
lmao ez

May 5th, 2018
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  1. 17:32:54] keldeo-resultion: persecution ahhhh
  2. [17:33:19] lil blaine: yeah ur a real victim
  3. [17:33:32] keldeo-resultion: you really think im ken
  4. [17:34:00] lil blaine: no way, ken quit im memeing theres no similarities between u why would i think that xd
  5. [17:34:19] keldeo-resultion: I can't tell if your serious or not
  6. [17:34:42] lil blaine: whats ur main then?
  7. [17:34:51] keldeo-resultion: just ehej
  8. [17:35:15] lil blaine: Joined: Mar 26, 2018
  9. [17:35:16] lil blaine: ,
  10. [17:35:32] keldeo-resultion: what about it?
  11. [17:35:53] lil blaine: ur "main" was created a little over a month ago
  12. [17:36:21] keldeo-resultion: and?
  13. [17:36:27] keldeo-resultion: doesn't explain much
  14. [17:36:34] lil blaine: so ur new to mons then, correct?
  15. [17:36:37] lil blaine: well competitive
  16. [17:36:58] keldeo-resultion: no played a lot of ingame competitively
  17. [17:37:17] lil blaine: nuzlocking or whatever?
  18. [17:38:03] keldeo-resultion: battle spot and occasionally some 6v6 with certain rulesets
  19. [17:38:25] lil blaine: what kind of rules?
  20. [17:38:32] keldeo-resultion: i came here often after i learned about smogon and how it was good for designing ingame teams
  21. [17:39:02] lil blaine: if you came here often, why was ur main created a little over a month ago?
  22. [17:39:08] keldeo-resultion: basically smogon rulesets but with some stuff not banned like reg blazeiken
  23. [17:39:16] keldeo-resultion: and banned stuff like magearna
  24. [17:39:27] keldeo-resultion: often after a month ago
  25. [17:39:39] keldeo-resultion: learned about the site from verlis
  26. [17:40:03] keldeo-resultion: its toxic yeah but its not bad if you truly just want to have fun,and design teams
  27. [17:40:40] keldeo-resultion: not hard to learn a meta as standard as ou especially when you play very similar rulesets
  28. [17:40:41] lil blaine: around when did you start coming on
  29. [17:41:14] keldeo-resultion: march 29nth
  30. [17:41:29] lil blaine: what did you do, just read the ou chat?
  31. [17:42:00] keldeo-resultion: made a few ingame teams or did some theories and looked at some of its tiers
  32. [17:42:16] keldeo-resultion: and,not or lol
  33. [17:42:36] keldeo-resultion: im taught to not use the same conjunction a lot so kinda get those mixed up
  34. [17:42:46] keldeo-resultion: what happens when your in a high level of la lmao
  35. [17:43:28] keldeo-resultion: ken kirihara tested my teams i made from my ingame ruleset on here
  36. [17:43:44] lil blaine: i see, so thats how you know him
  37. [17:43:51] keldeo-resultion: yeah
  38. [17:44:02] keldeo-resultion: thats also kind of how i learned of ou tier,
  39. [17:44:17] lil blaine: oof learning from a bad is the worst way to learn
  40. [17:44:44] keldeo-resultion: eh I didn't know much at the time and was sort of desperate to get some help
  41. [17:44:55] lil blaine: so howd you learn the ou tier by playing a different ruleset?
  42. [17:45:08] lil blaine: did ken introduce you to ou?
  43. [17:45:42] keldeo-resultion: the differences was basically arena trap and blaziken where ok and magearna,manaphy,aurora viel and hoopa-u weren't
  44. [17:45:45] keldeo-resultion: so kind of similar
  45. [17:46:23] keldeo-resultion: ken introduced me to ou yeah but most of the learning was from reading up on vr and analysing teams on rmt
  46. [17:46:40] keldeo-resultion: but im not a rater its too annoying
  47. [17:47:15] lil blaine: can you explain what specifically you meant by this?
  48. [17:47:16] lil blaine: [10:36:52] just ehej: the @ is better than the a lol
  49. [17:48:11] keldeo-resultion: oh i remember that actually lool meant to say that the @ was bigger than A's lowercase a
  50. [17:48:28] keldeo-resultion: i think this was in an ou tour
  51. [17:48:34] keldeo-resultion: or something not sure though
  52. [17:48:38] lil blaine: oh so it wasn't in reference to allst@r
  53. [17:49:12] keldeo-resultion: no,
  54. [17:49:29] keldeo-resultion: haha thats funny because cat with a sword told me to stay away from that guy to not be accused as much
  55. [17:49:34] keldeo-resultion: since its a ken alt apparently
  56. [17:49:40] lil blaine: cat with a sword?
  57. [17:49:42] lil blaine: who tf is that
  58. [17:49:50] keldeo-resultion: idk but hea nice
  59. [17:49:56] keldeo-resultion: he's,or she
  60. [17:50:15] lil blaine: so whyd you use this alt of some other player
  61. [17:50:18] lil blaine: instead of ur main?
  62. [17:50:22] lil blaine: just curious
  63. [17:50:33] keldeo-resultion: because its the name of keldeo lol why would you not want it
  64. [17:50:44] keldeo-resultion: its super rare to get the full name of a legendary pokemon nowadays
  65. [17:51:01] keldeo-resultion: or a pokemom in general
  66. [17:51:08] keldeo-restolution: not really
  67. [17:51:09] keldeo-restolution: lol
  68. [17:51:13] keldeo-restolution: its easy af
  69. [17:51:17] keldeo-restolution: u just gotta think for a sec
  70. [17:51:27] lil blaine: any other reason
  71. [17:51:34] keldeo-resultion: nope
  72. [17:51:38] lil blaine: because the account certainly doesn't have any high ranking or anything
  73. [17:51:43] lil blaine: almost like its ur only choice
  74. [17:51:52] lil blaine: well that and just ehej
  75. [17:52:28] keldeo-resultion: i mean if i were ken i dont think going to an alt would be a smart idea
  76. [17:52:36] lil blaine: and whys that?
  77. [17:52:45] keldeo-resultion: because thats suspicious then
  78. [17:52:47] keldeo-resultion: duh
  79. [17:53:10] keldeo-resultion: thats like robbing the same store you robbed last week
  80. [17:53:12] lil blaine: so ken gave you this after he was blacklisted
  81. [17:53:16] keldeo-resultion: yeah
  82. [17:53:30] lil blaine: how did that come about?
  83. [17:54:07] keldeo-resultion: he just pmed me
  84. [17:55:15] lil blaine: were you on just ehej when he pmed you?
  85. [17:55:51] keldeo-resultion: i dont remember actually
  86. [17:55:54] keldeo-resultion: :/
  87. [17:56:02] keldeo-resultion: i know it was something with c
  88. [17:56:10] keldeo-resultion: maybe i can find it in my history
  89. [17:56:20] keldeo-resultion: or in the change name bar
  90. [17:57:15] lil blaine: find it
  91. [17:57:46] keldeo-resultion: cant sorry
  92. [17:58:25] lil blaine: oh what a shame that info is conveniently missing
  93. [17:58:48] keldeo-resultion: 1 piece of info out of like the 20 you just asked of me
  94. [17:59:01] keldeo-resultion: love petty staff,tell me more please
  95. [17:59:09] lil blaine: yeah u really hate staff don't u
  96. [17:59:18] keldeo-resultion: no not really
  97. [17:59:31] lil blaine: and ya i totally need that info about u playing battlespot
  98. [17:59:54] keldeo-resultion: can you be grateful im even responding in the first place
  99. [18:00:09] keldeo-resultion: if i wanted to i could end this right now tbh
  100. [18:00:10] lil blaine: lol, you came to me first
  101. [18:00:23] keldeo-resultion: im not the one asking for questions
  102. [18:00:56] keldeo-resultion: keep on wasting your time, i got hours to waste away
  103. [18:01:19] lil blaine: i see and why is it that you have hours to waste?
  104. [18:01:23] lil blaine: don't you have a job?
  105. [18:02:02] keldeo-resultion: no im not a a 26 year old playing a kids game lol
  106. [18:02:09] keldeo-resultion: also i dont have hours
  107. [18:02:13] keldeo-resultion: probably just an hour lol
  108. [18:02:17] keldeo-resultion: called a hyperbole
  109. [18:02:34] lil blaine: i see so ur young then?
  110. [18:02:42] keldeo-resultion: not at all
  111. [18:02:46] keldeo-resultion: 16
  112. [18:02:54] lil blaine: oh good to know
  113. [18:03:04] keldeo-resultion: why is that?
  114. [18:03:35] lil blaine: no reason, just an expression
  115. [18:05:39] keldeo-resultion: well i hope this was enough information to get w.e you want or something
  116. [18:06:11] keldeo-resultion: always good to have petty staff as interagators right?
  117. [18:06:24] lil blaine: yeah fuck the roomauth, so corrupt
  118. [18:06:33] keldeo-resultion: that was random but ok
  119. [18:06:34] lil blaine: so evil too, did u see what they did to blazelatias
  120. [18:06:39] lil blaine: unjustifiably
  121. [18:06:47] keldeo-resultion: what is this a ken joke?
  122. [18:07:05] lil blaine: no
  123. [18:07:09] lil blaine: bl was demoted
  124. [18:07:13] lil blaine: first one who came to mind
  125. [18:07:23] lil blaine: why do u ask?
  126. [18:07:43] keldeo-resultion: because its kind of random to say staff is corrupt
  127. [18:07:49] keldeo-resultion: and mention that voice guy
  128. [18:08:16] lil blaine: [18:06:11] keldeo-resultion: always good to have petty staff as interagators right?
  129. [18:08:29] lil blaine: not really random, both petty and corrupt are negative traits shared by auth
  130. [18:08:45] lil blaine: according to u at least
  131. [18:09:05] keldeo-resultion: doesn't mean all staff is corrupt because of a few petty ones
  132. [18:09:11] keldeo-resultion: thats pretty stereotypical
  133. [18:09:20] keldeo-resultion: which isn't suprising coming from you
  134. [18:09:35] lil blaine: and how would u know im stereotypical?
  135. [18:09:49] keldeo-resultion: you just said all staff was corrupt
  136. [18:09:58] lil blaine: nice dodge
  137. [18:09:59] lil blaine: [18:09:20] keldeo-resultion: which isn't suprising coming from you
  138. [18:10:23] lil blaine: why was me saying all staff are corrupt not surprising?
  139. [18:10:35] keldeo-resultion: that was referring to you saying this [18:11:20] lil blaine: yeah fuck the roomauth, so corrupt
  140. [18:10:46] keldeo-resultion: because
  141. [18:10:48] keldeo-resultion: your petty
  142. [18:10:57] lil blaine: LOL
  143. [18:11:01] keldeo-resultion: 1 thing i cant remember out of the other 20 million
  144. [18:11:02] lil blaine: its good to see u ken
  145. [18:11:06] keldeo-resultion: and u go beserk
  146. [18:11:37] lil blaine: ya i freaked out, gotta repair the hole in my wall
  147. [18:11:41] keldeo-resultion: litterally this was just a tiny inference and now you think you solved cancer lol
  148. [18:12:12] lil blaine: yeah trying to prevent blacklist evasion is the same as solving cancer, even petty auths like me don't think like that
  149. [18:12:22] keldeo-resultion: how am i evading
  150. [18:12:25] keldeo-resultion: if im not ken
  151. [18:12:41] keldeo-resultion: also that was a hyperbole
  152. [18:12:43] lil blaine: oh right how could i forget
  153. [18:12:45] lil blaine: ur not ken
  154. [18:13:10] keldeo-resultion: yeah and even if i was which im not you dont have even a sliver of evidence its me to begin with
  155. [18:13:23] lil blaine: idk about that
  156. [18:14:07] keldeo-resultion: if thats the case i doubt its enough to have a vote on me being blacklisted
  157. [18:14:17] keldeo-resultion: its not enough*
  158. [18:15:43] keldeo-resultion: innocent until proven guilty as Americans call it i think, although im not very sure
  159. [18:15:49] lil blaine: what makes you think theres a vote?
  160. [18:16:05] keldeo-resultion: seems like a reasonable way to make a decision
  161. [18:16:48] lil blaine: but there are other reasonable ways to make decisions, correct?
  162. [18:17:00] keldeo-resultion: yes?
  163. [18:17:06] keldeo-resultion: what does this even matter
  164. [18:17:21] lil blaine: nothing at all, just me being petty again :/
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