
freebies skin; one

Jan 11th, 2013
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  113. <div class="exo">disclamiar</div><div class="lulul"> annyeong guise </div>
  114. <center>
  115. <img border="0" src ="" style="width:100px;"></center>
  116. <center>Nurin, 13, hardcore kpopper. Thank you for visiting my blog. Be nice here and don't you dare to open my page source. Note that, jebal. Ppyong.</center></div><br></div>
  117. <div class="exo"> chat</div><div class="lulul"> come and read</div>
  118. <center>put ur chatbox here ;A;</center>
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  120. <div class="exo">credit</div><div class="lulul"> thanks for everything </div>
  121. <center>this template made by <a href="">nurin hannani</a>. thanks to <a href="">xiolu</a> for the icons. <a href="">wana</a>, <a href="">yasmin</a> and <a href="">afiqah</a> for the awesome tutorials. gomawo <3</center>
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  131. <div class="exo">about</div><div class="lulu">the webmistress</div><br>
  132. put ur about me here ;~;
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