
Default Profile

Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. <!DOCTYPE profile>
  2. <profile>
  3. <data name="CommandPrefix">0x0</data>
  4. <data name="UseObjectsQueue">True</data>
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  6. <data name="ShowCreatureNames">False</data>
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  8. <data name="OpenCorpsesRange">0x2</data>
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  16. <data name="FilterBardsMusic">False</data>
  17. <data name="FilterSound">False</data>
  18. <data name="FilterWeather">False</data>
  19. <data name="FilterSeason">False</data>
  20. <data name="FixedSeason">0x0</data>
  21. <data name="FilterDeath">False</data>
  22. <data name="FilterRepeatedMessages">False</data>
  23. <data name="FilterOthersSpeechColor">False</data>
  24. <data name="FilterSnoopingMessages">False</data>
  25. <data name="FilterTradeWindow">False</data>
  26. <data name="FilterRewardGump">False</data>
  27. <data name="HandsBeforePotions">False</data>
  28. <data name="HandsBeforeCasting">False</data>
  29. <data name="SmartTarget">0x0</data>
  30. <data name="SmartTargetRange">False</data>
  31. <data name="SmartTargetRangeValue">0xc</data>
  32. <data name="HighlightCurrentTarget">False</data>
  33. <data name="BlockInvalidHeal">False</data>
  34. <data name="ActionDelay">0x226</data>
  35. <data name="UseObjectsLimit">0x5</data>
  36. <data name="TargetShare">0x0</data>
  37. <data name="MountSerial">0xffffffff</data>
  38. <data name="BladeSerial">0xffffffff</data>
  39. <data name="BoneCutter">False</data>
  40. <data name="AutoMount">False</data>
  41. <data name="AutoBandage">False</data>
  42. <data name="AutoBandageTarget">0x0</data>
  43. <data name="AutoBandageScale">False</data>
  44. <data name="AutoBandageCount">False</data>
  45. <data name="AutoBandageStart">False</data>
  46. <data name="AutoBandageStartValue">0x5f</data>
  47. <data name="AutoBandageDelay">0x9c4</data>
  48. <data name="AutoBandageFormula">False</data>
  49. <data name="AutoBandageHidden">False</data>
  50. <data name="OpenDoors">False</data>
  51. <data name="UseDoors">False</data>
  52. <data name="SpellsColor">False</data>
  53. <data name="SpellsMode">0x2</data>
  54. <data name="SpellsTargetShare">0x0</data>
  55. <data name="OpenDoorsMode">0x0</data>
  56. <data name="OpenCorpsesMode">0x3</data>
  57. <data name="ShowMobileFlags">False</data>
  58. <data name="StateHighlightMode">0x0</data>
  59. <data name="StaticFields">False</data>
  60. <data name="CountStealthSteps">False</data>
  61. <data name="FriendsListOnly">False</data>
  62. <data name="FriendsParty">False</data>
  63. <data name="MoveConflictingItems">False</data>
  64. <data name="CustomCaption">True</data>
  65. <data name="CustomCaptionMode">0x1</data>
  66. <data name="CustomCaptionText">UO - $name $statusbar - $hits/$mana/$stam</data>
  67. <data name="WarnCounters">True</data>
  68. <data name="WarnCountersValue">0x5</data>
  69. <data name="HighlightReagents">True</data>
  70. <data name="DisplayCountersName">False</data>
  71. <data name="CaptionUseNotoHue">True</data>
  72. <data name="CaptionUseNotoHue">True</data>
  73. <data name="DisplayCountersImage">True</data>
  74. <data name="FilterKarmaMessages">False</data>
  75. <data name="FilterFameMessages">False</data>
  76. <data name="PreventDismount">False</data>
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  79. <data name="AutoAcceptParty">False</data>
  80. <data name="StaticFieldsMode">0x0</data>
  81. <counters/>
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  84. <sellstate enabled="False" list=""/>
  85. </vendors>
  86. <autosearchexemptions/>
  87. <objects>
  88. <obj name="beetle">0x1038e2</obj>
  89. <obj name="carpentry quest giver">0xdf</obj>
  90. <obj name="fletcherdropoff">0x40324389</obj>
  91. <obj name="fletcherrunebook">0x43981306</obj>
  92. <obj name="trash">0x41d858d7</obj>
  93. </objects>
  94. <hotkeys>
  95. <hotkey key="0x7b" param="GetBod" pass="False" action=""/>
  96. </hotkeys>
  97. <macros>
  98. <macro loop="False" name="GetBod" interrupt="True">waitforcontext 'self' 1 15000;waitforcontext 0x4104b 1 15000;waitforgump 0x9bade6ea 3000;replygump 0x9bade6ea 1;pause 1500;waitforcontext 0x4102e 1 15000;waitforgump 0x9bade6ea 3000;replygump 0x9bade6ea 1;pause 1500;while @findtype 0x2259 'any' 'backpack';waitforproperties 'found' 2000;if @property 'BS' 'found';//msg a;setalias 'BS' 'found';ignoreobject 'found';else;setalias 'Tailor' 'found';ignoreobject 'found';endif;endwhile;while @findtype 0x2258 1102 'backpack';@moveitem 'found' 'BS';endwhile;while @findtype 0x2258 1155 'backpack';@moveitem 'found' 'Tailor';endwhile;if not hidden 'self';useskill 'hiding';endif;pause 1500;clearignorelist;logoutbutton;</macro>
  99. <macro loop="True" name="CarpentryQuest" interrupt="True">@setalias 'FletcherDropoff' '0x40324389';@setalias 'beetle''0x1038e2';@setalias 'FletcherRunebook' '0x43981306';//^^^set these 3 to yours;@removelist 'woodhue';@removelist 'magechiv';@removelist 'magechiv2';@removelist 'bond';@createlist 'woodhue';@createlist 'magechiv';@createlist 'magechiv2';@createlist 'bond';if not listexists 'Carpentry Recipes';@createlist 'Carpentry Recipes';@pushlist 'Carpentry Recipes' 'Bramble Coat';@pushlist 'Carpentry Recipes' 'Ironwood Crown';@pushlist 'Carpentry Recipes' 'Phantom Staff';@pushlist 'Carpentry Recipes' 'Acid Proof Rope';endif;//plain=0, oak=2010, ash=1191 | mage=5,11 chiv = 7,13 | bond = 10, unbond = 9;@pushlist 'woodhue' 0;@pushlist 'magechiv' 5;@pushlist 'magechiv2' 11;@pushlist 'bond' 10;//1. Character needs Carpentry and Tinkering, a Carpentry Bonus talisman saves resources;//2. FletcherDropoff container needs bolts, ingots, boards in it;//3. FletcherRunebook needs 1st rune to be Dropoff location and 2nd rune near Heartwood entrance;//4. Start in Heartwood with a beetle full of only boards. Have crafted tinker tools, 40 ingots, and 200 bolts in your pack or start at your Dropoff location to restock these items;//5. Have meat in your pack to feed beetle, 1 meat used per hour;//6. If multiple stacks of boards at your dropoff, script will begin encountering errors when one of the stacks drop below 1600, combine them before this happens;@setalias 'Carpentry Quest Giver' 0x7f;@setalias 'Trash Barrel' 0x4021249d;if not listexists 'Talismans';@createlist 'Talismans';@pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f58;@pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f59;@pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f5a;@pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f5b;endif;if not listexists 'Slayers';@createlist 'Slayers';@pushlist 'Slayers' 'Ice Slayer';@pushlist 'Slayers' 'Flame Slayer';@pushlist 'Slayers' 'Vermin Slayer';@pushlist 'Slayers' 'Mage Slayer';@pushlist 'Slayers' 'Bird Slayer';endif;if not listexists 'Killers';@createlist 'Killers';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Yamandon Killer';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Lich Killer';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Lich Lord Killer';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Dread Spider Killer';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Ice Fiend Killer';@pushlist 'Killers' 'Eagle Killer';endif;if not listexists 'Protection';@createlist 'Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Yamandon Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Lich Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Lich Lord Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Dread Spider Protection';//@pushlist 'Protection' 'Giant Black Widow Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Silver Serpent Protection';@pushlist 'Protection' 'Eagle Protection';endif;if not listexists 'Jewelry';@createlist 'Jewelry';@pushlist 'Jewelry' 0x108a;@pushlist 'Jewelry' 0x1f09;@pushlist 'Jewelry' 0x1086;@pushlist 'Jewelry' 0x1f06;endif;if not timerexists 'feedPet';createtimer 'feedPet';endif;//stop if you lack skills;if skill 'Tinkering' &lt; 45;sysmsg 'You need 50+ tinkering to run this macro effectively.' 34;stop;elseif skill 'Carpentry' &lt; 100;sysmsg 'You need at least 100 bowcrafting to run this macro. You will also want a Carpentry bonus talisman' 34;stop;endif;//stop macro if you forgot to restock bolts or ingots or have no tinker tools;if counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' == 0 and not @inrange 'FletcherDropoff' 2;sysmsg 'Restock ingots before starting!' 33;stop;endif;//Check for crafted tinker tools;if @counttype 0x1eb8 0 'backpack' == 0;sysmsg 'Get crafted tinker tools (0x1eb8) before starting!' 33;stop;endif;// make tinker tools;while @counttype 0x1eb8 0 'backpack' &lt; 2;usetype! 0x1eb8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 3000;replygump 0x38920abd 8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 3000;replygump 0x38920abd 23;endwhile;// make plain carpentry saws;while @counttype 0x1034 0 'backpack' &lt; 3;usetype! 0x1eb8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 3000;replygump 0x38920abd 8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 3000;replygump 0x38920abd 51;endwhile;for 0 to 'magechiv';for 0 to 'magechiv2';for 0 to 'bond';for 0 to 'woodhue';//if starting macro from Dropoff location, then go through that same process as above to restock and navigate to Heartwood;if @inrange 'FletcherDropoff' 2;//open containers;useobject 'self';pause 1000;useobject 'FletcherDropoff';pause 1000;waitforcontext 'beetle' bond[] 15000;pause 1000;//unload jewels;while counttype 0x108a 'any' 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x108a 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff';pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1f09 'any' 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1f09 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff';pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1f06 'any' 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1f06 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff';pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1086 'any' 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1086 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff';pause 500;endwhile;//unload kits;while counttype 0x1028 1191 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1028 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 1191 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1028 2010 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1028 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 2010 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1028 1192 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1028 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 1192 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1028 1193 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x1028 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 1193 1;pause 500;endwhile;//unload talismans;while counttype 0x2f58 0 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x2f58 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 0 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x2f59 0 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x2f59 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 0 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x2f5a 0 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x2f5a 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 0 1;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x2f5b 0 'backpack' > 0;movetype 0x2f5b 'backpack' 'FletcherDropoff' (0 0 0) 0 1;pause 500;endwhile;// get ingots if low;if counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' &lt; 20;if counttype 0x1bf2 0 'FletcherDropoff' &lt; 40;sysmsg 'Out of Ingots!' 33;useobject 'beetle';stop;endif;movetype 0x1bf2 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) 0 40;pause 1000;endif;//get boards on beetle and self;//first make sure beetle is empty, sometimes UOS won't pull 200 boards and you end up with odd number left behind;if counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 0;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 1599;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 1600;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 499;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 500;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 99;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 100;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 24;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 25;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 4;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 5;pause 500;endwhile;while counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'beetle' > 0;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'FletcherDropoff' [(0 0 0)] 'any' 1;pause 500;endwhile;endif;//stop if FletcherDropoff is out of boards;pause 1000;useobject 'FletcherDropoff';pause 1000;if counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'FletcherDropoff' &lt; 1900;sysmsg 'Out of Boards!' 33;useobject 'beetle';@playmacro 'Lumberjacking';while counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'FletcherDropoff' &lt; 1900;pause 20000;endwhile;endif;//fill beetle with boards;if mounted 'self';pause 550;useobject 'self';pause 1000;waitforcontext 'beetle' bond[] 15000;endif;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'beetle' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 1600;pause 1000;//move boards to your pack based on how low your pack is;//max weight minus 350;if weight &lt; 175;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 350;pause 1000;//max weight minus 300;elseif weight &lt; 225;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 300;pause 1000;//max weight minus 250;elseif weight &lt; 275;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 250;pause 1000;//max weight minus 200;elseif weight &lt; 325;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 200;pause 1000;//max weight minus 150;elseif weight &lt; 375;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 150;pause 1000;//max weight minus 100;elseif weight &lt; 425;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 100;pause 1000;elseif counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'backpack' &lt; 1;movetype 0x1bd7 'FletcherDropoff' 'backpack' (0 0 0) woodhue[] 1;pause 1000;endif;//set saws to correct wood type;if @findtype 0x1bd7 0 'backpack';pause 550;usetype! 0x1034;waitforgump 0x38920abd 1000;replygump 0x38920abd 7;waitforgump 0x38920abd 1000;replygump 0x38920abd 6;pause 550;//warn if other color boards or bows in pack;if @findtype 0x1bd7 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x1bd7 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'You have two types of boards in your pack. Fix before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13b2 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13b2 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued bows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0xf50 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0xf50 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13fd 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13fd 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued heavy crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x26c3 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x26c3 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued repeating crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;elseif @findtype 0x1bd7 2010 'backpack';pause 550;usetype! 0x1022;waitforgump 0x38920abd 1000;@replygump 0x38920abd 7;waitforgump 0x38920abd 1000;@replygump 0x38920abd 13;waitforgump 0x38920abd 1000;pause 550;//warn if other color boards, bows, stools in place;if @findtype 0x1bd7 0 'backpack' or @findtype 0x1bd7 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'You have two types of boards in your pack. Fix before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13b2 0 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13b2 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued bows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0xf50 0 'backpack' or @findtype 0xf50 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13fd 0 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13fd 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued heavy crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x26c3 0 'backpack' or @findtype 0x26c3 1191 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued repeating crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;elseif @findtype 0x1bd7 1191 'backpack';pause 550;usetype! 0x1022;waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000;@replygump 0x38920abd 7;waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000;@replygump 0x38920abd 20;waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000;pause 550;//warn if other color boards, bows, stools in place;if @findtype 0x1bd7 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x1bd7 0 'backpack';sysmsg 'You have two types of boards in your pack. Fix before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13b2 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13b2 0 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued bows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0xf50 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0xf50 0 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x13fd 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x13fd 0 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued heavy crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;if @findtype 0x26c3 2010 'backpack' or @findtype 0x26c3 0 'backpack';sysmsg 'Delete the different hued repeating crossbows from the wood type you are trying to use before starting macro.' 34;stop;endif;endif;//mount beetle and recall back to heartwood;pause 1000;useobject 'beetle';pause 2000;if @injournal 'world will save';while not @injournal 'world save complete';endwhile;@clearjournal;endif;useobject 'FletcherRunebook';waitforgump 0x554b87f3 30000;replygump 0x554b87f3 magechiv2[];pause 2000;//if the rune is blocked, pause 2 min to give time for NPCs to move, this prevents the character from running across the world from your dropoff;if injournal 'blocked' 'system';sysmsg 'Rune blocked, trying again in 2 minutes' 33;pause 120000;clearjournal;useobject 'FletcherRunebook';waitforgump 0x554b87f3 30000;replygump 0x554b87f3 magechiv2[];pause 2000;//if it's still blocked, stop macro;if injournal 'blocked' 'system';sysmsg 'Rune still blocked, stopping macro' 33;clearjournal;stop;endif;endif;//navigate to heartwood entrance;while y != 992 and y > 400;for 2;if y > 992;walk 'north';endif;pause 250;if y &lt; 992;walk 'south';endif;pause 250;endfor;endwhile;if x > 535 and x &lt; 1000;while x > 535 and x &lt; 1000;run 'west';pause 100;endwhile;endif;if x &lt; 537;while x &lt; 537;run 'east';pause 100;endwhile;endif;//navigate through heartwood to carpetry area;while y &lt; 377;run 'southeast';endwhile;pause 500;while y &lt; 377;run 'southeast';endwhile;pause 500;while x > 7023 and x &lt; 7025;walk 'west';pause 500;endwhile;pause 500;while y > 378 and y &lt; 393;run 'south';endwhile;pause 500;while x > 7022 and x &lt; 7027;walk 'east';pause 500;endwhile;pause 500;while y > 392 and y &lt; 408;run 'south';endwhile;pause 500;while x > 7026 and x &lt; 7030;walk 'east';pause 500;endwhile;pause 500;while y > 407 and y &lt; 413;run 'south';endwhile;//dismount;useobject 'self';pause 700;useobject 'Trash Barrel';pause 700;waitforcontext 'beetle' bond[] 3000;pause 700;if counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'backpack' &lt; 150;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'backpack' [(0 0 0)] woodhue[] 200;pause 2000;endif;//restock boards from beetle;elseif counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'backpack' &lt; 150;if counttype 0x1bd7 woodhue[] 'beetle' > 199;movetype 0x1bd7 'beetle' 'backpack' [(0 0 0)] woodhue[] 200;pause 2000;//if beetle empty, leave heartwood;else;msg 'Dread Lord MucBar is the King of Demise!' 33;useobject 'beetle';pause 1000;msg 'Long live the King!' 33;;while x > 7025 and x &lt; 7032;run 'northwest';endwhile;pause 500;while y &lt; 410 and y > 388;walk 'Northeast';endwhile;pause 500;while x > 7030;walk 'Northwest';endwhile;pause 300;while x > 7026;walk 'west';endwhile;pause 300;while y > 340;run "Northwest";pause 100;endwhile;while x > 6985 and x &lt; 6991;walk 'west';pause 150;endwhile;while y > 338 and y &lt; 342;walk 'north';pause 250;endwhile;for 5;if y >= 338 and x > 6982;walk 'east';pause 250;endif;endfor;pause 2000;useobject 'FletcherRunebook';waitforgump 0x554b87f3 15000;replygump 0x554b87f3 []magechiv;if @injournal 'world will save';while not @injournal 'world save complete';endwhile;@clearjournal;endif;//recall home;useobject 'FletcherRunebook';waitforgump 0x554b87f3 30000;replygump 0x554b87f3 magechiv[];pause 2000;endif;elseif @inrange 'Trash Barrel' 2;//dismount if not when macro started;if mounted;useobject 'self';pause 1000;waitforcontext 'beetle' bond[] 15000;pause 1000;useobject 'Trash Barrel';pause 1000;endif;// Hourly feed pet;if timer 'feedPet' >= 3600000;feed 'beetle' 'Meat' 'any' 1;pause 500;if injournal 'happier';settimer 'feedPet' 0;sysmsg 'Pet Fed' 33;clearjournal;else;sysmsg 'Out of Meat!' 33;useobject 'beetle';clearjournal;stop;endif;endif;if @findtype 0x1bd7 0 'backpack' 90;// Craft quest items;while @counttype 0xb5e 0 'backpack' &lt; 10;if usetype! 0x1034;replygump 0x38920abd 8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000;replygump 0x38920abd 2;waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000;else;sysmsg 'Out of saws!' 25;stop;endif;pause 1000;endwhile;@useobject! 'Carpentry Quest Giver';waitforgump 0x19bc4061 5000;if @ingump 0x19bc4061 "special stool";replygump 0x19bc4061 1;waitforcontext 'self' 4 1500;waitfortarget 800;pause 1000;elseif @ingump 0xa8b319c6 'debt if you bring me foot';// Mark items until quest is completed;while @counttype 0xb5e 0x4ea 'backpack' != 10;@targettype 0xb5e 0;pause 800;endwhile;@canceltarget;@useobject! 'Carpentry Quest Giver';waitforgump 0xdf31ecf8 5000;replygump 0xdf31ecf8 4;waitforgump 0x96626c6e 5000;replygump 0x96626c6e 1;pause 800;elseif @ingump 0x19bc4061 'crystal lattice seekers';replygump 0x19bc4061 2;waitforgump 0xa8b319c6 3000;replygump 0xa8b319c6 3;pause 1000;elseif @ingump 0x19bc4061 'crop of evil';replygump 0x19bc4061 2;waitforgump 0xa8b319c6 3000;replygump 0xa8b319c6 3;pause 1000;elseif @ingump 0x19bc4061 'piles of granite';replygump 0x19bc4061 2;waitforgump 0xa8b319c6 3000;replygump 0xa8b319c6 3;pause 2000;// Handle reward bags;endif;while @findtype 0xe75 'any' 'backpack';pause 550;@setalias 'trash' 'found';@useobject! 'trash';pause 550;// Runics;while @findtype 0x1028 'any' 'trash';@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;if color 'found' == 2010;//uncomment this next line to throw Oak saws on the ground;//moveitemoffset 'found' 'ground' (0 2 0);pause 550;elseif color 'found' == 1191;//uncomment this next line to throw Ash saws on the ground;//moveitemoffset 'found' 'ground' (0 2 0);pause 550;elseif color 'found' == 1192;msg 'Nice, a Yew saw' 33;elseif color 'found' == 1193;msg 'Woohoo! Heartwood!' 63;endif;ignoreobject 'found';endwhile;// Carpentry Recipes;while @findtype 0x2831 0 'trash';waitforproperties 'found' 5000;for 0 to 'Carpentry Recipes';if @property 'Carpentry Recipes[]' 'found';@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;endfor;ignoreobject 'found';endwhile;// Talismans;for 0 to 'Talismans';while @findtype Talismans[] 0 'trash';waitforproperties 'found' 15000;//crafting bonus and exceptional bonus talismans;if @property 'Tinkering Exceptional Bonus' 'found' >= 20 and @property 'Tinkering Bonus' 'found' >= 20;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Alchemy Bonus' 'found' >= 29 or @property 'Fletching Bonus' 'found' >= 29;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Fletching Exceptional Bonus' 'found' >= 20 and @property 'Fletching Bonus' 'found' >= 20;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Tailoring Exceptional Bonus' 'found' >= 20 and @property 'Tailoring Bonus' 'found' >= 20;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Carpentry Exceptional Bonus' 'found' >= 20 and @property 'Carpentry Bonus' 'found' >= 20;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Inscription Bonus' 'found' >= 29 or @property 'Cooking Bonus' 'found' >= 29;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;elseif @property 'Blacksmithing Exceptional Bonus' 'found' >= 20 and @property 'Blacksmithing Bonus' 'found' >= 20;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;//get slayers;for 0 to 'Slayers';if @property Slayers[] 'found';@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;endfor;//get killers;for 0 to 'Killers';if @property Killers[] 'found' >= 90;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;endfor;//get protections;for 0 to 'Protection';if @property Protection[] 'found' >= 50;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;endfor;ignoreobject 'found';endwhile;endfor;//Jewels;for 0 to 'Jewelry';while @findtype Jewelry[] 0 'trash';waitforproperties 'found' 15000;//EP DI jewels;if @property 'Enhance Potions' 'found' >= 15 and @property 'Damage Increase' 'found' >= 15;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;if @property 'Faster Cast Recovery' 'found' == 3;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;//save 1/2 and 1/1;if @property 'Faster Cast Recovery' 'found' > 0 and @property 'Faster Casting' 'found';@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;//hci and dci jewels, other usable hci dci jewels will be captured by above;if @property 'Defense chance increase' 'found' >= 10 and @property 'Hit chance increase' 'found' >= 5;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;if @property 'Hit chance increase' 'found' >= 12;@moveitem! 'found' 'backpack';pause 1000;break;endif;ignoreobject 'found';endwhile;endfor;clearignorelist;@moveitem! 'trash' 'Trash Barrel';pause 550;endwhile;else;// if you're not at Trash Barrel or FletcherDropoff, then stop;sysmsg 'You need to be next to the Trash Barrel or your FletcherDropoff container when starting this macro' 33;stop;endif;endif;endfor;endfor;endfor;endfor;</macro>
  100. <macro loop="True" name="blah" interrupt="True">useobject 0x42855f23;waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000;replygump 0x38920abd 8;waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000;replygump 0x38920abd 156;waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000;</macro>
  101. </macros>
  102. <autoloot>
  103. <enabled>False</enabled>
  104. <container>0xffffffff</container>
  105. <guards>False</guards>
  106. </autoloot>
  107. <scavenger enabled="False"/>
  108. <spellgrid>
  109. <grid enabled="False" x="579" y="619" name="Magery/UOF" locked="True"/>
  110. <grid enabled="False" x="532" y="510" name="Necroweavermage" locked="True"/>
  111. <grid enabled="False" x="50" y="50" name="bushwarrior" locked="True"/>
  112. <grid enabled="False" x="573" y="642" name="create food" locked="True"/>
  113. </spellgrid>
  114. <organizer/>
  115. </profile>
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