
DAiE Ch. 6 P. 2 - The Confession

Jun 19th, 2012
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  1. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  2. >And right now, you are feeling pretty great.
  3. >Tonight has been just what you needed, a night out with your girls.
  4. "...then he asks, 'What the buck is a samoflange?!'"
  5. >Everyp0ny bursts out laughing, and you only hold back your giggling long enough to take another swig of your cider.
  6. >You might've been hitting it a little hard tonight, but buck it - you deserve it with all that's been going on lately.
  7. >As the laughter dies down, Applejack speaks up.
  8. >"Uhm... what -is- a samoflange?"
  9. >There's a pause.
  10. >You all break out laughing again.
  11. >Just a night at Twilight's, drinking and talking.
  12. >A good night, that's for sure.
  13. >Rainbow Dash leans onto her special somepony, simultaneously laughing at her and trying to comfort her for being laughed at.
  14. >Only after you notice that she's caught you staring do you even notice that you've been staring.
  15. >You shoot her a sheepish smile, and look away, trying to contain your feels. Tonight's not a night for feels.
  16. >But by the looks of it, she's already caught on.
  17. >When the laughter finally dies down again, she takes the last sip from her glass and gives you a slightly wry look.
  18. >"So, Pinkie, have you finally hooked up with the Doc' yet?"
  19. >You let out a nervous chuckle. Damnit, Rainbow.
  20. "W-well, no, not yet."
  21. >You're startled by a sudden thump against the floor.
  22. >Looks like Fluttershy's fallen out of her stool.
  24. >You stifle a giggle, rushing over on your wobbly hooves to try and help her up.
  25. >She's blushing deeply, obviously embarrassed.
  26. "Are you alright, Fluttershy?"
  27. >She nods, and you help her back into her stool, staying a second to make sure she doesn't fall out again.
  28. >"I, uhm... I didn't know you liked Anonymous, Pinkie."
  29. >"You gotta be joking, Flutters." Rainbow says, shaking her head. "Pinkie's more obvious than-"
  30. "Than you and Applejack, Dashie?"
  31. >It's Rainbow's turn to blush, and Applejack goes with her. One good turn deserves another!
  32. >"W-we weren't obvious! And besides, I was just biding my time! You... you've gotta be strategic about these things!"
  33. "Strategic? You two were practically falling all over each other for months!"
  34. >"Fallin'- now wait here, Pinkie. Ah ain't no clumsy foal when it comes ta matters of love. Ah just ain't... used to bein' with another mare, is all."
  35. >"That's not what you said last night."
  36. >Applejack spits out her mouthful of cider at Rainbow's comment, and you can't help but snicker at the shade of red her face immediately turns.
  37. >"Well, I'm quite glad you two finally got together." Rarity pipes up. "It took you long enough."
  38. >Fluttershy nods. "You two make a great couple." You can't read her expression from behind her mane, but she almost sounds... disappointed. "So, how come you haven't asked him out yet, Pinkie?"
  39. >You sigh.
  40. "I'm, uh... I'm too shy."
  42. >The entire room goes silent.
  43. >Everyp0ny's mouth is hanging slightly open at that.
  44. >Rainbow turns to Fluttershy. "Hey, Flutters, how do you feel about parties?"
  45. >She eeps. "Uhm... I like them, but... they're too lou-"
  46. >Rainbow wipes some imaginary sweat off her forehead. "Phew! For a second, I thought you switched on us or something!"
  47. >"Now how can -you- be too shy, darling?!" Rarity asks, still nursing her first glass of cider. "You're the least shy mare I've ever met!"
  48. >You offer a hollow laugh. That's what you've been asking yourself for weeks now.
  49. "Well, I mean, it's just that..."
  50. >"Yeah, Pinkie. I've heard you've been with plenty of stallions. What's one more gonna-"
  51. >Applejack's hoof covers Rainbow's mouth, and you feel your face grow hot. "Shut it, Dashie."
  52. "It's... he's... different. Sure, I've been with stallions before, but that was just fun partying stuff. This is the first time I've actually, y'know... cared about someone that way."
  53. >Rarity lets out an excited gasp. "Y'mean you're...?"
  54. >Oh, buck.
  55. >"In love?" Fluttershy asks, her voice cracking slightly.
  56. >Buck buck buck.
  57. "...yeah."
  58. >Words cannot describe the squee that Rarity lets out, she's by your side almost immediately, gabbing on about something like wedding dresses and dancing and -
  59. "Rarity!"
  60. >"Hmm? Yes darling?"
  61. "I haven't even asked him out yet!"
  62. >"...oh! Right. Well, you've really got to, then!"
  63. >You give her the most serious face you have given anyp0ny.
  64. >"...oh. Right."
  66. >"Well, c'mon Pinkie. Talk to us, maybe we can help."
  67. "Applejack, I... I don't.. ugh. I just don't know how to approach something like this. What to do, what to say!"
  68. >You trot over to the couch and fling yourself onto it.
  69. "I'm clueless."
  70. >Rarity rubs her chin thoughtfully. "What you need is a plan, darling. Something romantic, with roses and red silk, and-"
  71. >"No, no. Just tackle him and make him understand how you feel. An egghead like him'll never make the first move-"
  72. >"I read in a book once that-"
  73. >"Wait!"
  74. >All eyes are on Fluttershy.
  75. >"Uhm... maybe, there's just something specific he likes. And if you do it, he'll like you."
  76. >Silence.
  77. >"You'd just have to guess his, uhm... fetish."
  78. >...
  79. "That plan... is crazy enough... to-"
  80. >"Hold on, hold on. Do we even know he likes ponies?" Twilight asks.
  81. >Oh, buck. That's a good question.
  82. >"You can ask him yourself, Twilight." Rainbow says, looking out the window. "He's outside."
  84. >A knock at the door sends you running for the back room. Applejack's hoof grabs onto your scruff. "No y' don't, partner."
  85. >Twilight gets up to answer the door. "Hello Anon!"
  86. >"Hello Twilight!" He says warmly. "Is Pinkamina over?"
  87. >Rarity's beside him in a flash. "Why, yes, darling, we're just enjoying a little cider and each other's company. Would you like to join us for a while?"
  88. >Oh, Celestia.
  89. >"Oh, well... I was working on something. I wouldn't want to disturb your girls night."
  90. >"Hey, c'mon. Don't worry about it." Rainbow is dragging him inside.
  91. >Damnit, Rainbow.
  92. >"W-well, if you insist! Hello, Pinkamina."
  93. "Hi."
  94. >You give him a dorky smile. Damnit, damnit, damnit.
  95. >"I think Pinkie's got something important to ask you, anyway, Doc."
  97. >"Oh? Well wh-"
  98. "Nothing! Nothing! It can wait, really."
  100. >Oh, come the buck on.
  101. >You are Rainbow Dash.
  102. >And right now, you absolutely cannot believe this mare.
  103. >She's head over hoof for this weird egghead alien and she won't even ask him on one date.
  104. >She really IS worse than you.
  105. >You hand the Doctor a bottle of cider and sling your leg over his shoulder.
  106. "Really? Cause that's not what you were saying ear-"
  107. >"Really! It's really not important, it can wait!"
  108. >You shake your head.
  109. "Yeah? I think I might ask him myself, then, Pinkie."
  111. >You guide the confused Doctor over to the corner, and motion for him to start drinking.
  112. "Look, Doc'. Pinkie's too shy to admit it, but she really..."
  113. >You look over to her. She's giving you the most heartbreaking, pleading look.
  114. >...
  115. >...damnit, Pinkie.
  116. >You sigh.
  117. "She's really looking forward to the fundraiser party, I think."
  118. >He smiles. "Well, that's good, I-"
  119. "Look."
  120. >You put a hoof on his chest, and give him your serious face.
  121. "Pinkie's my friend... probably my best friend, really. Even if I don't show it."
  122. >He's doubly confused now.
  123. "Just... treat her right, alright? Don't hurt her."
  124. >"Uhm... Rainbow, I-"
  125. >Before he can ask what's going on, you land and start trotting back to the girls.
  127. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  128. >And right now, what the fuck was that.
  130. >Wait, no, you're Pinkie Pie.
  131. >And right now, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.
  132. >You give Rainbow a desperate, confused look. What the buck did she say to him?!
  133. >"C'mon, Doc'. Sit down! Drink with us! I don't know about you fillies, but I'm not planning on bein' able to stand up when tonight's over!"
  134. >Anonymous laugh and comes over to join you on the couch.
  135. "Uh.. hi again!"
  136. >He smiles, and you melt a little bit. "Hello again, Pinkamina." His hand moves to ruffle your mane a bit.
  137. "What did Rainbow tell you?"
  138. >He shakes his head. "She let me in on your little secret."
  139. >Oh, buck.
  140. "She... did?"
  141. >"Yup. And to be honest, Pinkamina, you didn't need to be so shy about it."
  142. >Oh buck, oh buck.
  143. >"There's no shame in admitting you're excited for the fundraiser. It's one of the biggest parties you've ever planned, right?"
  144. >What.
  146. "Oh! Haha, right.. right."
  147. >Damnit, Rainbow. Half of you hoped She HAD told him.
  148. >But you calm down. And the cider glass in your hoof reminds you that it exists.
  149. >Mmm, thank you, cider glass!
  150. >The rest of the night goes much better.
  152. >Much, much better.
  153. >It''s something like two in the morning. You can't tell.
  154. >Half of the girls have passed out, or are in the process of passing out.
  155. >Rainbow and Applejack are snuggled up to each other... on the table. You're not sure how they ended up there.
  156. >Rarity is snoring loudly on the shelf that used to hold books, which have been shoved onto the floor. Now, it is a Rarity shelf.
  157. >And you? You're on the couch, your head resting on the Doctor's lap as he rubs your belly.
  158. >Buck. Yes.
  159. >He cannot say no to you. He is completely under your spell.
  161. >You let out a contented sigh.
  162. "Nn... hey Doc?"
  163. >"Yesh, Pinkamina?"
  164. >You might want to start stashing fucks around Ponyville, in case of giving a fuck emergency.
  165. >Because right now, you don't give a single one.
  166. "...Rainbow didn't tell you the whole truth."
  167. >"No?"
  168. " I actually want to tell you that..."
  169. >You shift slightly as his hand stops, he's looking right into your eyes.
  170. "...I like you. A lot."
  171. >...
  172. >"I like you too, Pinkamina."
  173. "No, no, I mean li-"
  174. >"Yeah, I mean like in that way too."
  175. >What.
  176. "Why... why don't you say anything?"
  177. >"Because I'm... I'm not..."
  178. >You sit up.
  179. "Not what?"
  180. >...
  181. "...Doc?"
  182. >He's passed out.
  183. "'re not gonna remember any of this in the morning, are you?"
  184. >Buck it. You lay your head back down in his lap, and snuggle your face into his abdomen to fall asleep yourself.
  185. >Don't worry, Pinkie. You'll ask him at the Fundraiser, just like you planned.
  186. >Stick to the plan, Pinkie.
  188. >Stick to the plan.
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