
Theo and Claudia 1st date!

Jun 8th, 2016
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  1. [19:07] <DarnellJermaine> Theo was all prepped for tonight- fancy suit on, room all cleaned up (although admittedly there wasn't much to clean) and attitude prepped. Once Claudia got here, he was ready to take her down to town. At least, that was the plan. Truthfully he'd be happy even just staying in his room.
  2. [19:22] <Lena> Claudia showed up on time, contrary to what she jokingly said. She knocked on the door and waited, her hands behind her back. She's in a skirt with a simple white sweater top, white tights and some ankle booties. She has her coat over her arm that has gloves and a beanie just in case they go outside. Cold was cold and she didn't like being cold.
  3. [19:25] <DarnellJermaine> Theo opened the door and smiled. "Hey there!" he looked her up and down a bit, "You look nice. Ready to head out to town?"
  4. [19:27] <Lena> Claudia smiled up at him "Look at you all fancy" she liked it "Ready whenever you are." she stepped out of the way so he could get by, moving to put her coat on.
  5. [19:31] <DarnellJermaine> He comes out the door, offering his arm to her. "Well then, guess we should be on our way" Theo big ol' toothy grin (trademarked)
  6. [19:32] <Lena> Claudia looked at his offered arm for a moment and then blinked. Duh Claudia! She put her hand in the crook of his arm "So where in town are we going?"
  7. [19:33] <DarnellJermaine> Err... Theo hadn't thought about that really. Where do two dressed up people go for a night on the town? "The arcade, of course!" he said with a stupid smile, leading her down the stairs and out of the dorms, heading toward the direction of town. "Where else?"
  8. [19:35] <Lena> "Ooooo I'm good at arcade games." she grinned. As soon as the cold air hit her, she put her head down to hide the wince. Ugh she hated the cold. That only made her walk closer to him, reaching her free hand into her coat pocket for her gloves and putting them on and then her beanie. It all complimented her outfit duh. "What's your favorite arcade game to play?"
  9. [19:37] <DarnellJermaine> "Pacman, hands down. I'm a little old school" he said with a chuckle. He was pretty excited for tonight- got to dress fancy, go to an arcade, hang out with a pretty girl, all in all didn't seem to bad. "By the way, your brother never did come and bother me. Guess it won't be a problem" he says with a shrug, "Too bad, woulda liked to meet him"
  10. [19:38] <Lena> "Good answer" she smiled and then wrinkled her nose at the mention of Adison "I might have not so accidentally forgot to tell him you said to go by your room...." she didn't want Adison messing anything up for her. Big brothers tend to do that sometimes.
  11. [19:40] * DarnellJermaine_ (uid167240@zs-138147.charlton.irccloud.com) has joined #Sunnybrook-IC5
  12. [19:41] <Lena> "Good answer" she smiled and then wrinkled her nose at the mention of Adison "I might have not so accidentally forgot to tell him you said to go by your room...." she didn't want Adison messing anything up for her. Big brothers tend to do that sometimes. <repost>
  13. [19:43] * DarnellJermaine (Mibbit@21-504-564-67.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  14. [19:44] <Lena> Claudia frowned at the thought of Adison beating Theo up "He wouldn't do that. And if he tried I'd tell da--" she stopped that sentence realizing she didn't have her dad to go to like she normally did. "He won't try to beat you up" she looked up at him and smiled as they walked.
  15. [19:47] <DarnellJermaine_> Theo gave a sympathetic smile catching her little statement. He couldn't imagine how hard it must be to lose your parents- through time. He took the arm he had hooked in hers and wrapped it around her shoulders "Don't worry about it, you're probably right."
  16. [19:48] * DarnellJermaine (Mibbit@21-504-564-67.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #Sunnybrook-IC5
  17. [19:50] <Lena> Claudia leaned into him, partially for the comfort, partially for the warmth. "He has a tendancy to scare off guys that I like. Little wonder why I'm single" she wrinkled her nose a bit "Anyways, pac-man?" Her now free arm went around his back behind him since he was wrapped around her shoulders.
  18. [19:54] <DarnellJermaine> "Yeah, I know it seems kinda lame but I find it a lot of fun" he says, paying more attention to her right now then the thoughts of Pac-man as they step into the arcade. "What about you? Got a favorite game yourself?"
  19. [19:57] <Lena> "Hey pac-man is not lame" she gave him a playfully serious look before breaking out into a smile "Pac-man is a classic. But I'm personally a Frogger girl." she looks around the arcade and nods a bit morso to herself. Wow time doesn't do anything to improve this place.
  20. [19:59] <DarnellJermaine> "Frogger it is then" he smiles, stepping up to the counter and purchasing whatever form of token they needed for the games. "I'll have you know I'm also a bit of a Frogger master" he says playfully, heading over to the machine after they get their tokens.
  21. [20:01] <Lena> Not only did they have the classics, but they have the classics at classic prices. Or so they'd have you believe. "Oh yeah? Is that a challenge I'm hearing?" she nudged him lightly and walked with him towards the first game they'd play. "So if I beat you at any of these games are you gonna get mad at me? My brothers always get pouty and pissy when i beat them at stuff."
  22. [20:02] <DarnellJermaine> "Nah- I'd probably just like you more" he says, returning her playful little shove. "Although I am pretty good~ I don't know if you can beat me" he says with a wink.
  23. [20:03] <Lena> "So lets put a wager on it then?" she was feeling confident as she leaned back against the machine, blocking his way of it for the time being and looking up at him with a flirty/playful expression.
  24. [20:03] <DarnellJermaine> "Alright- you're on. What's the bet then, love?" he asked, paying waaaaay more attention to her eyes than the high score at this point.
  25. [20:07] <Lena> "Hmmmm...how about...if /I/ win.../when/ I win...you'd have to...." she hmm'd a bit more, giving him a coy grin "Give me a personal concert, just you and your guitar" she nods at that "And if you win?"
  26. [20:08] <DarnellJermaine> He ponders the question for a moment. What should his wager be if he won? Hmmmm... light bulb! "I want you to hang out with me in my room and make it a beautiful garden" he says with a smile, excitement in his eyes.
  27. [20:09] <Lena> Claudia smiles and holds her hand out to him "It's a bet" gotta seal the deal buddy.
  28. [20:09] <DarnellJermaine> He smiles wide and takes her hand. Like hell he was gonna lose this one! "You're on, cutie"
  29. [20:11] <Lena> Claudia stepped out of the way and motioned for him to go first "I'll give you a fighting chance" she teased, smiling brightly
  30. [20:13] <DarnellJermaine> "Alright, just prepare to lose" he says with a wink, stepping up to the game and giving it a go. He dies after about 3 or 4 levels in, "Ah bother, been a while" he says with a happy little laugh, looking over to Claudia. "Your turn then, love" he says, backing away from the machine.
  31. [20:18] <Lena> Claudia watches him, totally resisting the urge to distract him while he's playing just so she could win. No this had to be a fair fight. "Oh no!" she frowned when he died "So sad" pouting up at him. She stepped in to have her hand at it. After level two, in the beginning level three, she dies.
  32. [20:20] <DarnellJermaine> Theo has a wide grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, genuinely excited with the results. He turns to Claudia and gives her a big old hug before pulling back and looking at her in the eyes, "Guess I win then, love"
  33. [20:21] <Lena> Thankfully she's not a sore loser. She did feign a pout though. "Yeah you did. I'll make you a beuatiful garden in your room" she'd do that for him anyways if he asked for it. But this was fun. She did hug him back! "I guess you /are/ the Frogger Master"
  34. [20:22] <DarnellJermaine> "Nah, just had the best cheerleader I could ask for" he flashes a big old smile once more. "So what next?" he asks, eyeing the Pac Man machine every now and then.
  35. [20:23] <Lena> Claudia chewed on her bottom lip and looked around, glancing at him and grinning "How about some pac-man? Two player style?"
  36. [20:24] <DarnellJermaine> Once again, Theo looked ecstatic, "Oh, ok, since you insist!" he said, grabbing her hand and walking over to the machine.
  37. [20:27] <Lena> She laughed and went with him over to the pac-man machine. "Totally twisting your arm here, right?" she teased.
  38. [20:31] <Lena> Claudia steps up to the machine "Wins what?" was this going to be a theme with them and the arcade? Friendly wagers that were fun no matter who won? Who knows?! But she was having fun and he seemed to be too, that's what mattered, at least to her it is.
  39. [20:32] <DarnellJermaine> "Uhhh idk. Just wins I guess" he says with another stupid smile on his face. "Sorry it's uh- been a while since I've done something like this. It's a lot of fun, really." he threw in an incredibly sincere look of happiness after that statement, "I'm glad we're doing this"
  40. [20:33] <Lena> Claudia stopped and looked up at him "I'm glad too, Theo. I'm having a lot of fun" she gave him that pretty smile of hers and a light nudge of her shoulder.
  41. [20:34] <DarnellJermaine> He starts the game up, but ends up spending most the time just looking over at her and smiling like a goofball. Maybe- maybe he didn't need to worry about Allison.
  42. [20:35] <Lena> When the game started up, she focused cause...well that's what you do playing pacman. But she could feel him looking at her now, and she glanced at him now and then, giving him a little smile. Thankfully her hair was down and from the side hid her blushing cheeks.
  43. [20:36] <DarnellJermaine> After a point, Theo decided to let her have this little victory. He made it look like he accidentally ran into the ghost, "Ah, damn it. I'm definitely out of practice" he lets out another friendly laugh and looks over to see her reaction.
  44. [20:38] <Lena> The classic sound of the game played and she turned slightly to look at him "I actually beat you at your favorite game? And you beat me at mine? What kind of topsy turvy world are we living in?" she smiled "Maybe we need to come out to the arcade together more often and practice."
  45. [20:39] <DarnellJermaine> "I'd be down for that" he says, until he eyes his way over to the test of strength in the back. He jokingly remarks, "Oi, how strong do you think I am, love?" he says, pointing to the machine.
  46. [20:42] <Lena> Claudia turns and looks over her shoulder at the test of strength and then looks him over "Strong enough to win yourself a prize I bet." one of the few games with immediate prizes, along with the basketball hoops game and the ring toss style game.
  47. [20:43] <DarnellJermaine> "Alright then, watch me demolish at this game" he says, flexing his large biceps. He walks over to the machine, gesturing for Claudia to follow, before grabbing the hammer and preparing to swing.
  48. [20:43] <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-8+8
  49. [20:43] <GameServ> 4d3-8+8 = 6
  50. [20:43] <DarnellJermaine> Aaaaand swings less than impressively. It still goes pretty high, but no prize for Theo.
  51. [20:43] <Lena> Claudia feigned a swoon at the flexing, fanning herself. She watches him, tilting her head. "That was a warm up right? Getting a feel for the game and stuff?"
  52. [20:46] <DarnellJermaine> "ahahaha, yeah of course love!" He said, flexing once more. He hoped he wouldn't embarass himself again. This time, he used Stalwart to steady his feet, and focused on his breathing, slamming down another heavy blow.
  53. [20:46] <DarnellJermaine> `calc 4d3-8+8
  54. [20:46] <GameServ> 4d3-8+8 = 10
  55. [20:46] <DarnellJermaine> Ding ding ding!
  56. [20:47] <Lena> Claudia watched as the lights lit up all th eway to the top! She bouced a little on the tips of her toes, clapping for him "Game officially demolished" she smiled brightly at him
  57. [20:48] <DarnellJermaine> He ran over and gave her a big high-five! Kinda lame for a date, but he didn't care. He immediately chose the biggest stuffed animal they had for a prize and promptly handed it to her. "Here- your prize for Pac Man" he said with a sly grin.
  58. [20:51] <Lena> She high fived him, laughing. Not lame at all. Her arms went around the rather huge stuffed animal that was almost bigger than her. She lookd around it at him "Why thank you." she glanced around the arcade "So what do you wanna do next?"
  59. [20:52] <DarnellJermaine> He just shrugs, "I don't know, I'm just happy being here with you. We can do whatever you want" he said raising his hands in exclamation with a big ol dorky smile on his face, open mouthed and teethy to boot.
  60. [20:59] <Lena> "I feel the same way actually. Happy to just hang out with you." She looked around to see what else they could do "What about...air hockey? I suck at that but it's fun"
  61. [21:01] <DarnellJermaine> "Air Hockey?" Theodore had...strangely enough never played or seen air hockey. How that's possible- who knows? "Uhh sure? How does it work?"
  62. [21:04] <Lena> Holding the stuffed animal in one arm, she reached for his hand and walked with him to the airhockey table. She proceeded to explain the game to him. "The table has air coming up onto the surface and there's a little thin puck. And you use those handles to push it back and forth. You gotta try and guard your goal" she pointed at the slots where the puck would go through to make a point "And try to get the puck into my goal and score a point."
  63. [21:05] <DarnellJermaine> Theodore nodded along, focusing on her instructions and looking over the game. This looked fairly fun- perhaps this was a Canadian thing or something? He knew Canadians loved hockey. "Alright, sure let's give it a try love!" he says, quickly walking over to his side and grabbing the puck, moving it around a little in anticipation to get a feel for the game.
  64. [21:10] <Lena> Claudia put the stuffed animal down and grabbed her handle thingy and waited for him to get it started. She's really no good at this, but it's fun anyways, at least to her it was.
  65. [21:10] * Knave (Wyrmknave@buy40930-kocg08-3-0-krtc281.3-4.cable.virginm.net) has joined #Sunnybrook-IC5
  66. [21:12] <DarnellJermaine> Theo begins to slap the puck back and forth with her- barely keeping up at first. Over time though, he starts to get really into it and get a feel for it and- he wins! It was close, but he does it! "WOOO!" he shouts awfully loud and sticks his arms up. "Did you see that Claudia?" a wide smile on his face
  67. [21:13] <Lena> Claudia tried to keep up, she may have scored one or two points. But ultimitely she lost. His excitement made her laugh "I saw it! Congrats!" man this place needed more prizes or something cause that was a pretty epic win.
  68. [21:14] <DarnellJermaine> Theo ran over and actually picked her up, twirling her around. "WOOOOOO! Air hockey is the best!" he says, spinning her around a couple more times before he sets her down, holding her close in his arms. He looks at her in her eyes for a bit before quickly turning away nervously.
  69. [21:17] <Lena> Claudia blinked when he grabbed her and picked her up off the ground. She laughed "New favorite?" when her feet found the floor, she steadied hrself even though he held onto her. She blushed when he looked away. Able to tell he was nervous, she lightly tapped his jawline with a slender finger "Hey hot guy, are you hungry?"
  70. [21:18] <DarnellJermaine> "Hungry? I guess so" he hadn't really had anything to eat since lunch. "You got anything in mind? Any restaurants?"
  71. [21:19] <Lena> "Uh...I should probably leave that choice up to you. I honestly don't know what you like to eat other than chocolate cake" she hadn't pulled herself out of his grasp yet. She brought up food cause...well it's a good way to make someone not nervous right?
  72. [21:20] <DarnellJermaine> "Hmmm.... how about some french fries? I don't really feel like a meal right about now" he says, looking back up at her eyes, still blushing the teeniest bit.
  73. [21:21] <Lena> "Sure" she totally didn't eat french fries "Would you believe me if I said I've never had french fries?"
  74. [21:23] <DarnellJermaine> "Whaaaaaat?! Righto then love, consider this my thanks for showing me air hockey" he says as he takes her hand and begins to walk out, looking for some burger joint along the town.
  75. [21:25] <Lena> Claudia stops to grab that stuffed animal before he took her out! That's going on her bed of course. "I mean I've had the opportunities, I just...never have. Something about the grease and salt I guess." but she nods "I'll try some, but don' tget mad if I dont like it" she's a super picky eater.
  76. [21:26] <DarnellJermaine> "Oh, we can go somewhere else if you'd like- I'm up for anything really" and he seemed to mean that!
  77. [21:27] <Lena> "Nooooo I wanna try some french fries. Like I really want to." it'll be the first time in her entire life that she eats something greasy.
  78. [21:28] <DarnellJermaine> "Righto then, if you're sure love" he smiles and drags her over to the nearest fast food joint. Once they walk in, he heads up to the register, Claudia still in hand. "One order of cheesy fries, please" he asks politely, turning around to find a table or booth for them.
  79. [21:29] <Lena> The smell of the burger joint was...so foreign to her. Cheesy fries "Cheesy fries?" she asks, following him to the table or booth he chooses and sitting down, putting the stuffed animal in a seat of it's very own.
  80. [21:30] <DarnellJermaine> "Yeah, they're french fries, but with melted cheese!" he says excitedly, "You're gonna love 'em, I just know it!"
  81. [21:31] <Lena> She didn't have the heart to tell him she'd never actually eaten cheese before either. "As excited as you are about them, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna love 'em too." she smiled brightly at him and started to peel off her coat.
  82. [21:33] <DarnellJermaine> Not too much time passed before the man at the cash register called up their order number. "Be right back, love" he says, getting up to get retrieve the fries and bring them back. He puts them on the table and lightly pushes them towards her, "You first" he says, looking in anticipation. "I wanna hear what you think"
  83. [21:35] <Lena> Claudia waited patiently as he went to get the fries. She looked at them when he put them on the table and pushed them towards her. It didn't look like anything she'd ever eaten before, nor something she would choose to eat for herself. Picking up a single fry smothered in cheese, she smells it first and then takes a bite of it, getting cheese on the edge of her bottom lip without realizing it. Chewing...she tasted... "Hmm...." it's actually...not bad.
  84. [21:38] <DarnellJermaine> Theo smiles at her enjoyment, before noticing the bit on her lip, "Oi, you missed a bit" he said, wiping it off with a napkin before grabbing a handful of fries for himself and putting them in his mouth. After chewing them and throwing em down the hatchet, he speaks up, "Bloody hell I love fries" he says with a satisfied smile.
  85. [21:40] <Lena> Claudia blinked as he wiped her mouth for her. She licked her lips, blushing heavily. "Thanks" she put the rest of the fry she had in her mouth, cleaning her fingers on a napkin "They're really not that bad. I usually don't eat food like this." she wouldn't mention how the smell of burgers was making her nauseated.
  86. [21:41] <DarnellJermaine> "Yeah they're great!" he says continuing to eat some, before broaching the next topic "Soooo... after this wanna head back to my dorm? I believe someone owes me a garden" he says with a sly looking grin
  87. [21:44] <Lena> That made her laugh as she picked at the fries a bit, eating one or two more. "Sure. What kind of garden are we talking? Flower? Garden?"
  88. [21:44] <DarnellJermaine> "The most impressive garden you've got- I'll leave the details to you" he says with a little smile. He completely trusts in Claudia's sense of style and beauty.
  89. [21:47] <Lena> "Hmmm alright" she had an idea of what she was gonna do "Your whole room?" she asked curiously
  90. [21:48] <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head in excitement, "Heck yeah! In fact, let's just take the fries with us and go now!" he says, getting up from his seat and grabbing the thing of fries.
  91. [21:49] <Lena> She laughed at that and cleaned her hands with a napkin before getting up and grabbing that large stuffed animal and her coat. "Ready when you are, hot guy" she smiled, seemed just as excited as he was. Excitement is contageous.
  92. [21:50] <DarnellJermaine> He grabs her free hand and takes her back out into the cold night air, looking over at her every few seconds with a face of genuine bliss and excitement, until they made it all the way back to the dorm. Standing in front of his room, Theo lets go of Claudia's hand for a moment to open the door and gesture for her to enter.
  93. [21:53] <Lena> Walking back to the school with him, she stayed relatively quiet. Keeping warm as best she could on the way and so thankful for the warm dorms when they finally get there. Once hsi room door was open, she went inside "Thanks" smiling at him as she walked passed him. Standing just in his room and waiting for him. She did look around to get a layout of what she had to work with, looking at the floor walls and ceiling.
  94. [21:54] <DarnellJermaine> He came inside too, smiling the whole time like a goofy idiot. He sat himself down on his bed and looked up at her. "Alright, I'm ready" he said, closing his eyes so he could be surprised when she finished.
  95. [22:00] <Lena> Well she had to get to work. She set the stuffed animal down and pushed up her sleeves and moved around his room, bringing plants to life where there shouldn't be plants. Plush velvety grass covered his floor, his walls were carefully covered with thick vines that twisted and braided with one another, though didn't disturb anything he may have hanging on the walls. His ceiling seemed like a canopy of rainforest type trees. Vivid blue and turquoise flowers hung from the vines and the above trees. Patches of fragrant flowers were found here and there, various types of flowers and some that seemed to be hybrids. She kept the main colors to variations of blue, but added in vivid turquoise colors here and there along with some oranges just for pops. She avoided any of his furniture or personal items, the beautiful garden she'd created for him was all done. "Do you like it?" the room filled wiht the smell of exotic flowers, scents that couldn't be found at any florist shop.
  96. [22:02] <DarnellJermaine> He took a whiff first- it smelled...amazing. He opened his eyes and stood, mouth agape, gazing at the room around him. "This is...beautiful" he turned to her "You're...beautiful" this was honestly the best time Theo had had in 3 years, since he first discovered about his power. "Thank you... this is all so wonderful" he seemed as if he was about to cry tears
  97. [22:02] <DarnellJermaine> of joy.
  98. [22:08] <Lena> Claudia smiled at his being pleased with the garden. "I'm really glad that you like it" she looked up at him "Oh...no Theo don't cry..." she frowned, feeling like she did something to upset him. She seemed worried, it showed.
  99. [22:09] <DarnellJermaine> "No-no it's fine. They're tears of joy, love. This is the nicest day I've had in... years. Guess you've made my day for the 3rd day in a row after all" he said smiling
  100. [22:12] <Lena> Oh thank goodness. She smiled up at him "I told you I would." she was super happy that he liked it and that he's happy. "But this isn't all..."
  101. [22:14] <DarnellJermaine> "Oh, what else?" he said, looking around the room trying to figure out what she meant before turning back to her.
  102. [22:16] <Lena> Claudia moved towards the door where the light switch is. She looked at him and turned the switch off, the lights going out. All the flowers that were bloomed so beautifully on the vines glow in a gorgeous neon blue, turquoise and green colors. The orange flowers glowed vivid orange. Little bits of the flowers in the centers glowed yellow. Soft glows but together enough to give his room a soft illumination. Science. Actually she just mixed types of plants she knew had glowing capabilities and voila! But he didn't need to hear her geeky science speak. Even the velvety plush grass under their feet had a glittering sparkle to them as if it's dewy (but it's not dewy...).
  103. [22:17] <DarnellJermaine> Theodore's senses were overloaded. This was even more beautiful than the rolling green hills back in Lanconshire. This- this was amazing. He just sat on the floor and lied down- enjoying every moment of this.
  104. [22:19] <Lena> Claudia moved towards him and sat down in the grass next to him, mindful that she's in a skirt. Her legs outstreched in front of her, ankles crossed. "Do you like it? I can maintain it all fo ryou if you want it to last."
  105. [22:20] <DarnellJermaine> "This- this is the best. I wish we could just stay like this forever..." his mind wanders to the mission he has planned with his friends. He clenched his fists for a moment. He had to make it back now- no excuses.
  106. [22:23] <Lena> She looked up, watching the glowing flowers. "Something wrong?" she glanced down at him, seeing him clench his fists.
  107. [22:24] <DarnellJermaine> Should he tell her? He wasn't really sure how he'd react... maybe it's best to keep this one a secret. He relaxes his arms, "No, I'm alright" he turns his head towards her and smiles. "I should probably get to bed fairly soon" he says, slowly getting up, "I'm gonna get some fresh air, but first-" he walks over to her and holds her hands in his, leaning in
  108. [22:24] <DarnellJermaine> close.
  109. [22:26] <Lena> "Oh yeah sure" she got up and moved to get her coat and stuff. Turning when he walked over to her, she got very still when he leaned in. She was about to ask if he wanted company when he went for that fresh air, but his close proximity kept her from speaking.
  110. [22:27] <DarnellJermaine> He just kinda... stood there for a second or two. He wasn't sure if... oh screw it. He leans in for the kiss.
  111. [22:28] <Lena> Claudia blushed heavily. She didn't pull away though, nor did she turn her face and give him her cheek. Sweet and gentle, she let him kiss her and actually kissed him back.
  112. [22:28] <DarnellJermaine> After a few moments, he pulls back and looks her in the eyes. "Thank you. Tonight's been great. We should really do it again sometime soon, love"
  113. [22:30] <Lena> Took a moment for her to open her eyes. She was a little dizzy but in a good way. "Thank /you/ for tonight. I had a lot of fun. And the cheesy fries were good." she smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
  114. [22:32] <DarnellJermaine> Theo let out a sigh, not really wanting this moment to end. But he had to prepare, that is, if he planned on making it back to all of this. "I think I'm gonna go to bed soon" lying; he planned on staying up to start writing strategies, "But we need to do this again soon" he smiled- that certainly wasn't a lie.
  115. [22:35] <Lena> "Most definately we will. Maybe over the weekend if you're not working?" she pulled the door open and really didn't want to go but...he's tired and she understood that.
  116. [22:36] <DarnellJermaine> He nodded, a big old smile on his face. "Yeah, certainly!"
  117. [22:37] <Lena> Claudia was smiling pretty big too "Night, hot guy" she turned and walked out of the room, heading down the hall towards her own room...carrying that huge stuffed animal that was definately going on her bed.
  118. [22:38] <DarnellJermaine> Theo smiled and got up to close the door before laying on his bed. That's a night he doesn't plan on forgetting any time soon
  119. [22:38] <DarnellJermaine> -end scene-
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