNew: XSTR("Nullify the remaining convoy elements before they jump away, pilots. ", -1)
  14158. $end_multi_text
  14159. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14160. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14162. $Name: laporte: slaughter them all
  14163. $Team: -1
  14164. $MessageNew: XSTR("<open channel> Look at you burn...this is the price of choosing the wrong side!", -1)
  14165. $end_multi_text
  14166. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14168. $Name: mw5-1: wrap up fighters
  14169. $Team: -1
  14170. $MessageNew: XSTR("Convoy objective neutralized. Eliminate those fighters before they can jump away.", -1)
  14171. $end_multi_text
  14172. +Persona: Support Ship Vasudan
  14173. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14174. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14176. $Name: mw-5-1: convoy and fighters do
  14177. $Team: -1
  14178. $MessageNew: XSTR("We are performing thermal and LIDAR sweeps for convoy survivors. There is no time for SAR, so we'll need to sanitize any eyewitnesses. Operational success is contingent upon total secrecy.", -1)
  14179. $end_multi_text
  14180. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14181. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14183. $Name: wingman: silence!
  14184. $Team: -1
  14185. $MessageNew: XSTR("Have you mastered your bloodlust, Laporte, or has it mastered you?", -1)
  14186. $end_multi_text
  14187. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14188. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14190. $Name: mw5-2: in trouble
  14191. $Team: -1
  14192. $MessageNew: XSTR("Falcata, Midwinter 5-2, we are under heavy fire from convoy elements. Provide suppression. 5-2 clear.", -1)
  14193. $end_multi_text
  14194. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  14195. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  14197. $Name: mw5-2 lost
  14198. $Team: -1
  14199. $MessageNew: XSTR("No datalink, no beacon. Scratch Midwinter 5-2.", -1)
  14200. $end_multi_text
  14201. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14202. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14204. $Name: mw5-1: intermittent signal
  14205. $Team: -1
  14206. $MessageNew: XSTR("We are detecting an intermittent signal near the convoy wreckage. Frequency and pattern match Two Fleet suit distress beacons. It must be one of the Ridwan pilots.", -1)
  14207. $end_multi_text
  14208. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14209. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14211. $Name: al-da'wa: no time for SAR
  14212. $Team: -1
  14213. $MessageNew: XSTR("Well done, Fedayeen. Midwinter, clear the area immediately. Laporte, your wing may return to the Masyaf or linger and observe the aftermath. Do nothing to betray your presence - keep your weapons safe and stay far from any new arrivals.", -1)
  14214. $end_multi_text
  14215. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14217. $Name: ogdoad: targeting marines
  14218. $Team: -1
  14219. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> They're targeting the marine transports! We cannot hold them!", -1)
  14220. $end_multi_text
  14221. +AVI Name: Head-VC2
  14222. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14224. $Name: vidaura: minerkill 1
  14225. $Team: -1
  14226. $MessageNew: XSTR("Copy, target is primed. Going in hot.", -1)
  14227. $end_multi_text
  14228. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14229. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14231. $Name: vidaura: minerkill 2
  14232. $Team: -1
  14233. $MessageNew: XSTR("Breaking to engage infected Anuket!", -1)
  14234. $end_multi_text
  14235. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14236. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14238. $Name: vidaura: minerkill 3
  14239. $Team: -1
  14240. $MessageNew: XSTR("This should make a pretty good boom.", -1)
  14241. $end_multi_text
  14242. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14243. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14245. $Name: vidaura: miner dry
  14246. $Team: -1
  14247. $MessageNew: XSTR("That miner's still dry. Your call, Laporte.", -1)
  14248. $end_multi_text
  14249. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14250. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14252. $Name: falconer: minerkill 1
  14253. $Team: -1
  14254. $MessageNew: XSTR("They're going to feel this one when it goes off.", -1)
  14255. $end_multi_text
  14256. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14257. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14259. $Name: falconer: minerkill 2
  14260. $Team: -1
  14261. $MessageNew: XSTR("Guns, guns, guns!", -1)
  14262. $end_multi_text
  14263. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14264. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14266. $Name: falconer: minerkill3
  14267. $Team: -1
  14268. $MessageNew: XSTR("Keeping close formation around a flying bomb earns you a quick and stupid death.", -1)
  14269. $end_multi_text
  14270. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14271. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14273. $Name: falconer: miner dry?
  14274. $Team: -1
  14275. $MessageNew: XSTR("You want me to waste a perfectly good miner?", -1)
  14276. $end_multi_text
  14277. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14278. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14280. $Name: kovacs: minerkill 1
  14281. $Team: -1
  14282. $MessageNew: XSTR("This should do some organic damage.", -1)
  14283. $end_multi_text
  14284. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14285. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14287. $Name: kovacs: minerkill 2
  14288. $Team: -1
  14289. $MessageNew: XSTR("Live miner, locked up. Stand by.", -1)
  14290. $end_multi_text
  14291. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14292. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14294. $Name: kovacs: minerkill 3
  14295. $Team: -1
  14296. $MessageNew: XSTR("Tally that miner. Give me a few.", -1)
  14297. $end_multi_text
  14298. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14299. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14301. $Name: kovacs: miner dry
  14302. $Team: -1
  14303. $MessageNew: XSTR("Guess you don't want that one?", -1)
  14304. $end_multi_text
  14305. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14306. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14308. $Name: want to do this, or should we?
  14309. $Team: -1
  14310. $MessageNew: XSTR("Can you handle this, Laporte? If not, someone else will step up. We don't have time to think.", -1)
  14311. $end_multi_text
  14312. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14314. $Name: give us a minute
  14315. $Team: -1
  14316. $MessageNew: XSTR("Wait. Let's take a moment to set him at peace.", -1)
  14317. $end_multi_text
  14318. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14320. $Name: laporte: what can we tell him?
  14321. $Team: -1
  14322. $MessageNew: XSTR("What can we tell him that could possibly make this right?", -1)
  14323. $end_multi_text
  14324. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14326. $Name: the truth
  14327. $Team: -1
  14328. $MessageNew: XSTR("The truth.", -1)
  14329. $end_multi_text
  14330. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14332. $Name: stand easy, pilot
  14333. $Team: -1
  14334. $MessageNew: XSTR("Stand easy, pilot. We'll have you out of here in a moment. Your wingmen are waiting for you.", -1)
  14335. $end_multi_text
  14336. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14338. $Name: ejectee: what?
  14339. $Team: -1
  14340. $MessageNew: XSTR("Identify yourselves immediately! You're not going to get away with this!", -1)
  14341. $end_multi_text
  14342. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14344. $Name: you're an ironic hero
  14345. $Team: -1
  14346. $MessageNew: XSTR("You stumbled into a black op. You're something of an ironic hero, pilot. The debris from your fighter is going to convince the Vasudans that we died trying to save them. You might take them out of the war.", -1)
  14347. $end_multi_text
  14348. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14350. $Name: ejectee: i am?
  14351. $Team: -1
  14352. $MessageNew: XSTR("I'll believe it when I'm back on the Ridwan. Where's your SAR bird? Are the boss and Pox okay?", -1)
  14353. $end_multi_text
  14354. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14356. $Name: on the way
  14357. $Team: -1
  14358. $MessageNew: XSTR("They're on the way. Laporte, you want to give this fine soldier an ETA?", -1)
  14359. $end_multi_text
  14360. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14362. $Name: mercy kill complete
  14363. $Team: -1
  14364. $MessageNew: XSTR("Sorry, Laporte, but we don't have time to dawdle. Al-Da'wa will be disappointed in your hesitation. Let's move out.", -1)
  14365. $end_multi_text
  14366. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14368. $Name: you conduct mercy kill
  14369. $Team: -1
  14370. $MessageNew: XSTR("Rest in peace, little rat. Let's move.", -1)
  14371. $end_multi_text
  14372. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14374. $Name: vidaura: cruiser 1
  14375. $Team: -1
  14376. $MessageNew: XSTR("Warship hull attack confirmed.", -1)
  14377. $end_multi_text
  14378. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14379. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14381. $Name: vidaura: cruiser 2
  14382. $Team: -1
  14383. $MessageNew: XSTR("Eight months to build them, eight minutes to take them apart.", -1)
  14384. $end_multi_text
  14385. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14386. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14388. $Name: vidaura: cruiser 3
  14389. $Team: -1
  14390. $MessageNew: XSTR("Engaging warship now!", -1)
  14391. $end_multi_text
  14392. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14393. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14395. $Name: falconer: cruiser 1
  14396. $Team: -1
  14397. $MessageNew: XSTR("There are a thousand Vasudans on that obsolete hulk, and they're all mine.", -1)
  14398. $end_multi_text
  14399. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14400. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14402. $Name: falconer: cruiser 2
  14403. $Team: -1
  14404. $MessageNew: XSTR("I thought they decommissioned these things to use as mass graves?", -1)
  14405. $end_multi_text
  14406. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14407. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14409. $Name: falconer: cruiser 3
  14410. $Team: -1
  14411. $MessageNew: XSTR("A cruiser can do everything a wing of fighters can, and risk two hundred and fifty times as many crew! What's not to love?", -1)
  14412. $end_multi_text
  14413. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14414. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14416. $Name: kovacs: cruiser 1
  14417. $Team: -1
  14418. $MessageNew: XSTR("Plotting my attack.", -1)
  14419. $end_multi_text
  14420. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14421. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14423. $Name: kovacs: cruiser 2
  14424. $Team: -1
  14425. $MessageNew: XSTR("I hate beams. I hate pulse guns. I hate cruisers.", -1)
  14426. $end_multi_text
  14427. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14428. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14430. $Name: kovacs: cruiser 3
  14431. $Team: -1
  14432. $MessageNew: XSTR("Setting up for anti-warship run. Stand by.", -1)
  14433. $end_multi_text
  14434. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14435. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14437. $Name: vidaura: fighter 1
  14438. $Team: -1
  14439. $MessageNew: XSTR("Engaging Vasudan fighters!", -1)
  14440. $end_multi_text
  14441. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14442. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14444. $Name: vidaura: fighter 2
  14445. $Team: -1
  14446. $MessageNew: XSTR("Padlocking that Serapis.", -1)
  14447. $end_multi_text
  14448. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14449. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14451. $Name: falconer: fighter 1
  14452. $Team: -1
  14453. $MessageNew: XSTR("Is that a fighter or a stunt plane?", -1)
  14454. $end_multi_text
  14455. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14456. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14458. $Name: falconer: fighter 2
  14459. $Team: -1
  14460. $MessageNew: XSTR("At least they gave their new Anubis a thin target profile.", -1)
  14461. $end_multi_text
  14462. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14463. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14465. $Name: kovacs: fighter 1
  14466. $Team: -1
  14467. $MessageNew: XSTR("Bandit in my sights.", -1)
  14468. $end_multi_text
  14469. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14470. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14472. $Name: vidaura: engaging convoy
  14473. $Team: -1
  14474. $MessageNew: XSTR("Engaging convoy elements!", -1)
  14475. $end_multi_text
  14476. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14477. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14479. $Name: falconer: engaging convoy
  14480. $Team: -1
  14481. $MessageNew: XSTR("Ripping up the haulers. Good effect-per-munition ratio out here.", -1)
  14482. $end_multi_text
  14483. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14484. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14486. $Name: kovacs: engaging convoy
  14487. $Team: -1
  14488. $MessageNew: XSTR("Tackling soft targets.", -1)
  14489. $end_multi_text
  14490. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14491. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14493. $Name: wingman: too close!
  14494. $Team: -1
  14495. $MessageNew: XSTR("Laporte, we're too close to the AWACS. Detection risk is critical.", -1)
  14496. $end_multi_text
  14497. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  14499. $Name: wingman: that fast?
  14500. $Team: -1
  14501. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fair enough, Laporte. Dead is dead, whether or not we set his mind at ease first. Let's go.", -1)
  14502. $end_multi_text
  14503. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14505. $Name: vidaura: attacking rwbeta
  14506. $Team: -1
  14507. $MessageNew: XSTR("Sorry it had to be like this.", -1)
  14508. $end_multi_text
  14509. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14510. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14512. $Name: falconer: attacking twbeta
  14513. $Team: -1
  14514. $MessageNew: XSTR("Rolling in hot on friendlies. I don't get paid enough for this.", -1)
  14515. $end_multi_text
  14516. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14517. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14519. $Name: kovacs: attacking twbeta
  14520. $Team: -1
  14521. $MessageNew: XSTR("A target is a target. Going loud.", -1)
  14522. $end_multi_text
  14523. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14524. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14526. $Name: mw5-2: attacking cruisers
  14527. $Team: -1
  14528. $MessageNew: XSTR("Setting up to engage the cruiser. Stand by.", -1)
  14529. $end_multi_text
  14530. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  14531. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14533. $Name: mw5-2: attacking cruisers 2
  14534. $Team: -1
  14535. $MessageNew: XSTR("Warship target confirmed. Suppress those turrets.", -1)
  14536. $end_multi_text
  14537. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  14538. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14540. $Name: mw5-2: attacking AWACS
  14541. $Team: -1
  14542. $MessageNew: XSTR("Midwinter 5-2 is engaging the Tabia.", -1)
  14543. $end_multi_text
  14544. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  14545. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14547. $Name: mw5-2: attacking convoy elemen
  14548. $Team: -1
  14549. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fire mission on convoy elements confirmed. Stand by.", -1)
  14550. $end_multi_text
  14551. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  14552. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14554. $Name: mw5-1: you let one go
  14555. $Team: -1
  14556. $MessageNew: XSTR("An enemy vessel has jumped clear of the engagement zone with data that will betray our presence. All Fedayeen, break off the op and pull out. We have failed.", -1)
  14557. $end_multi_text
  14558. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14559. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  14561. $Name: laporte: god damn
  14562. $Team: -1
  14563. $MessageNew: XSTR("God DAMN it!", -1)
  14564. $end_multi_text
  14565. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14567. $Name: kovacs: poor bastards
  14568. $Team: -1
  14569. $MessageNew: XSTR("If you can't do this, Laporte, then we will. But we need to do the job before they jump home.", -1)
  14570. $end_multi_text
  14571. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14572. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14574. $Name: falconer: poor bastards
  14575. $Team: -1
  14576. $MessageNew: XSTR("They had to come looking, didn't they? They just had to. Laporte, if you can't stomach this, then let us take care of it.", -1)
  14577. $end_multi_text
  14578. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14579. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14581. $Name: vidaura: poor bastards
  14582. $Team: -1
  14583. $MessageNew: XSTR("I hate this part of the job. Laporte, if you don't want to pull the trigger, then let us do it. Just be quick, before they jump clear.", -1)
  14584. $end_multi_text
  14585. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14586. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14588. $Name: mw5-1: it's clear
  14589. $Team: -1
  14590. $MessageNew: XSTR("Area clear. No survivors. We are trawling and scrambling the undamaged black boxes with a Gef-make EMP effector.", -1)
  14591. $end_multi_text
  14592. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14593. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14595. $Name: mw5-1: chi 1 reset
  14596. $Team: -1
  14597. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 1 has purged its systems.", -1)
  14598. $end_multi_text
  14599. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14600. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14602. $Name: mw5-1: chi 2 reset
  14603. $Team: -1
  14604. $MessageNew: XSTR("Storage safeties back online on Chi 2.", -1)
  14605. $end_multi_text
  14606. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14607. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14609. $Name: mw5-1: chi 3 reset
  14610. $Team: -1
  14611. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 3's crew has overcome the viral strike!", -1)
  14612. $end_multi_text
  14613. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14614. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14616. $Name: mw5-1: chi 4 reset
  14617. $Team: -1
  14618. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 4 has completed viral immunity measures.", -1)
  14619. $end_multi_text
  14620. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14621. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14623. $Name: k+f1: falconer: lingering
  14624. $Team: -1
  14625. $MessageNew: XSTR("So we linger. Fair enough. Do you like to bask in the afterglow, Laporte?", -1)
  14626. $end_multi_text
  14627. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14628. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14630. $Name: k+f2: laporte: no, intel
  14631. $Team: -1
  14632. $MessageNew: XSTR("I want to confirm that our ruse worked, Falconer. Nothing more.", -1)
  14633. $end_multi_text
  14634. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14636. $Name: k+f3: kovacs: don't pretend
  14637. $Team: -1
  14638. $MessageNew: XSTR("We know what you are, Laporte. There's not one of us that doesn't carry the same brand. You don't need to justify yourself here.", -1)
  14639. $end_multi_text
  14640. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14641. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14643. $Name: k+f4: laporte: it's a drug
  14644. $Team: -1
  14645. $MessageNew: XSTR("I'm not going to pretend I'm not glad to be back in the fight. I didn't so much stop mourning as I did start itching to...get back to this. Wanted payback.", -1)
  14646. $end_multi_text
  14647. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14649. $Name: k+f5: falconer: always pass
  14650. $Team: -1
  14651. $MessageNew: XSTR("But like your Captain told you, Laporte, the high always passes. And so we fight on. Addicts, the lot of us.", -1)
  14652. $end_multi_text
  14653. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14654. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14656. $Name: k+f6: laporte: everything?
  14657. $Team: -1
  14658. $MessageNew: XSTR("How do you know she said that? What don't you people know?", -1)
  14659. $end_multi_text
  14660. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14662. $Name: k+f7: kovacs: we know you
  14663. $Team: -1
  14664. $MessageNew: XSTR("We know everything you've ever said into a COM, and more. We know who you are, who you love, and what you fear.", -1)
  14665. $end_multi_text
  14666. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14667. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14669. $Name: k+f8: falconer: no secrets
  14670. $Team: -1
  14671. $MessageNew: XSTR("We know everything you've ever said into a COM, and more. We know who you are, who you love, and what you fear. There are no secrets between Fedayeen - except when there must be.", -1)
  14672. $end_multi_text
  14673. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14674. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14676. $Name: k+f9: laporte: human?
  14677. $Team: -1
  14678. $MessageNew: XSTR("Al-Da'wa said that you...that we...were no longer human. If there are no secrets, then tell me what he meant.", -1)
  14679. $end_multi_text
  14680. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14682. $Name: k+f10: falconer: blade in hand
  14683. $Team: -1
  14684. $MessageNew: XSTR("We are a spear that needs no hand to guide it, Laporte.", -1)
  14685. $end_multi_text
  14686. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14687. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14689. $Name: k+f11: kovacs: what we are
  14690. $Team: -1
  14691. $MessageNew: XSTR("We are the castoffs of Ubuntu, gathered to do the things that Ubuntu cannot do and cannot know.", -1)
  14692. $end_multi_text
  14693. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14694. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14696. $Name: k+f12: falconer: sub, post
  14697. $Team: -1
  14698. $MessageNew: XSTR("We've been called subhuman. Maybe posthuman. We're a gang of ruthless motherfuckers, liberated from thousands of years of social programming to do whatever is necessary for human survival.", -1)
  14699. $end_multi_text
  14700. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14701. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14703. $Name: k+f13: kovacs: a code
  14704. $Team: -1
  14705. $MessageNew: XSTR("But there's a code. We do what is necessary, but we don't pretend what we do is right. We're monsters and we know it, and some day the universe will be a better place for our absence.", -1)
  14706. $end_multi_text
  14707. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14708. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14710. $Name: k+f14: laporte: cheerful
  14711. $Team: -1
  14712. $MessageNew: XSTR("That's cheery as a funeral...heads up, flash contact! Hostiles inbound!", -1)
  14713. $end_multi_text
  14714. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14716. $Name: f+v1: vidaura: lingering
  14717. $Team: -1
  14718. $MessageNew: XSTR("Are we waiting around to gather intel or to admire our handiwork, Laporte?", -1)
  14719. $end_multi_text
  14720. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14721. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14723. $Name: f+v2: laporte: intel
  14724. $Team: -1
  14725. $MessageNew: XSTR("I want to see how well our ruse goes down, Vidaura. I'm not in this for thrills.", -1)
  14726. $end_multi_text
  14727. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14729. $Name: f+v3: falconer: thrills?
  14730. $Team: -1
  14731. $MessageNew: XSTR("And yet you are thrilled. You can't help it. We're all the same way, don't have to hide it here.", -1)
  14732. $end_multi_text
  14733. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14734. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14736. $Name: f+v11: vidaura: castoffs
  14737. $Team: -1
  14738. $MessageNew: XSTR("We're...a failsafe for Ubuntu. We exist to do things so horrible that merely contemplating them would destroy Ubuntu society.", -1)
  14739. $end_multi_text
  14740. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14741. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14743. $Name: f+v13: vidaura: a code
  14744. $Team: -1
  14745. $MessageNew: XSTR("But we don't pretend we're good people. We want to be obsolete, Laporte. We are an abomination upon mankind, an ugly necessity that should have already been extinct.", -1)
  14746. $end_multi_text
  14747. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14748. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14750. $Name: k+v1: kovacs: she likes it
  14751. $Team: -1
  14752. $MessageNew: XSTR("Get comfortable, Vidaura. It looks like Laporte wants to take a few minutes to admire her handiwork.", -1)
  14753. $end_multi_text
  14754. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14755. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14757. $Name: k+v2: laporte: shut up kovacs
  14758. $Team: -1
  14759. $MessageNew: XSTR("Button it, Kovacs. We're here for post-op effectiveness assessment, not rubbernecking at debris.", -1)
  14760. $end_multi_text
  14761. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14763. $Name: k+v3: vidaura: play the pro
  14764. $Team: -1
  14765. $MessageNew: XSTR("I can hear your shame, Laporte...and it's out of place here. We all get that high. It's who we are.", -1)
  14766. $end_multi_text
  14767. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14768. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14770. $Name: k+v5: vidaura: it's okay
  14771. $Team: -1
  14772. $MessageNew: XSTR("And now you've got it. But like your Captain told you, Laporte, the high always passes, doesn't it?", -1)
  14773. $end_multi_text
  14774. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14775. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14777. $Name: k+v8: kovacs: no secrets
  14778. $Team: -1
  14779. $MessageNew: XSTR("We know everything you've ever said into a COM, Laporte. We know who you are, who you love, and what you fear. We don't keep secrets from each other...except when we agree to.", -1)
  14780. $end_multi_text
  14781. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14782. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14784. $Name: k+v10: kovacs: metaphor
  14785. $Team: -1
  14786. $MessageNew: XSTR("We're a self-operating, self-targeting, totally amoral contingency for the Elders.", -1)
  14787. $end_multi_text
  14788. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14789. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14791. $Name: k+v12: kovacs: sub, post
  14792. $Team: -1
  14793. $MessageNew: XSTR("People say that we're inhuman monsters. They're right. We use any means to achieve our ends...and I mean ANY means. Because our end is human survival.", -1)
  14794. $end_multi_text
  14795. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14796. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14798. $Name: kfv1: kovacs: ladies
  14799. $Team: -1
  14800. $MessageNew: XSTR("Heartrate at 180...endorphins way up. I never get tired of this rush. Bird, Virginia, you feeling it too?", -1)
  14801. $end_multi_text
  14802. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14803. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14805. $Name: kfv2: laporte: unseemly
  14806. $Team: -1
  14807. $MessageNew: XSTR("You know what, Kovacs, I'm not sure we should be savoring 'the rush' after killing a few thousand people.", -1)
  14808. $end_multi_text
  14809. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14811. $Name: capricorn: convoy gone
  14812. $Team: -1
  14813. $MessageNew: XSTR("Oh, hell, something wasted the convoy. Total loss, not even any suit beacons. Fuck! I had two squadmates rotating back in!", -1)
  14814. $end_multi_text
  14815. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  14816. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14818. $Name: gemini: what is this
  14819. $Team: -1
  14820. $MessageNew: XSTR("This is Kappa wing of the 490th Squadron, GVD Shepseskaf. What happened to the convoy, Terrans?", -1)
  14821. $end_multi_text
  14822. +AVI Name: Head-VP1
  14823. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14825. $Name: capricorn: you tell us
  14826. $Team: -1
  14827. $MessageNew: XSTR("You tell me, pilot! We were scrambled as soon as Admiral Recamai deigned to relay the convoy's contact report to Artemis Station! I guess he was a little slow!", -1)
  14828. $end_multi_text
  14829. +AVI Name: Head-TP8
  14830. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14832. $Name: gemini: do not blame
  14833. $Team: -1
  14834. $MessageNew: XSTR("This is impossible. We received a contact report and datalink telemetry indicating a small Gaian Effort attack before all transmissions ceased. They could not have overcome the convoy alone!", -1)
  14835. $end_multi_text
  14836. +AVI Name: Head-VP1
  14837. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14839. $Name: pisces: everyone clear area
  14840. $Team: -1
  14841. $MessageNew: XSTR("All units, this is Alpha wing of the 13th Eidolon, Special Operations Command. Clear the area. We are assuming command of the loss investigation by order of CINCSOL, Admiral Steele.", -1)
  14842. $end_multi_text
  14843. +AVI Name: Head-TP7
  14844. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14846. $Name: gemini: this will be pursued
  14847. $Team: -1
  14848. $MessageNew: XSTR("Very well. But this tragedy will be answered matter who is responsible. We were given guarantees of safety. They have been abrogated!", -1)
  14849. $end_multi_text
  14850. +AVI Name: Head-VP1
  14851. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14853. $Name: caedus 1: debris
  14854. $Team: -1
  14855. $MessageNew: XSTR("I'm reading no survivors. Whoever did this was thorough. Covered his tracks.", -1)
  14856. $end_multi_text
  14857. +AVI Name: Head-TP6
  14858. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14860. $Name: caedus 2: UEF wreckage
  14861. $Team: -1
  14862. $MessageNew: XSTR("I've got some Federation fighter wreckage here. Could this have been a Buntu strike op? It fits the old Wargods profile.", -1)
  14863. $end_multi_text
  14864. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14865. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14867. $Name: caedus 3: trawl
  14868. $Team: -1
  14869. $MessageNew: XSTR("Negative on that. I trawled the black boxes in the debris. These Fed fighters were trying to assist the convoy. Something scrambled the boxes pretty bad...looks like a directed EMP pulse. I'm thinking Gefs.", -1)
  14870. $end_multi_text
  14871. +AVI Name: Head-TP4
  14872. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14874. $Name: caedus 4: sophisticated
  14875. $Team: -1
  14876. $MessageNew: XSTR("Forensics package is reading damage from some very sophisticated weapons...not normal Gef issue. But I've definitely got drive residue from Scimitars here.", -1)
  14877. $end_multi_text
  14878. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  14879. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14881. $Name: corona 1: damn it
  14882. $Team: -1
  14883. $MessageNew: XSTR("You think it was the Kostadin Gefs? Maybe they're still taking weapon handouts from Federation Intelligence...still running hits for them.", -1)
  14884. $end_multi_text
  14885. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14886. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14888. $Name: auriga 1: cut them loose
  14889. $Team: -1
  14890. $MessageNew: XSTR("MacDuff's a bigger lunatic than Bosch. If he thinks he can destroy both sides by playing the middle, he'll do it. Commander, I think Kostadin's running a double-cross.", -1)
  14891. $end_multi_text
  14892. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14893. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14895. $Name: corona 1: steele's call
  14896. $Team: -1
  14897. $MessageNew: XSTR("You don't get paid to think, pilots. The strategic utility of Kostadin Cell is up to the Admiral. Continue your sweep, Eidolons.", -1)
  14898. $end_multi_text
  14899. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14900. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14902. $Name: laporte: seen enough
  14903. $Team: -1
  14904. $MessageNew: XSTR("I've seen enough. Let's scram before they identify us.", -1)
  14905. $end_multi_text
  14906. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14908. $Name: al-da'wa: fool!
  14909. $Team: -1
  14910. $MessageNew: XSTR("Fool! You have been detected! Your negligence has made this victory into a crushing defeat!", -1)
  14911. $end_multi_text
  14912. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  14914. $Name: mw5-1: four minute warning
  14915. $Team: -1
  14916. $MessageNew: XSTR("Four minutes to convoy jump. Make sure you're leveraging the gunboat and your wingmen, Falcata 1.", -1)
  14917. $end_multi_text
  14918. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  14919. +Wave Name: alarm1.ogg
  14921. $Name: rwb1: bugging out!
  14922. $Team: -1
  14923. $MessageNew: XSTR("Drive ready! Jumping clear!", -1)
  14924. $end_multi_text
  14925. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14926. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14928. $Name: rwb2: bugging out
  14929. $Team: -1
  14930. $MessageNew: XSTR("Someone's got to see this! Jumping home!", -1)
  14931. $end_multi_text
  14932. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14933. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14935. $Name: rwb3: bugging out
  14936. $Team: -1
  14937. $MessageNew: XSTR("I'm out! Jumping to the Ridwan!", -1)
  14938. $end_multi_text
  14939. +AVI Name: Head-TP3
  14940. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14942. $Name: kovacs: engage all
  14943. $Team: -1
  14944. $MessageNew: XSTR("Picking my targets now.", -1)
  14945. $end_multi_text
  14946. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14947. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14949. $Name: falconer: engage all
  14950. $Team: -1
  14951. $MessageNew: XSTR("They're all mine!", -1)
  14952. $end_multi_text
  14953. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14954. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14956. $Name: vidaura: engage all
  14957. $Team: -1
  14958. $MessageNew: XSTR("Engaging at will. Call me if you need me.", -1)
  14959. $end_multi_text
  14960. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14961. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14963. $Name: kovacs: keep it cool
  14964. $Team: -1
  14965. $MessageNew: XSTR("If revenge helps you get the job done, then take your revenge. But don't get lost in it.", -1)
  14966. $end_multi_text
  14967. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14968. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14970. $Name: vidaura: keep it cool
  14971. $Team: -1
  14972. $MessageNew: XSTR("Be careful, Laporte. Master your bloodlust before it masters you. You can't kill for the wrong reasons.", -1)
  14973. $end_multi_text
  14974. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14975. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14977. $Name: kovacs: engage all 2
  14978. $Team: -1
  14979. $MessageNew: XSTR("Uh-huh. Going loud.", -1)
  14980. $end_multi_text
  14981. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  14982. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14984. $Name: falconer: engage all 2
  14985. $Team: -1
  14986. $MessageNew: XSTR("I am the last thing they'll never see.", -1)
  14987. $end_multi_text
  14988. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  14989. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14991. $Name: vidaura: engage all 2
  14992. $Team: -1
  14993. $MessageNew: XSTR("Open season, roger.", -1)
  14994. $end_multi_text
  14995. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  14996. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  14998. $Name: vidaura: no ghosts
  14999. $Team: -1
  15000. $MessageNew: XSTR("Laporte. I can promise you that one of us will make sure their families learn that they died heroes. Unwitting heroes, maybe, but heroes.", -1)
  15001. $end_multi_text
  15002. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  15003. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15005. $Name: heket: incoming bad
  15006. $Team: -1
  15007. $MessageNew: XSTR("<intercepted> All Bellwether elements, engage at will. Tabia, relay immediate to the Shepseskaf: we are under attack by Kostadin Cell!", -1)
  15008. $end_multi_text
  15009. +AVI Name: Head-VC
  15010. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15012. $Name: midwinter 5-1: ridwan escaped
  15013. $Team: -1
  15014. $MessageNew: XSTR("One of the Ridwan Beta fighters has jumped away. The sensor records on that ship will reveal Fedayeen involvement in this attack, that information will reach the Vasudans, and this war is over. Congratulations, Laporte.", -1)
  15015. $end_multi_text
  15016. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  15017. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  15019. $Name: laporte: couldn't do it
  15020. $Team: -1
  15021. $MessageNew: XSTR("I couldn't do it. I'll never do it.", -1)
  15022. $end_multi_text
  15024. $Name: mw 5-1: convoy breaking up
  15025. $Team: -1
  15026. $MessageNew: XSTR("Heads up, operators. The convoy is scattering. Check your directives list for the targeting hotkey.", -1)
  15027. $end_multi_text
  15028. +AVI Name: Head-CM4
  15029. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  15031. $Name: kovacs: blast it
  15032. $Team: -1
  15033. $MessageNew: XSTR("They're going to be scattered over a forty-klick volume. Let's pick up the pace before they get too far, Falcata.", -1)
  15034. $end_multi_text
  15035. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  15036. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15038. $Name: falconer: blast it
  15039. $Team: -1
  15040. $MessageNew: XSTR("Once they leave formation they're easy pickings. Let's get on it, Fedayeen.", -1)
  15041. $end_multi_text
  15042. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  15043. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15045. $Name: kovacs: forming up
  15046. $Team: -1
  15047. $MessageNew: XSTR("Rallying on you, Laporte.", -1)
  15048. $end_multi_text
  15049. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  15050. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15052. $Name: falconer: forming up
  15053. $Team: -1
  15054. $MessageNew: XSTR("Sure, closing it up.", -1)
  15055. $end_multi_text
  15056. +AVI Name: Head-TP2
  15057. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15059. $Name: vidaura: forming up
  15060. $Team: -1
  15061. $MessageNew: XSTR("Right behind you, lead.", -1)
  15062. $end_multi_text
  15063. +AVI Name: Head-TP5
  15064. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15066. $Name: timer left
  15067. $Team: -1
  15068. $MessageNew: XSTR("$convoytimer minutes", -1)
  15069. $end_multi_text
  15071. $Name: mw 5-2: refusing order
  15072. $Team: -1
  15073. $MessageNew: XSTR("That's a negative, Falcata 1. You need to destroy or infect that AWACS before we can engage.", -1)
  15074. $end_multi_text
  15075. +AVI Name: Head-CM5
  15076. +Wave Name: non_critical_med.ogg
  15078. $Name: convoy destroyed
  15079. $Team: -1
  15080. $MessageNew: XSTR("Convoy destroyed.", -1)
  15081. $end_multi_text
  15083. $Name: wingmen moving to avoid
  15084. $Team: -1
  15085. $MessageNew: XSTR("Falcata 1, be advised we're joining up with Midwinter to avoid the convoy's flight path. Signal when ready.", -1)
  15086. $end_multi_text
  15087. +AVI Name: Head-TP1
  15088. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15090. $Name: heket vstat message
  15091. $Team: -1
  15092. $MessageNew: XSTR("GVC Heket: $heketv", -1)
  15093. $end_multi_text
  15095. $Name: ogdoad vstat message
  15096. $Team: -1
  15097. $MessageNew: XSTR("GVC Ogdoad: $ogdoadv", -1)
  15098. $end_multi_text
  15100. $Name: chi 1 vstat message
  15101. $Team: -1
  15102. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 1: $chi1v", -1)
  15103. $end_multi_text
  15105. $Name: chi2 vstat message
  15106. $Team: -1
  15107. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 2: $chi2v", -1)
  15108. $end_multi_text
  15110. $Name: chi3 vstat message
  15111. $Team: -1
  15112. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 3: $chi3v", -1)
  15113. $end_multi_text
  15115. $Name: chi4 vstat message
  15116. $Team: -1
  15117. $MessageNew: XSTR("Chi 4: $chi4v", -1)
  15118. $end_multi_text
  15120. $Name: laporte: no shooting
  15121. $Team: -1
  15122. $MessageNew: XSTR("Okay, Falcata. No gunfire until that AWACS is down. Let's execute.", -1)
  15123. $end_multi_text
  15124. +Wave Name: emptymsg.ogg
  15126. #Reinforcements ;! 0 total
  15129. #Background bitmaps ;! 0 total
  15131. $Num stars: 500
  15132. $Ambient light level: 7895160
  15134. #Asteroid Fields
  15136. #Music
  15138. $Event Music: None
  15139. $Briefing Music: Brief3
  15140. $Fiction Viewer Music: Fiction1
  15142. #End
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