
Multicraft Install Instructions for Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit

Mar 24th, 2015
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  1. ## Multicraft install instructions for Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 64 bit
  2. ## These instructions are for a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 install (i.e. new VPS)
  3. ## If you find these instructions to be helpful, please make a donation to
  4. ##
  5. ## This sets up Multicraft to use sqlite, this is just my personal preference
  6. ## since it keeps the database file in the mulitcraft install folder.
  7. ## mysql is also setup if there any Bukkit plugins that need mysql.
  9. ## Via ssh terminal, run everything as root
  10. su -
  11. ## Enter in your password for root
  12. apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y
  13. apt-get install -y nano zip unzip git
  14. apt-get install -y apache2 sqlite php5 php5-curl php5-sqlite php5-gd openjdk-7-jre-headless
  15. apt-get install -y mysql-server
  16. ## When installing mysql, set a root password
  18. service apache2 restart
  19. apt-get install -y phpmyadmin
  20. ## select apache2 option, answer yes to any other option
  21. ## It will ask for your mysql root password
  23. a2enmod rewrite
  24. service apache2 restart
  26. nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
  27. ## Edit the following that has the <Directory /var/www/> line
  28. ## Under <Directory /var/www/> change
  29. ## AllowOverride None to AllowOveride All
  31. service apache2 restart
  33. ## Go to http://yourserver/phpmyadmin
  34. ## login with your MySQL “root” details
  35. ## click “Databases” on the top and create any needed Collation databases
  37. ## Go back to ssh terminal
  38. cd /tmp
  39. wget -O multicraft.tar.gz
  40. tar xvzf multicraft.tar.gz
  41. cd multicraft
  42. ./
  44. y
  45. minecraft
  46. y
  47. /home/minecraft/multicraft
  48. ## enter license key if you have one
  49. 1
  50. y
  51. www-data
  52. #################################################################################
  54. #################################################################################
  55. /var/www/html/multicraft
  56. y
  57. ## enter your server’s main ip address
  58. 21
  59. n
  60. sqlite
  61. y
  62. <Enter>
  63. y
  65. sudo service apache2 restart
  67. ## Go to http://yourserver/multicraft
  68. ## All install requirements should be green
  69. Start Installation
  70. Continue
  71. Continue
  72. Initialize database, type:SQLite, path /var/www/html/multicraft/protected/data/data.db
  73. Continue
  74. Login (username:admin, password:admin)
  75. Continue
  76. Initialize database, type:SQLite, path /home/minecraft/multicraft/data/data.db
  77. Continue
  78. Save
  80. ## Go back to ssh terminal and start deamon
  81. screen -S multicraft
  82. cd /home/minecraft/multicraft/bin/
  83. ./multicraft –nv start
  84. CTRL+A+D to detach from screen
  85. ## to reattach screen type screen -r multicraft
  87. ## You should see your daemon appear on "Detected Daemons"
  88. Resfresh
  89. Continue
  90. Continue
  92. ## Go back to ssh terminal
  93. mv /var/www/html/multicraft/install.php /var/www/html/multicraft/install._php
  95. ## Your panel should now be accessible via http://yourserver/multicraft
  96. ## Install vanilla server jar to the daemon
  97. ## Go to your panel>Settings>Update Minecraft
  98. ## For each update file select conf then download>then install
  99. ## For each update update file select jar then download>then install
  101. ## Update BukGet to new API changes
  102. ## cd to the from end of your multicraft directory
  103. cd /var/www/html/multicraft
  104. wget
  105. unzip
  106. ## let it overwrite
  107. ## Go to Settings>Panel Configuration and enable Use BukGet plugin list
  109. ## Install Spigot
  110. ## Copy to a public folder on Dropbox
  111. ## Find or build the latest spigot.jar and upload it to a public folder on your Dropbox
  112. ## Edit spigot.jar.conf for the following:
  113. ## Under "source =" change the link to the jar on your Dropbox (right click, copy public link)
  114. ## The link would look like
  115. ## Under "configsource =" change the link to the conf on your Dropbox
  116. ## Go to Settings>Update Minecraft>Add or Remove Files
  117. ## There is a field under "Add Files" enter in Spigot
  118. ## In the conf URL field, enter the Dropbox link to spigot.jar.conf
  119. ## Select Add, then back
  120. ## Select the "Mod: Spigot" and then JAR file, download, then install
  122. ## Install Bungeecord JAR
  123. ## Go to Settings>Update Minecraft>Add or Remove Files
  124. ## There is a field under "Add Files" enter in BungeeCord
  125. ## In the conf URL field, enter in
  126. ## Select Add, then back
  127. ## Select the "Mod: BungeeCord" and then JAR file, download, then install
  129. ## Install Cauldron 1.6.4 for Attack of the B-Team
  130. ## In Multicraft create the server to generate the server base folder under /multicraft/servers/ (i.e. server1)
  131. ## Copy Attack of the B-Team server files zip from
  132. ## and unzip into the server base directory (i.e. server1)
  133. ## Find the Cauldron Installer and copy to the server base folder (i.e. server1)
  134. ## Run the installer to create the library folders
  135. java -jar cauldronlongfilename-installer.jar --installServer
  136. ## Rename cauldronlongfilename.jar to BTeam.jar
  137. ## There should be BTeam.jar and minecraft_server.1.6.4.jar
  138. ## Select "Default" as the jar selection for the server
  139. ## Enter in BTeam.jar for jar filename
  140. ## Set "Look for JARs in" to "Server base directory"
  141. ## Change the ownership of the files to match the server ID (i.e. server1 would be mc1, server2 would be mc2, etc)
  142. chown -R mc1:mc1 /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server1
  144. ## Setup MySQL for plugins that such as Prism
  145. ## Go to http://yourserver/phpmyadmin
  146. ## Login with your MySQL "root" credentials
  147. ## Click "Databases" on the top and create a new Collation database, you can name it anything you want (i.e. bungeesuite)
  148. ## When you first run your server with BungeeSuite, go to the console to enter in the MySQL info needed for setup
  150. ## Go to Servers>Create Server to make a new server
  151. ## Set your name, player count, assign to admin or a user, port number, amount of memory, select jar file
  152. ## Click on Show Advanced Options and check Owner Managed FTP
  153. ## Start punching some wood
  155. ## Using a FTP client (i.e. Cyberduck) to upload files to a server base folder (i.e. /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server1)
  156. ## In order to make sure user/group permissions are set properly for the server ID
  157. ## Use the FTP credentials created by Multicraft
  158. ## For example, for "admin" to upload files to server1
  159. ## The username would be admin.1
  160. ## And the password would be admin's multicraft password
  161. ## If instead you upload as a different user using SFTP, you will have to
  162. ## change the user/group to match the server ID (i.e. chown -R mc1:mc1 /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server1)
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