
Fairy Anon's Stories + News Reports

Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. >be college student in american southern university located in bum-fuck no where.
  2. >own and live in RV trailer, and own a Truck, simple tools, and a 9mm pistol.
  3. >have other fire arms but they are not currently with me
  5. Day of the fairy rings (day one):
  6. > me me on computer doing school work
  7. > shit starts falling off the shelves
  8. > blinding flash of light
  9. > hear clicks and *pffs* (power is out)
  10. > go outside to evaluate
  11. > see that there is now a sharp contrast of foliage
  12. > look over to neighbor
  13. > notice him in a pool of his own blood
  14. > go over to investigate
  15. > cleaved clear in half
  16. > panic and retreat to RV
  17. > put on survival outfit
  18. > go into lock-down and try to call parents
  19. > communication is out
  20. > start organizing and putting away stuff
  21. > stock up on water, water pressure is down
  22. > calm down
  23. > go out side to see other people panicking
  24. > hear horns and tonal alarms in the distance
  25. > go to see if any of my neighbors are alright and try to help them
  26. > lock my RV
  27. > open carry 9mm
  29. >greeted by an armed father, Jeremiah
  30. >he says,"no, but I appreciate your concern."
  31. >still a little shocked at the sudden events
  32. >I get a trash bag and cover the anon "who was only halfway there." and pray for his soul.
  33. >land lord comes over and asks us all to remain calm. we form a local militia to do security in the neighborhood, I volunteer because I am alone.
  34. >my military kicks in and ask that singles pair up.
  35. >police arrive and tell us there is a meeting at town hall and to remain calm
  36. >someone asks him what he knows, tells us things are weird, power is out, and parts of the county have been displaced like the world got stretch marks.
  37. >I realize half of anons body is now across the strange new land.
  38. >place it upon myself to recover his body.
  39. >ask the land lord to go retrieve his body
  40. >land lord declines
  41. >go anyways, tries to stop me "anon I just don't think it is a good idea to start gallivanting through the brush, who even knows if the plants are toxic."
  42. > the land is arid and rock, a sharp contrast to the swamp land and forest native to the town.
  44. >spend most of the day traveling only to realize, this desert might be a little bit bigger that I anticipated.
  45. > I double back to pick-up some better travel gear
  46. >*wham* I fall flat on my face
  47. >my leg is stuck and I feel like it is snared
  48. >I try to turn over, the pain and what ever has me snared won't let me
  49. >get a look
  50. >its a simple trap
  51. >pull out a knife and cut myself free,
  52. >check my leg. I have some cuts but they are just Avulsion and minor puncture. appears someone was hunting here.
  53. >I pick up pace at a slow jog and make it back without any incident, the sun is setting.
  54. >I clean my wounds, grab my bike, backpack, and some travel gear
  55. >my land lord yells at me for being a dumb ass.
  56. >I take off in the middle of his rant
  57. >still no word from city hall.
  59. >I make it back to where the snare was set up
  60. >I decide it might be a good idea to set an ambush
  61. >pull out my shovel and make a fox hole
  62. >cover my gear and hide myself a good 100ft from the trap
  63. >tired and fall asleep
  64. >I wake up and find nothing
  65. >the trap appears to not have been moved from when I left it
  66. >there is movement in a bush
  67. >strange looking spotted dog pops out
  68. >shit it's a hyena
  69. >I wish I had a rifle
  70. >freeze up and hope he leaves
  71. >i'm cross wind, he doesn't notice me but follows my trail to the RV park
  72. >they should be fine, no different than a stray dog... with a nasty bite and aren't hyenas pack animals?
  73. >I hear foot steps behind me
  74. >TFW its a Gnoll, I let out a burst of fire, thing is down, I look for the hyena.
  75. > it hasn't noticed me. I maneuver for it and let out a burst, its down.
  76. > hightail it back to the RV camp
  77. > my land lord has a disappointed look in his face
  78. > I tell him about the Gnoll
  79. > he asks what if they are friendly I could have just started an inter-racial issue.
  80. > remember Dnd, I don't want to risk it.
  81. >start to fortify my RV.
  82. >land lord is pissed I am making a dirt fort of his park.
  83. >tell him to fuck off, I'll pay him later.
  85. >An officer returns with word from city hall.
  86. >someone rigged up a radio comm tower, some sat dishes, and a few other things, were running on generator power for most of the country
  87. >the president has issued a state of emergency
  88. >the governor of every state has mobilized the national guard
  89. >the sheriffs are acting under martial law, the city police force has ben split as deputies of the various counties
  90. > the sheriffs has order that all veterans, retired and otherwise, of any police force or military report to his office for emergency induction as deputies.
  91. >there is a curfew
  92. >the draft has not been enacted as of yet
  93. >reports of any strange creatures and phenomenon are to be reported immediately
  94. >stay in your homes, do not leave them unless approached by an authority to do so
  95. >rations will be issued on a need basis until commerce can resume
  96. > the officer breaths as he finishes his report
  97. >the land lord pipes up about my gnoll encounter and the fragged desert behind us.
  98. >the officer approaches me
  99. >just another day in the trenches.frontline
  100. >I just point to the tashbag covered body of my former neighbor
  101. >”I was looking for the other half, the other side is a ways away.”
  102. >the officer pulls out a note book and writes it down
  103. > he pauses to see fortification around my RV.seige
  104. >he promptly takes off to continue his rounds
  106. >I take a moment to think, school has probably postponed, probably going to be drafted, if I’m going to do Gods work it is going to have to be today.
  107. >while my land lord and neighbors are all conversing about what they are going to do next, I make my run.
  108. >take the gear I had laid out, make a few days rations and bolt back into the desert.
  109. >I make it back to where the gnoll was and do once over.
  110. >he is carrying a knife
  111. >one Hella crazy black powder Jaeger, Doppelstutzen, or rather an over-under rifle-musket with a nasty bayonet ax. German-wet-dream
  113. >still looking I find some powder, charges, ball, and some trail jerky
  114. >I wasn’t going to try and imagine what that jerky was from.
  115. > start searching the area for tracks and signs
  116. >tracks lead north
  117. >I mount my trusty umm.. steed and start making my way there
  118. >I figure I have about three days of travel I can make before I hit a point of no return.
  119. > thought about returning for my very nice 4x4 diesel Chevy Silverado, but I wanted some degree of stealth and I figured the terrain wouldn’t be passible
  120. >I take a moment to pray to “Saint John Browning and the holy Chiappa” before traveling further
  121. >my first day is arduous, progress is slow because I have to path-find in an uncharted desert
  122. >the gnoll markings make it only mildly easier
  123. >I come across spots of greenery, it seems to match the flora native to the state
  124. >it is kind of funny seeing southern pine trees and bamboo in the middle of a desert
  125. >the gnoll markings in them are recent, guess they are as confused as us.
  126. >It takes me two days before I come across a band of gnolls
  127. >I drop and hope they didn’t see me
  128. >I pull out a shit broken scope my grandfather gave me, to spy on them.
  130. >I count 1,2,…3 gnolls 1,…2 hyenas
  131. >the hyena lifts its head, it found something interesting
  132. >I figured I was that interesting thing, I check my bandage.medic
  133. >I figure they were going to find me, so I ready the jaeger and line up a good shot
  134. >I can feel the calm, I wait for the right time, I can feel time slow almost to give me ample chance
  135. >/k/rack. I fire the first
  136. >it make a hit square on a hyena, not my target but still a hit.
  137. >they are closing 120 yards
  138. >/k/rack
  139. >musket fires wide, 115 yrds
  140. >reload, 100 yds, they have my location
  141. >1,2 rifle hits but the gnoll is still up, musket goes wide again
  142. >85 yds
  143. >1,2 two hits, neither are fatal
  144. >70 yds
  145. >1,2 gnoll goes down
  146. >have they never heard of cover?
  147. >55yds, 2 shots wiz and ping
  148. >I return fire
  149. >figure I have another round before I use the 9mm
  150. >1,2 I don’t even look
  151. >30 yds
  152. >a spray comes at me
  153. > I open up with a mag dump
  154. > reload and sustain fire
  155. >The gnolls are down
  156. >the hyena jumps the rock
  157. >get off me.point blank shot
  158. >go for the knife and jam it in its throat
  159. >threat nuetralised.
  160. >I reload the jeager and do a scan
  162. >it’s a little unsettling, I think the gnolls got to him, not much left of him
  163. >I scavenge his fridge and RV
  164. >find some food, drink, milk, eggs, nothing /k/ool
  165. >I take some time to bury his body with the jeagers, don’t want those back in the wrong hands
  166. >It is getting late by this time, so I ready my camp and set up a perimeter, not my specialty but better than nothing.
  167. >as the sun sets I am reflecting on if I should return with his body or leave it here
  168. >then I see lights dancing in the distance
  169. >must be their camp
  170. >I travel a good few hours into the night before I get close enough to see it
  171. >I think I killed the outer patrol
  172. >the gnoll village appears to have been spliced directly into the missing parts of the county.
  173. >fuck.
  174. >I see bodies flayed and empty now in a pile
  175. >I can hear the screams of some of their latest captures
  176. >I whip out my phone and video it so I can take it back as proof
  177. >I watch as the shaman flays a poor child apart, still alive and begins a sacrificial ritual
  178. >the shaman moves over to the body of a dead knoll and seems to cast a spell.
  179. >I watch intently, not a spell a prayer
  180. >I wait for the body rises, now an undead gnoll
  181. >shit, just when I thought I had put an end to them.
  182. >I will have to burn the bodies
  183. >I think I have enough
  184. >make a hasty retreat and sleep at the RV tonight
  185. >I don’t get much sleep, never know when a gnoll patrol is going to come back
  186. >I wake up, burn the bodies, and book it as fast as I can
  187. >I can’t help but listen to the event over and over and over again until my battery dies.
  189. >I charge my phone with the spare battery
  190. >I can almost hear the incantation of the gnoll, over and over again
  191. >It is so strange but so familiar
  192. >I snap out of my trance
  193. >I travel a whole another in this stupor, I’m still not quite certain I came the right way
  194. >the gnoll marks put me at ease, if only that I am going the right direction
  195. >the rock and sand pains my legs as I push forward on the bike.
  196. >I’m tired and fuck up
  197. >I trip and stumble over by bike, totally wreak the wheels.
  198. >I have to leave it, the frame is intact, I can fix it later.
  199. >make my way at a hard march back towards the snare
  200. >I hear something
  201. >I see something
  202. >I say something
  203. >*pfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpf,Ma duce.
  204. >I am now a repentant
  206. >I scream out, “hold your fucking fire!”
  207. >I hear a voice say, “ma’am, I don’t think it’s a gnoll.”
  208. >the voices bicker before I hear a voice over a loud speaker, “drop your weapon and stand up slowly.”
  209. >I discharge the jaeger, and slowly toss it into a nearby bush.
  210. >again, “stand up with your hands in the air.”
  211. >I raise up slowly
  212. > “move forward slowly”
  213. >I continue to comply with the commands given to me
  214. > a national guardsman comes out to pat me down.
  215. > “I’m a US citizen, I just went to look for a friend, well half of a friend.”
  216. > the specialist looks back and says, “he has a pistol, knife and a few other things, nothing else.”
  217. > the specialist gives me my pistol back
  218. >a lieutenant steps out of a Humvee, “you can put your hands down, what are you doing out here?”
  219. >me on the verge of tears, “I just, ma’am, my friend he was umm. Split in half by the uhh.. ground, I mean he is half over there *points to the RV camp* and half over there *points where I came from*
  220. > she tries to comfort me, “its OK just tell us what happened.”
  221. >I explain the events that I had seen and pull out my phone.
  222. >ma’am I think you will want to see this.
  223. >show her the video.
  224. >show her the map I made
  225. >tell her about the trail markers and how the terrain was
  226. >I’m no military Scout so she seemed a little skeptical of my information.
  227. >“I lost my bike on the way back, so if you don’t mind, I would like to go hold up in my RV”
  228. >there are some chuckles from the troopers, a joke that probably went over my head
  229. > “you are to stay in your RV, I’m taking your phone.”
  230. >I protest but she insists, “I think I can find you, ‘fort necessity.’”
  231. >I blush, and exchange information
  232. > the troopers leave me to make my way back.
  233. >I have a
  235. >I get back to my RV
  236. >the national guard has set up a small base here, they have commandeered my RV as HQ
  237. >what are locks for.theif
  238. >walk up, same treatment
  239. >the ma’am radioed me in
  240. >a PFC greets me, pats me down
  241. >a captain steps out of my RV. “Anon?”
  242. > “yes, uhh sir.”
  243. > the captain recognizes my paramilitary response.
  244. > “well we thought you were dead, I hope you don’t mind.”
  245. > I look back at him, “I think we are kind of at war so, uhh.”
  246. > “I will get you a hotel room, why don’t you pack some of your things.”
  247. > the Captain has a PFC help me gather my things and put them in my truck.
  248. > look back at the PFC, “I have some ammo and stuff, it isn’t mil. Spec but if you need it.”
  249. > he nods and takes puts some of my ammo our troops
  250. >I am escorted to a local hotel, it is packed with people who are traveling, displaced, and not quite able to get home.
  251. >I am put in a hotel room, a “deputy” officer is stationed as a guard.
  252. >I take a moment to just stare at the wall.PTSD
  253. >I remember my plan.
  254. >I search the room, I find it a Gideon bible.
  255. >I start whipping through the pages, revelations, genesis, revelations, I’m searching, searching.
  256. >I still don’t have what I need, but it is a start.
  257. >I write something on a piece of paper.
  258. >I need some more information
  259. >I pop out to the “deputy.”
  260. >hey, I uh, wanted to look something up, but I need to go the library.griddown
  261. > “no, you are to stay here.”
  262. > I see, what I am looking for. “rabbi, can I talk to you for a moment?”
  263. >the rabbi is taken back, “uhh, certainly what do you need son?”
  264. >I explain what happened to me.
  265. > “I just need to know some words, Hebrew words.”
  266. >he is confused but does his best to help me.
  267. >I am excited, I give him $20.goy
  268. >he thanks me.
  269. >I have what I
  271. >ready my paper, I memorize the words
  272. >the paper lights into a white flame
  273. >holyfuckingshitcock.blastphamy
  274. >no need, I remember them now
  275. >a PFC stops by to return my phone later that day
  276. >a warrant officer comes in to interrogate me
  277. >I feel a little uncomfortable, but I do everything I can
  278. >I am told not to leave town
  279. >I am told that I have to adhere to crew few
  280. >I am told that all charges will be dropped if I comply.
  281. >that’s all I need.releif
  282. >I take what time I have left to try to find a cemetery, a park, museum the next day
  283. >they are surprisingly full as people are trying to find something to do to relax.nomonstershere
  284. >I find what I am looking for.
  285. >I seclude myself in the cemetery and case the spell I had been concocting.Necromancy
  286. >nothing happens, I feel stupid.
  287. >I go back to the hotel and wait.
  288. >then I hear it, screams and shouts.
  290. >I make my way back to the cemetery
  291. >I then announce “CEASE” my voice carries like it is over a microphone.
  292. >5000 civil war era, Vietnam era, Iraqi war era veteran Zombies
  293. >I am over joyed.phophecy
  294. >they shamble forward and try to say something.
  295. >I don’t know what they said but what I understood was, “This marine is back from hell for those bastards who got away.”
  296. >I explain to the zombies what is going on and that they should be patient with the town’s folk, they are a little spooked
  297. >moments later the captain rounds the corner flying hot with his full unit
  298. >I hold my hands up and scream, “don’t shoot their friendly.”
  299. >the captain jumps off his Humvee and comes running up to me.
  300. >”and just what in all that is holy are you!?”
  301. >I explain that after watching the shaman I had an epiphany
  302. >Nephilim, the prophecy of revelations, I explain that I figured out how to cast a spell to raise the dead, to fight for us, to start a /k/rusade against whatever evil forces have done the world wrong.christisazombie
  303. > it is at this point that I realize I might have put to much into the spell and pass out.
  306. /k/osmonaught
  308. >be the lone fucker on the ISS when shit gets stable.
  309. >always carry my trusty TP-82 because I am /k/osmonaught.
  310. >see flashes of light when I am doing important experiment
  311. >important experiment explodes, it is a success
  312. >I am unable to contact the ground
  313. >check all channels, dirt is not responding
  314. >I hear banging on outer haul
  315. >not this time alien.I_have_seen_this_movie
  316. >turns out it was astronaut friend
  317. >I think he decided to go home, I saw him leaving for the earth.
  318. >maybe he will tell them what is going on up here
  320. Sometime later
  322. >finally, message comes through
  323. > “/k/osmonaught, the space program has been discontinued, political situation too unstable to retrieve you, good luck”
  324. >finally, I was about to run out of American’s rations I only have 365.25 days worth now.
  325. >I go outside ISS to have a look around
  326. >not much of interest
  327. >I decide it might be better to head for the moon, so at least I have a place to put my feet.
  328. >it was further away but I didn’t risk becoming a fire ball or chunky salsa.
  329. >I start jerry rigging parts to make a craft capable of space travel
  330. >it will be slow, but I might be able to reach the moon with some time to spare.
  331. >what I create looks like the weirdest sailing ship you have ever seen.
  332. >I set it off with a fair amount of my own special mixture of combustibles, all that vodka came in handy
  334. Sometime later
  336. >it took me several weeks to get here, but I made it.
  337. >the ship, she is now in a loving embrace with the moon.
  338. >I keep my gun beside me.
  339. >based on transmissions, there is a lot of weird stuff happening back on earth.
  340. Headline: British militias making fortifications from possibly fae invasion, Ireland still silent. Queen could not be reach for remarks.
  342. in other-news: strange man wearing medieval armor calming to be king Arthur found gallivanting through countryside with a small army. authorities have not apprehended the suspect as of yet.
  344. over pirated radio:
  346. Ace pilot goes for joy ride over Ireland.
  348. America has established contact with NATO nations, situation is still dire, Atlantic trade is cut off due to monsters of the deep, royal navy has been forced to dock until threat can be understood.
  350. report:
  351. occult books have been banned after school girl accidentally summons demon.
  353. report:
  354. America government reports missing military equipment as local militias raid military bases in confusion.
  358. Mercenaries in Cascadia report success after latest raid. (Cascadia Anon
  360. wood elves are causing trouble for local humans in west Texan town
  362. mercenaries disappear and have not been heard from in some time, local man says he may just be fucking a tank.
  364. British report fae have taken Ireland
  366. strange milkman bringing joy to countless isolated towns (Kalcium in Neumagh Anon
  367. News Report:
  369. Cascadian mercenary group declares independence from US, president not available for comment, congress has made no actions (Cascadia Anon
  371. mercenary couple announces baby, raises concern about inter species relations (Elfette Anon
  373. mercenary tank group still missing. no reports yet (Tank Anon
  375. internet group /k/ on 4chan organizes freelance mercenary group, billionaire entrepreneur buys island and gifts it to out-fit
  377. sighting of mysterious ace have slowed in aftermath of Balkan outbreak
  379. orc terror on rise (Referencing Terror Anon)
  381. News Report
  382. Texan deputy in pursuit of justice, accused of murder, Governor defends sheriff
  384. Militias turn mercenary as fae and demi-human incursion drives denizens from homes
  386. Mercenary couple tries to make life for themselves, is open violence the new norm? (Elfette Anon
  388. Report from missing tank battalion, isolation is tough on the mind (Tank Anon
  390. Dragon hunters report violent infestation across Midwest (Dragon Slayer Anon
  392. NASA and international space organization report massive funding loss due to much needed military investments, private entrepreneurs pick up slack
  394. Canadian rebels entrenched as infestation drives them into defensive positions, US government reports contradictory support for rebels, bounties are still being issued
  396. Violence and mass genocide across unsecured areas, authorities warn of dangers of travel
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