
Adam feels guilty af

Apr 9th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam laid across his couch bed, his bag open on the floor and only half unpacked because he kind of just gave up halfway through and laid down to watch tv. Lady was on the floor at his feet gnawing on her bone as a happy doggy now that everyone was back home and she wasnt staying with a stranger. He laid with his arms propped behind his head, his droopy eyes set on the tv to watch some light hearted 'Ridiculousness.'-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley played with the ends of her hair as she walked up the stairs and went towards her room before back peddaling and looking at Adam's curtain. She sighed as she pulled back the curtain a moment. "Can we talk?" She asked with a frown.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -When Hayley stuck her head into his room and spoke, his eyes moved from the tv to her face, shifting a bit in couch bed to awkwardly sure, his voice a little raspy from being silent for so long in his room. "Sure."-
  4. Tsaaq: She walked into the room before crossing her arms over her chest. "Did you want to like... Break up or something?" She tried to ask in the most nonchalant voice she could muster. Her shoulders lifted into a shrug.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He furrowed his brows, pushing his torso up with his elbows to prop behind him so he could look at her, bewilderment plastered across his face. "What? No... why would you think that?"-
  6. Tsaaq: "I don't know. I feel like things have gotten really awkward between us since..." Hayley trailed off and shrugged. "I don't know. Nevermind. I guess I was just overthinking." She muttered quickly to herself. "
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I guess I've been having a rough time the last few days.." He said in a small voice, sitting up further and bringing his hand up to drag down his face. "This doesnt sit right with me."-
  8. Tsaaq: She lowered her head and stepped further into the bedroom. "I didn't mean to say anything... But it's all I think about." She frowned as she looked over to him. She went silent, wanting to speak but all she could do is stare.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "No, if somethings bothering you, I want you to tell me. That way we can work things out and fix them, right?" He asked, lifting his chin a bit to look at her.-
  10. Tsaaq: "Why did you go with him?" Hayley finally asked as she frowned. "You could've just come back to the house with me and we wouldn't have been involved." She sighed with distress.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Because he's a friend... and I guess I wasnt really thinking about it outside of a friend needing help. It wasnt until we were on the beach that it really sank in what we were doing, and I was already in too deep." He frowned, dropping his head down to stare at his hands.-
  12. Tsaaq: Hayley shook her head. "You always know right from wrong. I don't understand." She put her hands on the sides of her head. "Who cares? He was being ridiculous. We could've called someone and everything would've been okay. We didn't do anything wrong! Now it looks like we did something wrong."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I know... I know..." He brought his hands up over his face, pushing them back through his hair. "Hindsight is 20/20. I was just caught up in the whirlwind of the moment. He asked someone to help him and without thinking I just stepped in to help him. What am I supposed to do, now?"-
  14. Tsaaq: She sighed as she went to sit down beside him. She put her hand on her his and looked him in his face. "I don't know... Maybe we should tell somebody?" Hayley suggested. "Maybe tell the dean or something before they find it themselves."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -He pursed his lips, keeping his eyes down. "Maybe, yeah. Or the police..." He trailed off, his mind racing through all the possible scenarios of what would happen when they told someone. "Do you think they'll arrest all of us? I'm not sure how international charges would work..."-
  16. Tsaaq: Hayley tilted her head as she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But we didn't do anything bad." She began to murmur. "Should we google it and see what would happen though?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: "You should know that googling things usually gives the worst possible outcome and is never accurate. You could google a stomach cramp and it'll spit back that you have cancer. And technically? We did. We might not have been responsible for his passing, but we were obstructing justice by hiding his body."-
  18. Tsaaq: She didn't take out her phone. Instead she stared at him and let out another sigh. "That's why I'm not happy that you helped doing that..." Hayley trailed off quietly. "I think we should tell a professor or something. Somebody we trust."
  19. Alexithymiaa: -He thought for a long moment as he tried to think of someone he could trust that had some authority with the school, slowly turning his head to look at her. "Professor Cohen?"-
  20. TsaaqTsaaq : Hayley's eyebrows rose as her eyes widened. "Oh my god, no. That's Eli's dad. Their family has a bunch of things to deal with already." She said quickly. "I don't know if we should get him involved."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "But I dont know who else we can trust to not say anything, but also steer us in the right direction of the right thing to do." He let out a deep sigh, trying to think of someone else. "Maybe we should have a meeting. All of us that were involved..."-
  22. Tsaaq: "True." She whispered. "We can't really depend on adult-adults." Hayley said quietly. She frowned. "So you, Felix and Brad but... Whoever else who wants to come can?" She asked.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I guess. I don't even know how this would work. Or what we would talk about. At the same time, I don't know if I necessarily want to go to Brad..."-
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips and scooted closer to Adam. "Do you want to pretend like it never happened?" She asked softly as she stared up at him.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I dont think I can do that." He spoke solemnly, exhaling deeply. "I dont think this is something that I'll be able to get my mind off of for a long time."-
  26. Tsaaq: "Then we have to think of something that will help." She said. Hayley leaned forward as she began to pout. "I still want to tell somebody who can help. But I don't know anyone. Everything is useless." She whispered despondantly.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I guess it's something we'll have to sleep on and maybe brainstorm after we give it a bit more thought. That's pending if I can actually get any sleep." He flopped backward onto couch bed, bringing his arm sbehind his head.-
  28. TsaaqTsaaq : Hayley frowned as she watched him. "I can help you fall asleep...?" She said. "If you want?" She offered as she went to lower her head a moment. "I know I haven't really been talkative lately..."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "How would you help me fall asleep?" He asked, forcing his eyes closed as he tried to relax, but he was never going to relax.-
  30. Tsaaq: "I can..." Hayley paused and bit her lip. "I can give you a massage?" She suggested with a shrug. "Or I can run a nice bath for you before bed?"
  31. Alexithymiaa: "I... uh... I don't... I don't think that's necessary." He stammered uncomfortably, moving his arm to drape it across his eyes in an attempt to shield his face a bit. "Why don't we just lay and watch tv?"-
  32. Tsaaq: Hayley sighed as she went to pull off her sneakers. "Really? Even the massage one? I'd just be doing your back. Chakras, blah blah blah." She said as she went to lay beside him.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I think it's just better if we... don't." He started to fish his hands around in the blankets in search of the tv remote, finally pulling it out to hand off to her. "We can watch anything you want though."-
  34. Tsaaq: "You don't want me to touch you?" Hayley said with a sigh. "I just want to see whatever's on adult swim." She said. "So hopefully we find that channel fast."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Not really..." He trailed off, hiting the channel buttons on the remote to put on Cartoon Network. He set the remote back down into the blankets to probably get lost again.-
  36. Tsaaq: Hayley pursed her lips and scooted away from him. "Sorry I guess." She said. "I thought you were comfortable with me by now." She sighed, laying on her side as she looked at the tv.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "It's not that. It's not you. I guess it's just how I'm feeling right now. It doesn't seem like you should do anything for me right now when I've made such a grave mistake like I have. People don't get rewarded when they mess up..." He winced, trying his best to express how he feels right now because his head is so everywhere about poor Javier.-
  38. Tsaaq: Hayley frowned as she tilted her head. "Don't. We're going to figure this out." She said with a firm nod. "And people make mistakes. That's why pencils have erasers and you get lives in video games."
  39. Alexithymiaa: "That doesnt make it okay..." He mumbled, turning onto his side to be a little bit more comfortable. "Can we just go to sleep?" He asked her, yanking on the blanket to pull it up further.-
  40. Tsaaq: She gave a solemn nod. "Yeah..." She trailed off as she went to lay beside him. Her eyes glancing to the television once the blanket was over them and she watched Bobs Burgers until she was asleep.
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