
Pacifist squirtle route

Jan 5th, 2017
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  1. Good: have tail whip, so faster rival fight on average
  2. Are water type, so 2 shot by lv 5 pikachu
  4. Bad: Massive amount of RNG around the pidgey/slowbro catches, as neither can be manipped (we're talking single digit success %)
  6. Faster in the ideal case, slower on average in a no-reset run, as if slowbro has bad special, you have to reset all the way to before the deathfly.
  8. Same ID
  9. Skip PC potion
  10. Choose squirtle
  11. Tail whip rival fight
  12. Center in viridian during parcel trip
  13. Skip mart guy potion
  14. Skip town map
  15. Buy 9 pokeballs
  16. Skip tree potion
  17. manip lv 5 pikachu deathfly (
  18. [Consider picking up tree potion if want to be as safe as possible, to heal pidgey damage]
  19. After deathfly, catch a level 3-4 pidgey (cannot manip) (If level 3 pidgey, name AA)
  20. Menu flash
  21. Catch the Nidoking/Slowbro, hope for 16 special (5/16 for nidoking, 6/16 for slowbro)
  22. If low on balls, pick up weedle guy potion and sell it to buy an extra
  23. If really low on balls, also pick up the antidote and the corner potion
  24. If really really low on balls, reset (or pick up forest ball)
  25. Switch Nidoking/Slowbro to front before btw
  26. Buy an escape rope
  27. Switch pidgey to front if have nidoking
  28. Catch ditto (AA pidgey works, SLOWBRO also seems to work)
  29. Rope out
  30. Catch 2 f4
  31. magic swap shenanagans
  32. 5 <> 1
  33. 1 <> 12
  34. 19 <> 17
  35. 7 <> 1
  36. 7 <> 17
  37. Win
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