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Mar 1st, 2018
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  1. # Database setup. The driver can be either 'sqlite', 'mysql' or 'postgres'.
  2. #
  3. # For SQLite, only the databasename is required. However, MySQL and PostgreSQL
  4. # also require 'username', 'password', and optionally 'host' ( and 'port' ) if the database
  5. # server is not on the same host as the web server.
  6. #
  7. # If you're trying out Bolt, just keep it set to SQLite for now.
  8. database:
  9. driver: mysql
  10. databasename: anduworld
  11. username: root
  12. password: root
  14. # The name of the website
  15. sitename: Salesperson Application
  16. sitename_short: Sales App
  17. payoff: The amazing payoff goes here
  19. # The theme to use. Be sure to copy the {theme_path}/base-2016 folder, and
  20. # change the name here accordingly.
  21. #
  22. # Don't edit the templates in theme/base-2016, because they _will_ get updated
  23. # in next releases
  24. theme: anduworld
  26. # The locale that'll be used by the application. If no locale is set the
  27. # fallback locale is 'en_GB'. For available options, see:
  28. #
  29. #
  30. # In some cases it may be needed to specify (non-standard) variations of the
  31. # locale to get everything to work as desired.
  32. #
  33. # This can be done as [nl_NL, Dutch_Netherlands] when specifying multiple
  34. # locales, ensure the first is a standard locale.
  35. locale: en_GB
  36. #timezone: UTC
  38. # Set maintenance mode on or off.
  39. #
  40. # While in maintenance mode, only users of level editor or higher can access the
  41. # site.
  42. #
  43. # All other visitors are presented with a notice that the site is currently
  44. # offline.
  45. #
  46. # The default template file can be found in /app/theme_defaults/ and overridden
  47. # with this option using your own theme.
  48. #
  49. # Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
  50. # website, be sure to check for a config.ymlfile in your theme's folder.
  51. # If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
  52. maintenance_mode: false
  53. maintenance_template: maintenance_default.twig
  55. # The hour of the day for the internal cron task scheduler to run daily, weekly,
  56. # monthly and yearly jobs.
  57. #
  58. # Default: 3 (3 am)
  59. cron_hour: 3
  61. # If your site is reachable under different urls (say, both
  62. # as well as, it's a good idea to set one of these as the
  63. # canonical, so it's clear which is the primary address of the site.
  64. #
  65. # If you include `https://`, it will be included in the canonical urls.
  66. #canonical:
  68. # Bolt can insert a <link rel="shortcut icon"> for all pages on the site.
  70. # Note: The location given is relative to the currently selected theme. If
  71. # you want to set the icon yourself, just don't enable the following line.
  72. #favicon: images/favicon-bolt.ico
  74. # The default content to use for the homepage, and the template to render it
  75. # with. This can either be a specific record (like `page/1`) or a listing of
  76. # records (like `entries`). In the chosen 'homepage_template', you will have
  77. # `record` or `records` at your disposal, depending on the 'homepage' setting.
  78. #
  79. # Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on
  80. # the website, be sure to check for a theme.yml file in your theme's
  81. # folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
  82. homepage: page/1
  83. homepage_template: index.twig
  85. # The default content for the 404 page. Uses the 'record_template' template by
  86. # default.
  87. #
  88. # Make sure this is set to an existing record, otherwise visitors will get an
  89. # error-page when the request a non-existing page.
  90. #
  91. # Note 1: The record specified in this parameter must be set to 'published'
  92. # Note 2: If you are logged on, and debug is set to 'true', you will NOT see the
  93. # 404 page!
  94. # Note 3: This may also point to a template without a record, eg 'error404.twig'
  95. notfound: block/404-not-found
  97. # The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the
  98. # site.
  99. #
  100. # Can be overridden for each contenttype and for each record, if it has a
  101. # 'templateselect' field.
  102. #
  103. # Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
  104. # website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's folder.
  105. # If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
  106. record_template: record.twig
  108. # The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the
  109. # site.
  110. #
  111. # Can be overridden for each contenttype.
  112. #
  113. # Note 1: Sorting on TAXONOMY-pages will give unexpected results, if it has a
  114. # pager.
  115. # If you need sorting on those, make sure you display all the records on one
  116. # page.
  117. #
  118. # Note 2: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
  119. # website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's
  120. # folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
  121. listing_template: listing.twig
  122. listing_records: 6
  123. listing_sort: datepublish DESC
  125. # Because of limitations on how the underlying database queries work, there are
  126. # only two options for sorting on taxonomies. 'ASC' for roughly "oldest first"
  127. # and 'DESC' for roughly 'newest first'.
  128. taxonomy_sort: DESC
  130. # Template for showing the search results. If not defined, uses the settings for
  131. # listing_template and listing_records.
  132. #
  133. # Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the
  134. # website, be sure to check for a config.yml file in your theme's folder.
  135. # If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.
  136. search_results_template: search.twig
  137. search_results_records: 10
  139. # Add jQuery to the rendered HTML, whether or not it's added by an extension.
  140. add_jquery: false
  142. # The default amount of records to show on overview pages. Can be overridden
  143. # for each contenttype.
  144. recordsperpage: 10
  146. # Settings for caching in parts of Bolt.
  147. # - config: Caches the parsed .yml files from /app/config. It's updated
  148. # immediately when one of the files changes on disk. There
  149. # should be no good reason to turn this off.
  150. #
  151. # - templates: Caches rendered templates.
  152. #
  153. # - request: Caches rendered pages in the configured HTTP reverse proxy
  154. # cache, on GET & HEAD requests.
  155. # By default this is handled by Syfmony HTTP Cache.
  156. #
  157. # - duration: The duration (in minutes) for the 'templates' and 'request'
  158. # options. default is 10 minutes. Note that the duration is set
  159. # on storing the cache. By lowering this value you will not
  160. # invalidate currently cached items.
  161. #
  162. # - authenticated: Cache 'templates' and 'request' for logged-on users. In most
  163. # cases you should *NOT* enable this, because it will cause
  164. # side-effects if the website shows different content to
  165. # authenticated users.
  166. #
  167. # - thumbnails: Caches thumbnail generation.
  168. #
  169. # - translations: Caches translation files. It is recommend to leave this
  170. # enabled. Only if you develop extensions and work with
  171. # translation files you should turn this off.
  172. caching:
  173. config: true
  174. templates: true
  175. request: false
  176. duration: 10
  177. authenticated: false
  178. thumbnails: true
  179. translations: true
  181. # Set 'enabled' to 'true' to log all content changes in the database.
  182. #
  183. # Unless you need to rigorously monitor every change to your site's content, it
  184. # is recommended to keep this disabled.
  185. changelog:
  186. enabled: false
  188. # Default settings for thumbnails.
  189. #
  190. # Quality should be between 0 (horrible, small file) and 100 (best, huge file).
  191. #
  192. # cropping: One of either crop, fit, borders, resize.
  193. # default_thumbnail: The default size of images, when using
  194. # {{ record.image|thumbnail() }}
  195. # default_image: The default size of images, when using
  196. # {{ record.image|image() }}
  197. # allow_upscale: Determines whether small images will be enlarged to fit
  198. # the requested dimensions.
  199. # browser_cache_time: Sets the amount of seconds that the browser will cache
  200. # images for. Set it to activate browser caching.
  201. #
  202. # Note: If you change these values, you might need to clear the cache before
  203. # they show up.
  204. thumbnails:
  205. default_thumbnail: [ 160, 120 ]
  206. default_image: [ 1000, 750 ]
  207. quality: 80
  208. cropping: crop
  209. notfound_image: view/img/default_notfound.png
  210. error_image: view/img/default_error.png
  211. save_files: false
  212. allow_upscale: false
  213. exif_orientation: true
  214. # browser_cache_time: 2592000
  216. # Define the HTML tags and attributes that are allowed in 'cleaned' HTML. This
  217. # is used for sanitizing HTML, to make sure there are no undesirable elements
  218. # left in the content that is shown to users. For example, tags like `<script>`
  219. # or `onclick`-attributes.
  220. htmlcleaner:
  221. allowed_tags: [ div, span, p, br, hr, s, u, strong, em, i, b, li, ul, ol, mark, blockquote, pre, code, tt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, dd, dl, dh, table, tbody, thead, tfoot, th, td, tr, a, img, address, iframe ]
  222. allowed_attributes: [ id, class, style, name, value, href, src, alt, title, width, height, frameborder, allowfullscreen, scrolling ]
  224. # Uploaded file handling
  225. #
  226. # You can change the pattern match and replacement on uploaded files and if the
  227. # resulting filename should be transformed to lower case.
  228. # upload:
  229. # pattern: '[^A-Za-z0-9\.]+'
  230. # replacement: '-'
  231. # lowercase: true
  233. # File types that are acceptable for upload in either 'file' fields or through
  234. # the 'files' screen.
  236. # The following is the default list of file-types that can be uploaded through
  237. # the 'files' screen.
  238. accept_file_types: [ twig, html, js, css, scss, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, ico, zip, tgz, txt, md, doc, docx, pdf, epub, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, mp3, ogg, wav, m4a, mp4, m4v, ogv, wmv, avi, webm, svg]
  240. # Alternatively, if you wish to limit these, uncomment the following list
  241. # instead. It includes file types that are harder to exploit.
  242. # accept_file_types: [ gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, md, pdf, epub, mp3, svg ]
  244. # If you want to 'brand' the Bolt backend for a client, you can change some key
  245. # variables here, that determine the name of the backend, and adds a primary
  246. # support/contact link to the footer. Add a scheme, like `mailto:` or
  247. # `https://` to the email or URL.
  248. #
  249. # Additionally you can change the mount point for the backend, either for
  250. # convenience or to obscure it from prying eyes.
  251. #
  252. # The Bolt backend is accessible as `/bolt/` by default. If you change it here,
  253. # it will only be accessible through the value set in 'path'.
  254. # Keep the path simple: lowercase only, no extra slashes or other special
  255. # characters.
  256. # branding:
  257. # name: SuperCMS
  258. # path: /admin
  259. # provided_by: [, "Supercool Webdesign Co." ]
  260. # news_source:
  261. # news_variable: news
  263. # Show the 'debug' nut in the lower right corner for logged-in user. By default,
  264. # the debugbar is only shown to logged-in users. Use the 'debug_show_loggedoff'
  265. # option to show it to all users. You probably do not want to use this in a
  266. # production environment.
  267. debug: true #Enable debuger
  268. debug_show_loggedoff: true #to show it to all users
  269. debug_permission_audit_mode: false #Write an entry to the permission audit log
  270. debug_error_level: -1 # equivalent to E_ALL
  271. debug_error_use_symfony: false # When set to true, Symfony Profiler will be used for exception display when possible
  272. # error level when debug is disabled
  273. production_error_level: 8181 # = E_ALL &~ E_NOTICE &~ E_WARNING &~ E_DEPRECATED &~ E_USER_DEPRECATED
  274. debug_error_use_profiler: true # When set to true, Symfony Profiler will be used for exception display when possible
  278. # System debug logging
  279. # This will enable intensive logging of Silex functions and will be very hard on
  280. # performance and log file size. The log file will be created in your cache
  281. # directory.
  282. #
  283. # Enable this for short time periods only when diagnosing system issues.
  285. debuglog:
  286. enabled: false
  287. filename: bolt-debug.log
  288. level: NOTICE
  290. # Use strict variables. This will make Bolt complain if you use {{ foo }},
  291. # when foo doesn't exist.
  292. strict_variables: true
  294. # There are several options for giving editors more options to insert images,
  295. # video, etc in the WYSIWYG areas. But, as you give them more options, that
  296. # means they also have more ways of breaking the preciously designed layout.
  297. #
  298. # By default the most 'dangerous' options are set to 'false'. If you choose to
  299. # enable them for your editors, please instruct them thoroughly on their
  300. # responsibility not to break the layout.
  301. wysiwyg:
  302. images: false # Allow users to insert images in the content.
  303. anchor: false # Adds a button to create internal anchors to link to.
  304. tables: false # Adds a button to insert and modify tables in the content.
  305. fontcolor: false # Allow users to mess around with font coloring.
  306. align: false # Adds buttons for 'align left', 'align right', etc.
  307. subsuper: false # Adds buttons for subscript and superscript, using `<sub>` and `<sup>`.
  308. embed: false # Allows the user to insert embedded video's from Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
  309. underline: false # Adds a button to underline text, using the `<u>`-tag.
  310. ruler: false # Adds a button to add a horizontal ruler, using the `<hr>`-tag.
  311. strike: false # Adds a button to add stikethrough, using the `<s>`-tag.
  312. blockquote: false # Allows the user to insert blockquotes using the `<blockquote>`-tag.
  313. codesnippet: false # Allows the user to insert code snippets using `<pre><code>`-tags.
  314. specialchar: false # Adds a button to insert special chars like '€' or '™'.
  315. ck:
  316. autoParagraph: true # If set to 'true', any pasted content is wrapped in `<p>`-tags for multiple line-breaks
  317. disableNativeSpellChecker: true # If set to 'true' it will stop browsers from underlining spelling mistakes
  318. allowNbsp: false # If set to 'false', the editor will strip out `&nbsp;` characters. If set to 'true', it will allow them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  320. # Bolt uses the Google maps API for it's geolocation field and Google now
  321. # requires that it be loaded with an API key on new domains. You can generate
  322. # a key at and enter it here to make sure
  323. # that the geolocation field work.
  324. # google_api_key:
  326. # Global option to enable/disable the live editor
  327. liveeditor: false
  329. # Use the 'mailoptions' setting to configure how Bolt sends email: using 'smtp'
  330. # or PHP's built-in `mail()`-function.
  332. # Note that the latter might _seem_ easier, but it's been disabled by a lot of
  333. # webhosts, in order to prevent spam from wrongly configured scripts. If you use
  334. # it, your mail might disappear into a black hole, without producing any errors.
  335. # Generally speaking, using 'smtp' is the better option, so use that if possible.
  336. #
  337. # Protip: If your webhost does not support SMTP, sign up for a (free) Sendgrid
  338. # account at for sending emails reliably.
  340. # mailoptions:
  341. # transport: smtp
  342. # spool: true
  343. # host: localhost
  344. # port: 25
  345. # username: username
  346. # password: password
  347. # encryption: null
  348. # auth_mode: null
  349. # senderMail: null
  350. # senderName: null
  352. mailoptions:
  353. transport: mail
  354. spool: false
  355. senderMail:
  356. senderName: Anduworld
  358. # Bolt allows some modifications to how 'strict' login sessions are. For every
  359. # option that is set to true, it becomes harder for a bad-willing person to
  360. # spoof your login session. However, it also requires you to re-authenticate
  361. # more often if you change location(ip-address) or your browser has frequent
  362. # upgrades. Only change these if you know what you're doing, and you're having
  363. # issues with the default settings.
  364. #
  365. # Note: If you change any of these, all current users will automatically be
  366. # logged off.
  367. cookies_use_remoteaddr: true
  368. cookies_use_browseragent: false
  369. cookies_use_httphost: true
  371. # The length of time a user stays 'logged in'. Change to 0 to end the session
  372. # when the browser is closed.
  373. #
  374. # The default is 1209600 (two weeks, in seconds).
  375. cookies_lifetime: 1209600
  377. # Set the session cookie to a specific domain. Leave blank, unless you know what
  378. # you're doing.
  379. #
  380. # When set incorrectly, you might not be able to log on at all.
  381. #
  382. # If you'd like it to be valid for all subdomains of '', set this
  383. # to ''.
  384. cookies_domain:
  386. # The hash_strength determines the amount of iterations for encrypting
  387. # passwords.
  388. #
  389. # A higher number means a harder to decrypt password, but takes longer to
  390. # compute. '8' is the minimum, '10' is the default, '12' is better.
  391. hash_strength: 10
  393. # Bolt sets the `X-Frame-Options` and `Frame-Options` to `SAMEORIGIN` by
  394. # default, to prevent the web browser from rendering an iframe if origin
  395. # mismatch (i.e. iframe source refers to a different domain).
  396. #
  397. # Setting this to 'false', will prevent the setting of these headers.
  398. # headers:
  399. # x_frame_options: true
  401. # Bolt uses to fetch it's extensions by default. You can
  402. # change that URL here.
  403. #
  404. # Do not change this, unless you know what you're doing, and understand the
  405. # associated risks. If you use '', Bolt will not use
  406. # SSL, increasing the risk for a MITM attacks.
  407. # extensions:
  408. # site: ''
  409. # enabled: true
  410. # composer:
  411. # minimum-stability: stable # Either 'stable', 'beta', or 'dev'. Setting 'dev' will allow you to install dev-master versions of extensions.
  412. # prefer-stable: true # Prefer stable releases over development ones
  413. # prefer-dist: true # Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.
  414. # prefer-source: false # Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.
  415. # optimize-autoloader: false # Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump.
  416. # classmap-authoritative: false # Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `optimize-autoloader`.
  418. # Enforcing the use of SSL. If set, all but the front-end pages will enforce an
  419. # SSL connection (and redirect to HTTPS if you attempt to visit the backend over
  420. # plain HTTP).
  421. # enforce_ssl: true
  423. # If configured, Bolt will trust X-Forwarded-XXX headers from the listed IP
  424. # addresses and ranges when determining whether the current request is
  425. # 'secure'.
  426. #
  427. # This is required to correctly determine the current hostname and protocol
  428. # (HTTP vs. HTTPS) when running behind some proxy, e.g. a load balancer, cache,
  429. # or SSL proxy.
  430. #
  431. # List the IP addresses or subnets that you know are such proxies.
  432. #
  433. # Note: Allowing hosts here that may not be trusted proxies is a security risk.
  434. # If you do not understand what this does, it is probably best to not
  435. # touch it.
  436. # trustProxies:
  437. # -
  438. # -
  440. # Theme file path where themes are. They are under /theme in project's root
  441. # folder by default but can be relocated. This case you should define theme_path
  442. # accordingly.
  443. #
  444. # Make sure the path exists, and be aware that you'll get a new 'theme' folder on any
  445. # subsequent Bolt update. Changing this setting is not advised.
  446. # theme_path: theme
  448. # If you want Bolt installation get news through a proxy
  449. # httpProxy:
  450. # host: my.proxy.server
  451. # user: usr
  452. # password: pwd
  454. # Options for backend user interface
  455. # backend:
  456. # news:
  457. # disable: true # Disable news panel. Defaults to false. "Alerts" will still be shown.
  458. # stack:
  459. # disable: true # Disable stack usage. Defaults to false.
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