
West City post

Aug 4th, 2016
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  1. Nyx continued to fire a steady stream of energy blasts, surveying the battle below and analyzing the attack pattern of not just her Dracojin opponent, but the other individuals as well. Her heightened senses and her body's unique ability allowed her to accurately track everything that was going on, even at such a distance. Which was a good thing considering that if she had the dulled senses of most other species, she wouldn't have been able to react to that sword flying towards her. She dodged it, but immediately was assaulted by the creature, who was very quick given its size.
  3. [IMG=Nyx's Weapon][/image]
  5. Nyx unclipped the strange sword hilt clipped to her hip, and a strange blade of energy extended from it. It's length changed constantly, and she was able to move it in many different direction. She engaged her monstrous foe, trading blows against his huge sword. She was eventually overpowered though. One of his swings was particularly brutal, and send her flying downwards and crashing though a building, despite the fact that she had blocked the attack. It also didn't help matters that the Dracojin breathed intense flames at the building, which melted the structure like butter.
  7. The ruins of the once impressive building turned into ice, and completely shattered. Nyx emerged from the ruined structure, covered in dirt and debris. She didn't seem to be significantly damaged though, as she ran a hand through her hair to swipe off as much dirt as she could.
  9. It's brute strength is impressive, I'll grant it that much. And it's flame attack is rather problematic. I don't know why it bothers to use a sword when its claws can tear through its victims just as easily. It does give it a longer range, but using a weapon like that is more trouble then its worth if it's just an ordinary blade. Perhaps there's something more to it. In any case, I've seen enough.
  11. Nyx now had enough information to conduct a proper battle strategy. The first thing she needed to do was to unite the group under one direction so they could coordinate their attacks and battle strategies as efficiently as possible. To Nyx's annoyance though, they all were trying to take on the Dracojin without properly addressing the other fighters.
  13. These individuals are in the Kings Guard, which is supposed to be a military organization. Yet this is the most unorganized, undisciplined group of soldiers I have ever seen in my entire life. Earthling commanders can't even teach their soldiers how to wage war properly. How could a species who kills one another so much produce a group of soldiers who don't even know the basics of battle strategy?
  15. To say Nyx wasn't all that impressed with how the battle was going was an understatement. Individually all the Saiyans here were strong, each of them having ascended to the Super Saiyan form. Nyx suspected it wasn't as special as they made it out to be, considering how many Saiyans had it. But it did increase their power exponentially.
  17. After giving it a bit more fault, Nyx wasn't sure if the lack of discipline was the fault of the Kings Guard, or a result of the stubborn tenacity of Saiyans. They were notoriously stubborn about excepting authority. Perhaps the blame lay with both parties. Whatever the reason though, Nyx knew she was in for a tough challenge. Nyx considered the strengths and weaknesses everyone showcased so far. Her first thoughts were of the Saiyan who had unlocked the second stage of the Super Saiyan transformation. This was the second time Nyx had encountered it, and it was certainly was a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, he seemed hellbent on taking the creature all by himself, ignoring most of his comrades as he engaged the beast.
  19. He's letting his anger control him entirely. He either very connected to the city and its people, or someone he cares about is in danger. Whichever reason it is, his emotions are in complete control and he's primarily focused on what's important to him. His incredible strength or strategy's he comes up with won't matter if he doesn't use it properly.
  21. The White-haired Saiyan was the next one that had caught Nyx's attention. His recklessness had blinded him. Despite that he didn't learn his lesson and just charged in again.
  23. He's rather perceptive for a Saiyan. Charging your enemy in that state is suicidal though. Using sensing abilities in place of your sight allows one to fight efficiently, but he can't fully learn a new style this quickly. His eyesight was just taken from him, so it will take time before he gets used to his current condition.
  25. Nyx finally got a glimpse of what some of the higher ranking King's Guard members were teaching their lower ranked members. The human had announced himself as a special ops "person". He didn't list an official rank: unless if "person" was an actual rank in this particular organization, although Nyx highly doubted that. Not even humans would call a military rank as such. The Saiyan with him was eager to battle of course, although Nyx was more interested in what he was saying. As soon as she did listen, she cursed her curiosity and wished she hadn't been interested.
  27. "Colonies of ants are more organized and sensible combat groups then the Kings Guard. Why does he think magnetic waves would even remotely work? They have very limited applications on complete organic beings. The only significant thing he can accomplish with them is stealing the Dracojin's sword. And all that would do is just anger it.
  29. Still, there was one thing he said that did make sense. The possibility that there was a bigger force at play, and that the Dracojin was some sort of diversion. Indeed, the Dracojin's attack was very unconventional. It wasn't aiming for any military targets, and had attacked a civilian district. If anything this seemed to be a reconnoissance mission designed to find out more about the city's defenses. The question was whether or not reinforcements would arrive.
  31. I have no idea what the true objectives of this creature are. I don't sense any other significant individuals outside of the field of battle, but that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't monitoring the fight somehow. I've got to make sure that everyone here isn't susceptible to possible ambushes. That Special Ops individual did have one good point. If the higher ranking members are similar to him though, then I see why the King's Guard is so disorganized.
  33. The rest of the people there she recognized. There was her current employer, Shizu. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and a rather eccentric Saiyan. He didn't display the kind of behavior that Nyx associated with Saiyans. He was completely humanized, although that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Although Mizuna and other Saiyans who enjoyed fighting would probably look down on him for it. Still, he seems resolved to fight whenever he had to. Fortunately he wasn't a complete pacifist: those kind of individuals were the ones that suffered cruel fates in a heartless universe.
  35. Daci was the other male Saiyan she recognized. Like the one with the advanced transformation, he was focused on primarily protecting one thing above others. In his case, it was rather obvious what his main objective was. He seemed hellbent on protecting Mizuna. Which Nyx found [b]very[/b] annoying. It was good for her safety that Mizuna had more people looking after her, but he seemed to be a little too attached to her.
  37. It may not have been a coincidence that he showed up while we were training on the glaciers. His interest in her seems to be more then just friendship. He went out of his way to shield her above everyone else and seems to be only focusing on her wellbeing.
  39. If he was interested in her in the romantic sense, then Nyx had a problem. Nyx had sworn a blood oath with Mizuna, and they swore fealty to one another. She didn't need someone who could possibly sway her loyalty coming into the picture. At the very least, she needed to get to know Daci to determine whether or not she could trust him. She would keep an eye on things for the time being and step in if she felt like things were getting out of hand.
  41. And lastly there was Mizuna. She was one of the main reasons why she had decided to get involved in the fight. Granted there were many good reasons why a Dracojin rampaging through a major city shouldn't be ignored, but Mizuna's presence made the choice obvious for Nyx. She felt a twinge of concern as the Dracojin's attacks were aimed at her, and was relieved when she was alright despite enduring them. It was time to keep things from getting out of hand any further. Nyx fired an energy blast at the ball of flames coming towards two of the Saiyans, diverting its path enough so that it sailed over their heads and out of harms way. She briskly walked over to where Mizuna was, extending her hand and helping her back to her feet.
  43. "The only way you could look less dignified right now is if that Dracojin had managed to burn off your clothes before it flung you on your back." Nyx's expression was completely stoic as she said this, helping Mizuna back to her feet. She then turned and fired a large energy blast at the Dracojin, hitting its head and causing an explosion. While it was distracted by this, Nyx took the opportunity to address everyone there. Her voice boomed throughout the area, sounding as though it was being amplified by a microphone.
  47. Nyx took the King's guard communicator from Mizuna, strapping it to her ear as she fired a couple more energy blasts at the Dracojin. She was going to need if she hoped to communicate with them efficiently. They didn't have a network they could communicate over mentally, so she would have to work with what they had. She moved her hand in front of her mouth and talked lowly so that the Dracojin couldn't overhear her or read her lips.
  49. "We're making this part of the city into our battle ground. Attempting to lure it away from the city to reduce the risk of civilian casualties isn't viable given the current situation. This creature is highly intelligent, and knows that we're trying to protect the citizens of the city while fighting it. If we try and draw it off, that means that our attacks won't be as efficient against it, and give the Dracojin an opportunity to press deeper into the city. It would be a risky proposition no matter what the circumstances, and in this case I know for a fact that it's aware that you were going to try and draw it off."
  51. [Spoiler= Nyx Annoyed][img][/Img][/spoiler]
  53. Nyx looked at both Daci and Gela with annoyance. Each of these individuals had made the stellar decision of discussing their battle plans out in the open. Either they thought that the Dracojin was just a dumb animal mindlessly lashing out at anything in its path, or they were just being careless and didn't think of the implications of what they were doing. Either way, it further highlighted how unfit this squad seemed to be. Nyx was sorely tempted to march into the King's Guard headquarters and lecture everyone there on the basics of military combat, but that action would be as foolish as conveying your strategy out loud for everyone to hear. Dracojin's had enhanced hearing in addition to everything else: Nyx had know doubt that it had listened in on their plans.
  55. "Keeping it in the city does make it more risky for the civilians here. There's certainly a chance more will die if we keep fighting here. However they are being evacuated as we speak, and I know for a fact that more will most certainly die if we try and draw it away from the city. We're going to hold the perimeter and keep it within this part of the city." Nyx then addressed each person in turn, giving all of them instructions on what she wanted them to do.
  57. "Shizu, I want you to engage the Dracojin in close quarters combat. Neutralize its blade with your own and disarm it if possible. Special Ops Person, you and your partner are to support Shizu at close range. Your own sword and close combat expertise are well suited for this. Daci, I want you to alternate between mid and short range. Aim for the eyes and other vulnerable areas, and get in close if you see an opening. If the Dracojin tries to move past us and deeper into the city, you will slow it down while the others re-engage it. I don't know your name, so I'm calling you Super Spark until you inform me. Super Spark, continue engaging it the way you are, but make certain to coordinate your attacks with the others who are fighting at close range. If any of you put a crack in its armor, I want you to take advantage of it."
  59. [Spoiler= Nyx addressing the rest of the Group][IMG][/img][/spoiler]
  61. Nyx looked back at the two Saiyans behind her, First turning her attention to Izuku.
  63. "I know that your eyes aren't working properly at the moment. Getting used to fighting by sensing energy alone and getting used to your condition will take time. For now I want you to remain at long-to mid range. Once you've gotten used to your blindness, attack it with energy attacks. If you see an opening that you can exploit, get in close and engage it. Don't get in close until you're absolutely certain that you can fight properly."
  65. Nyx could tell how damaged he was just with a single glance. She didn't explain to him now she could tell that his sense of sight was damaged that severely. Instead she switched off the communicator and turned to Mizuna, leaning over and whispering into her ear.
  67. "I'm going to borrow your communicator for the duration of this battle, so I want you to stay within reasonably close range in relation tome throughout the fight. There's something I'm going to need your help with." The rest of what Nyx said was inaudible to everyone but Mizuna. Once she was done, she turned on her communicator again.
  69. "When you engage it, don't come at it all from the same area, but make sure you stay fairly close to one another. That way it won't be able to hit everyone at once with its fire breath, and everyone else will be able to cover for anyone who is forced to dodge or go on the defensive temporarily. I want you to alternate where you come from and where you strike it for the time being. Don't stay grounded all the time, but don't be in the air all the time either. If you attack it from behind, watch the tail. This is where we make our stand. You are super Saiyans, elite warriors of your race. Reinforcements are on their way, but the Dracojin will crumble before your might and be nothing but a corpse by the time they arrive. Show it the power of the Kings Guard, and of the Saiyan race! We will keep the fight here, and it will die here!"
  71. [Spoiler=Nyx's Attack] [IMG][/img][/spoiler]
  74. Nyx flew forward, her energy weapon extending once more. Her image flickered in and out in existence once she got within mid range, constantly changing her position to throw off the Dracojin. Nyx swung her weapon around, careful to avoid hitting her allies as she struck the creature in multiple places, aiming for its wing, arm and leg joints, and eyes in particular. Nyx hoped that they would listen to her and follow her lead. This was a fight that they wouldn't be able to win if they didn't all cooperate and fight in synch with one another.
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