
April 2021 Sub-A-Thon

Apr 12th, 2021 (edited)
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  3. My first EVER sub-a-thon will be happening on Sunday, April 18th starting at 9AM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)! Here's what you can look forward to:
  5. - Minimum 3 hours, 10 hour total cap, starting at 9AM EDT, all with facecam on
  6. - Every Tier 1 sub is 5 minutes added, every Tier 2 is 10 minutes added, and every Tier 3 is 25 minutes added. Also, every 100 bits is 1 minute added. Basically every dollar is a minute, up to 7 additional hours
  8. - Here's the things we will play during the stream:
  9. - Starting off with the Survival Heights season 2 amplified hardcore world
  10. - Playing minigames with viewers on Hypixel next
  11. - AfterLife SMP with Emma while I eat lunch, then I'll be on AfterLife
  12. - Finish with more hardcore and/or some Hypixel mixed in there
  14. - Moo Submission Contest!
  15. - Starting Wednesday, you can submit your best moos via a Discord chat I will be creating and/or via Twitter with #MooFyrSubathon. Moos will be shown on stream and voted on periodically throughout the stream, with the best one being chosen at the end of the stream. The best one gets VIP and a special Discord rank. ANYONE can submit (including VIPs and moderators) and can submit twice (once in Discord chat and once via Twitter) SO LONG AS they are noticeably different moos! :D
  17. - Sub-a-thon Mini Sprints:
  18. - Cow Onesie: Periodically throughout the stream, chat will be told that you have 5 minutes to gift subs or donate bits. Every sub or 500 bits will result in 1 minute of cow onesie time, to be applied after the 5 minutes is up.
  19. - Emma Time: The same as the cow onesie, but every sub or 500 bits will result in 2 minutes of Emma time up to a cap of 50 minutes. During Emma time, every 15 subs, Emma will eat a Kit-Kat, and at 80 subs during Emma time she will eat a large Kit-Kat.
  21. - Throughout the entire stream, every 20 subs I will have to sing every word I say for 5 minutes. If I fail to do that, I have to restart.
  22. - If we hit 150 total subs, I'll do a cow onesie stream in my next Facecam Friday stream. If we hit 250 total subs during the sub-a-thon, I will schedule a 12 hour stream for later in the month. 400 and I will do TWO 12 hour streams by the end of the month.
  24. Regardless of whatever goals I hit, I hope this will be a fun stream for everyone! See you soon!
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