

Jun 1st, 2018
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  1. Iso: Of course as soon as I'm ready to leave, she gets here.
  2. Iso: Do you think Sao can conduct the interview with you?
  3. QnDebShadow: whispering him now
  4. Iso: Awesome. I'll be back in a bit.
  5. Iso: Kitty is my eyes and ears while I'm away. Can you two get the interview started?
  6. Iso: I'm going to go ahead and grab a couple of things to make dinner while I'm out.
  7. QnDebShadow: Welcome Virida and thank you for your patience for this interview
  8. Virida: It's no problem, honestly! Worth the wait.~
  9. QnDebShadow: Please come in and stand on the spot in front of us :)
  10. QnDebShadow: If you are ready, i will ask my first question. How often are you online? as we have an attendance policy. If you are going to be gone for 3 days or more, You will need to let one or more of the sins know, or put it in the away tab in Discord, if you pass the interview
  11. Virida: I am online every day, basically. I'll always give a heads up before I go away- these five days i'll be on every day for at least an hour but an online friend is over so not all day.
  12. Virida: But, I'm usually never offline.
  13. QnDebShadow: Unfortunately, there is no opening for Family members, as that takes time to get into, if at all. Out of the others you checked....Residential, Guards/Vassals, or Personal, which one would you rather be?
  14. Virida: Hmmm, I wouldn't mind any of them, although I'd fit well in residential first. Fighting is something I haven't done in a long time, but guards/vassals might work for me as well. Personal, I'm open for it. It all depends on what you need.
  15. QnDebShadow: If you are not comfortable with fighting yet, Residential would be good, or a servant, and if you asked, we do have a few that help train
  16. Virida: It's simply that I'm rather rusty with fighting. Don't know if I could add anything without a few mess ups here and there. I wouldn't mind training in the least! Residential or servant, either one would be fine with me. Working my way up would probably make me most comfortable.
  17. QnDebShadow: We maintain contact as well as share announcements in regards to the roleplay to Discord and our imvu group page. While it is not required it is HIGHLY advised that you join so you can stay informed of any rule changes. Will you be able to join us on discord?
  18. QnDebShadow: After a week on trial, you get invited to the group page
  19. Virida: I would love to join you on Discord.
  20. QnDebShadow: Are there any Kingdoms or individuals (enemies) who may track you to our room and cause a problem? If you don’t notify us about these potential threats it will be cause for suspension or termination. It will also help to be aware, and nip any drama before it starts.
  21. Virida: Nope! I don't think so, it's been forever since I was on IMVU and even then I never involved myself in drama.
  22. QnDebShadow: What about Kaz’geroth did you find enjoyable enough to try to join?
  23. Virida: At first I thought the room sounded pretty cool, and then I was met by friendly people and given the link to the application. As I read more, I just decided that it sounded like it would be a lot of fun to join.
  24. Virida: It seems like it's organized, which is something I like.
  25. QnDebShadow: Please keep in mind that we are not as strict as we appear at first glance. We joke, we play, but everyone has their boundaries. If something bothers you PLEASE take the matter up with that individual (in private), unless its a group offense you can state it in room. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING (Screenshots only, i say this because copy logs can be altered.). If the behavior continues then present the evidence to the mods and it will be reviewed thoroughly and dealt with. If you do not have sufficient proof but can provide 2 witnesses who can confirm the accusations, the individual(s) will be warned. If you have no proof or no witness that can confirm then none of us can help you.
  26. Virida: Of course! I have no qualms with screenshotting, nor maturely resolving disputes in private provided the person is mature enough to talk to me about it- I'll only come to you if I can't resolve it on my own.
  27. QnDebShadow: If you choose the role of it servant or maid, and come into meetings that are held for everyone to discuss an upcoming battle rp, would you leave, thinking you would not be able to contribute, or would you stay to get the feel of the story?
  28. QnDebShadow: personal*
  29. QnDebShadow: Leave as in leave the Empire, not coming back
  30. Virida: I would stay to get a feel of the story, I absolutely adore storylines. Maybe my character, in character, would be able to contribute mildly if she followed along- if it was in character. Either way, she may eventually be able to contribute and it's important to practice. As for leaving the Empire, if I truly couldn't contribute and it was decided I couldn't and removed, then I'd leave willingly if told- but otherwise, I'm loyal to roleplays I join.
  31. Virida: I mean, every character starts somewhere.
  32. QnDebShadow: You did say you can para and know T-! did you not?
  33. QnDebShadow: T-1 lol
  34. Virida: Yep! I frequently practice both T-1 and multipara, and my dream is to become a writer. My favorite subject to write about is actually demons, funnily enough.
  35. Virida: I was looking for something a little more permanent than one-shots, though.
  36. QnDebShadow: There are times we do light rps that allow those that are not members to join. The storyline rps are for members and trialists only to rp in
  37. QnDebShadow: That is where the writing comes in handy
  38. QnDebShadow: Can you tell us a bit about your chara? I have looked at the application, but its more for those that havent
  39. Virida: Oh, for Virida, I came up with her on the fly. I didn't really know what to make so I decided to just simply let go and go with the flow, and in doing so I kind of created a character that doesn't really understand most of what's going on around them. She's aloof, scatterbrained, kind of just goes with the flow- such as falling into hell without actually realizing where she is. She's not mature, per say, and she's not the best fighter, but she does what she's told. Most of the time. She can be mischevious, but she can also be generous and show some kindness at certain points in time although she tends to be mostly selfish. A bit of a coward, lots of character growth to go through there.
  40. Virida: She's a fairy, which is probably unusual for hell, but she herself isn't exactly affected by normal circumstances being not too sound of mind yet not a danger to the world.
  41. QnDebShadow: -smiles- Thank you for your time and patience through this procedure. If you will excuse us. we will discuss and let you know. Please feel free to stay in the room
  42. QnDebShadow: the Kingdom room that is
  43. Virida: Of course! Take your time.~
  44. Virida: Oh, leave here?
  45. QnDebShadow: yes, please
  46. Virida: Okay!
  47. Virida: Thank you very much.
  48. QnDebShadow: Sao, you have any thing to add? Josh just said pass her on Discord on his vote
  49. Saotoka: well she still has her trial to go, so go ahead and pass her through to see if she can keep up
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