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Apr 12th, 2019
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  1. # This file was generated by GZDoom g4.0.0 on 2019-04-12 15:33:07
  2. # These are the directories to automatically search for IWADs.
  3. # Each directory should be on a separate line, preceded by Path=
  4. [IWADSearch.Directories]
  5. Path=.
  7. Path=$HOME
  8. Path=$PROGDIR
  10. # These are the directories to search for wads added with the -file
  11. # command line parameter, if they cannot be found with the path
  12. # as-is. Layout is the same as for IWADSearch.Directories
  13. [FileSearch.Directories]
  14. Path=$PROGDIR
  15. Path=$DOOMWADDIR
  17. # These are the directories to search for soundfonts that let listed in the menu.
  18. # Layout is the same as for IWADSearch.Directories
  19. [SoundfontSearch.Directories]
  20. Path=$PROGDIR/soundfonts
  21. Path=$PROGDIR/fm_banks
  23. # Files to automatically execute when running the corresponding game.
  24. # Each file should be on its own line, preceded by Path=
  26. [Doom.AutoExec]
  27. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  29. [Heretic.AutoExec]
  30. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  32. [Hexen.AutoExec]
  33. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  35. [Strife.AutoExec]
  36. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  38. [Chex.AutoExec]
  39. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  41. # WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before
  42. # any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded
  43. # by Path=
  44. [Global.Autoload]
  46. # Wad files to automatically load depending on the game and IWAD you are
  47. # playing. You may have have files that are loaded for all similar IWADs
  48. # (the game) and files that are only loaded for particular IWADs. For example,
  49. # any files listed under 'doom.Autoload' will be loaded for any version of Doom,
  50. # but files listed under 'doom.doom2.Autoload' will only load when you are
  51. # playing a Doom 2 based game (doom2.wad, tnt.wad or plutonia.wad), and files listed under
  52. # 'doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload' only when playing doom2.wad.
  54. [doom.Autoload]
  56. [doom.doom2.Autoload]
  58. [doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload]
  60. [doom.doom2.bfg.Autoload]
  62. [doom.doom2.plutonia.Autoload]
  64. [doom.doom2.tnt.Autoload]
  66. [doom.doom1.Autoload]
  68. [doom.doom1.registered.Autoload]
  70. [doom.doom1.ultimate.Autoload]
  72. [doom.doom2.wadsmoosh.Autoload]
  74. [doom.doom1.bfg.Autoload]
  76. [doom.freedoom.Autoload]
  78. [doom.freedoom.demo.Autoload]
  80. [doom.freedoom.phase1.Autoload]
  82. [doom.freedoom.phase2.Autoload]
  84. [doom.freedoom.freedm.Autoload]
  86. [heretic.Autoload]
  88. [heretic.heretic.Autoload]
  90. [heretic.shadow.Autoload]
  92. [blasphemer.Autoload]
  94. [hexen.Autoload]
  96. [hexen.deathkings.Autoload]
  98. [hexen.hexen.Autoload]
  100. [strife.Autoload]
  102. [strife.strife.Autoload]
  104. [strife.veteran.Autoload]
  106. [chex.Autoload]
  108. [chex.chex1.Autoload]
  110. [chex.chex3.Autoload]
  112. [urbanbrawl.Autoload]
  114. [hacx.Autoload]
  116. [hacx.hacx1.Autoload]
  118. [hacx.hacx2.Autoload]
  120. [harmony.Autoload]
  122. [square.Autoload]
  124. [square.squareware.Autoload]
  126. [square.square.Autoload]
  128. [delaweare.Autoload]
  130. [woolball.Autoload]
  132. [woolball.rotwb.Autoload]
  134. [LastRun]
  135. Version=217
  137. [GlobalSettings]
  138. timidity_tempo_adjust=1
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  179. wildmidi_config=
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  197. fluid_lib=
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  543. chatmacro6=Next time, scumbag...
  544. chatmacro5=You suck!
  545. chatmacro4=Help!
  546. chatmacro3=I'm not looking too good!
  547. chatmacro2=I'm OK.
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  665. 2=slot 2
  666. 3=slot 3
  667. 4=slot 4
  668. 5=slot 5
  669. 6=slot 6
  670. 7=slot 7
  671. 8=slot 8
  672. 9=slot 9
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  675. Equals=sizeup
  676. Tab=togglemap
  677. W=+forward
  678. E=+use
  679. T=messagemode
  680. LeftBracket=invprev
  681. RightBracket=invnext
  682. Enter=invuse
  683. Ctrl=+attack
  684. A=+moveleft
  685. S=+back
  686. D=+moveright
  687. `=toggleconsole
  688. Shift=+speed
  689. \=+showscores
  690. ,=+moveleft
  691. .=+moveright
  692. Alt=+strafe
  693. Space=+use
  694. CapsLock=toggle cl_run
  695. F1=menu_help
  696. F2=menu_save
  697. F3=menu_load
  698. F4=menu_options
  699. F5=menu_display
  700. F6=quicksave
  701. F7=menu_endgame
  702. F8=togglemessages
  703. F9=quickload
  704. F10=menu_quit
  705. F11=bumpgamma
  706. F12=spynext
  707. SysRq=screenshot
  708. Pause=pause
  709. Home=land
  710. UpArrow=+forward
  711. PgUp=+moveup
  712. LeftArrow=+left
  713. RightArrow=+right
  714. End=centerview
  715. DownArrow=+back
  716. PgDn=+lookup
  717. Ins=+movedown
  718. Del=+lookdown
  719. Mouse1=+attack
  720. Mouse2=+strafe
  721. Mouse3=+forward
  722. Mouse4=+speed
  723. Joy1=+attack
  724. Joy2=+strafe
  725. Joy3=+speed
  726. Joy4=+use
  727. MWheelUp=weapprev
  728. MWheelDown=weapnext
  729. MWheelRight=invnext
  730. MWheelLeft=invprev
  731. DPadUp=togglemap
  732. DPadDown=invuse
  733. DPadLeft=invprev
  734. DPadRight=invnext
  735. Pad_Start=pause
  736. Pad_Back=menu_main
  737. LShoulder=weapprev
  738. RShoulder=weapnext
  739. LTrigger=+altattack
  740. RTrigger=+attack
  741. Pad_A=+use
  743. [Doom.DoubleBindings]
  745. [Doom.AutomapBindings]
  746. 0=am_gobig
  747. -=+am_zoomout
  748. Equals=+am_zoomin
  749. P=am_toggletexture
  750. F=am_togglefollow
  751. G=am_togglegrid
  752. C=am_clearmarks
  753. M=am_setmark
  754. KP-=+am_zoomout
  755. KP+=+am_zoomin
  756. UpArrow=+am_panup
  757. LeftArrow=+am_panleft
  758. RightArrow=+am_panright
  759. DownArrow=+am_pandown
  760. MWheelUp=am_zoom 1.2
  761. MWheelDown=am_zoom -1.2
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