
Log entries for Kawaii_wolf666

Nov 14th, 2017
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  1. [16:20:41] [main/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
  2. [16:20:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria:
  3. [16:20:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: They would have answered by now, @tforce05, stop spamming chat :-P
  4. [16:21:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » NobuKat has joined the network.
  5. [16:21:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7tforce05§7: sorry @Cluracan
  6. [16:21:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Kawaii_wolf666 has joined the network.
  7. [16:21:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » The_High_Gnome has joined the network.
  8. [16:21:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Is NobuKat the new name for DuckyGymnast?
  9. [16:21:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: Not to my knowledge
  10. [16:21:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « The_High_Gnome has left the network.
  11. [16:22:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: jfc how big are these spruce??
  12. --
  13. [16:22:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: I am so glad she did not get bmod
  14. [16:22:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: She has no idea Lycheeee and I are asian XD
  15. [16:22:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « MadFieldy has left the network.
  16. [16:22:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: lmao
  17. [16:22:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: wait wut?
  18. [16:22:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: who has heard of the It movie
  19. [16:22:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: wtf are they on about?
  20. [16:22:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Gabeoss§7: @LustinJane add me oo62 gabe
  21. [16:22:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » ZestyPotato has joined the network.
  22. [16:22:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Which one, @Kawaii_wolf666?
  23. [16:23:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « ZestyPotato has left the network.
  24. [16:23:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: I have in chat last time somone asked that question
  25. [16:23:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: This was what happened in chat beforehand, she asked if anyone had a good name for a pet
  26. [16:23:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria:
  27. [16:23:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: the 2017 one
  28. [16:23:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Heh, I didn't know iLychee was, but I suspected.
  29. [16:23:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Gabeoss§7: @LustinJane 0062 gabe
  30. [16:23:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » ZestyPotato has joined the network.
  31. [16:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Galacticaa has joined the network.
  32. [16:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Galacticaa has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  33. --
  34. [16:27:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Welcome @fei97
  35. [16:27:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Maybe a free source of food for noobs?
  36. [16:27:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Dunno
  37. [16:28:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: yeah @OwlyGem I feel this server has the right mix of vanilla and plugins
  38. [16:28:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] SkiIIi3s_ has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge]
  39. [16:28:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: hey @fei97
  40. [16:28:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] **Dodged**
  41. [16:28:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: i hear chickens but see no chickens
  42. [16:28:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  43. [16:28:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §e§lJOIN THE STAFF TEAM!\n §7Applications open on the 10th of each month!
  44. [16:28:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  45. --
  46. [16:33:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CoreProtect - Lookup searching. Please wait...
  47. [16:33:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ----- CoreProtect Lookup Results -----
  48. [16:33:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0.03/h ago - OwlyGem removed stone.
  49. [16:33:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ^ (x-2398/y59/z-2317/Survival)
  50. [16:33:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Page 9/18. View older data by typing "/co l <page>".
  51. [16:33:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: hey @OwlyGem
  52. [16:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CoreProtect - Lookup searching. Please wait...
  53. [16:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ----- CoreProtect Lookup Results -----
  54. [16:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0.02/h ago - OwlyGem removed grass.
  55. [16:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ^ (x-2393/y63/z-2305/Survival)
  56. [16:33:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0.03/h ago - OwlyGem removed stone.
  57. --
  58. [16:38:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: $7.5k to go for next rank, though. :-P
  59. [16:38:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] OwlyGem has made the advancement [Isn't It Iron Pick]
  60. [16:38:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] OwlyGem has made the advancement [Stone Age]
  61. [16:38:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: yeah those rankups are expensive
  62. [16:38:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: how about a donation clu
  63. [16:38:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: where are the shears?
  64. [16:39:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: gg @OwlyGem !
  65. [16:39:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] yesoptus123 has made the advancement [Hot Stuff]
  66. [16:39:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Nup @bumblebee361
  67. [16:39:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: As a soon-to-be-bMod, you should know that asking for free things is against server rules.
  68. [16:39:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: I meant for you
  69. [16:39:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CoreProtect - Inspector now enabled.
  70. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CoreProtect - No block data found for this location.
  71. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] **YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
  72. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ----- CoreProtect ----- (x-2522/y64/z-2323)
  73. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0.06/h ago - Kawaii_wolf666 removed crops.
  74. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 19.52/h ago - mewiebowie placed crops.
  75. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 19.54/h ago - cluez removed crops.
  76. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 21.54/h ago - Quackaz placed crops.
  77. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 21.55/h ago - Quackaz removed crops.
  78. [16:39:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 23.92/h ago - jrichcuzz placed crops.
  79. --
  80. [16:39:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§6G§franny§6M§finley§7: lmao
  81. [16:39:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » MiniBeefDimSim has joined the network.
  82. [16:40:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: lol, I still need like 150 gold ores and 90 witch kills
  83. [16:40:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: I got time. :-P
  84. [16:40:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Yeah those dammed witches are a killer
  85. [16:40:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fYou gonna replant this wheat?
  86. [16:40:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: wait till ghasts
  87. [16:40:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: probs spent 6 hours or so at yamps dark room
  88. [16:40:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: ghasts are adorable
  89. [16:40:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: still got 16 to go
  90. [16:40:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Yeah, I had a rough time with ghasts in the last map
  91. --
  92. [16:41:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Reynbow has left the network.
  93. [16:41:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: ...but I only got 25 ghasts?
  94. [16:42:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Yes
  95. [16:42:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleporting...
  96. [16:42:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: 112 and I asked for that change on night 1 or 2 of the new ranking system
  97. [16:42:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fYou still need to replant the wheat
  98. [16:42:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: uh hello
  99. [16:42:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: We were both dragonslayers by then anyway
  100. [16:42:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: uh hi
  101. [16:42:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » fei97 has joined the network.
  102. [16:42:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « fei97 has left the network.
  103. [16:42:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  104. [16:42:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Galacticaa has made the advancement [Enchanter]
  105. [16:42:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  106. [16:42:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: But we felt that whatever it used to be was nuts lmao
  107. [16:42:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Can you respond to my PM, @Kawaii_wolf666?
  108. [16:42:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Reaction » ArcticAria unscrambled the word silk in 3.15 seconds!
  109. [16:42:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  110. [16:42:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Jdawgggg has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  111. [16:42:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: Is it about Kawaii_wolf666 CONSTANTLY not replanting, and breaking soil blocks and all?
  112. [16:43:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: can you go
  113. [16:43:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Sure. I'll just pop you in jail on the way, ok?
  114. [16:43:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ArcticAria has vanished.
  115. [16:43:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] jail1 sol1 sol2 jail2
  116. [16:43:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » tforce05 is no longer AFK.
  117. [16:43:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: no thanks
  118. [16:43:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Then answer my PM
  119. [16:43:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Or I *will* pop you in jail until you do.
  120. [16:43:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: get him wolf
  121. [16:44:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CAMM_ has vanished.
  122. [16:44:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Player Kawaii_wolf666 jailed.
  123. [16:44:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: what lol
  124. [16:44:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Ok then
  125. [16:44:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: get em clu
  126. [16:44:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: sic em
  127. [16:44:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: I did
  128. [16:44:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: grr grr grrr *bark bark*
  129. [16:44:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§6G§franny§6M§finley§7: bork bork
  130. [16:44:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported to 'jail' in 0 seconds.
  131. [16:44:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have cooled down, feel free to use warps again.
  132. [16:44:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: I'm in jail no
  133. [16:44:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Want to answer my PM yet?
  134. [16:44:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: HI CAMM
  135. [16:45:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » CAMM_: HI CLUU
  136. [16:45:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7tforce05§7: can u report lag haha
  137. [16:45:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Nah
  138. --
  139. [16:45:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] fei97 has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
  140. [16:45:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: flog flog
  141. [16:45:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported to 'mystorage' in 0 seconds.
  142. [16:45:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to 'mystorage', Cluracan.
  143. [16:45:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have cooled down, feel free to use warps again.
  144. [16:45:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: can I come out
  145. [16:45:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Noo never dig straight down OwlyGem!!!
  146. [16:45:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: i always do
  147. [16:45:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  148. [16:45:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Jdawgggg has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  149. [16:45:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Not until you answer my PM, @Kawaii_wolf666
  150. [16:45:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: ITS HOW I DIG BABY
  151. [16:45:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ----- Container Transactions ----- (x-2528/y56/z-2707)
  152. [16:45:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 2.11/h ago - Cluracan added x49 cobblestone.
  153. [16:45:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 2.11/h ago - Cluracan removed x60 cobblestone.
  154. [16:45:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 2.13/h ago - Cluracan removed x64 cobblestone.
  155. --
  156. [16:46:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Hahaha
  157. [16:46:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported to 'clufarm' in 0 seconds.
  158. [16:46:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Welcome to 'clufarm', Cluracan.
  159. [16:46:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have cooled down, feel free to use warps again.
  160. [16:46:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » iLycheeee has joined the network.
  161. [16:46:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: @Kawaii_wolf666 do you know how to respond to private messages?
  162. [16:46:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: wb @iLycheeee
  163. [16:46:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7SkiIIi3s_§7: @Camm how do you chec kyour hours on the server again?
  164. [16:46:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: ./arank
  165. [16:46:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: I have to admit that I dig down a lot and enjoy the suspense
  166. [16:46:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: no I new around here
  167. [16:46:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » DuctTape_ has joined the network.
  168. [16:46:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Don't give him an out. :-P If they didn't know what PM was, they'd have asked by now, I'd have thought.
  169. [16:46:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: same hahaa
  170. [16:46:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7SkiIIi3s_§7: ty bb <3
  171. [16:47:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: And careful, there's your best friend.
  172. --
  173. [16:47:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: nope.avi
  174. [16:47:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: You can chat about sciene all night?
  175. [16:47:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: science*
  176. [16:47:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: *sigh*
  177. [16:47:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7ZestyPotato§7: anyone near a ice spikes????
  178. [16:47:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: I'm hungry I'm going to die
  179. [16:48:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: i can smell piss...
  180. [16:48:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CAMM_ has become visible.
  181. [16:48:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Then answer my private message, @Kawaii_wolf666
  182. [16:48:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7§lDeath §b§l» §ftforce05§7 §7was §7no §7match §7for §7the §7skeleton§e
  183. [16:48:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  184. [16:48:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Oh yeah @Camm ive been meaning to tell you my /arank time is a tad broken
  185. [16:48:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Can they die inside jail?
  186. [16:48:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: then how do I do it
  187. [16:48:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  188. [16:48:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Jdawgggg has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  189. [16:48:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « fei97 has left the network.
  190. [16:48:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Do you mean its different compared to your hover?
  191. [16:48:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » fei97 has joined the network.
  192. --
  193. [16:48:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Yeah almost doubled
  194. [16:48:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT]
  195. [16:48:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Vallopejiino has left the network.
  196. [16:48:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Yeah
  197. [16:49:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: You type /msg <name> <message>
  198. [16:49:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fAnd it shows up like this.
  199. [16:49:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT]
  200. [16:49:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fSo /msg cluracan <message>
  201. [16:49:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Aria) fuck me he actually did ask me a science question
  202. [16:49:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Cluracan) LOL
  203. [16:49:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  204. [16:49:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Camm) Just say no?
  205. [16:49:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  206. [16:49:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Jdawgggg has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  207. [16:49:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Cluracan) Just say you're too busy to chat?
  208. [16:49:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Camm) Like if its simple shit like that, he should just google it :L
  209. [16:50:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: I can't do it in this area
  210. [16:50:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Aria) I'm too nice
  211. [16:50:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Can they not PM in jail?
  212. [16:50:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7§lDeath §b§l» §ftforce05§7 §7took §7an §7arrow §7to §7the §7shoulder, §7leg, §7chest, §7face, §7stomach... §7and §7knee.
  213. [16:50:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: @Kawaii_wolf666 type /r <message>
  214. [16:50:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: I know /r works for sure
  215. [16:50:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: kk
  216. [16:50:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Type!
  217. [16:50:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §f<message>
  218. [16:50:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Reaction » DuctTape_ won in 2.47 seconds!
  219. [16:50:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Jdawgggg§7: sales
  220. [16:50:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fThere you go. Now put something in there other than <message>
  221. [16:50:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « iLycheeee has left the network.
  222. [16:51:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » TheSt0ryTeller has joined the network.
  223. [16:51:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Anyone wanna spin some tunes with me?
  224. [16:51:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » fei97 has joined the network.
  225. [16:51:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « fei97 has left the network.
  226. --
  227. [16:51:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: :D
  228. [16:51:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: XD
  229. [16:51:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « LustinJane has left the network.
  230. [16:51:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Vallopejiino has joined the network.
  231. [16:51:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] (Camm) Well being nice won't help them learn things :P
  232. [16:51:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Kawaii_wolf666 has left the network.
  233. [16:51:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fGabeoss§7 §7was §7pierced §7by §7a §7skeleton's§f §farrow
  234. [16:51:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Bai Kawaii
  235. [16:51:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: So what was this Kawaii thing about?
  236. [16:51:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Gabeoss§7: tpa/ lustinjane
  237. [16:51:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Missed some wheat at clufarm
  238. --
  239. [16:51:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §c§lBuilder §4§l» §7§2Postman§fCap§7: Welcome!
  240. [16:51:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: They constantly do that, miss crops in general
  241. [16:51:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Welcome @Vallopejiino :)
  242. [16:51:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » darkfluro has joined the network.
  243. [16:52:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Vallopejiino§7: thank you fine gentlemen
  244. [16:52:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Scanning Kawaii_wolf666. [Online] [Offline] [Banned]
  245. [16:52:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Kawaii_wolf666
  246. [16:52:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CAMM_ has vanished.
  247. [16:52:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Vallopejiino has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
  248. [16:52:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Vallopejiino has made the advancement [Stone Age]
  249. [16:52:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Nothing to pass through
  250. [16:52:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: i've sent offline mails to her to get her to replant but most of the time another nice player fixes the damage before she comes on to rectify her mistake
  251. [16:52:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: The bottom line though is that it happens way too often
  252. [16:52:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: fuck her shit up
  253. [16:52:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Kawaii_wolf666 has joined the network.
  254. [16:52:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: TOO RIGHT, MINLEY
  255. [16:52:43] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: Ah there she is
  256. [16:52:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7DuctTape_§7: who ever chose the music
  257. [16:52:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7DuctTape_§7: jeez
  258. [16:53:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: hi this is kawaii's older brother, just wondering why shes in
  259. [16:53:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Um, I'm the only one here, @DuctTape_ :-P
  260. [16:53:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: "jail" ?
  261. [16:53:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7DuctTape_§7: ok
  262. [16:53:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7DuctTape_§7: you will be
  263. [16:53:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: oof
  264. [16:53:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You will be teleported to 'jail' in 0 seconds.
  265. [16:53:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You have cooled down, feel free to use warps again.
  266. --
  267. [16:53:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: Would you mind asking "him" if he plays here as well?
  268. [16:53:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  269. [16:53:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §c§lSTAY UP TO DATE\n §7Sign up for our forums!
  270. [16:53:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  271. [16:53:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: I think Kawaii plays with someone else
  272. [16:53:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: shes 8, and doesn't understand what is going on.
  273. [16:53:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: aw man i cant buy sand
  274. [16:53:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] »»» ZhaiBoyy has joined Survival for the first time!
  275. [16:53:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fShe refused to answer my PMs. I wanted her to replant some wheat at a public farm for the next person.
  276. [16:53:55] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: mountains are not a great place for sand
  277. [16:53:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Welcome @ZhaiBoyy :D
  278. [16:53:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: hi zhaiboy!
  279. [16:53:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « The_High_Gnome has left the network.
  280. [16:54:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Welcome @ZhaiBoyy
  281. [16:54:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  282. [16:54:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: if shes 8 and doesnt understand whats going on, then she shouldnt be playing mc
  283. [16:54:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fI gave her about 4 chances to answer me.
  284. [16:54:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ZhaiBoyy has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
  285. [16:54:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: i don't think she knows how to do that.
  286. [16:54:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: Much like Massive_Block_Head
  287. [16:54:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: she is 8, new to minecraft. I doubt she knows whats going on.
  288. [16:54:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: @Kawaii_wolf666 Use ./r <message> to reply to a PM
  289. [16:54:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » NobuKat has joined the network.
  290. [16:54:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « DuctTape_ has left the network.
  291. [16:54:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » CAMM_: Jesus stupidness must run in the FAMIRY
  292. [16:54:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fGabeoss§7 §7was §7no §7match §7for §7the §7skeleton§e
  293. [16:54:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: A_Headless_Monk is 6, but his parents taught him how to play at least
  294. [16:54:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: And replant and stuff
  295. [16:54:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: they spell new the same
  296. [16:54:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: yeah then it is a private conversation
  297. [16:54:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: As for farms, I don't think she realises you have to replant them.
  298. [16:55:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: back to death mining
  299. [16:55:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: -.-
  300. [16:55:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  301. [16:55:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [XrayInformer] Player Jdawgggg has higher than average stats for emerald, and may be a cheater. Watch carefully.
  302. [16:55:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fWell, then maybe she shouldn't be on a public Internet server. Do you play on here?
  303. [16:55:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: I need people thoughts: Go to Taekwondo and Jujitsu or stay on this and grind witches?
  304. [16:55:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: WB @Jdawgggg
  305. [16:55:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: go to irl exercise
  306. [16:55:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Taekwondo and jujitsu...
  307. [16:55:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: except you repeatedly tell her
  308. [16:55:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: ^
  309. [16:55:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Like
  310. [16:55:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fAlso, use /r <message> to reply back to privately
  311. [16:55:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Witches are gonna take forever anyway
  312. [16:55:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§6G§franny§6M§finley§7: I do crazy-fu
  313. [16:55:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  314. [16:55:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] » 2minCupNoodles has joined the network.
  315. [16:55:44] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Do something productive haha
  316. [16:55:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §72minCupNoodles§7: hahahahahaha
  317. [16:55:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7§6Fluro§7: farming witches is productive?
  318. [16:55:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§6G§franny§6M§finley§7: shanking ho's
  319. [16:55:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fto suggest an 8 year old cannot play a kids game is a bit unfair.
  320. [16:55:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7tforce05§7: jdawgggg is lagging so much sorry for spam
  321. [16:56:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: Well with an outstanding number of votes looks like im going
  322. [16:56:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: I dunno man, I didn't feel productive grinding for a week straight to rank up past warrior
  323. [16:56:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fI would assume this server would be accostumed to children playing.
  324. [16:56:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fI'm not suggesting she not play Minecraft. But this is the Internet. We try to keep it kid friendly, but there's no guarantees about what she'll read here.
  325. [16:56:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fOur youngest players tend to be 14+. And I'm one of the oldest, at 43.
  326. [16:56:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7§6Fluro§7: truuu
  327. [16:57:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7bumblebee361§7: See you guys later
  328. [16:57:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] * bumblebee361 waves *
  329. [16:57:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §3§lWarrior §b§l» §7yampertx§7: cya
  330. [16:57:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: good riddance
  331. [16:57:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fshe knows to ignore any bad language. that's besides the point, shes in "jail" for something she didnt understand
  332. [16:57:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: i man
  333. [16:57:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: *mean
  334. [16:57:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Cya @bumblebee361 :)
  335. [16:57:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: bye LOL
  336. [16:57:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] * yampertx waves back *
  337. --
  338. [16:57:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§6G§franny§6M§finley§7: <3
  339. [16:57:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Vote » LoadedPig56 has voted at! Thanks for supporting the server!
  340. [16:57:39] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « ZestyPotato has left the network.
  341. [16:57:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « bumblebee361 has left the network.
  342. [16:57:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Vote » LoadedPig56 has voted at! Thanks for supporting the server!
  343. [16:57:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fReplanting at public farms is one of our rules. If she doesn't want to replant, then she should make her own in her own area.
  344. [16:58:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « SkiIIi3s_ has left the network.
  345. [16:58:11] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: OOOH HOHOHO i nearly dug into a lava pit
  346. [16:58:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f§lMusketeer §b§l» §7§fCamm§7: Haha
  347. [16:58:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Cluracan: You reading all this, Camm?
  348. [16:58:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7OwlyGem§7: good thing I stopped...
  349. --
  350. [16:58:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] OwlyGem has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
  351. [16:58:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « MiniBeefDimSim has left the network.
  352. [16:58:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Reaction » yampertx unscrambled the word toy in 4.96 seconds!
  353. [16:58:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « TheSt0ryTeller has left the network.
  354. [16:58:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » Minley: *waits with excitement*
  355. [16:58:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fOk this is such a petty issue. It's a pixelated kids game. Must be bored to imprison a kid over a virtual plant lol.
  356. [16:59:14] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fNope. But if she doesn't replant, then it's not there for the next person. Hardly fair if she doesn't do it while everyone else does.
  357. [16:59:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] CAMM_ has become visible.
  358. [16:59:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fAnd an 8 year old can certainly understand rules; this is one of ours.
  359. [16:59:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7Kawaii_wolf666§7: Again, she is 8. She is just playing for fun. She didn't mean any harm. And doesn't know how to play properly.
  360. [16:59:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » ArcticAria: they clearly know to replant lmfao
  361. [16:59:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fsurely you can just replant stuff being a mod and all...
  362. [17:00:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » CAMM_: Just end the convo, Clu
  363. [17:00:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §bKawaii_wolf666 §7-> §aMe§7: §fim going to take her off this server. This is ridiculous lol. and you're 48? wtf. get a life lol
  364. [17:00:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fAnd if I did that for every player on this server, I'd never do anything else. People are responsible for their own replanting. Also, she's replanted before.
  365. [17:00:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ADMIN » CAMM_: This dickhead clearly won't get past his stupid point
  366. [17:00:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] « Kawaii_wolf666 has left the network.
  367. [17:00:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bKawaii_wolf666§7: §fShe knows, she's just refusing to do it.
  368. [17:00:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: bai
  369. [17:00:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §a§lSettler §2§l» §72minCupNoodles§7: whats the best way to money
  370. [17:00:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: best way to money
  371. [17:00:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: is
  372. [17:00:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: Sell things
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