

Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. Username: ???????
  2. Character name: Percy Rodonzo
  3. Character's Nickname: Rodonzo, Boss (Everyone who calls him Percy gets shot in the face)
  4. Age: 47
  5. Gender: male
  6. Sexuality: Straight
  7. Species: Human
  8. Weapons: Sawn-off and a M1911 on him at all times, but can get any weapon he wants within an hour
  9. Abilities: Charismatic and powerful
  10. Weaknesses/Limits: Hate-driven
  11. Alignment: Neutral Evil
  12. Bio: Born to a wealthy mobster family in Venice, Italy, Rodonzo was taught the most valuable lesson of the underground business at a very young age - Silence. He was doing small-time illegal sale at age 15. He went to doing professional hits by 17. When he hit 19, he got a nice spot atop one of the most ruthless and influential crime families in the world, where he ruled for fifteen years.
  14. This all changed when the Furetto Brothers came into the crime business.
  16. They successfully managed to topple most of his fortune and power AND sleep with his wife. This got him angry. In the mob world, if someone screwed you over, you did the same ten-fold. And he did. He tortured and killed their parents, and had fun doing it. Beside them he left a note telling the brothers that they were next. This is when the Furetto Brothers tried to settle things in a warehouse in the country before fleeing to Mobius. This is also where he managed to capture and execute Gareth in front of Martini. He was satisfied, for now. The only person left to get was Martini, but the ferret had already gotten to Mobius. So naturally, Rodonzo followed him.
  18. He found his way onto Mobius, nothing to his name but his clothes, a handful of loyal henchmen, and a briefcase filled with cash. He decided to settle his operations down in the Majestic Groves, around the time Sciz was about to take over as mob boss. This chaos allowed Rodonzo to steal a lot from other mobs and fellow mob members and quickly gain wealth and influence in Majestic Groves, but it all got to be not enough, so Rodonzo also started a civil war in an attempt to seize the boss title from Sciz. Sciz managed to flee, and Rodonzo began to bleed the place dry. With all these new-found resources, he remembered why he came here: That blasted little ferret Martini. It took him a year or two to get him because of his connections with the Royal Family, but he found him and had him taken out in a drive-by. Now thinking that all revenge was taken and all debts were paid, he continued to sit atop his throne, where he remains to this day.
  19. Appearance:
  20. Personality: Ruthless, ornery, and not to be crossed
  21. Love Interest: N/A
  22. Picture:
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