

Jan 15th, 2014
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  1. It's funny to me, this whole situation. Up until recently I was fine with acting as an individual in society, judging other individuals I interact with based on attitude, teamwork, capability, peaceful coexistence, trade, cooperation, that sort of stuff. But now there's this big group of angry people who suddenly see me as part of a privileged class, and that I am a threat to them. I try to figure out my transgressions, and even if I find the accusations unreasonable, what could I do to make it right? Apparently, nothing. It is like an original sin, one that can never be forgiven, that taints me in their eyes, and by my very nature, by my birth, I am their permanent enemy. Another way of putting it: a declaration of war.
  3. Well all the sudden I feel like seeking out and allying myself with others of this 'privileged class' merely for my own protection. If it should come to blows, then I will use any means at my disposal to secure victory. If what they say is true about our 'power' and ability to 'oppress' then they may have sealed their fate.
  5. I care not for labels, for appearances, for cultures, or for ancestors, but my own life, my livelihood, my family, and my friends are quite dear to me. To cast aside reason for hate, to shatter peace with war, is foolish. Let not the evils you see in others become your own vice. Become the change you would want in this world, for everyone's benefit.
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