
Yo mama *

Jan 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day haha in Equestria
  2. >You wake up and take a shower
  3. >You put on some clothes and hear a knock on the door
  4. >You open it and see Fluttershy with tickets in her mouth
  5. What do you have there?
  6. >She drops one
  7. >You pick it up and look at it
  8. >It's a VIP pass to Fluttershy's stand up comedy club
  9. You're a comedian?
  10. >She nods
  11. Wait don't you have stage fright?
  12. >She nods again
  13. Then how can you-
  14. >"I'm not s-scared when I'm d-drunk."
  15. >Oh
  16. Okay...this is for later right?
  17. >"Anon are y-you okay?"
  18. Why?
  19. >"It's the m-middle of the day."
  20. >You look around outside
  21. >Sun is up at the top
  22. Oh...okay when is it?
  23. >"In an hour."
  24. Well shit come in I need to get ready.
  25. >You move aside and she walks in
  26. >You shut the door
  27. Just make yourself at home...and don't use anything as a dildo again.
  28. >You hear her whine a bit while walking up the stairs
  29. >Crazy bitch
  30. >You put on your fancy suit Rarity made you
  31. >It was her colors but fuck it's fly
  32. >You look in the mirror
  33. >feellikeagangster.jpg
  34. >You walk downstairs and Fluttershy is drinking some wine
  35. Uhhh what are you doing?
  36. >"Getting ready for the club..."
  37. >She has the bottle in her mouth and chugs all of it
  38. >She throws it and it shatters on the counter
  39. You done yet?
  40. >"No."
  41. >She walks over to the fridge and takes out a bottle of cider
  42. Lets go.
  43. >She wraps her wing around the bottle like a hand
  44. >Wait wat
  45. >How does that even work?
  46. >Shut up brain
  47. >You both head out
  48. >She doesn't try anything all the way there
  49. >Strange
  50. >You arrive at a round building
  51. >The security guard is a griffon
  52. >She sees Fluttershy and opens it
  53. >Fluttershy goes in and you follow
  54. >You're stopped by the griffon
  55. >"Hold up there where do you think you're going?"
  56. >You hold up the ticket
  57. >He nods and lets you in
  58. >Fluttershy guides you backstage and chugs the cider on the spot without taking a breath
  59. >Hory Sheet
  60. >She's drunk as fuck
  61. >Stumbling everywhere, being rude and disgusting, and she suprisingly talks better
  62. >No studdering
  63. >You sit on a couch that faces the stage
  64. >The P0ny that was performing got booed off
  65. >Fluttershy stands up and winks at you
  66. >"Watch this babe."
  67. >She flicks you on the hand with her tail and walks towards the stage
  68. >Damn Fluttershy is more assertive while drunk...
  69. >Kinda hot too
  70. >NO BRAIN
  71. >Fine
  72. >She stands there on the stage
  73. >"How is everyp0ny doing today?"
  74. >You hear one loud voice
  75. >"Fucking shitty!"
  76. >You chuckle to yourself as that pone is dragged out
  77. >Fluttershy starts her act
  78. >She actually says some mildly funny things
  79. >Nothing you haven't heard before
  80. >Except her stories
  81. >God damn those were knee slappers
  82. >Like when she told her story about when she first met you
  83. >"So I'm just walking down the street minding my business right? Out of nowhere comes this huge fucking hairless naked monkey screaming, trips on me and we both fall in mud."
  84. >"I had 3 thoughts on my mind. 1: Holy shit there are hairless monkeys?! 2: MY LEG! 3: Damn it's got a big hot monkey dick..."
  85. >Her saying cuss words made you laugh even more
  86. >She finishes and is cheered as she comes back and snuggles next to you
  87. >"I love you Anon."
  88. >You put your arm around her
  89. That was pretty funny I admit.
  90. >"You want to go?"
  91. >She doesn't give you time to respond when she flies back out
  92. >"Anon is actually here now. He said he could top me with jokes."
  93. >Butterflies are having a war in your stomach
  94. >Fucking stage fright
  95. >Fucking Fluttershy
  96. >"Come on Anon! Let's have a joke battle!"
  97. >You slump out and try not to look at...the...thousands...of creatures out there
  98. >What do I brain?!
  99. >Failed to load brain.exe
  100. >Shiiiittt
  101. >You walk over to her and whisper in her ear
  102. Why did you do that?
  103. >She whispers back
  104. >"Are you too chicken?"
  105. >Fuck this mare
  106. N-no I'm not!
  107. >She backs up and says into the mic
  108. >"Anon has challenged me to a yo mama contest!"
  109. >Butterflies have ascended to warfare in your stomach
  110. >If they keep it up it'll be fallout digestia and you'll shit your pants
  111. >You start composing yourself
  112. >"Too chicken to start? Okay I'll start then."
  113. >You look out to the audience again then back to her
  114. >She tosses you a mic and you almost miss it
  115. >"Yo mama's so fat when I threw an apple at her it got caught in her orbit!"
  116. >Tons of laughter
  117. >You stand there thinking of one
  118. >Brain.exe has finished loading
  119. >Brain.exe has installed yo mama jokes 9000
  120. Yo mama's so fat that when she fell in love she broke it!
  121. >Fluttershy is taken back by you actually responding
  122. >There is a roar of laughter
  123. >"Yo mama's is so ugly that she entered in the ugly contest they told her 'no professionals.'"
  124. >Another wave of laughter
  125. >Butterflies have signed a peace treaty
  126. Yo mama's so ugly your dad takes her to work so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye!
  127. >Even louder cheering and laughter
  128. >Fluttershy is looking pissed now
  129. >She even moved her mane out of her face so she could stare at you harder
  130. >"Yo mama's so old when I told her to act her age, she died!"
  131. >A less stronger roar but still a roar of laughter
  132. Yo mama's so fat she needs one barstool for each butt cheek!
  133. >"Yo mama's so fat she sweats mayonnaise!"
  134. Yo mama's so fat, she's got more Chins than a Chinese phone book!
  135. >Everyone is silent and confused for a couple seconds
  136. >Then a lot of them boo
  137. >Oh right
  138. >This isn't earth
  139. >Meanwhile in your stomach
  140. >Buttermany invaded Poland and the whole world went to chaos
  141. >Butterjews were being slaughtered in cocoontration camps
  142. >Even the larvas were being burned
  143. >This event will forever be known as the Buttercost
  144. >"Yo mama's so fat, after she gets through turning around, they throw her a welcome back party!"
  145. >You hear a party canon somewhere in the crowd
  146. Yo mama so old her birthdate is expired!
  147. >Fluttershy is looks worried now
  148. >Yes!
  149. >The world powers finally contained and destroyed Buttermany
  150. >Everyone is given back their land
  151. >Except Amonarcha is still fighting Butterpan
  152. >"I guess you win Anon. I got nothin else."
  153. >Amonarcha has dropped the "Atomic Fly" on Butterpan obliterating them into submission
  154. >The world becomes peaceful again
  155. >"Give it up for my love Anon!"
  156. >Every creature stands up and claps
  157. >Fluttershy walks with you off stage
  158. >You both leave
  159. >"That was amazing Anon!"
  160. Haha aren't bad yourself.
  161. >"So uh..."
  162. What?
  163. >You stop and look at her
  164. >"Are jokes your fetish?"
  165. >You sigh
  166. No Fluttershy.
  167. >She goes home depressed
  168. >You go home and throw up because your stomach is fucked from the wars
  169. >You wipe your mouth and flush the toilet
  170. Fucking Butterflies
  171. Fucking Fluttershy
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