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Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. Dear Dr. Carenini,
  3. I am Abdul Kawsar Tushar, currently a lecturer in University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh. I am a BS (with honors) of CSE Department BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, considered the best university in Bangladesh) with CGPA 3.83 out of 4.00 (last 4 semester average 3.98). In my research work, I have made one refereed international conference paper on the application of diabetes prediction using deep learning, and submitted another one on HCI (hand gesture recognition using optimized feature extraction techniques). Sir, I have found from your personal webpage associated with UBC that you are currently working on some interesting aspects of AI and HCI. I have gone through some of your publications. Sir, I feel that I will be able to learn and contribute in your novel research works if I get a chance to join your team.
  5. Sir, I am currently working on a project of improved comprehensive optical character recognition system of Indic alphabet and numeral systems. I have been able to publish two refereed conference papers on this topic within a very short time. I have got excellent records in my academic subjects, especially departmental ones. I got 4.00 out of 4.00 in 2 out of the last 4 terms of my undergraduate studies. According to University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, I have secured 85.72% in Bachelor of Science. I have been awarded Dean's List Scholarships at 3 consecutive levels, and University Merit Scholarships at 6 different terms. Apart from that, I have been able to secure 334 on GRE and 8.0 on IELTS.
  7. About myself, I am very much dedicated to my work and ready to prove myself at challenging situations. My career goal is to build a research oriented career in the field of machine learning (especially deep learning), with collaboration in HCI. My short curriculum vitae has been attached here for your kind evaluation. I am truly interested to be your student in upcoming Fall (for MSc, or MSc extended to PhD according to your suggestion).
  9. I am eagerly waiting for your very kind reply.
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