
My Name

Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. So I'm making a this post today to talk about a few things, My history in CS, my love for what the game was, what I'm currently doing
  3. And a request.
  5. But here's the change, I am making this post, not as Redjon, Terrorist, Warlord, Pirate or whatever word or phrase you knew me by when I played CS
  6. and met, fought with and against all of you strange and beautiful people.
  8. I make this post as the person behind Redjon, Redjon is a character, a caricature even, of ideas I've tried, beliefs I've tested and strengths I wanted to be...or weaknesses I wanted to banish by acting out in a world somewhat safer in its own way then the real one.
  9. I've grown a lot since I first started playing Chosen Space and CS Galaxies, from child to adult, possibly maybe even someday to a Man.
  10. Online I've filled the name I was uncomfortable with for so long to the point that I will just as readily answer to "Red" or "Redjon" in the real world as much as online, Redjon to some extent, is me.
  12. But I make this post not as Redjon, but as Me.
  14. Hello, Chosen Space,Hello dear online friends and readers, My name is Matthew.
  16. I am 24 Years old.
  17. I was born and raised in central Texas
  19. I was Home schooled and grew up on jobs and remodeling projects learning the family trade.
  21. I didn't learn to read till I was 5.
  23. I read the entire children's section of our local towns three story library by the time I turned 9,devouring Sherlock Holmes, Jupiter Jones mysteries, Hardy Boys,
  25. Chronicles of Narnia and Professor Challenger series as well as all the greek myths and legends I could get my hands on, making up for lost time I suppose.
  26. for my 9th Birthday my grandfather gave me The Hobbit a large paperback book with a bright red dragon on the cover...and Tolkien became the center of my literary world for quite some time. ( and then they turned them into MOVIES? WHAAAAAAT?! My excitement was only tempered by the abiding hope they wouldn't ruin them.
  28. I have a deep love and passion for reading and writing, Science Fiction holds great literal meaning for me as a subject, due to the philosophical ideas it can test and push, Philosophy being one of my greatest loves.
  30. I manage the families remodeling and construction projects now, doing my best ( I try...but its big shoes to fill and I do not always succeed ) to take over what my father used to do as his age does not allow him to be as hands on as he used to be.In my spare time ( though much less lately then I would like ) I do my best to keep writing my ideas and practicing prose.....Some day I would love to write, complete, and publish a Space Opera.....We can all have silly dreams can't we?
  32. I joined chosen space when I was 16 years old, the first online MMO i'd ever tried for longer then a week, the first IRC chatroom I've ever entered, and the first community I was ever involved with outside of Real life work and relations.
  34. CS played a massive role in my growing up, it helped me immensely in real life in more ways then I can possibly count, it encouraged my writing, helped me shape personal philosophies and ideologies, helped me become better at math, statistics and narrating ideas and keeping philosophical consistency.
  36. It helped me learn to communicate better with others ( something I still struggle with ) Helped me become more responsible and value integrity even more then I already did.
  38. It helped me become a much more honest and thoughtful person as a whole, and in the end much more courageous with RL matters. Because of CS i shouldered more responsibility in RL and did my best to become a better man. Leading other people, having them depend and rely on you, and ...when you fail them, and you realize they have faith in your abilities to do better and rising to that occasion, Is a interesting, strange and wonderful feeling.
  39. For all those involved in my long tumultuous journey through CS, I say thank you. I love and value each and every one of you more then you may know or realize, This is true for even those I called my enemies, who i argued with or said I hated, I speak from my heart and soul when I say thank you for these years.
  41. I miss you all terribly and always will, Redjon is sleeping for the duration of this message, and I am crying as I type this, truly, thank you my friends.
  42. If any would ever like to hear, the truth of some events in CS, the unadulterated full story or want to know the real reasons why DOA did some of the things we did, Who we were, ( We truly did have friends and allies in every group in CS. ) Let me know and we'll have a long story time, When I get off my ass and write again I should type up the entire history of DOA and myself at some point, And i strongly encourage those of you who can to do the same about your own groups and characters. I love reading the exploits more then you can know.
  44. Regarding Chosen Space.
  46. It is dead. fin. Ended.
  47. This is a door, i /beg/ of you to close, Nothing based on the work of Torin will ever be able to reach the heights that our dreamy and starry eyed memories recalled,
  49. the glory days of what was once gorgeous and beautiful are over. I urge and beg of you to take this chance. Log in, say your goodbyes and quietly move on.
  51. And by move on I mean....track down, message, call, skype find and gather every chosen space member you know, Every player who ever did anything in CS Galaxies, Galactic Fleets or Interstellar Wars to come talk to us, To not say goodbye forever, in this age of instant communication to lose track of such a vibrant and passionate community is a terrible loss.
  53. We have Reddit.
  54. We have Facebook
  55. we have the CS Project Forums
  56. We have Skype groups
  57. We have DOA Forums and IRC rooms
  59. We have at our disposal so many ways to stay in contact and keep track, so many ways we could gather the people to build a new world for us to exist in.
  61. Chosen Space is dead. Torin, Failed as we always suspected and knew he would, I am not bitter, People are fallible, its sad and a waste, and a tragedy, but as always there must be balance to everything, Life, Death, Rebirth.
  63. I Wish to, slowly with everyone's help, find some way to perhaps rebirth what we loved so much in a new form, Not CS V3. but something we can call our own. We need the community that made CS great to continue to exist to do this, Email mailing lists would be A wonderful way to keep in touch and update everyone on ideas and discussions we're having. rather then continuing to log into a dead game and beat the horse into the ground till its unrecognizable.
  65. To form and keep a community it takes more then one guy or gal holding a chatroom down, It takes more then just a couple of friends, to form and maintain a community, it takes a takes everyone being there and wanting to keep it together, regardless of personal grudges, animosity or bad blood, We are chosen spacers...but we're also the people BEHIND our characters and we can certainly move past and get over a lot of toxicity that has existed in CS.
  67. We have a community to hold together,which means all of you need to be there, I've lost count of the amount of times I've posted public chatrooms or forums or ways for us to hold together, only to see people ask again and again where they are because we all seem to be too busy clinging to something dead or ignoring each other to keep the community together, CS died because of poor admin, it also died because we refused to interact, we embraced stagnation rather then interaction, we clung to coalitions and our hovels rather then seek knew ones or destroy old ones, We failed to provide the construction, destruction and rebirth that is required to keep a game like CS alive. And we failed hard, Now that its gone and dead, that there's nothing left to fight for, do we cling to the bitter past full of grudges? or try and keep whats left together so when a new game comes along, all our old friends and family are still there....ready to go into the unknown and start again.
  69. And..Another thing.
  72. There is a game...and I have talked of it. discussed it much and Probably annoyed others with my encouragement to play it far too much. But There is a game that is fantastically good. It is updated constantly, Updates that strive for improving the /game/ universe rather then just encouraging the most powerful players. With a vibrant reddit community, a player base over 600,000 strong and the most complex in depth space simulation I have ever had the good fortune to play.
  74. The Developers comment, meet with players and read the reddit idea posts and requests constantly, there are multiple instances of them making changes requested on reddit or game forums even the same month as the idea was posted.
  76. For those looking for a new community, Eve Online is there and waiting, There is no pay to win. no distinct advantage to longer play time that can't be surmounted by intelligence and sheer force of will. The Eve ONline reddit is full of posts from new players showing how far they've gotten or what they've accomplished in only days or weeks of play.
  78. The game has been going for 10 years straight and continues to run strong.
  80. It is possible, simple and entertaining to play for free using Exploration as a source of income.
  81. It rewards patience, effort and intelligence on levels only Chosen Space came close too.
  83. I'm talking to the community ( YOU Chosen Spacers ) who camped ship yards for days on end, who stalked suppliers for months and years and obsessed of ship designs, trade routes, optimizing income and drew vast spread sheets and online databases to become better at scouting or mining or trading.
  85. Eve is a game played by engineers, IT specialists, Programmers and caters to a more mature crowd of people while still holding the interest for the wild and crazy.
  87. We who play:
  89. Avater - former member and part leader of United Systems Fleet
  91. Mike Fett - former member of Altian Imperial Alliance and United Systems Fleet
  93. Atombomb - former member of Alliance of Avalon and Co-founder and primary funder of DIsciples of Aphrodite Fleet
  95. Redjon - Former P3 and founding member of Cimmerian Mercenary Fleet and the Leader and founding member of Disciples of Aphrodite Fleet
  97. Elemental - Leader and founding member of Maru Kings Alliance in CS Galaxies
  99. Barda Baeldor - former military leader and commander of World Trade Order and Disciples of Aphrodite Fleet
  101. Splade - Miner from Star Fleet Alliance and member of Guild of Galaxies
  103. Masked Crusader - former member of the Gen Eon Alliance
  105. Kai former member of Maru Kings and Altian Imperial Alliance
  108. There are many more who log in that I've forgotten.
  110. There is a lot in the public said about Eve that is untrue, a miss characterization or just plain false. And Eve Online is making massive changes to make the experience for new players easier, more painless and to allow smaller groups to be able to gain a foot hold in the ever growing universe of Eve.
  111. I miss you guys, I miss arguing, I miss the chatrooms full of sniping, jokes, debates and fighting, the politics and spying, the intrigue and drama, the drinking and crazy antics we'd get up too.
  113. I have a group and Alliance in Eve. and there are thousands of others waiting for you if you choose in every language you can imagine with thousands of new friends to be made and enemies to hate.
  115. So I write this to say I miss you guys and to say Goodbye
  116. Chosen Space is done for me, If I ever log in again it will simply be for the purpose of maintaining or recording the history in some for. But I have played this game till the end and now I say goodbye and move on, I hope to help with a new game we can all play and if that never happens I'll have a home for all of you who wish to join it in Eve.
  119. Chosen Space is dead, but the players are still alive, I beg that we don't lose touch.
  122. There are other worlds then this one dear friends.
  124. And some of us are waiting.
  127. P.S. Can hardly finish this without saying that CS directly lead me to the introduction to my current RL Girlfriend.
  129. Shes flying in to meet the parents Thursday ( Aug 6th ) :D
  131. We've talking to each other and hanging out for almost two years now.
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